Do you know which lotteries are the most winning in Russia? The biggest lottery wins in Russia: list and interesting facts. Large sums of money are won.

  • 17.08.2019

Many people try their luck by regularly buying a lottery ticket. All those who like to cross out winning fields can be divided into two categories. Some people are attracted by the process of opening the balls. Anticipating it, such lovers experience incomparable pleasure and excitement. Some people play with unrealistic dreams of getting rich. Therefore, they will be interested to know which of all the existing ones is the most winning lottery in Russia.

Calculation or luck?

Among experienced lottery adherents, their own certain theory success. And everyone has their own. Someone believes in the magic of certain numbers and literally hypnotizes fate, over and over again, with the tenacity of a young buffalo, crossing out the same combination or looking for their favorite numbers in the ticket number. Someone, when buying lottery tickets, relies only on their intuition, someone firmly believes in success, and someone tries to calculate the likely options. Wealthy people are testing their luck by buying up the entire circulation that goes on sale. This has its own rational grain. After all, the more often and more actively you take part in sweepstakes, the greater the likelihood of receiving a prize.

The most winning lottery in Russia: look at the number of prize categories

Nowadays there is such a variety of organizations involved in conducting lottery draws that the average person’s eyes may simply run wild. Therefore, a person who decides to take part in the draws for the first time immediately begins to ask his friends whether anyone has already played and what the biggest winnings were. The variety of choice of organizations conducting sweepstakes should not be confusing. In fact, the most winning lottery in Russia is the one that provides as many prize categories as possible.

In addition to the jackpot, leading organizers provide a considerable number of additional rewards, both large and very small. People who buy lottery tickets frequently at least regularly justify the investment. This fact contributes to an increase in players and their constant interest in the draws.

Factors to help you choose

A person looking for the most profitable lottery can pay close attention on the history of the drawings of one or another of them. It is important how many years the organizer has been working and how many regions of Russia he covers. Lotteries draws are held every week, so it would be a good idea to inquire about the statistics of prize money already paid out. People are also interested in which regions are most often lucky to, as they say, “break the bank.” This is an important factor for players. If they see that representatives of their region practically do not win the main prizes, they can switch to the draws of another organizer.

Lottery "Golden Key": an opportunity to increase your well-being

The housing lottery from the Interlot company just meets all the requirements for finding the ideal lottery described above. The organization's activities are based on the desire to improve the well-being of people in every region of Russia. Every week apartments, cars, Appliances, pieces of furniture. There are side cash prizes if the player covers only part of the dropped balls. In addition, lottery draws provide the opportunity to pick up a cash prize equivalent to the main one. So the player always has the right to choose.

Who to trust, public or private founders?

There is no clear answer to this question. Russian state lotteries have such rich history, that our grandfathers took part in some of them. People are accustomed to trusting the state more than private organizers, for fear of being deceived. However, among the commercial founders there are also already proven and proven organizers. In addition, some particularly enterprising people manage to fake tickets for the most popular lotteries. There are some nuances, following which you can easily protect yourself from the troubles of getting a fake.

Protection of the real ticket

Not valid the federal law, protecting lottery tickets from counterfeiting. According to it, a ticket for each edition issued, regardless of the name of the organizer, must contain special security signs. State officials were among the supporters of the adoption of the bill, according to which the use of luminescent ink, special grids and inclusions is mandatory when printing issues. When purchasing a ticket, the buyer must carefully read all the information on the back. There should be information about the organizer's license and the time frame for obtaining it.

Cooperation with official distributors

The price and timing of the circulation must be indicated in large print on the front side. It would not be amiss to mention that the Golden Key lottery, for example, just like other well-known organizers, cooperates only with trusted sales points, among which the leading place is occupied by the regional branches of Russian Post, as well as kiosks of Rospechat ".

Is it worth taking part in sweepstakes?

To answer this question, let's turn to mathematicians, some of whom are not averse to playing themselves. What motivates literate, educated people who strive to calculate their every move? One such person once hit the jackpot himself, but, according to him, he never expected it. The press had to make a lot of efforts to get the winner to contact. Journalists asked the newly-made millionaire questions, including the question of at what theoretical probability it is worth taking part in the sweepstakes. The winner's answer directly discouraged journalists. According to him, if there is at least a probability of winning in the proportion of 1 to 8 million, then you should already take part in the lottery draws.

The participant says that the price of the bet (payment for the ticket) is negligible. Everyone is free to buy as many tickets as will not be detrimental to them. So, for example, many married couples every week are willing to spend money on buying only one or two lottery tickets. From the point of view of a professional economist, there is nothing wrong with spending a little more on them in the hope of winning, because in this case the probability of winning increases in However, the winner calls on other players to be prudent and not spend more than what they could afford allow. The lottery winner also said that, despite his love for numbers, he did not calculate his winning combination in any way, relying solely on intuition.

How to get your winnings?

Organizations distributing tickets, under the terms of an agreement with the founders, can pay the winners amounts not exceeding 1,000 rubles. For larger winnings, the player must contact the regional branch of the organization of the founder of a particular Russian lottery. The jackpot will require the participant to travel to the capital. Of course, the person who has received the desired wealth is in no hurry to make contact, fearing for his further well-being. According to reviews of winners who have become millionaires, they go to the capital without a ticket, sending proof of their winnings on a special flight, like specially valuable papers and documents.

Where to spend the money you win?

Most of the winners from participants in any Russian lottery, whose reviews are published in the press over time, talk about the need to share with people in need. Winners say that they perceive winning as a smile of fortune, nothing more, that this money is easy, and there is no need to get hung up on it.

There have been cases when people transferred their entire winnings charitable organization. It is believed that helping orphans or seriously ill people is the sacred purpose of every wealthy person. Of course, many of the lucky winners plan in advance exactly how they will use their winnings. They keep the necessary portion for themselves to realize their long-awaited dream, and donate the rest of the winnings to charity.

Players are driven by passion

However, as we have already said, it is not only the desire to get a big win that forces players to take part in sweepstakes. An important component is passion, the game for the sake of the game itself. Participants who get enough adrenaline from the process of drawing a draw and its anticipation are not at all interested in knowing what the most winning lottery is in Russia. They want to relive the agonizing minutes of waiting again and again, when there is only one uncovered ball left, to fantasize again and again about the desired win and try on the crown of the winner. If you follow this principle, you can insure yourself against unnecessary disappointments.

To significantly increase your chances of winning, play with a spread bet

An expanded bet is a bet that contains more than one combination of numbers on one playing field. For example: by choosing 6 numbers in Gosloto “5 out of 36”, you get 6 minimum combinations in one playing field, and by choosing 7 numbers, you get all 21.
The cost of such a choice will be higher. What is the benefit? If you guess at least 2 numbers in such a bet, you will win not 40 rubles, but 4 times more, 160 rubles. And if you guess 5 numbers at once, 20,000 rubles will be added to your super prize! So, a spread bet not only increases your chances of guessing the entire winning combination, it also increases the amount of any winnings you make.

How are winnings calculated on spread bets?

The easiest way is to look at the example of 2 guessed numbers.
Suppose you marked 6 numbers on the playing field: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. From them you can make 6 different combinations of 5 numbers. If two numbers match your combination in the draw - for example, 2 and 3, then they will appear in 4 combinations at once, and for each of them you will be awarded winnings.
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 6
1 2 3 5 6
1 2 4 5 6
1 3 4 5 6
2 3 4 5 6

Who won the most on the expanded bet?

The biggest win in Gosloto “6 out of 45” occurred precisely thanks to the expanded bet! Albert Begrakyan, the lucky winner of the super prize, filled in 6 fields of 7 numbers on his ticket and won 100,118,974 rubles (of which 118,974 were due to the expanded bet).

What games can be played with full bets?

Games on the site lottery supermarket Sites where you can play with a full bet:

Please note that in the Rapido game, additional numbers can only be selected in field No. 2.

Although an expanded bet increases the cost of the game coupon, it also significantly increases the chances of winning.

Has this ever happened to you: your soul is full of forebodings about an imminent win, but by some accident you missed the opportunity to play. For such situations, please take note of our tip No. 2.

To participate in each drawing, use the “Multiple Draw” option

Multi-circulation is a bet on several circulations in advance.
This is a very popular gaming strategy for those who want to be in the game with minimal effort. Almost like subscribing to your favorite magazine. Once they made up several number combinations, choose the number of runs for the game, pay - and get the results. In each draw, the lottery machine produces lucky numbers, new ones each time, and - it really happens - one fine day they may coincide with yours!

There is a known case when one German family played for many years with a combination of numbers made up of dates of birth. Mom usually bought the tickets. But one day she was busy and asked her teenage son to come into lottery kiosk. And he, like many at his age, did not take it seriously. And it turned out that it was in this circulation that their very family combination fell! But the ticket, as it turned out later, was not purchased.

It is a well-known fact in world history (the case took place in 2012 in England) that 12 people won 38 million pounds sterling, which is equivalent to 1.7 billion rubles.

Never deposit your money for your friends or take funds for your bet from them. Most often, such syndicates end up in the red. Do not force anyone to join the syndicate. Don't hire obvious skeptics and losers. The game must be a joy!

Experience cooperative game bears fruit!

Each ticket purchased for the distribution draw can win much more than usual.

Participation in distribution draws increases your chances of winning

A distribution draw is a draw in which the accumulated sum of the super prize is divided among all the winners of the draw. The frequency of such draws is regulated by the Law “On Lotteries,” which requires them to be held at least once a year if no one wins a super prize during the entire year. By decision of the lottery organizer, distribution draws may be held more frequently.
Distribution significantly increases each of the winnings, because a share of the accumulated super prize is added to the usual part of the prize pool that falls on the winning bet. Many participants of “Gosloto “6 out of 45” thanks to distribution draws. To do this, it was enough to guess not even 6, but 5 numbers - and in some cases even 4! And the games according to the formula “7 out of 49”, which took place on September 27, 2013, 6 numbers were guessed in 3 lottery tickets - one winner won 5,098,339 rubles, and the other two, who played with expanded bets, received more than 10,000,000 rubles each! There is a millionaire among those who guessed only 5 numbers. And in the 83rd distribution run of the same game, even more incredible story- one of the winners guessed 6 numbers in two at once lottery receipts! His total winnings amounted to more than 16 million rubles.

Follow the announcements on the website and don’t miss a single one distribution circulation!

Draw results statistics ― interesting tool which will help you win more often

When you want to justify the choice of numbers with facts and not with feelings, use circulation statistics. How to get it? Write it down in a notebook (or save it in a separate file) winning combinations each of the circulations. Experienced lottery fans keep track of the number of times each number appears in a draw and keep statistics on the number of even and odd, “hot” and “cold” numbers. In addition, there are interesting statistics on counting runs in which balls appear in succession or numbers that for some reason often appear in pairs.

On the website, you can use automated statistics for each game on the pages of the circulation archives (for example, statistics for “Gosloto “5 out of 36”). But the most interesting things about statistics can be found in the “Numbers” section of your personal account! There are numbers that personally brought you more money, and a combination that brought maximum win in the history of the game, and the opportunity to make a bet from the numbers that you liked in different sections of personal and general statistics.

A multiplier is an option that allows you to increase your winnings several times over.

The ability to use the multiplier exists in the daily games "" and "". The multiplier number is the number of identical bets that will be accepted per draw, and the number of identical fixed winnings that you will receive in case of the desired match. The value of the bet increases accordingly. For example, in “Keno-Sportloto” you can increase the amount of potential winnings by 10 times, and in “Top-3” - by 100 times.

In the history of the KENO-Sportloto game, the largest win was recorded - 550,000 rubles. The participant managed to win this amount using a multiplier of 10 and a combination of 10 numbers - 9 numbers matched. And if he had guessed all 10 numbers, he would have won 10,000,000 rubles!

The maximum winnings in the “Top 3” without using a multiplier is 5,000 rubles. With a multiplier you can grow it up to 500,000 rubles! And combining a not very large multiplier with identical combinations in several receipts, you can win even more. This happened in the 1540th draw, where two participants made more than 10 bets with a multiplier of 10, each of which included a combination of 1, 5, 4. As a result, each of them!

So if you feel confident in your numbers, give them 10 or even 100 times the odds.

They are in great demand among ordinary citizens. In the Soviet Union, playing the lottery was a ritual. Families gathered in front of television screens to check their tickets against the drawn numbers. After the drawing, the results of the game were heatedly discussed with friends and relatives. Today lotteries have not lost their popularity. Many Russians still continue to try their luck. Of course, before purchasing a ticket, many players are interested in which lotto is best to play.

What are the most winning lotteries in Russia?

There are several Russian lotteries, which are the most winning. Large cash prizes are often awarded here, so the number of millionaires in Russia increases every week.

In Gosloto “6 out of 45” more than 10.4 billion rubles were played.

“” is considered one of the most profitable lotteries. It is chosen by players who dream of winning a big sum. Minimum bid here is 100 rubles, for which you can choose six numbers. The ticket contains 6 playing fields, so you can fill out each of them. Thanks to this, the chances of winning increase. If you wish, you can fill out the ticket in such a way that it takes part in several draws.

To get a small win, it is enough for at least two numbers of the same to match playing field. The more numbers you match, the bigger your win. The jackpot is awarded to the participant who matches six numbers in one field. The main prize here can be hundreds of millions of rubles. Biggest Win amounted to more than 358 million rubles. Today this amount is . The minimum jackpot is 50 million rubles. Prize drawings in this lottery are held twice a week. You can follow it on the official website of this lottery operator.

Gosloto “5 out of 36” - Play every day!

In second position of the best Russian lotteries is the game “”. As in the first lottery, there are six playing fields. However, in this game you need to cross out 5 numbers in each field. The minimum bet here is 60 rubles. The participant has the opportunity to cross out up to 12 numbers in each field. Increasing the numbers crossed out increases your chances of winning. A participant can also use one ticket to play in several draws.

Having guessed only two numbers, the player receives a win of 60 rubles. As matches increase, the winning amount also increases. The main prize is awarded to the player whose ticket matches 5 numbers from the same row in the playing field. The jackpot may vary from draw to draw. Its amount can range from one to several tens of millions of rubles. To date, the largest jackpot that has been won in this lottery is almost 47 million rubles. This lottery attracts the attention of players because it holds drawings five times a day. Twenty minutes before the start of the draw, ticket sales stop.

Russian lotto pleases its fans not only large sums

It must be said that people prefer this lottery of different ages. The first draw took place back in 1994. Since then, the lottery has only gained popularity. For many it is a pleasant memory from childhood. It was then that the whole family of players gathered around the TV to monitor the numbers that were drawn. The prize went to the player who crossed out the numbers on their card first. For more than twenty years, the lottery has been delighting its fans not only with large sums, but also country houses, apartments, travel and cars.

The lottery attracts and is enough simple rules games. After purchasing a ticket, it is enough to certain time turn on the NTV channel. If you believe in luck, it will definitely smile at you someday. When purchasing a ticket, you have the opportunity to choose your own game card.

Housing Lottery - Will help you improve your living conditions

This lottery was created specifically for those who want to improve their living conditions. The game is the best option fulfill your long-time dream quickly enough. To date, "" has already raffled off more than 700 houses, apartments and other real estate. It should also be noted that there is an opportunity to win large cash prizes.

Most big prize, recorded in this game, amounted to more than 17 million rubles. Draws are broadcast on Saturdays. Minimum cost game ticket is one hundred rubles.

The Golden Horseshoe is the only lottery in Russia, the game of which lasts until the 87th move

This lottery also boasts a considerable number of big winnings. It must be said that today this is the only lottery in Russia, the game of which lasts until the 87th move. The lottery attracts large cash prizes. The game differs from other lotteries in that it is held in three stages, each of which awards a specific cash prize. In addition, there is an opportunity to become the owner of the main prize. If the first five numbers drawn from the lottery machine match five numbers on the same line game ticket, it means luck smiled on you. Minimum size The jackpot in this lottery is three million rubles. If Grand Prize is not played, its size is increased and transferred to the next draw. You can follow the drawing every Sunday. The broadcast is on the NTV channel.

Lottery as a way to earn money

Of course, every person, when purchasing a lottery ticket, strives to improve his financial position. However, you need to understand that in pursuit of easy money you risk being left with nothing. Of course, we all look forward to the drawing, hoping to become the next millionaire. But experienced players They recommend taking the game easier. There is no need to consider the lottery as a way to make money, because after all, it is entertainment. This game gives you the opportunity to diversify your leisure time, have fun, and try your luck. This is exactly how you should treat various pranks. This will allow you not to be upset if you fail to win anything.

Lotteries are incredibly popular today and there are reasons for this. Firstly, this is the easiest way to get easy money. Secondly, minimal risk, since the ticket price is insignificant or varies within reason. Thirdly, everyone wants to check how much they are the favorite of fortune. There are a huge number of organizations that organize games of this kind. It’s easy to get lost in their diversity, because everyone prefers lotteries that they can actually win.

The TOP 10 includes the best lottery games that do not guarantee, but increase the chances of monetary success.


Spanish game La Primitiva(“La Primitiva”) opens the top ten most successful lotteries. The history of La Primitiva begins in 1736, when the first draw took place. The organizer has an excellent reputation and has never been caught in fraud. All winnings have been regularly paid to the winners for several centuries. Not only a citizen of Spain, but also any inhabitant of the planet can become a participant in the gambling event. To do this, it will be enough to purchase a ticket online. Only persons over 18 years of age are allowed to participate, otherwise winnings will be forfeited. The minimum jackpot amount is $1.5 million. During the entire existence of La Primitiva, the most successful lucky ones became owners of 24 million euros (2005); 2.5 million euros (2008) and 4.53 million euros (2009). Before purchasing a ticket online, you need to be sure of the reputation of the intermediaries, since on the Internet you can encounter scammers. In order to become the owner of the main prize - the jackpot, you need to match 6 numbers out of 49 on your ticket. To receive other prizes, it will be enough if 3, 4 or 5 numbers match.


(“Megabucks”) is one of the popular American lotteries, which is famous frequent winnings. Statistics say that every 50th participant becomes a winner in every draw. The most large sum The jackpot that was recorded was $30 million and was won in 2004. In order to become the winner of the game and win the main prize, you will need to guess 6 numbers out of 48. You can try your luck with Megabucks three times a week. The event takes place with the mandatory participation of a commission that controls the drawing. The winners of the draw can receive 60% of the winning amount immediately, the rest will be used to pay taxes. The second option involves receiving the winnings in parts over 26 years, but without losing 40%.


Mega Millions(“Mega Millions”) is one of state lotteries USA and the most reliable. Mega Millions in 2012 became the record holder among other lotteries in the history of its existence. gambling. This happened thanks to the jackpot, which amounted to 656 million dollars. In order to become the owner of a tidy sum, the participant must guess 5 numbers out of fifty in one game card and 1 number out of 46 in the second. The winners of the secondary prizes are those who were able to guess 5, 4 and 3 numbers. Mega Millions holds twice-weekly draws and anyone can participate.


Powerball is the most popular American gambling game. The chance of winning secondary prizes is 1 in 38, meaning every 38 participants win the lottery. As for the main prize, the jackpot, the chances of success drop significantly and amount to 1 in 292,201,330. Minimum size " big jackpot» – 40 million dollars. Biggest prize fund was disrupted in 2013 and amounted to 590 million dollars.


" is one of the popular Russian lotteries. Of course, it cannot boast of such fantastic cash prizes as in American lotteries, but still people win here quite often and good money. The maximum jackpot in Bingo was 30 million rubles. In addition to cash prizes, real estate and cars are raffled off here. The super prize here can be won by the one who matches all 15 numbers on the playing field before others. The game is played once a week on Sundays with the participation of the circulation committee.


"is one of the youngest gambling organizers. It represents two draw lotteries: “6 out of 49” and “KENO-Sportloto”. The first is held once a week, the second - every day, at midnight. In “Sportloto 6 out of 49”, a participant who correctly identifies all 6 numbers can become the lucky owner of several million. Consolation prizes in this game are waiting for players who were able to identify only 3 numbers out of 49. The principle of the second lottery is to guess as many correct numbers as possible in the bet. The biggest win here is 10 million rubles.


A lottery company can bring a significant amount of money to the holder of a train ticket. To do this, it is recommended to purchase a special sticker along with your train ticket. After this you automatically become a member next edition. The largest win recorded here was about 12 million rubles. The super prize goes to the lottery participant who has all the numbers game combination coincided with the numbers on the train ticket. All information about the draws carried out is necessarily published on the company’s website.


"is one of the most popular and favorite games of Russians. In each drawing, participants have a chance to receive a cash prize, real estate or a car. The winner of the main prize of several million can be the one who matches the first five balls from the lottery machine in the playing field. Participants who finish one horizontal line with numbers first will also receive a big win.


» be one of the three most popular lotteries in Russia with a good reputation. Those wishing to participate in the game must purchase a ticket for a symbolic sum of 50 rubles and wait for the drawing. In addition to cash prizes, real estate is also up for grabs. The largest jackpot that was won here was 29 million rubles.


There is a famous joke that will help answer the question of how to win the Russian Lotto lottery.

A man came to church to ask God for help. He begged to send him a big one cash winnings in the lottery or good and expensive prizes. God heard his call and was silent for a long time. After which he could not stand it and told him: “Friend, maybe you should buy a lottery ticket first?!”

So, to play lotto, you must first purchase a ticket. It's very easy to do. To buy a ticket, you can go to a special kiosk or to a post office.

So, there is a ticket. What about Russian Lotto? Everyone has their own methods for winning, let’s look at the most common ones.

Several methods of obtaining big money when playing the lottery:

1. An American, Doug Myrock, lives in the states, who played the lottery for 17 years and entered the same combination, eventually winning 31.4 million dollars. Not ready to wait that long? Then it’s worth studying the theory of probability and optimizing the way to quickly win. If you are unable to do such calculations, a computer will come to the rescue. By using special programs You can make a combination of lucky numbers.

2. Numerological method. How to win the Russian Lotto lottery using your date of birth or name? There is a special science - numerology, which determines favorable days for each person based on his personal data. To get your first lucky number, you need to add up all the numbers of your date of birth. The second number is obtained by adding the letters in your name, namely “a-1”, “b-2”, etc. Third lucky number is found by summing the first two. Now you have three that must be present on the lottery ticket.

3. Karmic-cognitive method. Some lottery fans believe that in order to hit the jackpot, magic is not needed. But often the thoughts that arise in the subconscious help you win. Some psychologists advise: in order to win, you need to believe in it all the time. To achieve the result, you need to take a piece of paper with a pen and depict yourself on it with a large bag of money. When you look at your creativity, truly believe that you will win.

4. Fatal method. Some are sure that only chance decides the outcome of a win. Some, for example, believe that a lucky combination is the number of a car that was mined the day before at some point globe. Great amount bets are made on the 9th and 11th, after the famous disaster of September 11th. And the strangest thing is that these tickets won! Many people look for clues in the day of the week or the numbers of the month. Often they help them. It’s worth looking around you and finding out where your lucky number is hiding, which will allow you to understand how to win the Russian Lotto lottery.

5. Superstitious method. Acquisition lottery ticket- this is a ritual that must be carried out especially. Firstly, you need to pay attention to appearance. Do not wear things that contain yellow and red colors. It is better to choose an outfit in dark colors. Striped or checkered clothes will also scare away good luck. And the most important rule is that you should not wear gold and silver jewelry!

It turns out that the probability of winning in any lottery, be it “Sports”, “Super” or another, depends on the goal set and the chosen method.