Actress Vera Glagoleva last days of life. A fragile but strong woman, actress and film director Vera Glagoleva, has passed away.

  • 22.06.2019

16-08-2017, 23:16

Vera Glagoleva passed away at the age of 62.

Today's news of the actress's death shocked the world. For Vera Glagoleva’s family, friends, colleagues and fans, her death was a real shock. Recently, everyone admired her beauty and charm at the wedding of her youngest daughter Anastasia Shubskaya and Alexander Ovechkin. Relatives remember: at the holiday she danced and accepted congratulations. And a month later the actress died.

Information periodically appeared in the media that Vera Vitalievna had health problems, but the actress herself denied the information. In May, the domestic press began to discuss the reason for Glagolev’s long stay abroad; even then, speculation appeared in the media about whether she had cancer, but all this remained at the level of rumors.

All the i’s were dotted today, after Vera Glagoleva’s close circle announced her death. The actress's family and colleagues commented on the death loved one. Glagoleva’s husband, Kirill Shubskoy, succinctly said: “Yes, she died. After long illness" Journalists asked where Vera Vitalievna was at the time of her death, but Shubskoy gave an ambiguous answer: “What does it matter - where?”, although he later told the Zvezda publishing house: “She did not die in the USA.”

The children of Vera Glagoleva commented on their mother’s death on their Instagram pages. The eldest daughter, Anna Nakhapetova, wrote: “If you really loved our mother, just pray for the newly deceased servant of God Vera.” The youngest, Anastasia Shubskaya, captioned her mother’s photo: “Our beloved... unique and only... there are no words and no strength... you are near, and we feel it...”

Anastasia Shubskaya's husband Alexander Ovechkin expressed his feelings about the death of his mother-in-law in social network: “Our beloved Vera Vitalievna......impossible to believe and understand! We love you and will always love you!!!”

The death of Vera Glagoleva was unexpected and for her creative family. The producer of the actress’s films and part-time close friend of the actress, Natalya Ivanova, said that she spent the last days of her life in a clinic near Baden-Baden. However, earlier the press reported that the actress was in America. ““...I saw her literally a week ago. Now documents are being drawn up for the repatriation of the body to Russia. The question of where the farewell and funeral will be will be known later,” added Natalya Ivanova.

Nikas Safronov said that before his death he managed to “sketch” a portrait of the famous actress due to the evil rock of fate, she was not able to see the final version of the work. However, now the artist wants to perpetuate the image of Glagoleva with this work. “I think that if both residents and creative environment if they want, they will install a memorial plaque on the house where she lived,” said close friend and the actress’s colleague Evgeny Gerasimov.

And although Glagoleva herself denied the fact that she had the disease, she had to fight for her life. However, this did not stop her from building creative plans. So, in an interview with RIA Novosti, Evgeny Gerasimov said that the actress was going to star in Konstantin Fan’s film “Moscow in Love.” Glagoleva was not destined to please her fans again. ABOUT future fate nothing is known about the painting.

Vera Vitalievna’s friend Valery Garkalin said that her plans were to realize her production potential: “I have no words to comment on this grief. This is a real, irreparable grief, I can’t even find the words, I can’t put them into sentences, I’m in despair. She was a very close person to me, we collaborated a lot, worked together. It seemed to me that she would start new life due to the fact that she started directing films and did it successfully, and now everything has broken off and nothing has happened.”

It is not yet known exactly what caused the actress’s death. However, the publishing house reports that Glagolev was killed by cancer. That's why she for a long time was abroad. When asked whether health problems were the reason for the actress’s stay outside the country, Glagoleva answered “no.”

According to a source close to the actress’s family, she will be buried in Russia. It is unknown exactly how Glagoleva’s body will be delivered; there are many speculations on this matter, but none of them have been confirmed yet. Nothing is known about the time and place of farewell to the actress. The family of the deceased has not yet commented on this matter.

Russian Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky said: “Vera Vitalievna had outstanding personal and professional qualities, was a person of rare charm and beauty. For real People's Artist. Millions of people in our country admired her inimitable, bright, always sincere performance.” In turn, Joseph Kobzon expressed regret about the death of the “hero of his time”: Our art has become much poorer because a wonderful actress has left, a beautiful woman, who gave birth to three beautiful children, girls... We attended the wedding of our eldest daughter, it would seem, quite recently, nothing foreshadowed either grief or trouble.”

Actress, director, wife, mother, colleague and just great person Vera Vitalievna Glagoleva left a huge mark on the history of modern cinema. She personifies a whole generation of actors whose work has nurtured new talents. The whole country is mourning such an invaluable loss.

Alena Ivanova - Correspondent of RIA VistaNews

// Photo: Interpress/

This loss came as a shock to many. The actress and director hid a terrible disease - stomach cancer - until the very end. Doctors fought for her life for two years, but were unable to save her. Vera Glagoleva died on August 16, 2017. On the eve of the anniversary, friends told StarHit how she changed their destinies.

“I met Vera as a child,” says actress Alena Babenko. “I remember my mother turned on the film “About You,” and she was singing there... She got so excited by her voice that she started tearing her tights. Mommy was cursing, and I seemed to be under hypnosis... Many years later, Vera invited me to star in the film “Ferris Wheel.” I didn’t even really look at the script, I only thought about meeting my idol. During rehearsals, I was literally imbued with her femininity, which manifested itself in every detail: in gestures, in the manner of communication, in style. She did not part with the phone, it was constantly ringing. I remember a strange dialogue: someone called her in a panic, complaining about a broken tap. She stepped aside several times and explained to her interlocutor how to fix it. Imagine, she, an elegant blonde, knew about such things!”

Glagoleva, despite her busy schedule, always found time for her family, which was her support and rear.

“Once at the premiere, Vera gave a book of her dad’s poems - she collected them all and published a collection,” continues Babenko. - I really liked the idea. Returning home, I asked my father to write memoirs about his life. Then she secretly released the book and handed it to him!”

One of the director's closest friends was Marina Mogilevskaya; they were friends for about 15 years.

“Vera always knew how to be there when someone was having a hard time. For example, thanks to her, my pregnancy became the most interesting period of my life,” the actress shares with StarHit. “She didn’t let me get lost in the experience, because giving birth at the age of 40 is a responsible and risky step. All the time I took her to Zhvanetsky’s concerts, then to Spivakov’s, then to poetry evenings... When Mashenka appeared, she loved to give her beautiful things. My daughter still wears these dresses. One day we arranged a photo shoot “Masha in Vera’s outfits” and sent it to her. She, of course, appreciated our joke!”

Glagoleva loved not only to give gifts, but also to educate her friends, and recommended books and films. “We miss her very much,” adds Marina. – I often open mail. Vera constantly sent interesting articles, and then we could discuss them on the phone for hours. Two days before Verochka passed away, I received an email with the traditional postscript: “Be sure to check it out!” There was a link to the movie young director Eduard Bordukov "Box". Vera did not lose interest in what was happening around her until the very end. Her place in my life is now empty, and it is unlikely that anyone will take it..."

The daughters of Vera Glagoleva still have not come to terms with the fact that their mother is no longer alive. Anna Nakhapetova and Nastasya Shubskaya left touching posts dedicated to their relative on their pages on social networks.

Vera Glagoleva hid her illness. No one could believe that the director had cancer, because at the beginning of last summer she had fun at Nastasya’s wedding with Alexander Ovechkin. However, despite the efforts of doctors, the star still could not overcome cancer.

After the first rumors about terrible disease Glagoleva then continued acting in films, and her friends believed that the disease had subsided. “On May 21, actress Aiturgan Temirova, with whom we also starred in “Snipers,” wrote to me. She told me that Vera was very, very sick. I immediately went on the Internet, there was no information about this,” Yakovleva continued.

It is known that a few months ago the actress’s health deteriorated sharply. She was hastily admitted to intensive care, where Vera Glagoleva spent a day, after which she received repeated blood transfusions. For some time, Vera remained under the supervision of specialists, and then went to Germany for treatment.

Trying to find out the truth, the actress called Vera’s daughter. “She said that everything was fine with them. And suddenly Nastenka’s wedding. We were just filming with Slava Manucharov, he told me that he was the host at the wedding and Vera danced beautifully there. Well, that’s it, I finally calmed down and was happy for her family! And then there’s such a shock,” “Interlocutor” quotes Marina Yakovleva.

Vera Vitalievna herself did not mention her illness, and her daughter completely rejected such information. Elena Proklova, who was her colleague, also spoke about the death of the actress. Elena confirmed that rumors about Glagoleva’s illness had been circulating for a long time, but everyone hoped only for the best. Vera did not confirm anything. “In general, she was the kind of person they say about, all in herself,” Elena added in an interview with StarHit magazine.

And then they had a magnificent wedding, well, when is it time to get sick? In July, Vera Glagoleva married her daughter Anastasia Shubskaya. A luxurious wedding ceremony has long been one of the most discussed topics on the Internet. That evening Vera Vitalievna was particularly cheerful. She sang along with the stars who came to the celebration and danced dashingly with them. It was after this that rumors about Vera Glagoleva’s alleged illness completely subsided. She really was incredibly good that day.

Looking at these positive shots and smiling Vera, who could have guessed that she had such serious problems with health? And she continued to deny everything. In one of recent interviews the artist claimed that rumors about her serious illness were untrue. "Everything is fine with me!" – she said.

Producer Natalya Ivanova, a close friend of Vera Glagoleva, said that literally on the eve of her death they called each other and talked about work and previous filming. “The last message from her came yesterday. And today she and I were supposed to discuss issues concerning our new film on the phone,” producer KP quotes him as saying. “I don’t know what caused the exacerbation of her illness, what caused the crisis.” I know that a few days ago Vera and her family went to Germany for a consultation. Even before that, she had consulted at different clinics there. But she didn’t like to talk about her illnesses. She wasn’t sick at all…”

Singer Alexander Buynov clarified the situation. According to him, Vera Glagoleva simply did not want anyone to worry about her. Apparently, the actress herself forbade her relatives to tell anyone about the terrible disease.

Published 08/17/17 09:20

Vera Glagoleva was sick with stomach cancer, media reports. ABOUT recent months her friend told about the star’s life. The actress's eldest daughter suspected her mother's imminent death.

Vera Glagoleva died in Germany: the producer of the actress’s film commented on her death

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According to the producer and close friend Vera Glagoleva Natalia Ivanova, no one knows the details of the situation that happened to the actress in Germany.

“This afternoon, Kirill Shubsky, her husband, called me and said: “Vera passed away an hour ago.” The feeling of loss and shock cannot be expressed in words. Too unexpected for everyone. Vera and I constantly corresponded, since now I am in Spain. She called and wrote not only to me, but intkbbee and to all my friends. She is an open person, very friendly. From the category of people who have no enemies,” Ivanova admitted to Komsomolskaya Pravda.

According to her, she received the last message from Vera Glagoleva the day before, and on Wednesday they were supposed to discuss issues of the new film by phone.

“We finished filming the social drama “Clay Pit”. In September we were supposed to fly to Kazakhstan to film the last block there. And we are already planning the next project, the script for which we almost wrote - a film about the love of Turgenev and Pauline Viardot. Absolutely work environment ", said the producer.

She noted that in June in the city of Aleksin Tula region A difficult filming period passed, and Vera Glagoleva felt fine, worked 12 hours a day, and the process went “according to schedule, minute by minute.”

"Vera is a man of iron will, a fighter with strong character, especially in matters related to work. In July, as you know, her youngest daughter Nastya got married to Alexander Ovechkin. Vera was at this wedding, absolutely happy. There were no signs of trouble,” she said.

Ivanova does not know what caused the exacerbation of the actress’s illness and what caused the crisis.

“I know that a few days ago Vera and her family went to Germany for a consultation. Even earlier, she had consulted in different clinics there. But she didn’t like to talk about her illnesses. She wasn’t sick much at all. And suddenly this happened,” she added.

Vera Glagoleva was sick with stomach cancer: the media found out the details of the actress’s illness

As Moskovsky Komsomolets journalists learned, Vera Glagoleva could have died from stomach cancer. The star passed away shortly after visiting the Black Forest-Baar clinic in the suburbs of Baden-Baden.

The medical institution specializes in abdominal tumors. The cost of treatment at the clinic depends on the severity of the disease and ranges from 6 to 50 thousand euros.

According to journalists, bureaucratic problems may arise with the delivery of the actress’s body to her homeland.

“First of all, it will be necessary to conduct an autopsy so that doctors can confirm death due to the disease. This document will have to be signed by law enforcement agencies that they have no questions about the death of a citizen, even from another country,” an anonymous representative told reporters one of the ritual companies in Moscow.

The publication’s interlocutor clarified that “in a bureaucratic country like Germany” it is necessary to collect a lot of documents to transport a body across the border. Relatives of Vera Glagoleva are now preparing papers. According to the actress’s husband, Kirill Shubsky, his wife’s body will be delivered to Russia on Thursday or Friday. You also have to decide on the delivery method - by plane or by car.

She knew about the imminent death of Vera Glagoleva eldest daughter- Katya Lel is sure

The day before, Channel One aired new release“Let them talk, dedicated to Vera Glagoleva.” Guests in the studio discussed the silence of the artist’s family and even refutations of rumors in the media about the star’s illness.

The actress’s friend, singer Katya Lel, who came to the project studio, spoke about her last meeting with Vera, which took place at the recent wedding of Glagoleva’s youngest daughter, Anastasia Shubskaya.

As Katya Lel admitted, the actress’s eldest daughter Anna Nakhapetova was “crying her heart out” all the time at the celebration. According to the singer, the girl guessed that her mother would soon pass away.

Vera Glagoleva herself had a lot of fun at the wedding along with the young guests. That evening, the 61-year-old actress rocked out with the soloists. Ivanushek International"Kirill Andreev and Kirill Turichenko.

Vera Glagoleva at her daughter's wedding VIDEO

IN Last year Vera Glagoleva was very seriously ill in her life, and her relatives, of course, knew about her terrible diagnosis: stomach cancer. She herself knew that she was terminally ill. But for fans of the star, her departure was a complete surprise. After all, literally a month before the tragedy, Vera Vitalievna celebrated the wedding of her youngest, third daughter, Anastasia Shubskaya, with the famous hockey player Alexander Ovechkin on a large scale and daring (although they registered in the summer of 2016).

Photo: East News

And after the wedding, I went on vacation to Italy with my whole family. There, however, she became ill. I had to urgently fly to Germany for testing. This is where it all ended.

Girl, do you want to act in a movie?

Glagoleva had this amazing core: she never flaunted her problems. Maybe her sports background supported her: after all, she was once a master of sports in archery and did not even think about becoming an actress. She, a beautiful young athlete, was noticed in the corridors of Mosfilm and brought to director Rodion Nakhapetov. He took the girl in his first film, “To the End of the World.” And then I realized that I was lost: I fell in love. After getting married, they gave birth to two girls - Anya and Masha, and lived together for 12 years.

With Rodion Nakhapetov. Still from the film “Forgive Us, First Love,” 1984. Photo: Global Look Press

And although Vera Glagoleva did not have an acting education, she became a sought-after actress. The peak of her career occurred in the early 80s of the last century. Spectators and even critics especially remembered the melodrama “Marry the Captain” with her and Viktor Proskurin in the leading roles. Glagoleva’s track record includes about 50 roles. Despite the success and fame, after some time the actress realized that she was ready to rise to a new level and become a director.

Still from the film “Marry the Captain,” 1985. Photo: Global Look Press

Forgive and let go

It was during this period that Rodion Nakhapetov had a creative crisis. And then, just in time, he received an offer to work as a director in the USA. Rodion Rafailovich was going to “get hooked” there and move his family: all this was done, it seemed, for his daughters.

But soon Rodion found another woman there - Natasha Shlyapnikoff - and married her. Glagoleva then wrote a piercing letter ex-husband: “I’ve thought a lot these days about what happened. I'll tell you honestly, I understood. I will only be glad if everything works out the way you want. I always believed in you, and now I believe in your luck... For 12 years, everything was not so simple for us - there were insults and quarrels, but there was also good, and this is what I remember. And during these months without you, everything is perceived more acutely. And for myself, I decided and realized that I was, indeed, wrong in many ways. I believed so much in our meeting, in your love, despite all the difficulties that existed... Now I am very happy for you, glad that I am not a burden to you. You have already moved away from us, become different, and in a year it will be even more difficult, because you will be free to choose later life. I don’t want to be pitied and treated like a heavy burden and a duty, and you don’t have any other attitude... I’m very sorry that everything turned out this way. Kiss you. Faith".

Vera Vitalievna was saved by work: as a director, she then began filming her first film, “Broken Light.” I completely immersed myself in creativity and worries about the girls. I was afraid, and for quite a long time, even to think about personal life, and even more so - about marriage. But still fate gave her new meeting- with businessman Kirill Shubsky, who was eight years younger than her. In the early 90s they got married and even got married. In this marriage, Glagoleva gave birth to a daughter, Anastasia.

Time has no power over her

Life went on as usual. Vera Vitalievna made films and continued acting herself. But in 2005, gossip spread around Moscow that Kirill Yulievich was cheating on his wife. And not with just anyone, but with the famous gymnast Svetlana Khorkina. And that she allegedly even gave birth to Shubsky’s son. Journalists conducted entire investigations, claiming that the boy was exactly like Shubsky.