Balm for the soul meaning. It is a balm for the soul to see the spark of God in a person

  • 22.08.2024

Balm for the soul- a very useful and valuable trophy, recommended by Monsterhealth for healing mental wounds.

Attention: follow the dosage! If the prescribed dose is exceeded, side effects are possible.

Legend about the origin of the trophy

The creation of the inhabitants of the ethereal world - a cloud castle

In one unusual world - and we know that there are many of them in the Universe - unusual creatures lived. They were ephemeral and incorporeal, and the only essence they possessed was the soul. The Ethers - that’s what the inhabitants of this world called themselves - did not know the diseases of the body; it was impossible to wound them with rough steel or infect them with a cold. Eternally young and beautiful, they soared in the air, playing catch-up with the winds. Adult individuals decorated the world with ephemeral creations - cloud castles and palaces, musical parks, alleys of beautiful words and labyrinths of frozen harmonies.

And everything was wonderful until guests from other worlds arrived on the air. Either out of ignorance, or out of malicious intent, they offended the broadcasters with rude words, careless treatment, and offensive remarks. And the creatures, not aware of disease, fell ill. The people from other worlds did not think that words could hurt, and rudeness could kill. The ethers could not resist flattery, pathos, bragging and simply rudeness, and their souls - the only asset for those without a body - became weaker, thinner and were ready to disappear from this world.

The most powerful and ancient ethers developed a healing remedy to save their people - balm for the soul. The medicine, as ephemeral as the ethers themselves, immediately affected the soul, protecting it from evil, filling it with light and joy. Thus, another world was saved. And the miraculous medicine, which the ethers gladly shared with everyone, has since traveled throughout the Universe.

Application and side effects

In the world of Godville balm for the soul was received with a bang. Ordinary heroes, upon hearing the word “balm,” immediately began their favorite pastime. And since the drug turned out to be extremely potent, they felt all the delights of the side effects:

  • love for all living things awakened in them ( The evil heroes looked especially funny, who, having put on wreaths of daisies, confessed their warmest feelings to the taken aback monsters);
  • evil heroes changed their character and went over to the side of good;
  • heavenly hymns and other sounds from the ether continuously sounded in the ears of the besotted hero; the most enlightened swore that they heard

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Pharmacological group: Biologically active food additives (dietary supplements) Nosological classification (ICD 10) ›› G90 Disorders of the autonomic nervous system ›› I99 Other and unspecified disorders of the circulatory system ›› Z58… … Dictionary of medicines

- (foreign) consolation, reassurance Soothing, healing life-giving balm. Wed. Her sensible, modest speeches, word by word, fell into his memory and exactly a healing balm poured drop by drop into his broken heart. Melnikov. In the forests. 4,… …

Balm (foreign word) consolation, reassurance. “Pour a soothing, healing, life-giving balm.” Wed. Her reasonable, modest speeches, word by word, fell into his memory and exactly a healing balm, drop by drop, poured into his broken heart.... ...

- (foreign language) to calm down Wed. Hey, Proshka, vodka! This exclamation shed a soothing balm on my heart. Saltykov. Provincial essays. 2. Deceived second lieutenant... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

To shed balm (foreign language) to calm down. Wed. “Hey, Proshka, vodka!” This exclamation shed a soothing balm on my heart. Saltykov. Provincial essays. 2. Deceived Second Lieutenant... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

It’s a pleasure, a balm on the heart, pleasant, like a god to one’s soul, running through the Dictionary of Russian Synonyms with bare feet. like butter to the heart adj., number of synonyms: 4 balm to the heart (4) ... Dictionary of synonyms

Like a god he ran through his bare feet, pleasant, balm to the heart, like oil to the heart Dictionary of Russian synonyms. one pleasure adj., number of synonyms: 4 balm for the heart (4) ... Dictionary of synonyms


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Your words can make a man a God or... cause him suffering. And your relationship with him will depend on this. So what do representatives of the stronger half of humanity want to hear from their women?

We bring to your attention several of the most common phrases that will sound like music to your man. And, of course, they will improve the quality of your relationship!

How do you feel?

Variants of this phrase:

How can I help you?

How can I ease your condition?

What would you like right now?

What would make you happy?

Is there anything I can do to make us both feel better?

He really wants your care for him. Caring gives your man a sense of the depth and strength of your relationship. After all, this is how you make it clear that his physical, moral and emotional well-being is important to you. Here's what men say when they hear these phrases:

“I feel like a person who is cared for, listened to, heard and understood.” “I understand that she really cares about how I feel in a difficult situation, and she really wants to help me.”

I feel safe with you.

Variants of this phrase:

You solved this problem so easily!

I'm delighted how you... (fixed the TV, set up the computer, nailed the hanger, pulled the clothes cord...)

You took a weight off my shoulders.

I couldn't do this alone!

You did a great job for me.

When a man loves you, he wants you to feel comfort, coziness and security next to him. By letting him know that his efforts were not in vain, you inspire him to continue making efforts in this direction. Here's how men respond to these words:

“I realized that I had created a good base on which we could build much more and develop our relationship.” “I would do even more for her!”

I support you.

Phrase options:

I'm proud of you.

I believe in you.

You definitely can do it!

I'm with you anyway.

I don't care what others think, I know you better and I have confidence in you.

In my eyes, in any case, you are a wonderful (strong, talented, purposeful...) man.

“My wife is my fortress,” - this is how the famous artist Evgeny Zharikov paraphrased the famous catchphrase. A better image of support is perhaps hard to find.

Your man needs to know that he can count on you. Always. Both when he takes risks and when he pours champagne to celebrate a victory.

But a man is the embodiment of strength. Does he need support?

You are significant to your man like no one else. And when you support him, believe in him and are proud of him, he becomes even stronger:

“Her support gives me confidence that I can solve many problems.”

“I have more strength.”

“I feel prepared to withstand the harsh conditions that I have been put under.”

Let's go somewhere.


Let's have a picnic!

Let's play tennis (ride bikes, swim...)

Let's go on an excursion.

Let's go to the festival.

Let's stay home and order dinner.

Your man wants you to spend time with him, and not only in case of important and useful matters. He needs shaking, switching, play, a positive charge of emotions like air!

Relationships become insipid and turn into a routine if they always follow the model “home - work, work - home, weekends - TV”.

Therefore, arrange small holidays. And don't get hung up on one thing. If he usually takes you to cafes or restaurants, host the reception at your place. And if you also prepare a dish that you master or that he likes, you will win doubly!

What do men think?

“The pleasure of spending time together is so refreshing to our relationship!”

“We usually have special sex after events like this.”

I want you.


You turn me on so much!

When you do things like this, I lose control...

Touch here...

Please, more...

I'm going crazy from your smell...

Where did we stop last time?

Your man wants to know that he is still desirable to you, excites you, and you can't wait to get into bed with him. And it’s not at all necessary to hope that he initiates sex every time. Take the first step! Let him know how much you want him. You don't risk being intrusive or immodest.

Men are delighted with this:

"It helps me feel sexually powerful."

“It fires me up!”

“I know that I am interesting, desirable, this adds warmth to the relationship, makes us closer.”


I'm so grateful to you!

I have no words...

I can't tell you how great you did!

Your help is so important to me!

Your care makes me truly happy.

I'm very pleased that you thought of this.

A huge number of men want a simple thing: to be appreciated for what they do. He knows that you need him. He strives to help you. A loving man wants to make you happy, it’s in his blood.

Therefore, sincerely express your gratitude to him. Don't skimp! This is the fuel that motivates him to continue in the same spirit:

“I know that she will highly appreciate my hard work and results. So I’m willing to put in the effort.”

“Her gratitude is a sign to me that I make her happy, which means I’m a real man!”

“When I do something for her, she feels special and is willing to give a lot in return.”

I love you.


I love it when you smile.

I love your hands.

I love your hugs.

I love watching you when you make things.

I love listening to you snore in your sleep.

I love your confused look too.

I love your shirts, ties and socks.

When you say “I love...”, you are turning to him with your heart. And his heart responds. He feels with all his being that your love is unshakable and unconditional. He stops being afraid of his vulnerability and gains the ability to express his love in return. Isn't this what you want?

“A woman who can speak about her love openly and strongly is a gift from fate.”

“Words are very important to me. But if these words are accompanied by a loving look, or even better, a gentle touch or hug, it’s just a thrill!”

So, if you want to show your man how much he means to you, use all the phrases that were discussed. Let your wise instinct tell you how and in what combinations to do this. And you will become the one and only for him.

Balm for the soul

There is such an old legend. In distant, distant times, very unusual creatures lived on earth. They were incorporeal, which is why these people were called ethers. They lived amicably and cheerfully, nothing darkened their world. They did not know what illness was, what grief was.

But it so happened that guests wandered into their world. And these guests turned out to be not as friendly as the hosts. They were constantly dissatisfied with the peaceful life of the ethers, so at every opportunity they tried to insult the owners. And the ethers, who had never encountered rudeness and swear words, began to get sick. And after some time it suddenly turned out that the world of ethers was slowly disappearing.

Then the surviving residents gathered and developed a formula for a healing balm that could strengthen the ethereal creatures. And they called this remedy a balm for the soul, because this remedy acted most magically on the soul of the ethers and healed it. This is how another fairy-tale world was saved.

This is how this expression appeared. We all know that balm is a thick juice of plant substances that contain essential oils. The creators promise us that such balms have the most beneficial effect on our health.

And what has the most beneficial effect on our soul when it hurts? These are words of consolation, sympathy, good advice - it also turns out to be a balm, but only for the soul.

This is the history of this expression.

Balzac age

Today we hear this expression everywhere and everywhere. And there were even disputes about what age we are talking about when they say “a woman of Balzac’s age.”

So let's ask the person responsible for the origin of this expression, i.e. O. Balzac. And he will tell us that this expression appeared thanks to the publication of his novel “A Thirty-Year-Old Woman.”

That is, it turns out that we are talking about a woman of 30-40 years old. A wonderful age, the age of full disclosure of female attractiveness and beauty.


This expression has been around for many years. It is believed that when a little person is born, God puts his little spark into his soul. Thanks to this spark, God can always see how well a person copes with the mission that is entrusted to him and for which his soul was sent to earth.

This spark must be developed in oneself and maintained in every possible way to keep it burning. The spark of God is that talent, that calling that the Lord rewards us with.

It is believed that talent is inherent in every person, but not every person tries to make this spark flare up. And the main obstacle is fear, which sits in every human being.

But if someone’s talent is revealed, they say that this is a spark of God that flares up.

But if we have all been gifted with this spark, let's look into our souls. Maybe we should add some firewood?