Music Day - poems, cards, songs. World Music Day Such different musical styles...

  • 14.06.2019

Throughout its history, humanity has existed in an atmosphere of music. Neither wars, nor natural and man-made disasters, nor famine and epidemics could force people to stop singing, dancing, and creating new musical works and instruments.

Yes, to save musical heritage In 1973, at the proposal of the International Music Council of UNESCO, International Music Day was declared. The event was aimed at the development of musical art and pursued the following goals:

  • Make music accessible to all segments of society;
  • Popularization of the principles of peace and friendship inherent in UNESCO;
  • Respect and conservation cultural achievements peoples of the world;
  • Experience exchange.

The International Day of Music was held for the first time on October 1, 1975. And only since 1996, the date of Shostakovich’s 90th birthday, greatest humanist and the composer, the holiday begins its march across Russia. Dmitry Dmitrievich stood at the origins of this holiday and was its active initiator.

How is International Music Day celebrated?

What better way to express a state of mind than a melody? human soul? For music, although it is so multifaceted, there are no boundaries. And the holiday is designed to unite admirers of different genres, trends and movements, to bring irreconcilable things to harmony.

The whole world celebrates this day large-scale concerts, are organized creative meetings Exhibitions of ancient musical instruments are held with favorite performers, famous pop artists, and the best artistic groups.

International Music Day 2018 this year will be no exception. All over the world, including Russia, during the celebrations at concerts they will already sound famous works and new compositions are presented, already eminent artists and those who are just starting their creative path. Television and radio will not stand aside and will cover the most interesting events; they will be held on the Internet online broadcasts concerts from famous venues.

Music is a state of mind, and UNESCO carefully collects all musical achievements into the treasury of world heritage.

According to the decision of UNESCO, World Music Day is celebrated throughout the world every year on 01/10. Its goal is to spread the art of music to all levels of society and to promote the ideals of friendship and peace between different peoples, exchange of experience, development of cultural communication and aesthetic values, mutual respectful attitude to each other. Provided rough plan holding a holiday. On Music Day there are creative evenings with performers, composers, musicologists; concerts of special solemnity, exhibitions of musical instruments, photographs dedicated to musical theme. The best artists, creative and artistic groups.

Worldwide famous composer D. Shostakovich was one of the initiators who advocated the establishment of this international day. On October 1, when we are used to celebrating Music Day, works included in the world treasury and cultural heritage. This celebration will forever be associated with the name of this brilliant man and musician. It was on the day of the 90th anniversary of the birth of Dmitry Shostakovich that World Music Day began to be celebrated in our country.

It was very clearly noted by one of the great personalities that the birth of music occurred together with man. I.S. Turgenev considered music to be the mind embodied in beautiful sounds. Since ancient times, music has been familiar and known to all of humanity. In the caves of Africa, drawings belonging to long-vanished tribes have been preserved. Even then, people were depicted with various musical instruments. For us, the music that sounded for those generations and, perhaps, made them happy and sad, brightening up their difficult lives, will forever remain an unsolved mystery.

Chinese music is one of the oldest in the world. There is more than one confirmation of this. Archaeologists found ancient instruments, and in 2000 a whole museum dedicated to this topic was created. All exhibits date back to the 5th, 4th and 2nd millennium BC.

Music has incredible power, so when Music Day is held, composers try to convey and express to you the strongest emotions and impulses. Descendants will always remember and say them with gratitude greatest names. There are too few people in the world who are completely indifferent to music.

This one finds expression through sounds. A person is immersed in it from childhood. Which ones he can express using it! A child may cry to a sad melody. When it's funny, you'll laugh, but few people can resist catchy music and not start dancing. It is impossible to treat the works of classics without awe, so they will always be heard, and not only on Music Day. Music will never grow old and will exist as long as the human race will exist.

Helping to live to modern man, music has magical power. It is capable of touching the finest strings of the human soul. On Music Day, do not forget to congratulate your talented friends and loved ones who are directly related to it.

Every day we hear different melodies from radios and tape recorders, and car trips seem much more pleasant, the road passes unnoticed if melodies and tunes dear to the heart are heard from the speakers. Not a single festive event is complete without the participation of musicians.

A good way to develop a child's artistic taste is music.

Music Day is an occasion to experience a wonderful form of art. Don't forget about him, instill love and introduce him to wonderful world harmony of sounds of their children and grandchildren.

International Music Day was established on October 1, 1975 by decision of UNESCO. Music Day is celebrated all over the world in 2018 October 1. One of the initiators of the holiday is the composer Dmitry Shostakovich. World Music Day is celebrated annually throughout the world with large concert programs, starring best artists And creative teams. On this day, compositions included in the treasury of world culture are heard in different parts of the world.

When is the holiday date: Music Day

But it’s no secret that humanity has been familiar with music since ancient times. Still preserved in African caves cave drawings long-vanished tribes. The finds have sketches of people holding musical instruments in their hands. Of course, we will never be destined to hear their music, but it once nourished and diversified their lives, was a companion to their joyful or sad emotions.

No matter what date this holiday is celebrated, we all know that music has a very great strength. Surely there are few people in the world who are indifferent to music. Many composers through musical works We tried to convey the states of our souls as beautifully as possible. And now their names will be pronounced with gratitude and delight by all music lovers from generation to generation. Music does not age; it will live in the hearts of people as long as a person exists.

International Music Day is celebrated around the world on October 1 every year. Its creation was initiated by the International Music Council (IMC) at UNESCO. Our country is no exception; this holiday is celebrated in Russia too.

history of the holiday

It must be recalled that decision on establishment International Day music was adopted in 1973. This event took place within the framework of the 15th General Assembly of the IMC, held in Lausanne. On November 30, 1974, members of the International Music Council received a letter proposing the creation of this holiday. Its authors were Sir Yehudi Menuhin (Chairman of the International Music Council) and his deputy Boris Yarustovsky.

On October 1, 1975, International Music Day was held for the first time. The main goals that the creators of this holiday set for themselves were: exchange of experience between cultures different countries and the dissemination of musical art. This letter also contained a list musical events, which may be dedicated to this day. It included creative meetings with musicians, composers, singers and musicologists, and special concerts. It was also proposed to hold exhibitions of musical instruments, photographs and various works art related to the musical theme.

Soon this holiday has become traditional. The musicians perform world-famous works that are a world cultural heritage.

International Music Day in Russia

It has been celebrated in our country since 1996. One of the initiators of its establishment in Russia was Dmitry Dmitrievich Shostakovich. He was famous Soviet composer, pianist, teacher and public figure. Shostakovich's works are known all over the world. He became the author of many symphonies, several operas and ballets, romances, oratorios, cantatas, etc. We can say that Dmitry Dmitrievich Shostakovich was one of greatest composers XX century. He was very helpful big influence for the development of global musical culture. Shostakovich addressed the international community with a letter; he wanted to draw public attention to the enormous role of music in our lives. He believed that music has the ability to open new worlds to people and unite them. 1996 marked the 90th anniversary of the birth of this great composer. Then it was decided to start celebrating International Music Day.

Music and man

This is a holiday for singers and musicians, for composers, music teachers and conservatory teachers, students and music students educational institutions, but it can also be celebrated by all music lovers.

Students of music schools usually organize funny skits on this day. Professional musicians and the singers dedicate this event various concerts.

Music has accompanied man since ancient times. Proof of this can be found in cave paintings found in caves in Africa. On them, ancient people depicted people holding in their hands something very reminiscent of musical instruments. Currently, such tools, of course, no longer exist. Therefore, we will never hear those melodies. The word “music” itself can be translated from Greek as a form of art for which art material is sound organized in a special way in time.

There is no doubt about the fact that music has interested people since ancient times. Even then she influenced people and aroused feelings in them. And in 2000, archaeologists from China found a museum musical instrument, which was created 2 thousand years ago and dates back to the Han Dynasty.

The meaning of music

And today music can excite our feelings and have a strong influence on our emotions. We need music and it never gets old. Today there is a large number of various musical genres. The main ones include: folk music, blues, sacred music, jazz, country, rock, pop, chanson, Electonic music, reggae, rap, romance, etc.

Perhaps there are very few people who are absolutely indifferent to music. To talented composers With the help of music you can express the state of your soul. Their names are forever inscribed in history.

Music has very powerful energy. It helps a person to know himself.

Music is a miraculous means of attracting goodness and beauty. It awakens in us the idea of ​​the sublime and majestic, and is an excellent background for the emergence of spiritual community.

Music helps people cope with pain and sadness, it can improve mood, stimulate sadness or joy. According to scientists, music can give a person a feeling of happiness. Studies of the brain in people while listening to touching and beautiful music have proven that the same areas of the brain are activated that cause a state of euphoria during sex and food. Moreover, on different people This is how different melodies have an effect. It should also be noted that the perception of music also depends on a number of factors such as place, time, psychological condition person, etc. Music is part of culture and is influenced by all other aspects of it.

Each of us has our favorite melodies that make us cry and rejoice, allowing us to think about the meaning of life. Greek philosophers even believed that music could shape a person's character.

Scientists have found that under the influence of music in humans, as well as some animals, blood pressure changes, heart rate increases, and the rhythm and depth of respiratory contractions decreases. Since ancient times, medicine has learned to use the neurophysiological effects of music.

In Japan, a special experiment was conducted with nursing mothers. It turned out that while listening to classical music, their milk supply increased by 20-100%. Classical music can reduce aggressiveness in bees.

On October 1, International Music Day, events and activities will be held in museums, theaters, art schools and cultural centers of the capital’s Department of Culture open concerts.

In the gallery "On Shabolovka" you can visit the exhibition "Bulgakov vs Mayakovsky" for free, and in the children's gallery "Izopark" there will be a musical lesson for preschoolers “Music and color”.

State Concert string quartet named after P.I. Tchaikovsky will take place in the evening in the Belyaevo gallery, where works by I. Haydn, L. Beethoven, A. Piazzolla, I. Schwartz, I. Strauss, I. Brahms will be performed.

On a holiday, the association " Exhibition halls Moscow" in its galleries will hold free master classes leading musicians of the capital's club culture in DJing. Listeners will receive basic knowledge and skills.

Musical programms expect city residents to capital museums and theaters.

Concert chamber music V Memorial Museum A.N. Scriabin, jazz concert in the theater of music and poetry under the direction of E. Kamburova, fragments of concerts, studio recordings and television interviews of Vladimir Vysotsky, filmed in 1967-1980 in Moscow, Zelenograd, Bulgaria, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Italy, will be shown at the Vysotsky House on Taganka.

At the Taganka Theater musical director Tatyana Zhanova, the Kapellmeister Band ensemble, as well as leading artists will present the program “There is the whole world in your soul." This ball-performance on small stage will devote two international holidays— Music Day and Elderly Persons Day.

Center named after Vs. Meyerhold will tell the story of the 20th century without uttering a word. Spectators will see a performance-symphony of the world's most iconic musical hits.

In the gallery of Ilya Glazunov, people of the older generation will be able to take part in music master class- perform folk songs, romances, military songs and post-war years.

The Dolce Vita concert will take place at the Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve. Honored Artist of Russia Alexander Maykapar will perform works for organ and harpsichord written by the most famous European composers of the 18th century. The performance will be accompanied by a fascinating story about the instruments, era and authors.

From October 1, in honor of the celebration of Music Day, concerts will be held in art schools in all districts of the capital with the participation of teachers, students and graduates. The entrance is free.

So, in State school(college) of wind art, guests will hear solo and ensemble performances by young musicians. The program includes works of various eras and styles, stories about the history of music, the appearance of the first instruments, the development musical styles and genres.

Children's School of Music No. 62 N.A. Petrova prepared a festive musical and literary evening. The school's musicians will perform works by outstanding composers, including Dmitry Shostakovich, one of the initiators of the establishment of International Music Day. And the students secondary school No. 1252 named after Cervantes, poems by great poets will be read.

Students and teachers of the College of Musical and Theater Arts named after G.P. Vishnevskaya will present numbers from the classical opera repertoire, musical and theatrical compositions, solo vocal and ballet numbers. Fragments from operas by J. Bizet, P.I. Tchaikovsky, N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov, S.S. Prokofiev.

International Music Day was established on the initiative of the International Music Council of UNESCO and has been celebrated annually around the world since 1975. Traditionally, on this day works of domestic and foreign composers, performances are held, meetings with musicians are organized.