Homunculus from an egg - fact or fiction, and how to make it. Is it possible to grow a homunculus? What kind of seed is needed for a homunculus?

  • 06.03.2024

At the moment, progress does not stand still. Various areas of human life are developing rapidly. Everyone is waiting for big and grandiose discoveries, but no one pays attention to successful but small experiments. And if a few centuries ago they did not know how to amputate a leg correctly, now artificial organs are being created in full force, and even children will not be surprised by this.

But, one way or another, it all started small. The Middle Ages was the turning point when many brilliant alchemists and occultists laid the foundation for the development of modern medicine. Many associate the names of the most famous of them with something magical and not entirely real. However, most of their developments were nothing more than mere experiments in the field of medicine.

What is a homunculus?

One of these medieval alchemical scientists was Paracelsus, a native of Germany. But he became famous for one of the most entertaining experiments not only of that time, but also of our time. Namely, the creation of a homunculus. Many of you have probably already heard this definition, but did not understand what it means.

A homunculus is a humanoid creature grown in artificial conditions. Even today this may seem like a fantasy, but if you believe people who have already successfully carried out such an experiment, you can grow a homunculus even at home. In this article we will tell you about the methods of growing these creatures, invented both by Paracelsus himself and by modern man.

How the physician Paracelsus created “little people”

The fact is that no one will be able to completely repeat Paracelsus’ experiment. The alchemist created his wondrous creature under the conditions that were available to him at the time of the Middle Ages, and therefore all the records are quite abstract. So, he did not write down the specific temperature for growing a half-human, and indeed all his actions exactly. Like any other scientist (and he also called himself a magician), Paracelsus had his own secrets, which he did not reveal to anyone at all. Therefore, how exactly he created his homunculus can only be guessed at, or one can go the route of one’s own experiments.

All that is known about how to grow a homunculus from our doctor is that you need to take a small vessel and fill it with sperm. The alchemist then placed this vessel in horse manure, according to his notes, for 40 days. After opening the flask and removing the newly formed creature from there, it must be fed with human blood.

The doctor himself wrote that he did not need the homunculus for rituals or magic. He wanted to feed him and raise him to the status of an ordinary little man. After reading the works of this outstanding alchemist, many people still have a question to this day: is it possible to grow a homunculus yourself? Read on for the answer to this.

How to grow a homunculus at home and is it possible?

It is not known for certain whether it is possible to raise a full-fledged creature at home. People who have already carried out such experiments made videos about their achievements and posted them on the Internet. If you believe what you saw, then they still managed to achieve something resembling a living creature. We suggest you conduct the experiment yourself and determine whether it will give results. So, how to grow a homunculus at home?

What will you need?

You can try to grow a homunculus from a chicken egg. Take a small container and a chicken egg. Neither its color nor its size is absolutely important, the main thing is that it is freshly harvested. Of course, eggs from the supermarket will not suit you.

You will also need alcohol and cotton wool (to disinfect the injection site), adhesive tape, a syringe and male sperm. Even modern scientists confirm the fact that the seed plays a more important role in the development of the embryo than the egg.

You will also need a piece of dense material (a hat or sweater, for example) and a warm place. Since the exact temperature for growing a homunculus is unknown, even a place near a central heating radiator will do. Let's move on to the process.

How to grow a homunculus from an egg?

You need to make a hole in the egg. Before this, the puncture site and the syringe needle must be disinfected so that infection does not get inside, otherwise it threatens to ruin the whole process. It is quite difficult to make a hole in the shell without damaging it, so we recommend filing the puncture site a little in advance with a file or nail file.

Now we carefully introduce the sperm into the egg. When inserted, the needle inside should barely move. Some of the liquid may leak out, but this cannot be avoided, so you should not focus on this. Now you will need to seal the hole in the egg with a small piece of adhesive tape. You don’t have to worry about tightness, it’s not that important. Now place the workpiece in a container and wrap it with a piece of thick fabric.

After which it is worth finding a suitable place for the future homunculus. Make sure that the workpiece remains motionless during cultivation and that no one can touch it or knock it over. The cultivation time can vary from 10 days to 40; different sources indicate different figures; if you believe former experimenters, the process could be completed at different times. We suggest you choose something in between.

Opening the blank

After a certain time, we can open our homunculus. If you see that there are dark places around the puncture, don’t worry, this is acceptable. An unpleasant odor is also acceptable; if you did everything correctly and nothing interfered with the growth of the creature, then it should not be very pungent. Now you can safely break the egg and see what happens. The main thing is to do this with a light movement so as not to damage the contents.

As you can see, growing a homunculus is quite simple, and the result of the experiment depends only on you.

Currently, it is very popular to do various experiments and experiments at home. Just recently, everyone was talking about one amazing experience, as if a person managed at home, creating a favorable environment, to grow a mini-copy of a humanoid creature - a homunculus.

A little history about the homunculus

It turns out that growing a homunculus worried humanity many centuries ago. In those days, famous alchemists conducted various experiments in their laboratories and presented the results for public viewing. Thus, the famous Paracelsus, back in the 16th century, by mixing horse manure with other drugs, grew a living creature. A little later, similar experiments were carried out by other scientists, and the result was also stunning.

Nowadays, we can also grow a living creature from an ordinary egg at home. Let's find out how to do this in more detail.

How to raise a homunculus

According to ordinary people who have experience in raising such creatures, in order to create a favorable environment, you will need a chicken egg. You can also take any bird egg - maybe an ostrich or even a quail. These eggs contain everything necessary for the further development of this creature.

In order to grow a homunculus, you need to prepare:

  • the freshest egg of a chicken or ostrich, only that it has just been laid, and that the bird is kept separately from the ostrich or rooster;
  • as the basis of a future creature, fresh male sperm will be needed;
  • also prepare alcohol and cotton wool to treat the egg and syringe needle;
  • a syringe of 10 cc or a little more to inject male sperm into the yolk of the egg;
  • a sweater, hat or something similar;
  • a container suitable for the size of the egg with a lid;
  • fabric adhesive plaster.

Now let’s move on to the most important thing and let’s try together to grow a living creature similar to a human from a chicken/ostrich egg and male sperm:

  1. Let's prepare all the necessary components.
  2. Wipe the surface of the egg with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol.
  3. We collect fresh sperm into a syringe, carefully pierce the shell with a needle and inject the seminal fluid directly into the yolk. This is how the egg is fertilized.
  4. Cover the hole with adhesive tape to prevent germs from getting inside.
  5. We put the egg in a container, close the lid, wrap the container well with cloth, you can put it in a hat, or wrap it in a sweater. It is important that warm “clothing” is dark in color.
  6. Now you need to place this box in a warm environment. It can be any heating device or you will have to turn on the heater.
  7. Place the box near a heat source for 10 days. The growing period can be extended to 14 days.
  8. By the way, the box should be located in a dark place if possible; the egg should not be moved or disturbed.
  9. When the time comes, you need to carefully crack the egg and see the result.

What's next?

What you need to know about the homunculus:

  • a living creature can grow to a certain size, shape and have different body weights. Everything will depend on the donor, the person who gave his male seed to grow the creature;
  • it turns out that a living creature has sexual characteristics, you can try to distinguish who you grew up with, a girl or a boy;
  • it turns out that homunculi need food, they, just like all living beings, need food and sleep;
  • homunculi have their own character, they can show it through their behavior;
  • since the nervous and muscle mass is poorly developed, the creatures can move slowly;
  • The homunculus is not afraid of a light source.

The creature called a homunculus, or as it is also called homunculus, can be treated differently. To some it may seem like a strange monster, to others it may interest others, and others will want to grow homunculus at home on their own, like, for example, the hero of the video. There are also those who predict a great future for him.

Let's figure out together what is known today about these strange games with nature, and you will have to decide for yourself whether all this is true or not.

Lifting the veil of history

Medieval alchemists, despite the condemnation of European society, devoted themselves without reserve to their work, boldly threw themselves into the abyss of desperate experiments. The search for a panacea, the philosopher's stone, the elixir of youth, transmutation, and other unusual matters deprived them of sleep and peace. Among the experiences there were those that initially promised failure and defeat; as a rule, they ended in disappointment, despair and the desire to end it once and for all. But there were also those who made the hearts of the brave beat wildly in anticipation of the victory of mind over flesh. Some of them to this day excite minds and consciousness with their unfinished work and inexplicable consequences. These include experiments to create a creature called homunculus, mysterious and mysterious.

Homunculus - a strange creature similar to a person

The fact that a human likeness can be created artificially began to be discussed back in the 13th century, thanks to the efforts and diligence of the then famous experimenter Arnaldus de Villanova. But information about how he managed to do this, unfortunately, has not been preserved to this day.

But we know what Paracelsus thought about the origin of homunculus (drawing - photo). The famous Swiss physician and alchemist of the 16th century believed that a creature could be created from human sperm placed in a certain environment (for example, in an egg, and then in horse manure). The mechanism of this process remains unclear to this day.

Paracelsus fed his creation, located in a flask, with drops of human blood; the demonic creature matured at the temperature of a woman’s womb for 40 weeks and reached a size of 12 inches.

Views of animalculists and ovists

Until the end of the eighteenth century, it was generally accepted that the homunculus was located in the sperm (photo), and sometimes these concepts were even identified. In their opinion, when they enter the mother’s body, these little people simply increase in size; the embryo only grows and does not develop. The strange and mysterious theory immediately received the name animalculism. One of its adherents was Leeuwenhoek, a famous scientist who had been studying sperm for a long time.

Thus, Nicholas Hartsoeker, in 1694, argued that the “simplest animals” are found in the sperm of humans and animals, which is why it is a homunculus.
The fact that many people carried out the experiments is evidenced by the drawings of that time. In one of them, Faust bent over the table (photo - drawing “Faust with a homunculus”) and froze in anticipation of a miracle. In another, a drawing by Nicholas Hartsecker, a famous Dutch scientist of the late seventeenth century, the homunculus is nestled in a sperm (photo).

The views of the Ovists were similar to the theory of animalculism, but there was also a difference. They considered the basis for the origin of a creature not to be the male sperm, but the female reproductive cell - the egg. For some reason, the Ovists saw a lot in common between the creation of a homunculus and a clay golem. You can see what a golem - homunculus - looks like in the photo. The followers of this experiment claimed that their homunculus, having grown stronger, soon left its owner. In addition to human sperm, they used skin, bones, and similar fragments of the body of an animal used to produce a hybrid.

There were also those who advised using a mandrake, whose root resembles a human silhouette, to create a homunculus. You need to pick it early on Friday morning, then wash it thoroughly, dry it, and fill it with honey and milk. The most cold-blooded ones recommended feeding it with blood for greater strength, intelligence and strength. It was believed that the miniature man who grew from it would guard and protect its owner for a long time, serve him faithfully and fulfill all his whims.

David Christianus, a doctor at the University of Giessen who studied homunculus, described in the 18th century how it could be made from an ordinary chicken egg. According to him, on the first day of the March lunar cycle, you need to take a black laying egg, make a small hole in the shell, remove part of the protein and place human sperm in it. After sealing the hole with parchment, the egg should be placed in the excrement. On the thirtieth day, according to Christianus, one can expect the appearance of a miniature man capable of serving his master, who will feed on lavender seeds and earthworms.

In the eighteenth century, a representative of academic science, one of the founders of epigenesis, K.F. Wolf, harshly criticized such preformist ideas and sharply opposed their discussion and dissemination.

How to create your own homunculus

Do you want to feel euphoria and feel omnipotent? In this case, why don’t you repeat the bold experiment yourself? Try to make a homunculus (photo) from an ordinary egg.

Creating an artificial creature is not difficult; you can do it as the author of the video advises.

In addition to the egg, you will need a jar with a lid, a syringe, seed material, and simple tools.

You can make a homunculus from a quail egg even faster, it will turn out in just 40 days, and it will be the same as the author of the video.

Or, as shown in the video, an unknown creature can even arise from an ostrich egg.

Over the question of whether this is true or not, many “broke their spears”, because one so wants to believe that man is not only the arbiter of destinies, but also their creator. So, is it possible to say with confidence that these creatures have the right to life, or is the “fake homunculus” a figment of someone’s fevered imagination?

Why is Homunculus fake?

After watching the video below, everything will immediately become clear to you, and any remaining doubts about this matter will dissipate by themselves. Having examined the photo of the result of the work, it becomes clear that there can be no talk of any meaningful behavior. There is a noticeable similarity more with a single-celled organism than with an intelligent being.

You can and should be skeptical about the theory, like, for example, the author of the video.

But who knows, whether delight and surprise will await us in the future from an experiment to create intelligent homunculi?

And the topic of growing a home homunculus from an ordinary chicken egg. The authors of numerous videos on YouTube claim that they know the secret of how to make a homunculus at home. To prove their experiments, they show photos of small embryos. Let's figure out what a homunculus is, true or false, using sound scientific approach.

How to make a homunculus at home

The history of this term dates back to the distant Middle Ages of the 16th century. Then the famous alchemist Paracelsus proposed a method according to which male sperm is poured into a flask, and with the help of horse manure, magnetization and some other sophistications, a creature is obtained, which received the Latin name homunculus.

In the 17th and 18th centuries, it was generally accepted that the homunculus was present in the sperm itself, and when it entered the female womb, it developed and became a human organism. But even then, the brilliant Russian anatomist and physiologist Friedrich Wolf, represented by academic science, spoke sharply negatively regarding the possibility of creating such an alchemical baby.

We live in the 21st century, and in order to refute the claims of the authors of viral videos, we can use basic knowledge of biology and physiology. And the answer to the question whether a homunculus is possible and how to grow it at home under normal conditions will be found immediately, and without organizing a laboratory experiment.

Creating a homunculus from a chicken egg

In videos and photos popular on the Internet, experimental alchemists use their seed to fertilize an ordinary chicken egg. Later, after the incubation period, a homunculus creature is born. Well, miracles of selection, no less!

Any school biology textbook makes it clear that crossing animals of different classes is impossible; in this case, hybrids die or produce infertile offspring. This is due to the huge difference in genomes. Hybridization of chicken and homo sapiens is impossible, if only for the simple reason that scientists consider even artificial things to be unrealistic. But let's look deeper.

We know that domestic chickens have 78 chromosomes in their cell nuclei. In humans, this figure is significantly different - 46 chromosomes. Any change in one direction or another due to mutations inevitably leads to serious diseases such as autism and Down syndrome.

The next obvious reason to doubt the reality of the possibility of creating a homunculus from an egg is the significant differences in the sequences and division of the DNA molecule, as well as the proteins and RNA encoded by it. The principles of structure of sperm and eggs are completely different.

Conception in all birds occurs inside the body, namely in the animal’s oviduct after the period of ovulation. The female reproductive cell rapidly loses its ability to fertilize. That is, in simple words, if a chicken egg has already been laid, then it will not be possible to fertilize it in any way. But if male sperm were artificially injected into a chicken’s oviduct, this would be closer to reality.

But even here we know that when fusions of domestic chicken and hamster cells are artificially produced in cell cultures, then, as a rule, the resulting hybrids immediately begin to throw out the chromosomes of a separate species until they are completely eliminated.

Growing a Homunculus - True or False?

Thus, with the help of basic knowledge of selection methods and principles, we found out that it is impossible to grow a homunculus either at home or in the laboratory in the presence of any scientific instruments and instruments.

The homunculus is unreal and is a common fake and a popular meme like. And if the creation of this creature was real, then the author of the video would definitely receive the Nobel Prize, as for the recent sensational one.

Do not believe the photos of a living homunculus, they are all faked and only misleading, and the authors of the fiction receive money from views of gullible people. Do not take the word of even seemingly authoritative researchers. If they are engaged in journalism and somehow make money from their craft, as, for example, then you can expect any tales from them, such as the myth about the dangers of alcohol. If you love science, read WikiScience!