For Teacher's Day for primary school. Scenario for teacher's day in elementary school

  • 05.09.2023

An original script will help you spend a holiday at school dedicated to Teacher's Day in a fun and unusual way. The program will be complemented by funny and tear-jerking skits for Teacher's Day, telling about the work of teachers. We have collected ideas for writing skits about tests and a teacher's first day at school for elementary, middle and high schools. Unusual numbers with texts and video examples will help you write an unusual holiday script.

Funny scenes for Teacher's Day at school - cool ideas and examples of numbers

Simple ideas and examples will help our readers create funny and cool scenes for Teacher's Day at school. For you, we have selected original numbers about writing tests in various subjects. Funny and somewhat realistic productions will definitely appeal to all school teachers.

Ideas for funny skits at school for Teacher's Day

For many students, writing tests seems like a real challenge. Therefore, the topics of passing tests and solving complex problems can be used to compose funny skits. For example, students can beat a strict teacher who is trying to take away crib sheets or phones from students. Or you can talk about how teachers check tests after passing them. You can see examples of such scenes in our next videos. Ready-made texts can be used to quickly prepare your own numbers.

Video examples of cool and funny skits for Teacher's Day at school

With the help of our selection of video productions about taking tests, middle and high school students will be able to easily write new funny skits for Teacher's Day. If desired, texts from the examples can be borrowed to perform similar acts or to supplement with other more sparkling jokes.

Funny skits for high school on Teacher's Day - examples and ideas for productions

High school students usually prepare a real school concert for Teacher's Day. It may include funny skits, ditties, and musical battles. Our examples and ideas will help you create an original script. Using them, high school students can easily create really funny skits for Teacher's Day.

Ideas for funny skits for Teacher's Day from high school students

To make the finished numbers fun, high school students are advised to spice up the funny story with real life facts. In their funny performances, high school students can tell:

  • about the difficult life of a teacher during exams;
  • about communication (or discussion among students) in the staff room;
  • about the teacher's happiness of going home after a hard day at work;
  • about how teachers have to stay at school when they have a cold because of tests and tests.

Any life situation can be presented in a funny and cool way if you spice it up with sparkling jokes. The idea for a skit about a teacher's first day at a new school is quite funny. For example, high school students can tell how a teacher is afraid of modern children or how he earns authority in front of poor students. In such a cool production, many teachers will be able to recognize their first day at school.

Video examples of funny skits from high school students for Teacher's Day

Video examples will help our readers write a simple and at the same time funny text for a production about a teacher’s first day at school, as well as about the pressing problems of teachers. They will allow you to choose the most successful jokes and create really cool numbers.

Cool skits for Teacher's Day for primary school - ideas and examples of texts

For primary school students, we have selected short funny skits for Teacher's Day. Using simple examples of texts and video numbers, creating an unusual and cool program of events will not be difficult. For students in grades 1-2, it is better to break such productions into 3-4 parts and include them in the script between different competitions, song numbers or skits with poetry readings. But students in grades 3-4 can perform all comic performances at once.

Ideas for creating funny skits for elementary school students for Teacher's Day

Primary school students will be most interested in talking not about the teachers themselves, but about their studies. Funny children's jokes can be used as the basis for skits from schoolchildren in grades 1-4. The guys just have to choose who will play what role and rehearse the number well. For example, for performances, elementary school students can use the following texts:

Teacher: Petrov, what book about famous travelers have you read?
Student Petukhov: “Frog Traveler”

Teacher: Kozyavin, please answer, what is the life expectancy of a mouse?
Disciple Kozyavin: Well, Mary Ivanna, it depends entirely on the cat.

Teacher: Khomyakov, answer, why do people need a nervous system?
Disciple Khomyakov: To be nervous.

A student asks the teacher: Ivan Ivanovich, did you have a tablet as a child?
Teacher: No, what are you talking about, there were no computers then!
Student: What did you play?
Teacher: On the street!

Teacher: Let's see how you learned your homework. Whoever answers first will receive a higher point.
Student Ivanov (raises his hand and shouts): Mary Ivanna, I will be the first, give me three at once!

What does the phrase "Sisyphean labor" mean?
- This means useless work. For example, you learned a lesson, but they didn’t ask you!

Sveta, let me carry your briefcase!
- Yes, it’s not heavy.
- Yes, and I’m not strong!

How do you say “Gogol-Mogol” in English?
- “Shakespeare-Mexpeare”!

Also, the video examples we have selected will be useful to them in creating funny skits for Teacher’s Day. They also talk about the “difficult” life of the kids and their attempts to understand all the complexities of modern science.

Original skits from students - funny video examples for Teacher's Day

A selection of the best video examples will help our readers create not just funny, but also original scenes for Teacher’s Day at school. In them you will also find performances by middle and high school students. Sparkling jokes from different productions can be combined into one number or included in different parts of the script.

Video examples of original funny skits for Teacher's Day at school

Among our videos you will find many unusual and very funny skits that are suitable for Teacher's Day. Texts from them can be used to compose new dialogues or for quick learning and simple preparation for a school concert.

Skits for Teacher's Day, the plot of which tells about unusual incidents in the life of school groups, will help to decorate the festive concert and dilute it with cheerful notes. These are usually small miniature sketches that reflect one short episode of school life. These mini-scenes are akin to “Jumble”: funny, cheerful, capacious and harmless.

The main characters of the festive performances are, of course, schoolchildren and teachers. It is not at all necessary to invite your favorite teacher to play the role of Maria Ivanovna. Much more interesting are funny scenes on Teacher's Day, where all the roles are played by students. You shouldn’t point specifically at someone on a holiday. If in the proposed script for a humorous skit on Teacher's Day the name of a teacher is accidentally entered, which coincides with the name of someone who works at your school, be sure to replace it so that there is no hint of someone else's shortcomings or mistakes.

Congratulations on Teacher's Day, in which characters transform into famous artists and from the stage give their congratulations to education workers, are becoming increasingly popular among children and teachers. It turns out to be a rather original number that will also make you smile, something like a performance by new Russian grandmothers or a congratulation from a pop star.

Sketch for Teacher's Day “Fun School”

The plot of the scene is quite simple, but at the same time lively and interesting. A journalist appears at the school and, on the eve of the holiday, interviews the children, the principal, and the young teacher. All this is played out according to the script that is in the application.

Funny skit for Teacher's Day “Lifelong Incident”

The main characters in this sketch are the school principal and the boy Vova, who will be played by several students. First, Vova, a first-grader, appears before the children, then the director talks with Vova, who is already in the 5th grade. We'll have to get acquainted with his tricks in 9th and 11th grade. Surprisingly, the final scene introduces Vova as the director of this school, in front of whom stands the girl Katya. This funny scene is written in verse, so it will look especially interesting.

A humorous skit for Teacher's Day based on the fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse”

This scene for Teacher’s Day and Ershov’s fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse” have something in common. The main character of the little show is Ivan. Whether he is a fool or a Tsarevich is difficult to figure out. He meets the Little Humpbacked Horse, with whom he discusses school problems.

A funny sketch of congratulations for Teacher’s Day “Nikitichna and Petrovna”

Who doesn’t remember the cheerful, funny presenters Nikitichna and Petrovna, who gave the world hundreds of interesting stories that made you laugh to tears. We invite you to laugh with them, because they will perform an original congratulation sketch on Teacher's Day on the school stage. It can be performed by two students, but it is imperative that they have some small talent for theatrical impersonation and can believably play two merry old ladies who came to congratulate the teachers.

Sketch-performance for Teacher's Day “Ring Show”

A small theatrical performance for the school stage, in which the main characters will not be schoolchildren and their eternal opponents, teachers, but also parents and teachers who have entered into an unequal dispute. What is the dispute about, you ask? Yes, it’s all about the same thing, about children. A cool scene for Teacher's Day will make both teachers, parents, and the schoolchildren themselves, who are being discussed in the ring, smile.

On October 5, 2019, Teachers' Day is celebrated in all educational institutions of our country. The children congratulate their teachers on the holiday, give them flowers, and publish wall newspapers for this day.

Junior schoolchildren traditionally organize concerts at which they perform various numbers: they perform poems, songs, dances, and present scenes from the life of an elementary school for Teacher’s Day.

Miniatures for Teacher's Day for primary classes

Have you ever thought that children imagine school and school life differently than adults? Want to know what they dream about? This is described in a funny sketch for elementary schools performed on Teacher's Day.

There's a lesson in progress. All the guys are buried in smartphones and tablets: writing SMS to each other, playing electronic games.

- Dear Guys! In the new game we played in this lesson, Vovochka won! In the next lesson we will learn a new computer game. Thanks to all! And now, Katenka, please remind the children how to behave at school.

Katya reads out the “Rules of Student Conduct,” according to which he must:

  • never be late for changes,
  • eat all the ice cream and candy that the teacher treats the children to during class,
  • Don’t forget your smartphone and tablet chargers at home.

- See you tomorrow, guys! I remind you that you do not need to do any homework for the next lesson!..

Congratulations on Teacher's Day from elementary school students can also be expressed in verse. It will not be difficult for the children to memorize a few lines so that they can then read them in roles.

Children will also need to convey the characters and state of mind of their characters, finding special intonations for each character. There are usually many people willing to take part in such productions, so finding actors for such a miniature will not be difficult.

Several children take part in the following funny skit for Teacher's Day for primary schoolchildren.

1 student:
- It was in the evening,
There was nothing to do.
Who was walking on the street
Who rested in the after-school program?

2nd student:
- I have a nail in my pocket! And you?

3rd student:
- And we have a guest today! And you?

4 student:
- And we have a cat today
I gave birth to kittens yesterday.
The kittens have grown a little
But they don’t want to eat from a saucer.

1 student:
- And we have gas in the kitchen. And you?

2nd student:
- And we have running water. Here.

3rd student:
- And from our window
The new school is visible.

4 student:
- And from our window -
The office is a bit laborious.

1 student:
- We have a fun class! This time.

2nd student:
- We found a gas mask - that's two.

3rd student:
- Well, thirdly, our teacher
Came to my house
Because in the corridor
I was running around like crazy.

4 student:
- In the class, once a neighbor of a neighbor
I was reading a book after lunch.

1 student:
- A book? This is bullshit.
With a briefcase - yes!

2nd student:
- And our teacher is cool,
Very kind and cheerful,

3rd student:
– Exemplary,
In a word, simply wonderful.

4 student:
- It was in the evening,
There was nothing to argue about...

Short scenes from school life on Teacher's Day

The following skits, staged for Teacher's Day by elementary school students, take place in the classroom. To do this, just designate a place by placing a board and a desk.

The roles of teachers in such mini-productions can be performed by the children themselves. You can change the names of teachers and students if you wish.

To ensure that the audience likes your congratulations on Teacher’s Day from junior schoolchildren, do not forget to rehearse your speech.

- Vasechkin, if you have ten rubles, and you ask your brother for another ten rubles, how much money will you have?
- Ten rubles.
- You don’t know mathematics!
- No, you don’t know my brother!

– Now, guys, solve problem number 15 on your own.
The students get to work.
- Petrov! Why are you copying from Sidorov?
- No, Mary Ivanna, he’s copying it from me, and I’m just checking to see if he did it correctly!

Another scene in an elementary school on Teacher's Day involves a student and a teacher.

Student Zaichikov reaches out his hand.
- What do you want, Zaichikov? Is there something you want to ask?
– Svetlana Vladimirovna, is it true that people descended from monkeys?
- Is it true.
– That’s why I see: there are so few monkeys!

- Guys, now let’s check how you completed the homework I assigned. Whoever goes first to answer the board will receive a higher grade.
Petya Ivanov (raises his hand and shouts):
– Olga Semyonovna, I will be the first, give me a “three” right away!

Another funny number for Teacher's Day, which is suitable for elementary school children, involves a teacher and a student.

– Tanya, you haven’t completed your homework again! Why?
– Ekaterina Vasilievna, yesterday we had no light at home.
- And what were you doing?
– I watched TV, and in complete darkness.

During class, a student raises his hand:
– Natalya Ivanovna, please let me go home early from class today!
- And why is that?
- I'm going to a birthday party.
– But you had it last month!
- So it’s not my birthday, but my kitten’s.
“It turns out that he celebrated this holiday nine times already this year.”
- Yes! And this one is the tenth anniversary!

Funny scenes for elementary school on Teacher's Day

The miniature, which takes place in an elementary school during a Russian language lesson, will also amuse the children at the Teacher's Day holiday.

– Ivanov, tell me, what kind of word “egg” is it?
- None yet.
- Why??
- But it is unknown who will hatch from the egg - a rooster or a chicken!

Another scene for younger schoolchildren on Teacher's Day takes place in a natural history lesson.

- Guys, who can name five wild animals?
Student Koshechkin holds out his hand.
- Answer, Koshechkin.
– A tiger, a tigress and... three tiger cubs.

And the concert at the elementary school on the occasion of Teacher’s Day will end with a short funny production “Regime”. A girl and a boy come onto the stage.

The girl asks her friend:
– Do you know what a regime is?
The boy answers:
- Certainly! This is the daily routine.

– And you fulfill it?
– I even exceed it.
- Like this?
– According to the schedule, I need to walk twice a day, but I walk four!

- No, you are not exceeding the regime, but breaking it! Do you know what the correct daily routine should be? Climb. Washing. Charger. Making the bed. Breakfast. School. Dinner. Walk. Prep. Walk.
- And mine is even better.
- Like this?
– I follow the regime with my grandmother.
- Explain, please.

“I do half of it, and grandma does half of it.” And together we get the whole regime. That is, washing, exercising and making the bed is done by the grandmother. I have breakfast and walk. My grandmother prepares my lessons; I go for walks and have dinner again.
- So you rely on your grandmother for everything, and not on yourself?! Now I understand why you are so undisciplined.

We hope that teachers and children will like such congratulations on Teacher’s Day in the form of short skits performed by primary school students, and that the audience will reward you with applause.

Teacher's Day holiday for students in grades 1-4. Scenario

Target: Foster a sense of gratitude and respect for the teaching profession.


1. Develop acting skills.

3. Develop a sense of humor.

4. Develop imagination.

5. Raise the emotional mood of students and teachers through festive performances.

Hall decoration: The same as on the first of September, you can draw a big bell and make a congratulatory inscription “Happy Teacher’s Day!”



Costume elements

Mel - dressed all in white: white trousers, white turtleneck, face made up with white paint.

The bell is a drawing of a bell glued together from two Whatman paper, hung with ties around the neck, and a bow on the head.

One - a blot on the face, a sheet with the number “1” on the chest.

Deuce - torn pages of the diary are sticking out of the pocket, on the chest there is a sheet with the number “2”.


Several desks on stage.

Paper leaves.

A bell tongue cut from whatman paper.


Medals, postcards with congratulations for teachers.

Confetti poppers.

Flowers and gifts for teachers.

Children act out the skit “Clever Atanas.”

In third grade among us

Atanas is the funniest of all.

It's worth talking to him -

One can only marvel.

You ask: - Listen, boy,

How was class yesterday?

He will answer: - Everything is fine,

Ate four chocolates!

- Which guys are you friends with?

What are they sitting around you?

- I’m friends with those who don’t feel sorry

Give a cheat sheet during class.

To dream a little?

— I really like reading

About food and treats.

- How would you like to live, friend?

- Relax without knowing anything to do.

- What do you like to do?

- Roll on your back in the grass!

- Tell us, Atanas,

Your favorite school hour.

- Well, of course, without a doubt,

It's just a change!

-What do you consider work?

Answer quickly, we are waiting.

- I already consider it difficult

What I chew and swallow myself!

Mel and Zvonok enter holding hands.

Chalk: Well, Atanas! But there are such students!

Call: Yes, they are really waiting for my signal when I say that the lesson is over! They don’t like to study, and they don’t respect their comrades, and they don’t like their teachers.

Chalk: Well, today only those guys who love their teachers have gathered here! After all, today is Teacher's Day!

Call: Then I will ring now not as usual, but solemnly and loudly - in a festive way!

The bell rings.

The teacher enters (the role of the teacher is played by a child) and several students. They sit down at their desks.

Teacher: Let's start the lesson. Make a sentence with the words "cat" and "watch".

Student (raises his hand): When I stepped on the cat’s tail, he shouted: “You have to watch where you step.”

Teacher: Form an adjective from the word "lunch."

Student: Delicious!

Teacher: What kind of noun is “child”?

Student: Children's.

Teacher: Come up with a sentence using the phrase “I was upset.”

Student: When the teacher gave me a D in my diary, I was upset and changed it to an A!

Music plays, the participants in the skit run away from the stage.

Chalk: Let's, guys, study only for A's, so as not to upset our teachers!

Call: But just make them happy! By the way, the holiday has already begun, but we have not yet congratulated our teachers!

Children read a poem:

Autumn. And a little sad

The bustle is just at school again -

We celebrate teacher's day,

We will congratulate everyone on the holiday.

You give us kindness and smiles,

You correct our mistakes,

You lead us to new discoveries,

You are leading strangers to the top.

We learned letters and numbers,

We are trying very hard to study better.

You and I are always interested and cool!

And school life is wonderful only with you!

You give us knowledge, teach us,

Sometimes, to be honest, it hurts.

We love you and respect you,

Happy Teacher's Day to everyone!

Sorry if we're suddenly on time

Forgot to learn a lesson.

Thank you! From all children

For the hard work of teachers!

Two and One enter.

Deuce: Teachers' Day! And now we’ll ruin everything for you!

Call: Nobody invited you here. Go away!

Unit: We live in almost every student’s diary. So we belong here.

Two: And don't you dare kick us out. Otherwise we'll get angry! Here! I'm already angry! Now I’ll fill you all with leaves! You won't get out!

Paper leaves fall onto the stage.

Chalk: Leaf fall is dedicated to teachers!!!

Children go out and sing to the tune of the song “Yellow Leaves”:

We can't live in this world,

We can't live in this world

No loss, no loss.

It seemed that summer would not pass,

It seemed that summer would not pass,

And now, and now...

Notebooks rustle in the classroom,

Notebooks rustle in the classroom -

The class is silent. The class is silent.

Everything is fine in class

Everything is fine in class

Mel knocks. Mel knocks...

Yellow leaves are circling over the stage,

With a quiet rustle they lie down on our desks.

This fall, the holiday has come knocking on our door,

Teacher's Day hasn't been celebrated for a year!

And even if the teacher is strict,

And even if the teacher is strict,

No matter, no matter...

In this life all roads are

In this life all roads

From him, from him...

Yellow leaves are circling over the stage,

With a quiet rustle they lie down on our desks.

This fall, the holiday has come knocking on our door,

Teacher's Day hasn't been celebrated for a year!

Unit: Yes, don’t be confused, kids...

Two: It’s okay, now they’ll sing differently... I managed to do something!

Call: Oh, Mel, guys, my language has disappeared, now I won’t be able to notify about the start of lessons and breaks... What should I do???

Chalk: I know what to do, Ring! You need to approach any situation with humor!

Children sing ditties:

I was in no hurry to go to school

I found myself in the store!

I chose Snickers, lollipop!

And the lesson is over!!!

Desk with blots and little devils -

Natka drew.

But then, I’ll say, guys,

It was not sweet for her!

In gym class

We played football.

And the girls as a whole team

They scored a goal for themselves!

The couple starts dancing to the children's ditties. Bell's tongue falls out of her pocket. The bell immediately picks him up.

I'm not ready for the lesson

I'll tell you that I'm not well...

And the teacher believed me,

I took it and called the doctors!

I got a D yesterday

How so? How so?

After all, I copied it from Tomka,

She has an "A".

And the teacher told me:

“You wrote it upside down.”

Unit: Look, Deuce, you dropped your tongue while you were dancing with the children, and he’s already at the Bell. But it’s okay, we’ll still have fun!

The bell rings.

Call: Now everything is all right. And we can begin the solemn ceremony of presenting the award “Teacher is not a title. Teacher is a calling!

Fanfare sounds. A boy in a suit and a girl in a smart dress appear on stage.

Girl: The title “Not a teacher, but a song” is awarded to a music teacher!

Teachers go on stage, they are awarded medals and presented with postcard diplomas with congratulatory poems.


But I sing to the music

A modern song.

Girl: The title “Golden Hands” is awarded to a labor teacher!


Everything is in glue and in paints too

In class we create

Our teacher will help us,

We say thank you to him!

Girl: The title “You can’t forbid being an athlete!” assigned to a physical education teacher.


In winter - on skis, in autumn - in the gym

We ran, frolicked and jumped...

The teacher studied with us,

And the master of sports was “educated” this way.

Girl: The title “The brush is always with me” is awarded to an art teacher.


The world is becoming more beautiful

If the leaf is green-red!

We can mix all the colors!

The teacher gives us a high five.

Girl: The title “Teacher with a capital T” is assigned to a primary school teacher (first name, patronymic).


It's fun, calm, sweet with you!

We love you, we value you.

All notebooks, books - everything is in order...

We are happy to come to your lessons.

The fanfare sounds again. The girl and boy leave.

Chalk: How many kind words you gave to your teachers! I wonder what the teachers themselves think about when they communicate with you? Let's find out!

Game “Poems will tell everything”

Teachers are asked to remember the title and line of a poem. After this, the presenter approaches one of the teachers and asks a question, to which the teacher answers with the words he intended.

Questions could be:

— What do you think about when you enter the classroom?

— What do you say if a student is not ready for a lesson?

— What are your thoughts when checking a test?

Call: Yes, dear teachers... You seem so strict, but in reality you are mischievous, mysterious people - don’t say what you really think. By the way, my guys, I have riddles for you!

Summer, winter - all on skis,

Brother is a table, sister is a bench.

These are the most in the world

Inseparable friends. (Desk)

What kind of siskin on a black field

Drawing a white mark with its beak?

The siskin has no legs or wings,

There is no feather, no down. (Chalk)

I'm lying in my school bag,

I'll tell you how you learn. (Diary)

She speaks silently

But it’s understandable and not boring,

Talk to her more often -

You will become four times smarter! (Book)

Black, crooked,

Everyone is mute from birth.

They'll stand in a row

They'll start talking in no time. (Letters)

Black Ivashka -

Wooden shirt.

Where will it take place?

The trace remains there. (Pencil)

Though dumb,

Call him lazy. (Wall newspaper)

White seed, black seed -

He who sows it understands it. (Letter)

He sees well, but he is blind. (Illiterate person)

Two: Wow, smart guys! Now we will scare them, they will immediately forget how to think from fear!

Unit: They will die of fear!

Firecrackers explode.

Call: Look, guys, we have fireworks! Dear teachers, this is for you! Happy holiday!

Even if your work is not easy,

Notebooks, bad grades, eternal assignments...

Your reward is in the student's diary

Five is the best recognition!

Two: It didn’t work out...

Unit: Okay, let's go look for diaries for permanent residence!

Two: Let's go to. (They leave.)

The song “School Time” is playing. Children give teachers flowers and gifts.