Lesson summary "portrait of a dear mother." Notes on drawing in the senior group “Portrait of a Beloved Mother”

  • 20.04.2019

HTD lesson notes (drawing)

“Portrait of my dear mother”

Target :

To consolidate children's knowledge about the genre of portraiture. To cultivate a feeling of love and respect for the mother through communication with works of art. Make children want to draw a portrait of their mother, to convey in the drawing some features of her appearance (eye color, hair color). Learn to position parts of the face correctly. Strengthen the techniques of painting with paints using the entire brush and its tip.

Vocabulary work:

Portrait, self-portrait, bust-length, miniature, profile, frontal, full-face, cheerful, friendly, executive, long-haired, short-haired, white-faced, chubby, black-browed, big-eyed, etc.

Methodological support:

The teacher has a poster with a female bust portrait, chalk for drawing, and diagrams of the face. Children have a sheet of paper (A-4 format), pencils, watercolor paints, gouache, including light pink or light orange for drawing the face, palette. Thick and thin brushes, water glasses, napkins.

Preliminary work:

Examination of portraits of artists and poets.

Consideration of thematic dictionary in pictures from the series “Human World” on the topic: “Parts of the body.” Drawing with a simple pencil portraits.

Didactic game“Name it affectionately”, “Name the parts of the head”, “Name what a person has 2”, etc.

Progress of the lesson:

"Simple Word"

In the world of kind words

Lives quite a bit

But one thing is kinder and more important than all:

Of two syllables

A simple word "mom"

And there are no words dearer than it!

Children today we will draw a portrait of the most dear and beloved person for everyone - a portrait of our mother. You know what your mother's eyes are, what her hair color is, what her hairstyle is, what her favorite dress is.

If you see one of us looking from the picture,

Or a prince in an old cloak, or some kind of steeplejack,

A pilot or a ballerina, or Kolka, your neighbor.

The painting must be called... (portrait)

Portraits are:

Portraits are also distinguished by size, for example miniature.

You can also highlight a self-portrait - the artist’s depiction of himself.

(see Attachment)

Before drawing a portrait of your mother, we will look at the portrait of this actress so that you depict the eyes, nose, and mouth on the face in the right places.

What shape is the head? (circle your head with your fingers).

Place your hand on your forehead. A person's eyes are located below the forehead, in the middle of the face.

What shape are they? (oval with sharp corners).

The teacher draws an oval with chalk on the board and his eyes in the middle, explaining that the distance between the eyes is small, no more than one eye.

Inside the eye there is a colored circle and a small pupil.

What are your mother Julia's eyes like?

Brown eyes.

Your mom is brown-eyed! And your Sasha?

Mom is blue-eyed, gray-eyed, etc.

What is above the eyes? (brows).

These are arcuate stripes.

But a person’s nose is the same color as his face. Therefore, you need to draw only the tip of the nose in the middle of the distance from the eyes to the end of the face. But from the tip of the nose to the end of the face there are lips.

Children, look at each other. You see that the upper lip is different in shape from the lower. There are, as it were, two waves on the upper lip, and one on the lower lip (draw lips). Place your hand on your chin.

Now tell me where the eyes are located? (in the middle of the face).

The tip of the nose? (in the middle from the eyes to the end of the face).

Lips? (midway from the tip of the nose to the end of the face).

Didactic game “Name it affectionately.”

Eyes - ocelli Eyebrows - eyebrows

Nose - spout Lip - sponge

Cheek - cheek Lips - lips, lips

Forehead - forehead Ears - ears

Hair - hairs, etc.

You will draw a full-length portrait of your mother - head, neck, shoulders. Don’t forget that the neck is narrower than the face, and the shoulders are wider than the head (I show it in the portrait).

Try to draw the color of the eyes, hair, hairstyle, and the top of the dress like your mother’s.

Didactic game "Which one?"

Words - definitions:

kind, affectionate, caring, good, young, beautiful, slim, fashionable, cheerful, healthy, strict, strong, athletic, well-mannered, cultured, smart, contented, happy, etc.

- Word formation:

Teacher: Children:

If he enjoys life? Cheerful

If he wishes well? Friendly

If he does everything? Executive

If mom long hair? Long-haired

If mom has a white face? White-faced

If mom has a round face? Chubby

If mom has black eyebrows? Black-browed

If mom big eyes? Big Eyes

What if mom is busy with housework? Housewife

Didactic game “What is he doing?”

Verbs (words - actions):

Goes to work, earns money, cooks, cleans the apartment, wipes the dust, washes dishes, cooks, fries, washes, irons, sews, goes to the store, reads fairy tales, takes care of the fish, listens to music, sings songs, dances, plays with me, sitting, standing, resting, sleeping, etc.

Didactic game “Mommy, which one?”

Mom smiles - smiling

Mom is sad - sad

Mom laughs - cheerful

Mom is crying - whiny

Mom is angry - angry

Mom was lost in thought—thoughtful, etc.

Now imagine your mother and start drawing.

During the lesson, I advise you to draw a large face on a sheet of paper, paint over its shape with the whole brush, leave a place at the top of the sheet for hair, while the paint dries, draw the neck and shoulders. We depict parts of the face with the tip of the brush.

I help you remember what jewelry your mother wears.

All children draw diligently, the teacher provides assistance.

At the end of the lesson I display the children's work on a stand.

Do you think your mothers recognize themselves in the portraits?

Children analyze their drawings, talking about their mothers.

Children, you all tried very hard and drew a good portrait of your mother.

All the mothers in the portraits turned out beautiful, because all children love their mothers.

All mothers will be able to admire their portraits.

Program content:

Learn to draw a portrait of your mother, passing it on individual characteristics: eye color, hair color

Learn to follow consistency when drawing,

encourage children to convey their attitude, their feelings towards loved ones in the image.

Progress of the lesson.

1.Organizing time

The teacher offers a short warm-up:

“We clap-clap our hands,

We kick stomp.

Shoulders chick-chick,

Eyes blink.

Let's join hands

And let's smile at each other"


- Now tell me.

Who loves you, children, dearly,

Who loves you so tenderly.

Without closing your eyes at night

Does everything take care of you?

(Mom dear)

In the world of kind words

Lives quite a bit

But one thing is kinder and more important than all:

Of two syllables

A simple word "mom"

And there are no words dearer than it!

The most beautiful word in the world is mother. This is the first word a person speaks, and it sounds equally gentle in all languages! Mom has the most affectionate and kind heart.


Who knows what holiday is coming? (Mothers Day)

Children today we will draw a portrait of the most dear and beloved person for everyone - a portrait of our mother.

The children sit at the tables.

If you see one of us looking from the picture,

Or a prince in an old cloak, or some kind of steeplejack,

A pilot or a ballerina, or Kolka, your neighbor.

The painting must be called... (portrait)

Before drawing a portrait of your mother, we will look at the portrait of this actress so that you depict the eyes, nose, and mouth on the face in the right places.

What shape is the head? (circle your head with your fingers).

(Using the palms we limit the face, find the eyes and their location).

What is above the eyes? (Brows)

Between the eyes and the chin is the tip of the nose.

Where is he located? (Middle)

What is in the middle between the tip of the nose and the chin? (Mouth-lips)

The head goes into the neck.

1.First we draw thin lines the face is an oval.

Here is an oval face, it looks like an egg.

The teacher draws an oval with chalk on the board and his eyes in the middle, explaining that the distance between the eyes is small, no more than one eye.

Inside the eye there is a colored circle and a small pupil.

People's eyes have different colors. For example, I have brown ones, which means my circle will be brown.

Don't forget to draw the eyelashes; they are longer on the upper eyelid than on the lower one.
3.What is above the eyes? (brows).

These are arcuate stripes.

4. Drawing the nose - the nose is in the middle, starting at the eyebrows. It is drawn with a smooth arc-shaped line. The crown of the nose is rounded and drawn on the sides
wings of the nose and nostrils.
5.The mouth is below the nose. Children, look at each other. You see that the upper lip is different in shape from the lower. There are, as it were, two waves on the upper lip, and one on the lower lip (draw lips).

6.Draw ears on the sides at the level of the eyes and nose...

7Lengthen the neck, round the shoulders.

8. Then fluffy hair. Now the portrait is ready.

All that remains is to color the portrait.

To get started with the work itself, we will warm up a little.

5. Physical training

I love my mom

I will always help her:

I love my mom

And I will always help her:

I wash, rinse.

I love my mom

If mom goes to bed,

I won't bother her.

I'm walking on tiptoes

Now imagine your mother and start drawing.

Guys, draw with thin lines so that unnecessary or inaccurate lines can be easily removed with an eraser.
(Children draw, the teacher comes up, advises, helps, there is musical accompaniment).

I pay attention to how children sit at tables (posture, legs).

7.Result of the work

The drawings are posted on the board. Everyone comes up and looks at the work.

What do you think, Egor, in which portrait are the parts of the face correctly located?

In which portrait is the mother kind and cheerful? (Kind because she is happy)

You all tried. The mothers turned out very beautiful because you love them very much.



Drawing on the theme “Portrait of Mom” senior group

Program content:

Learn to draw a portrait of your mother, conveying her individual characteristics: eye color, hair color

Learn to follow consistency when drawing,

Encourage children to convey their attitude, their feelings towards loved ones in the image.

Progress of the lesson.

1.Organizational moment

The teacher offers a short warm-up:

“We clap-clap our hands,

We kick stomp.

Shoulders chick-chick,

Eyes blink.

Let's join hands

And let's smile at each other"


- Now tell me.

Who loves you, children, dearly,

Who loves you so tenderly.

Without closing your eyes at night

Does everything take care of you?

(Mom dear)

In the world of kind words

Lives quite a bit

But one thing is kinder and more important than all:

Of two syllables

A simple word "mom"

And there are no words dearer than it!

The most beautiful word in the world is mother. This is the first word a person speaks, and it sounds equally gentle in all languages! Mom has the most affectionate and kind heart.


Who knows what holiday is coming? (Mothers Day)

Children today we will draw a portrait of the most dear and beloved person for everyone - a portrait of our mother.

The children sit at the tables.

2. Display of a finished sample or portrait painting

If you see one of us looking from the picture,

Or a prince in an old cloak, or some kind of steeplejack,

A pilot or a ballerina, or Kolka, your neighbor.

The painting must be called... (portrait)

Before drawing a portrait of your mother, we will look at the portrait of this actress so that you depict the eyes, nose, and mouth on the face in the right places.

3. Oral face drawing (using your finger).

What shape is the head? (circle your head with your fingers).

(Using the palms we limit the face, find the eyes and their location).

What is above the eyes? (Brows)

Between the eyes and the chin is the tip of the nose.

Where is he located? (Middle)

What is in the middle between the tip of the nose and the chin? (Mouth-lips)

The head goes into the neck.

4.Display step by step drawing portrait.

1. First, draw an oval face with thin lines.

Here is an oval face, it looks like an egg.

The teacher draws an oval with chalk on the board and his eyes in the middle, explaining that the distance between the eyes is small, no more than one eye.

Inside the eye there is a colored circle and a small pupil.

People's eyes have different colors. For example, I have brown ones, which means my circle will be brown.

Don't forget to draw the eyelashes; they are longer on the upper eyelid than on the lower one.
3.What is above the eyes? (brows).

These are arcuate stripes.

4. Drawing the nose - the nose is in the middle, starting at the eyebrows. It is drawn with a smooth arc-shaped line. The crown of the nose is rounded and drawn on the sides
wings of the nose and nostrils.
5.The mouth is below the nose.Children, look at each other. You see that the upper lip is different in shape from the lower. There are, as it were, two waves on the upper lip, and one on the lower lip (draw lips).

6.Draw ears on the sides at the level of the eyes and nose...

7Lengthen the neck, round the shoulders.

8. Then fluffy hair. Now the portrait is ready.

All that remains is to color the portrait.

To get started with the work itself, we will warm up a little.

5. Physical training

I love my mom

I will always help her:

I’ll chop the wood too: like this / 2 times

And I’ll sweep the floors: like this / 2 times

I love my mom

And I will always help her:

I wash, rinse.

I shake the water off my hands: like this/2 times

I love my mom

If mom goes to bed,

I won't bother her.

I'm walking on tiptoes

Or I’ll sit and just sit and look at mommy.

Now imagine your mother and start drawing.

6.Children’s independent work.

Guys, draw with thin lines so that unnecessary or inaccurate lines can be easily removed with an eraser.
(Children draw, the teacher comes up, advises, helps, there is musical accompaniment).

I pay attention to how children sit at tables (posture, legs).

7.Result of the work

The drawings are posted on the board. Everyone comes up and looks at the work.

What do you think, Egor, in which portrait are the parts of the face correctly located?


In which portrait is the mother kind and cheerful? (Kind because she is happy)

You all tried. The mothers turned out very beautiful because you love them very much.

Zheldasheva Oksana Valentinovna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MCOU "school 31 named after Nuri Tsagova" preschool module 29
Locality: Nalchik, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic
Name of material: Abstract
Subject: Summary of GCD for drawing in senior group"Portrait of a Mother"
Publication date: 21.03.2016
Chapter: preschool education

Notes on drawing in the senior group “Portrait of a Mother”

1. Expand children’s ideas about the holiday “Mother’s Day” 2. Form children’s knowledge about the genre of painting - portraiture. Learn to draw a portrait of your mother, observing the shape, proportions, and location of parts of the face in the drawing; convey the characteristic, individual characteristics of your mother (eye color, hair color). 3. Cultivate love, care, tender attitude towards the person closest to you; aesthetic attitude to the image of mother. 4. Activate children's vocabulary on this topic. Preliminary work: examining reproductions, drawing portraits in independent activities.
album sheet, brushes, watercolor. Content organized activities children
1. Introductory word teacher Organizing time.
By tradition, at the end of November, Mother's Day is celebrated in our country. Mom is the very first word a baby says. Mom is the closest person, mother constantly takes care of her child, protects him. Mom will always regret, understand and forgive, and will love her child, no matter what. Maternal care and selfless love keep us warm until old age. On Mother's Day, I will say thank you to all the mothers of our Earth, So that we can see a billion of your smiles every day! After all, mother gave life, We are with joy and in trouble, Always strive to take care of her, She will respond with kindness! And now I will read you Yuri Yakovlev’s story “Mom” (reading of the story by the teacher) Didactic game “Tender Word” (children name affectionate words addressed to mom)
2. Conversation
Introduction to the topic
. Guys, today we will draw a portrait of the person you love most - your mother. Before we start drawing, let's remember what a portrait is? (children's answers) - What shape is the human head? (children: oval). Draw an oval in the air.
- Where are a person’s eyes located and what shape are they? (the eyes are located below the forehead and also have an oval shape, where is the nose and mouth located? (children name the location of the parts, and the teacher makes a linear drawing on the board) - And now, guys, remember mother’s eyes, mother’s hair color, mother’s smile, favorite decoration moms and start drawing.

Didactic game “Name it affectionately.”
Eyes - eyes Eyebrows - eyebrows Nose - nose Lip - sponge Cheek - cheek Lips - lips, lips Forehead - forehead Ears - ears Hair - hairs, etc. Physical education lesson “Like our guys” Like our guys, their legs are merrily knocking: Top-top-top, top-top-top. And the legs are tired, their palms clap: Clap-clap-clap, clap-clap-clap. And then the children dance side by side in a squat. Down-up, one-two, one-two. This is how kids dance. And once they start running, no one can catch them.
3. Practical part.
-Now sit comfortably, close your eyes and remember what kind of eyes, nose, straight or wavy your mother has, and whether there is a smile on her face. - Let's repeat once again what we do first, what then, and how we finish our work. Those who have already remembered can begin to implement it. Independent work of children. I remind you how to sit correctly at the table. During the lesson, I advise you to draw a large face on a sheet of paper, paint over its shape with the entire brush, and leave room for hair at the top of the sheet. We depict parts of the face with the tip of the brush. All children draw diligently, the teacher provides assistance. I warn you five minutes in advance that the work is finished.
4. Summary:
Today each of us gave a gift to our mother - we painted her portrait. Children analyze their drawings, talking about their mothers. You all tried very hard and drew a good portrait of your mother. The portraits of your mothers turned out beautiful because all children love their mothers.

Anna Shkurkina
Summary of a drawing lesson in the senior group “Portrait of Dear Mommy”

Summary of a drawing lesson in the senior group.

Subject: « Dear mom's portrait» .

Tasks: Instill love for family. Be able to construct a whole from parts (Lay out a human figure from geometric shapes) . Develop the ability to find a cause-and-effect relationship. Learn to position portrait on the entire sheet. Paint with a simple pencil the oval of the face. Finish what you start.

Required material: Simple pencil, gouache, brushes (thin and thick, White list paper, a glass of water.

Cognitive and communicative

1. Organizational moment: The artist Tube comes to visit the children. Riddle about mom.

2 Reading a poem "Mom's smile".

3. Looking at the album "Our Mothers".

4. Conversation "Where our mothers work".

5. Review of the diagram "How draw a portrait» ?

Tube is upset that he can't draw portraits our boys’ mothers because he doesn’t know them.

Problem situation: How to help Tube?


Di "Professions", (What do our mothers do)

Di "Who needs what",

Di "Miracle flower" - "Flowers for mommies» .

Phys. culture/health: Hand massage "Piano".

Motor gymnastics: "Matryoshka"(flash drive).

Finger gymnastics: "Our scarlet flowers",

Visual gymnastics "Far close".

TRIZ: “We buy flowers because...”.


1. "Mom's portrait» .


Exhibition of drawings "My beautiful mommy» .

Reflection: Do you think Tube liked it? portraits?

Publications on the topic:

Goal: To consolidate children’s knowledge about portraiture and its features. Objectives: Educational: - Continue to learn how to draw a portrait, passing on.

Tell me, guys, what holiday is approaching? Children: International Women's Day - March 8th. Educator: That's right, the long-awaited one has arrived.

Summary of continuous educational activities in the first junior group “We will bake gingerbread cookies for dear mommy” Purpose: to give children an idea of ​​the Mother's Day holiday. Objectives: Educational: develop the ability to answer questions with complete answers;

Notes on drawing in the preparatory group “Portrait of a Friend” Municipal budget preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 27 “Fairy Tale” Notes on drawing in the preparatory class.

Topic: “Now I’ll draw a portrait of my mother” Educational areas: « Cognitive development", "Socially - communicative", "Artistically.

Summary of a lesson on artistic and aesthetic development (manual labor) in high school preparatory group“Portrait of Autumn” Age: children 5-6.

Mother is the name of God on the lips and hearts of little children. (U. Thacker on November 17, 2016, a thematic lesson was held at MBDOU d/s No. 14.

municipal budgetary preschool educational institution KINDERGARTEN No. 12 "BEREZKA" of a combined type in the city of Iskitim, Novosibirsk region
Kazantseva Larisa Alekseevna,
musical director

Topic: “Portrait of a sweet mother”
Program content:
fostering a desire to care for loved ones;
consolidating the idea of ​​a family as people who live together, love each other, take care of each other (children should know the names of all members of their family);
formation of an idea of ​​the portrait genre. Familiarization with portrait painting, portrait painters;
development in children of the ability to peer into human faces;
learning to draw a portrait and correctly depict facial features.

Materials used: illustrations “Children giving flowers to grandma”, “Congratulations to mom”, “Family in the living room”.

Projector for viewing video (photos of children, family and relatives), audio recording piece of music about family. Easels, landscape 2 sheets of A3 format, colored crayons, wax crayons, suitable for the theme of reproduction - portraits, subject-schematic model of the composition of the drawing - portrait, children's songs about the family.

Preliminary work:
A selection of family photographs and a portrait of your child.

Progress of the lesson:
1. Org. moment (In a circle)

(Guys, I welcome you, in the role of the Violet Fairy)

Fairy Violet:
Hello dear children
You are the most beautiful in the world.

(Let's say hello to the guests)

All the children gathered in a circle.
I am your friend and you are my friend.
Let's hold hands tightly
And let's smile at each other.

2. Conversation about family

Fairy Violet:
Tell me, guys, where are you in a hurry in the evening, after kindergarten?

Children's answer...

That's right, home.
And why?

Children's answer...

Yes, your family is waiting for you!
It’s so good that you all have a family!
What is family?

Children read poetry:

Family is happiness, love and luck,
Family means trips to the country in the summer.
Family is a holiday, family dates,
Gifts, shopping, pleasant spending.
Family is work, caring for each other,
Family is a lot homework.
Family is important!
Family is difficult!
But it is impossible to live happily without a family!

Fairy Violet:
You are the happiest children in the world because you have a family.
I invite you to watch the presentation and tell me,
Who lives in your families?

(View presentation) – Children’s story about family photos.

Fairy Violet:
Can you recognize yourself in the portraits your parents painted?

Children's answer...

Guys, look carefully at each other, now you will guess.

(Showing painted portraits of children - by parents)

Fairy Violet:
Guys, let's play a game: “Make a funny portrait of your relative.”
Here are the parts of the face, you must make a portrait of your cheerful relative, and say who you got.

(Game being played)

Show everyone how funny your portraits of your relatives turned out.

And now we will sing about what a portrait is.

Song: "Portrait"

If you see what's in the picture
Does anyone look at us?
Or a prince in an old cloak,
Or a steeplejack in a robe,
Or is it Aunt Zina,
Or Kolka, your neighbor,
Required picture
It's called a portrait!

Fairy Violet:
Guys, you can not only make portraits,
but also to write while looking at a person,
or you can make it from a photograph,
and we will try to paint a portrait from memory.

Let's close our eyes...
We will try to remember your mothers.
Remember what eyebrows, eyes, nose, lips they have (what color of lipstick they wear on their lips)
Let's open our eyes...
Do you remember?
Your mothers will be very pleased if we draw their portrait.

Fairy Violet:
Well? Shall we paint my mother's portrait?

Children's answer...

Physical education minute:

We painted today
Our fingers are tired
Let's shake our fingers
Let's start drawing now.

Fairy Violet:
You and I will paint a portrait like artists, according to a diagram.

(There is a diagram on the board step by step drawing, done with a simple pencil)

Pay attention to the main arrangement of parts of the face: eyes, nose, mouth, ears.

1- oval
2- divide the oval into two halves
3- in the lower half there will be a nose in the middle
4- lips
5- eyebrows
6- eyes

(After writing the main parts, techniques for coloring lips and eyes with crayons.)

Fairy Violet:
Guys, what did we forget to draw?

Children's answer: hair...

Fairy Violet:
There are everyday and festive hairstyles. Create the image of your mother yourself...

You guys are all so great, what wonderful portraits you have...
Now we will create big picture"Friendly family"

(children paste their work onto the overall picture)

(Children read the verse all together)

We are children of the same planet,
All friends, one family.
There are no barriers to friendship in everything,
We are all a friendly family!