Maria Kravchenko: Comedy Woman star is pregnant from the producer. Personal life of participants in the Comedy Woman show Maria Kravchenko and Konstantin Zolotarev

  • 21.06.2019
08.12.2014 12:20

29-year-old actress and comedy star comedy show Woman Mary Kravchenko is pregnant. The father of the unborn child is the producer of the TNT channel Konstantin Zolotarev.

Maria Kravchenko and Konstantin Zolotarev have been dating for about a year. In the summer it became known that Maria Kravchenko was pregnant. Now Maria Kravchenko is in her fifth month of pregnancy.

“I found out about Mani’s pregnancy a month and a half ago. I starred with her in an episode of the film “Women against Men.” One day Kostya came to the site, we talked about the children, and he told me about his happiness,” the soloist said group "Hands up!" Sergey Zhukov.

Another colleague of the actress in the same film, Natalya Rudova, said: "At the premiere on March 5, she will already have a big belly, I'm so happy for her, she literally glows with happiness."

For Kravchenko, this will be the first child, and her beloved man will become a father for the third time. Despite the fact that Konstantin divorced his first wife Natalya, they were able to maintain friendly relations, because they have two children - ten-year-old Varvara and two-year-old Sofia. "Kostya and I divorced not so long ago, but we raise children together. We have absolutely no disagreements. He is a wonderful father and friend, he loves his daughters very much," he is quoted as saying. ex-wife producer Konstantin Zolotarev Starhit.

The future parents themselves prefer not to comment on the information about the imminent addition. Maria Kravchenko - actress, participant in the project " comedy woman», former member KVN teams "MISiS Team", "Team of Small Nations" and "Own Secrets".

Maria Kravchenko was born on January 13, 1985 in the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur. Studied at MOU secondary school No. 41. Graduated music school in piano class.

In 2006, she graduated from the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys with a degree in teaching of English language».

Until February 2013, she worked at the Moscow Finance and Law Academy as the head of the department youth programs, and is also a participant in the Comedy Woman show.

Is Maria Kravchenko from Comedy pregnant?

There is no way to verify that the participant of "Comedy Wumen" Maria Kravchenko is pregnant.

No information about her pregnancy, no photos where there is a hint of pregnancy.

Rumors about the pregnancy of girls and women often go, as well as about what if that man (actor) is a homosexual.

The moderator chose this answer as the best comment storus 10 months ago

The rumor that Maria Kravchenko, who is known to viewers from Comedy Vumen, is pregnant, apparently turned out to be true. This news was written about by such sources as News of the Regions of Russia, StarHit, Days.Ru, TopBeauty, Tele.Ru.

The future dad will be Konstantin Zolotarev, producer of the TNT channel. He already has two children from a previous marriage and is now looking forward to a third. Information about the pregnancy was also confirmed by Kostya's friend, singer Sergei Zhukov, and Maria's colleague, actress Natalya Rudova.

But here "7" denies the girl's pregnancy.

Perhaps everything will become clear at the premiere of the film "Women against Men", in which Maria Kravchenko starred. This event will take place on March 5th, so it's not long to wait.


The ranks of pregnant women have replenished: Maria Kravchenko is pregnant!

The Comedy Woman star is preparing to become a mother. All the details of celebrity pregnancy on TOPBEAUTY. Always one of the stars is expecting a baby, and the world, with bated breath, is waiting for the baby to be born. Blake Lively and Jessica Biel are pregnant right now. It seems that they have arrived in their orderly ranks: Maria Kravchenko is also in an interesting position! It's no secret that the star has been dating TNT producer Konstantin Zolotarev for more than a year, but no one knew that the couple was planning children. Maria Kravchenko is now in her fifth month of pregnancy and this will be her first child. But her chosen one is already a father twice and broke up with his wife not so long ago, but before the fateful meeting with the Comedy Woman star. The actress and humorist will become a mother in the spring of 2015. We hope that this time Konstantin will still be able to save his family.

The popular show "Comedy Woman" has been one of the brightest and most eye-catching projects on television for more than 10 years. Its participants have created many recognizable images that are easy to meet in ordinary life among friends and acquaintances.

Actresses have gained great popularity in Russia and abroad, turning the television entertainment program into a real touring theatre. Each of the girls is unique in its own way. One of the central participants of Comedy Vumen is actress Maria Kravchenko, whose biography and personal life considered in this material.


The future star of the modern comedy genre was born on January 13, 1985 in the Khabarovsk Territory, the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur. Maria's family, like many in the provinces, worked in the industrial sector, people creative professions there were no relatives or friends. Little Masha grew up as an active and artistic child, she constantly acted out home performances and started playing games in the theater with puppets.

Maria Kravchenko as a child with her parents

The parents decided that in order to develop creative abilities, it would not hurt to take their daughter to a music school, where Maria began to learn to play the piano. She loved to study, but, getting older, she told her relatives that she did not want to associate her life with the keys, and would look for herself in other directions. The girl was attracted by foreign languages, her dream was the work of a translator.

Student years

Finished in hometown high school, the girl entered the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys, at the Faculty of Education. One of Maria's classmates was Ekaterina Varnava, who can also be seen in the Comedy Vumen show. The friendship of these talented and active girls has grown into a joint passion for KVN. They played in pair scenes, thought out performances together, wrote scripts for the institute team.

Among the students, there were several more artistic and passionate girls, so in 2003 the “MISiS Team” was formed. The women's team existed until 2005, having distinguished themselves at several student festivals. Many began to lose enthusiasm, life priorities changed.

Mary in her youth close friend Catherine Varnava

Maria Kravchenko and Ekaterina Varnava did not plan to stop, feeling a great attraction to playing on stage, after a while they received an invitation to join the KVN team "Team of Small Nations", already known a wide range viewers in 2005.

In the 2005 KVN Premier League, the team performed with new members. Maria participated in comedy skits with such partners as Nikolai Gigani and Renat Fatkhullin. Then the “Team of Small Nations” took 4th place. In 2006, Kravchenko and her team managed to get into the Major League, but the guys were weaker than other teams and did not make it to the final. After that, the “Team” began to disintegrate.

M. Kravchenko as part of the Team of Small Nations

Kravchenko and Varnava moved to women's team"My Secrets", formed within the walls of the Moscow Financial and Legal Academy. The team performed at the Sochi festival in 2007, at the Voting Kivin festival in Jurmala, and also made it to the Higher League in 2008, where it was decided to stop playing activities in the usual composition.

Participation in "Comedy Vumen"

Girlfriends Kravchenko and Varnava got the main thing from performances in various teams - participation in the filming and the attention of the viewer. They began to be recognized, invited to major festivals, and most importantly - the girls got the opportunity to take part in the new comedy project "Made in Woman".

Actress in "Comedy Wumen"

The project had a club format, the actresses performed in front of a small audience with humorous sketches in various vivid images. In 2008, the entertainment channel TNT showed interest in the project and acquired the right to release a television version. The first releases instantly made the show one of the highest rated on the screens.

The only role in the film "Women against men"

The heroines of Maria Kravchenko are noisy and broken girls from bad companies, who do not follow the language and give out unsurpassed speech turns, were immediately remembered and became loved by the public. The image was perfect for any situation that Maria showed on stage - an incident in a club, a quarrel with her husband, a dialogue with a friend, and others.

Family and personal life

The personal life of Maria Kravchenko from Comedy Vumen was under a veil of secrecy for quite a long time. The image of a sharp-tongued courtyard girl in sweatpants and with seeds in her pocket left an imprint on real life. Guys of this type began to show excessive attention to the actress, not realizing that in her free time from filming, Masha looks more like a real Turgenev young lady. Brought up by a music school and classical literature the girl dreamed of meeting a well-read and developed man who would invite her to a theater or a museum, and not to a bench or an entrance.

In search of the man of her dreams, Maria Kravchenko also came to the Let's Get Married project. There she chose one of three applicants for a relationship, but outside film set communication did not make a proper impression on the girl.

Maria Kravchenko with her husband Konstantin Zolotarev

In 2014, Maria for the first time frankly spoke about her romance with Comedy producer Club Production Konstantin Zolotarev. They knew about the existence of each other since the launch of the Comedy Woman show, but did not meet in person until a few years later. Relations began to develop rapidly, a week after they met, Maria and Konstantin began to live together. Maria's lover had recently divorced his wife, whom he is currently helping to raise two common daughters.

On the set of the film Women Against Men in 2014, a man proposed to Maria, who played one of the main roles in the film. The producer surprised the girl by flying to Cuba unannounced, knocking on the door of a hotel room at dawn and presenting the coveted ring.

Actress on the set of the program "Where is the logic"

In the spring of 2015, another significant event happened in the personal life of Maria Kravchenko - photographs of her husband and newborn daughter appeared in her in social networks and received a lot of congratulations. For Konstantin Zolotarev, daughter Victoria became the third child.

Maria returned to work in September 2016, starting filming the new season of the women's project. This is a massive show that only gets better with age. The image of Kravchenko is now much wider than it was at the very beginning of her creative way. The woman appears in the most unexpected roles, surprising fans with her unlimited talent.

Maria Kravchenko with her friends from Comedy Vumen

Now the actress is 32 years old and she continues to accept offers from directors, building large creative plans. In July of this year, she joined the cast of the first part of the comedy "Women Against Men" to develop the second part. The release date for the continuation of the romantic and funny film about the relationship between three completely different couples has not yet been disclosed, but the actors regularly share common pictures on their pages. Going on tour, Maria leaves her daughter with her parents, who are happy to help.

Seasons 1-6

Alexey Mashutikov

The artist met her future husband at work - in the KVN club. Natalia played for the Fedor Dvinyatin team, and Alexander Koptel was a member of the STEPiKO team. The couple did not advertise their romance, and invited only their closest relatives to the wedding in the summer of 2012. After KVN, Comedy Woman happened in Natalya's life, in which she chose the image of a half-crazy girl. Natalya became one of the brightest leading stars of the program, and a few years later she created her own show Shurochka on the Friday channel. The actress also managed to play in performances organized by comedy club Production: “Looking for a wife, cheap!”, “What do men want?”, “Wedding”, and star in the comedies “Corporate Party” and “New Year's Marriage”.

Now the star is waiting new project- at the beginning of the month, the celebrity told reporters that she was seven months pregnant.

Natalya Andreevna

Seasons 1-7 / MainPeople / Nikolai Kazeev


Natalya Andreevna is the pseudonym of Natalia Yeprikyan, a member of the Megapolis KVN team, who came up with the idea of ​​​​creating a women's humorous project Made In Woman, which two years later transformed into Comedy Woman. Natalia is responsible for almost everything: for scripts, staging the numbers themselves, broadcasting. Later, this inexhaustible creative energy allowed Natalya to become one of the screenwriters of the Univer series. Open and cheerful on stage, in real life the actress does not like to share the details of her love relationships. It is only known that the artist has a beloved husband.

Catherine Barnabas

Seasons 1-7 MainPeople / Vladimir Dolgov

Barnabas admits that she has a non-standard appearance, but this has never interfered with her career and personal life. In KVN, the girl went on stage for different teams: for the “Team of Small Nations”, for the “Team of MISiS” and for “Her Secrets”, and also once hosted one of the episodes together with Alexander Maslyakov Jr. But the real popularity came after participating in Comedy Woman on TNT. Ekaterina came up with jokes and staged dance numbers. Success in the show opened the way for Barnabas on TV: she hosts the NTV Morning and Dance! programs.

For two years, Catherine met with Comedy Woman presenter Dmitry Khrustalev. but the couple broke up last year. Today, Barnabas has a new relationship on the agenda - with the dancer Yevgeny Borodenko, the presenter has been meeting with him for several months.

Elena Borshcheva

Seasons 1-3

Elena Borshcheva got into Comedy Woman at the invitation of Natalya Andreevna and immediately took a prominent place in the show thanks to her non-standard appearance inherited from her father. The star's dad is Panamanian Julio Santa Maria Guerra, and in honor of him, the actress took the pseudonym Elena Khulyevna Santa Maria Guerra for the Comedy Woman show.

Over time, the transfer got bored with the artist, and at the end of the contract with the TNT channel, Elena decided not to renew it. Now she hosts the comedy cooking show "Cook-ha" and jokes that with such a surname she simply has no right to cook badly.

This year, Lena, together with her husband Valery Yushkevich (they started dating back in the days of KVN), are celebrating a decade of marriage. The couple has a daughter, Martha.

Maria Kravchenko

Seasons 1-7

In April of this year, Maria gave birth to a daughter, Victoria from Producer Comedy Club Konstantin Zolotorev, whom she began dating a year and a half ago. Pregnancy did not interfere with her career: Masha continued to participate in Comedy Woman and starred in a movie for the first time - in the comedy Women Against Men. FROM maternity leave the artist also decided not to delay, with the help of diet and sports, she plans to return to work in the coming months.

Polina Sibagatullina

Seasons 1-7 / Alexander Kuznetsov

In Comedy Woman, Polina's poetic gift came in handy. She writes poetry for the show, playing the role of a drunken exalted poetess. Polina also acted in films (in the comedy "Police Academy") and worked in the theater. The production of "The Threesome Game" was a success not only in Russia, but also in the CIS countries.

The girl's heart is still free. In the past, she was married to former Comedy Woman director Dmitry Efimovich, with whom she broke up due to mutual disagreements.

Tatyana Morozova

Seasons 1-7 / Evgeny Rakhmakov

For the Comedy Woman show, Tatyana chose the image of a Russian woman, and this is not just decoration. In the life of an actress, the culture of Russia really plays a big role. For her wedding in 2011, Tatyana ordered a red and white dress, which she added with a wreath on her head, and after the birth of her daughter, she temporarily moved with her husband, businessman Pavel Titorov, from the capital to a village near Moscow.

Ekaterina Skulkina

Seasons 1-7 / MainPeople / Andrey Bashlykov

The actress got into the show also at the invitation of Natalya Andreevna: the girls played in different KVN teams (Natalya for Megapolis, and Ekaterina in Four Tatars).

Skulkina's husband, Denis Vasiliev, is far from creative - he is busy in the medical field. The artist met her lover while studying at Kazan Medical University (Ekaterina wanted to become a dentist). In 2008, Skulkina gave her husband a son, Oleg.

Nadezhda Sysoeva

Seasons 1-7 / Vladimir Andreev

Hope managed to light up not only in comedy genre. She is a participant in the Miss Krasnoyarsk-2007 contest, the creator of a Moscow clothing store for slender girls, a singer (under the pseudonym Nadyulya she released the video “Feel” in 2014) and an actress (participated in the films “The Most best movie 3-DE" and "Bartender").

Sysoeva had a short relationship with Pavel Volya behind her, and since 2012, the girl began a relationship with Roman Pan, a member of the Eros Band.

Marina Fedunkiv

4-7 seasons / Maxim Bunin

Marina became famous on television even before appearing in Comedy Woman. She took part in the sketch show “Give Youth!” and played the mother of the protagonist in the TV series Real Boys. In Comedy Woman, the artist first appeared sporadically, and then became a full-fledged participant.

Not much is known about her personal life. The star has been married for 13 years, but the name of her husband has not been disclosed. The couple has no children.

Marina Kravets

Made In Woman

29 year old actress and star comedy show Comedy Woman Maria Kravchenko is pregnant. The father of the unborn child is the producer of the TNT channel Konstantin Zolotarev.

Maria Kravchenko and Konstantin Zolotarev have been dating for about a year. In the summer it became known that Maria Kravchenko was pregnant. Now Maria Kravchenko is in her fifth month of pregnancy.

“I found out about Mani’s pregnancy a month and a half ago. I starred with her in an episode of the film “Women against Men.” One day Kostya came to the site, we talked about the children, and he told me about his happiness,” the soloist said group "Hands up!" Sergey Zhukov.

Another colleague of the actress in the same film, Natalya Rudova, said: "At the premiere on March 5, she will already have a big belly, I'm so happy for her, she literally glows with happiness."

For Kravchenko, this will be the first child, and her beloved man will become a father for the third time. Despite the fact that Konstantin divorced his first wife Natalya, they were able to maintain friendly relations, because they have two children - ten-year-old Varvara and two-year-old Sofia.

“Kostya and I divorced not so long ago, but we raise children together. We have absolutely no disagreements. He is a wonderful father and friend, loves his daughters very much,” Starhit quotes the ex-wife of producer Konstantin Zolotarev.

The future parents themselves prefer not to comment on the information about the imminent addition.

Maria Kravchenko - actress, participant in the Comedy Woman project, former member of the KVN teams "MISiS Team", "Team of Small Nations" and "Own Secrets".

Maria Kravchenko was born on January 13, 1985 in the city of Komsomolsk-on-Amur. She studied at the secondary school No. 41. She graduated from a music school in piano.

In 2006, she graduated from the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys as an English teacher.

Until February 2013, she worked at the Moscow Academy of Finance and Law as the head of the youth programs department, and is also a participant in the Comedy Woman show.

Maria Kravchenko, whose biography originates in Komsomolsk-on-Amur, became a graduate of Moscow in 2006. Trained as a foreign language teacher. Currently, the girl is active in the Moscow Law Academy, holds the position of head of the department for youth programs and is still filming in women's show comedy woman.


Masha spent her childhood in her native city, she still remembers this place with special warmth. celebrity has always been creative child who constantly strived to learn something new. On the recommendations of her parents, the girl entered the city music school, where she learned to play the piano. Kravchenko loved this instrument very much, she liked to touch the keys, create new etudes and melodies. Music lessons they were never a burden to her, on the contrary, she visited them with pleasure. But, nevertheless, in Masha's soul there was always an understanding that classical music and academic concerts are not for her.

With a great desire to find herself, the girl began to attend courses foreign languages. Deciding that the profession of an English teacher is what she needs, Maria went to Moscow and entered the University of Alloys and became a student at the Faculty of Foreign Languages.

The whole family in one apartment

From childhood, Maria Kravchenko was sure that she would move to live in Belokamennaya. After she became a student, the goal appeared - to do everything in order to acquire her own corner in the capital, and its area should be enough for all family members. In early 2006, her dream came true in some ways: her parents bought the girl a small apartment located in Altufyevo. Masha made repairs in her new home with the first money she earned: after graduating from the university, she immediately got a job. And even when Kravchenko got into Comedy Vumen, she continued to work at the law academy.

Initially, her mother moved to Mary in Moscow. In just a few weeks, she was already able to find a job. Then all the other family members decided to move. The apartment was cramped, so they began to think about how to increase the living space. For a long time they could not find anything suitable, until at one fine moment my mother saw an ad in the newspaper. A three-room apartment was for sale, and in a good area, which Masha knew very well since student years. When they went to see the housing, Kravchenko already knew that they would definitely take it, no matter what condition it was in. And so it happened. The previous living space was the main investment.

The first game

Maria Kravchenko, whose biography is not yet fully disclosed, even at school felt like a star in KVN. When she studied at the institute, she took part in various team games as a member of the university team. Two years later, Kravchenko and her good friend Barnabas was invited to the "Team of Small Nations" team. At that time there were only two participants - they were talented guys who were looking for a full team of talented funny girls. Under the slogan "Small peoples got married", the girls made their debut at the KVN Premier League competition in 2005. This performance was the first game of Masha, which was broadcast on television. As a result, the newly formed team made it to the finals and took fourth place.

First achievements

Then, in 2006, the Major League followed and a performance at a competition called "Voicing KiViN-2006", but the team did not take the lead, and therefore did not get into the television version of the festival. In addition to playing as part of her team, Maria Kravchenko played in the First League. There, the guys in 2000 became champions of the Volga League.

Kravchenko's path in the Major League

In 2007, a talented girl was included in the women's team "My Secrets". During the Sochi festival, the team hit the TV screen and won a place in Major League. That's when they ended up in fourth place. The same result was in 2008. On the next competition"KiViN-2008" women's team surprised the audience with a full-length program. But once again, the team did not win a prize and did not get on the air.

After that, Maria repeatedly participated in special KVN projects, but then she realized that she needed to move on and began to devote more time to the Made in Woman project.

Maria as a TV presenter and singer

Maria Kravchenko, whose height does not correspond to the parameter at all modern girls from the screen, for some time she led the popular program “Out of the Game”. Her partners were the famous Maslyakov Jr. and Ekaterina Varnava.

In addition, Masha is a female soloist musical group under the name "Supermarket of Love". The team also includes her friends Ekaterina Baranova and Nadezhda Sysoeva.

Life in Comedy Woman

In mid-2007, Kravchenko got into the main team of the Comedy Woman show. Initially, the project operated exclusively in the club format, and from November 21, 2008, the program began to be broadcast on the TNT channel. AT this show Maria chose for herself a rather original one. Her role is a show-off girl who came from the provinces, but who knows her own worth. On the official website of the show, Masha was presented as follows: “Beauty, student, Komsomol member ( right word highlight yourself). Originally from the Lower, but moves without the upper. Participant huge amount sales. There is a legend that she was born at a discount."

Maria Kravchenko: height, weight

So we come to the question that, probably, girls always ask themselves, looking at the successful and famous. Yes, yes, you are right we are talking about parameters.

Maria Kravchenko, whose height was of great importance for stage performances, always tries to keep herself in shape. To do this, regularly visits a fitness club, engages in individual program with a trainer.

As Maria Kravchenko herself says, she loves to eat very tasty and almost never refuses herself food. Her favorite dishes are those prepared by her mother. However, there are no problems with the figure yet. To date, Masha's height is 153 cm, and her weight is 49 kg.

Every day a girl good mood, but with her work in a different way and it is impossible.

Masha's personal life

Currently, despite her spectacular appearance and charisma, the girl is free and expects a meeting with good guy who will be a reliable companion for life. As her friends say, Maria Kravchenko's husband should not be an oligarch, let him be sincere.

Leading television project"Let's Get Married" wanted to help her find a groom. But, alas. After the broadcast, nothing has changed in Masha's life. What's in this moment the girl is alone, probably due to the fact that the very person who would sink into her soul and heart has not yet met, and to whom she is ready to give all her love. Among the huge number of fans, she did not see a guy who met all her requirements. And Maria also thinks that they are not in love with her, but with the stage image. Despite the fact that Kravchenko grew up in a city where she was surrounded by just such characters, her character and behavior did not change at all. But thanks to these people, the actress learned the manner of speaking and the words that she uses on stage.

Rumors about the girl's personal life are constantly circulating. Kravchenko is already so accustomed to gossip that she takes everything with a smile. By the way, the last of them says that Maria Kravchenko is pregnant.