Awarding diplomas to graduates according to nominations. Comic nominations for teachers

  • 20.04.2019

I wrote these funny nominations for teachers for graduation, but they can also be used for last call, to congratulate teachers on their holiday - Teacher's Day, on the birthday of a particular teacher, during school physics week (and other subjects).

Nominations for teachers can be announced, they can be written on, or entered into a frivolous certificate, or they can develop an idea and do it. In a word, the choice is wide. I write, and you adapt it to your situation.

Again, I ask you: don’t pay any attention to the sequence of the list at all—it was written as it was composed. By the way, this is always good: when thoughts and ideas come, write everything down in a stream. As soon as you start ranking and sorting – that’s it, the Muse is gone! If you came at all

Teachers are nominated by students

(announce, present, reward) or school management. It will sound more interesting from the lips of graduates. Like that:

The winner of the “Queen - Mother” nomination for the authority inherent in both the queen and the mother, as well as for royal patience and maternal care, is Lydia Vasilievna Ivanova, the director of our school. If we suddenly forgot to announce this, dear Lidiya Vasilyevna would automatically become the winner of the “I didn’t understand!” category. And then we wouldn’t even know where we were))

It would be nice to combine it with the presentation of flowers and gifts. And so on in the same spirit right down the list:

Class teacher (female) – Sooooo cool lady

Class teacher (man without mustache) – Hero of our time

Class teacher (man with a mustache) – Mustachioed Nanny 11th -A

1st teacher – Second mother

Headmaster (female) – Queen Mother

School director (male) - Tsar of All Rus' in a separate square

- Teachers teaching:

Chemistry – We will teach you how to make chemistry, quickly and efficiently

Native language and literature – Mastery of words and language

Biology - There is no doubt

Mathematics – Lobachevsky is resting

Astronomy – Through thorns to the stars

Drawing – What should we build a house, if we draw, we will live

Drawing - The same beams, only in profile

English – Simultaneously with London

French – Made in France

Physical education – Educator Hercules

Geography – Around the world in 267 days ( academic year), or Why the Aborigines ate Cook

Physicist – Newton and his apples

History – Unearthing the past, or Back to knowledge

Computer Science – Let's Overtake Bill Gates

Music and singing - Our school X-factor (for those who are not in the know: X-factor is an international singing competition where almost anyone can come and participate)

Labor – Labor made a monkey a man (or – So that a man does not turn into a monkey)

Basics of military training - This is not Rio de Janeiro

Fundamentals of medical training – Sister of Mercy

Basics of Economics – Economy Class

Fundamentals of Law – Fans of Themis

Ethics and aesthetics – Legend of style

Special nomination:

For survival in conditions close to combat - to the class teacher the most terrible class, which is always used to scare children and parents (although often it is not so terrible, this class).

You can still take a look and perhaps choose something carefully.

Nominations for teachers from our

active reader Mikhail:


Labor training teacher - CONDUCTOR OF THE VOYAGE “MONKEY - MAN”

Astronomy teacher - STAR GAUGE

History teacher - NOT ANYONE - DON'T LISTEN (or SO IT WAS SO...)
Math teacher - MISTER X (MRS X)

Class teacher in primary school- ABVGDEyka
The class teacher of the same class, starting from high school and until graduation - YOKLMNeika (read as “Yokelemeneyka”))))))

If I forgot anyone, feel free to write! Also add comic nominations for teachers themselves so that there is more choice.

I’m making additions - thanks to reader Elena!

Comic nominations for a school psychologist

  • Madam Peacemaker (or Mister)
  • Keeper of children's secrets
  • Diagnostician - corrector - optimizer. Or an optimist?
  • Heir to the cat Leopold (“Guys, let’s live together!”)
  • Let's join hands, friends!
  • Between a rock and a hard place
  • And who promised that it would be easy?
  • Forward to harmony! Or
  • The teacher is an accordion player. Because it teaches harmony.

I hope you liked at least one nomination!

P.S. Dear friends,

Comic nominations for teachers

continues Elena

School teacher, mother of a graduate of last year and 17 graduates of this year. And - as a pleasant coincidence - a grateful reader of my site. With your ideas and practical experienceLena shares in the comments below the article. I specially marked it in bold italics - use it! I invite you too to share your experience in the matter of comic nomination


With a nomination for the school principal. The nomination is also highlighted in the comments - use it, please your director and thank Nastya!


  • To the library workers - “Pilots of the Book Sea” - for accurately charting a course to the bookshelf.
  • To the security guard - “And the mouse won’t get through!”
  • The cafeteria manager is the “Pots and Pans Fairy” for her ability to cook almost anything from almost nothing.
  • To the technical staff of the school - “Cleanliness and Order” - for their courage in demanding that not only the students and the teacher, but also the director leave the office.

Evelina (that is, me, the author)

  • individual schools
  • their continuation - .

I can’t believe it – graduation is coming soon. It would seem that just recently students studied letters, learned to solve problems, and played hopscotch. And now they have graduation. I want to spend it in such a way that it will be remembered long years so that you have something to tell your children later. Highlight on graduation party may become comic nominations given to students. Graduates are smart people, they will perceive funny information with humor.

"Walking encyclopedia"
Of course, among the graduates there is someone who can be called a “walking encyclopedia.” He knows a lot and understands a lot, he has a huge amount of knowledge. It is enough to contact him and the answer will be received. The winner in the “Walking Encyclopedia” category is the most erudite graduate.

"Shark of the Feather"
“I could talk to you, but I’m just a text.” Abstracts, essays, essays are my love. I know how to form words in such a way that it comes out beautifully. So that beautifully folded lines will delight everyone. I can speak sharply and succinctly, accurately and accurately. The prize in this category goes to what we call the “feather shark.”

"Fly, doves fly"
This graduate (category winner) dreams of the most prestigious university, the most better education, about a world-famous teacher. The palm in this nomination belongs to those who are not accustomed to being content with little. Fly pigeons, fly, study, try - and may you be lucky!

"Your Honor, Madam Victory"
Olympiads, competitions, blitz tournaments, anywhere where you can win, demonstrate your knowledge, skills - in this area the graduate (category winner) has no equal. His motto is Victory. He is the main one in the nomination “Your Honor, Madam Victory”

“Just a darling”
This graduate (or graduate) is sweet and charming, calm and attractive. He was used to smiling at the sun and his classmates in the morning. The teachers are delighted with him. He is just a sweetheart and that says it all.

Where she is, the flowers are more tender, the breeze is gentler, the birds sing more wonderfully. She leaves the classroom with a flying gait. And where it appears, it becomes warmer and lighter. She is the winner in the “Perfection Itself” category.

« Good deeds you can become famous...
Doing good to people is the true greatness of a person. To be able to help, to advise in difficult times, to lend a shoulder... Undoubtedly, among you there is someone who knows how to do good. He has no equal in the category “It’s possible to become famous for good deeds”

“And a Swede, and a reaper, and a trumpet player!”
A versatile personality... Another way to say it is “a jack of all trades.” He can demonstrate a beautiful experiment in physics, write a satirical note for a wall newspaper, and weed a bed in the school garden so that not a single blade of trash remains. He can also make a birdhouse or play the violin. In general, a real leader in the category “Both a Swede, and a reaper, and a player on the pipe!”

“We all learned a little, something, somehow”
A fly in the ointment in a sweet barrel of honey. We all studied and studied well, but someone studied as A.S. Pushkin noted “somehow.” But he began to try, and will try even more.

"April 1st"
It’s not a laughing matter for graduates now. Exams are a serious test. But in the process schooling there was a lot of fun. And this graduate is the main cheerful fellow, comedian, stand-up comedian. Laughter is his life credo.

"Barankin, be a man"
And he is slowly becoming one. I have already started seriously preparing for the exams. Changed him appearance: the cowlicks are combed, the shirt is ironed, the boots are a sight to behold. It was he who used to be carefree and carefree, forgot about homework. But that's all in the past.

1. Nomination - For activity and initiative
You show activity in any matter,
you captivate everyone with new ideas,
You help the trash, you lead them!
always good, interesting with you!

2. Nomination - GIRLS' DREAM
He knows how to find an approach to any girl,
They dream about him in the evening and during the day,
Serious passions are boiling in the group,
To spin in a waltz with him.

3. Nomination - For hard work
Both the group and the garden are proud of you, you love to learn,
And you love to work. Make us happy with new successes,
And you can achieve a lot in life!

4. Nomination - For exemplary behavior
The course you have chosen is correct - you are behaving exemplary,
respectful, obedient, doing everything you need to do!
Everyone admired you, looked up to you in everything!
Let patience and effort help you gain knowledge!

5. Nomination - Mr. neatness
He is always careful in everything,
All things are in order, nice to look at.
Dirt, disorder and untidiness -
This boy won't stand it.

6. Nomination - Mister Sweet Tooth
No cookies, no candy
They don't give me lunch...
I could use some creamy toffee
It would have jumped much better!
And from the strawberry waffle
I could run better!

7. nomination - Mr. Shyness
Smart and well-mannered, a hero in life,
You just get shy sometimes.
Always try to be brave in life
Then there will be no trace of shyness left.

8. nomination - Mr. modesty
he is quiet, modest, charming,
and attentive in class.
If only I could speak louder,
but apparently there is no strength for it

9. nomination - Mr. sedateness
leisurely in his movements and smart,
He knows how to carry on a conversation.
is thoughtful, sees the future,
sometimes he gets so clever - you’re amazed!

10. Nominated - Mister Sportsman
For dexterity, strength and dexterity,
Hard work in training,
For composure, nerves of steel,
And for the desire to be first,
For courage and patience,
Talent, drive and inspiration

11. Nomination - Mister Artist
the guy likes to draw,
Loves to help adults.
He has many talents.
Let there be a bright road!

12. Nomination - Mister Justice
Fair and calm
Always worthy of praise.
all the guys respect
Everyone wishes him success.

This child knows everything around him
Learns the science of life INDEPENDENTLY,
He'll fry the eggs himself if necessary.
He will definitely wash his clothes!

14. Nomination - MISTER X
He is a mystery to everyone in the area,
He can achieve what he wants if he wants,
He always goes his own way.

Nothing can surprise him
He will always bring everyone up to speed,
Who brought what, where did they go?
He will tell you quickly and skillfully!

16. Nomination - A REAL GENTLEMAN
He is helpful, neat,
no doubt neat.
Many years without change -
a real gentleman!

17. Nomination - MISTER ARISTOCRAT
Slightly lazy and a little imposing,
Dressed neatly and handsome,
He, like a DANDY from a magazine, is also important.
Anyone can confirm this to you now!

18. Nomination - Miss Imagination
Oh guys, look -
These are raindrops
I want your strawberry,
They ask for a visit, waking up.
On the window - knock and knock -
A booming sound is heard;
Knock back,
Smile, say hello!

19. Nomination - Miss Curiosity
Apparently you were born inquisitive!
You were in a hurry to get on the road!
The world is limitless, you can find out everything in it!
And of course, tell us!

20. Nomination - Miss Smart
You can quickly
It is good to understand and judge,
That two plus two is always four,
And it can’t be any other way!

21. Nomination - Most attentive
Quiet, modest and charming,
And she is attentive in class.
You will help anyone, you will not let anyone down
You will tell me a poem, you will sing a song.

22. Nomination - Miss obedience
You're behaving like
You are always attention itself
And that's why, probably.
You are an example to follow.

23. Nomination - Miss Fashionista
There's a fashionista in our group,
How difficult it is for her!
Loves fashionable glasses
And high heels!

24. Nomination - Miss Cutie
Sweet face, beautiful eyes,
She dresses like a princess from a fairy tale.
Beautiful, slender, like a daisy in a field
You can call her in one word – cutie!

25. Nomination - Miss whimsy
Like our nominee
There's a big pocket somewhere!
And there are no pictures there,
No scarves, no shoes,
No candy and no book,
And whims live there!

26. Nomination - exemplary behavior
You have chosen the right course -
you behave like
respectfully, obediently,
you do everything you need to do!

27. Nomination - best singer
You are a soloist in our choir,
After all, you barely open your mouth,
You can hear it even in the corridor,
Everyone knows who sings.

You love to sing from birth,
In karaoke you are a star.
You dream about Eurovision
Come out when you grow up.

28. Nomination - Most stylish
Every day with a new hairstyle
It's fun to go to school:
That one with a two-meter pigtail,
Then suddenly you’ll have curls.

The one with straight hair
Repaint them again...
In front of the mirror for hours
You're ready to stand.

29. Nomination - Most Responsive
Always responds to requests
And he will invite guests to his place;
From a joke he will immediately laugh,
He will tell you a lot of news.

30. Nomination - the kindest
You radiate like the sun
You are warm and kind.
you help everyone clean up,
Keeping it clean...

If the apple is in your pocket,
You will definitely treat me.
For those who didn’t have time themselves,
You will solve all the tasks.

More nominations can be viewed here

These nominations for graduates can be used both as comic and as serious.

Although I love and strive to keep things simple, today I made my life a little more complicated (I hope you didn’t).

I wanted to do something like this, and I wrote down the exact names of song hits from the ratings of popular radio stations for 3 last year, and then selected nominations for graduates.

Some of them are also suitable for students of other classes, i.e. they can be used throughout the school year.
How I did it, read below. But first, a couple of tips for teachers, parents and other adults who will select nominations for names:

  • The nomination is tied only to the title, but not to the lyrics of the song - announce this to the children right away so that they do not look for a third meaning (we have already found the second meaning and wrote it here).
  • No matter how simple the names of the nominations may seem to you, they are the titles of hit songs that not everyone knows, but advanced young people usually know. And it will react more quickly. So try it, take a risk in the end)))
  • If you still want the classics, then look for it in these.
  • If you want to look into the future, read in geo style.
  • It would be just super-cool if, after the announcement of the nomination, the brightest moment from the hit song was played while the graduate walks to the stage - he will then walk to the music of his nomination!

And off we go!

school hit parade:

Lost and not found

– to a student who always lost everything, in particular his diaries)))
The best day

- the most problematic graduate.
The play is over

- an active school artist from the graduating classes.
We'll be together, I know

– if someone remains to work at school (counselor, laboratory assistant, etc.), then this is for him.

- a person “in himself” (from the word STRANGE) or someone who often wandered somewhere during lessons.
We broke up with you

– to any graduate, but better yet to another unforgettable one)))
One star

- a student who is a winner in anything, but high level– champion of the city, region, world.

Love saves the world

- almost always at school there is one good couple in love who really have feelings. This nomination is for the two of them.
The world is greener around you

- to the kindest girl.
Uncle Pasha

- a boy named Pavel.
Break up with her

– Misha (Masha), finally give up the habit of biting your nails in class (shaking your leg, scratching your head, lying, etc.).

- a member of any quartet.
It doesn't happen that way

- local prodigy.
City Boy )

- a stylish guy.

Plague spring

- (barely wrote this word!) to students who are blown away in the spring.

– able to play any keyboard instrument.
It was Love

- a girl named Lyuba.
Google my name

- school celebrity.
I'm plunging

- a student who was always impossible to reach.
Fight club

– an amateur fighter or someone who has trained in combat sports.

Make it louder

- to the one whose music was simply blaring from his headphones, or to the student who always answered very quietly at the blackboard.

– who knows how to do magic tricks, literally or figuratively.
I will not give up without fight

- the most persistent.
Doll with human face

to a beautiful girl with a doll-like appearance

With the wish to have a lot of fun while selecting nominations for graduates,

If you don’t watch, but only listen, everyone will have their own story.