Prepare a report about the population and culture of one of the countries. Report-message “Peoples of the world Rivers and lakes in Russia

  • 08.08.2024

Many features of the culture of African peoples, as well as the features of their historical development, were determined by the natural conditions in which they developed. Africa is the second largest continent after Eurasia. It is a relatively sparsely populated continent. In the vast expanses of Africa, many different nationalities arose. In the north live Arabs, as well as ancient nomadic tribes - Berbers and Tauregs. The population of the so-called Black Africa is divided into numerous ethnic groups, the classification of which is constantly being revised. Southern and Eastern Africa are home to many immigrants from Europe and Asia, in particular from India.

The indigenous population of Africa can be roughly divided according to the level of socio-economic development into three large groups. The first consists of nomadic hunting tribes of Bushmen and Pygmies, who do not know agriculture or cattle breeding. The second, largest group includes the majority of agricultural and pastoral peoples of Tropical and Southern Africa. The third group unites the peoples of North and North-East Africa, who since ancient times lived a common life with the advanced peoples of the Mediterranean, having lost elements of their patriarchal way of life. These peoples developed along their own path, which differed from the development path of the tribes of Tropical and Southern Africa. Civilizations based on agriculture and cattle breeding have long existed here, the most famous of which was the civilization of Ancient Egypt. To the west of it were powerful slave states: Carthage and Numidia. Therefore, the culture of the peoples of North Africa was more developed.

The economic and political living conditions that influenced the formation of the culture of the peoples of North Africa were created by the Phoenicians. They founded their colonies on the coast of North Africa from the beginning of the 1st millennium BC, the most powerful of which was Carthage; to the 6th century BC the entire coast fell under his rule. Then North Africa was part of the Roman Empire for more than four centuries. It was Christianized around the same time as the northern Mediterranean coast. In the 5th century AD The coast of North Africa was occupied by Vandal tribes. Starting from the 8th century, with the growing influence of Islam, the history of North Africa was separated from the history of Europe. Islam has displaced Christianity from almost all African countries; The exception was most of Ethiopia and the region of Egypt, where adherents of Christianity - the Copts - remained. In the XI-XII centuries. The Almoravids unite the Maghreb (North African countries) and Andalusia into one vast empire, which then passes into the hands of the Almohads. Trade routes between Sub-Saharan Africa and Europe pass through this region; The Arab-Andalusian civilization flourished. It should be emphasized that in African countries Islam has changed greatly under the influence of local conditions. In some areas it retains only external forms. However, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Sudan, Senegal, Mauritania, Somalia, Libya, the Central African Republic and some other states are considered Muslim.

Those who are interested in the “culture of communication”, and in general want to develop comprehensively, will be interested in learning about the behavior, ethics and traditions of residents of different countries. This will help many to evaluate, compare and perhaps better understand the culture of their own country and people.

The ability to communicate plays an important role in the development of national culture. Language helps to enhance people's experience, preserve and transmit customs and traditions. Thanks to him, we know how our ancestors lived. But before talking about the peculiarities of folk etiquette and culture, you need to inquire about the rituals, habits and conventions of different peoples. Once in a foreign country, it will not be difficult for a new person to get lost or get into trouble. After all, we do not know all the details and subtleties of the life of other peoples and nationalities. We are all accustomed to being guided by generally accepted knowledge and myths about any nationality, but they are not always truly true.

There are many interesting differences in the behavior of representatives of each culture. For example a greeting. When a Pole meets a girl, he always kisses her hand. After all, similar actions have been repeated in their country for years, and even centuries. But an Austrian can say “whole hand,” but absolutely no actions will confirm this expression. And if even among the inhabitants of a united Europe there are such differences, then what can we say about Western and Eastern cultures? For example, when greeting a European, a Japanese, Indian or Chinese will certainly shake hands, but they will feel as if it were a bare foot. Also, a Chinese person may experience a culture shock if he sees a European walking with a lady arm in arm, and even more so, kissing her.

But in Japan it is customary to take off your shoes at the door, even when entering a restaurant. According to Chinese law, the owner is obliged to give the guest any item he likes. For Russians, after eating, it is customary not to leave a single crumb on the plate, if he liked the dish. The Chinese will not touch a bowl of dry rice served at the end of dinner to show that they are full.

All these differences are related to the religious beliefs of representatives of different cultures. For example, when entering a temple, a Jew puts on a headdress, while a Christian, on the contrary, takes it off. In addition, in many countries they react very sensitively to non-compliance with formalities, so such seemingly trifles should also be paid attention to.

His very stay in another country may depend on a person’s behavior.


For the British, observing formalities is their way of life. The British always pay attention to detail. Even when writing a letter, you cannot use the addressee’s name without his permission. When meeting English people, it is very important to know who should introduce themselves first. In a professional setting, the client should come first, as he is the more important person.


In our minds, the French are a kind of heroic lovers who, in between countless romances, eat large quantities of frog legs. In fact, everything is not at all what it seems. They are actually the complete opposite of what we think of them. The French themselves are quite nationalistic. It is difficult for them to learn foreign languages, so when meeting a foreigner, they have difficulty speaking. In addition, the French are very proud of themselves regarding national traditions. French cuisine is a great source of national pride for them.


But the Germans, by nature, are quite prudent and thrifty, reliable and punctual, but they are inferior to the French in their sense of humor. When meeting people in Germany, it is customary to introduce first the one who is at a higher service level. Also, when talking to a German, you should not keep your hands in your pockets - they consider this the height of disrespect.

Many features of the culture of African peoples, as well as the features of their historical development, were determined by the natural conditions in which they developed. Africa is the second largest continent after Eurasia. It is a relatively sparsely populated continent. In the vast expanses of Africa, many different nationalities arose. In the north live Arabs, as well as ancient nomadic tribes - Berbers and Tauregs. The population of the so-called Black Africa is divided into numerous ethnic groups, the classification of which is constantly being revised. Southern and Eastern Africa are home to many immigrants from Europe and Asia, in particular from India.

The indigenous population of Africa can be roughly divided according to the level of socio-economic development into three large groups. The first consists of nomadic hunting tribes of Bushmen and Pygmies, who do not know agriculture or cattle breeding. The second, largest group includes the majority of agricultural and pastoral peoples of Tropical and Southern Africa. The third group unites the peoples of North and North-East Africa, who since ancient times lived a common life with the advanced peoples of the Mediterranean, having lost elements of their patriarchal way of life. These peoples developed along their own path, which differed from the development path of the tribes of Tropical and Southern Africa. Civilizations based on agriculture and cattle breeding have long existed here, the most famous of which was the civilization of Ancient Egypt. To the west of it were powerful slave states: Carthage and Numidia. Therefore, the culture of the peoples of North Africa was more developed.

The economic and political living conditions that influenced the formation of the culture of the peoples of North Africa were created by the Phoenicians. They founded their colonies on the coast of North Africa from the beginning of the 1st millennium BC, the most powerful of which was Carthage; to the 6th century BC the entire coast fell under his rule. Then North Africa was part of the Roman Empire for more than four centuries. It was Christianized around the same time as the northern Mediterranean coast. In the 5th century AD The coast of North Africa was occupied by Vandal tribes. Starting from the 8th century, with the growing influence of Islam, the history of North Africa was separated from the history of Europe. Islam has displaced Christianity from almost all African countries; The exception was most of Ethiopia and the region of Egypt, where adherents of Christianity - the Copts - remained. In the XI–XII centuries. The Almoravids unite the Maghreb (North African countries) and Andalusia into one vast empire, which then passes into the hands of the Almohads. Trade routes between Sub-Saharan Africa and Europe pass through this region; The Arab-Andalusian civilization flourished. It should be emphasized that in African countries Islam has changed greatly under the influence of local conditions. In some areas it retains only external forms. However, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Sudan, Senegal, Mauritania, Somalia, Libya, the Central African Republic and some other states are considered Muslim.

Races are divided into groups called peoples. There are more than three thousand of them in the world. Some of them consist of a large number of people, while others have only a few dozen people. The most numerous peoples:

  • Chinese
  • Hindustani
  • Americans
  • Russians
  • Brazilians
  • Japanese

These peoples have the bulk of the world's population.


Every nation has its own culture. They have their own customs, songs, clothes, food. All this originates from antiquity. Even the form of housing of a particular people is different from the rest. This is due to the climate conditions where these people live. The culture of peoples has originality and uniqueness. Of course, nowadays the way of life of people has changed dramatically. But any nation, whether small or large, still follows its own traditions that distinguish it from the rest.


The Chinese are the largest people in terms of population. These people live in China, which is the largest state in terms of area. The Chinese have a history and culture that dates back many centuries. The Chinese civilization is one of the most ancient in the world. The Chinese invented paper, silk and gunpowder.


Hindustani are a people who live in India. They are part of the Caucasian race. The culture of this people goes back to ancient times. India has a large number of architectural monuments that have been preserved since ancient times.


Americans have unique historical formation characteristics. Before the discovery of America by Columbus, the indigenous population of the country were Indians. They hunted and fished, and also had a semi-nomadic lifestyle. For this reason, their home was adapted to such conditions. It was light and durable. In winter, the Indians used skis, and in summer, they used canoes, which were light boats. The American people are made up of three races and cultures: African, Native American and European.


The Russian people inhabit Russia. This people has a long history and culture. Russians are part of the Caucasoid race. The history and culture of the Russian people have deep roots that go far into antiquity and have developed for almost a thousand years.


The Japanese occupy Japan. They are part of the Mongoloid race. Although Japan is a very developed country and has advanced technology, large cities with skyscrapers and bridges with many tiers, its national culture is carefully observed.


Brazilians live in Brazil, which is located in South America. Approximately fifty percent of Brazilians are of European descent. The rest of the people are mestizos, blacks, mulattoes and Indians. The Brazilian people speak Portuguese. This is due to the fact that Brazil was a colony of Portugal.

The Earth is a truly unique planet, where many different people with different ethnicity, appearance, nationality, religion and perception of the world are gathered. Continents share territory, but not the population living on them. Nations that have existed side by side for centuries, in most cases peacefully share territory, adopting useful knowledge from each other and forming a joint cultural heritage.

Each nation is unique in its own way, is the custodian of its culture, passing on national customs and traditions from generation to generation, and brings its own to the creation of a common culture of all humanity.


The modern states of Europe were formed on the site of the former Roman Empire, then its possessions included vast lands, starting from the west, where Germanic tribes ruled, to the cities of North Africa. The formation of the ethnic group was also influenced by the wars that took place, when the population of Europe migrated, the borders of countries were again modified due to martial law.

The largest ethno-linguistic community in Europe is the Slavs. The Slavs include: Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Bulgarians, Serbs, Croats and nine other peoples.

The most numerous peoples living in Europe are Russians (more than 130 million people), Germans (more than 80 million), French (more than 65 million), Italians (more than 59 million), British (58 million), Spaniards (46 million), Ukrainians (more than 45 million) and Poles (more than 44 million). There are also more than two million Jews living in Europe, belonging to several groups. There are also nomadic peoples - the gypsies, with a population of over four million people.

The main religious movements common among the peoples of Europe are Catholicism, Orthodoxy, Protestantism and Islam.

The cultural component of Europe stands on three “pillars”: personal culture, universalism and freedom of creative expression. This forms the basis of Christian norms; even in those countries where other forms of religion predominate, Christian roots can be traced. Here, the basis for the existence of society is freedom (of self-expression, creativity, worldview) and tolerance towards others, the acceptance of another personality with certain characteristics and views on current reality.

A characteristic feature of the European population was mass culture, which implied both mass production and mass consumption. It received full coverage of all areas of activity, from art, music and cinematography to youth subcultural movements.


Asia is the largest part of the world, forming together with Europe the continent of Eurasia. The majority of Asia's population is made up of the peoples of China and India (about 40% of the total population); the list of largest countries also includes: Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Japan and the Philippines. Each of these states has more than 100 million inhabitants.

If we analyze the cultural centers, then Asia can be divided into four conventional parts:

  1. Southeast Asia. There is a Buddhist worldview here.
  2. Middle East. The birthplace of Islamic culture.
  3. East Asia. The epicenter of the Confucian worldview is China, which has a huge influence on Japan and Korea.
  4. South Asia. India and Hindu culture dominate here.

However, despite such fragmentation, all the peoples of Asia have similar features that can distinguish them from others.

One of these features is a respectful attitude towards traditions and culture; in most countries, they have been holding the same holidays for years, observing established rules of behavior and communication in society, adhering to strict upbringing and respecting their elders. The latter came from tribal communities where the chief elder was held in high esteem; many Asian countries still observe this law.

Most of the ethnic group believes in the need for a centralized state. Many countries in Asia are states with significantly limited democracy, led by a charismatic and strong leader, or are even authoritarian monarchies.

Of the large nationalities, a special place is occupied by:


If in Europe and Asia it is quite simple to create a picture of the ethnic composition and identify large nations, then with Africa things are different. There are up to 8,000 different peoples here, most of them have two to three thousand people and are located in a small area. According to some estimates, more than 3,000 tribes live in Africa, speaking a thousand languages, some of which are poorly understood.

The largest ethnic groups found in Africa are: Arabs, Hausa, Yoruba, Algerian and Moroccan Arabs, Igbo, Fulani, Aromo, Amhara.

The culture of local peoples is significantly different from European ones. Northern Africa is characterized as a more developed civilization; the southern and tropical parts have followed a different path of development, which is why they are so original. Here, the vast majority of residents still live in tribes, where strict rules are established for family life, work and general society. For example, circumcision is a necessity dictated by strict rules, and women in most tribes do not have the same rights as men.

Most of the peoples of Africa believe in the existence of magical influences; they make amulets against the evil eye, conduct traditional rituals, create totems for protection from various natural disasters and the wrath of the gods, there is even sacrifice to obtain a rich harvest, fertile soil, and stable rains.

North America

In North America, the indigenous population was divided into three large groups, each of them lived on its own territory and had special traditions and customs that have survived to this day with some changes. The central part of North America was occupied by Indians, the coasts and islands were inhabited by the Aleuts, and the northern regions went to the Eskimos.

If the Eskimos managed to preserve their people, the Aleuts almost completely disappeared - their numbers decreased three times. After colonization, the Spaniards, Portuguese, British and French came to America. Most settled on this continent, mixing with the Americans and the indigenous population. This is how Americans of English origin, French-Canadians, and Barbadians (descendants of slaves brought from Africa) appeared.

The culture of North America is characterized by enviable patriotism, and it is observed both among the indigenous people and among visitors during the colonization of the United States. The modern culture of the local ethnic group is a combination of the values ​​of the original population and the innovative reforms of the colonialists. Here, totemic buildings still coexist with great skyscrapers, and in remote corners of the country you can see yurts, bizarre drawings of disappeared tribes, and the homes of indigenous settlers.

Population of North America:

South America

The modern population of South America is diverse - there are Americans, immigrants from Europe, descendants of slaves brought from Africa, and mixed groups (mestizo, mulatto, Sambo). The indigenous settlers are groups of Indian peoples, most of whom still live in South America, for example, the Arawaks, Wayu, Wapishana, the smaller ones have not survived to this day, for example, the Charruas. Some peoples have practically disappeared from America; their number today does not exceed 10 thousand people. At the ethnic level in South America, three main classes can be distinguished: Indians, representatives of the Negroid race and representatives of the Caucasian race.

The culture of South America is very colorful and original. South American countries have a rich musical heritage; genres such as cumbia and samba originate here. South America has become the birthplace of the creation of new musical styles, and the world-famous Argentine tango dance appeared here.

South America is an example of successful borrowing of knowledge and skills among peoples, which generalizes different ethnic groups into a single system. The bulk of the population cannot even accurately infect this or that custom; they do not know where it originates and whose people were the original source. Here traditions are passed on from generation to generation.

Population of South America:


The indigenous population of Australia is considered to be the Australian Aborigines; they live separately from other peoples of the world and have their own language group. Now in Australia there are more than 55 thousand people who speak Australian languages, the most widespread of them is the language of the Western Desert, about 7,000 people speak it.

Australian aborigines are prominent representatives of the ancient inhabitants of the earth; peoples have a similar way of life with the peoples who existed at the stage of the emergence of world culture. Indigenous people prefer to stay in the deserts, engage in hunting and farming, and live in unity with nature.

Since the arrival of the settlers, the ethnic groups on this continent have undergone significant changes. Now the largest group is Anglo-Australians (Australians of English descent), with Afghans, Hungarians, Indians, and Chinese also present.

Although the majority of Australia's population is English-speaking, the country stands out from the list of other English-speaking countries. The first distinctive feature is egalitarianism, which presupposes the equality of all members of society. All peoples of Australia, without exception, have the same legal, economic and political opportunities. The value of equality for men, women and children is fundamental to Australia.

Another feature includes friendliness and good relationships; on the territory of this continent, the aborigines coexist peacefully with the visiting colonialists. The indigenous population even received back territories that they had owned before the arrival of Europeans.