Step by step drawing of a village hut. How to draw a log hut

  • 06.07.2019


Before you start drawing a village, you should know that the picture completely conveys the artist’s mood and is a flight of his thoughts and fantasies, and, therefore, what more positive mood The richer your imagination, the more emotional your artistic creation will be.

Prepare everything necessary materials and equipment for painting (easel, paints, etc.).
Remember the moments when you were or passed by. Think about what you remember most about what you saw and heard once. It is important to notice in the picture, it is important.
Take a look at the masterpieces of artists who depicted rural landscape.

Think over your picture in your head, draw it mentally. When drawing a village, remember that the main thing here will be to convey air, because there is an abundance of it in villages. It’s not for nothing that they say that it is in rural areas you can take a deep breath. However, it should also be taken into account here that this is not only Fresh air, this is still nature, old houses with carved windows, unusual benches, wells, collapsed barns, doghouses, vegetable gardens, village children playing in the yard, ponds and much more.

Sketch the picture in your head onto a piece of paper with a simple pencil. Start drawing small - from houses, paths near the house, walking chickens, raspberries in the garden, beehives near the house with grandfather collecting honey, etc. Indeed, in any of these moments there is country life, and, therefore, it is from them that you can create a real rural landscape, collecting small particles of thoughts piece by piece.

Start coloring the resulting sketches, giving them color. Remember that you can paint a rural landscape not only with watercolors, it can also be colored pencils, charcoal, oil, gouache, pastel, ink, etc. The beauty and uniqueness of your painting depends on what material you choose.

Place the picture in a wooden frame.
Hang the resulting artistic creation on the wall, give it to friends, or place it by the fireplace.

The atmosphere of a place and the character of the people living there can be conveyed without depicting the inhabitants. For example, the “Russian soul” can be breathed into a minimalist drawing, which depicts just one modest-looking hut.


Place the sheet horizontally. Use a pencil line to limit the space that the house will occupy. Divide the sheet in half with a horizontal axis, then lower it down about 2 cm. The lower border of the object will be at this level. Leave the same amount of free space on the right and top; there should be twice as much space on the left.

Divide the distance from the right to the left border of the picture in half vertical axis. The corner of the house will pass through it, to the right of it is the back wall, and to the left is the side wall.

Measure the length of the back wall of the house. Place the same piece vertically on the left side of the sheet. This is the height of the house from this end. On the right it is one and a half times higher. Divide the height of the house on the right side in half. At this level, draw the boundary between the wall and the roof. On the left, the wall should be slightly higher than the roof. Draw horizontal lines for the walls and roof. They are not parallel, but converge as they move away from the corner of the house to the sides.

On the left wall of the house. The same laws of perspective apply to its sides; they are not parallel to each other and are raised upward more than the opposite sides of the wall. To check whether you have correctly reflected the slope of a particular line, use the sighting method. Place a pencil on a line in a photograph or hold it against a real object. Maintaining the degree of inclination, place the pencil on the corresponding line in the drawing. Draw the attic window in the same way.

Erase all the auxiliary lines that you drew during construction. Draw the walls into their constituent logs. They also differ in width at the corner and at the opposite edge: they appear narrower at the end.

Mark tree trunks to the right and left of the house. In the foreground draw a rickety fence. Color the drawing with watercolors, gouache or pencils. The color of the tree changes on each log that makes up the hut. On the left side it is not very noticeable, so you can fill the side wall with wide colored spots. On the right you need to paint each log individually. Their upper half has a warm brown tint, lower – gray-blue. On some boards, leave almost white highlights from the sun's rays penetrating through the tree crowns.

The Ukrainian hut differs from the Russian hut in its internal structure and appearance. If you need to draw a picturesque village, find photographs of original Ukrainian buildings and use them as models. You may need a picture of the hut for illustration. work of art about the distant past, in this case, find posters of suitable paintings.

You will need

  • - paper;
  • - pencil;
  • - paints;
  • - brushes;
  • - photographs of a Ukrainian hut.


All huts are rectangular or square, like most all houses and buildings. The dwelling is extremely simple and usually does not even have a porch. Therefore, you need to mark the dimensions of the hut and its roof on a piece of paper with long, bold lines.

Make the foundation slightly wider than the walls of the house. The windows in the house are traditionally made small so as not to let the heat in in the summer and not to let the heat out in the winter. They are often closed from the outside with wooden shutters. Mark locations for window openings and open shutters. Don't forget about front door dwellings. it was made from massive boards with a forged handle.

The roof of the hut is made of golden straw, with a chimney peeking out of it. The covering is usually “stitched” with two seams, at the top and bottom of the roof. Draw all these details schematically and make a sketch of the future painting. Add picturesque elements around the hut that will add color to the piece. This could be a rickety fence with painted pots on it, various tools and utensils in the yard, or a well.

Leave the walls of the hut snow-white, because the zealous and neat owners carefully looked after their house and whitewashed it almost every year. Also, the walls were often decorated with drawings of various flowers, herbs and trees. Bright ones were popular. Paint some flowers on the walls of the hut.

Draw the curtains in the open window as embroidered national ornament. Correct and clarify the drawing, erase unnecessary lines and add clarity to the outline.

Color the drawing with the colors you are used to. Mix colors more boldly to make the picture expressive and bright. Draw a flock of fussy chickens led by an important multi-colored one with a red crest. Picture how a cat walks along the golden thatch of the roof of a hut in search of mice. The dog is dozing on the lawn, heated by the bright warm sun.


  • Ukrainian hut drawing

Village landscape– popular genre visual arts. The village has been painted by many artists from ancient times to the present day. There is also nothing stopping a novice painter from trying. But, of course, before you paint a landscape, you need to make a pencil sketch.

Fields and forests

Lay the sheet horizontally. You need to convey a large space, because the village is surrounded by fields and meadows. Draw a horizontal line approximately in the middle of the sheet. However, the horizon line may be a little higher or a little lower, depending on what kind of buildings you are going to draw. Behind the village there may be, for example, a forest. Draw a curved line above the horizon line. The easiest way is to draw it with zigzags of different heights, because the tops of the trees have different heights.
Christmas trees have sharp tops, while other trees have more rounded tops, so it’s better to draw them by alternating zigzag and wavy sections.


The road goes through the village to the forest. Close to the viewer it is wide, but as it moves away it narrows, and near the horizon it can even converge into one point. The road usually has two tracks, with a strip of grass in the middle. A village street can be uneven - sometimes a hill, sometimes a hollow. If you're drawing a hill, the width of the road doesn't change much as you get closer to the top. At the edge of the depression, the lines break off, and if the opposite slope is visible, the ruts on it are significantly closer friend to friend.
The road does not have to be straight; you can draw it with an arc. But in any case, the farthest part will be narrower than the closer one.

Houses and fences

Mark the outlines of houses on both sides of the road. They are drawn quite simply: a square or horizontal rectangle, with a triangular roof on top. It is better to place houses with their facades facing the viewer. In the middle of the front wall, mark the position of the window. Mark where the shutters and trim will end. The edges of the platbands can be straight or have a more complex and bizarre configuration. Draw the logs using long horizontal lines. Several houses can stand at an angle - then the side parts of their roofs look like diamonds. Bushes usually grow around village houses. At this stage, these are just white spots limited by an outline free form.

Grass, trees, well and inhabitants

Every village house must have several trees, but not the same ones as in the neighboring forest. Draw the trunk - these are just two not very even parallel lines. The upper part of the trunk is covered with a crown, which is an irregular rounded spot. zigzag strokes of different lengths. By the way, in different parts drawing strokes can have different directions. You can draw several objects characteristic of the village - for example, a well. It could be just a rectangle with transverse stripes. But you can make a well with a triangular roof, and with a crane - the lower pillar is a narrow strip, the upper part, also a strip, is located at an obtuse angle to the lower one.

Video on the topic

Master class for preschoolers “BABA YAGA’S HUT. Drawing with carbon paper"

Sredina Olga Stanislavovna - teacher, Central Children's Educational Institution No. 1 "Bear Cub", Yuryuzan, Chelyabinsk region.
Educational or creative work
Introduction to Russian fairy tales and illustrations for them, as well as the depiction of Baba Yaga's hut in animation.
Fostering love and interest in Russian folklore
Development of imagination and broadening of horizons.
Improving practical skills in using graphic materials
Training on how to work with carbon paper
Paper, (landscape and carbon) pencils and colored pencils, pastel or wax crayons - optional
Preliminary work:
1. Acquaintance with illustrations by Russian artists and animators for fairy tales in which Baba Yaga appears

Baba Yaga's huts can now be found in the most unexpected places: in parks, on children's playgrounds...

And here is a hut on one leg.

Literary component:

1 riddles
What kind of old lady in torn clothes is this?
Lives in a hut on chicken legs?
She always lights the stove, but doesn't eat the pie,
Who is it then? - This is... (Baba Yaga)

Facing the forest
And it smokes through a crooked pipe.
There Yaga - the forest grandmother -
He yawns sweetly on the stove.
(A hut on chicken legs.)

Listening to a poem
Baba Yaga's Living Hut:
This Hut has two chicken legs.
Her legs stick out -
And they freeze in the January cold.

Baba Yaga bought her boots -
Small boots for chicken leg.
And there are no shoes in stores
For the legs of giant chickens.

The size of the Hut is ninety-two:
Try on a shoe - a shoe with a hole.
The owner is bringing her sneakers -
At that moment the new clothes fell apart.

She wanders alone among the oak forests,
First one leg, then the other...
Sighs in longing and sadness:
How people crushed now!

to children:

Who is Baba Yaga: good or evil?
IN different fairy tales– different. (list examples)
Why do you think hunters built (and are still building) huts on chicken legs in the forest? (so that the animals do not get to the food supplies)
Are there dwellings raised above the ground in other countries, and what are they invented for? (in some countries - from floods)


1 option
Fold white A3 paper (landscape sheet) with carbon paper. It is also standard - A3. Fold both sheets in half with the short sides facing each other.
Place the folded sheet to your left.

Draw a snowdrift (or snowdrifts) with smooth lines. From the fold to the right, draw a square or rectangle. This is the future log hut on chicken legs. To avoid creating a simple hunting hut, do not forget to step back from the snowdrifts, leaving room for chicken legs.

Draw a triangular roof. We draw the logs of the log house using horizontal parallel lines. Between them, using spiral movements, we depict the ends of the logs from the side wall.

Draw a chicken leg. We place it not at the very edge of the frame, but not close to the fold - approximately in the middle. Its skin is rough and clumsy, and it has three nails (fingers). The fourth is a spur. He's turned back.

We paint over the semicircle of the dormer window and draw vertically the boards covering the attic. We also draw and paint over the window opening. Baba Yaga is not at home and there is no light either.

We draw the trunk of a tall spruce and branches on one side. The branches are inclined downwards; we use a wavy line to represent the edges of the coniferous branches.
The same branches appear on the other side of the trunk and in the middle.

We draw silhouettes of Christmas trees in the distance. There are footprints in the snow, snowflakes in the sky.

Unfold the sheet and take out the carbon paper.

Tinting the sky.

Option 2

This option is fantasy. You can come up with any other form of hut. And add other animals and birds. Instead of an owl, for example, depict geese-swans, instead of a cat - a fox, a hare or a wolf.
The beginning is the same as in the first version. We fold the white paper and carbon paper so that the fold is to our left. For left-handers, this fold should probably be on the right, but since the majority are right-handed, we place the workpiece this way.
And we draw snowdrifts.

Using horizontal lines we outline the floor and ceiling of the hut.

Draw the wall and roof.

We depict logs on the log house

We draw a window, paint over the opening, add simple trim and draw the roof.

Now - a solid chicken leg. The hut not only stands on them, but also walks.

The dormer window will be a diamond shape. Let's paint it over too. We are finishing the attic.

We cover distant mountains with forests

An old gnarled tree appears next to the hut.

We put an owl on a branch

We draw one owl - we get two, we draw one cat - there will also be two of them.

Shade part of the image.

Russian hut, hut, house in the village, natural landscape depicting wooden houses is a source of inspiration for many artists. A Russian hut is easy to depict by drawing simple lines and geometric shapes, so a child can draw it. And if you add more realistic details, shadows and perspective, you can create a real masterpiece. In this lesson we will learn how to draw a Russian hut outside and inside with all its components. So, let's begin!

Hut outside

First, we will learn how to draw a Russian hut from the outside step by step. For clarity, each new detail in the image will be highlighted in red. You can do all the work with a simple pencil.

Stage 1
Let's draw general outline future home. Two inclined lines at the top are the roof, and three lines are the bases and walls of the house.

To make it symmetrical, draw a vertical line passing through the top of the roof and the middle of the base of the house. Next, build lines to the right and left relative to the center one.

Stage 2
Now let's move on to the roof indicated above in red. Let's draw the lines as shown in the figure.

Stage 3
Every house has a foundation on which the rest of the structure stands. Let's draw the base in the form of a rectangle.

Stage 4
To make it clear that the house is made of logs, let’s draw circles located one above the other near the right and left walls.

Stage 5
Traditionally, one or two windows are drawn in the image of a house. And as we look at the house from the front, we see the third attic window, pointed at the top according to the shape of the roof.

Stage 6
Let's draw the shutters in the shape of rectangles and complete the attic windows, as shown in the image below.

Stage 7
Let's finish drawing the two main windows. Drawing windows will be described in detail later in this lesson.

Stage 8
The windows in the Russian hut were decorated decoratively. They painted flowers on the shutters and nailed down patterns carved from wood. Let's draw decorative planks above the windows, as shown in the figure. And, of course, what would a hut be without a chimney? Let’s draw a chimney.

Stage 9
Let's depict the plank and stone surface of the house.

The house is ready! Looks interesting.

Draw with a pencil

Drawing with a pencil has its own techniques, so in this part of the lesson we will separately look at how to draw a Russian hut with a pencil. Use the basics of construction from the first part of the lesson, add details from your imagination, change their places, the main thing here is to draw a house with a pencil.

Draw the general outlines of the house with a thin line.

We outline the roof lines as shown in the figure. You can put more pressure on the pencil, or superimpose some strokes on others.

It is better to trace at the end of the drawing, in case you have to erase with an eraser.

Draw windows and logs on top of the wall line.

We draw the details: shutters, pipes, boards and carvings on the cut of the logs.

The surface of the logs has a rounded shape, so a shadow is formed at the junction between them. Let's depict the shadow with light shading.

A glare forms on the protruding part of the logs - this place should remain light. Let's paint over the turns of the logs so that the shading is slightly lighter than the shadow area. This will create the volume.

Now let's complete the drawing. Using the same principle as shown above, we will depict chiaroscuro on the windows, roof, pipe and other details that will be in your drawing. Using strokes we will depict the sky and grass - the closer it is to the viewer, the sparser the grass will be, and vice versa. You can experiment, the main thing is that the lines are light and confident.

Decoration of a Russian hut

In this part of the lesson we will learn how to draw the inside of a Russian hut.

Creating perspective. We draw 2 rectangles - one inside the other, and connect the corners, as shown in the figure. The size and location of the rectangles depends on what kind of room we want to get in the end.

We arrange objects. In a Russian hut we see a stove, a bench, shelves for dishes and other things, a cradle, a spindle and an icon. To correctly place objects in perspective, you need to draw lines parallel to the main ones shown above. It's not difficult, the main thing is to draw the lines evenly and imagine what it will look like as a result.

Add light and shade to the finished room. Let's imagine where the light comes from and which surface will remain light. Let's see in what places the shadow from objects will fall. To show the wooden surface inside the house, we depict the relief of the board using the shadow.

red corner

The red corner in a Russian hut is a place with an icon table and a bench. Let's see how to draw the red corner of a Russian hut.

Draw the room in perspective, as shown above. Add a table and bench to the room.

In the corner of the room, closer to the ceiling, draw a rectangle - this will be an icon. We draw an arc from the bottom of the rectangle, draw a circle on top and paint the background around them. We draw a shelf for the icon. If desired, you can draw the icon in more detail.


It remains to consider in detail how to draw a Russian stove in a hut and windows. Let's draw a stove.

We draw a stove according to the laws of perspective described above.

Drawing a stove with small details.

Professional drawing.


In conclusion, let’s see how you can draw the window of a Russian hut.

The carving on the windows can be a pattern or any other image. Can be part of the shutter, or attached separately.

The carving can be made in volume, projection, or flat.

For a window design, you can take into account the time of year in order to depict patterns similar to the weather on the shutters, patterns on the glass from frost, if, for example, it is winter. You can combine the design with the finished carving.

Every modern man must definitely live somewhere: in an apartment or in a house... Human dwellings were called differently before and are called now. Among such names we can recall: house, hut, kuren, tent, hut, yaranga, wigwam, apartment and others. But there is one more thing, an old one Russian name human dwellings. This is a hut. Huts were built in Rus' from logs, the so-called log huts. The gaps between the logs were laid with special fluffed ropes or grasses (for insulation) so that the wind would not blow. Skilled craftsmen used to be able to build huts without a single nail. But for this it was necessary to study for a long time from experienced masters. Izbas are often present in Russian folk tales and epics. Let's learn how to draw a hut step by step on our website.

Stage 1. First, as usual, we draw the auxiliary lines of our future hut. The straight line of the ground on which the hut stands, with two straight lines extending upward from it at a short distance. We intersect them with roof lines crossing each other. The hut will have two windows - these are squares or small rectangles.

Stage 2. Under the hut we draw an elongated closed curve elongated along. This will then be the green lawn on which our home stands.

Stage 3. Now on the sides of the hut along the straight lines of the walls we draw circles with curls. These are the logs from which this dwelling is built. And the curls on the log houses are the lines on the transverse cuts. The logs go right up to the roof.

Stage 4. Now let's draw the roof. Along the intersecting upper straight lines we draw the contours of the planed logs. They form the roof itself, raised at the top and lowered towards the walls.

Stage 6. Let's do a little decorating of our hut. Let's draw beautiful sashes around the window frames. They are carved from wood and form the patterned frame of our windows. On the sides of each window there are two sashes, which are usually closed at night.

Stage 7. Now, using horizontal lines, we will draw the logs that make up our hut. We carry them from one side to the other.

Stage 8. Next to the hut we will draw a fence. It consists of straight lines - boards. We place lines often. On the fence near the huts there were usually pots and cast iron pots - utensils for cooking in the oven.

Stage 9. Let's draw the second part of the fence from the other side.

Stage 10. Now we will connect all the vertical boards of the fence with transverse lines like a ladder. Immediately delete all unnecessary lines, leaving only the main lines of the drawing.

It’s great when children know the history of their country and have an idea of ​​what kind of houses the village population lived in. Having seen a visual picture, they can try to reproduce it themselves. To do this, just read how to draw a hut. Perhaps in the future they will become architects and create more than one project of similar houses.

We create the basis of the structure

To feel like real draftsmen, you need to arm yourself with a pencil and a ruler. Using these tools, draw a rectangle. Its larger sides are horizontal and its smaller sides are vertical.

Inside this figure you need to draw 2 perpendicular lines. The first is horizontal, it divides the rectangle almost in half. The second is vertical, draw it on the left side of the rectangle, so that it separates a third of it. At the bottom of this line, draw 2 small parallel horizontal segments so that you know at what level to place the windows.

So that the roof doesn't blow off

The upper part of the house will be permanent. Part of the roof is visible from the front, part - in profile. Let's take care of the first part first. You need to draw two logs that, intersecting at the top, form an angle. Please note that the edges of the logs are pointed.

Now we can talk about how to draw a hut further. Need to indicate most roof, which is visible from the side. A pre-drawn horizontal segment will help with this. It is this that separates the main part of the building from the roof on the canvas. It should stick out a little from the side. To do this, draw inclined segments on one side and the other; they are marked in blue in the drawing.

How to draw a hut so that it is not, like in a riddle, without windows and doors, you will learn about this by reading the next paragraph.

Drawing the details of the house

It's time to remember those two small parallel segments located inside the rectangle. These are window limiters. First, draw a door that is located at the bottom of the vertical segment, while it seems to divide it in half. To the left and right of it, draw a rectangular window; they are extended from top to bottom.

The door and these windows are located at the front of the house. In the side it is also necessary to draw 2 windows of the same shape.

If you are thinking about how to draw a Russian hut so that it looks as authentic as possible, then move on to the next stage of work.

Turning a drawing into a drawing

The fun begins. A fun activity is drawing identical circles. They should be small. Place the circles on the sides on the front of the building and on the right on the side.

This technique will allow you to show the wood cuts. It now became obvious that the structure was built from logs. To indicate them even more clearly, draw horizontal segments from the top and bottom of the circles. When talking about how to draw a hut step by step, it should be noted that where the windows and doors are located, there is no need to draw these lines. Next to each vertical row of circles, place them in the same order along the chain so that the edges of the logs running from the inside of the canvas to the viewer are visible.

Here's how to draw a Russian hut so that it is clear what it consists of.

Of course, in houses of this type there must be a stove, so it is necessary to draw the top of the pipe from it. Place it on the left side of the roof. To make it clear that it consists of brick, arrange it in a checkerboard pattern. Make the pipe wider at the top than at the bottom.

Draw frames on the windows and cross-shaped lines inside. Let the roof also be made of logs. Draw a lot of horizontal lines at the top of the house to make it clear what material the roof is made of.

So we learned how to draw a hut step by step. You can leave it as is or decorate it as shown in the photo. Then draw trees in the background, and grass on the sides and in front. A brown house will look even better against an emerald background.