Happy New Year greetings to my beloved wife (in verse). Happy New Year greetings to your wife and wife Beloved wife and mother Happy New Year

  • 18.09.2023

My dearest wife,
Guardian of the hearth!
How quickly we became for each other
We are two in two boots!
Now we walk through life together,
And I believe: we will go through a lot!
My dear, Happy New Year!
May it be great for the two of us!

Happy New Year, dear wife!
It's like I'm flying with you!
Happiness, joy, laughter, fun,
And good luck with color watercolor!
May luck smile on you
All good things will begin again!
Bad weather remains behind,
Happiness increases every day!

My beloved, dear!
I want to wish you a Happy New Year!
I wish you to laugh more often!
And all the troubles are left behind!
I wish you unlimited happiness!
For all subsequent years!
I give you my clear light!
Your love and your heart too!
So let the warmth warm them,
It will always help you!

Holiday, music, colored tinsel,
Bright necklaces and candles...
For you until the morning -
Once a year there will be a wonderful evening,
Don't get tired of being surprised:
Good luck awaits you, magic is at your door:
There are miracles every day -
If you believe in them with all your heart.
Happy New Year, just for you!

Happy New Year, my wife!
Happy New Year, dear, dear!
I walked around the forests and seas,
I dived into the lake, into the river to the bottom,
Jumped into the abyss
From the pointed rocks,
Been to such “extremes”, oh my God -
I’ve been looking for “half” for a long time!..
And I found it - the most beautiful of all, younger!
Let's forget sadness, sadness, misfortune,
Let's be friends forever with laughter.
May there be goodness, warmth and light in the year
Happiness will be brought with great success!

Happy New Year to you,
Dear beautiful wife!
I live forever loving you alone,
You are surrounded by my warmth.
Night without sleep, spring dawn,
Whatever you want, waste your bucks,
Only to you, my love, I give
I'm already at the beginning of January.
I can’t take my eyes off you in life,
I live, breathe you alone!..
Always be who you are -
Affectionate, divine, dear!

Happy New Year, darling
And my dear!
So that you can see sweet eyes,
I rush through the years, the seas.
I see your beauty
In thousands of future days...
Always be closer to me and
Everyone is happier, dearer!
All our dreams will come true,
Sadness and sadness will go into the distance;
It's easier to love in new days
Let us, my love!

Dear, sweet, dear,
May the New Year bring only happiness,
And of course I promise you,
That the winter cold will not come to our souls.
And we will only love more
On New Year's Eve, spring will sing within us.
I will carry you in my arms,
After all, you are my legal wife.

The Christmas tree spread out,
How's your butt?
green twigs,
Candies hang from them.
Chocolate and toffee,
Like your tits.
The star is lit red,
How your nose shines from drunkenness.
thorn needles,
Like your hands.
My wife
Happy New year to you!

Candles are lit and glasses are filled,
And now the clock is striking twelve,
And you and I are among earthly happiness,
There is peace, patience, comfort in my soul.
I wish you happiness in the New Year.
My wife. You are no relative to me,
Let adversity and bad weather go away,
Don’t let the blizzard howl in your soul.

Happy New Year, dear wife!
The days have become our destiny.
Don’t tell everyone: “I’m the only one!” -
I'm with you forever.
There will be days, there will be nights
Through mountains, seas,
Because I love you very much,
My golden one!
Call - winter or summer
And I will come to you...
Be happy in this -
The best year ever!

So December is over.
Time rushes forward.
Honey, how I want
Celebrate the New Year with you!
At midnight, to the chimes
Snow flies through the window.
Your laughter is more valuable than diamonds.
The best gift for me!
It's blue twilight in the room,
Your voice sounds quiet.
Let's drink to this beautiful
Music on a winter night!
Let's drink to the happiness we desire,
For these nights without sleep!
You were given to me by heaven,
The best wife in the world!

Midnight strikes, and to the sounds of the anthem,
To the happy cries of “Hurray! »
I wish you, beloved wife,
Only happiness and only goodness.
Fireworks, rapidly bright,
Sparkling with multi-colored radiance,
You are a wonderful priceless gift
She burst into my quiet life.
Stay forever loved
Equally wise, beautiful, dear,
So that I, protected by our happiness,
I walked through life only next to you!

If you drink wine and vodka
They won't let me on holiday.
I'll give you a frying pan
To a wonderful wife!
Let the pancakes bake properly,
He fries eggs, potatoes...
Let him live happily in the kitchen
And it doesn’t fit into my pocket!
For the last paycheck
She can't see, the stump is clear,
Not a Gucci suit
Not any other rubbish!

Merry christmas and a happy new year!
I congratulate my beloved wife.
And let the clock move slowly,
They will bring happiness and spring closer to you.
And may luck knock on your door,
And the sun looks tenderly through the window,
And let the soul sing like a cheerful bird,
And let it be light from smiles.

On these holidays -
Laughter and fun!
Accept from my soul -
Lots of congratulations.
Happy new year, dear!
Smile more often!
Get the job done while humming
Life is sweeter from song!

Happy New Year dear!
Happy holiday, dear!
You will be happy!
I know that for sure!
On these holidays, loving -
To groom, to please.
Carrying you in my arms
To make one's bed!
Whatever you say dear
Only for you
I'll show you a little bit of heaven
And also – yourself!!!

New Year's Rake: snowy, young
In a tender embrace he will take you with him.
He will give you joy, jokes, laughter.
It would be a sin to refuse such gifts!

Evening fell on the window,
The spruce is turning silver with snow,
Chimes: our meeting,
We are waiting for the New Year with you.
The two of us, the candles are flickering,
The creaking of snowflakes in the yard,
Marked with anticipation
Evening in old December.
Into a dream where you and I are together,
Where the whole world is your face,
Where are you, my bride,
I'm putting on the ring.
Happy new year, dear,
These dreams will come true
I don't need another life
Without you there is no spring for me!

On these holidays
I want to be near.
With kisses they
They will be covered in chocolate.
I'll tell you how I love it
Thankfully it's the weekend!
Let's remember our youth
The actions are pampering.
In the bathroom I rub my back,
I'll take you to bed
Breakfast early in the morning
I'll bring it to the bed.
With the caress of my hands I am yours,
I'll kiss your neck.
Give me a gentle look
Where can I find one?
We'll have a drink at the Brudershaft.
With a hot kiss.
New Year is in a hurry now.
Let it be bright.

You, my soul mate,
I want to wish you a Happy New Year.
With you, wife, I know this for sure,
We can handle any difficulties and plans.
And on the New Year of the Snake 2013
I will press you tighter to my chest,
You and I will go together, as before -
You and I have all of eternity ahead of us!

It was not in vain that I met you,
It’s not in vain that I live with you,
Know, more beautiful than you in the world,
Not in a dream, not in reality!
You are a dear hostess,
Mom is the best for children,
We all love you, dear,
You are the best and the cutest of all!
Happy new year and new happiness,
My kitten, my wife,
May no bad weather enter our home
They will never settle!

Beloved, good, dear,
You are the only one for me in the whole world,
I congratulate you on the New Year,
It’s so good that you are my wife!
Your ringing laughter and beautiful eyes are a pool
They give me joy every day of the year,
And if it’s difficult, they will help me,
And if necessary, they will avert trouble.
So be fate and protected by the Lord!
I'll drink to the dregs during the chiming clock,
For the most beautiful, beloved...
I drink to you, beloved wife!

Happy new year, dear!
The best wife in the world!
My dear clever girl,
My eternal spring.
You are always my support
In the coming year.
I want to avoid disputes,
Discussing nonsense.
Let everything new strive
Next year to get there
In our humble arms -
We'll grab the best.
And diseases and problems
I won't let you in on the threshold,
I wish you the best
Because I love you so much.

There is truth - it is one. I am your husband, you are my wife.
With you next to me the night is brighter, and there is nothing more beautiful on earth,
More desirable, more devoted, dearer than my beloved woman.
You are the sky, air and earth, a sip of water, fire in ice
In the last days of December I am counting the long minutes,
So that when the chimes strike, I tenderly congratulate you on the New Year,
To salute his arrival with champagne on this snowy night!


Happy New Year greetings to your wife in verse

Happy New Year greetings to wife

I fall in love with you again and again,
Like the first time, my love!
And on New Year, a beautiful holiday,
I wish you different impressions!

Let every day and every evening,
We will be glad to meet each other.
So that everything you dream about comes true,
And our love never ended!

Happy New Year wishes to wife

I don’t believe that my wife is like this -
He really knows and knows everything
Well, tell me, how can you not fall in love with someone like that?
After all, it’s impossible not to be proud of her.

I love you, my dear wife,
Happy New Year today.
I wish you to be beautiful
Always happy - and love me.

New Year's greetings to the wife

Your tenderness, your lips...
You mean the whole world to me!
We can't live without each other
And on our New Year's feast

I wish you happiness!
May this year bring
Everything you dream of!
Flight of feelings and fantasies!

New Year greetings for wife

My wife, without exaggeration,
Love and joy, a real treasure!
And Happy New Year, baby, without a doubt
I am happy to congratulate you today.

You are the most wonderful in the world,
You deserve all the praise.
May our children be healthy
A flurry of happiness will sweep over us!

Funny and comic Happy New Year greetings to your wife

Snowflakes are circling in the air,
And the snow crunches underfoot,
My beloved soulmate
Santa Claus will visit today!

He will bring a mountain of gifts,
And he will ask you to make a wish.
The night will be hot tonight
I hope our bed is strong!

Happy New Year greetings to wife from husband

My beloved wife,
I have only one you!
And believe me, I don’t need more -
Always be happy and glad

Forget about disagreements, quarrels -
After all, the holiday has arrived!
I wish you this New Year
I take a break from all my worries.

Happy New Year poems for wife

The magic of New Year's Eve.
What a wonderful, bright holiday!
Everything you want from life,
Let him bring it to you as a gift!

The clink of glasses with sparkling wine,
Joyful toasts are for good luck.
May the whole year be radiant,
Let him enchant with beautiful passion!

New Year 2020 is approaching, and it’s time to think about what to give to your loved ones. But even a well-chosen New Year's gift will be incomplete without beautiful packaging and a greeting card. A New Year's greeting card will make a more positive impression if it is made in the form of a short poem. We bring to your attention New Year's greetings for your wife in verse.

My dear wife, happy holiday to you!

I congratulate you, loving you so sincerely.

May this New Year be bright,

May it bring you more victories.

My dear, Happy New Year to you,

I will congratulate you the day before,

I wish you well,

And there are many happy occasions!

Happy New Year, dear wife,

The most beloved, dear, groovy,

So that you can easily solve all your problems.

You and I, my dear, will celebrate this day,

On New Year's Day my beloved and I will sit together,

After all, she and I are now a friendly family,

We will all celebrate this New Year together,

We must never forget our love!

Let your eyes shine today,

And today we can’t be sad at all,

My wife and I raise a glass again,

May the coming year bring happiness!

Today I got together with my wife and children,

We have been waiting for this day for a long time.

We are celebrating the New Year today,

Happiness awaits us all, we know that for sure!

Happy New Year, my dear,

So your love warms me again,

I wish you happiness, peace and laughter,

So that you achieve success in life!

Happy New Year, beloved, dear,

You are the most tender, the only one like that.

I wish you joy in everything, good luck,

So that you can easily solve all your problems.

On New Year's Day, everyone's dreams come true,

Garlands and lights are lit on the Christmas trees.

You and I will celebrate this day wonderfully,

We're not too lazy to dance and sing now!

I want to hear your wonderful laugh,

May success await you in this life.

I congratulate you on the New Year,

I wish you both happiness and joy!

New Year is coming today

My dear knows about this!

I heartily congratulate her,

And I wish you a happy day!

On New Year's Day, everyone's dreams come true,

I want to wish you beauty

Let troubles and bad weather go away,

Let happiness sparkle in life!

In the New Year you and I will be together,

We met again in the usual place.

Let's have fun, sing, play, dance,

And wish each other a Happy New Year!

Wife, I love your ringing laughter,

May one success await you in life.

Make a wish on a star,

Recognition awaits you all, of course!

Happy New Year with a new happiness,

Let trouble and bad weather go away.

My heartfelt congratulations to my beloved,

I wish her well-being and joy!

On New Year's Day, everyone's dreams come true,

Wonderful lights are lit on the Christmas trees.

My wife and I will celebrate this hour and wonderful day,

We are not at all lazy to dance and have fun!

Darling, I love your ringing laughter!

May success always await you in life,

I sincerely congratulate you on the New Year,

I wish you prosperity, joy and good luck!

I congratulate my beloved on the holiday,

I’ll put a delicious treat on the table today,

We will all raise a glass of wine together today,

Let's drink to happiness, joy and love to the dregs!


These are the kind of wonderful poems you can accompany a gift by beautifully signing a holiday card for the New Year 2020. We wish you love, health and prosperity in the New Year of the White Metal Rat.

New Year's holidays always seem magical. Children and, of course, wives are looking forward to them. And often with an admixture of horror, because what the faithful will say and give this year is always a big question.

May your New Year's greetings to your wife really be a pleasant surprise for her this year. Attach an unusual card with wishes in verse. Among the congratulations for 2020, you will find beautiful, gentle, romantic ones. And if your wife has a great sense of humor, then there will be funny and humorous poems. Be happy in the New Year!

Romantic congratulations in verse

Happy New Year, most beautiful,
May your luck be fair!
I wish you romance this year,
Because I'm meeting him with you.

You are my wife and I am so lucky
That the moment of meeting did not pass us by.
Happy because it's New Year
The two of us are waiting for us together again!

On New Year's Day, on a night like this,
Let's drive the vanity away.
Let's prepare a delicious dinner,
You and I don't need anyone.

Just champagne and candles
We will have a wonderful evening!
My dear wife,
Life with you is so delicious!

New Year for us,
A little bit of magic in stock!
So that love makes a fuss,
As if at the moment of meeting, I perked up!

Happy New Year!
Let the tour guide be a success
It will be, no matter where you are,
To always live richly!

Let you my wife
Happiness will be your best friend!
Let pain and grief be strangers,
And their bullets are blanks!

Beloved, beloved wife,
A glass of good wine
The most wonderful atmosphere
Comfort on a global scale.

Our wealth is behind us:
What is measured in years.
All this is sweet with you,
We'll take you and me to the New Year.

Happy New Year,
Let life be sweeter than honey!
Interesting and reliable
Where it will be difficult for us to get bored!

Happy New Year,
I love my wife!
I sincerely wish you miracles,
I will open the doors to them!

I also want to wish
The simplest things:
Let love and peace stay overnight,
Protecting the brightness of days!

My dear bunny, your tiger,
To make you happy, he will find everything!
For you, my love, in the coming year,
May luck shamelessly steal your happiness!

I want to ride with the breeze,
This New Year, wonderful, together!
And take everything good with you,
To enjoy life and love!

New Year's greetings for the wife with humor

Guardian of the hearth,
Sometimes gentle, sometimes strict...
Like a winged celestial being,
Or is the chieftain in a skirt on edge?

I didn’t understand you, my dear,
But I felt the taste of life!
My beautiful self
You disturbed my peace!

With you, my love, I wish you
Walk side by side into the New Year!
I congratulate you with all my heart,
I just ask you to be happy!

My faithful life companion,
My friend, lover, wife!
You are a generator of many ideas,
Organizer of our leisure time!

I wish you this New Year,
Darling, I am a household revolution!
From now on, so that all work in the house
Didn't appear in the life album!

And in order to settle down the dust did not dare,
And outside of our choir it settled somewhere.
Let the vacuum cleaner swallow all the disputes,
And the negative goes into the garbage chute, downhill!

All this, I wish, so as not to be distracted,
For everyday questions, and just enjoy!
I wish you happiness, both of us!
Let every moment be unique!

To your affectionate candy,
I wish for the New Year,
Do not serve secretly in intelligence,
Because my husband doesn't lie!

And let your pain, dear,
In the right place, at the right time
Headache doesn't bother me
This is a holiday order!

To prevent the nail from breaking,
At an unwanted moment.
So as not to show off,
Hearts are a new challenger!

I will actively help you with this,
I will become a powerful amulet.
Cause I love you so much
The power of the mind is powerless!

Happy New Year, beauty!
Your easy walk
So invigorating and inspiring,
Which sometimes confuses me!

So that somehow suddenly
The heel was not captured,
On tights so that there are arrows,
Gatherings were cancelled.

To all curling irons and hair dryers
Don't leave your stage!
Let any little thing be for you,
Never offends!

Friend of all my days, without exception,
Please accept congratulations from your husband!
So that success and happiness explode,
Immersed in comfort and pleasure!

I wish the dust would rush out of the window,
So that the food itself carries out the cooking process.
Calmness and balance are not bursting at the seams,
And so that there is room for all your dreams in the New Year!

My fairy fairy
Let luck not be timid
He will bring everything on a saucer,
In the coming New Year!

A ton of happiness and fun,
A couple of kilograms of idleness,
I wish you good health,
And good luck!

Waterproof mascara too...
Feeling like I'm in anticipation
Trembling at future accomplishments
And good changes!

- the same ordinary day as everyone else, but it is our special attitude and attention to detail, joy for loved ones, the desire to brighten up gray everyday life and open a new clean page in the book of our life that turns it into something magical and joyful. And it is in our power to make this day unforgettable by congratulating family and friends from the bottom of our hearts.

Congratulations are a mandatory New Year ritual. We have already compiled a selection of New Year's greetings addressed to, in this article we give tips to those who are racking their brains on how to congratulate your wife or beloved girl in a unique and warm way on the New Year.

Happy New Year wishes to wife

To wish my beloved wife
I want good luck in the New Year,
Kiss your husband more often
And be in a good mood.

Don't know problems, don't know worries -
Let your wishes come true!
Have a Happy New Year!
Accept my declaration of love!
The happily married man pulled out a ticket -
No one has a more beautiful wife.
You, my dear, are simply the best -
Success accompanies you in everything.

May the coming New Year
It will bring you more success in life.
Stay the same with me
And smile at me more often, dear.

I wish Happy New Year to my dear and beloved life partner! You were and will always be the most beautiful, caring and gentle wife in the world for me! I love you and wish you to always feel happy!
Candles are lit and glasses are filled,
And now the clock is striking twelve,
And you and I are among earthly happiness,
There is peace, patience, comfort in my soul.

I wish you happiness in the New Year.
My wife. You are no relative to me,
Let adversity and bad weather go away,
Don’t let the blizzard howl in your soul.

This night I will give it as a gift,
My congratulations to you with all my heart,
It is very soft and a little sweet.
Will shake off the accumulation of worries from the soul.

My dear and beloved wife, I congratulate you on the New Year! I promise to come home on time for the next year, enjoy your friends and spoil you with gifts! I love you and I promise to love all the many years that we will meet together!

Happy New Year, my wife!
Happy New Year, dear, dear!
I walked around the forests and seas,
I dived into the lake, into the river to the bottom,
Jumped into the abyss
From the pointed rocks,
Been to such “extremes”, God -
I’ve been looking for “half” for a long time!..
And he found it - the most beautiful of all, the youngest!
Let's forget sadness, sadness, misfortune,
Let's be friends forever with laughter.
May there be goodness, warmth and light in the year
Happiness will be brought with great success!

New Year's greetings to your beloved girl

Beautiful girl, kind, sweet,
I want to make you the happiest!
I want to wish you good luck,
There are no problems and worries in this life.

Let the New Year give you whatever you want -
Wonderful days and gorgeous nights,
Just hug me more often
And everything will be the way you want - you know.
New Year's wishes for my beloved -
Everything is from the heart, simple and sincere.
Let your expectations come true
And your love will be true.

Magic spells
The blizzard will swirl and sweep away,
Life will be generous to you with kindness,
And all the bad things will fade away.

They say New Year means a new life. And I want to wish you that you take all the good things from last year with you and only increase it. I am glad that you and I have such a warm, tender relationship. I want to say that you are very dear to me. I hope the New Year will be as wonderful as the last one, in which I met you, my love. May the coming 2020 bring us happiness, smiles, joy and love!

The most beautiful girl in the world!
You are slim and beautiful! And you know it!
How sometimes the eyes sparkle with joy,
Today I wish you a Happy New Year.

I wish you passion, joy, goodness,
Golden guy, tenderness, warmth,
Find your meaning in life and follow it,
May you not encounter any obstacles on your way.

I also wish you fun and love,
And don't forget about feminine pride,
Let tender words caress you,
Happy New Year, dear, congratulations!
You and I are often at the edge of the Universe,
We go to the metropolis, to the mountains and to the sea,
You are the only one, in good times and in bad times,
I can’t find anyone better in the world!

And even if we don’t live with you for many years,
Dear girl, there is no one more beautiful than you,
You're positive! Always be like this!
Stay modest for many years to come!

It’s easy for me to go through life with you,
Happy New Year, honey, now you're far away,
But I believe that soon you will come and we will come again,
Let's go hand in hand to the ends of the earth with you!