I dreamed that my ex-boyfriend arrived. Why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend coming back?

  • 08.09.2024

Usually a lover from the past appears in a woman’s night dreams if she wants to get back into a relationship with him. In this case, no special interpretation of the dream will be required. And why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend?

If in reality a girl hasn’t thought about her ex-man for a long time and certainly doesn’t want to get back into a relationship with him, you should turn to dream books for help in interpretation. Thus, in Tsvetkov’s work it is noted that the plot under discussion warns the sleeping woman about a possible frivolous act in the very near future, which will lead her to sad consequences.

Freud notes that in this way, in a dream, a comparison of a former lover with a current partner occurs. As a rule, this does not happen in favor of the latter. Perhaps the new man makes too many mistakes that hurt and offend the girl.

Sigmund Freud also notes that the ex-boyfriend from a dream symbolizes a woman’s fears of possible betrayal in reality. She is subconsciously very afraid of betrayal and constantly thinks about it. To regain your peace of mind, you need to let go of your fears.

In Miller’s dream book, the ex-boyfriend turns out to be a harbinger of illness. This concerns a plot in which a young man looks very bad. Most likely, one of your dear people will get sick.

Kiss with an ex-boyfriend

A passionate kiss with an ex-boyfriend promises the fair sex a quick shock. A woman will receive some shocking news that will radically change her whole life.

If in a dream there was not only a kiss, but also sexual contact, then such a plot promises the fair sex an exacerbation of old conflicts. These are not necessarily contradictions with a lover from the past. Any close acquaintances of the dreamer can become their participants.

Seeing your ex's death in a dream

It happens that in her dream a woman attends the funeral of her ex-man. This is a good sign for her. There is a high probability that the girl will soon get married or become a mother. This interpretation option is especially relevant if the girl did not feel sadness or sadness in her night dreams.

If the girl herself watches the death of her former lover, but does not try to help him in any way, she will probably finally be able to part with the past forever, which pulls her back and does not allow her to fully develop. This will be facilitated by some unexpected events that will change the girl’s thoughts and her outlook on life.

Why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend whom you still love?

There is a belief that a person who appears uninvited in a dream continues to think about the woman. There is a possibility that he, too, still cannot forget his beloved and has feelings for her.

If you dream of a repeat of a couple's separation, you should expect an unexpected meeting or even an invitation to a date. And the wedding of former lovers in a dream foreshadows serious problems in reality. They can relate to personal life and any other areas of it.

Did you dream about an ex-man as the husband of another girl? This plot can have several meanings at once, depending on the mood of the sleeping woman. If such a picture gives her emotional pain and grief, most likely, the fair sex is simply very jealous of the man and worries that he will soon find himself a new girl. If the dreamer rejoices for the happiness of her ex-partner, the plot under discussion promises her forgiveness of an old offense.

Reconciliation with an ex in a dream

Most dream books suggest that a dream about the reconciliation of former lovers is an important sign. He says that the man still has strong feelings for the girl. He greatly regrets the breakup and wants to get back into the relationship. If a woman experiences similar emotions, you can try to start a romantic relationship again.

It happens that in a dream, reconciliation happens with a man whom the girl has already forgotten for a long time and does not want to renew her relationship with him at all. In this case, the plot of the dream promises her a new joyful turn of fate. If she had long wanted to deal with the burden of problems and start living again, the perfect time had come for this.

Sometimes a woman in a dream sees herself again in a relationship with her former lover and at the same time quarreling strongly with him. A fight with a man from the past promises her serious conflicts or even separation from her current gentleman. If during the process a girl feels the desire to kill a young man, it means that she is completely ready for a new relationship and for positive changes in real life.

A very happy relationship after reconciliation with a former partner in a dream foreshadows surprise in reality. It may also turn out to be unpleasant. For example, concerning the true character traits of a new lover, which will suddenly open up in an unusual situation.

Value depending on the day of the week

The meaning of a dream can be influenced even by the day of the week on which the plot was seen:

  • The night from Saturday to Sunday sends important signals to the sleeper. The dream may well turn out to be prophetic, so you need to try to recall it in memory in the smallest detail and analyze it. The revealed meaning and details of the vision must be kept in the strictest confidence from others until the prediction comes true.
  • Dreams from Sunday to Monday come true extremely rarely. Therefore, you should pay attention to their plot only if it is strongly etched in your memory and is not forgotten for several days.
  • A dream from Monday to Tuesday, where the man again leaves the sleeping woman, suggests that she experiences a subconscious fear of losing loved ones and relatives who remained close.
  • If you dream about your ex from Tuesday to Wednesday and the plot of your night dreams evokes pleasant emotions in a woman, most likely she lacks romance and passion in her current relationship.
  • A dead former lover in a dream from Wednesday to Thursday warns of danger.
  • If a man from the past hugs a girl in a vision from Thursday to Friday, it means that the sleeping woman will be able to easily defeat her enemies.
  • The voice of a former lover in a dream from Friday to Saturday is a clear sign that the young man wants to talk to a woman in reality.

An ex-boyfriend or ex-husband who appears in a dream symbolizes your excessive preoccupation with the past.

This is what prevents you from moving forward and developing as an individual; your ex-love doesn't want to give up your present love's place in your heart.

The dream in which you parted with this person suggests that the time is coming for a change of priorities, the collapse of previous ideals.

After this internal audit, things will go much better for you, in all areas of your life.

Interpretation of dreams from Longo's Dream Interpretation

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Dream Interpretation - Ex-boyfriend came to get married

The dream suggests that the Dreamer broke up with her ex-boyfriend in reality because he did not correspond to her ideas about her future husband. But the feelings remained unrealized... (a kiss with the ex and a feeling of happiness for both), and not necessarily for the ex, perhaps also for the future companion. It is not advisable to deprive yourself and a loved one of ordinary Human happiness, no matter what you want from life, since it is simple human feelings and desires that keep two people together. This is what the dream says.

Dream Interpretation - Former drunk guy

Your dream conveys exactly what you are thinking about and analyzing during the day.. ". From an excess of feelings, I involuntarily begin to remember all my former relationships: what would I like to change." That is why you get on the transport again and act completely differently in relation to your boyfriend , not like the first time... Transport in your dream is some kind of life period of time,... If a tram... Then... This is something.. That you can’t turn back.. In general, all your thoughts are here in pictures like this at night...

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Ex-girlfriend

While a person sleeps, his brain continues to work and process data in a free mode. In a dream, you see images and symbols that are understandable to you. Data processed during sleep can come from different information sources. The human field, his body, the surrounding space, absolutely everything contains information. In this dream, your consciousness touched the sector in which information about your relationships with female representatives is stored. The image of a black, sick kitten, which you saw AFTER the image of your ex-girlfriend, indicates that the breakup was not easy for you. There is a record of this in the memory, which can serve as an obstacle to creating new relationships. For a comfortable, unhindered implementation of a new relationship, you need to rethink the period of stress caused by the breakup with your ex. This is what your brain told you about through dreams. Dreaming about an ex means having a record of the past with this person. “problematic” entry of the stranger you are hugging - you are striving for a new acquaintance. The contrast between the ex and the black kitten is a record of a negative memory associated with this person. The ex disappeared and a white kitten appeared - rethinking negative memories leads to certain results. White color - purity and sincerity are important to you. You have to meet a girl. For a comfortable realization of this event, the subconscious should free itself from negative memories.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Ex-husband and his family

Hello, different personalities can indicate their existence, like some forms of sub-personalities in your memories, head, soul. Everyone is responsible for their role within you. Father-in-law - eldest, adviser, theoretical knowledge, intelligence, Mother-in-law - eldest, wisdom, experience, practical knowledge. Wet trail - you may have left unfavorable memories of yourself. A sheet can mean something personal, personal thoughts, opinions. A towel can also be an opinion. A mirror is also the embodiment of an opinion - you are happy with yourself, but your mother-in-law is not. Perhaps you act according to your thoughts and opinions - a towel, ignoring previous experience and opinion, like the advice of elders - a sheet. You may also be renouncing previous experiences to form new ones based on your current needs. Perhaps your action leads to memories of your ex-husband as a past life experience. Now your previous opportunities are at the mercy of another woman, and you no longer have what life and fate could give you. You get angry and throw the woman out - perhaps you are turning against your memories of the past, against your past feelings and driving them out of your head (home). Your husband - that is, in a dream he can mean logic, consciousness turned to the present and future - remains satisfied with you because you take a rational approach to the situation. This way, you are being reasonable instead of worrying about the past. Good luck!

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

The dream contributes to the comprehension of family relationships, understanding of connections with family and ancestors; unusual changes in the way of life are possible, situations when you have to act decisively and atypically. A favorable time for concluding contracts, new partnerships or marriage.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Ex-husband and his children

Good afternoon, Nadezhda! “I dreamed about my ex-husband... My son... I see my mother-in-law who wants me to give up something in favor of my son... We start talking to her in a raised voice, and then I loudly declare that I have decided to return to my husband. “These are your old experiences. I recommended that you use the practice of Recapitulation to work with this. This dream is a good reason for this. And this is really necessary, since you are still supplying it with life force. Save Christ!

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Over time, what remains of a person is an image, a symbol. So the ex-girlfriend may well be transformed in your mind into a symbol of the feeling of love /unfulfilled, sad... /. You, under the influence of your past feeling (the girl is driving in her car), feel pity.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - I dream about my ex-girlfriend again

An ex-girlfriend can mean a former destiny, a coincidence or aspirations in life. Compare: she takes you in a car - former circumstances, desires and dreams guide you through life. Perhaps somehow they will appear in your life again. Old situations may be repeated. Perhaps something inside you misses the “old” you, perhaps you want to bring something back into your life? Any activity or dream? Take care of yourself.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Former lover - why did he decide to come into your dream? Interpreters give different answers to this question - some consider such dreams to be happy, foreshadowing good changes, others call for letting go of the old, and others generally think about the correctness of one’s behavior and integrity. Below you will find interpretations of dreams with an ex-lover according to Freud, Vanga, Miller, Tsvetkov and Juno.

According to Freud

If a girl sees a dream in which her ex has returned, this is most likely a harbinger of quarrels or even a major rift with her regular lover. A quarrel can happen, for example, because the girl's current partner senses that she is thinking about someone else. If you dream that you are in a loving relationship with your ex again, it means that you are missing sensual caresses. Sometimes ex-lovers dream of the beginning of a new passionate relationship or even an imminent marriage.

According to Miller

If you dreamed that your ex returned, beware of troubles caused by your own rash actions and actions. Sometimes old connections remind you of themselves to warn about the illness of your husband, lover or children, a difficult trip, or financial hardships. Analyze your life, identify its weaknesses and draw appropriate conclusions.

According to Vanga

Vanga refers to everything old as something that is gone - something that is impossible and simply does not even need to be returned. If you cling to outdated relationships, even subconsciously, then you are closing the door to a new, happy life. So why do you dream that your ex has returned, according to Vanga? Mainly to suffering, melancholy, the desire to return to the old. If at the same time you see that you are again in a relationship with an ex-boyfriend or man and are happy and calm, all feelings for him have actually gone away. You will probably soon begin a new relationship that will end in marriage.

According to Juno

A dream with an old lover, in which you experience pleasant emotions, indicates your readiness to start a new relationship.

According to Tsvetkov

Tsvetkov's dream book says - the ex returned in a dream is not good. Beware of troubles, think about your actions, watch your finances and health. Tsvetkov classifies everything old as “anchors” that prevent us from enjoying today and experiencing happiness.

Tell your friends about your dream,
save so as not to lose

A person does not always remember what he dreamed when he wakes up in the morning. Why do you dream about ex-boyfriends? How is such a dream interpreted in various dream books? Today our article is exactly about this! If the dream has clear images, then it’s worth understanding it. After all, there are so many thoughts in our heads that require a certain order. And dreams can be prophetic. So can a dream about an ex-boyfriend mean reconciliation in reality? Dream books know the answer and are ready to reveal it to you.

Why did you dream about the ex-boyfriend whom you love now?

In the life of every person, sooner or later, someone appears, thanks to whom we begin to look at the surrounding reality differently. Any girl dreams of great and pure love, so that the person next to her respects and appreciates her. But it is not always possible to maintain relationships; for some reason, separation occurs. Some come into our lives for experience, others to make it bright and varied.

Why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend whom you still love?

Let's try to help a girl or woman answer the question of why you dream about the ex-boyfriend whom you still love.

Every girl wants to remember only pleasant things. Therefore, memory records bright, impressive pages from the past. And if you don’t want to let it go, then the past comes into your dreams.

Why do you dream about your ex-boyfriend in a dream?

Therefore, when you wake up in the morning, you smile at the image of your loved one in a dream, and then you begin to reproach yourself for such affection. Indeed, it prevents you not only from sleeping, but also from developing in order to change your life. It’s worth thinking about this and trying to forget your ex-boyfriend forever, so as not to waste your life energy.

As the dream book describes, you may dream about your ex-boyfriend in different situations that affect the meaning of the dream. If in a dream:

  • Why do you dream of kissing your ex-boyfriend in a dream? You will be very surprised;
  • your passionate sexual attraction to your ex-partner has returned, then in life expect an aggravation of the conflict situation;
  • you break up with your loved one again and again, which means there will be a new meeting;
  • there was a quarrel, you swear, then expect better changes in your personal life;
  • there is a fight involving a former lover, then the current lover will develop a feeling of jealousy;
  • just saw your ex-boyfriend, this means that you did the wrong thing, for which you will soon be ashamed and offended;
  • a former lover declares his love again, then you should expect unpleasant events in life;
  • your loved one dies - don’t be afraid, this means that you will soon become a married woman and give birth to a child;
  • your loved one looks bad, then beware of serious illness in your family.

If you have entered into a new relationship and plan to strengthen it, and you often dreamed of your ex-boyfriend, then you should think about your actions and statements. Because you, unbeknownst to yourself, are still comparing new relationships with old ones. Your partner feels this and everything can end in a quarrel and breakup, even if you really like the young man. The dream warns you: follow your path, shaking off the old and unnecessary.

Why does HE come to sleep?

The girl wakes up very excited when her favorite image returns to her dream. She even experiences a feeling of hatred, acutely feeling abandoned.

The most terrible and difficult experience occurs when a loved one leaves without explanation, leaving the right to burn bridges to his girlfriend.

If you dream about your ex-boyfriend, what is it for? Such a dream indicates the secret dreams of a girl or woman to return her lover. Fears of losing the most precious thing in your life appear. If such a dream comes back constantly, then the woman should think about establishing a relationship, because the feelings are too strong and do not let go of consciousness.

Why do you often dream about an ex-boyfriend? If a person in love with you comes into your dreams so often, then he undoubtedly thinks about you. This means that he is not indifferent to breaking up with you. There is still hope to return everything and start with a clean slate. A woman in love will really like this interpretation of a dream.

I dreamed of a guy whose feelings had cooled

Why do I dream about former lovers who no longer arouse romantic interest? Such a dream has an ambiguous interpretation. After you wake up, try to remember the dream as best as possible, do not miss the little things. On the one hand, the dream symbolizes that something is bothering you in real life. This anxiety comes out of nowhere, fear comes from within. At such moments, you cannot think about anything good, only trouble awaits.

On the other hand, the dream in which your ex-boyfriend appeared to you means that you are not satisfied with your partner in some way, you are mentally thinking about what kind of relationship you had before him. You should not conflict out of the blue, learn to listen and hear each other, try to solve problems together, without shifting responsibility to others. It's time for a serious conversation. Try to find out the reasons why you are not happy with your boyfriend, express everything as it is, only in a calm atmosphere.

Also, why does a dream about an ex-boyfriend mean that you still cannot completely let him go. Remember, you can’t return the past, you can’t step into the same river twice, and you shouldn’t. Appreciate what you have now; you should not compare your current partner with your ex, because no two people are the same, everyone has their own worldview and outlook on life.

If, after waking up, a representative of the fair sex experiences positive emotions, she will soon have a meeting that will affect her future life. You will meet a serious young man who is ideal for the role of a spouse. The only thing is, accept him for who he is, don’t try to change him, otherwise conflict situations will arise.

In real life, you don’t even think about your ex-boyfriend, but in a dream you saw him? This means that in your subconscious you still love him, although you are afraid to admit it to yourself.

If you dream about your ex-boyfriend very often

If you often dream about your ex-boyfriend, you should talk to him and dot all the “Is”

A girl who constantly dreams about her ex-boyfriend is doing something wrong in real life. It is worth paying attention to your behavior with others. It happens that at first you commit a rash act, and then you begin to regret it.

To make such situations happen less often, first of all it is worth analyzing the possible outcome several times, and only then do something. Don't forget about this, otherwise sooner or later you will end up in a not very good story. Do not forget about your reputation, because at one point even close people will turn away from you.

What if you dream about your ex-boyfriend - on a subconscious level, you still haven’t let him go, even though a lot of time has passed since the breakup. Among those around you, you look for him with your eyes. In most cases, breaking up with a person is a rather painful process.

A person committed betrayal towards you or deceived you for a long time, which affected your perception of reality. Try to let go of the situation, don’t look for people like him, because this can hurt even more painfully. Start changing inside, attend cultural events, develop spiritually, make new acquaintances.

Are you already in a new relationship, but your ex-boyfriend often comes to you in your dreams? In reality, you should pay attention to your relationship with your partner. Lately, conflicts have been happening between you out of the blue; you cannot find a common language. It is worth having a serious conversation, expressing your dissatisfaction and coming to a mutual decision. If you ignore such a dream, then soon the current union may end.

If you dreamed of reconciliation with a past love

Did you dream that you were talking to your ex-boyfriend? In most cases, dreaming of a conversation with an ex means that something is wrong in real life. It is worth paying attention to the relationship with the man who is currently next to you. Perhaps he abuses alcoholic beverages and leads a riotous lifestyle. Talk to him seriously, try to convey that this will not lead to good things. You need to change your habits, start eating right, and playing sports.

Why do you dream about kissing your ex-boyfriend? Try to remember the emotions you felt when you started. If you experienced positive emotions and did not want it to end, then in real life you are beginning a new period that will positively affect your future life. Soon you will meet a person who is ideal for the role of a spouse.

At first glance, you may not like the person, but don’t rush to conclusions, take a closer look at him. Next to him you will feel confident and calm, he will take care and give gifts. You can go through fire or water with him, he is a real man. Don't miss your chance, otherwise you will regret it for the rest of your life. If you tried to avoid kissing your ex-boyfriend, you should look at your behavior, otherwise problems cannot be avoided.

If the meeting with your ex-boyfriend was unexpected, but you were happy about it, pleasant surprises await you in reality. Perhaps soon you will be made an offer that will be difficult to refuse. If you did not want this meeting, but it happened, you will face problems and failures. There are people around you who are just waiting for a mistake to be made so that they can “bite” harder. Be extremely careful with those around you, do not tell them about your plans for the future, otherwise they will not come true.

Did you receive a message from your ex-boyfriend in a dream? In real life, you are worried about something. You should not take failures to heart, otherwise health problems may arise.

If you are with your ex-boyfriend, then in reality you often think about him, you want to return to your previous relationship. It’s worth letting go, stop tormenting yourself with meaningless hopes, the past is gone irrevocably, there simply can’t be a way back. Even if you manage to get him back, the relationship will not be the same as before; conflict situations will often break out out of the blue.

Seeing a wedding with an ex-lover in a dream

In a dream, do you experience strong positive emotions from the fact that you managed to make peace with your ex-boyfriend? In reality, you should pay attention to communication with others. You should not demonstrate your character, try to avoid conflict situations, do not impose your point of view on this or that issue. Once again, remain silent or step aside, this way you can avoid problems.

Why dream of a wedding with an ex-boyfriend - spend more time with family and friends, have dinners together, attend cultural events, plan joint vacation trips. It is also worth paying attention to your surroundings; among your comrades there are those who are not averse to “stabbing” a knife in the back at any opportunity if it benefits them. They are waiting for you to make a mistake so that in difficult times they can make it even more painful.

If in a dream you experienced negative emotions, but nevertheless married your ex-boyfriend, in real life you should prepare for unpleasant surprises. Conflict situations at work may soon arise. You shouldn’t look for the truth where you don’t ask, otherwise you can be left without everything in an instant. Learn to control your expenses; lately you have not been doing well with your material income. Take on any job, just bring what you start to the end, don’t quit halfway.

It is worth paying attention to the relationships that you are building at this stage of life. You don’t have to constantly compare your partner with your ex-boyfriend. Accept him for who he is, don't try to change him.

In a dream, do you marry your ex-husband and see the presence of his relatives at the wedding? It's time to look at yourself from a different perspective. Start analyzing your behavior, try not to follow the lead of others, stick to your point of view. If you ignore the dream, in the near future you will be involved in a not very good story, which will leave an imprint on your future life. Before you do anything, think it over several times, do not make hasty decisions, this way you can avoid many problems.

You dreamed of a conflict with your ex-lover

With an ex-boyfriend? On the one hand, this symbolizes the fact that in real life you are constantly faced with problems and failures, they fall on your head like a snowball. Sometimes you don’t understand why this is happening to you. By nature, you are not a conflict person, you try not to express your opinion again, your relationships with others are smooth.

Learn to analyze the situation, try to avoid the mistakes that were made in the past. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from your family and friends, they certainly won’t refuse, but will be happy to help you. In difficult moments, you should not withdraw into yourself and fall into a depressive state; getting out of negativity can sometimes be extremely difficult.

In a dream, did you have a quarrel with your ex-boyfriend? In reality, be careful in your statements. Often people around you make you emotional, do not react to this, try to avoid conflicts. It’s worth taking a closer look at your surroundings, excluding “unnecessary” people from it, then life will become easier and more interesting.

Have you seen your ex-boyfriend? In real life, you're not having a good time. Relationships with the opposite sex are not working out; you are embarrassed to make new acquaintances and let people get close to you. Don’t often think about the emotions you experienced in the past; try to let it go. Remember, no two stories are the same, which means the new relationship will not be exactly the same. There are fans around you who show signs of attention and give generous gifts. It’s worth taking a closer look at one of them, don’t dwell on the past, otherwise you might end up alone for the rest of your life.

If in a dream you watch your ex-boyfriend cry, it means in reality everything is going as it should for you. You know exactly what you want from life, look confidently into the future, and move towards your goal. Relations with colleagues are smooth, they respect you, listen to your opinions, and often seek help and advice. You shouldn’t let others get close to you or share your plans for the future, otherwise they are unlikely to come true. If you want to tell someone, go to your parents or discuss it with your partner, they certainly wish you happiness.

Interpretation of the meaning of sleep by day of the week

  • If you dreamed about your ex-boyfriend from Sunday to Monday, then the dream does not have much meaning. The only thing you need to pay attention to is your relationships with others. You have a rather complex character, because of which you often find yourself in conflict situations.
  • Did you have a dream at the beginning of the week? In real life, changes await you. What they will be depends on the circumstances under which you saw the dream. After waking up, try to remember the dream as best as possible, do not miss the details, you were given a hint there.
  • If you dreamed about your ex-boyfriend on Tuesday, it means you will face troubles that will be quite difficult to cope with. Don’t be afraid to ask your family and friends for help, they will be happy to help without demanding anything in return.
  • A dream seen on Wednesday is a symbol that pleasant surprises await you. Soon you will receive a long-awaited gift that you have dreamed of for a very long time.
  • If you dreamed about your ex-boyfriend from Wednesday to Thursday, it means that you will soon be able to improve your financial situation. You are a purposeful and persistent person who devotes a lot of time to work. You will be rewarded for your efforts.
  • I often call dreams seen from Thursday to Friday prophetic. It is worth paying special attention if you dreamed about your ex-boyfriend from Thursday to Friday. Try to remember what emotions you experienced in the dream. If you watched a young man from the outside, it means that in reality you can achieve success in any endeavor, you just need to put in a little effort.
  • If you dreamed about your ex-boyfriend from Friday to Saturday, such a dream symbolizes strained relationships with family and friends. Don’t demonstrate your character, learn to control your emotions, don’t impose your point of view.
  • If you had a dream from Saturday to Sunday, then after waking up, try to remember it, but you should not share it with family and friends. Now you can make a wish that will definitely come true in the near future.

Interpretation of the meaning of sleep according to various dream books: Miller, Vanga, Freud, Modern

If you dreamed about your ex-boyfriend, what is this for? Such a dream has an ambiguous interpretation. After waking up, remember what emotions you felt from meeting him. In real life, not everything goes smoothly for you; conflicts with others often occur. You should not put pressure on your family and friends with your energy. Learn to control your emotions, do not demonstrate your superiority. Try to avoid conflict situations with work colleagues, keep silent again or step aside.

Miller’s popular dream book interprets an ex-boyfriend in a dream as a reflection of your anxieties and fears.

Miller's Dream Book - no need to worry

When you dream about your ex-boyfriend, something is bothering you in real life. Such anxiety is often unfounded, fear appears out of nowhere. You should not take failures to heart, otherwise health problems may arise.

Try to give up bad habits, start eating right and playing sports. Lately, conflicts have arisen with your partner because you are trying to make him like your ex was. You should not focus on this, otherwise such an alliance will quickly fall apart.

Also, why dream of a conversation with an ex - on a subconscious level, you cannot let go of a past relationship. You shouldn’t think about it, it’s time to arrange your new life with another man.

Vanga's dream book - changes in your life

As this dream book says, kissing an ex-boyfriend in a dream symbolizes changes that will happen in life in the near future. What they will be depends on the circumstances under which you saw this dream. If the meeting was pleasant for you, then in reality you can achieve success in any endeavor, you just need to put in a little effort. If you tried to avoid the meeting, but nevertheless it happened, in real life you should prepare for unpleasant events. It is worth paying attention to your health, which is increasingly reminding you of itself. There is no need to abuse alcoholic beverages, otherwise your heart will start to hurt.

Freud's Dream Book - take care of new relationships

What does it mean if you dream about your ex-boyfriend - in reality you should pay attention to your relationship with your real partner. Lately you have been trying to avoid each other, spend a lot of time with friends, and lead a wild lifestyle. It’s worth having a serious conversation, expressing your dissatisfaction, and making an appropriate decision. Go on a trip together, go on a picnic or to the mountains.

Modern dream book - forgive old grievances

I dreamed about my ex-boyfriend, what is this for?

Modern people live in a new way and also approach relationships differently. But the mystery of dreams still remains unsolved and mysterious. Therefore, girls and women today, waking up in the morning and feeling an acute feeling of loneliness, are trying to understand their dreams.

  • If a girl has another guy, but is still dreaming about her first lover, then her new relationship lacks passion and romance. You need to reconsider your relationship with your new partner.
  • If an ex-boyfriend marries someone else, then in life the girl will forgive everyone her old grievances.
  • An unfinished conversation in a dream with a loved one, like an unfinished novel, prevents you from moving on in life. Therefore, it is worth sorting out your feelings and talking to your guy about the final breakup. Bring the matter to its logical conclusion and you will sleep peacefully!
  • A warning about the impending danger for a girl will bring a dream about the death of an ex-boyfriend.
  • If a former lover shows a desire to help, then everything will work out in the girl’s life and a bright streak will come;
  • Big trouble awaits a girl if in a dream she sees her wedding with her ex-boyfriend.
  • If a beloved man appears in a dream, but his image is blurred beyond recognition, then the woman, as well as her ex-boyfriend, will face serious changes in life. Perhaps this is a harbinger of their new meeting in reality.
  • A gift from an ex-boyfriend symbolizes betrayal;
  • If you hear your lover’s voice in a dream, then all is not lost, and you both can hope for a heart-to-heart conversation. You just need someone to take the first step towards you.
  • First love in a dream represents hidden desires to renew a romantic relationship in life.


The desire to kill a former lover reflects the desire of a woman or girl for successful changes in life. So don’t be afraid of such a dream, but begin to decisively overcome new heights in life. Don't be afraid to express any feelings in your dreams. They push you to change. Wake up and start acting! Luck loves brave and determined people!

Comments from site visitors

    I used to dream about my ex-boyfriend a lot, especially during the first year of dating a new guy. Probably because he was the reason for our separation. I also often compared the current and the former and I always felt uneasy about it, but one fine day I saw on social networks that he had found a girlfriend and they were happy, and I immediately mentally let him go and that’s it! He didn’t come to me in my dreams anymore. It happens, yes.

    For many years now I have often dreamed of a man with whom I broke up more than 10 years ago. I have been happily married for seven years now and love my husband very much, but I periodically dream of Igor, and the dreams are very real, I am always with him in my dreams, although even in a dream I remember about my husband. Once in a dream she even called his name out loud. I don’t want him to dream about me, but I can’t do anything.

    I read the article and now I don’t know how to explain the dream. My ex-husband often comes in my dreams. At the same time, when he was alive and lived with another family, I didn’t even remember him. But he died not long ago. And after death he began to come to me in a dream. As his relatives say, all his life he loved only you, but he left without asking you for forgiveness for his actions. How to explain such dreams? Is he tormented there because he didn’t have the courage to ask for my forgiveness? Or is he calling you? Help me figure it out. Thank you in advance.

    Girls, this is some kind of torment... and I think you understand me perfectly. Today I dreamed of my ex, I still love him, I can’t forget him (((and then there was this dream, I dreamed that everything was fine with us, as it was before, we were so happy... Maybe this means something? Maybe something else can be returned? Or am I just flattering myself with hopes... Who else has this situation?

    I don’t know what to do... I’ve been dreaming about my ex-boyfriend for months now... We don’t communicate with him, but I still love him... although I was the one who initiated the breakup... and I have a New lover... As stated here, in our relationship there is no there is enough passion and romance... But this is really so. Everything was so good before...)

    I had a dream the other day that didn’t give me any peace at all. And this happened from Thursday to Friday. They say such dreams are prophetic, but I don’t want this at all)) I dreamed that my ex-boyfriend wanted to come back, and I woke up in a cold sweat. It means that in a dream I come from a walk, and my former lover is sitting on a bench. He started begging me to come back to him, showering me with gifts, but I stood there and couldn’t say anything, my voice had completely disappeared. I try to scream, but there is silence. Why would this be interesting) I hope not to return)

    We broke up a long time ago, we dated for a long time since school. First love and all that. But not for life. And then I dreamed about my ex-boyfriend with another girl. So I felt unpleasant in the morning. It feels like I was deceived. Although everything is long in the past.

    I have always considered myself a monogamous person and if I am in a relationship, then I am faithful. But one day 2 guys appeared in my life at once and I couldn’t choose. I had to break up with both of them. And so, I dreamed of two ex-boyfriends. Maybe my conscience is tormenting me or I shouldn’t have done this.

    For some reason I haven’t been sleeping well lately, I wake up often, but a few days ago I dreamed about my ex-boyfriend’s mother, with whom we had a very good relationship, and said that she really wanted me to be happy. I woke up with a feeling of some kind of freedom, as if my ex had let me go. Now I sleep great!

    I very rarely have dreams, and if I do, it’s usually something from the fantasy category. But 2 days ago I dreamed that I got back together with my ex-boyfriend, with whom we broke up, because I realized that a long-distance relationship was not for us. When I woke up, I wrote to him about the dream, he said that he often thinks about me and he also dreamed about me recently. I think this is a sequel!

    I dated a young man for several years, he was my first, I loved him madly. I’m going through the breakup very hard, six months have already passed, but I can’t forget everything. A couple of days ago I dreamed about my ex-boyfriend’s parents, like a knife to the heart. It immediately became so painful; besides everything else, we had a wonderful relationship with them. I woke up thinking that I was very tired of suffering, that it was time to pull myself together and move forward!

    A week ago I broke up with my boyfriend, I don’t like that he pays little attention to me, although when I look into his eyes, I feel complete happiness and feel that he is the one. A few days ago I dreamed that I was talking to my ex-boyfriend, he tried to persuade me to get back together, and gently hugged me. Do you think we should give him another chance?

    To return the relationship or not to return it, only recently they gave me flowers and I was wondering with a daisy. Yesterday I dreamed of a conversation with my ex-boyfriend, we remembered all the wonderful events that we experienced together, all the trips, parties, walks together. There were a lot of good things, more than bad ones, I called him and arranged a meeting)

    My daughter is already quite an adult, but as a mother I can’t completely let her go. Recently I dreamed of my daughter’s ex-boyfriend, who gently hugged her and took her away from me. And I just didn’t have the best influence on their relationship once. I realized that it’s time for me to understand that she is already quite big and that she must live her own life. And that boy was good...

    My mom really likes my ex-boyfriend and she still tries to get us together all the time. I’m still in thought, but today I dreamed about my ex-boyfriend that we were together. So I’m thinking – believe it or not, maybe my subconscious has long ago decided that we should get together. I feel good and calm with him, but everyone has cockroaches...

    Almost a year ago I broke up with my boyfriend, I don’t really remember much anymore, only some places are still associated with him. On Thursday I dreamed that my ex-boyfriend was calling and inviting me to have coffee. Today I receive a message from an unfamiliar number with an invitation to go for a walk, from him. Does this happen?

    I’ve been dating my boyfriend not so long ago, but I already feel that everything should work out, that this is my man. And yesterday I dreamed that the guy had another girl, such a disgusting feeling, my heart sank. but thank God that it was just a dream, I hope that it is not prophetic and does not promise anything bad!

    I’m actually absolutely not interested in the lives of my ex-boyfriends, I’ve been married for a long time, and everything is great! But the other day I dreamed about my ex-boyfriend’s pregnant girlfriend. I was surprised, because in my life I quite accidentally found out that my ex-boyfriend had a girlfriend, and now perhaps he has already married her. In the morning I was not lazy and went to social networks, and it turned out that it was a prophetic dream! I didn't think this could happen.

    I broke up with my boyfriend quite recently. I’m sincerely trying to start a new life, but this relationship still won’t let me go. I even dreamed that my ex-boyfriend was hugging me, in the dream it was as if we had never parted. I woke up again with wet eyes, I can’t forget yet.

    I returned home yesterday after a hard day. She was so tired that she collapsed on the bed and fell asleep without even changing her clothes. And I dreamed that my ex-boyfriend married someone else, and for some reason I was the organizer of their wedding. I tried very hard to do everything perfectly and felt great that I could make this day unforgettable for them, just altruism and that’s all! I woke up and realized that I apparently need to rest more!

    I don’t know about you, but I always had good relationships with the parents of my exes. Things haven’t worked out very well with the guys themselves so far) I recently dreamed about the mother of an ex-boyfriend whom I dated for quite a long time. But his mother is simply a miracle, we had a great conversation with her in the dream, very sincerely, as always. I woke up in such a good mood!

    There was such a case in my life. I was in a very sick relationship, even with elements of domestic violence. Fortunately, this is all in the past! And a couple of days ago I dreamed of an ex-boyfriend crying, he directly begged for forgiveness, said that he was a monster and that he didn’t even know how to look past his guilt. Apparently, my conscience has tormented me in life))

    You know the whole saying - out of sight, out of mind! So, after the breakup, I excluded absolutely all contacts, because when there was an opportunity, my ex didn’t understand why he called. It didn’t seem to be needed anymore, but I was holding on to it by a thread. So last week I dreamed that my ex-boyfriend called, and strangely enough, in the dream I didn’t care so much that I answered him very rudely and told him not to call again! I wish I had such a character in life!

    I've been having strange thoughts and dreams lately. I dreamed about the relatives of my ex-boyfriend who said how Serezhenka missed me, how much he needed me and that I was the best in the world. Apparently, my cockroaches, along with my hormones, have completely rebelled... They say that such situations need to be worked through so that your life can allow new things to come to you.

    Sometimes I remember my last relationship, think about my behavior and my final decision to break up, and the other day I dreamed about my ex-boyfriend’s father and told me that he really liked my current boyfriend, but I underestimate him and keep remembering about my ex. And it would be high time to let go already. Eh, but the young man is not there yet...

    Have you ever had love at first sight? I had it with my ex, only there it was love at first sight on my part... I sought him out for a very long time and we ended up being together for almost a year, but we broke up. Last week I dreamed of a kiss with my ex-boyfriend and everything inside just turned upside down. Maybe all is not lost for us yet?

    I broke up with my ex-boyfriend a long time ago, I don’t really remember much about him anymore, but not so long ago I dreamed that I married my ex-boyfriend, a week after that there was a serious conflict at work because of which I was almost fired. And it wasn’t my fault at all for what happened, but I suspect that someone could have framed me...

    It turns out that dreams can also make wishes come true. I decided to look at the interpretation of the dream, I dreamed of an ex-boyfriend with another girl. They walked past me by the hand. It turns out that I recently committed a shameful act. And since I had a dream from Saturday to Sunday, I made a wish. I can’t tell it to you, it won’t come true.

    I dreamed about two ex-boyfriends. The three of us sat in a cafe and swore loudly, then we were kicked out of there and we went to the park. The alarm clock rang and I woke up. The dream book claims that changes for the better await me. Wow, I would never have thought that a quarrel in a dream with an ex is a harbinger of better things.

    I loved him, my boyfriend, very much. I know that dreams with him always lead me to sadness and anxiety. And yet. As if in reality, I see him and kiss him. Today I dreamed about my ex-boyfriend with another girl. She is cheerful, and he walks, drooping, a dry bouquet in his hands, tears in his eyes. It seems to me that we are unfinished. He thinks about me too.

    I'm not a saint, of course. Now back in a relationship. I'm looking for my soul mate and that's normal. Yesterday I dreamed of two ex-boyfriends with whom I broke up ugly. What to do? It's your own fault. And it’s as if they are judging me together and begin to caress each other and kiss. I look at all this and laugh. Laughter turns into hysterics. Then I join. Well, I'm not a saint...

    We met in the summer in the village. We were 16 years old. Feelings flared up, we spent wonderful holidays in the lap of nature and thought that this was eternal love. My boyfriend had a sister who really disliked me. She thought that I was twisting her brother the way I wanted. She wanted to see a quiet, modest woman next to him. Many years passed, nothing worked out for us. And then again I dreamed of my ex-boyfriend’s sister, who comes between us and threatens me. I decide to defend my love this time and a fight breaks out between us. Oh, horror! With such pleasure I marked her!
    The awakening was pleasant. I experienced this situation again. I think everything is fine with him. It’s just a pity that I couldn’t stand up for myself then.

    We dated for about a year. Everything was fine. Then like a bolt from the blue! He left. He didn’t even take my things, he just left and said it was forever. I suffered from this wound for a very long time. She blamed herself. I started having dreams in which he was with other girls. And today I dreamed that my ex-boyfriend left for my friend, they are happy, expecting a child. My friend says that it’s my own fault, I didn’t devote time to him, worked hard, didn’t insist on marriage. He allegedly concluded that everything with us was not serious. I have mental trauma. I can't meet anyone. Both in my dreams and in reality I see him and wait. I'm ready to forgive everything.

    But on the contrary, I broke up with my ex very easily, and I did it on my own initiative. True, I can’t start a new relationship yet, I want to live for myself. The other day I dreamed that my ex-boyfriend wrote, and he wrote to me that very soon I would meet my destiny. Judging by Vanga’s description, this is a sign of change, I hope so!

    I really love my boyfriend, whom I am currently dating, and it took me a long time to build a new relationship. But just a couple of days ago I dreamed of a relationship with my ex-boyfriend, that everything was the same as before, that I was flying with happiness on the wings of love. I woke up, thought for a bit, but threw all unnecessary thoughts out of my head, because you can’t step into the same river twice.

    How interesting our consciousness is, apparently all thoughts are then projected into dreams. As an example, I suddenly dreamed about my ex and current boyfriend, most likely because the other day I was thinking about my ex and scrolling through his feed on social networks. And in the dream they were excellent friends, and both did not even know about my existence.

    I can’t even imagine what to do now, because a couple of days ago I dreamed that my ex-boyfriend died. Although we broke up a long time ago, my heart is not in the right place, I’m very worried about whether everything is fine with him. But I can’t contact him because I don’t know if it would be appropriate.

    I don’t like these dreams about exes, but unfortunately, sometimes I have them myself. Recently I even dreamed of an ex-boyfriend with his girlfriend, although I haven’t talked to him for a long time, I don’t follow his life and I don’t even know if he has a new passion. I don’t even know why I dream about this!

    Lately, my dreams have been all just straight out of my head. I mean that everything is prophetic. I still really want my ex-boyfriend back. But then I dreamed about my ex-boyfriend, I don’t care about him, everything is just like in life, I call him in a dream, I try to make him understand how much I love him, but he just apologizes and leaves. When I woke up, I realized that it was time to let go of the past!

    I had very good relations with my ex-boyfriend’s family, especially with his mother. You won’t believe it, but the other day we met her in the supermarket. Even though we broke up with my ex on bad terms, I was very happy to see her! And today I dreamed about my ex-boyfriend’s dad; by the way, I didn’t know him very well, but I heard that he was a terrible tyrant. Apparently the ex went after him. Thank God we broke up.

    We have been dating for 5 months and love each other very much. At first I was very worried that something would go wrong from the very beginning. But my Oleg is very attentive to me and he is 3 years older than me. But today I dreamed that my boyfriend had another girl, very beautiful and businesslike. Business woman. He drives up to him in his personal luxury car and they laugh merrily and hug. I understand that I can’t cope with such a rival. After this dream, suspicions crept into my mind. I started to think that I was naive and could just trust him in everything. But in fact, he may simply be leading a double life. After all, he never told me anything about his exes. That they weren’t there or what?

    Good day everyone! I dreamed of a guy with whom I broke up for 5 years, and in the dream he wanted to come back. Moreover, they parted with him very badly, with quarrels. In the dream we finally got together, but there was a feeling that something was wrong, that I seemed to have forgotten something, for example, that I was already married :))) I even woke up with an unpleasant feeling and realized that I couldn’t remember her current husband... A very strange dream

    I have always had a warm relationship with my girlfriend’s family. But unfortunately, we broke up not so long ago, it turned out stupid... And for the third day in a row I’ve been dreaming about my ex-girlfriend’s mother. I'm racking my brain, I can't understand what this means. Maybe he remembers me, reminds his daughter about me? I would like to believe this, of course. But there’s a strange feeling after sleep, as if I’m starting to feel guilty.

    The other day I had a quarrel with my boyfriend, and very strongly, with broken dishes and so on...
    I started to think, is he my person, the one and only, since we fight so often? I thought about it every night. On the one hand, I really don’t want to lose him forever, but I don’t intend to endure this for a long time either.
    On one of these sad nights, I dreamed that I was kissing my ex-boyfriend. In the dream, everything was so believable, as if we had never parted in real life.
    I woke up with mixed feelings. Why did I dream about him? After reading the dream book, I started to think that maybe I’ll give my ex a chance... Let’s see what comes of it)

    I'm sad for the times when my boyfriend and I were together. So I haven’t met anyone until now. Apparently I still have feelings for him, that’s why I don’t see anyone around. I dreamed that my ex-boyfriend married some old woman, carried her in his arms and rejoiced. He looks at me and with his gaze seems to say, “You see, I found my happiness, and you?” I stand in bewilderment and cry. In the morning the whole pillow was in tears. Nothing got through to me...

    I saw him and disappeared... I always dreamed of such a guy, he is the best on earth. I myself took the initiative in the relationship, I myself insisted on his divorce. He didn’t resist for long and we are together now. Doesn't invite you to marriage. Why? I don't know, I'm still waiting. Today I dreamed about my boyfriend's ex-wife. Her name is Elena. A very quiet and modest lady. She told me in a dream that I was wrong, that it was impossible to do this, that I knew him very poorly. At the end she said only one phrase: “Wait for the boomerang.” I'm not a timid girl, but the dream is unpleasant

    Yesterday I had a nightmare that my ex-boyfriend beat me up and came specifically for a showdown because I didn’t invite him to my birthday. I went home, and my house was in a field, and there was no one there to help me, I woke up from my screams

    I dreamed about the brother of an ex-boyfriend, he came to me with a cake, smiled, joked and laughed, then the cake disappeared and the brother was sad and cried

    I dreamed about a drunk ex-boyfriend. Despite the fact that he never drank in his life. And so he comes to me drunk and says - marry me))) I answer him - you will sober up and forget everything. But he didn’t and that’s it, let’s go right now)) A funny dream, it made me laugh. It’s a pity that we broke up and don’t communicate - I would have told him that way.

    Yesterday I dreamed that my ex-boyfriend beat me up and came specifically for a showdown because I didn’t invite him to my birthday. I went home, and my house was in a field, and there was no one there to help me, I woke up from my screams. A terrible dream, I hope this doesn’t happen in life..

    I've been dating my new guy for a year now. Two days ago I dreamed that I cheated on my boyfriend with my ex, and the guy saw us, for some reason it was in a shopping center, and the center was empty, and I stood there kissing my ex for a very long time. And my current one comes up and a fight begins. I already woke up in a sweat...

    The other day I had a dream about my ex-boyfriend’s brother, he came to me with a cake, smiled, joked and laughed, then the cake disappeared and it turned out that it was MY funeral! And my ex-boyfriend’s brother allegedly killed me for treason.

    I broke up with my boyfriend a week ago.. Today I dreamed that I was kissing my ex-boyfriend, he suggested it himself... wow, what a dream, I don’t even want to kiss this guy, I don’t even want to stand next to him.. It seems like just recently we were kindred spirits, but now I can’t even think about him disgusting.. Why such dreams anyway?

    Hahaha, today I dreamed about my ex-boyfriend’s house, it became dark and as if in a fog, I saw it from above. And it seems like I’m going to land on it, look through the windows to find out what my ex is doing. I land, look in, and he’s there... he’s doing something with his friend))) I even felt shocked in my dream, I think, no matter what, but I thought he was normal)))

    I dreamed of a friend’s ex-boyfriend, I always liked him, and I often dream about him, we kissed in front of her eyes, for a very long time, of course, when I woke up, I even believed that it really happened.. If only it were the same in life.. ehhh

    For several days in a row I dreamed about a guy with whom I was in a relationship, but took a break. Dream in different situations. Today I dreamed of wearing completely different clothes, not his style. I reminded him that the end of June was soon (it seemed so to me in a dream, it was June 28th) and he just smiled and said “wait a little more.” He also ran away or followed me, but somehow overtook me and at first did not show his face, then he showed it. I took his hand while he was talking on the phone with his mother. Well, then I asked about the number.

An ex-boyfriend or ex-husband who appears in a dream symbolizes your excessive preoccupation with the past.

This is what prevents you from moving forward and developing as an individual; your ex-love doesn't want to give up your present love's place in your heart.

The dream in which you parted with this person suggests that the time is coming for a change of priorities, the collapse of previous ideals.

After this internal audit, things will go much better for you, in all areas of your life.

Interpretation of dreams from Longo's Dream Interpretation

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Dream Interpretation - Young man, guy

Seeing him indicates an energetic and strong enemy.

If the young man is blond, then the enemy is open; if he is dark-haired, then he is rich; if he is red-haired, then your enemy is an impolite, rude and uncouth person. Following a young man in a dream means being defeated by one’s enemy.

Seeing in a dream how a young man turns into an old man means becoming educated and wise in life.

Interpretation of dreams from