The curse of Ilona Novoselova. The death of Ilona Novoselova became the topic of “let them talk”: the latest news was told by Artem Besov (photo video)

  • 03.07.2019

Let them talk about Novoselova: The other day in talk show broadcast“Let Them Talk” with host Andrei Malakhov should air a program, dedicated to death finalists of the “Battle of Psychics” project Ilona Novoselova.

It became known that a scandal broke out during filming. Priest Vsevolod Chaplin was invited as one of the guests, who was kicked out of the venue a few minutes before the start, reports Russian Dialogue. A young 30-year-old clairvoyant passed away on June 13, throwing herself from the 6th floor. The reasons for such an act are still unclear. Many believe that the girl did this because of a quarrel with a young man, others, the psychic’s friends, are sure that stress was the cause.

About the scandalous incident that occurred on film set, Vsevolod Chaplin himself said, writing on his official page V social network Facebook. He said that in the evening some woman called him and urgently asked him to visit a talk show to discuss tragic fate witches. Vsevolod agreed and arrived at the studio at the appointed time.

20 minutes before the start of the program, he was strongly advised to leave the pavilion, since black magicians, Ilona’s friends, could not be in the same room with a church minister. It should be noted that several videos dedicated to this scandal have appeared on social networks. The video clearly shows how some woman, perhaps an editor or producer, addresses Chaplin with the words that she cannot go against people who have suffered grief, and the clergyman needs to leave the territory.

Let them talk about Novoselova: a colleague of a psychic about her death

Mehdi Ebrahimi Vafa, a clairvoyant from Iran, winner of the third season of the “Battle of Psychics” program on TNT, was one of the first to learn about the death of Ilona Novoselova. They knew each other and had mutual friends

“I think that Ilona was a bright participant in the project, she really had abilities,” said the psychic. “I think her hard work methods and dedication played a role.”

"Andrey was good person, but changing gender is always a big stress,” Mehdi continued. – Imagine: in one person the feminine and masculine are fighting at the same time, and both of these principles are incredibly strong. Let's not forget about hormones. All this has a strong effect on the nervous system.”

“I don’t feel that she became a victim of a curse, but the participants in the show “Battle of Psychics” had a certain influence on her. And I feel negativity on their part,” the clairvoyant noted. “Her psyche was already mobile - she couldn’t control her nerves, plus the influence of her rivals.”

“I would say that Ilona always joked with death. This is absolutely impossible to do. In addition, it was conflictual, and therefore collected the negativity of other participants. Plus the conflict is internal. Few people understood her. The result is a tragedy that we all learned about with a shudder,” Mehdi emphasized.

Ilona Novoselova: accident

The Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in Moscow reported that there was no crime in the death of Ilona Novoselova, who fell from the balcony of the sixth floor of a house on Shosse Entuziastov, 51. According to the preliminary version, the picture looks like this: the girl is drunk and very excited, she is trying to scare him by jumping off. But suddenly Ilona Novoselova loses her balance and falls...

Ilona Novoselova died accidentally. But while she was still alive, she asked to have her body cremated. The day before at noon, the relatives fulfilled the request of the deceased. The farewell ceremony took place behind closed doors, with only close relatives present. The girl's mother needed help from emergency doctors. Even before the cremation, the coffin was not opened, as the medium herself wanted. Ilona Novoselova will forever remain in the memory of fans as a beautiful and bright girl, a clairvoyant with a daring character and a very vulnerable soul.

Published 06/21/17 10:25

Ilona Novoselova and her tragic death became the topic of Andrei Malakhov’s latest program “Let Them Talk.” ABOUT last days The psychic was told by the girl’s boyfriend Artem Besov and her mother.

Ilona Novoselova's boyfriend told his version of the psychic's death

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The day before, Channel One aired the talk show “Let Them Talk” with Andrei Malakhov, dedicated to the death of the “Battle of Psychics” star Ilona Novoselova. The details of the tragedy were told in the studio by the psychic’s lover, Artem Besov, who had been in a relationship with her for two years. The young man claims that the girl's death was accidental. According to him, on that fateful day they really had a fight with Ilona, ​​and he threatened to leave her.

"I don't intkbbee I saw her fall out. That day she woke up, her soul hurt, she felt bad, I calmed her down, I always succeeded. She started swearing at me, I didn’t answer, I knew it wasn’t out of malice. He went outside, came back, and said: “Ilona, ​​I’m tired, something needs to be decided about this.” I packed my bags, I thought that he would calm down, that he would understand my intentions, that it was hard for me too. She accidentally slipped while I was in the room with my mother. She drank two cans of beer in the morning,” he said.

In the photo: Artem Besov and Ilona Novoselova’s mother

In turn, Ilona Novoselova’s mother said that the girl had no thoughts of suicide, and just the day before she said that she would live a long time. According to the parent, the quarrel with the young magician that day was not serious.

“It all happened at five o’clock in the evening, right on the spot. Artem, her boyfriend, was there, they often fought, but immediately made up,” the woman said.

The opinions of the guests in the studio on the tragedy that occurred with Novoselova were divided: some expressed the view that what happened to the finalist of the show “Battle of Psychics” was retribution for her connection with the other world, others called Ilona’s death a fate that even a psychic cannot influence.

“Let them talk”, Ilona Novoselova. Watch VIDEO from 06/20/2017

As I wrote, Ilona Novoselova died on June 13. Earlier, her friend, participant in the “Battle of Psychics” Kazhetta Akhmetzhanova, said that she was a girl with a sex change.

Today there is an episode of the program “Let Them Talk” with Andrei Malakhov, in which we will talk about death clairvoyant Ilona Novoselova. The presenter will invite all the psychic’s relatives, friends, colleagues and lovers. In the studio, Andrei Malakhov will ask the main questions about Ilona’s life, her work, personal life and death. Also, the presenter will invite a priest, who will not be able to talk much and will leave the air. Viewers were waiting for this particular program, because the management of Channel One always invites eyewitnesses and people close to the hero. From them you can find out how Ilona Novoselova was buried, why she was cremated and what her last words were.

“Let them talk” about Ilona Novoselova

Let us remind you that the clairvoyant died on June 13. She fell out of a 6th floor window. On this day, Ilona Novoselova sorted things out with her boyfriend, went to the supermarket 3 times to buy alcohol and told everyone that she would commit suicide. The girl was buried on June 15 under closed circumstances. Today Ilona’s fans will be able to clarify the situation.

Now journalists and operatives are on duty near the house of the witch Ilona Novoselova, who fell out of a window. SUPER managed to talk to the neighbors of the deceased. According to one of the residents of the house, she often argued with her young man and her mother.

Today, as Ilona’s fans conclude, the witch died completely unexpectedly. According to her mother, Ilona did not plan suicide. “She said that she would live a long time, even the day before,” she assured heartbroken parent.

Ilona Novoselova, as her clairvoyant friend Kazhetta Akhmetzhanova assured her, practiced exclusively black magic. “She could drive someone into a coffin, cause damage, break up a family, punish a rival,” said Kazhetta. “I always warned her that all these dark deeds would not go in vain, that she would have problems. But she didn’t hear me. Yes, she Ilona had apartments, money, but for all this she paid too high a price - her life."

In this context, we can say that Novoselova paid for the sins of the past. However, this version is preliminary and can hardly be considered seriously at this stage.

The last picture published by Ilona on the social network was an image of a grinning skull and the inscription “I prophesy to everyone.” Despite the fact that the photo appeared on the page two years ago, fans of the witch have no doubt that even then Ilona prophesied death to herself.

Ilona Novoselova, who performed her rituals in front of the camera, also did not inspire confidence in Vladimir Fainzilberg.

“A girl who has a secondary education, and she talks about borderline states. “I can do something, I soar, I can bewitch someone, curse someone”... Yes, these are all fairy tales! This is reminiscent of obscurantism, which is growing every year more and more,” said the psychotherapist.

However, one of the hosts of the “Battle of Psychics,” illusionist Sergei Safronov, stood up for Ilona Novoselova. He recalled that “Let Them Talk” discusses the tragedy in the clairvoyant’s family and pointed out how the mother of the deceased suffers.

"I'm sad that people discuss obscurantism and see it as global problem. Even as children, we played the “queen of spades”, various devils, Lenin and so on. Today this game has become bigger. The thing is that there is no finance there! I, too, was cursed a hundred times, but you see, I am sitting alive and well in front of you. There’s really no big finances there,” said the magician, noting that Novoselova’s apartment had a rather modest atmosphere.

Let us note that literally a few minutes before the start of filming, clergyman Vsevolod Chaplin was expelled from the Let Them Talk studio. He himself spoke about this in his Facebook .

“Late yesterday evening, a certain Mrs. ... persistently invited me to this program to discuss the fate of the unfortunate young man, who became “Ilona Novoselova”. I arrived at the studio today, 20 minutes before the start..., reports began to explain to me rather vaguely that the recording might not take place, because it is difficult to persuade the heroes to perform,” he wrote, noting that he suspected deception and decided to stay in the studio.

“After some time, they suddenly hung up a microphone on me and put me in the studio. Then another lady came up and said: “Psychics who are black magicians - they refuse to come into my studio, they are not quite ready to see ... representatives ...” - that is, a priest,” - he emphasized, adding that he left the studio with the words: “shame and shame on Andrei Malakhov and Channel One.”

Several years ago, while in the “Battle of Psychics” project, Ilona Novoselova called herself a witch. She claimed and tried to prove in practice that she heard the voices of deceased relatives. Ilona differs from other people in that she once had sex reassignment surgery. Before that, her name was Andrei.

“Let them talk”, Ilona Novoselova VIDEO

Today one of the most scandalous issues"Let Them Talk" program. The relatives of the late sorceress Ilona Novoselova and her colleagues in occult sciences gathered in Andrei Malakhov’s studio. Even her former lover, the clairvoyant Ruslan Barinov, was brought from Chelyabinsk.


“I was called to Moscow, promised security and a good fee for participating in the program,” Ruslan said in exclusive interview website. “But when Ilona’s relatives found out that I was also here, thunder struck. They were categorically against my appearance in the studio. It could have led to assault. Therefore, the editors of the program locked me in the dressing room and said that it was better for me not to show up in the studio. There was no longer any talk about money and security. I was horrified by everything that happened there."

But something terrible happened later. After finishing recording the program, Barinov was able to go outside through another exit. He headed to the hotel where the producers of “Let Them Talk” accommodated him. “I decided to go to the supermarket, it’s right around the corner from the hotel,” says Ruslan. “And on the street I was attacked by a man with a knife!” “If you don’t shut your mouth, you won’t live!” he hissed at me, pointing a large knife at me. to the throat."