Simplicity is the key to success. Simplicity is the key to progress

  • 29.06.2023

Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of Primorsky Territory Gennady Turmov rides a tram, washes dishes and goes to the market for potatoes

There is a saying: be simple - and people will be drawn to you. For Gennady Petrovich Turmov, this has become a life rule. Demanding of himself and people, he still does not stand out, unlike many of his colleagues in parliament, either with a fancy jeep or a country house. Poverty and false modesty have nothing to do with it, he is just such a person. The most important thing in life for Gennady Petrovich has always been and remains work and family.

He has been in love with Primorye since childhood. In 1945 he came here as a boy - the family moved to the Far East from the Voronezh region. They settled in a mining village in Ussuriysk. Father worked as a miner. There were six children in the family. The current rector of FESTU was the senior one. After graduating from school, Gennady Turmov went to study at the shipbuilding department of the FEPI, and after graduating from the university, he was assigned to a construction plant near Kazan. After completing the prescribed three years, Gennady Turmov was called up for permanent service. He happened to serve in the Black Sea Fleet and in the Baltic, and in 1971 he managed to transfer to the Pacific Fleet. Gennady Petrovich is no stranger to difficulties: both many years of military service hardened him, and trials by long separations from his family. Such is the fate of a sailor.

Today, Gennady Turmov will appear before the readers of "N" not as a deputy of the Primorsky Legislative Assembly, not as a rector of the Far Eastern State Technical University, but simply as a person living with us in the same city and region.

Gennady Petrovich, as far as we know, you are an open and unassuming person. Considering your social position, this is a rarity these days...

The simpler a person relates to life and others, the easier it is for him to live, work, and achieve success. If you focus on the importance of your own person and imagine yourself as the navel of the earth, you can lose a lot and achieve nothing. In general, everything depends not so much on education in childhood, as is commonly believed, but on self-education in the future. Books have helped me a lot in this regard. Everything that I read in my life, I donated to the library (and this is about 10 thousand copies of literature). I hope that they will help those who are just looking for themselves in life.

Are you just as democratic in everyday life?

My life is not much different from the life of ordinary people. On personal business and after hours, I travel by public transport, just like everyone else, I go to the market for groceries - I help my wife with the housework. I even love washing dishes. Today, many busy people acquire servants, but this is not for me. Firstly, my wife manages the household herself, and secondly, as long as health allows, you need to move more and observe life in all its manifestations.

Is your family a strong rear?

Yes, as they say, my home is my castle. I do not like to talk about family and loved ones, because I think that the family is sacred for every person. But I can say one thing: my family has always been a strong rear, despite the long separation when I served in the Navy. I am very depressed by the attitude of today's youth towards family life: they do not want to get married, live in a civil marriage and do not seek to have children. This is a very weak side of modern life. Hence the demographic problem, and so on.

Gennady Petrovich, how do you feel about the fact that many politicians and public people, taking advantage of their position, promote their wives to various kinds of funds, etc.

I treat this with understanding. In my opinion, every first lady is obliged to conduct some kind of public work and be a public person. I do not think that this is done from idleness or the desire to stick out one's person. Just such women should work and benefit society. A positive example in this regard is Lyudmila Putina, who runs a foundation and program for the development of the Russian language.

Are you demanding of yourself and people?

Very! But I rely more not on conviction, but on conviction. I don’t accept the carrot and stick method, but I can convince a person to do something or change their attitude towards something. The teacher Nikolai Nikolaevich Dubinin and his principle helped me in this at one time: if not me, then who?

It is known that you do not receive a parliamentary salary of three thousand US dollars. Are you sick of chasing a long ruble?

I don't have any extra money. I work as a rector and receive my salary at FESTU. And since I do not work on a free basis, I am not entitled to a parliamentary salary. To get double the salary, you need to take on a triple load.

You said that you don’t have extra money, but what about the rumors that you bought a two-room apartment in Moscow and some other super-sophisticated jeep ...

Where these rumors come from, I don't know. As they say, you can’t throw a scarf on someone else’s mouth, but I officially declare: I have never had a Moscow apartment or such a jeep and never have. I love Vladivostok very much and I'm not going to leave it.

Do you have any hobby?

For many years he was fond of philocarty, published several books about rare postcards. In particular, on the subject of Vladivostok and the Russo-Japanese War. I managed to collect up to hundreds of thousands of postcards - mostly very rare, pre-revolutionary ones. Some of them were in a single copy. I donated my entire collection to the house-museum of the Far Eastern State Technical University.

Is your passion for architectural urban ensembles also a kind of hobby, or is this how you want to leave your mark on the earth?

And the construction of the chapel of St. Tatiana, and the opening of the monument to Cyril and Methodius, and other projects are all the merit of many people. Let the initiative be mine, but all these ensembles were created collectively. As for the "trace on the ground", then in this regard I am an unambitious person. Take the famous saying that every man should build a house, plant a tree and give birth to a son. Imagine that at the same time a man does not think about who will raise his son, take care of the house and water the tree. So I, being fond of architecture, do not think about the fact that my name will live in certain monuments. I'm not trying to grab stars from the sky.

Gennady Petrovich, what qualities do you value most in people and which of them are simply unacceptable for you?

First of all, I value reliability, and betrayal is the worst thing for me. I simply cross out betraying people from life, they cease to exist for me. Secondly, I really appreciate the efficiency in people. In my opinion, if a person is efficient, then he is both truthful and decent. I also value responsibility. Even if a person does wrong, goes the wrong way and makes mistakes, but at the same time takes responsibility, it means that he will take all the blame for these mistakes.

In general, how do you assess the work of the current Primorye Parliament?

I think that voters should give an assessment of deputy activity. But I will share my own observations and say that at the last stage of the work, the deputies got some kind of indifferent mood, the work is sluggish, the mood is pessimistic. It is felt that they are retreating from the positions that have been developed over three and a half years. Politics began to actively interfere in parliamentary activity. This endless division into parties, factions leads to the fragmentation of deputies, internecine wars within the parliamentary composition. Remember the turning point when MPs were trying to get rid of the incumbent...

And how do you see the future composition of the Primorye Parliament? Dominance of business is inevitable?

According to my forecasts, the next half will be from business representatives. However, let's hope that common sense will prevail.

What are your wishes for the new Primorye Legislative Assembly?

Do not forget that the vocation of a deputy is to work for his constituents, and not for his political advancement or his party.

Sergey Norov

The strategy that we will introduce you to in this material will make your trading simple and profitable. The strategy is called simple because it really is. After all, it is known that the key to success is in simplicity. And most importantly, a simple Forex strategy is also profitable! So, get acquainted! RSI Profit Taking!

The essence of this strategy is clear, and the search for entry into the market is even easier. Simple trading is used with any currency pairs. As for the timeframe, it is better to use from H1.


As we wrote above, first we will set the timeframe we need - H1. Now we will build a tunnel. Let's add two EMA 18 and EMA 28. They are shown in red on the chart. From them, we built a tunnel to determine the beginning and end of the trend.

Simple Forex strategies for beginners are always profitable and understandable.

Now we need to determine the moment when we need to enter the market. A simple Forex strategy uses WMA moving averages. We will also add them to the chart. They are the blue line (5) and the green line (12). Now you need to add with a period of 21 in order to understand as accurately as possible when you need to enter the trend.

When should you buy?

Purchase steps:

  • Step 1. 5 and 12 must cross the red tunnel from bottom to top.
  • Action 2. Average WMA 5 also crosses WMA 12, from bottom to top.
  • Action 3: The RSI is above the fiftieth level.

When should you sell?

Actions for sale:

  • Action 1. Average WMAs, with periods five and twelve, cross the red tunnel, from top to bottom.
  • Action 2. WMA 5 crosses WMA 12, from top to bottom.
  • Action 3: The RSI is below the fiftieth level.

Our advice: get into the habit of opening a position when the red tunnel is crossed or too narrow.

How to close a long position?

Let's say that your price is already at the peak and WMA with a period of 5 and the WMA with a period of 12 crosses from top to bottom. This is the moment when a long position needs to be closed.

How to close a short position?

Here, the situation is reversed. Your price is at the very bottom and WMA with a period of 5 crosses the WMA with a period of 12 in the upward direction. Feel free to close a short position.

And finally...

Simple Forex trading strategies are very profitable. There are times when the red tunnel may be too narrow, or it may turn into one continuous line. So, as soon as this happened, remember: the trend will unfold. It will be better if you close your position and open it in the opposite direction. In no case, do not close an open position until the red lines of our tunnel cross each other.

For a big celebration or anniversary, it might be worth ordering a dessert from a professional confectioner, but there are plenty of other occasions throughout the year when you want to treat your friends to a beautiful and tasty sweet surprise, which, in addition, would be guaranteed from fresh and high-quality ingredients, without adding vegetable fats (trans fats), which have become so common in confectionery.

Which exit? Of course, get down to business!

Success must be rehearsed, so before you cook for a wide audience, you should find out the various options for the recipes of the selected dessert, compare them and choose the proven one. It is important to try to cook it in a calm environment, when there is no excitement in anticipation of guests.

Decided to bake cupcakes? Take care to buy individual paper molds that do not need to be additionally inserted into baking dishes, they are convenient to use and will create the basis for your future little culinary masterpiece.

Small figured molds in the form of hearts or stars will certainly come in handy not only for working with mastic, but also later, when you decide to bake gingerbread cookies for the New Year. A simple piping bag with nozzles will help fill soft muffins with light custard and decorate the top of the cupcake.

If you want refinement, pick up a recipe using hazelnut or almond powder, it gives the product a delicate nutty taste. A variety of additives from raisins, nuts, candied fruits or chocolate pieces are possible.
The intricate cupcake decorations in the pictures are sure to look spectacular, but don't forget that they were created by professionals.

Which exit? After all, I want it to be not only tasty, but also beautiful! Use simple and elegant solutions that will not let you down. For example, spread a cream of mascarpone, 30% cream and sugar on a cupcake, dip it in golden sugar and decorate on top with a heart or star cut out with a muffin or marzipan mold.

Make a small ball of marzipan or mastic, attach it to a toothpick, and dip it in colored pearls or golden sugar. This will make a cute cupcake decoration.

No time for sculpting and carving? Squeeze cream onto the cupcake with a pastry bag and decorate the snow-white top with ready-made sugar flowers. Why snow white? You can add some blueberry, carrot or beetroot juice to give the desired shade to the cream.

Connect children to the process, they are still those inventors! Invite them to decorate desserts to their own taste, and then it will be possible to demonstrate the result of joint creativity in front of the guests. After all, children are so happy with the impression made, so the enthusiasm for work will overflow! Golden sugar and nuts, berries and sugar hearts, coffee cream and chocolate confetti, or maybe a marzipan figurine? It's so interesting what your little chef will choose for his mini-masterpiece.

And if there is no time for pastries and complex decorations, cook your favorite since childhood, potato cake with the addition of almond powder. How many housewives - so many recipes for this simple and delicious treat. Let almond powder be your secret ingredient! And you can decorate it with any confectionery topping or icing. Fast - yes, tasty - of course!

Well known to housewives for their wide range of spices, Kamis has made sure that culinary creativity is simple, interesting and fun, so they created a gallery of French recipes and ideas for your inspiration.

Business card. 3D Quality is known on the market thanks to delta printers, where the print head moves over a fixed desktop (Kirill Davydov is testing a new model). Photo: Yury Gushan

Every third, if not second, 3D printer designed and assembled by 3D Quality is sent to a Moscow school today. So the company not only forms a future client, but also receives orders for the next developments. It's no joke - all the latest innovations, born in the depths of this design bureau, appeared precisely thanks to students and teachers. Moreover, if the former are directly involved in testing new technology, the latter, on the contrary, precisely because of the lack of time to master it, have become the main trendsetters of advanced engineering solutions.

ORDER. All ideas, more precisely, wishes, for new developments are brought by customers with whom the company works on the supplier portal

“Modern additive technology is designed for professionals and requires thorough, serious training. Only with us it took several days to calibrate many 3D scanners purchased at one time by schools, ”says Ivan Laptev, Technical Director of 3D Quality. Therefore, he and his colleagues decided to create equipment that is easy to use - this is how a new generation of 3D printers and scanners appeared. More functional, but at the same time reliable and easy to use.

Among them - the new Prism Pro Dual printer is equipped with a touch screen - now each user can not only receive a report on each stage of printing, but also, following step-by-step instructions, start the entire process from scratch, without having to prepare for this. “Inside such a printer is its own computer, which greatly expands its functionality: now you can carry out maintenance of each model via the Internet. And the client himself from his smartphone can control the processes and receive notifications about their completion. In the future, we will add audiovisual support - the printer will be able to notify itself of the readiness of the product. A smart camera will also appear, which will not only monitor the print, but also analyze its quality and, if necessary, correct the process itself, ”says Ivan Volodin, Head of Development at 3D Quality. Such printers can be networked and create a kind of farm. Another feature of the Prism Pro Dual is a flat desktop that allows for very precise printing.

KNOW-HOW. Now every student can scan any object

And accurate and, most importantly, fast three-dimensional scanning allows you to make a new 3D Planeta scanner. It took specialists a year and a half to develop it, and writing software took a lot of time. As a result, the scanner does not require pre-preparation - mechanical adjustment, and has a post-processing function: all flaws made during scanning can be eliminated using a computer program. Now every student can scan any object. And quite quickly - unlike Western scanners, this model is faster and does not allow serious "holes" in the image. So, a virtual copy of an adult can be obtained in about forty minutes.

The first to see these developments were visitors to the Army-2018 exhibition, from where they went straight to VDNKh, where the City of Education was held. The participants of "Import Substitution" will get acquainted with them next - up to 80 percent of the components of this equipment are already Russian-made. “As a businessman, it would be easier for me to make just one printer and sell it. After all, both a large model range and constant innovations are, on the one hand, very difficult. On the other hand, it’s terribly interesting!” Ivan Laptev, technical director of 3D Quality, admits.

And it turns out that schools are interested not only in buying new equipment from 3D Quality, but also in getting technical support and training in the company. “It is important here that all their orders go through the supplier portal - this is very convenient and allows us to quickly implement our offers,” says Laptev. - Indeed, for many budgetary organizations, the process of coordinating purchases can take from six months or more - during this time, the model they have chosen has time to become morally obsolete. And the mobility of the portal allows schools to receive the latest developments, or, on the contrary, we can upgrade our models to suit their particular terms of reference.”