Pirate entertainment on the ship. Party in the style of pirates of the Caribbean: entertainment program and menu

  • 12.10.2019
D. Weiss, F. Armstrong, V. Vysotsky, B. Okudzhava, G. Sukachev, songs from films about pirates

pizza, cheese sandwiches, fruit salad with marshmallows, parfait, chicken legs, meatballs, cake

Mojito, Pina Colada, punch, rum, grog, dark beer
themed games and competitions, quizzes, dances

Pirates... They always appear out of nowhere and disappear into nowhere. They are brave, vicious and bloodthirsty. They know how to be passionate lovers and play hide and seek with death. Pirates... Today they will come to visit you. Don't disappoint them! Meet your expectations and they will thank you according to the laws of the sea! So, it's time to welcome guests! The hour "H" has come! Raise the sails! The Black Pearl sets off in search of adventure!

Progress of the Pitrat festival

We welcome the guests of the pirates

It would be nice if the entrance of your house was decorated like a ship's gangway.

And you yourself - with a parrot on your shoulder - were waiting for your pirate guests on the doorstep.

Each new arrival should be greeted with fanfare or a cannon salvo (of course, not a real one, but recorded on a player disc) and greeted with a friendly pirate "Mateys Ahoy!" This approach will allow guests to immediately get rid of complexes and awkwardness, and dive headfirst into a big children's game for adults. After all, we all once watched films about sea adventures and dreamed of being in the place of the main characters. Today there is such an opportunity! Take advantage of it and bring back for a moment the sweet, happy moments of your fairy-tale childhood!


By the way, an important factor influencing the mood of guests is music. Don't let the pirates sit in a corner in complete silence! Characteristic for a party of this type, lively, perky music should constantly sound in the background. So, in advance, even before the pirate binge begins, take care of creating a high-quality playlist. I recommend including the following songs in your playlist:

You can also add a few famous songs from Russian legendary artists (this is necessary so that all the pirates can sing along).

Entertainment for a pirate party

So, the guests have already gathered, the music is playing, there is a calm sea outside, and on board there is a cheerful crew making fun of each other. Invite your guests (as an aperitif) to drink a glass of “Caribbean Hurricane” or “Mojito”. This will help you relax and completely transform into the chosen vicious image. By the way, I recommend meeting the guests at the very beginning of the evening. Literally! Let them tell you who they are today and what they know about the life of their chosen character. If your guests do not attach importance to a deep study of the history of their costume, invite them to simply choose a pirate name from the list of the most famous filibusters of different times. For example - Esther Hutless, Captain Roberto Firebeard, Ozzie Grimm, Samuel Ax, John Silver (Wooden Leg), Henry Morgan, Edward Teach (Blackbeard).

After the “pirate initiation”, reward each guest with a bag of ten pirate coins (piasters or doubloons) and offer them a competition. Tell them that throughout the evening this money can be stolen from each other, played cards with it, exchanged, bought and sold. This commercial approach will enliven the party and add excitement to all upcoming competitions in your entertainment program. Well, at the end of the program, the “richest” pirate will receive a prize!

Of course, before setting sail, it is necessary to arrange a test for the future team! Test their seamanship, reliability, strength, endurance, courage, prudence, intelligence. For this purpose - our next tasks!

Warm up. Tug of War

Having a team spirit is the key to good sailing, even if it is full of unexpected skirmishes and battles! Let's test the strength and dexterity of the applicants!

Props: rope, water guns.

Number of participants: double room, minimum 4 people.

Rules: all participants are divided into two teams. A control line is determined (a step beyond which is considered a defeat), at the command “march!” the teams begin to pull the rope towards themselves. Members of the winning team receive 1 coin, while the losing team is punished. Their punishment is to walk through the corridor of “pirates” armed with water pistols, withstand the water attack and continue the competition with dignity!

Game 1. Duel

Props: toy (rubber) swords or swords.

Participants: in pairs, minimum 2 people.

Essence: two pirates stand opposite each other on the edges of a narrow bench or log. Their task is to push the enemy to the ground. The pirate whose foot touches stable ground first wins and gets richer by another 1 doubloon. The loser leaves in disgrace, or tries his fate again, with a new opponent.

Quiz. Pirates of the Caribbean - attentiveness test

There is an unwritten rule at sea: in order to save life, you need to pay attention to the little things. Let's check how well the pirates know the film "Pirates of the Caribbean", how attentive are the applicants for the Black Pearl crew?

1. What was the name of the pirate who had a glass eye? (Ragetti).

2. The names of the actors, except Johnny Depp, who were in contention for the role of Captain Jack Sparrow (Michael Keaton, Jim Carrey, Christopher Walken).

3. How long is the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean 2"? (150 minutes).

4. On which island was the film filmed? (St. Vincent).

5. What was the name of Davy Jones' ship? ("Flying Dutchman").

6. How many years did Davy Jones allow Jack Sparrow to control the Black Pearl? (13 years old).

7. What animal was depicted on Barbosa's ring? (bear).

8. Where was the key to the chest with Davy Jones's heart hidden? (between the beard tentacles).

9. What was the name of the gambling game that Will Turner and Davy Jones played? ("Liar").

10. Who gave Will Turner the gold medallion? (father, Bill Turner).

11. What tattoo did Jack Sparrow have on his arm? (sparrow).

12. What ship did Jack Sparrow steal in the first part? (Interceptor).

13. What sea monster attacked a Royal Navy ship? (Kreken).

14. The name of Captain Barbosa's monkey. (Jack).

15. How many gold medallions in total needed to be returned to the chest? (882).

For each correct answer, the pirate receives a coin; for each incorrect answer, he must give a coin from his bag.

Game 2. Search for the glass eye

Many pirates lost arms, legs, even eyes and ears in battles. One of these unlucky guys in "Pirates" was Ragetti. In one scene he even lost his glass eye. Help the loser find his missing item!

Props: glass eye; bowl with cherry tomatoes, ketchup, jelly; textile; pebbles.

Participants: everyone is interested.

Rules: a bowl with viscous contents, pebbles and an eye is covered with a cloth. Those wishing to participate are invited to put their hand under the fabric and identify the eye by touch. The one who can cope with disgust and finds the eye gets another coin!

Be sure to keep your camera nearby! You won’t be able to capture such genuine emotions from your friends anywhere else!

Game 3. "Liar's Dice"

Another game that requires quick wits and ingenuity.

Props: bones and cups.

Participants: everyone is interested.

The essence of the game: Each participant is required to have manual dexterity and the ability to deceive and detect the enemy's deception. In the game you have to guess how many dice are hidden under the cups.

In Liar's Dice, guests play with their previously earned gold coins. At this time, the presenter has the opportunity to rest or prepare the props for the next game.

Game 4. Walk the board

Props: a board set at a 45 degree angle to the ground and secured at one end only.

Participants: everyone is interested.

Rules: the participant stands on the edge of the board and is asked questions related to the sea, pirate laws, wars, etc. He answers them. After each correct answer, he can take a step forward, after an incorrect answer, the board begins to shake. If the participant fails to maintain balance, he will be eaten by sharks; if he remains standing, he will get a chance to answer one more question. The one who reaches the end of the board wins and receives another coin as a reward. The loser must drink a glass of rum in one gulp.

Game 5. Sunken Treasure

Don't feed the pirates bread, let them look for treasure! The treasure will be retrieved both from underground and from the depths of the sea. Just the next competition will give your pirates the opportunity to compete in their greed!

Props: small toys, beads, bolts, coins, etc., a shallow container with sand, children's sand scoops.

Participants: everyone is interested.

Rules: at the presenter’s signal “Start!” The participants in the game begin to rummage through containers of sand. Their task is to find coins using only scoops and without touching the “treasures” with their hands. All the “gold” that each pirate manages to dig up in 5 minutes will go to him!

Game 6. Shark

Props: sheets of cardboard (1 less in quantity than participants), a poster with a picture of a shark.

Rules: place sheets of cardboard throughout the garden (room), turn on music (it’s more fun this way). The Shark's task is to sit behind the poster and wait until one of the pirates "swims" too close to her hideout. If this happens, she starts hunting. Salvation is only on the “Island” (sheet of cardboard). One of the pirates who does not have time to reach the island, or there are not enough “islands of safety” for him, leaves the game, naturally, in the shark’s stomach. After each eliminated participant, the number of “islands” is reduced by one. The last survivor receives the coveted piastre.

Game 7. Sea battle

A very emotional and fun game! Especially if you have equipped a real pirate ship in your yard!

Props: cannonballs (balls or sand balloons).

Rules of the game: all participants are divided into two teams - the pirates of the Black Pearl and the residents of Tortuga Island. Pirates board a ship. The islanders are attacking. The task of the residents of Tortuga is to throw balls at the Sparrow pirates, and the task of the Pearl crew is to prevent at least one ball from ending up on the deck of the ship.

Option 2.

If you haven’t built a ship, for this game you can simply draw a ship on a sheet of whatman paper, making holes at different levels. In this case, the pirates' task will be to throw cannonballs (polystyrene foam balls) into the holes. The winners, as always, get a golden surprise!

Having decided to organize a child’s birthday or another, you need to think through everything to the smallest detail. Of course, preparing costumes, invitations, menus and room decorations, and attributes for a pirate party is an important part of a successful holiday, as it sets the real pirate spirit. But a properly composed script will help ensure that the pirate sabbath is unforgettable and interesting.

Important tips for writing a children's pirate party script

The simplest solution would be to order a children's party service from a professional entertainment organization. Various program options, proven scenarios, the presence of specific props and a number of other advantages become decisive arguments in favor of this choice.

But. Who knows better than the parents the character of the child and his friends, his preferences and desires?

And even though organizing a children’s party is a troublesome task, you won’t find better directors and producers than a loving mom and dad.

The main thing is to take into account some features and the success of the venture is guaranteed. When choosing a script and competitions, consider the age of the kids. Entertainment that is interesting to preschoolers will make children over 10 years old smile. But complex quests, so beloved by older children, will be incomprehensible to kids.

Include too active competitions, games, as well as competitions related to the use of water paraphernalia in the scenario of a children's pirate party held on the street. Broken windows, dishes, stained carpets are not a very good result of the holiday.

Consider the character of children. Involve quiet people in competitions too. Don’t create a holiday for “one player,” no matter how much you might want to highlight your favorite among the sea gang.

Be fair in refereeing, do not play along with teams - children are sensitive to lies. Alternate active games with calm competitions, between which be sure to invite the children to the table for refreshments.

At the end of the holiday, you need to reward each participant, regardless of his activity. Children should have only positive memories after the celebration.

Holiday for children 2-3 years old

When choosing a script and competitions for a pirate party for children, take into account the young age of the kids.

The pirate holiday for children two to three years old involves the holding of calmer competitions that do not require solving logical problems.

They should not be associated with the implementation of rapid or precise actions.

Therefore, you will have to carefully consider the scenario and children's competitions for a pirate party outdoors or indoors for the youngest pirates.

Pirate race

Kids will have to make their own pirate ship and come up with a name for it. To do this, each participant in the regatta receives building materials in the form of walnuts, plasticine, toothpicks, and sail leaves.

Children 4–6 years old can easily cope with this task at a pirate party.

For children 2-3 years old - participants in a pirate party, you can prepare boats made of thick paper in advance.

When the schooners are ready, the speed competition begins. A basin filled with water will become the sea. Each pair of participants launches their boat into the water.

The goal is to quickly reach the opposite shore. To do this, kids blow into the sails without using their hands. The owner of the fastest yacht advances to the next round. The winners of the qualifying stages will participate in the final race.

Which child doesn’t like to make faces? It is impossible to win this competition without using your grimacing skills.

After all, you will have to get rid of the matchbox that is put on your nose without using your hands. It is difficult to complete such a task, but unforgettable photographs will remain as a memory.

Pirate puzzle

The principle of this distinction is based on the rules of the Puzzle game. Children will collect pirate pictures.

To do this, you can print out bright pictures depicting ships, chests filled with treasures, and sea shells.

Choose pictures that are clear and free of details that are too small or blurry.

We cut the finished drawing into asymmetrical parts. For children under 5 years old, cutting the sheet into 8-12 pieces will be enough.

For older children, you can make the task more difficult by cutting the image into smaller pieces. Each child receives their own set, and the winner will be the participant who completes the puzzle first.

Pirate party scenario for children 4, 5, 6 years old

Preschool children are still restless and fussy.

It's going to be quite an exciting event if you try to attract the attention of the kids and don't leave them any free time for pranks.

Active competitions, relay races and simple logical tasks are suitable for a children's birthday scenario in the style of a pirate party.

Hit the target

No, we will not shoot with bows or pistols.

We will need balls of different colors. Opponents receive 5 “shells”. The target to hit is a regular bucket or box.

Children try to throw their balls exactly at the target.

Of course, the player with the best result becomes the winner and participants in the next round. The most accurate sea wolves will fight in the finals.

Balloons will act as sea monsters. Appliqués, rope or paper tentacles will help make them more realistic.

Such a monster can only be defeated with darts.

The player is given three attempts to destroy one of the warriors of the army of sea reptiles. But the competition doesn't end there.

After all, inside the monster ball there is a message note. And only by completing the task written on it can you defeat the enemy.

Find the treasure

The competition involves searching for special treasures – chocolate coins.

They are hidden in secluded and most unexpected places.

Just limit your search. Otherwise, inquisitive treasure hunters will look both in the pan and under the toilet lid.

We turn on an incendiary melody and encourage the participants with distracting chants. The winning team will bring the most jewels in the allotted time.

If such a competition is held for children two to three years old, it is better to place balls, pebbles, coins in a sandbox or in a basin with sand.

Let the little adventurers try to dig up the secret treasure.

An island for every pirate

We will need gymnastic hoops. There will be one less of them than the pirates participating in the competition.

While the music plays, sea wolves ply the ocean, running around the hoop islands. As soon as the music stops, the storm begins. So it's time for the pirates to dock.

Children jump into island hoops and start spinning them.

And the pirate who did not get shelter dies in the depths of the sea - he is eliminated from the competition. In the following stages, we remove one island at a time until one winning pirate remains.

These are no longer just pirates - these are experienced sailors who are familiar with grammar and know how to solve problems as a team.

Therefore, feel free to include quizzes, relay races and team competitions in the pirate holiday scenario for children aged 7–9 years.

For children in this age category, you can already come up with a storyline. And since the main goal of the pirates is to find the treasure, then the entire program should be connected with its search.

We are preparing a map for a pirate party for children, which will indicate the pirates’ path to the treasure. You can draw it or print it ready-made.

Aging the card by dipping the paper in strong tea leaves or coffee. Burn and tear the edges of the secret message. Of course, such a guide will not be given to teams in its original form.

An evil pirate - one of the parents tears the message into pieces at the beginning of the party, and the kids' goal is to get all the lost pieces. And for this you need to go through difficult tests. And only the winners of the competition will be able to receive the coveted piece of the map.

Secret password

What's a secret without a password? The team, going on a dangerous journey, must clearly know the code phrase. But it's not that easy to do.

It is known only to one member of the team, and it cannot be said out loud or written on paper. Therefore, now the lucky one who knows the password - a code phrase (the child recognizes it from a folded leaf that he takes out of a vase) will have to resort to acting. With gestures and movements, the baby gives the team hints, based on which they must guess the password.

Dangerous reefs

Only experienced and brave sea wolves can overcome the terrible reefs. The teams face a difficult test.

They must take part in a relay race, which is essentially an obstacle course. Of course, organizing such a large-scale competition requires space.

Therefore, it is better to hold this competition not indoors, but during a pirate party for children on the street.

But, if desired, such a relay race can be divided into several independent competitions.

We create an obstacle course. First, the participant must get out of the bay - run around 8-10 pins arranged in a zigzag pattern. Dive into the depths of the sea - crawl under three or four chairs placed in a row or low-stretched ropes.

To pass the area with piranhas - walk along the board installed above the children's pool, infested with children's fish - “evil piranhas”.

Cross a narrow strait - run, get between tapes, ropes attached to stands or chairs. It is advisable to make the strait winding.

Get your opponents out of the way by knocking down the pins with tennis balls. The participant does not continue the relay race without completing this task. It may take 5 or 8 attempts. Therefore, stock up on balls in large quantities.

Get to the island over bumps. For bumps, use A-5 sheets (half a landscape sheet). Decorate pieces of sushi with original designs in the form of turtles, shells, starfish, and shells.

Place the leaves at a large distance, but not in a straight line. A child can step on a bump with only one foot. If a participant stumbles, he starts this stage of the relay over again.

At the end of the journey, an island awaits the brave sea wolf - the child must stand in the hoop, lift it up and, after removing it over his own head, put the hula hoop back in place.

Bring good news to the team. At the end of the obstacle course, place a flowerpot in which you place coins or black marks. It is this attribute that the participant must bring to his team when returning to the beginning of the sea route.

After this, the next team member sets sail. The winner of the relay race is the team that first overcomes all the hardships of the sea voyage.


Pirates who have sailed the seas for many days are well acquainted with both maritime terminology and the rules of pirate life. It's time to show off your knowledge. Children answer questions from the presenter, earning gold doubloons for their team for each correct answer.

  • The rudder of a ship is the steering wheel.
  • The favorite drink of pirates is rum.
  • Ship's kitchen - galley.
  • Jack Sparrow's ship is the Black Pearl.
  • The punishment for pirates who stole from their friends was to cut off their nose and ears.
  • Have a good voyage - seven feet under the keel.

Captains competition

Each captain receives a secret name that his opponent should not know. The nickname must be associated with any sea inhabitants: turtle, starfish, shark, stingray.

A picture of the prototype is attached to the back of the pirate leader.

The opponent's goal is to find out the opponent's name. But this is not so easy to do. After all, according to the terms of the competition, the captain is one-legged (children bend one leg at the knee and hold it with their hand).

Moving by jumping on one leg, the captains try to look behind the opponent’s back in order to be the first to see the clue.

Pirate party ideas for children over 10 years old

These experienced sailors spent more than one year away from their native shores. They can handle difficult tasks and are not afraid of dangerous trials.

Therefore, feel free to come up with intricate plots intertwined with logical riddles and puzzles for the scenario of a pirate-themed party for children over 10 years old.

The scenario should be like a quest, where one task for a pirate party for children logically leads into the next.

The purpose of the trip, of course, is to search for treasure. But on the way to the treasured treasures, no one canceled the songs, dances and entertainment. As a pirate, this will require finance.

Therefore, at the beginning of the party, we enter the holiday currency, which will be needed for the game for children “Pirates at the Holiday”. With the earned or won piastres - medals or coins - participants will be able to buy drinks in an impromptu bar and buy the missing pieces of the map.

A codeword

Children must solve a difficult puzzle. They receive props in the form of ice cubes, in which the clue pictures are frozen. The first letter of each image is part of the code word. For example, the helm is “bumblebee”, “tiger”, “snail”, “river”, “wolf”, “apricot”, “moon”. Or depicts a cipher code.

You can freeze the image of letters to compose an entire phrase. The teams must complete the task until the ice melts.

Climb into the bottle

The guys must unravel the secret word. To do this, they receive 5 bottles each containing scrolls with hint texts.

The first team to solve the mysterious message becomes the winner.

To avoid questions about the correctness of the answer, we write the word on the board and cover it with a curtain.

You can add any competitions and games to the pirate party scenario for children and adults, adapting them to a pirate theme. In addition to the script, ideas from will help you prepare a pirate holiday for children.

Friendly teams often organize themed events where employees relax and are charged with positive emotions. A pirate party is a celebration where people of all ages will feel comfortable wearing a pirate outfit. It is important for organizers to prepare a script, fun competitions, souvenirs and menus.

How to invite guests?

A pirate party is an informal event, which should be announced in an unusual way. For invitations, it is better to choose not standard white envelopes, but leaflets in the shape of a ship or a hat - this will create intrigue for the guests, and they will certainly accept the invitation. Stock up on Jolly Roger stickers that will look great on any color of paper. For the most honored guests, issue an invitation to a pirate party in the form of a corresponding message in a darkened glass bottle. Burn the paper along the edges, remember and straighten it - this will give the impression that it is several hundred years old.

The invitation text should be written with an ink pen. Place the letter in a bottle, seal it with a cork and tie it with a rope. If you want guests to be interested in how the pirate party will take place, prepare the script in advance and notify that the entertainment program will include games and costume competitions. You can be sure that your idea will be highly appreciated, and the impressions of the event will remain unforgettable.

Pirate dress code

It will not be difficult to find clothes for the party on your own. Ripped jeans, a bandana, a hat, leather belts and T-shirts are probably present in everyone's wardrobe. A pirate party will be very fun and interesting, the costumes for which you will make with your own hands. Donate a vest for a fun evening and stretch it out, remember it, and spill a cup of coffee on it. A school lace blouse will instantly become an excellent choice if you wear a leather vest or raincoat over it. Decorate a wide belt with metal clips and chains. The scenario of a pirate party for adults can be composed in such a way that the games contain elements of eroticism - leather and lace will suit the beauties. A bandana or hat can serve as a headdress.

If guests come to a party without clothes, take the initiative and provide them with clothes. First of all, prepare. Costumes can be made from a black tablecloth or oilcloth. You can trim the bottom of the clothing with scissors. Invite ladies to remove their elegant earrings and replace them with ring-shaped clips.

The role of accessories in a pirate look

At any party, clothing plays an important, but not the most important role, since the completion of the image occurs through additional items. In a pirate look, there should be as many accessories as possible - these are chains with elements, and a cane. Shoes can be either high lace-up boots or sandals. It is worth distinguishing between male and female pirate images. So, girls can wear a white blouse with a black corset, capri pants or a long skirt, and on their feet high-heeled shoes and fishnet tights. If you are hosting a pirate party in a retro style, you can choose magnificent outfits for the ladies that will allow guests to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of bygone centuries.

Leather belts and bracelets are something without which a complete look is unthinkable. They can be tied with metal chains or tied with rope. It would be appropriate to put large rings on your fingers or use fingerless gloves to create the look. You can ask your child for plastic sabers, pistols, binoculars and telescopes. Sew a toy parrot onto the shoulder of your jacket or vest, and if this bird lives in your house, put the cage with it in the main plan. Provide all your guests with Jolly Roger flags. Cut out the desired shape from black paper, attach it to a thin plastic or wooden leg, and stick a skeleton on top. Provide photography at an event such as a pirate party - photos taken during the celebration will remain a long-lasting memory for every guest.

What should a pirate's lair be like?

For a noisy party with a lot of people, you should choose a spacious room. If the holiday is held in a close circle of friends and colleagues, the owner of the country house should bear responsibility for its holding. In order for all guests to remember the pirate party for a long time, the script should have something in common with everyone’s favorite film “Pirates of the Caribbean”. Place a decorative steering wheel outside at the entrance and tie a rope ladder. The main decoration of the interior will be black balls with pirate symbols, which can be used for themed competitions. Place skulls and treasure chests. There should be more black, leather and wood in the room. Hang a map on the wall with a cross marking the location of the treasure. For a pirate party for adults to be fun and positive, the scenario must include drinking. And taking into account the fact that pirates are noisy guys, it should be present not only on the table, but also in the interior. Place dark glass bottles around cabinets and on the floor. Make sure there are several wooden kegs of booze at the party.

Since the water element is associated with the activities of pirates, decorate the room with shells and fishing tackle, and scatter sand on the floor. Place an aquarium with live or artificial fish in a prominent place. Compasses, globes and telescopes are what will enhance the holiday experience.

Pirate-themed party: a condensed script

The correct procedure for holding a holiday is half the success, so long before the chosen day you should discuss all the conditions with the organizers. The event program includes a greeting to the guests, during which they will be initiated into pirates. If guests arrive at the party without costumes, hand them hats and other accessories at the entrance to ensure their appearance matches the theme. It often happens that not all guests know each other, in which case you should give everyone the right to a few words - everyone should introduce themselves and tell about themselves.

At the next stage, you can start having fun: from the simplest competition to the most complex. Make sure that pirate party music is always playing and allow guests to dance and sing, and then offer refreshments afterwards. For dessert, leave the treasure hunt on the map. After that, you can sit on a soft sofa and watch one of the episodes of the film “Pirates of the Caribbean”. Give each guest a keepsake and then email photos a few days later.

Initiation into pirates

When all the guests have arrived, entertain them with the first competition. Not a single pirate party goes by without some perky questions: the scenario for it should consist not only of dances and songs, but also of logical tasks. The participant who gives the most correct answers can claim the title of leader. Test your knowledge of maritime terms with the following questions:

  • What is the name of the pirate whose treasure everyone is looking for? (Flint.)
  • What is another name for a sea vessel? (Ship.)
  • Shark breed.)
  • What is the front part of the ship called? (Nose.)
  • Who is the main person on the ship after the captain? (Boatswain.)
  • What is the name of the sailors' quarters? (Cockpit.)
  • How many parts are in the movie "Pirates of the Caribbean?" (Four.)
  • What does the expression "raise the Jolly Roger" mean? (Have fun.)
  • What is the largest marine mammal? (Blue whale.)

The winner is given a hat with the image of the Jolly Roger, and from now on he becomes the leader of the gang and has the right to conduct other competitions. Music for a pirate party should be played every time a test is played to encourage guests to become more excited.

Competitions for adults

A real pirate must certainly take part in battle, even without a bloody battle. In the next competition, both men and women can participate. Each daredevil has 5 inflated balloons tied to his belt. The weapons will be plastic spoons or forks. At the command “start”, everyone tries to pierce the opponent’s ball - the winner is the one who has the largest number of intact balls left.

Celebrating a pirate party cannot be complete without alcoholic drinks, cheerful dancing and beautiful girls. A no limits style party is not complete without attracting the ladies. Line up several beauties, and blindfold the brave men and invite them to guess by touch who is standing in front of them. Spectators do not have the right to guess, and if after 10 seconds the name is not named, the right to guess is given to the next person.

The next competition requires preliminary preparation. One person leaves the room, the other sits on the floor, in the space between two tables. A hole for the head is pre-cut in the tablecloth. The tables are connected, the head is covered with a large cup so that the daredevil does not feel discomfort; Several more cups of the same size are placed on the surface. The newcomer is supposedly invited to find the treasure under these plates, but as soon as he gets to the head, the daredevil screams, and the observers laugh joyfully.

Competitions for children

Invite boys and girls to tie knots on a tight rope - the participant who makes the most knots within a minute is declared the winner. Don't forget to give prizes to children to get them excited. Everyone should be involved in the competitions, then they will remember the children's pirate party for a long time.

The scenario is not complete without the game “Sea figure, freeze!” - it is the most recognizable for all ages. In addition, this competition can be included in the program of a party for adults. The host of the event says the words: “The sea is worried - one, the sea is worried - two, the sea is worried - three, the sea figure - freeze,” after which each participant must take an interesting pose and stand motionless until the end.

Of course, a pirate-themed party cannot be held without sweets. The next competition is designed for older children: they will have to stuff several crackers into their mouths and try to whistle. The task is complicated by the fact that without preliminary preparation it will be very difficult to do this, so there will most likely be few winners.

Menu for hungry pirates

Dishes for a theme party can be very ordinary, but you will have to work hard on their appearance. Pirates, as you know, spend most of their time at sea, so the menu should be composed primarily of seafood. This is exactly the case when, in addition to fish, it would be appropriate to offer a cocktail of oysters, octopus and shrimp. Salads can be served in large shells, red caviar can be served on the table in ice blocks. Place your bet on snacks or similar dishes that will not get cold and can be eaten away from the table: these are sandwiches, canapés, fondue.

In the summer, you can go outside and fry fish or bake meat in the oven. To make sure everyone remembers the pirate party for a long time, take pictures of absolutely everything. The table should be full of booze and exotic fruits. Pirates usually don't like sweets, but as a dessert you can offer a huge cake and smear it on the leader's face - this action will amuse the guests.

Search for treasure

A treasure chest is a long-awaited trophy for each of the pirates, so holding this party is unthinkable without it. Draw a floor plan on whatman paper, symbols, and mark the hiding place with a cross. Pre-purchased items can be placed in it, but it will be more interesting if each of the guests, upon entering, takes off a valuable item and puts it in a box with the condition of return.

Consider safety rules to ensure that all your household items remain safe and sound during your treasure hunt: hide antiques, glass objects, rearrange flowers and leave as much free space in the room as possible.

Pirate party: script, algorithm, competitions

At least one person must be responsible for the event: the owner of the house or the toastmaster. A small script designed for two presenters. When preparing an invitation to a pirate party, indicate to guests that the holiday will be active so that they are prepared in advance to complete collective tasks.

The girl greets guests at the entrance with the words: “Welcome aboard. The guy lets everyone in, hands them a hat or other accessory and says that he is now a full-fledged member of the team. When everyone has gathered, invite them to split into several teams and give them names - “Sea wolves", "Sea Lords" or "Filibuster". Teams will participate in competitions, and at the end of the party, the winner will be the one that completes the task best.

The next stage is the election of the leader of the pirates. This can be done by voting or holding the first competition, as a result of which the leader will be a person who has excellent knowledge of maritime terminology. After this entertainment, offer guests a snack. “Well, gentlemen, pirates, you have refreshed yourself, and now it’s time to have fun,” says the presenter and invites you to participate in other competitions. One of the organizers presents trophies for winning competitions on time.

The scenario of a pirate party for young people also involves the most long-awaited test - the fight for the treasure. “Well, now it’s time to start looking for treasure,” the second presenter announces and leads everyone to the map, on which the cache is shown with a symbol. At this time, the music turns on and the most interesting part of the event begins. When all the competitions have been completed and the treasure has been found, the hosts end the party and offer free time.

2.50 /5 | Voted: 6

We offer a scenario for a pirate party for adults, which is perfect for celebrating a birthday, New Year or corporate event. A little preparation for competitions, decoration of the room, light refreshments, a good mood - and the event will cause a storm of positive emotions!

A pirate party for adults, the scenario of which is presented below, can be held at home, outdoors and even in the office. The host of the event should be a man in the image of Jack Sparrow. At the appointed time, he welcomes guests.


Hello, brave sea wolves, welcome the invincible corsairs on the deck of your ship. I am Jack Sparrow and I want to know the name of every pirate on my crew!

Guests are invited to come up with pirate-themed names and write them on name tags.


Great! Today we are waiting for a treasure hunt, and then relax on a paradise island, treats and many barrels of rum! Isn't this happiness?! But are you ready for the life of a real pirate?

Competition “As Pirates Say”

Phrases from the vocabulary of sea robbers are written in advance on the cards. The sheets are then placed in a box or bag. Each party guest selects a card without looking and explains the meaning of what is written.

Phrases for the game:

  • Fill the hold - eat;
  • Hang black marks on your eyes - fall asleep;
  • Wet your throat - drink;
  • To fire with all guns - to swear;
  • Converging anchors means starting a fight;
  • Throwing piastres - shopping, spending money;
  • To moor in a calm harbor - to get married;
  • Shaking bones is dancing.

Team, it's time to look for treasure! Therefore, you need to decide on the route. Our card is your invitations. Please put them together.

The team collects a map that shows the floor plan of the venue where the event is being held. In red are places that you must visit on the way to the treasures.


Raise the sails! We set sail, and the first test awaits us - the first step towards the treasured treasure!

Competition "Buoys"

You need to prepare plastic Kinder Surprise boxes in advance according to the number of holiday guests. Put forfeits with tasks in everything (crow, jump 5 times and everything that your imagination tells you), except for one - there is a piece of paper with the word “treasure” in it. Place the boxes in a large bowl filled with water. Players take turns coming up and catching these “buoys” with their mouths until they find the word “treasure”.


Thousand devils! When I hear about treasures, I can’t think of anything else! So, run to the next clue!

Competition "Blind Pirate"

Five brave souls from the company are selected. They approach the table, on which there are deep bowls (5 pieces), covered with thick cloth. The dishes are filled with boiled spaghetti, jelly, raw eggs, etc. The presenter announces that in one of the basins there is a hint (a card on which it says “hidden”), and in the rest there are forfeits with tasks. Everyone must choose a bowl, put their hand in it and find a box with a note.


Where are the untold riches hidden? We'll find out in the next test!

Balloons are hung on a rope, the more, the more interesting. A blank piece of paper is placed in each of them, and only one contains a note with the text “in the closet” (“in the chef’s table”, “on the balcony”, “in the refrigerator” or any other option). Players need to throw darts at the balls and look for a clue.


Treasure hidden in the closet? Then forward to our gold!

Everyone goes to the place where the treasure should be. There they actually find a chest, open it, and inside is empty... only a note from Davy Jones: “Ha ha ha! Did you think I would just let you take the treasures? No, you need to pass tests that only real pirates can cope with! Then come back here." There, at the bottom of the chest, is a list of games that need to be played.


Thousand devils! Oh, that Davy Jones, you treacherous creature! But we are not afraid of his tricks, so we will complete all the tasks!

Competition "One-legged Pirates Relay"

The players need to be divided into two teams. Each of them is given an elastic band 20 cm long, tied into a ring, and a crutch. The first participants bend their leg at the knee and secure it with an elastic band. Then, leaning on a crutch, you need to run to the finish line (at a distance of 5-6 meters). There on a stool there is a bottle of alcohol (according to the taste of the guests) and a glass. The pirate needs to pour himself some alcohol, drink and go back, passing the baton to the next one. The team that completes the task faster wins.

Competition "Rescuing the Wounded"

The same two teams are playing. Participants get into pairs and decide who will be the doctor and who will be the injured pirate. "Doctors" are given bandages. Task: bandage the “victims” right arm to the elbow and left leg to the knee. The team that finishes it faster wins.

It takes two teams to have fun. Players stand in lines, one opposite the other. Their task: take turns dancing the same movement. The host turns on the music, and the first team begins to dance, then pause is pressed and a composition is played for the other team. You cannot repeat the movements. The team that cannot come up with a new move loses.


You did a great job with Davy Jones's tasks. I think everyone wants to finally take our real treasure and start celebrating!

Everyone goes back to the place where Davy Jones' note was found and finds the same chest there, but with “treasures” (you need to quietly hide them there while everyone is completing tasks). It could be all sorts of goodies, alcohol, bowling tickets for the whole company, fireworks... it all depends on the occasion of the event and the interests of the guests.

This concludes the scenario of a pirate party for young people, and the celebration continues with a feast and a disco.

Published by the author - - March 3, 2016

If your soul requires adventure, filled with the flavor of the era of sea robbers, with notes of romance and light brutality, then a pirate party is exactly what will give the maximum boost of energy to all guests of the event, regardless of age and character. This holiday will give everyone the opportunity to show their best qualities and abilities, show their individuality against the background of others, learn to act in a team, and most importantly - have an unforgettable fun time!

The pirate-themed party scenario will fit perfectly into birthday celebrations, corporate events and bachelor parties. It is worth noting that a pirate party for children can be organized no worse than for adults, the main thing is to use your imagination to the maximum and create the appropriate surroundings.

What the article is about:

1. Venue

Since the event involves a marine theme and an unprecedented drive, it is worth taking a closer look at a restaurant or cafe by the water, a river bus or a pleasure boat. If you can’t organize a party near or on the water, then an outdoor option would be a good option. If you want to have fun in winter, you can arrange everything at home or in a banquet hall. The main thing is not the place, but the right atmosphere and close, relaxed people nearby.

2. Invitations

Where does the holiday begin? Of course, with an invitation. Like everything else, invitations to a pirate party should be themed accordingly.

If the organizers of the holiday are limited in time, then you can send invitations to guests by email or on social networks. Finding templates is not a problem these days; you just need to enter the correct query into search engines. For the convenience of a virtual invitation to a party, you can unite all invitees with a common hashtag #pirateparty or create a new page where you can discuss the dress code, drinks, menu and other points with potential guests.

But, of course, flyers made by yourself will look more original and unusual. There are many options and forms for making invitations; everyone can choose the most suitable one. Let's look at some of them.

First, let's figure out what everyone associates pirates with - a stormy sea, a ship, a treasure chest, a black mark and ancient scrolls placed in a bottle? Yes, this is exactly what you need! The ideal solution would be to arrange invitations in the form of scrolls wrapped in twine, paper chests that open, and the text of the invitation or postcard with a black mark is written inside. Organizers should stock up on colored paper, cardboard and glue in advance.

Another original option would be to write an invitation text on a treasure map and divide it into exactly as many pieces as the number of guests invited to the party. At the end of the party, participants will be able to connect their map pieces and look for the real treasure!

The text should contain information about the time and location of the event, the presence of a dress code and a secret password that will serve as a pass.

3. Meeting guests

All friends come to the holiday with an invitation. The Dread Pirate asks everyone for their pass word at the entrance and also controls their dress code. You can hang a poster of Jolly Roger on your front door to get you excited about the pirate fun to come. The door itself will not open until the newly-minted “pirate” correctly names the password. They can be the words “yo-ho-ho”, “piasters”, “Davy Jones chest”, “bottle of rum”, etc. Those who have completed the task are given a black mark on their hand and given pirate attributes: bandanas , blindfolds, weapons, etc.
Those who come “on deck” should be offered to paint pirate tattoos, wounds from sea battles and bruises from battles using face painting. A make-up artist specially hired by the organizers will paint everyone.

At the entrance, each guest invents a pirate name for himself, it could be: Invincible Jim, Blackbeard, Jack Sparrow, Lanky Ben, Jim Hawkins, Barbarossa, Flint, Morgan, Deadly Isabel, Ruthless Charlotte... In order not to forget the nickname, give your friends badges with imitation old paper, where everyone writes their new pirate name. Throughout the evening, guests are required to call each other only by fictitious names; this harmoniously fits into the general atmosphere of the holiday. Anyone who mistakenly calls a person by his real name is fined by the organizers. For example, he takes a mop and scrubs the “deck” for 2 minutes, or the floor, if you are not on a ship. Hang a board or just a sheet of paper where you mark how many times during the evening you managed to tear off (or peel off?) the deck. The person who is guilty three times receives the nickname "Mop". Make a headband with this inscription, and let the most active lover of cleanliness wear it. This will be a good reminder for others.

All those gathered are now ready for real sea adventures!

4. Interior decoration

Decorating a party in a pirate style will require a lot of props and preliminary preparation, because the created surroundings should resemble the deck of a real pirate schooner, where daring and desperate pirates will have fun!

What is there on every corsair ship, besides the special spirit of the harsh sea wolves? Any ship must have a steering wheel; this is an essential attribute of a pirate party. A decorative marine “rudder” is installed in the center of the room, in the most visible place, so that everyone can feel like a real captain. Undoubtedly, various kinds of rope ladders, fishing nets with shells tangled in them, and ropes will perfectly complement the created decor.

Wooden chests lined with metal containing unearthly treasures and caskets with rubies, diamonds and gold will become a real pearl of the holiday. You can attach seagulls and albatrosses cut out of cardboard or paper to the curtains, and hang ancient treasure maps of the seven seas, depicting famous pirates and their ships, on the walls. For example, posters of the legendary Henry Morgan, nicknamed “The Immortal,” and his frigate “Oxford,” and Edward Teach, nicknamed “Blackbeard,” and his ship “Queen Anne’s Revenge.”

In addition to famous corsairs and their faithful ships, you can attach ancient treasure maps, exact copies of real 16th-century maps, or pirate-themed posters to the walls.
You should definitely order a pirate tantamaresque, where every guest can feel like a real sea robber, as well as get interesting pictures as a souvenir. If you don’t find a ready-made photo frame, select an interesting, very high-resolution picture and order printing on a banner or film from a printing house. Then cut out the holes for the faces yourself.

In the room you can place such important marine attributes as telescopes, binoculars, compasses, globes, small anchors, sabers, bottles of rum, gin with special labels of famous rum brands. Ideally, all the props are made in the style of the 15th–16th centuries, this gives a special charm to all items and creates the right mood for the party guests.

Hang the room with garlands consisting of triangles of dark colors and skulls depicted on them. Black balloons with pirate symbols will also complement the created atmosphere of a corsair schooner.

5. Dress code

At a pirate-themed party, it is important to set the right mood, and the appearance of the participants plays an important role here. Preparing themed costumes is not very difficult; many of the necessary elements can easily be found in any closet; moreover, they are suitable for both women and men. For example, a vest, a striped T-shirt, a T-shirt with a skull, a white or flesh-colored shirt, a belt with a rough buckle, a bandana, preferably red, and wide hats - this is what the basic wardrobe of the average corsair looks like.

The look can be complemented with sabers and knives, an eye patch, spyglasses, colorful boots, false beards, toy pistols made in the style of the 16th century, wigs, a cane with the image of the Jolly Roger and even a sewn toy parrot on the shoulder - the more accessories and paraphernalia , the more fun and interesting!

Everything is clear with a man’s costume, but the image of a pirate can be thought out in a much more interesting way.

Girls can dress up in a white shirt with a corset that will favorably highlight all the curves of the sea robber’s figure and black leather leggings, or dress up in a short dress in black and red tones, fishnet tights and high-heeled boots.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the makeup of the fair half; it should be catchy and provocative. Smokyeyes and red lipstick are ideal.

Since some guests may ignore the dress code, make sure you have the necessary pirate paraphernalia in advance: hats, bandanas, black marks and blindfolds. This is a minimal set from which you can create a full-fledged costume for a pirate party in a few minutes.

For more information on how to make pirate outfits for children and adults yourself, see.

6. Treats at a pirate party

When creating a menu, do not forget about the special lifestyle of these sea bandits, whose main diet consisted of meat, fish, vegetables and, of course, rum.

But at such a holiday, what is important is not what dishes will be served, but what they will be called. For example, an ordinary mimosa salad turns into a “Jolly Roger” salad, and to complete the image, a skewer with the image of a pirate is stuck into it, a salad with crab sticks becomes “Sea salad with the tongue of a chatty corsair”, sandwiches with liver turn into “Crisps anointed with Moby’s liver” Dick”, and with red caviar – “Sandwiches with shark caviar”. Place small signs next to the dishes with their names.
The “Pirates' Treasure” dish, which is stuffed pancakes rolled into bags, deserves special attention. You can use mushrooms and meat, caviar, cottage cheese, etc. as filling.

You can also prepare mackerel baked in the oven with vegetables, turkey baked with garlic in Spanish, chicken thighs marinated in mayonnaise and spices, and serve everything under the name “Pirate fish and meat platter.”

Salad “Parrot Vinaigrette” fits harmoniously into the menu described above. It is an assortment of different fruits, preferably different in color. Tasty and healthy!

For a buffet version of the celebration, snacks on skewers with cheese and fruit or meat with vegetables, sandwiches with caviar or salmon, pizza in the form of a treasure map, where the location of the treasure can be highlighted with red bell pepper, and kebabs in the shape of a sword are perfect. The main thing is to decorate the presented dishes beautifully and interestingly.

Don't forget about the sweet table at the pirate party. A dessert in the form of cupcakes with images of pirates, a cake in a pirate style or in the shape of a sea schooner, gold bars in the form of chocolates will be a pleasant treat for those gathered.

What can’t any formidable pirate imagine his life without? A thousand devils, this is, of course, rum! There should be a lot of this drink, or better yet, even more! Pirates drank rum hot and called it grog; alcoholic drinks such as brandy and gin were also not ignored.
Since the drinks described above are strong, you can offer girls cocktails using rum - Daiquiri, Mojito or Bloody Mary with vodka.

In addition to dishes and drinks, dishes and tablecloths with images of anchors, skulls or just sea stripes will perfectly complement the created atmosphere.

7. Musical accompaniment

Pirates loved to have fun, dance and sing. Therefore, the music at the party should be appropriate - cheerful and incendiary. These can be energetic hits or soundtracks to everyone’s favorite pirate films, for example, “Treasure Island” and “Pirates of the Caribbean”.

8. Entertainment and competitions of the pirate party

The improvised ship "Tortuga", where all the guests of the pirate-themed party have gathered, is sailing to the harbor of fun and entertainment! Every pirate dreams of becoming the bravest and achieving unprecedented wealth. Every corsair, regardless of gender, will have a chance to defend their honor and dignity, as well as to prove themselves. But to do this you need to go through a series of dangerous, exciting and sometimes very fun tests.

If the celebration takes place in a restaurant or banquet hall, then each table can be given its own name, by analogy with sea ships. For example, the frigate "Barracuda", the ship "Filibusters" or the schooner "Golden Doubloon". In this way, teams are created to participate in pirate competitions.

If there is a buffet option, then each robber will defend his honor alone.

"The Whistling Robber"

4-5 participants are selected, each is given a whistle. One by one, the pirates draw cards with the name of one famous song written on them. Everyone's task is to whistle the melody in such a way that the audience guesses it. Whoever conveys the melody most accurately with a whistle wins.


Players are given inflatable balloons containing doubloons. The essence of the game is to burst your opponent's balloon and take away his gold, but at the same time protect your own.

"The Mystery of Your Name"

This game involves two people. Each person has an image on a marine theme (ship, shell, dolphin, etc.) with a number (55, 40, 15) taped to their back. Participants stand facing each other, and jumping on one leg, try to see a number and a photograph on the opponent’s back. The first one to find out this information wins.

"Jug of Happiness"

What are pirates without drinking rum? Four strong men are required to participate. You offer everyone a mug of cocktail with rum: whoever drinks it first wins. You can make it more difficult, for example, drink through a straw and with your eyes closed.

"Lost Treasures of the Watery Depths"

To play you will need a small basin filled with water. You need to throw a few grapes, bananas and apples into it. Participants take turns kneeling down and using their teeth to try to pull the fruit out of the water. Whoever pulls out the most wins a prize.

"The Artful Robber"

There are a lot of balloons scattered on the floor (without strings or strings), you need to collect the maximum number of them in your hand in a limited time, and hold them without dropping them on the floor. All this action takes place to energetic music.

“Boarding the Vessel” (for sober participants only)

2 teams of players are determined. Each is given a ship - a chair, which is installed at a distance from each other. Participants stand near their “ship” and wait for the signal. After the “Board” command, the crew begins to board the makeshift ship. Fun and interesting music plays in the background, and when it ends, the game ends. The team with the most crew on the chair wins.

"Pirate Quiz"

It will be interesting and educational to take a quiz on your knowledge of the life of pirates. We suggest asking the following questions:

  • What's a pirate's favorite drink?
  • Who is the author of "Treasure Island"?
  • What is the name of the Spanish silver coin?
  • What is “Board”?
  • What were the names of the main characters in the film Pirates of the Caribbean?
  • Who is considered the most famous pirate in the world?

You can also add humorous questions here. For example, "Riddles from Davy Jones":

  • Which month is shorter than the others? May.
  • What is between the balcony and the kitchen? The letter "i".
  • What is cooked but inedible? Lessons.
  • Why do you go to the kitchen when you want to eat? By gender.
  • What will happen to the yellow scarf if it falls into the Red Sea? He'll get wet.

The one who answers the most questions correctly wins.

"Strength of mind"

To organize, you will need plastic bottle caps and matchboxes. The number of players must strictly correspond to the number of props. Participants stand parallel to each other. A cork or box is placed at a distance of 20 cm from each. The point of the game is to blow them out as far as possible. The one who inflates the longest distance is the winner.

"Treasure Island"

This competition is pre-prepared by the organizers. Participants are divided into two teams, each of which receives intricate maps of unearthly treasures. The path to the jewelry is encrypted, but there are specific objects near which there are clues. For example, each table is a ship, a clue is attached to one of them, the next one is located near the island, the role of which is played by a bar counter, etc. Following the clues, participants try to find the hidden treasure as quickly as possible. Whoever finds it faster wins.

There can be many games for a pirate party. For example, choose the most beautiful pirate of the holiday, organize a competition for the most singing pirate or dexterous dancer, compete to see who can tie a sea knot better, the main thing is the spirit of victory.

You can finish the entertainment program by watching your favorite movie “Pirates of the Caribbean”, or dancing to energetic music.

Since all the guests will be busy with games and events at the party, it is worth hiring a professional photographer so that everyone has vivid memories of the holiday, of themselves in a colorful image and of the fun that everyone will remember with warmth in their souls for many months to come .

9. Incentive prizes

After the games and competitions, all participants receive incentive prizes. These could be keychains in the shape of an anchor or a steering wheel, magnets, an exclusive pirate hat, a toy spyglass, a T-shirt with a pirate print, or chocolate piastres.

And don’t forget to insert encouraging phrases: anchor down my throat, burst my spleen, strike me with thunder, port rats, mainmast in your ass!