Rice diet for weight loss. Photo

  • 12.08.2023

If you want to get rid of extra pounds without reducing your diet to an incredibly small size, we recommend paying attention to the rice-apple diet with chicken. As you can see, it contains some of the lowest-calorie but healthy products. Therefore, a diet based on rice, chicken and apples is very popular. Today we will talk about a diet based on rice, chicken and apples, which gives quite good results. It cleanses the body of waste and toxins, helping to quickly lose excess weight after long holidays or when switching to a balanced diet.

Basic principles

The diet of rice, apples and chicken is based on the principle of alternating proteins and carbohydrates. Rice is a cereal crop that removes toxins and excess water from the body, and chicken containing protein prevents the destruction of muscle tissue and promotes the burning of fats in the body. As for apples, this low-calorie product is rich in fiber, which cleanses the intestines and speeds up metabolism.

Let us immediately note that a diet based on rice, chicken, and apples is quite heavy, so you need to prepare well. Make sure you do not have stomach or kidney problems. It is even advisable to consult with a nutritionist who will give his advice on a specific diet.

The rice diet + chicken and apples requires some preparation. About two weeks before starting the rice and apples with chicken diet It is recommended to start taking vitamins so that the body does not experience a lack of certain microelements, which occurs with many diets. You need to limit your diet not suddenly, but gradually. For example, you can spend a few days on light soups, vegetables and low-fat dairy products. This is important because severe stress prevents the body from losing weight and forces it to accumulate fat.

Weight goes off quite quickly on a diet of rice and chicken, so be sure to take care of your skin: use gels and creams to tighten, tone and break down fats.

When engaging in active sports, be sure to slow down during the diet of rice, apples and chicken, as the body will lack energy. Light walking will be beneficial.

While on a diet of rice, chicken and apples, monitor your health. If it begins to noticeably deteriorate, add a few tablespoons of natural honey to your diet, which will improve tone.

Products that form the diet "rice, chicken, apples"

To successfully lose weight with a diet of rice with chicken and apples, you need to buy only high-quality products. Regular white rice, which is cheaper than other varieties, contains almost no nutrients and vitamins. We recommend buying unpolished varieties of parboiled rice, brown or brown. Cereals have advantages:

  1. Creates an enveloping effect on the intestines, promoting the removal of excess water and harmful substances
  2. Normalizes material metabolism.
  3. Contains protein and complex carbohydrates, which provide the body with energy and nutrients for metabolic processes.
  4. Cereals contain a lot of calcium and potassium, so they have a beneficial effect on the skin, hair, nails and teeth.

As for chicken, it must be eaten without skin - this is the main requirement. When eating a diet of rice and apples, meat provides the following benefits:

  1. Chicken is high in protein and low in fat, especially in fillets.
  2. Meat has a positive effect on the blood and reduces blood pressure.
  3. Kidney function is normalized.
  4. Cholesterol levels are reduced.
  5. Good chicken fills the body with energy and has a beneficial effect on brain activity.
  6. Improves stomach function.
  7. Digesting chicken uses energy, which stimulates the burning of calories.

Apples are a key product in our diet, the choice of which must be approached with all responsibility. You cannot buy imported fruits, for example, Chinese ones, since they have almost nothing useful.

Ideally, you should choose local apples, but if this is not possible, carefully select Krasnodar fruits, Moldavian or Serbian. Pay attention to the peel: if it is sticky or shiny, be sure to peel it.

The presence of traces of worms is a sign that the apples are natural, since they will not eat fruits with chemicals. During a diet, apples can be eaten boiled or baked, seasoned with cinnamon or honey. The body benefits from:

  1. Regardless of the prevalence of apples and their affordable price, they are the most valuable fruit that has a complex effect on our body.
  2. Apples contain many essential vitamins and minerals.
  3. Helps improve skin condition and strengthen teeth.
  4. Apple seeds contain a daily dose of iodine, but you should not eat more than 5 pieces per day.
  5. Apples fight extra pounds due to the special acids they contain in the fruit.

When choosing apples, remember that sour varieties are not suitable for high stomach acidity, and sweet varieties are not the best choice for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system. The rice and apple juice diet with chicken involves choosing juicy fruits from which you can get a sufficient amount of nutritious, natural juice.

You can learn how to lose weight with apples from our other article.

Diet menu

The rice diet with chicken is divided into several stages, each of which needs to be given due attention. Note that the diet lasts 9 days. Apples, rice and chicken are the only foods that should be in your diet during this time. The diet is divided into three days - rice, chicken, apples are not consumed at the same time. One product - one stage of the diet, lasting 3 days.

Stage one

During the first three days, eat rice porridge in the amount of 1 glass of cereal per day. In the evening, fill the rice with water, and in the morning, drain the liquid and pour 2 cups of boiling water over it. After this, put the rice on the fire and cook until done - about 15 minutes. Do not salt the porridge or add oil to it. Divide the cooked amount of porridge into 5 parts and eat them throughout the day. The daily diet should include 2-2.5 liters of clean drinking water. You need to drink it in small portions, but often. As for rice, you should eat your last serving no later than 8 pm.

Stage two

At this stage, you have to eat protein foods, that is, chicken. The stage lasts three days, and you should eat about 1200 g of meat per day. Cook the chicken without adding salt, first removing the skin and separating the bones. Divide the cooked amount of meat into 5 servings. Drink a glass of water before every meal. In total, you need to drink 2-2.5 liters of liquid per day.

Stage three

Try to choose apples with green peel, and you will need to eat a kilogram a day. The stage also lasts three days and involves drinking plenty of fluids. If you feel noticeable weakness and malaise, add a few tablespoons of honey to your diet, which will give you strength.

The 9-day diet “Rice, chicken, apples” will be successful, without negative consequences and feelings of hunger, if you strictly follow all the recommendations.

Diet on rice, apples and chicken: reviews of the results

Also, some write in reviews about the diet on rice, apples and chicken that the most difficult stage is the first, during which you need to eat unsalted and completely tasteless rice. The easiest stage is the second, and at the third stage many complain about the lack of energy to do even the usual things.

...and minus the extra pounds! As well as impurities, toxins and poor health.

Rice cleansing - relief for the whole body!

If you are overcome by fatigue, irritability, lethargy, apathy, drowsiness day and night, heaviness in the stomach, swelling and increasing fullness, then to heal your body and put yourself in order, first of all try the simplest ancient method - rice peeling.

The course is one month. The most common technique today: 2-3 tablespoons of rice are soaked for five days, changing the water daily, boiled on the sixth day and eaten on an empty stomach as breakfast.

The essence of rice cleansing is this. When soaking, inorganic salts, simple sugars, and partly starch are removed from rice and a protein-carbohydrate base remains, which, when swollen, becomes an excellent energy sorbent, that is, rice in the gastrointestinal tract absorbs waste and toxins, and as a result, organs and tissues are consumed. Improvement in the body's condition also occurs due to metabolically active substances that are activated when rice is soaked.

People who have carried out rice cleansing note that it has become easier for them to walk, pain and creaking in joints and aching bones have disappeared, swelling has decreased, and fatigue has ceased to depress them. Apathy disappeared, general well-being improved, sleep improved, and physical and creative strength appeared!

So, you decided to spend rice peeling. Prepare 5 liter glass jars, pour 2-3 tablespoons of rice into each jar one by one and leave for 5 days, and on the 6th day eat on an empty stomach as a.

Rice can be taken long or round, preferably unsanded, unpolished and unsteamed. For convenience, number the jars - write the numbers with a felt-tip pen on glass or on adhesive tape. Rinse the rice well with cold water and fill the jar to the brim.

Before starting rice cleansing, five days of preparation are required according to the following scheme.

First day. In the morning, put sorted and washed rice in jar No. 1 and fill the jar to the brim with water.

Second day. Drain the water from jar No. 1, rinse the rice again and fill it again. The same must be done with jar No. 2: rinse the rice and add water.

Day three. Drain the water again and rinse the rice from jars No. 1 and No. 2. Prepare jar No. 3 in the same way.

Day four. Do the same and add can #4.

Day five. The same plus bank number 5.

Arrived sixth day. The rice in jar no. 1 has been soaked for five days and is ready to eat, it will go to your breakfast. Put the rice back into the empty jar No. 1 and fill it with water. Do the same with the rest of the banks.

Soaking is carried out at room temperature. The process of soaking rice should be continuous, so that every morning you have five-day soaked rice for breakfast.

In the morning, immediately after getting up, rinse the five-day rice again and steam it with boiling water for 30-40 minutes, or boil it on the stove or in the microwave, but do not overcook it. And eat without sugar or any other additives.

You need to steam the rice so that all the water is gone when steaming and cooking the rice, so that there is no liquid left on top. Before eating rice, drink 1-2 glasses of boiled water at room temperature. Then eat your rice: on an empty stomach, warm and slowly.

After eating rice, you should not drink or eat for at least an hour, and preferably for 3-4 hours. You can drink plain water. Then eat as usual, but refrain from fatty foods, as they make it difficult to cleanse the body.

Try also the effective rice diet.

Rice diet

The duration of this diet is 3 days. An excellent option for rice lovers, but keep in mind that in order to lose weight, you need to use brown rice.

First day.
Breakfast: apple, rice (2 tablespoons of dry grains). Green or herbal infusion.

Dinner: vegetable broth, vegetable salad, rice with herbs, seasoned with vinegar and vegetable oil.

Dinner: vegetable broth, steamed rice with carrots and zucchini.

Second day.
Breakfast: orange, boiled rice, seasoned with a teaspoon of sour cream.

Dinner: vegetable broth, a portion of rice with vegetables.

Dinner: like lunch.

The third day.
Breakfast: pear, rice, sprinkled with cinnamon.

Dinner: vegetable broth, cucumber salad with vinegar and olive oil, rice plus champignons fried in olive oil.

Dinner: vegetable broth, rice with boiled cauliflower.

Remember the famous English proverb “An apple a day drives a doctor out of the yard.”? And indeed it is.

Apple pulp contains calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, iodine, provitamin A, vitamins B, C, PP and P. This vitamin and mineral composition allows apples to stimulate hematopoiesis and heal many ailments that often accompany excess weight.

There is no disease in which apples would be superfluous. Apples are useful for vitamin deficiencies, anemia, diabetes, and are effective for the prevention of hypertension and colds.

In one day of the apple diet, you can cleanse and “unload” the heart and blood vessels, kidneys, and liver. Apples are considered an excellent diuretic for hidden and obvious edema.

The most effective and simple recipe for cleansing bones, joints and spine from toxins is apple soup. Boil dried apples, then add boiled rice to the broth. This is also an excellent dietary dish. Without rice, the decoction of dried apples becomes apple tea, which should be drunk warm and without sugar, adding lemon juice to taste.

Do you suffer from insomnia? Eat one ranet apple at night and sleep will come.

Organize apple days once a month.

Apple diet

The duration of this diet is no more than 3 days. It’s not easy to stay on it, it’s low in calories. But you can eat without restrictions throughout the day, plus at main meals. Divide two kilograms of raw apples into five main servings per day.

You can eat apples both in raw form and in the form of apple dishes. For example, in the form salad: Grate 300 g of ripe, peeled and seeded apples on a coarse grater, mix with chopped parsley and celery roots, season with lemon juice.

Another recipe: apple and onion salad. Grate two washed sour apples, add a head of finely chopped onion, parsley and olive oil. Salad ready!

Do apple desserts. Apples can be baked with pumpkin, lingonberries, honey, cranberries, raisins, and pears. But only without sugar, otherwise - goodbye diet. Drink freshly squeezed apple juice.

Do you dream of being slim like Japanese women? The main secret to their ideal figure is proper nutrition. The basis of their diet is fresh fish and rice cereals. There are quite a lot of nutritional systems based on rice that are popular among women. A rice diet for weight loss and cleansing the body will help you lose 10 kg. in a week and cleanse the body of toxins.

The rice cleansing technique dates back to 1939. It was used to combat obesity, hypertension, and diabetes. The weight loss effect is achieved by reducing the consumption of salt and sugar, which allows you to reduce body fat. The diet will help you get rid of 10-18 kilograms within a month.

Is it possible to lose weight on rice?

As you know, rice cereal is a fairly nutritious product. Despite this, many women achieve success using this nutrition system. Is it possible for those who want to lose weight to eat rice? The low-calorie content of cereals is associated with its low glycemic index value: unrefined grains - 50, refined grains - 70.

Also, the rice nutrition program provides for a complete rejection of salt. This is exactly how active weight loss occurs. Leaving the rice diet will be extremely stressful for your body. But the effectiveness of the technique is impressive. In just a week you can lose up to 10 kilograms of excess weight.

Advantages of the diet

The nutritional system combines useful and necessary microelements and vitamins for the body, which ensure safe weight loss. Rice cereal contains the following minerals:

  • starch - has an enveloping effect, which is especially useful for the functioning of the stomach;
  • potassium - responsible for the functioning of the heart;
  • calcium - strengthens bones;
  • iron - saturates the body's cells with oxygen;
  • iodine - ensures the normal functioning of the endocrine glands.

It also contains vitamins that improve vision, strengthen the immune system and promote digestion.

During the diet, salt and excess liquid are removed. As a result, blood pressure and metabolic processes are normalized, which leads to weight loss. You can achieve noticeable success by sticking to the rice fasting day menu.

Nutritionists do not know a more effective weight loss system than the rice diet. 10 kg. in a week - this is a very real and achievable result for every woman.

Principles of nutrition

The diet does not raise doubts about its effectiveness, but for the desired results you need to follow some rules of nutritionists:

  • The basis of the weight loss technique is unleavened rice and green tea without sugar.
  • You need to eat every 2 hours, portion weight is approximately 200 g.
  • Start your day with a serving of cooked rice.
  • Drinking regimen plays an important role in rice weight loss. Drink liquids only an hour after your meal to give the rice a chance to digest on its own. Also watch the amount you drink; ideally, it is recommended to drink 1.5 liters per day, since rice can cause constipation.
  • The porridge recipe should not contain spices, salt and black pepper, otherwise the liquid will not be removed from the body.
  • If you are a fan of sauces and other dressings, then during the diet you need to give them up. The only exception is vegetable oil.
  • As you know, rice has a strengthening property. To reduce its quality, add finely chopped herbs or a couple of dried fruits to the prepared dish.
  • Pumpkin, millet, apples and dried fruits will be your assistant in rice weight loss. They are rich in potassium, which helps eliminate salts.
  • Exiting the diet should be as gentle as possible, so vegetable dishes are allowed in the evening.

Disadvantages and contraindications

  • Among the disadvantages, one can highlight the complexity of the dietary period for the body. Eating just rice porridge is quite difficult.
  • Compliance with any mono-diet should not exceed a maximum of 2 weeks (ideally less), since a healthy diet should be balanced and varied.
  • The rice diet is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, people with unstable blood sugar levels, and gastrointestinal problems.
  • People prone to constipation and hemorrhoids should try this menu very carefully.

Before using such a nutrition system for weight loss, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Types of power systems

Nutritionists distinguish diets based on their duration:

  • fasting day;
  • rice diet for 3 days;
  • diet for a week;
  • diet 9 days.

The result of your weight loss depends on the chosen duration. On average, it takes about 1 kilogram in a couple of days.

Fasting day

Despite this name, the power system is designed for 1-2 days of use. During this period, you should eat 250 g of rice per day, the volume indicated in dry form. After cooking, rice porridge becomes quite a lot, this is the meaning of a non-starvation diet. In addition to porridge, you can eat apples and drink green tea.

A diet based on rice and green tea is quite effective: in just a couple of days, excess fluid will leave the body, and you will lose up to 2 kilograms of excess weight.

A sample fasting day menu looks like this:

For snacks, you can drink apple juice or eat an apple cut into slices. Low-carbohydrate nutrition implies mandatory consumption of clean water up to 2 liters. per day.

Option for 3 days

A rice diet for 3 days may well be classified as a mono-diet. Rice cereal is good for the body, but it does not contain vitamins A and C, which are necessary for normal human life. That is why you cannot stick to a mono-diet for more than three days.

Try also an effective diet for weight loss and cleansing based on rice and tomato juice. Its essence is simple: a day you need to eat a glass of boiled rice and drink 3 glasses of juice. The tomato diet will help cleanse the body and save you from 2 extra pounds.

Sample menu

Breakfast Rice seasoned with grated apple and lemon zest - 200 g.
Dinner Vegetable broth - 300 ml, vegetable salad - 150 g, rice porridge - 150 g, a mug of unsweetened green tea.
Dinner Vegetable broth - 200 ml., boiled rice with stewed carrots - 200 g.
Breakfast Rice - 150 g, sour cream 20% - 1 tbsp. l., orange.
Dinner Light vegetable soup - 200 ml., rice porridge - 150 g., a glass of apple juice.
Dinner Stewed vegetables - 200 g, boiled rice - 100 g.
Breakfast Boiled rice - 150 g, grapefruit.
Dinner Vegetable broth - 200 ml, rice porridge with mushrooms - 150 g, fresh cucumber salad - 100 g, a glass of orange juice.
Dinner Rice - 150 g, boiled broccoli - 150 g, a mug of unsweetened tea.

The diet program will save you from 3-4 extra pounds in three days. By the way, the third day of nutrition can be considered a way out of the mono-diet, so it is allowed to introduce vegetables and salad dressing.

Also, nutrition experts advise following a diet of rice and tomato juice for three days. It is recommended not to have snacks or lunches. If you feel an irresistible feeling of hunger, eat a slice of apple or orange and drink tea.

Weekly weight loss

The rice diet for weight loss for 7 days promises to save you from 4 kilograms of excess weight. The diet is quite varied compared to the three-day mono-diet.

People who are losing weight often wonder: what kind of rice can they eat while dieting? Nutritionists answer that white and brown rice are suitable for weight loss, which also gives noticeable results and has beneficial properties for the body. In addition, cereals are nutritious foods, which allows you to completely limit meat and fish during the weight loss process.

Menu for the week

This option offers the following menu:

Breakfast Rice seasoned with lemon juice - ½ cup, apple, mug of unsweetened tea.
Dinner Rice with vegetables - 150 g.
Dinner Rice porridge with stewed carrots - 150 g.
Breakfast Boiled rice - 100 g, pear.
Dinner Cucumber salad - 150 g, rice - 100 g, apple.
Dinner A handful of walnut kernels, boiled cabbage with rice - 200 g, a glass of yogurt.
Breakfast Rice porridge - 50 g, apple, orange juice.
Dinner Salad of rice, cucumbers and fried mushrooms - 150 g.
Dinner Boiled rice with stewed carrots - 200 g.
Breakfast Rice with raisins - 100 g, pear, glass of kefir.
Dinner Boiled rice with zucchini stew - 250 g.
Dinner Rice porridge - 100 g, low-fat sour cream - 1 tbsp. l., lettuce leaves.
Breakfast Rice with lemon dressing - 150 g, apple, green tea.
Dinner Rice porridge - 100 g, tomato.
Dinner Boiled rice - 150 g, walnut kernels.
Breakfast Rice - 100 g, a glass of skim milk, orange.
Dinner Boiled rice - 150 g, radish and carrot salad - 50 g.
Dinner Rice porridge - 100 g, sour cream 20% - 1 tbsp. l.
Breakfast Rice - 50 g, apple, glass of natural yogurt.
Dinner Boiled rice - 150 g, cucumber salad - 100 g.
Dinner Rice porridge - 100 g, lettuce leaves.

A low-carbohydrate diet for seven days completely excludes the consumption of canned food and carbonated water, since these products increase appetite. Drink only purified still water.

Lose weight in 9 days

A unique diet for weight loss - rice, chicken, vegetables - will save you from 14 kilograms of excess weight in 9 days! The diet, designed for nine days, is quite strict and requires a certain amount of endurance, but the result is impressive. A positive aspect of the diet is that chicken meat is allowed. From the fourth day, chicken replaces rice cereal. Chicken without skin and fat is prepared in a double boiler.

  • Day 1-3. We eat boiled rice without spices and salt for 3 days.
  • Day 4-6. We eat chicken dishes, chicken is also allowed.
  • Day 7-9. We eat boiled, baked or raw vegetables.

While adhering to the selected menu, you need to maintain a water regime. Drink 2 liters. liquids per day one hour after meals.

On day 9 there is a gradual exit from the diet; you can include fruits in the menu. The diet - rice, chicken, apples - collected numerous reviews from those who had lost weight, who noted its effectiveness.

Brown rice for weight loss

Nutritionists quite often face the question: is a brown rice diet possible? Of course, this type of cereal can be eaten on a diet, but only if there are no contraindications to this monosystem:

  • heart pathologies;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • constipation

By analogy with white cereals, brown rice can be consumed for 3, 7 and 9 days. You can make a healthy and low-calorie dish using a slow cooker or rice cooker. Those who have lost weight note that the results obtained from a diet on white and brown rice are almost similar to each other.

There is no answer to the question of which rice is best to use for weight loss purposes. Brew a glass of your favorite cereal, take a positive attitude and start your weight loss program.

Meal plans based on the principle of separate food consumption are far from uncommon. One of the most popular options is the rice, chicken, apples diet. It is designed for 9 days and removes significant excess weight.

This diet is divided into 3 stages, each of which is dedicated to a strictly defined product. In 9 days, the method presented in the article removes 4-7 kg of excess weight. During the diet, it is recommended to abandon active sports training - only gentle loads are permissible.


Stage No. 1

Eat rice porridge for 3 days. The daily norm is 1 tbsp. dry cereal. In the evening, pour cold water over the rice, and in the morning, drain the liquid, pour boiling water (2 tbsp) over the cereal and cook until tender (this will take about a quarter of an hour). Remember that the porridge cannot be salted (you will have to do without oil). The entire portion should be divided into 5 equal portions and eaten throughout the day. You can supplement the diet with water (2.5 l) and honey (no more than 3 tsp). Drink the liquid in small portions, literally a few sips, but as often as possible. As for porridge, the last portion should be eaten before 20.00.

Stage No. 2

At this stage, it’s the turn of protein foods - for 3 days you will eat only boiled chicken. The daily amount of meat is 1.2 kg. Cook the chicken without salt, remove the skin, separate the meat from the bones, divide into 5 servings, mixing white and dark (breast and leg meat have different fat content). Before each meal, drink 1 tbsp. water, distribute the rest of the liquid throughout the day (daily water intake - 2.5 l). A surge of energy will be provided by honey (3 tsp).

Stage No. 3

Now it’s the turn of apples - it’s better to take varieties with green skin. The daily intake of fruit is 1 kg. As in the previous stages, a diet based on rice, chicken and apples requires plenty of drinking (2.5 liters of liquid should be distributed throughout the day). If you feel very weak, you can include 3 tsp in your diet. honey

The secret to diet effectiveness

This diet is based on the principles of alternating carbohydrates and proteins. At the first stage, rice is used - this cereal cleanses the body of excess moisture and toxins. Next comes the turn of protein foods. A protein-rich diet prevents the breakdown of muscle tissue and encourages the body to burn fat. The third stage consolidates the result - apples are low in calories, fiber cleanses the intestines, and organic acids “stimulate” metabolism. It is not necessary to eat honey during a diet - if you do not feel a pronounced loss of strength and are not busy with mental work, then you can do without a “quick” carbohydrate boost.


This method of losing weight is contraindicated in the presence of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, and liver. You should not resort to it in case of heavy physical work. Before dieting, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

It is not for nothing that in the East they have practically no idea what obesity is, because the basis of their diet is rice. We don’t live in the East, but who’s stopping you from trying such a diet? Maybe everything we need for weight loss has already been in our kitchen for a long time?


Interestingly, the benefits of the rice diet have been scientifically proven. First of all, it is recommended for weight loss and cleansing the body of toxins, and here’s why:

  • the functioning of the digestive tract improves;
  • excess fluid is removed;
  • the absence of organic debris is a guarantee of uninterrupted metabolic processes, thanks to which lipid metabolism proceeds quickly and fats are not deposited;
  • Cereals take quite a long time to digest, which is what the body is forced to spend energy on.

Brown rice has fat-burning properties, so it is better to take it for weight loss. Although for fasting days you can use white.

Through the pages of history. Rice appeared in Russia thanks to Peter I. Until the 19th century, it was called “Saracenic millet.”

Advantages and disadvantages


  • saturating the body with a huge amount of useful substances;
  • improvement of skin and hair condition;
  • absorption and removal of toxic substances;
  • replenishment of energy costs;
  • improving blood quality;
  • restoration of body cells;
  • cholesterol reduction;
  • purgation;
  • relieving anxiety;
  • strengthening the nervous system;
  • savings: rice is a relatively inexpensive product.


  • insufficient weight loss;
  • strict weight loss plans;
  • monotony of the menu;
  • unbalanced nutrition breaks down muscle fibers;
  • intestinal obstruction, stagnation in the gastrointestinal tract lead to constipation;
  • Potassium, necessary for the heart, is excreted along with waste products.

So a rice diet can be beneficial to a losing weight body, or it can cause harm - this will depend on compliance with the rules of a hunger strike.

Interesting fact. In total there are about 7 thousand varieties of rice.


Contraindications are:

  • diabetes;
  • stomach problems;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • renal failure;
  • liver pathologies;
  • tendency to constipation;
  • rehabilitation period after any illness.

If you ignore them, losing weight can very quickly result in an exacerbation of chronic diseases, constipation, a nervous breakdown or heart problems (from tachycardia to a heart attack due to a lack of potassium).

This is interesting! Rice does not contain gluten, a substance that causes allergic reactions.


Before losing weight, choose one of the many options that differ in terms and additionally permitted products.

By timing

  • For 3 days

The strictest is the three-day rice diet, which involves eating small portions of boiled cereal (without salt), fruits (except mango, grapes, watermelon, persimmons and bananas), vegetables (except potatoes and corn), and mushrooms. Estimated results are losses of up to 4 kg.

  • Weekly

If you want to lose 10 kg in a week, this is possible, but the diet should be as strict as possible: eat no more than 300 grams of boiled cereal without salt per day, 2-3 apples, drink. In the middle of the week, you can pamper your body with 150 grams of chicken fillet and a tablespoon of honey.

Nutritionists do not recommend choosing such a harsh option, since there are more gentle 7-day programs that offer a more varied diet. You won’t get 10 kg results with them, but at the same time you won’t harm your health.

By product

  • Two dishes

The protein-rice diet is designed for weight loss in 5 days with a result of 5 kg. Meals - twice a day: in the morning - 250 grams of boiled rice, in the late afternoon - 300 grams of fish or seafood. You cannot combine them.

  • Glass of rice

Very strict rice diet for 3 days. During the day you need to eat 200 grams of “pearl” porridge in portions without any seasonings. You are allowed to drink it with fresh citrus juice and satisfy your hunger with a couple of green ones. The result is up to 4 kg.

  • By age and weight

On an empty stomach in the morning, eat as many raw or soaked rice grains in water as the person is old or weighs. After this, do not eat for 4 hours. The duration is determined by how you feel.

  • Five volumes / Tibetan

Duration - 2 weeks. 4 days before the start, put 2 tbsp in 5 glasses. l. cereals Fill them to the top with filtered water. Change the water at the same time each of these 4 days.

On the first day of losing weight, eat the contents of one glass (drain the water) and soak the rice again. It is better to split the portion into several times. To satisfy hunger, you are allowed to consume 150 grams of the following products during the day: cottage cheese, fish, meat, eggs. Fruits and vegetables are unlimited. Liquids include tea and coffee without sugar. The result that the Tibetan diet gives is 7 kg.

  • Geisha/Japanese figure

Designed for 5 days. Result - 3 kg. The diet is the same on all days. Such weight loss is contraindicated for anyone who suffers from insomnia.

  • Protein-vegetable / 3-3-3

A diet based on rice porridge, chicken and vegetables is very interesting. Lasts 9 days. It consists of 3 separate mono-diets, alternating in a certain order. The weight loss plan is divided into 3 parts, each lasting 3 days.

For the first 3 days you will have to eat bland rice porridge. Pour 200 grams of cereal with 300 ml of water overnight. Boil it in the morning. The resulting mass is distributed portionwise throughout the day into 5-6 meals. Such a meager diet is supplemented with 3 tablespoons, which must be eaten separately from the main product.


For the next 3 days you need to eat 1 kg of boiled chicken fillet per day in fractions. 3 tablespoons of honey are kept in the diet.


The last 3 days - 1 kg of vegetables per day. Recommended: , zucchini, . The total amount of carrots and tomatoes should not exceed 200 grams per day. All this can be boiled, stewed or eaten raw. Honey remains in the same quantities.

No salt + one and a half liters of water a day allows you to lose a kilogram every day.

  • Pearl

The pearl rice diet (for a week) is based on a combination of cereals with vegetables, nuts, fruits and dairy products. The diet is varied, but strictly fixed. Menu in the article below.

  • Walter Kempner's diet

Developed by Duke University employee Walter Kempner, it guarantees a loss of 5 kg in 2 weeks. It involves strict calorie counting: daily consumption is no more than 2,400.

The basis of the weight loss program is 350 grams of rice boiled in water without spices. Dried fruits, legumes, and partially potatoes are allowed. Fruits, juices, avocados, tomatoes, and alcohol are prohibited. Drinking regimen - 6 glasses a day.

With the world - one by one. In China, “breakfast” is translated as “rice in the morning,” “lunch” is “rice at noon,” and “dinner” is “rice in the evening.” In Japan, the words “eat” (verb) and “rice” are listed under the same character.

Losing weight on a rice diet should be as careful as possible so as not to harm your health and at the same time achieve good results. To do this, try to follow the advice of nutritionists.

  1. Consult your doctor to see if such weight loss is contraindicated for you.
  2. Do not use salt, pepper, sugar or other spices.
  3. At the end of the diet, maintain the results obtained by switching to proper nutrition and arranging fasting days every 2 weeks.
  4. Drink plenty of fluids - give preference to water and green tea.
  5. 2-3 days before fasting, switch to easy-to-digest food without spices.
  6. Wash and soak the rice well before cooking.
  7. Use unrefined grains.
  8. Do not overcook the rice; let it remain slightly undercooked.
  9. Take multivitamin complexes.
  10. Play sports (exercises with, etc. are optimal for home).
  11. Don't lose weight for more than 2 weeks.
  12. All food recipes must be low-calorie.

If you have any questions, consult with specialists and those who have already tried the diet on themselves. Our advice will help dispel some doubts.

  • How to lose weight on a rice diet?

Choose one of the diets, adhere to its basic rules, follow the recommendations of nutritionists and contraindications, follow the principles of proper nutrition, and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

  • Which diet is better: rice or buckwheat?

In each individual case, one or the other is preferable. gives better results, but lacks the powerful cleansing properties of rice.

  • How to cook rice?

Rinse and soak overnight. In the morning, add cold water 1 to 1.5. Boil. Reduce heat to low, cook under closed lid, without stirring, for 20 minutes. Turn off and let sit for 10 minutes.

  • Should I take potassium while dieting?

Yes, potassium also goes away along with toxins. Therefore, throughout your weight loss, you need to take either pharmaceutical preparations containing this element, or include dried apricots and raisins in your diet every day. Otherwise, problems with the functioning of the heart may occur.

Statistics. An Asian resident consumes on average 150 kg of rice per year, a European - only 2 kg.


To create a menu, follow the indicative tables for different periods.

Fruit and vegetable for 3 days

Gentle for 7 days

Pearl for 7 days

These programs can be adjusted to suit your own individual needs.

Wow! In Japan, rice can be used to prepare 500,000 dishes.


Here you can find simple recipes for rice dishes that are low in calories. Despite this, they are very nutritious and will help you endure the hardships of a hunger strike.

Vegetable soup


  • half a glass of rice;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 parsley root;
  • 20 ml vegetable oil;
  • 1 carrot;
  • some greenery.


  1. Chop the onion too.
  2. Grate the parsley root.
  3. Pour water over the roots, boil and cook until the carrots are ready.
  4. Drain the broth and strain.
  5. Cook rice in it.
  6. Add roots.
  7. Sprinkle with herbs.

Protein soup


  • 50 grams of rice;
  • 1 celery root;
  • 1 green bell pepper;
  • 50 grams of peeled shrimp;
  • 50 grams of peeled mussels;
  • 1 onion;
  • 200 ml tomato juice;
  • 2 liters of water.


  1. Soak the rice for 15 minutes in cold water.
  2. Peel and chop the celery and onion.
  3. Pour boiling water over it. Cook for 20 minutes. Remove the roots from the broth.
  4. Boil rice in it.
  5. Add seafood, celery, chopped pepper. Onions are not included in the soup - they were needed only to create an aftertaste.
  6. Turn off the soup after 15 minutes.
  7. Pour tomato juice into it.

Diet colets


  • 500 g chicken;
  • 1 onion;
  • 100 grams of white bread crumb;
  • egg;
  • 100 ml milk;
  • 250 grams of rice.


  1. Soak the bread in milk for 10 minutes.
  2. Pass the chicken fillet with onion and crumb through a meat grinder.
  3. Add milk to the minced meat after soaking the bread.
  4. Boil the rice until half cooked.
  5. Add it to the minced meat.
  6. Make cutlets.
  7. Place them on a baking sheet (you can grease it with oil) and place in the oven for 20 minutes.
  8. Serve with fresh vegetables.

Diet pilaf


  • 500 g chicken fillet;
  • 350 grams of rice;
  • 1 medium carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 50 ml.


  1. Chop carrots and onions.
  2. Fry them in oil.
  3. Place in a cauldron, add washed rice, chicken fillet, chopped garlic.
  4. Fill with water (it should cover the food by 2 cm).
  5. Place in the oven for 40 minutes at 200°C.

Diet pudding


  • 60 grams of brown rice;
  • 10 ml olive oil;
  • 150 grams of skim milk;
  • 30 g raisins;
  • 2 eggs;
  • sugar substitute.


  1. Soak raisins for 30 minutes in apple juice.
  2. Fry rice for 5 minutes in oil. Add milk. Cook over low heat for 10 minutes.
  3. Separate the yolks from the whites. Beat the last ones, mix the first ones with a sugar substitute and beat them too.
  4. Remove the rice, mix with yolks and raisins, beat in a blender.
  5. Slowly fold the egg whites into the mixture. Mix the mixture from bottom to top.
  6. Place the pudding in molds and bake at 170°C for 30 minutes. As soon as the dish turns brown, you can take it out.

These recipes can be used to diversify any rice diet, but do not forget to count the calories consumed so that you can successfully spend them later.