How many calories are in sauerkraut with butter. Sauerkraut for weight loss

  • 21.03.2024

In the Russian culinary tradition, there is one wonderful dish that can easily be called a national treasure. We are talking about sauerkraut. In villages it has been prepared since ancient times, and the fermentation of white cabbage was more reminiscent of a ritual. The housewives followed a lot of different rules, followed the recipe exactly and even had many signs to make the dish a success. And they ate it all winter and even spring, gaining vitamins and other useful substances, of which there is a lot in sauerkraut with carrots, which are not high, which is also its advantage. And to this day this healthy vegetable salad is present on the tables of Russians. Now it is prepared not only at home. In any store in the culinary section you can buy cabbage salad with carrots, the calorie content and taste of which are almost the same as the classic one. However, artificial additives are often added to prepared salads, so you should study the composition of the dish before purchasing.

Calorie content of cabbage salad with carrots

The technology for sauerkraut is quite simple, and at the same time there are many nuances that experienced housewives know about. Usually, the white vegetable is finely chopped, salt and grated carrots are added and placed, pressing tightly, in a pan or jar. Pressure is added on top to allow the cabbage to release its juice. For variety, you can additionally add various vegetables and berries to the dish, for example, beets, cranberries, peppers. But the classic recipe involves combining cabbage with, and the calorie content of such a dish is only 19 kcal/100 g. It contains quite a few carbohydrate compounds - 4.4 g, and also a little protein - a little less than 2 g. Fats are completely insignificant. quantity - only 0.1 g. But there are a lot of vitamins and microelements, as well as fiber.

All beneficial substances are transferred almost completely from the fresh vegetable and are stored in the dish for six to eight months. Such good preservation of sauerkraut is ensured by table salt and lactic acid released during the fermentation process. The calorie content of sauerkraut with carrots may increase if sugar is added to the dish. This is done to improve the taste of the salad and to ensure that the cabbage gives more juice. But many believe that cabbage with sugar is less healthy and for a healthy diet it is still better to choose a dish prepared according to the classic recipe.

Winter is approaching and the time for pickles and marinades begins. Dieters’ cheekbones cramp—how ​​they crave all this variety, salty, sour, spicy. But iron willpower says a firm no, but does that make sense? Pickled cucumbers or pickled cucumbers fell into disgrace due to salt, everything is clear with them - they retain water and lead to swelling. But according to the recipe, sauerkraut is made practically without salt and sugar; all its divine taste is the result of fermentation. If fresh cabbage is an absolute dietary product, then maybe sauerkraut can also successfully satisfy the hunger of those who count every calorie?

How many calories are in sauerkraut

One hundred grams of white sauerkraut only 23 calories, when in fresh white cabbage - 28 calories. It turns out that during the process of ripening, cabbage becomes even more dietary. Isn't this great news? Sauerkraut, due to its low calorie content, is the best vegetable side dish for any product, even the not so healthy ones - fried meat, boiled potatoes, porridge.

Some people like to eat sauerkraut in its “original form”, without cranberries, pickles, or vegetable oil. But many still prefer to flavor the cabbage with sunflower oil, which only makes it more aromatic and healthy. The calorie content of sunflower oil is 900 calories per 100 grams. Three to five grams are enough to season cabbage, that is with butter, the calorie content of sauerkraut increases from 23 calories to 50-68 calories. Of course, the nutritional value of sauerkraut increases significantly when oil is added, but the calorie content also increases by 2.5 times, and this is quite a lot.

Sauerkraut is not only a tasty and dietary product that brightens up our diet from mid-autumn to the first spring vegetables. It is also very useful, since fermentation preserves many vitamins and minerals.

One hundred grams of white sauerkraut contains 1.7 grams protein, 0.2 grams fat, 3.1 grams carbohydrates, 2.2 grams dietary fiber, 1.12 grams organic acids, 89.02 grams water, 2.91 grams mono- and disaccharides, 0.13 grams of starch and 3.24 grams of ash.

It contains the following vitamins:

— vitamin PP — 0.5 mg;
— vitamin B1 — 0.03 mg;
— vitamin B2 — 0.024 mg;
— vitamin C — 30.2 mg;
— vitamin E — 0.12 mg;
— vitamin PP — 0.6 mg.

Macroelements and microelements:

— calcium — 48.1 mg;
- magnesium - 17 mg;
— sodium — 929.8 mg;
— potassium 301.6 mg;
— phosphorus 31.5 mg;
- iron - 0.7 mg.

Calorie content of sauerkraut on the website.

Life in the modern world is replete with many factors that negatively affect a person. The main ones are poor ecology, questionable quality of food, contaminated drinking water, poor quality medical care, as well as stressful situations and bad habits. Therefore, it is so important to pay attention to regular healing of the body using various methods and means. Before using the information, be sure to consult with your doctor. All advice on the site is for informational purposes only and does not replace examination, diagnosis and consultation with a specialist.

Since ancient times, sauerkraut has been used to prepare delicious dishes. This ingredient can make any dish truly healthy.


Making sauerkraut is a real chemical process. Thus, in the process of natural ripening, lactofermentation occurs, as a result of which the vegetable acquires beneficial properties. “Responsible” for the course of biological reactions are special beneficial microbes - lactobacilli. With their participation, a cascade of unique processes occurs, which lead to the fact that sauerkraut is obtained from fresh cabbage.

The beneficial properties of such a vegetable snack are appreciated by people in different countries. So, this dish is prepared in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, as well as in Germany and many other countries. Interestingly, fermented cabbage with vegetable oil and onions is a favorite dish of residents of various countries.

You can prepare this delicious snack either yourself at home or buy it ready-made. Every housewife who loves to cook usually has her own unique recipe for preparing this aromatic snack. The taste of the product is influenced by many features, even the type of vegetables used for fermentation. But you can also diversify the taste by adding various spices and vegetables to cabbage leaves. They add new flavors to the finished dish.

Sauerkraut is also produced in special production facilities. Such a snack can have a classic taste, familiar to many from childhood, and can also be hot or spicy. The taste and aroma of the product depend on what additives are used in its preparation.

Cabbage can be fermented in various ways. Even the way you cut vegetables affects the final taste of the snack. So, cabbage leaves can be cut into small pieces or shredded with a knife.

Some housewives even ferment heads of cabbage by cutting them in half or dividing them into individual leaves. Each type of pickling has its own characteristics and advantages.

Cabbage that has been fermented is a truly dietary food product. Its calorie content is insignificant - only 20 kcal per 100 grams. This relatively low nutritional value contributes to the fact that sauerkraut is an ingredient in many weight loss diet systems. Many nutritionists allow this product to be included in the menu of people who dream of a slim figure.

The product's BJU has several features. So, there is practically no fat and protein in fermented cabbage. Thus, 100 g of product contains only 1.7 g of protein and 0.2 g of fat. There are more carbohydrates - about 4.5 g per 100 grams. It is these food nutrients that constitute the main energy value of the product, providing it with a certain kilocalorie content.

Sauerkraut, due to its chemical composition, can be safely included in the diet menu of obese people. However, when consuming this food product, you should keep in mind some recommendations from doctors and weight loss specialists. This will help prevent the development of adverse consequences for the body if this dish is consumed incorrectly.

To improve the taste of this vegetable snack, many people add additional additives to it. Often, such additions include vegetable oil, which increases the number of calories. Also, the calorie content of a vegetable snack increases significantly if you add boiled potatoes to it.

Useful properties

People have known for a long time that fermented vegetables are healthy. Centuries ago, they realized that eating such vegetable snacks brings great benefits to the human body. It is no coincidence that sauerkraut has become a popular dish in many countries.

The chemical composition of fermented cabbage is truly surprising. These leaves contain quite a lot of ascorbic acid. It is required so that the immune system is strong and the body can resist a number of dangerous diseases. The need for this substance increases significantly during the cold season, when the incidence of colds increases. Consuming enough vitamin C daily is an excellent preventative measure that helps reduce the likelihood of insidious diseases.

Eating such a vegetable dish helps improve the functioning of the nervous system. Thiamine and pyridoxine contained in the vegetable snack improve the transmission of nerve impulses. This action leads to an increase in a person’s performance. Eating fermented vegetables also helps people cope with stress and its consequences more easily with the help of the components contained in this healthy vegetable snack.

Sauerkraut is an excellent source of nicotinic acid. It helps blood vessels remain strong, which means it helps prevent dangerous diseases.

The healthy snack contains another unique component - vitamin U. Scientists learned about it relatively recently. This substance has become a truly scientific sensation. It has been proven that this component has an antihistamine and anti-sclerotic effect on the body, so pickled vegetables are recommended for elderly people. Including them in the diet helps reduce the risk of developing dangerous diseases of the blood vessels and heart.

Fermented vegetables are needed for the digestive system. They contain good lactic acid microbes. Once in the intestines, they stimulate the growth of beneficial microorganisms that inhabit the large intestine. This effect helps the intestinal microflora gradually improve. At the same time, the formation of beneficial bacteria is stimulated, and pathogenic ones, on the contrary, are slowed down.

Sauerkraut also contains dietary fiber, which helps normalize stool. Including this vegetable snack in your diet is believed to help relieve the uncomfortable symptoms of constipation. Pregnant women often experience difficulty with regular bowel movements. Eating small portions of fermented vegetables will not only help normalize the digestion process, but will also be an excellent treatment for constipation and intestinal dyskinesia, which is accompanied by a decrease in its function.

Many women who carried babies note that during pregnancy they experienced very uncomfortable symptoms of toxicosis. They usually manifest themselves as morning sickness. In some women, this symptom is so pronounced that it even causes vomiting. Toxicosis often leads to decreased appetite. This condition is unfavorable, as it can negatively affect the development of pregnancy as a whole.

In order to cope with the uncomfortable symptoms of toxicosis, pregnant women are often forced to resort to a variety of “tricks”. To reduce severe nausea, they use cabbage pickle. This liquid contains certain components that help reduce the negative manifestations of toxicosis. Eating sauerkraut or brine helps the expectant mother feel much better during toxicosis.

Sauerkraut also has an excellent mineral composition. Thus, vegetables prepared by fermentation contain a lot of potassium, sodium, as well as iodine and magnesium. All these substances are necessary for the full functioning of the human body.

The liquid formed during ripening is often popularly called brine. Its beneficial properties have been known for a long time. So, not only women, but also men can use brine. Consuming cabbage brine helps cope with the adverse effects of a hangover.

Taking a small amount of cabbage pickle the morning after a celebration or after a large feast helps restore well-being and even helps reduce headaches.


If used incorrectly, fermented cabbage can cause harm to the body instead of benefiting it. This usually happens if such a vegetable snack is consumed by people who have a number of contraindications to taking it.

Thus, eating fermented cabbage for gastric or duodenal ulcers leads to the development of abdominal pain. This symptom develops due to exacerbation of the disease. Fermented vegetables have quite a lot of natural acidic substances, which increase the secretion of gastric juice, which leads to a deterioration in the well-being of a person who suffers from peptic ulcers.

People who have frequent surges in blood pressure should also be careful when consuming such fermented snacks. When preparing sauerkraut, salt is often added to vegetables. If cabbage leaves have been salted too much, this causes the concentration of sodium chloride in them to become quite high.

Eating salty foods by people who suffer from hypertension can even lead to a hypertensive crisis - a strong increase in blood pressure. In this case, medical intervention may be required. Thus, people who have a tendency to have high blood pressure or are taking antihypertensive drugs should discuss this with a cardiologist before including fermented vegetables in their regular menu.

Use for weight loss

Sauerkraut is a truly good fat burner. It is believed that it can and even should be eaten by people who want to lose a few extra pounds. The effectiveness of sauerkraut as a food product that helps reduce body weight is so great that there are even diets based on the consumption of sauerkraut.

Thus, a mono-diet, according to which you can only eat fermented cabbage, helps you lose a couple of kilograms in 2-3 days. Moreover, you can consume pickled vegetables with this method of losing weight not only in the first half of the day, but also in the evening, and in some cases even at night.

Taking pickled vegetables even in the evening with this type of diet does not contribute to gaining extra pounds.

A diet based on fermented cabbage leaves has a number of restrictions. First of all, it can only be used for three days. Longer use of any mono-diet is dangerous, as it can lead to the development of adverse consequences for the body. And also, before starting a diet, you should definitely consult your doctor. If there are contraindications, you should not resort to this method of weight normalization.

Sauerkraut can also be used for a fasting day. At the same time, you can only eat fermented vegetables throughout the day; you cannot consume other food products within 24 hours. It is believed that such a fasting day helps speed up metabolism. This, in turn, helps “burn” fat faster.

People who do not have extra pounds and are simply watching their weight can also eat sauerkraut. Including this healthy vegetable snack in your diet helps reduce the risk of gaining weight and gaining extra pounds.

However, in order to speed up metabolism in the body, you should eat fermented cabbage, which contains little salt. If vegetables are too salty, this can lead to swelling on the body.

Cooking secrets

Almost every Russian family has its own secrets for preparing this delicious dish. The subtleties of cooking, as a rule, are passed on from grandmothers to their granddaughters. There are many recipes for making delicious and aromatic sauerkraut.

Classic sourdough

The classic recipe is quite simple. This requires very few ingredients:

  • white cabbage;
  • carrots (optional);
  • salt and sugar.

Before fermenting, cabbage leaves should be chopped. This can be done in a variety of ways. The most common is using a kitchen knife. You can also chop cabbage leaves using a food processor or special tools. Many housewives add chopped carrots when sauerkraut. According to many, this addition gives the dish additional sweetness.

After the vegetables have been chopped, they should be kneaded well. This is usually done by hand. After this, the cabbage “releases” quite a lot of juice, which is necessary for the natural fermentation process. Many cooks, in order for the cabbage to “give” more juice, additionally salt it and add a little sugar.

Next, the cooked vegetables are placed in containers where they will be stored. Typically, enamel or glass dishes are used for this. However, our ancestors prepared pickled vegetables in special tubs or wooden barrels. They believed that vegetables fermented faster in them and were stored better. To this day, villages use precisely these containers for pickling cabbage and other vegetables.

Note that vegetables should be packed quite tightly. This is necessary so that the natural fermentation process proceeds better. After the cut vegetables are compacted, they should be additionally pressed down on top with a lid or plate, and a heavy object should be placed on top, which will serve as a kind of oppression.

It is believed that for a better fermentation process, cabbage should be placed in a cool, but not cold, place. In the first 2-6 days, vegetables should be “pierced” every day with a long stick or knitting needle. This “procedure” must be carried out so that the resulting gas bubbles are evenly distributed throughout the entire container where the vegetables are stored. After the cabbage has become sauerkraut, it can be divided into smaller jars. Typically glass jars are used for this. It is more convenient to store them in the refrigerator or cellar. Some housewives do not put cabbage in jars, but store it in barrels. In their opinion, this way the product better retains all its beneficial properties.

You will learn more about how to prepare delicious sauerkraut in the following video.

Sauerkraut is a healthy product because it retains all the nutrients that the body needs and even increases them. Its calorie content is lower than that of a fresh vegetable, which allows you to include sauerkraut in the diet menu.

Sour leaves are a traditional Slavic dish, a national treasure, so to speak. Cooking sauerkraut has long been considered a ritual that good housewives always adhered to. Then, all winter and spring, their table had a tasty and nutritious product that protected against vitamin deficiency and improved health.

Sauerkraut is not just a finely chopped head of cabbage mixed with carrots or cranberries and salt. This product has various variations: it is prepared with the addition of butter, apples, dill, garlic and even spices and herbs such as cinnamon, cilantro, celery. The combination of different tastes ultimately produces a unique dish with unique qualities. But the calorie content of each of them is not the same. We will give the meanings of the most popular recipes.

The energy value of sauerkraut, prepared in the classical way, is 19 kcal per 100 g. The product is low in carbohydrates (4.4% by weight) and proteins (about 2%). There is even less fat, their share is 0.01%. Most of all vitamins, minerals and fiber.

The calorie content of sauerkraut with cranberries is 31 kcal per 100 g. Other sources claim that the same figure is 43 kcal. Much depends on the method of preparation, so it is difficult to give exact values. The calorie content of a sour vegetable with oil is 50 kcal per 100 g. The addition of sunflower oil sharply increases the energy value of the dish, but this will not affect the figure in any way.

Cabbage after fermentation, even if it is not prepared according to the standard recipe, has a negative calorie content, that is, more energy is spent on its digestion than is received.

Pickled vegetables can be stored for up to 8 months if kept in a cool, dark place.

Useful properties

The product contains a large amount of vitamins A, B, C, K, PP, U, fiber, and probiotics. A small portion of sauerkraut will provide a daily dose of many beneficial substances.

An acidified vegetable with cranberries or carrots is characterized by the following positive aspects:

  • ensures normal microflora in the intestines;
  • prevents peptic ulcers and gastritis;
  • removes excess cholesterol;
  • reduces inflammatory processes;
  • improves the condition of skin and hair;
  • increases immunity;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • gives a good mood and gives strength.

Experts note that pickled vegetables are much healthier than fresh ones. Lactic acid prevents vitamins from being destroyed, and the addition of certain ingredients, such as red cabbage, increases the amount of nutrients many times over.

Pickled cabbage for weight loss

The low calorie content of the vegetable allows it to be used in various diets. Since the product is very healthy, many people want to eat only it in order to lose extra pounds. However, experts do not recommend doing this, because eating only cabbage in large quantities will lead to problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

To get the maximum effect, you need to plan and stick to a balanced diet. Several times a week you can make a salad with sunflower oil from sauerkraut, bake pies, stew vegetables, make dumplings, mix with onions and herbs. It is better to combine the product with other dishes so as not to injure the gastrointestinal mucosa.

Pickling is the most effective way to preserve the beneficial properties of cabbage. That is why we started making such preparations many centuries ago. Sauerkraut not only retains almost all of its vitamins and minerals, but is also enriched with new ones. And its low calorie content makes it very effective for weight loss. This is perhaps the most affordable way to replenish the deficiency of nutrients in winter. However, this product can be not only useful if you do not take into account restrictions when using it.

Product composition

The benefits of sauerkraut for the body are explained by the presence of a lot of important elements and vitamins. First of all, it is ascorbic acid, which is necessary for preserving youth and preventing many diseases, including cancer. There is so much vitamin C in sauerkraut that to fill the daily requirement it is enough to eat 200 grams of the product. It is noteworthy that it is presented in sauerkraut not only in free, but also in bound form, like ascorbigen. This substance persists for a long time and releases ascorbic acid when exposed to moderate heat.

Separately, we should also note the very rare vitamin U, of which there are as many as 21 mg per 100 grams. Its benefit to humans lies in the prevention of ulcerative formations on the walls of the digestive organs. Therefore, sauerkraut, despite its acidity, is useful for people suffering from gastroduodenitis, gastric or intestinal ulcers.

We should not forget such valuable resources as vitamin K, inositol and choline, folic and tartronic acid. The concentration of these substances in sauerkraut exceeds similar indicators among many canned and pickled vegetables. It also contains:

  • vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, PP, P;
  • beta-carotene;
  • calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium;
  • iron, fluorine, zinc, iodine, molybdenum, manganese, etc.

For weight loss

The calorie content of sauerkraut is very low - only 27 kcal per 100 grams, of which only 1 kcal comes from fat. For this and a number of other reasons, it is great for weight loss:

  1. 100 grams contain 20% of the daily intake of dietary fiber, which effectively cleanses the intestines, massages the walls and stimulates blood circulation in the digestive organs.
  2. The microelement base that enters the human body with pickled leaves improves metabolism, normalizes the functioning of the endocrine system, and accelerates the separation and removal of cholesterol from the blood vessels.
  3. Eating cabbage promotes the natural process of weight loss - to digest it, the body spends more energy than it receives.

It should be borne in mind that a diet based on sauerkraut is a rather difficult procedure. Reviews from women who have decided to undertake such a test say that during it it is necessary to endure a monotonous diet and a regular feeling of hunger, because this product does not satiate very much, but awakens a noticeable appetite. To lose weight, it is recommended to include cabbage in your general diet, combining it with nutritious foods such as peas or pumpkin.


The beneficial properties of sauerkraut have a beneficial effect on many body systems, participating in strengthening, stimulating and regulating work:

Appetizing crispy sauerkraut is traditionally considered a very valuable product for the health and beauty of women. This is due to the wide range of beneficial properties described above. First of all, of course, the dietary characteristics of sauerkraut matter. Its regular presence in the diet leads to many positive changes:

  • the digestive system is cleansed and disinfected;
  • blood cholesterol levels decrease;
  • metabolic processes are normalized;
  • skin and hair become young and healthy.

Cabbage leaves are useful not only for weight loss, but also for pregnant women who help cope with toxicosis. There are also known methods for their cosmetic use:

  • to get rid of acne and acne, you need to tightly place chopped sauerkraut pulp on your steamed face and cover with a napkin for half an hour;
  • You can use brine to make a mask against age spots and freckles - just put a napkin soaked in it on your face for 10-15 minutes, and then wash your face.

Cabbage in a tub


There are always restrictions on consumption, even if we are talking about such a rich product as sauerkraut. Benefits and harms are inseparable, so you shouldn’t abuse it - oversaturation of the body with vitamins and microelements can be no less harmful than a deficiency. Nutritionists and doctors advise not to pounce on a crispy dish with excessive effort, even if you really want to. It is better to gradually introduce it into the diet, allowing the body to get used to it. In some cases, eating sauerkraut requires special caution:

  1. Firstly, those who suffer from increased stomach acidity due to gastritis or a predisposition to it should limit or completely avoid eating sauerkraut leaves.
  2. It should be borne in mind that even in a person with healthy digestion, a large amount of cabbage can cause heartburn or flatulence.
  3. The high salt content in a dish sometimes becomes the reason for a ban on consumption for those who are prone to edema of cardiac origin. Only the attending physician can provide comprehensive information on this matter. Most likely, you will be allowed to eat cabbage, but you will need to rinse it in boiled water before doing so.
  4. It is also recommended to reduce product consumption to a minimum if there are problems with high blood pressure, diseases and inflammatory processes in the liver and kidneys.

Cabbage for sourdough

Calories and nutritional value



Vitamin PP Calcium 50 mg
Vitamin A (VE) Magnesium
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) Sodium
Vitamin B2 Potassium
Vitamin B5 Phosphorus
Vitamin B6 Chlorine
Vitamin B9 Sulfur
Vitamin C
