There is courage in the work and the dawns here are quiet. What is real courage? An approximate list of literary works and carriers of problems in the direction of “Courage and Cowardice”

  • 03.03.2020

(381 words) Man is a multifaceted creature. It rarely contains only positive or only negative sides. More and more halftones, smooth transitions from one state of mind to another. Some character traits appear only in extreme situations and serve as excellent indicators of true personality traits. These traits can easily be called courage and cowardice. In a difficult situation, a person is capable of either decisively taking matters into his own hands and going ahead, or running away with his tail between his legs, leaving only a question mark behind him.

A similar opposition is described by L.N. Tolstoy in his work “War and Peace”. Here the courage of individual heroes closely borders on heroism. Tushin, setting an example for his soldiers, himself stands at the gun with full readiness to give his life for his native Fatherland, and Prince Bolkonsky supports the fighting spirit of his comrades, proudly carrying the banner forward and suppressing the enemy morally. On the other side are characters such as Zherkov and Dolokhov. The first experiences terrible fear when carrying out Bagration's order and is cowardly in the face of danger, like a boy, and Dolokhov, having killed the Frenchman, expects indispensable praise, as if he had accomplished an outstanding feat. But the whole point is that such feats were performed by soldiers every minute, and they, caring for their Motherland with all their souls, did not seek recognition. This was their courage, which manifested itself in an extreme situation, when it was most difficult to fight the fear for their lives.

B.L. also spoke about the true heroes in his story “The Dawns Here Are Quiet...” Vasiliev. The heroism of Sergeant Major Vaskov and his girls under his charge is truly amazing. These desperate people were heading towards certain death and were fully aware of their actions, but they didn’t even think about retreating or saving their own skins: “Don’t give the Germans a single scrap... No matter how hard it is, no matter how hopeless it is, to hold on...”. They were driven forward by patriotism and holy faith in victory. And for the sake of such a great goal, without regret they are ready to give up the most precious thing they had. In a situation where even men sometimes left their combat posts, Vasiliev’s heroines showed true courage and did not retreat. Their valor has been tested by mortal risk, so no one can doubt its authenticity.

Ultimately, true courage is a trait that manifests itself in circumstances that pose a real threat to life. If a person is capable of a feat, obscurity and fear of death will not stop him. A coward, in any case, will shirk responsibility and find a more comfortable place for himself, where nothing will disturb him, even if this means betraying what is smart, bright, eternal and going over to the side of the enemy.

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Reflection of the events of the war years in literature.

2. Main part.

2.1 Depiction of war in the story.

2.2 Gallery of female images.

2.3 Sergeant Major Vaskov is the main character of the story.

2.4 The image of the enemy in the story.

3. Conclusion.

True patriotism.

I've only seen hand-to-hand combat once.

Once - in reality. And a thousand - in a dream.

Who says that war is not scary?

He knows nothing about the war.

Yu.V. Drunina

The Great Patriotic War is one of the defining events in the history of our country. There is practically no family that is not affected by this tragedy. The theme of the Great Patriotic War has become one of the main themes not only in literature, but also in cinematography and the fine arts of the twentieth century. In the very first days of the war, essays by war correspondents and works by writers and poets who found themselves on the battlefields appeared. A huge amount was written

number of stories, novels and novels about the war. The story of Boris Lvovich Vasiliev “And the dawns here are quiet ...” is one of the most lyrical works about the war. The events of the story take place in 1942 in the north of Russia, in a battalion where fate, after being wounded, threw the main character, Sergeant Major Vaskov. The Hero is appointed to command a “female” platoon of female anti-aircraft gunners. The author depicts different women, different from each other, but united by one goal - the fight against the enemy of the Motherland. As fate would have it, the heroines found themselves in a war where a woman had no place. Each of the girls has already faced death, the pain of loss. Hatred for their enemies is what motivates them, what gives them strength to fight.

Rita Osyanina - commander of the first squad of the platoon. Her husband, a border guard, died on the second day of the war “in a morning counterattack,” and her son lives with his parents. Rita hates her enemies “quietly and mercilessly.” She is stern, reserved, strict with herself and other fighters.

Zhenya Komelnova is a bright beauty, tall, red-haired. Zhenya, like Rita, also has a “personal score” with the Nazis. The whole family was shot before her eyes. After this tragedy, Zhenya found herself at the front. Despite this, the heroine retained her natural cheerfulness. She is sociable and mischievous, funny and flirtatious.

Lisa Brichkina is the daughter of a forester. She grew up early, cared for her sick mother for five years, ran a household, and managed to work on a collective farm. The war prevented the heroine from entering a technical school. Liza is thorough, like a peasant, knows and loves the forest, is not afraid of any work, and is always ready to help her friends.

Sonya Gurvich is a girl from a “very large and very friendly” family. Her father was a doctor in Minsk. The girl studied at the university for a year, but the war began, her lover went to the front, and Sonya also could not stay at home.

Sonya knows nothing about the fate of the family who found themselves in Nazi-occupied Minsk. She lives in hope that they managed to survive, although she understands that this hope is illusory. Sonya is smart and educated, “an excellent student at school and university,” speaks perfect German, and loves poetry.

Galya Chetvertak was brought up in an orphanage, she is a foundling. Maybe that’s why she lives in an imaginary world, invents a “health worker” for herself, and maybe lies. In fact, this is not a lie, says the author, but “desires presented as reality.” Dreamy by nature

the girl entered the library technical school. And when she was in her third year, the war began. Gala was rejected by the military registration and enlistment office because she did not fit in either height or age, but she showed remarkable perseverance and “I’m fine.”

exceptions” she was sent to the anti-aircraft unit.

The heroines are not alike. It is these girls that Sergeant Major Vaskov takes with him to follow the Germans. But it turns out there are not two enemies, but much more. As a result, all the girls die, leaving only

sergeant major Death overtakes the heroines in different situations: through negligence in a swamp, and in an unequal battle with enemies. Vasiliev admires their heroism. It cannot be said that girls are unfamiliar with the feeling of fear. The impressionable Galya Chetvertak is very frightened by the death of Sonya Gurvich. But the girl manages to overcome fear, and this is her strength and courage. At the moment of death, none of the girls complains about fate, does not blame anyone. They understand that their lives were sacrificed in the name of saving the Motherland. The author emphasizes the unnaturalness of what is happening when a woman, whose purpose is to love, give birth and raise children, is forced to kill. War is an abnormal state for a person.

The main character of the story is Sergeant Major Fedot Vaskov. He comes from a simple family, studied up to the fourth grade and was forced to leave school because his father died. Nevertheless, he later graduated from the regimental school. Personal life

Vaskova was unsuccessful: his wife ran away with the regimental veterinarian, and his little son died. Vaskov has already fought in war, was wounded, and has awards. The girl fighters at first laughed at their simple-minded commander, but soon appreciated his courage, directness, and warmth. He tries in every possible way to help the girls who are coming face to face with the enemy for the first time. Rita Osyanina asks Vaskov to take care of her son. Many years later, an elderly foreman and Rita’s adult son will install a marble slab at the site of her death. The images of enemies are drawn by the author schematically and laconically. These are not specific people; their characters and feelings are not described by the author. These are fascists, invaders who have encroached on the freedom of another country. They are cruel and merciless. This

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FIPI commentary on “Courage and Cowardice”:
“This direction is based on a comparison of opposite manifestations of the human “I”: readiness for decisive actions and the desire to hide from danger, to avoid resolving difficult, sometimes extreme life situations. On the pages of many literary works, both heroes capable of bold actions and characters who demonstrate weakness of spirit and lack of will."

Recommendations for students:
The table presents works that reflect any concept related to the direction “Courage and Cowardice.” You DO NOT need to read all of the works listed. You may have already read a lot. Your task is to revise your reading knowledge and, if you discover a lack of arguments within a particular direction, fill in the existing gaps. In this case, you will need this information. Think of it as a guide in the vast world of literary works. Please note: the table shows only a portion of the works that contain the problems we need. This does not mean at all that you cannot make completely different arguments in your work. For convenience, each work is accompanied by small explanations (third column of the table), which will help you navigate exactly how, through which characters, you will need to rely on literary material (the second mandatory criterion when evaluating a final essay)

An approximate list of literary works and carriers of problems in the direction of “Courage and Cowardice”

Direction Sample list of literary works Carriers of the problem
Courage and cowardice L. N. Tolstoy "War and Peace" Andrey Bolkonsky, Captain Tushin, Kutuzov- courage and heroism in war. Zherkov- cowardice, the desire to be in the rear.
A. S. Pushkin. "Captain's daughter" Grinev, Captain Mironov's family, Pugachev– courageous in their actions and aspirations. Shvabrin- a coward and a traitor.
M. Yu. Lermontov “Song about the merchant Kalashnikov” Merchant Kalashnikov boldly goes out to duel with Kiribeevich, defending his wife’s honor.
A.P. Chekhov. "About love" Alekhine afraid to be happy, as this requires courage in overcoming social rules and stereotypes.
A.P. Chekhov. "Man in a Case" Belikov afraid to live, because “something might not work out.”
M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin “The Wise Minnow” The fairy-tale hero The Wise Minnow chose fear as his life strategy. He decided to be afraid and be careful, because this is the only way to outwit the pikes and not get caught in the fishermen's nets.
A. M. Gorky “Old Woman Izergil” Danko took it upon himself to lead people out of the forest and save them.
V. V. Bykov “Sotnikov” Sotnikov(courage), Fisherman(cowardice, betrayed the partisans).
V. V. Bykov “Obelisk” Teacher Frost courageously fulfilled his duty as a teacher and remained with his students.
M. Sholokhov. "The Fate of Man" Andrey Sokolov(the embodiment of courage at all stages of life's journey). But along this path there were also cowards (the episode in the church when Sokolov strangled a man who intended to give the names of communists to the Germans).
B. Vasiliev “And the dawns here are quiet” Girls from Sergeant Major Vaskov's platoon, who took on an unequal battle with German saboteurs.
B. Vasiliev. “Not on the lists” Nikolay Pluzhnikov courageously resists the Germans, even when he remains the only defender of the Brest Fortress.

The topic “Courage and Cowardice” is proposed among other topics for the final essay on literature for graduates of 2020. Many great people have discussed these two phenomena. “Courage is the beginning of victory,” Plutarch once said. “The city takes courage,” A.V. Suvorov agreed with him many centuries later. And some even made provocative statements on this topic: “True courage rarely comes without stupidity” (F. Bacon). Be sure to include such quotes in your work - it will have a positive effect on your grade, as will mentioning examples from history, literature or real life.

What to write about in an essay on this topic? You can consider courage and cowardice as abstract concepts in their broadest sense, think about them as two sides of the coin of one person, about the truth and falsity of these feelings. Write about how courage can be a manifestation of excessive self-confidence, that there is a direct connection between selfishness and cowardice, but rational fear and cowardice are not the same thing.

A popular topic for thought is cowardice and courage in extreme conditions, for example, in war, when the most important and previously hidden human fears are exposed, when a person shows character traits previously unknown to others and to himself. Or vice versa: even the most positive people in an emergency situation can show cowardice. Here it would be useful to talk about heroism, feat, desertion and betrayal.

As part of this essay, you can write about courage and cowardice in love, as well as in your mind. Here it would be appropriate to recall willpower, the ability to say “no,” the ability or inability to defend one’s opinion. You can talk about a person’s behavior when making decisions or learning something new, leaving their comfort zone, and the courage to admit their mistakes.

Other directions of the final essay.

On February 27, at our school, on the eve of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory, the premiere of the play “And the Dawns Here Are Quiet...” was held at our school. Being present in the auditorium, I was literally transported back in time, plunged headlong into the events of wartime. I experienced everything with the characters: happiness, pain, joy and fear. Everything was so realistic that I almost cried. Amazing! I would like to note the good acting, wonderful costumes and scenery and the excellent work of the director. The scenes of the death of young girls who defended their Motherland at the cost of their lives were played superbly.

Gavrilova Valentina, student 9 "A"

If we, the audience, were giving a rating for the play “The Dawns Here Are Quiet...”, I would give it a “5+”. The production made a huge impression on me. Excellent production, truly brilliant acting, costumes and props, the era itself - everything made a huge impression on me. Thank you, Olga Viktorovna, for such a performance on the eve of a big holiday - Victory Day.

Panova Yulia, 10th grade.

Boris Vasiliev, the author of the story “And the Dawns Here Are Quiet...”, said: “If a person feels pain, he is alive, and if a person feels the pain of another person, he is a Man.” All the spectators in the hall were so worried about Zhenka, Rita, Lisa, Galka, Sonya, they felt such pain when they died that tears appeared in the eyes of many, both children and adults. And this means that we are all Humans! Thanks to everyone who helped me feel human again with my wonderful game!

S.V. Chabrikova, teacher of Russian language and literature.

No words!!! The whole performance is in one breath! It was as if we had been in a real war and forgot that our classmates were on stage. What great fellows you are!

Kalinina Liza, 10th grade.

This is the first time I’ve seen a performance by the school theater “Pygmalion”. The play “The Dawns Here Are Quiet...” performed by students from my school is simply a wonderful work of a talented team led by O.V. Loban. The images of the young female anti-aircraft gunners were portrayed so authentically that many in the audience were moved to tears by their death.

Klimkina Olga, 10th grade.

In the theater I was amazed by the performance of all the actors. But I would like to say about the performance of the “author” - Alexey Pribe, without whom the performance on stage would not be complete, and for someone who has not read this story, not everything would be clear from what is happening on stage. Alexey is a great guy: he learned such a large amount of material. With his calm, quiet, measured voice, he helped us see what was happening off stage.

Konkin Dmitry, 10kl

The feat that five young female anti-aircraft gunners accomplished left no one indifferent in the school hall. A huge responsibility fell on the fragile shoulders of the very young defenders of the Motherland - not to let the Germans through to the railway bridge. Showing heroism and courage, they fulfilled their duty. I really liked the production, which featured excellent acting, professional special effects, props and costumes that conveyed the breath of that era. It becomes clear that the country in which girls fight with such hatred for the enemy and love for the Motherland will never be defeated.

Medvedeva Anastasia, 10th grade.

Of all the productions of the Pygmalion school theater, “And the Dawns Here Are Quiet...” is the most intense. Each of those present in the hall could not shake the feeling that we were in the thick of things. Both the female anti-aircraft gunners and the experienced warrior Vaskov left no one indifferent. At some moments it was difficult to hold back the tears coming to my eyes. The acting team correctly and completely conveyed the content of B.L.’s story. Vasilyeva.

Shaposhnikova Ksenia, 11th grade.

The story “And the Dawns Here Are Quiet,” written by Boris Lvovich Vasiliev (life: 1924-2013), first appeared in 1969. The work, according to the author himself, is based on a real military episode when, after being wounded, seven soldiers serving on the railway prevented a German sabotage group from blowing it up. After the battle, only one sergeant, the commander of the Soviet fighters, managed to survive. In this article we will analyze “And the Dawns Here Are Quiet” and describe the brief content of this story.

War is tears and grief, destruction and horror, madness and the extermination of all living things. She brought misfortune to everyone, knocking on every house: wives lost their husbands, mothers lost their sons, children were forced to be left without fathers. Many people went through it, experienced all these horrors, but they managed to survive and win the hardest war ever endured by humanity. We begin the analysis of “And the Dawns Here Are Quiet” with a brief description of the events, commenting on them along the way.

Boris Vasiliev served as a young lieutenant at the beginning of the war. In 1941, he went to the front while still a schoolboy, and two years later was forced to leave the army due to severe shell shock. Thus, this writer knew the war firsthand. Therefore, his best works are precisely about it, about the fact that a person manages to remain human only by fulfilling his duty to the end.

In the work “And the Dawns Here Are Quiet,” the content of which is war, it is felt especially acutely, since it is turned on an unusual side for us. We are all used to associating men with her, but here the main characters are girls and women. They stood up against the enemy alone in the middle of Russian land: lakes, swamps. The enemy is hardy, strong, merciless, well armed, and many times outnumbers them.

The events take place in May 1942. A railway siding and its commander are depicted - Fyodor Evgrafych Vaskov, a 32-year-old man. The soldiers arrive here, but then start partying and drinking. Therefore, Vaskov writes reports, and in the end they send him anti-aircraft gunner girls under the command of Rita Osyanina, a widow (her husband died at the front). Then Zhenya Komelkova arrives, replacing the carrier killed by the Germans. All five girls had their own character.

Five different characters: analysis

“And the Dawns Here Are Quiet” is a work that describes interesting female characters. Sonya, Galya, Lisa, Zhenya, Rita - five different, but in some ways very similar girls. Rita Osyanina is gentle and strong-willed, distinguished by spiritual beauty. She is the most fearless, courageous, she is a mother. Zhenya Komelkova is white-skinned, red-haired, tall, with childish eyes, always laughing, cheerful, mischievous to the point of adventurism, tired of pain, war and painful and long love for a married and distant man. Sonya Gurvich is an excellent student, a refined poetic nature, as if she came out of a book of poems by Alexander Blok. She always knew how to wait, she knew that she was destined for life, and it was impossible to avoid it. The latter, Galya, always lived more actively in the imaginary world than in the real one, so she was very afraid of this merciless terrible phenomenon that is war. “And the Dawns Here Are Quiet” portrays this heroine as a funny, never-grown-up, clumsy orphanage girl. Escape from an orphanage, notes and dreams... about long dresses, solo parts and universal worship. She wanted to become the new Lyubov Orlova.

The analysis of “And the Dawns Here Are Quiet” allows us to say that none of the girls were able to fulfill their desires, because they did not have time to live their lives.

Further developments

The heroes of “The Dawns Here Are Quiet” fought for their homeland like no one had ever fought before. They hated the enemy with all their souls. The girls always followed orders precisely, as young soldiers should. They experienced everything: losses, worries, tears. Right before the eyes of these fighters, their good friends died, but the girls held on. They fought to the death until the very end, did not let anyone through, and there were hundreds and thousands of such patriots. Thanks to them, it was possible to defend the freedom of the Motherland.

Death of Heroines

These girls had different deaths, just as the life paths followed by the heroes of “And the Dawns Here Are Quiet” were different. Rita was wounded by a grenade. She understood that she could not survive, that the wound was fatal, and she would have to die painfully and for a long time. Therefore, gathering the rest of her strength, she shot herself in the temple. Galya's death was as reckless and painful as she herself - the girl could have hidden and saved her life, but she did not. One can only guess what motivated her then. Perhaps just momentary confusion, perhaps cowardice. Sonya's death was cruel. She did not even manage to understand how the blade of the dagger pierced her cheerful young heart. Zhenya’s is a little reckless and desperate. She believed in herself until the very end, even when she was leading the Germans away from Osyanina, and did not doubt for a moment that everything would end well. Therefore, even after the first bullet hit her in the side, she was only surprised. After all, it was so implausible, absurd and stupid to die when you were only nineteen years old. Lisa's death happened unexpectedly. It was a very stupid surprise - the girl was pulled into the swamp. The author writes that until the last moment the heroine believed that “there will be tomorrow for her too.”

Sergeant Major Vaskov

Sergeant Major Vaskov, whom we have already mentioned in the summary of “And the Dawns Here Are Quiet,” is ultimately left alone in the midst of torment, misfortune, alone with death and three prisoners. But now he has five times more strength. What was human in this fighter, the best, but hidden deep in the soul, was suddenly revealed. He felt and worried both for himself and for his girls “sisters”. The foreman laments, he does not understand why this happened, because they need to give birth to children, not die.

So, according to the plot, all the girls died. What guided them when they went into battle, not sparing their own lives, defending their land? Perhaps just a duty to the Fatherland, to one’s people, perhaps patriotism? Everything was mixed up at that moment.

Sergeant Major Vaskov ultimately blames himself for everything, and not the fascists he hates. His words that he “put all five down” are perceived as a tragic requiem.


Reading the work “And the Dawns Here Are Quiet,” you involuntarily become an observer of the everyday life of anti-aircraft gunners at a bombed crossing in Karelia. This story is based on an episode that is insignificant in the enormous scale of the Great Patriotic War, but it is told in such a way that all its horrors appear before the eyes in all their ugly, terrible inconsistency with the essence of man. It is emphasized both by the fact that the work is titled “And the Dawns Here Are Quiet” and by the fact that its heroes are girls forced to participate in the war.