Learning to write an essay. Zhilin and Kostylin (comparative characteristics of heroes)

  • 08.12.2021

“Prisoner of the Caucasus” is an edifying story by L. N. Tolstoy for children. In it, the writer showed two striking opposite images: the brave and resourceful Zhilin and the weak and cowardly Kostylin. The contrast between these people is strengthened by the extreme situation of being captured.

Before captivity

Zhilin and Kostylin are two Russian officers serving in the Caucasus. Kostylin is “an overweight, fat man,” so it is logical to assume that he prefers to command than to fight. And the commander from Kostylin is useless. He persuades Zhilin to leave the soldiers and continue the journey together: “There’s no urine, I’m hungry, and it’s hot.” It’s hard for Kostylin to endure even such inconveniences.

All the way, Kostylin thinks only about food, completely forgetting about a possible attack by the mountaineers. Even when entering the gorge, he ignores Zhilin’s warning: “What to see? Let's go forward." This already shows the huge difference between the two officers.

Zhilin is a prudent commander. He climbs the mountain and notices the mountaineers. Together, the officers had a chance to shoot back in order to retreat to the convoy. However, Kostylin breaks the agreement, betrays his comrade in arms and flees.

When Zhilin realizes that it will no longer be possible to escape from the trap, he makes a courageous decision: “I won’t give in alive...”. A horse is killed under a brave officer. Zhilin tries to fight back to the end, but, crowded in, the mountaineers take him prisoner.

Together again

Once captured, Zhilin does not despair. He examines the village with interest and remembers all the details. which may be useful when escaping.

Zhilin certainly knows about the cruelty of the mountaineers, but he behaves and talks to them very boldly: “To be timid with them is worse.” Even under the threat of punishment, the officer declares that he refuses to pay three thousand rubles. This behavior involuntarily evokes respect from enemies: “Dzhigit Urus!”

During a dispute about the amount of the ransom, Zhilin meets Kostylin again. It turns out that the coward was also unable to hide. Unlike Zhilin, Kostylin’s will was broken even before his capture. The mountaineers easily forced him to write a letter asking him to pay five thousand rubles.

The officers were specially brought together to influence the intractable Zhilin. The idea of ​​the mountaineers failed. Zhilin still managed to reduce the ransom to 500 rubles (“Kill if you want, it won’t do you any good”), and he also demanded a decent allowance for himself and his friend.

Behavior in captivity

Kostylin completely resigned himself to fate. He places all his hopes only on the ransom, “counting the days... or sleeping.”

Zhilin relies on his own strength. Knowing that the old mother would hardly be able to collect even five hundred rubles, he sent a letter to a false address.

Zhilin's skillful hands allowed him to gain Dina's trust and even greater respect from the owner. Various things are brought to the officer from all over the area for repair. Zhilin needed the fame of the master only to distract attention. Secretly, he began to dig a tunnel in the barn, and one day, climbing a mountain, he outlined a path to escape.

First escape

The initiative to escape belongs exclusively to Zhilin. He even had to persuade his comrade to run away together. Kostylin from the very beginning became a burden for Zhilin. He constantly complained of fatigue and sore legs. In a fit of irritation, Zhilin regretted taking “this deck with me... If only I would have left long ago.”

The negative attitude towards Kostylin softens a little when he asks Zhilin to leave him and run away alone. But the officer cannot do this. Zhilin courageously hoists fat Kostylin onto his shoulders.

Even with a heavy burden, Zhilin could have escaped his pursuers. The fugitives were given away by Kostylin’s scream.

Second escape

The failure weighed heavily on both prisoners. Kostylin got sick in the pit and stopped hoping for anything. Even Zhilin did not see a way out of the situation.

The friendly relations established with Dina helped Zhilin. The girl initially fed the prisoners, and then decided to help them escape. Kostylin didn’t have the strength to make a second attempt: “It’s obvious that I can’t get out of here.”

Class: 5


  • Teach students how to create an artistic image.
  • Develop the ability to compare literary characters, develop students’ speech activity, and their imagination.
  • Raise a literate reader.


I. Work based on the work of L.N. Tolstoy “Prisoner of the Caucasus”

(Annex 1 . Slide 1)

1. Repetition of knowledge of literary theory

– We continue the conversation about Leo Tolstoy’s work “Prisoner of the Caucasus.”
Use literary terms and don't get confused.

– “Prisoner of the Caucasus” is a literary fairy tale? (No, this is a story, because this work is narrative, small in volume, united by a plot and consisting of several episodes)

– If this is a narrative work, does that mean there is a personal narrative? (The narration is impersonal, because the conversation in “Prisoner of the Caucasus” comes from the perspective of the narrator)

– I believe that there is no plot in the work, there are only events all around. What do you think? (The work has a plot. The plot is a chain of events)

– Are the episode and the plot the same thing? (No, an episode is one event with a beginning and an end)

– What groups of characters are there in the story? (Main, secondary and episodic.)

– Name the main characters. (Zhilin, Kostylin and Dina.)

– Now look at the screen to see if you made a mistake.

(Annex 1 . Slide 2)

Story– a small narrative work united by a plot and consisting of one or several episodes.
Plot- this is a chain of events occurring in a work.
Episode– one event with a beginning and an end.

(Annex 1 . Slide 3)


  • Personal - on behalf of the hero-storyteller;
  • Impersonal - on behalf of the narrator.

(Annex 1 . Slide 4)


  • main;
  • minor;
  • episodic.

– Do you agree with your answers? (Yes)

Answer marks...

2. Work on the epigraph

– What historical event is reflected in the story? (Caucasian War)
Caucasian War 1817 - 1864 (47 years old)- this is the war of the Russian Empire with the mountain peoples of the North Caucasus (Chechens, Dagestanis, Ossetians, Tatars). What people are we talking about in the story? (About the Tatars).
The Caucasian War is the longest war.

War is not a fairy tale about Ivan,
And we don’t gild it...

Boris Pasternak.

- Read the epigraph.
– Why is war not a fairy tale?
– What do you mean “we don’t gild it”?


War is scary, painful, cruel; These are losses, death, crippled destinies, unhealed wounds.
War is the color of ashes, so we don’t “golden” it, it cannot be embellished.

– For many, war is a test of strength, endurance, and humanity.
– The story depicts two officers.
– In your opinion, what qualities should an officer have? (The officer is not alien to the concepts of honor, conscience, dignity; he is a brave, courageous, courageous person; he is devoted to his Fatherland).

3. Lesson topic

(Annex 1 . Slide 4)

a) Techniques for compiling characterizations of heroes

(Annex 1 . Slide 3)

Techniques for compiling characteristics of literary heroes:

– external features (portrait);
– the hero’s actions, attitude towards other people, his feelings, speech;
– characterization of the hero by other characters

b) Comparative characteristics of Zhilin and Kostylin.

Let's compare Zhilin and Kostylin.
– Sometimes it takes years to understand a person, and you and I will try to get to know the heroes in a lesson. The task is not easy, but it is quite solvable.
– To compare means to find commonality and differences in their character.

What common?

- Officers who served in the Caucasus, both were captured, both wrote a letter asking for a ransom to be sent, and took part in the escape.
Of course, these are not character traits, but events, but they are the ones that will help us figure out who the real officer and the real person are.



– Find a description of the heroes in the text;
– What character traits of heroes do we learn from their appearance descriptions?
Zhilin is daring, brave, courageous.
Kostylin is a physically weak person.
– Is it possible to limit ourselves to only this technique? (no, there may be a misconception about the hero).

"Talking" surname

– The author gave Zhilin and Kostylin “speaking” surnames.
The surname Zhilin comes from the word vein (blood vessels, tendons). Our hero is a wiry man. How else can you say it? (Lean, strong, hardy).
The surname Kostylin comes from the word crutch. What is a crutch? (A stick that serves as a support when walking for lame people or people with sore legs).
– Who is our hero? (Weak).

The behavior of the heroes during the attack of the Tatars

What decision does Zhilin make? Read it. What is characteristic of him? (Decision, courage, ability to resist the enemy; he is not timid).
– How is Kostylin behaving? Read it. What do you think of him? (He broke the agreement - not to leave; he behaves like a coward and a traitor).

In captivity

1. Ransom letter

– Why did Zhilin indicate the wrong address in the letter? (He knew that his mother had no money)
- Suppose he wrote a letter. Would your mother send money despite her poverty?
– Yes, because there is nothing in life higher and stronger than mother’s love.
Zhilin is able to spare the feelings of people close and dear to him.
Kostylin wrote more than one letter because he was a coward and thought only of himself.

2. The internal state of the heroes
While in captivity, Zhilin meets a Tatar girl, Dina. This image is not accidental. "Dina" means "faith" in Arabic.
– What does Zhilin believe in? (in his own strength, in luck; he is strong in spirit.)
– What does Kostylin believe in? (for ransom)

3. Activities of heroes

– Handicrafts;
– Studying the area because he is thinking about escape;
– Communicates with Dina;
– He treats the people of the village.

– What can you say about him? (Master, smart, cunning, resourceful; man of action).

- Inactive and moaning.
– Confirm what is said about the heroes with text.

4. The opinion of the Tatars about the heroes.

Zhilin won the respect of children and adults: “Korosh Urus”, “dzhigit”.
Kostylin - “meek”.

The escape

– Tell us about it.
– How did the heroes behave?

Zhilin shows will, courage, resourcefulness, perseverance, and actively fights.
Kostylin is a burden; suffers, shows selfishness, weakness.

c) Creation of an oral statement “Comparative characteristics of Zhilin and Kostylin”
using a table compiled during the work

Zhilin Kostylin
Officers who served in the Caucasus, both were captured, both wrote a letter asking for a ransom to be sent, and took part in the escape.
I. Portrait
Daring, hardy, brave. Physically weak.
II. "Talking" surname
Veins - blood vessels, tendons.
A wiry, hardy, strong man.
A crutch is a stick used to support the lame or people with sore legs when walking.
Weak person.
III. The behavior of the heroes during the attack of the Tatars
Not a timid person, brave, decisive, able to resist the enemy. I broke the agreement - not to leave; behaves like a coward and a traitor).
IV. In captivity
1. Ransom letter
Able to spare the feelings of people close and dear to him.
1. Ransom letter
A coward who thinks only of himself.
2. Internal state
Strong in spirit, believes in luck and his own strength.
2. Internal state
Mentally weak, believes in ransom.
3. Classes
Master, smart, cunning, resourceful; man of action .
3. Classes
Inactive, moaning.
4. Tatar opinion about Zilina
Zhilin won the respect of children and adults: “Korosh Urus”, “dzhigit”.
4. The opinion of the Tatars about Kostylin
Kostylin - “meek”.
V. Escape
Zhilin shows will, courage, resourcefulness, perseverance, and actively fights. Kostylin is a burden; suffers, shows selfishness, weakness.

d) Significance of the topic

– Do you need to learn to determine the qualities of a person’s character or can you do without it in life?

This is necessary in life to:

– distinguish between good and evil, love and hatred, courage and cowardice;
– make the right choice of friends;
- understand the inner world of a person.

4. Homework:

1. Oral statement “Meeting with Zhilin and Kostylin”

– Imagine that you invited Zhilin and Kostylin to the lesson as participants in the Caucasian War.
– What could they tell you about?
– What would you ask them?

Teacher: Aratova G.B., MKOU Andreevskaya Secondary School

Lesson plan for Russian literature in 5th grade (FSES)

Subject:“Comparative characteristics of Zhilin and Kostylin”

Target: Give a comparative description of the heroes


1. Teach students how to create an artistic image.

2. Develop the ability to compare literary characters, develop students’ speech activity, and their imagination.

3. Raise a competent reader.

Technologies: technology of problem-based learning, dialogue technology, elements of technology for the development of critical thinking

During the classes:

    Organizational stage

    Checking homework

Homework - make a story plan

    Motivation for learning activities

1. Work on the epigraph

What historical event is reflected in the story? (Caucasian War)

(47 years old)

War is not a fairy tale about Ivan,

And we don’t gild it...

Boris Pasternak.

Read the epigraph.

Why is war not a fairy tale?

What does “we don’t gild it” mean?


War is scary, painful, cruel; These are losses, death, crippled destinies, unhealed wounds.

War is the color of ashes, so we do not “gild” it, it cannot be embellished.

For many, war is a test of strength, endurance, and humanity.

    What historical event is reflected in the story? (Caucasian War)

Caucasian War 1817 - 1864 (47 years old)- this is the war of the Russian Empire with the mountain peoples of the North Caucasus (Chechens, Dagestanis, Ossetians, Tatars). What people are we talking about in the story? (about the Tatars).

The Caucasian War is the longest war.

    The story features two officers. In your opinion, what qualities should an officer have? (the officer is not alien to the concepts of honor, conscience, dignity; he is a brave, courageous, courageous person; he is devoted to his Fatherland).

    Do you think both of our heroes have these qualities? Are they different from each other?

    How would you formulate the topic of our lesson? (Comparative characteristics of Zhilin and Kostylin)

    What is the goal of our lesson? What should we learn in class? (Learn to compare heroes, understand how two heroes differ)

4. Work on a new topic

A). Techniques for compiling characteristics of heroes

(portrait, actions of the hero, behavior, characterization of the hero by other characters)

Techniques for compiling characteristics of literary heroes:

External features (portrait);

The hero’s actions, attitude towards other people, his feelings, speech;

Characteristics of the hero by other characters

b). Comparative characteristics of Zhilin and Kostylin.

- Let's compare Zhilin and Kostylin.

Sometimes it takes years to understand a person, and you and I will try to get to know the heroes in a lesson. The task is not easy, but it is quite solvable.

To compare means to find commonality and differences in their character.

What common?

Officers who served in the Caucasus, both were captured, both wrote a letter asking for a ransom to be sent, and took part in the escape.

Of course, these are not character traits, but events, but they are the ones that will help us figure out who the real officer and the real person are.


I . Portrait

Find a description of the heroes in the text;

What character qualities of the heroes do we learn from the description of their appearance?

Zhilin is daring, brave, courageous.

Kostylin is a physically weak person.

Is it possible to limit ourselves to just this technique? (no, there may be a misconception about the hero).

II . "Talking" surname

The surname Zhilin comes from the word vein (blood vessels, tendons). Our hero is a wiry man. How else can you say it? (lean, strong, hardy).

The surname Kostylin comes from the word crutch. What is a crutch? (a stick that serves as a support when walking for lame people or people with sore legs).

Who is our hero? (weak).


- What decision does Zhilin make? Read it. What is characteristic of him? (decisiveness, courage, ability to resist the enemy; he is not timid).

How does Kostylin behave? Read it. What do you think of him? (violated the agreement - not to leave; behaves like a coward and a traitor).

IV . In captivity

1. Ransom letter

Why did Zhilin indicate the wrong address in the letter? (he knew that his mother had no money)

Suppose he wrote a letter. Would your mother send money despite her poverty? Yes, because there is nothing in life higher and stronger than mother's love.

Zhilin is able to spare the feelings of people close and dear to him.

Kostylin wrote more than one letter because he was a coward and thought only of himself.

2. The internal state of the heroes

While in captivity, Zhilin meets a Tatar girl, Dina. This image is not accidental. "Dina" means "faith" in Arabic.

What does Zhilin believe in? (in his own strength, in luck; he is strong in spirit.)

What does Kostylin believe in? (for ransom)

3. Hero Activities


Studying the area as he thinks about escaping;

Communicates with Dina;

He heals the people of the village.

What can you say about him? (master, smart, cunning, resourceful; man of action).


Inactive and moaning.

Confirm what is said about the heroes with text.

4. Tatar opinion about heroes.

Kostylin - “meek”.

V . The escape

Tell us about it.

How did the heroes behave?

5. Application of knowledge

Fill out the table “Comparative characteristics of Zhilin and Kostylin”




Officers who served in the Caucasus, both were captured, both wrote a letter asking for a ransom to be sent, and took part in the escape.


I . Portrait

Daring, hardy, brave.

Physically weak.

II . "Talking" surname

Veins - blood vessels, tendons.

A wiry, hardy, strong man.

A crutch is a stick used to support the lame or people with sore legs when walking.

Weak person.

III . The behavior of the heroes during the attack of the Tatars

Not a timid person, brave, decisive, able to resist the enemy.

I broke the agreement - not to leave; behaves like a coward and a traitor).

IV . In captivity

1. Ransom letter

Able to spare the feelings of people close and dear to him.

1. Ransom letter

A coward who thinks only of himself.

2. Internal state

Strong in spirit, believes in luck and his own strength.

1. Internal state

Mentally weak, believes in ransom.

3. Classes

Master, smart, cunning, resourceful; man of action .

3. Classes

Inactive, moaning.

4.Tatar opinion about Zilina

Zhilin won the respect of children and adults: “Korosh Urus”, “dzhigit”.

4. The opinion of the Tatars about Kostylin

Kostylin - “meek”.

V . The escape

Zhilin shows will, courage, resourcefulness, perseverance, and actively fights.

Kostylin is a burden; suffers, shows selfishness, weakness.

6.Information about homework

1. Compose a syncwine in groups (group 1 – Zhilin, group 2 – Kostylin)

2. Imagine that you invited Zhilin and Kostylin to the lesson as participants in the Caucasian War. What could they tell you about? What would you ask them?

7. Summing up the lesson. Reflection

1. Significance of the topic

Do you need to learn to determine the qualities of a person’s character or can you do without it in life?

This is necessary in life to:

Distinguish between good and evil, love and hatred, courage and cowardice;

Make the right choice of friends;

Understand the inner world of a person.

In Leo Tolstoy’s work Prisoner of the Caucasus, to which the author himself gave the subtitle “true story,” Kostylin is a minor character. His image is introduced for comparison with the main character, Zhilin.

The events described in the work take place in the summer in the Caucasus, during the war. There is a Russian garrison in a remote fortress. You cannot move freely on the roads even during the day - the Tatars will either kill you or take you into captivity. Twice a week, detachments of soldiers passed between the fortresses, under whose protection other people moved. Kostylin once left with one of these detachments.

Kostylin is an officer in the Russian army. Together with Zhilin, he rode ahead of the delayed detachment. Kostylin’s physique is plump, he is red from the heat, and he is reluctant to wait for the detachment. In addition, he has a gun, and he is riding a horse - in case of a chase, he hopes to escape. When the enemies were really nearby - about thirty Tatars against two officers - he took to his heels, not even thinking about helping his comrade, Zhilin, who was in trouble.

The Tatars caught Zilina, but at first he hoped that at least Kostylin had escaped. They met already in captivity. It turned out that the horse stopped under Kostylin, and the gun misfired. So he was captured - barefoot and ragged. He did not contradict the Tatars, like Zhilin, but immediately wrote a letter home asking for a ransom of five thousand rubles to be sent. Kostylin completely lost heart, but Zhilin was not afraid, he managed to insist that he and his friend be fed, given clothes, kept together (at least it’s more fun), and the stocks are removed from their feet at night.

In captivity, Kostylin only counted the days - he waited for him to be released and slept. But Zhilin was not idle, he established himself as a jack of all trades, and even a doctor. He was allowed to walk around the village, and he tried to scout out the way home, preparing to escape. When he found out where to run, Kostylin refused: they say, we don’t know the road, and we won’t get there overnight. But Zhilin nevertheless persuaded him - they fled at night. Kostylin quickly began to fall behind, kept walking and groaning, and then became completely exhausted. Only Zhilin did not abandon him - he could not leave his comrade in trouble, although alone he would have gone to his own people long ago: he dragged the fat man Kostylin on himself. The Tatars noticed them, caught them, put them in stocks and threw them into a hole.

Zhilin managed to persuade the owner’s daughter Dina to help him escape, and with great difficulty he reached his people. But Kostylin did not go with him, he became faint-hearted - only a month later they ransomed him for five thousand, and brought him back barely alive.

From the very beginning, Kostylin showed himself to be an arrogant coward and a cowardly person. He left his comrade in trouble without even trying to help him. Having been captured, he readily wrote home with a request to send a ransom, although his comrade, feeling sorry for his poor mother, did not count on the ransom in advance. A large, strong man, Kostylin let down his comrade during the escape, could not overcome himself and essentially exposed himself and his comrade to the Tatars. He refused a second escape, even realizing that there was almost no chance of surviving captivity.

The author treats Kostylin with disapproval, clearly emphasizing the weakness of his spirit. The meaning of this character emphasizes the courage, ingenuity, and fortitude of the main character, Zhilin. After all, in fact, there were two “Caucasian captives”, but one overcame difficulties and escaped, and the second voluntarily remained in captivity.

Kostylin’s essay in the work Prisoner of the Caucasus

Kostylin is one of the two main characters in Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy’s story “Prisoner of the Caucasus.” He is an officer who, together with his new comrade Zhilin, was captured by the Tatars. Kostylin is the opposite of him, both in character and in appearance. Outwardly, he is a big, clumsy, tall, fat and clumsy man. He is in poor health.

One day Kostylin was given leave. He went home. Along the way, he met Zhilin, who was also planning to rest. Due to the fact that the roads are not safe, it was decided to go together. Suddenly the Tatars attacked them. They wanted to take them prisoner and then demand a fairly large ransom. Zhilin told Kostylin to shoot. He turned out to be a coward. Kostylin betrayed his new comrade and fled. Of course, he did not succeed; the Tatars had horses. Zhilin was tied up, Kostylin was caught up and also neutralized. Both were thrown into the village.

While Kostylin and Zhilin were in captivity, the traitor did not want to show his good side. The Tatars ordered the prisoners to write a ransom letter. Kostylin immediately gave up and wrote a letter. He said that his family was rich, they would find five thousand. Zhilin said that they should be fed and only after that he would write a letter. He indicated the wrong address so that it would not reach him. He came up with an escape plan. Fortunately the escape was successful. Kostylin decided to run with him. But, unfortunately, here he also did not show his courage and willpower. He kept saying that his feet hurt a lot, his shoes were rubbing a lot. As a result, Zhilin had to carry it on himself, as a result of which a Tatar noticed them and returned them to the village. Kostylin was a pessimist because he did not believe that it was possible to escape.

Based on the actions of this character, one can understand that he is a very unreliable person. Kostylin does not know how to endure, he has no willpower. He's also a coward. Kostylin was not used to difficulties due to the fact that he was too pampered a gentleman. He does not know how to make important decisions on his own. His last name (Kostylin) comes from the word “crutch”. That is, support for people who have problems with their legs. Apparently the author is hinting in this way either that the officer also has problems with his legs, or that he should be a support for a person, that you can rely on him. But unfortunately, the first option will suit this character.

The second time the cowardly officer did not want to run. He chose to sit quietly and wait for the ransom. Zhilin managed to escape, and the ransom came for Kostylin a month later. He was taken away barely alive. He was very exhausted.

Option 3

Kostylin is an officer of the Soviet Union and a friend of Zhilin. He served for the benefit of the people for a long time and went on vacation before the start of the Battle of the Caucasus. Deciding to relax at the resort, Kostylin hit the road. On the way, he met Zhilin, and they decided to go together. Kostylin was the complete opposite of his new friend Kostylin. Outwardly, the officer was a large, clumsy, tall man. However, he was not thin and had poor health.

On the way, Zhilin and Kostylin were attacked by the Tatars. Kostylin was cowardly and could not shoot the Tatars. Because of cowardice, Zhilin was the first to be captured. Kostilin did not manage to escape far, and he was captured along with his comrade. Once captured, the officer also showed his cowardice. He did everything the Tatars told him. On their orders, he wrote a letter to his relatives asking them to pay a ransom of 5,000 gold coins for him. At the same time, he gave away all the family’s savings and property. And Zhilin demanded that they be fed and after that he wrote a letter. To confuse his enemies, he indicated the wrong address of his relatives.

While in captivity, the officer was looking forward to being released. All he did in his free time was sleep. And Zhilin showed his best qualities and became a master, at the same time a doctor in the camp. He was allowed to roam freely around the camp. He entered notes and looked for an escape route. After a long search, he found a way to escape. And Kostilin came up with several reasons not to run away, and completely refused to leave the camp.

They managed to escape. Here Kostylin did not show his best side. To escape further they had to constantly walk. And Kostylin was a pessimist and constantly complained that his legs hurt. With a pessimistic attitude, he insisted that his shoes were causing calluses. To save his comrade, Zhilin dragged him on himself. So the Tatar noticed them, and they returned to the camp.

Kostylin's actions describe him as an unreliable person who cannot be relied upon. The officer lacked willpower and could not endure difficulties. At the same time, he was a very cowardly person. He was born into a rich family. Kostylin was always looked after, and he was not used to experiencing difficulties. He never took responsibility in his life. At the same time, he was afraid to make important decisions on his own behalf.

By calling him Kostylin, the author wanted the hero to become a support for the common people and be able to help everyone. After tougher measures, Kostylin refused to flee and remained in the camp. And Zhilin was able to make friends with the owner’s daughter, who helped him escape. And Kostylin remained in the camp for another month. A month later, his relatives paid a ransom for him and brought the officer home in poor condition.

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  • Venetsianov A.G.

    From an early age he showed a love for drawing. At first I studied on my own, without mentors. He showed a special affinity for portraiture.

Zhilin and Kostylin are the heroes of the story “Prisoner of the Caucasus” by L.N. Tolstoy. They are both Russian officers. They are participating in the war for the annexation of the Caucasus to Russia. Zhilin received a letter from his mother, who asks him to come to her before his death, to say goodbye. The loving son set off on the road almost without thinking. However, it was impossible to go alone. The Tatars could have caught and killed them. We rode in a group, but very slowly. Zhilin and Kostylin decided to go forward alone. Zhilin was careful and prudent. Having made sure that Kostylin had a loaded gun and a saber in his scabbard, he decided to climb the mountain and see if the Tatars were coming. As soon as he rode his horse to the top, he saw those whom he did not want to see. The Tatars stood very close to him, having noticed the officer. Zhilin was brave and, thinking that if he reached the gun (Kostylin had it), they would be saved, he shouted to Kostylin. But the cowardly officer was afraid for his life and ran away. having committed a vile act. Both officers were taken prisoner, where they met. The chief of the Tatars said that they needed to pay a ransom in order to release them (5,000 rubles). Kostylin immediately wrote a letter home asking for the money to be sent. And Zhilin said. that if they killed him they would get nothing at all, he told him to wait. He sent the letter to another address. He felt sorry for his seriously ill mother, but they didn’t have that kind of money. Zhilin had no other relatives. He thought. that he could escape. In captivity, Zhilin dug a tunnel at night, and during the day he made dolls for the girl Dina. In return, the girl brought him cakes and milk. Lazy Kostylin did nothing all day and slept at night. And then the day came. when everything was ready to escape. They fled with Kostylin. They rubbed their feet on the stones and had to carry the weak Kostylin. That’s why they were caught. They were put in a large hole, but Dina brought a stick and helped Zhilin escape. This time Kostylin was afraid to run. Zhilin managed to reach his own people. Kostylin was redeemed only a month later for 5,000 rubles. As a result, in Tolstoy’s story “Prisoner of the Caucasus,” Zhilin shows courage and bravery, and Kostylin shows laziness, cowardice and weakness.