Questions on folklore. Genres of musical folklore

  • 29.08.2019

Seminar lesson No. 1

theoretical issues

    Artistic specificity of folklore. Genre system.


    Ritual poetry.

Calendar-ritual poetry:

3.1 Calendar-ritual poetry of the winter cycle. Christmas time. Caroling.

Divination. Dual faith.

3.2 Maslenitsa. Pagan origins. Traces of ancient beliefs and customs.

Artistic originality and poetic imagery of songs.

3.3 Spring-summer rituals. Reflection of ancient cults associated with

concern for the harvest and well-being.

3.4 Ivan Kupala holiday. Pagan origins. Ritual folklore.

3.5 Reaping ritual. Traces of ancient beliefs and magical rituals.

practical task

Bring the texts of calendar-ritual songs. (At least 1 example for paragraphs 3.1 – 3.5)

homework after seminar No. 1 Analyze 1 text of calendar-ritual poetry according to plan

(see page 3)

Seminar lesson No. 2

theoretical issues

    Family ritual poetry and spells

    Maternity and baptismal rites.

    The wedding ceremony and its poetic accompaniment: stages, main characters.

    Recruitment ritual and lamentations.

    Funeral rite. The origins of the ritual. Beliefs. Lamentations. Public commemoration of ancestors. Paganism and Christianity..

3.5 Reaping ritual. Traces of ancient beliefs and magical rituals.


Their function. Classification of conspiracies.

Artistic originality

Bring texts of wedding songs, lamentations, spells

theoretical issues

    homework after seminar No. 2

    1. Analyze 1 text of family ritual poetry according to plan

      Seminar lesson No. 3

    Small genres of Russian folklore:

    1. Puzzles. Origin. Function. Classification. Poetic imagery and artistic means.

      Proverbs and sayings. Classification. Poetic imagery and style. Collections of proverbs.

      Fairy tales. Typology of fairy tales:

Tales about animals. Origin. Specificity of fiction. Themes. Ideas. Images. Poetic style. Plot and composition. Techniques for characterizing characters.

Fairy tales. Origin. Specificity of fiction. Traces of ancient remains.

System of images. Types of plots, heroes.

theoretical issues

    Classification. Artistic originality. Style.

Everyday and social fairy tales - short stories. Origin. Specificity of fiction. Types of fairy tales, their themes and images..

3) practical task

Bring texts of riddles, proverbs and tales about animals

1.4 Bylichki. Types of epics, classification. Artistic


3.5 Reaping ritual. Traces of ancient beliefs and magical rituals.

Bring texts fairy tale“Vasilisa the Beautiful”, legends, tales.

homework after seminar No. 4

Analyze the fairy tale “The Frog Princess” / “The Sea King and Vasilisa the Wise” - your choice.

Seminar lesson No. 5

theoretical issues


    Poetics of epics. Plot specificity.

    Composition. Classification (cycles of epics)..

    The most ancient epics. Poetics, connection with mythology, image system Epics

    Kievan Rus

Tales about animals. Origin. Specificity of fiction. Themes. Ideas. Images. Poetic style. Plot and composition. Techniques for characterizing characters.

. Poetics, system of images, ideological and artistic originality, historical basis.

Novgorod epics. Poetics, system of images, ideological and artistic originality, historical basis.

Bring texts of epics (at least one example for each cycle)

homework after seminar No. 5

Analyze the text of the epic

    Seminar lesson No. 6

    1) theoretical questions

    Historical songs. Cycles. Artistic originality.

Genre varieties.

Bring texts Ballads. Artistic and aesthetic originality of the folk ballad.

Spiritual poems as a genre of Russian folklore.

Connection with the books of Holy Scripture. Religious and moral and ethical ideas of the people. 2) practical task

historical songs

Analyze the text of the epic

    (one example for each cycle), ballads, spiritual poems.

    4) homework after seminar No. 6

    Parse text

    historical song , ballads, spiritual verse (optional) Seminar lesson No. 7

    Traditional non-ritual lyrical songs. Types of classification. Artistic originality.

    Game and round dance songs. Origin. Functions. Types. Subject.

    The artistic originality of the ditty itself (4, 6, 8 line). Origin. Types. Types puppet theater

Genre varieties.

Bring texts . Characters. Origin. Specifics of existence and execution. Language and style. Raek and booth. Folk satirical plays.

Folk dramas.

Literary sources


    Poetics and style. Tradition and improvisation.


    Children's funny folklore. Word games.

    Silent and vocal. Undershirts. Chops.

Genre varieties.

Tongue Twisters. Changelings.

Children's play folklore. Formal role-playing games. Improvisation games. Counting tables and drawing lots. Archaic and modern.

Bring texts related to children's folklore

    Text analysis:

    Approximate plan for analyzing a folklore work

    Indicate the title of the text, determine its genre, list the indicators of the genre (epic, lyrical, dramatic genre, then indicate which one specifically). Theme, idea, plot, system of images. Typology  .

    Indicate which ancient ideas are reflected in the text, giving examples.

    Indicate which Christian ideas are reflected in the text, giving examples.

List the main means of visual expression, giving examples.

List stable verbal formulas.   Those components of the analysis that may be poorly reflected in the folklore text or absent are highlighted in italics. Abstract of the open

extracurricular activities

for children 8-10 years old Quiz "Folk calendar, folklore genres, Russian folk game, folk costume." Target:.
Generalization and consolidation of knowledge acquired during
school year
-consolidate knowledge on topics: folk calendar, folklore genres, Russian folk games, folk costume; - strengthen your skills in solving quiz and crossword questions;;
-know and be able to apply in practice
folk games
- to cultivate children’s interest in teamwork during competitions;
- to cultivate independence and initiative in the process of competition;
-develop coherent speech in the process of answering questions;
-develop thinking, memory, attention during the game;
-develop skills of self-control and self-examination.

- to cultivate love and respect for the traditions and history of their country.

Progress of classes:
1. Organizational. Children's entrance to the hall. Teacher: Good afternoon, Dear friends.
. I am very pleased that you came to
open lesson
1. During class, you can’t shout out answers to questions; let’s raise our hands.
2. You can answer while sitting, you are allowed to give hints to each other.
3. We will play outdoor games, so pushing each other and offending each other is strictly prohibited.
4. Listen carefully to the conditions and follow the rules.
Now attention, we are starting.
3. Repetition and consolidation of the material covered.
The calendar of the Russian people is an amazing phenomenon. It was created over many centuries, reflecting the vision of how our ancestors lived. How do you explain these strange customs cook birds from dough, inviting spring with this, paint eggs or go to visit carols, bake pancakes and go to your mother-in-law for the evening. These signs helped people determine the seasons, navigate agricultural work, and attract good luck. Sometimes the signs turned out to be more accurate than the forecasts of weather forecasters. Gradually, a folk calendar was formed that supported the Christian way of life and order. The folk calendar included 140 holidays - large and small, some of which we studied in class and will remember today. You all remember that folk holidays can be divided into cycles: autumn, winter, spring, summer.
-Let's remember autumn holidays. (Osenins, Semyonov Day, Exaltation, Kuzminki).
-Name me the winter holidays (Christmas, Epiphany, Candlemas).
-Who will name spring holidays(Magpies, Annunciation, Easter)
-Summer holidays (Peter and Fevronia Day, Trinity, Elijah’s Day, Honey saved, apple saved).
And now attention, quiz.


1.14 September in Rus' they celebrated a big holiday - “September New Year”. On this day there was a custom: to put boys on horses, introducing him to men's work, to celebrate housewarming, and girls' get-togethers began. What was the name of this day?
A) Autumn B) Semyonov day B) Exaltation
2. What holiday was celebrated on September 27, was it called the beginning of cabbage evenings?
A) Exaltation B) Baptism C) Annunciation
Who will remember how Cabbage Evenings were celebrated?
Answer: On this day, the girls, dressed up, went from house to house to chop cabbage. The cabbage girls, entering the house, congratulated the owners on the cabbage harvest, as if on a holiday. They chopped cabbage with cheerful songs; Refreshments were served to the guests.
3. October 14, to ancient belief, autumn is finally coming. On this day, autumn meets winter, and they also say that goblins stop wandering through the forests. What holiday is it?
A) Christmas time B) Easter B) Pokrov day
4. “Kuzminki is a wake in the fall” - this is how an old Russian saying goes. When was the Kuzminka holiday celebrated and why was it called that?
A) September 14th is a harvest festival.
B) October 14 is the holiday of the first snow.
C) November 14, Kuzma-Demyan Day, is a celebration of welcoming winter and seeing off autumn.
5. The holiday begins in the evening of January 18, on this day the Great Blessing of Water takes place. They treat wounds with this sacred water, sprinkle every corner of their home so that there is order and peace in the house. What holiday is it?
A) Baptism B) Candlemas C) Annunciation
6. The countdown began from him, the calendar was flipped through,
People are celebrating Christ's birthday!
When a beautiful star lit up in the sky with a bright flash,
The baby was born in a dark cattle pen!
The Son of God was born, the dome of the sky was illuminated,
It was night in Bethlehem, what kind of holiday was this?
A) Autumn B) Trinity On Christmas

7. On Candlemas winter with found in spring,
When is the holiday celebrated?
A) February 15 B) March 15 C) January 15
Guys, what folk traditions existed on this holiday?
Answer: At Candlemas, cattle are well fed, for example, chickens are given oats so that the eggs are larger and there are more of them. The villagers bake thick and round pancakes - they say, come back to us, spring sun, come out of a long winter hibernation.
8. The holiday is named after the bird and is celebrated on March 22. What is it called?
A) Rooks B) Crows B) Magpies
Tell us about the customs of this holiday?
Answer: Since ancient times, Soroki was baked from Zhavoronkov dough. Grandmothers gave “larks” to their grandchildren, and they ran out into the street, called friends and comrades from all over the village, called for spring, put treats on sticks and began to play games.
9. On April 7, an angel brought the Virgin Mary the news that she would become the mother of the “son of God.” This is one of the most big holidays spring. In the old days they said that on this day “the fair maiden does not braid her hair, the bird does not build a nest,” everyone should rest. According to ancient legend, the cuckoo violated this custom, tried to make a nest, but was punished by the fact that she would never have her own nest and was forced to lay eggs in other nests.
What is the name of the holiday?
A) Annunciation B) Trinity C) Easter
10. On the eve of this holiday, smartly dressed Christians, with Easter cakes and “krashanka”, went to churches for the solemn All-Night Vigil. Before midnight, bells rang out, signaling the approaching moment of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. It began to the sound of bells procession around the cathedrals. What holiday is it?
A) Elijah’s day B) Easter B) Baptism

11. This holiday patronizes family and love, and it is celebrated on July 8, what is it called?
A) Day of Peter and Fevronia B) Honey saved C) Magpies
What do you know from this holiday?
Answer: the tradition of the holiday is to swim without looking back, since it was believed that on this day mermaids leave the shores and fall asleep in reservoirs. In the old days, weddings began on this day.
12) Christians have two wonderful holidays in August: common name"Saved". Name them?
A) Cherry and raspberry B) Watermelon and grape
B) Honey and apple
Tell us about the honey spa traditions?
Answer: It is believed that on this day (August 14) beehives are filled to capacity and honey collection begins.
Tell us about the traditions of apple savior?
Answer: According to tradition, you first treat all your relatives with apples, then the orphans, and then eat the apple yourself. On August 19, it is customary to see off the sunset with songs, and with it the summer.
- These are the folk holidays we remember.
And now we move on to the next part of our quiz - the crossword puzzle. The topic is "Genres of folklore and folk costume." Let's remember what the genres of Russian folklore are.
We all love to solve riddles, our mothers sang to us lullabies, we know a lot of proverbs and sayings. All of these are genres of folklore, in other words, everything that is poetic and oral creativity that people came up with. These also include: pestushki, ditties, nursery rhymes, jokes, epics.
What are the main elements of clothing included in men's and women's Russian folk costume?
Answer: Women wore: a shirt, sundress, apron or apron, and a ribbon or kokoshnik on their heads. Men wore: shirt, trousers, sash, etc.
Attention to the screen! You see a crossword puzzle, listen carefully to the questions and answer.

1. A short poetic text, usually intended to select a participant in the game. (Counting book)
2. Piece of art magical or everyday character based on fiction. (Fairy tale)
3. A short poem, funny and easy to remember. (Rhyme)
4. View women's clothing in the form of a sleeveless dress. (Sundress)
5. An element of men's clothing made of fabric in the form of a wide belt. (Sash)
6. Shape vocal music, uniting poetic text and a melody. (Song)
7. Part of women's and men's underwear with sleeves. (Shirt)
8. Heroiko - a patriotic song-legend that tells about the exploits of heroes and reflects life. (Bylina).
Well done guys, you completed the task. Now it's time to play a little.
We will play two games from different seasons that our distant ancestors played.
Game "Pegs". Our grandparents played this game in the fall during the Exaltation. Listen to the rules of the game. We need to divide into pairs. Pairs of players stand in a circle. One person in each pair sits down - this is the “peg”. Another is standing behind him. We also need one driver. The driver walks in the center of the circle, approaches any pair and speaks.
- Kuma, godmother, sell the peg.
“Buy it,” the players answer.
- What is it worth? - the words of the driver.
- A head of cabbage and a broom and a ruble of money. - the players answer.
- Well, shake hands and go to the bathhouse. - the words of the driver.
You shake hands and run around the “pegs” in different sides. Whoever comes running first stands at the “peg”. The loser becomes the driver.
Now we will choose a driver using a counting rhyme. (Children choose a driver and play the game).
IN game "Gates of Winter and Spring" children played in the spring (March 22) on the Magpie holiday - this was the second meeting of spring. Using a counting rhyme, we select two players. One of them will be “winter” and the other “spring”. Then they face each other, hold hands and raise them to form a “gate.” The players pass through the “gate”, and the “gate” itself says: “the golden gate does not always let you through: the first time it is forgiven, the second time it is forbidden, and the third time we will not let you in!” The "gate" closes when last words and catch the one who ends up in them. The detainee is asked which side he would like to take: “spring” or “winter”. Children make a choice and stand behind the corresponding player. When all the players are divided into two groups, a tug-of-war takes place. Each participant puts their hands on the belt of the person in front and pulls them in their direction.
These are the games our grandparents played.

Signs, properties of folklore

Researchers have noticed many signs and properties that are characteristic of folklore and allow us to get closer to understanding its essence:

Bifunctionality (combination of practical and spiritual);

Polyelementity or syncretism.

Any folklore work has multiple elements. Let's use the table:

Mimic element

Genres of oral prose

Verbal element

Pantomime, mimic dancing

Ritual performance, round dances, folk drama

Verbal and musical (song genres)

Dance element

Musical and choreographic genres

musical element



Variant multiplicity;


For phenomena associated with the development of folklore in other types of culture, the name - folklorism - (introduced at the end of the 19th century by the French researcher P. Sebillot), as well as “secondary life”, “secondary folklore” has been adopted.

In connection with its wide distribution, the concept of folklore itself, its pure forms, arose: thus, the term authentic (from the Greek autenticus - genuine, reliable) was established.

Folk art is the basis of everything national culture. The richness of its content and genre diversity - sayings, proverbs, riddles, fairy tales and more. The special place of songs in the creativity of the people, accompanying human life from cradle to grave, reflecting it in the most diverse manifestations and generally representing enduring ethnographic, historical, aesthetic, moral and highly artistic value.

Features of folklore.

Folklore(folk-lore) – international term English origin, first introduced into science in 1846 by scientist William Toms. Literally translated it means “ folk wisdom", "folk knowledge" and denotes various manifestations of folk spiritual culture.

Other terms have also become established in Russian science: folk poetry, folk poetry, folk literature. The name “oral creativity of the people” emphasizes the oral nature of folklore in its difference from written literature. The name “folk poetic creativity” indicates artistry as a sign by which a folklore work is distinguished from beliefs, customs and rituals. This designation puts folklore on a par with other types of folk art and fiction. 1

Folklore is complex, synthetic art. His works often combine elements various types arts - verbal, musical, theatrical. It is studied by various sciences - history, psychology, sociology, ethnology (ethnography) 2. It is closely related to folk life and rituals. It is no coincidence that the first Russian scientists approached folklore broadly, recording not only works of verbal art, but also recording various ethnographic details and the realities of peasant life. Thus, the study of folklore was for them a unique area of ​​national studies 3 .

The science that studies folklore is called folkloristics. If by literature we mean not only written artistic creativity, and verbal art in general, then folklore is a special branch of literature, and folklore studies, therefore, is part of literary criticism.

Folklore is verbal oral creativity. It has the properties of the art of words. In this way he is close to literature. At the same time, he has his own specific features: syncretism, traditionality, anonymity, variability and improvisation.

The prerequisites for the emergence of folklore appeared in the primitive communal system with the beginning of the formation of art. Ancient art words were inherent utility– the desire to practically influence nature and human affairs.

The oldest folklore was in syncretic state(from the Greek word synkretismos - connection). A syncretic state is a state of unity, non-division. Art was not yet separated from other types of spiritual activity; it existed in conjunction with other types of spiritual consciousness. Later, the state of syncretism was followed by the separation of artistic creativity along with other types public consciousness V independent region spiritual activity.

Folklore works anonymous. Their author is the people. Any of them is created on the basis of tradition. At one time V.G. Belinsky wrote about the specifics of a folklore work: there are no “famous names, because the author of literature is always the people. No one knows who composed his simple and naive songs, in which the inner and outer life young people or tribe. And the song passes from generation to generation, from generation to generation; and it changes over time: sometimes they shorten it, sometimes they lengthen it, sometimes they remake it, sometimes they combine it with another song, sometimes they compose another song in addition to it - and from the songs come poems, of which only the people can call themselves the author." 4

Academician D.S. is certainly right. Likhachev, who noted that there is no author in a folklore work not only because information about him, if he existed, has been lost, but also because he falls out of the very poetics of folklore; it is not needed from the point of view of the structure of the work. In folklore works there may be a performer, a storyteller, a storyteller, but there is no author or writer as an element of the artistic structure itself.

Traditional succession covers large historical periods - entire centuries. According to academician A.A. Potebny, folklore arises “from memorable sources, that is, it is transmitted from memory from mouth to mouth as far as memory lasts, but it has certainly passed through a significant layer of popular understanding” 5 . Each bearer of folklore creates within the boundaries of generally accepted tradition, relying on predecessors, repeating, changing, and supplementing the text of the work. In literature there is a writer and a reader, and in folklore there is a performer and a listener. "Works of folklore always bear the stamp of time and the environment in which they long time lived, or “existed”. For these reasons, folklore is called mass folk art. It does not have individual authors, although there are many talented performers and creators who are fluent in generally accepted traditional techniques of storytelling and singing. Folklore is directly folk in content - that is, in the thoughts and feelings expressed in it. Folklore is also popular in style - that is, in the form of conveying the content. Folklore is folk in origin, in all the signs and properties of traditional figurative content and traditional stylistic forms." 6 This is the collective nature of folklore. Traditionality– the most important and basic specific property of folklore.

Every folklore work exists in large quantities options. Variant (lat. variantis - changing) - each new performance of a folklore work. Oral works had a mobile variable nature.

A characteristic feature of a folklore work is improvisation. It is directly related to the variability of the text. Improvisation (Italian: improvvisazione - unforeseen, suddenly) - the creation of a folklore work or its parts directly in the process of performance. This feature in to a greater extent characteristic of lamentations and crying. However, improvisation did not contradict tradition and was within certain artistic boundaries.

Taking into account all these signs of a folklore work, we present an extremely brief definition of folklore given by V.P. Anikin: “folklore is the traditional artistic creativity of the people. It equally applies to oral, verbal, and other fine arts, both to ancient creativity and to new, created in modern times and created in our days." 7

Folklore, like literature, is the art of words. This gives reason to use literary terms: epic, lyric, drama. They are usually called childbirth. Each genus covers a group of works of a certain type. Genre– type of artistic form (fairy tale, song, proverb, etc.). This is a narrower group of works than the genus. Thus, by genus we mean a way of depicting reality, by genre - a type of artistic form. The history of folklore is the history of changes in its genres. They are more stable in folklore compared to literary ones; genre boundaries in literature are wider. New genre forms in folklore do not arise as a result creative activity individuals, as in literature, but must be supported by the entire mass of participants in the collective creative process. Therefore, their change does not occur without the necessary historical grounds. At the same time, genres in folklore are not unchanged. They arise, develop and die, and are replaced by others. So, for example, epics arise in Ancient Rus', develop in the Middle Ages, and in the 19th century they are gradually forgotten and die out. As living conditions change, genres are destroyed and consigned to oblivion. But this does not indicate the decline of folk art. Changes in the genre composition of folklore are a natural consequence of the process of development of artistic collective creativity.

What is the relationship between reality and its reflection in folklore? Folklore combines a direct reflection of life with a conventional one. “Here there is no obligatory reflection of life in the form of life itself; convention is allowed.” 8 It is characterized by associativity, thinking by analogy, and symbolism.

Yaroslavl, YaGPU im. K.D. Ushinsky, FRFiK, 1st year, questions and answers for the exam. Teacher - Astakhova E.A.
At the end of each question there are books where you can find out additional information on this issue.
Folklore studies as a science, its place among other philological disciplines Disputes about the subject field of folklore studies. B.N. Putilov “On disputes about the boundaries of the subject” (27; p.18-60)
Specificity of folklore as verbal culture. The main features of folklore. The concept of folklore syncretism. B.N. Putilov “Variability: the basis of the creative process in folklore” (27; p.201-214)
Folklore and reality. Stage-historical and sociocultural stratification of folklore. B.N. Putilov “Folklore and reality” (27; 61-118)
Division of folklore into genera, types and genres. Question about genre varieties. Historical change of genre systems in folklore. V.Ya. Propp “Principles of classification of folklore genres” (26; pp. 173-184).
The problem of the origin of folklore. Stages of development of folk art. Folklore and paganism. B.A. Rybakov “The Birth of Gods and Goddesses” (44; pp. 146-243).
Folklore and Christianity. The concept of “dual faith” in folklore. V.Ya.Propp “Russian Agrarian Holidays”. Introduction (43; pp. 5-16).
Early traditional folklore. Conditions for its formation. Sources. Labor songs as one of the oldest genres of folklore. EAT. Meletinsky “On the origin of verbal art” (22; pp. 52-67).
Conspiracies. The magical nature of the genre. Correlation of verbal and actional elements. Types of conspiracies. Artistic originality. A. Blok “Poetry of conspiracies and spells” (50; pp. 36-65).
The concept of rite (ritual). His role in traditional culture Eastern Slavs. Rituals of natural and life cycles. Correlation of the verbal element with the operational plan of the ritual. V.N. Toporov “About ritual. Introduction to the problem" (46; pp. 6-60).
Typology of ritual structures /spatio-temporal and communicative aspects/. Semiotization of the world in ritual and its poetry (using the example of one of the ritual genres). A.K. Bayburin “Ritual: old and new” (38; pp. 35-48).
Ritual poetry. Genre composition and the problem of genre classification. Poetics of lamentations and sentences. Gorky “Crying Man” (5; 45-48).
Song genres of the ritual. Functional orientation, poetic content, style and language. SOUTH. Kruglov “Russian ritual songs” (41; pp. 19-182)
Proverbs and their genre diversity. Proverb and saying. Speech and poetic function of proverbial judgment. Classification problem. Features of the artistic form. G.L. Permyakov “On the question of the structure of the paremiological fund” (60; pp. 247-274).
Genre originality of the riddle. Riddle as a text. Interaction of riddles with other genres of folklore. A. Markov “On the method of studying riddles” (5; pp. 54-57).
Fairy tale as a prose type of folklore. Genres and genre varieties of fairy tales. The originality of poetic fiction in them. Collecting and studying fairy tales. V.M. Gatsak “The Storyteller and His Text. Towards the development of an experimental direction in folkloristics" (65; pp. 44-53).
Tales about animals. Stages of evolution. Genetic connection of the genre with etiological myths. Allegorism, satire in fairy tales. Types of plot structures. Contamination. V.Ya. Propp “Tales of Animals” (76; 351-372).
Fairy tales. The influence of ritual and myth on fairy-tale structure. Stylistic ritualism of the East Slavic fairy tale. V.Ya. Propp “Morphology of a fairy tale” (75), “Historical roots of a fairy tale” (74).
Everyday tales. Genre varieties. Connection everyday fairy tale with an anecdote. Means and techniques for creating comics. EAT. Meletinsky “Novelistic tale and anecdote tale as folklore genres” (71; pp. 8-29).
Genres of non-fairy tale prose. Functional focus. Principles of plot organization. Legends. Legends. Bylichki. E.V. Pomerantsev “Oral stories about mythical creatures and them genre features"(5; p. 84-89)
Epics. Definition of genre. Origin. Epic historicism. The debatable nature of the classification and periodization of the epic. Cyclization in epics. V.Ya. Propp “Some questions of methodology” (100; pp. 12-28).
Archaic type of epics. Heroes. Plots. Connection with mythology The concept of historical continuity. D.M. Balashov “Danube” (93; pp. 95-114).
The significance of the Kyiv period in the history of the epic. Epics about Dobrynya Nikitich. Transformation mythological motif snake fighting in the epic “Dobrynya and the Serpent”. B.A. Rybakov “Dobrynya and the Serpent” (102; p.).
Epic cycle about Ilya Muromets. Main stories. Means of creating the image of a hero in an epic. L.A. Astafiev “Ilya and the Nightingale the Robber” (92; pp. 151-158).
Epics about Alyosha Popovich. Heroic and novelistic types of stories about him. Forms and means of the comic in the epic. V.Ya. Propp “Alyosha and Tugarin” (100; pp. 208-227).
Novgorod epics. Plots and heroes. Reflection of social, everyday and historical realities in epics. Interaction of pagan and Christian in epics. T.A. Novichkov “The Travel of Vasily Buslaev to Jerusalem” (99; pp. 3-13).
Time and space in the epic. The concept of epic chronotope. Interaction of epics with others folklore genres. D.S. Likhachev. “The epic time of epics” (21; pp. 23-33).
Poetics of epics. Composition. Common places. Retardation techniques. Style features. Epic verse. The nature of epic storytelling. Z.I. Vlasova “Ancient epic singers, their types. The appearance of buffoons" (94; pp. 146-166).
Historical songs. The problem of origin. The nature of historicism. Diversity artistic forms. V.Ya. Propp. Folklore and reality (in general) (26; pp. 146-154)
Spiritual poems. Signs of the genre. Thematic groups. Art world. Connection with literature and song forms of folklore. G. Fedotov “What are spiritual poems?” (120; pp. 11-19).
Ballad songs. Historical stages of development of the genre. Moral and ethical issues of songs. The nature of imagery, plots, motives, poetics. Types of ballads. P.V. Lintur “Ballad song and ritual poetry” (111; p.228-236).
Folk lyrics. Generic traits. The main groups of lyrical non-ritual songs /by time of origin and environment/. Folk lyrics and book lyrics: the phenomenon of interaction. T.M. Akimov “The Nature of Lyricism” (121; pp. 3-14).
Lyrical non-ritual songs. Thematic groups. Specific techniques of composition and poetic style. A.N. Veselovsky “Psychological parallelism and its forms in reflections of poetic style” (5; pp. 145-157).
A ditty. Origin of the genre. The connection between the figurative system and the traditions of folk lyrics. Structural types. The influence of book poetry on ditty verse. I.V. Zyryanov “Variability of ditties” (5; pp. 175-179)
Folklore theater as a set of types of traditional folk dramatic creativity. Raek. Nativity scene. Showcase. Petrushka Theater. L.M. Ivleva “Rite. A game. Theater. On the problem of the typology of gaming phenomena" (132; pp. 16-64)
Folk drama. Genre composition. Plot and compositional structure. Character system. Style. N.I. Savushkina “Plot and compositional types folk drama"(5; pp. 188-193).
Children's folklore. Disputes about the boundaries of the term Principles of classification of genres. Multifunctionality children's folklore. M.P. Cherednikov “Definition of the concept of “modern children's mythology” (5; pp. 208-210).
Peculiarities of existence and processes of development of folklore in the twentieth century. Workers' folklore. Urban folklore. The life of traditional peasant folklore in the conditions of the twentieth century. P.G. Bogatyrev " Artistic media in humorous fair folklore" (15; 450-496).
Literature and folklore: interaction and mutual influence. Genre-stylistic factor as a regulator of contacts between literature and folk art. Talk about the role of folklore in the work of one of the writers or poets (optional).
Stages of development of Russian folkloristics. Academic schools Х1Х: Mythological school, School of borrowings, Anthropological school, Historical school. A.N. Afanasyev “The origin of myth, the method and means of its study” (11; p. 3-55)
Study of folklore in the twentieth century. Neo-historical and neo-mythological schools. Structural and semiotic approaches to the analysis of folklore texts. Ethnolinguistic methods of analysis of folklore works. N.I. Tolstoy “Ethnolinguistics in the circle of humanities” (31; pp. 27-40).

Description of work. This event can be carried out by teachers primary school as an extracurricular reading lesson or timed to coincide with the study of the “Oral Folk Art” section.

Goals: instill an interest in reading, teach expressive and attentive reading, enrich lexicon students, develop interest and attention to the world around them, to the people's word And folk customs, introduce children to folk culture; develop attention, memory, Creative skills, cultivate a love for books, cultivate artistic taste, learn to work in a team, get children interested in studying this material.

Equipment: handouts, exhibition of books, drawings by students, samples of Dymkovo, Bogorodskaya toys; image musical instruments, pictures depicting Russian folk costumes, Russian folk costumes for dancing, musical accompaniment, sticker awards for teams, puzzles, audio recording of Russians folk songs, nicknames, etc.

Conditions of the game: dividing the class into teams, choosing team captains. The team that collects the most reward stickers wins.

Preliminary work: drawing competition, reading and telling fairy tales, listening to audio recordings, watching cartoons, rehearsing Russian folk dance.

Preparation of certificates and prizes for teams.

Teams answer in turns.

Progress of the quiz game:

Host: Hello, guys. Today we have gathered with you for a quiz: “Folklore - folk art" Let's remember what folklore is. Translated from in English the word "folklore" means folk wisdom, folk knowledge. Folklore combines the following elements: verbal, musical, theatrical. It is closely connected with folk life and rituals. Russian dance, Russian song, Russian music are a part of the life of every Russian person. Since infancy, you have already listened to small genres of folklore - these are your first lullabies ("Bayu, bai", "At the cat-coo", "Drema"), pestushki, teasers, nursery rhymes. What genres of folklore can you list (children's answers). Well done. Now let's split into two teams. Let's come up with a name for the teams and choose a captain. So, let's start the game.

1 task. We start our game by listening to Russian folk songs. (Turn on audio recordings). The song is the soul of the Russian people, they were sung and still sung, as they say, “in sorrow and in joy.” Now name which Russians folk songs you also know and even perform in music lessons. The team that names the most songs wins. (“You are my beloved land”, “Be healthy”, “Kalina”, “Harmonist Timoshka”, “Like on thin ice”, “Felt boots”, “In the garden or in the vegetable garden”, “By the valley, by the meadow”,” Geese-swans", "Curl, birch").

Task 2. Find types of oral folk art. Cross out the excess (handouts on cards).

Tongue twisters, stories, counting rhymes, jokes, fables, chants, fairy tales, literary tales, proverbs, nursery rhymes, nursery rhymes, poems, stories, boring tales, riddles, teasers, songs, fables.

3 task. Collect proverbs about work and goodness. Children are given cards with the following content.

Finished the job -

And work makes you healthier.

Kind soon

What a spring day.

Walk boldly.

It will do the job

What makes a person sick from laziness?

And the animals remember.

Sweet Nothing-

Reaches to the heart

And man's work.

He doesn't eat.

So he can't sit idle.

Labor, labor, labor-

Here are three eternal treasures.

Don't sit idly by.

Kind words.

The sun paints the earth.

Who doesn't work?

Who is used to working

This way there will be no boredom.

4 task. Collect a picture and tell me which one is Russian folk tale shown /puzzles/. After collecting the pictures, talk about fairy tales.

Name the fairy tale and the main characters

What is the story about? ( brief retelling by content)

What does this work teach?

Viewing an exhibition of drawings based on fairy tales.

Task 5. Guess the hero of the fairy tale.

Which fairy tale hero lay on the stove all the time? (Emelya)

Who did the apple tree, the stove and the river help? (Mashenka)

To whom are these words addressed: “... prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me like a leaf in front of the grass?” (Sivka-burka)

There are frequent stars on the azure dress, on the head there is a clear moon, such a beauty - you can’t even think of, guess, or describe with a pen. (Vasilisa the Beautiful)

Task 6. Come up with riddles. The Russian people are famous for their wit, ingenuity, and mystery, which is why a large place in Russian folklore is given to riddles. Now you are practicing writing riddles.

Task 7. Folk dance ( folklore dance) is a manifestation of feelings, mood, emotions, performed first of all for oneself, and then for the viewer. Your great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers also led round dances and organized cheerful folk festivals. Now we will hold a competition for the best Russian folk dance(by command; pre-prepared children dance in Russian folk costumes with musical accompaniment).

Task 8. Folk art is always understandable and loved. These can be toys made of wood, clay, dishes, carpets, lace. Each product carries joy, kindness, warmth, and fantasy. The folk toy is figurative, colorful, and original. Remember what types of folk toys you know and what you can tell about them (the most informative material is taken into account) Examples: Dymkovo, Filimonovskaya, Kargopol, Bogorodskaya toys.

Task 9. What musical instruments did your great-grandparents play? Who knows? In the old days, people playing musical instruments had a place of honor. Who can name more musical instruments (Ratchet - makes a lot of noise, used in wedding ceremonies supposedly this protects the young couple from evil spirits; bells, balalaika, whistle, button accordion, tambourine (used by buffoons), domra, zhaleika, gusli, kalyuka (pipe), spoons, ocarina (a type of whistle-like vessel-shaped flute), horn, flute).

10 task. Questions for teams (4 questions each).

Hero lullabies, magical creature (Drema).

The hero of lullabies, who puts children to sleep with his purring (cat).

A ritual that was performed on children after birth (baptism).

Folklore. Folk wisdom (folklore).

A crib in which babies were put to sleep. An ancient word (cradle).

The birth of a child. An ancient word (motherland).

What did the word “bayat” mean in the old days (to speak).

Host: Our game has come to an end. Today you have shown yourself to be real experts in Russian folklore. I think that folk art and folk wisdom will always be in your hearts.

Summing up and rewarding teams.