What is included in the social package tape. Social package is more important than salary

  • 29.09.2019

Often in the job description, employers indicate the benefits of working for the company as a social package.

Social package, what is it? This concept is usually understood as a set of certain compensations and additional bonuses that the employer is ready to provide to the employee when working in the company.

Labor legislation does not contain a definition of “social package”; accordingly, there is no clear list of what the social package includes. Some employers include in this concept sick leave, vacation pay, official “white” wages, and overtime compensation.

But don’t be confused about what a social package is when applying for a job. Despite the fact that not all employers comply with the law, all of the above are not additional bonuses of working in a certain company, but are provided for by labor legislation. Thus, it is more correct to call this not a social package, but social guarantees that are provided to each employee. So what is a social package? Let's figure it out.

What is included in the social package?

We can consider the social package as a set of social guarantees provided for by labor legislation and bonuses that the employer provides to its employees in excess of these guarantees. In this case, we can say that the full social package is:

  • Guarantees that are provided in accordance with the law;
  • Compensations provided to an employee in connection with difficult or harmful working conditions;
  • Bonuses that the employer is additionally willing to provide to the employee.

Many employers believe that the employee’s social package includes precisely additional “care” for the employee, that is, the guarantees provided for by law are not included in this concept. It is worth remembering that the employer is not obliged to provide the employee with additional bonuses. If the employer has indicated in the vacancy the availability of a social package, then the employee has the right to inquire during the interview what is included in the employee’s social package.

For its part, the employer has the right to independently decide what to include in the social package for employees. So, the social package: what does it include? Typically, employers provide employees with:

  • payment for a subscription to a sports club;
  • VHI policy;
  • food at the expense of the employer;
  • tuition fees (for example, foreign language courses);
  • provision of discounted vouchers;
  • payment, provision of housing, etc.

Why this method employee compensation lately so popular? The social package is a powerful tool for motivating employees. Each employer uses its own motivation options depending on a number of factors: corporate culture, strategic objectives and goals. However, by combining different tools when building common system motivation, it must be remembered that it is advisable to use additional tools only when the basic material expectations of employees in terms of wages are satisfied.

Types of social packages

Often, the social package may vary for employees: this may depend on the position the employee holds, or on the length of service in the company. The employer has the right to differentiate bonuses and determine in which case the employee receives certain privileges. For example, establish what the full social package includes and divide bonuses for different categories of employees.

This could be a clear benefit structure: the employee knows what is included in the full benefits package, and that after his work experience in the company exceeds, for example, two years, he will be paid for training foreign language and a subscription to a fitness club, and a full social package will be provided to him upon reaching five years of work experience in the company.

In addition, the issue of providing a social package can be resolved individually with the employer: for example, a nonresident employee may be offered full payment for housing, and an employee who has a long commute to work may be offered a company car.

Don't underestimate providing additional benefits to employees - it's actually very important. The company's employees are the main resource of the organization; the employer's care for the employee significantly increases his loyalty to the company. In addition, corporate training for employees, for example, is beneficial not only to employees, but also to the employer himself.

What is a social package and what is included in it? A question that often worries people not only who get a job and retire, but also other categories of citizens who are faced with this concept. Not everyone will be able to explain what the social package is and what its content is.

The state provides various benefits to different categories of citizens, which depend on the person’s status. There are social packages that stimulate the birth rate, are an incentive to work, and allow you to gain a guarantee of reliability. These measures to support people are needed to improve their living standards. A social package is essentially a set of benefits and services created to support a person in society.

Social packages are provided in the form state aid socially vulnerable segments of the population (here we mean assistance to children, unemployed citizens, disabled people and other socially vulnerable categories of people). Or employer to employee (this package is developed by the employer independently).

Today, when choosing a job, it is customary to pay attention to both the monetary equivalent of the work performed and the additional benefits offered by a potential employer - the content of the social package. Often the contents of this package are the decisive factor in finding a job.

Most what future employers tell us in the form of a social package is not directly related to it. This may include: medical insurance, sick leave (vacation) payment, contributions to the Pension Fund - what is provided for in the mandatory social package. The employer simply cannot fail to provide these services.

Reimbursement of costs for personal transport, cellular communications and training (or advanced training) in this profile is all just compensation. It’s another matter if the employer offers something else in addition to this mandatory set.

Benefits and compensation at work are also different, but they can all be divided into compensatory and mandatory.

Mandatory - those prescribed in the Labor Code:

  1. Interest paid by the employer to the Pension Fund (PF);
  2. Free medical services (medical examination, sick leave).

Compensatory expenses, that is, those expenses related to your work that the employer can reimburse (compensate) for you. This may include:

  • Payment for food, travel expenses to and from work;
  • Voluntary health insurance (VHI);
  • Non-state pension insurance;
  • Payment of utility bills;
  • Vouchers to children's camps and other recreational places;
  • Payment of housing rent;
  • Applying for an interest-free loan (for example, to purchase a home).

And besides this, a separate list of benefits can be established for each individual employee, which may also apply to the employee’s families.

The employer can draw up a specific social package himself, and the volume of the social package may depend on the specifics of the enterprise and the financial capabilities of the company. The list of services is specified in labor or collective agreements. The importance of the social package at the place of work is very great, since it often compensates for insufficient wages.

In general, the social package provided when applying for a job involves performing several types of functions that can be divided into declared and real. The declared functions include:

  1. Attraction (payment of travel to and from work, payment for communication services, free medical insurance);
  2. Retention (the possibility of receiving any services other than the standard set of social packages - preferential mortgage lending);
  3. Motivation (paid vacation, provision of places in preschool institutions, travel packages).

But in reality, these functions are not always performed, therefore those that are actually performed and help a person are called real.

The presence of a good social package at this job serves as an additional incentive for the employee. This not only helps to attract new employees, but also retain old qualified personnel.

Of course, the social packages of different categories of civil servants differ significantly. An ordinary employee can receive only a minimum set of services under the social package: a uniform (if his work requires a certain dress code), payment for travel to work, partial (or full) payment for cellular communications, food, sometimes this includes the possibility of receiving financial assistance in the event of emergency situations (death close relative or wedding).

A mid-level employee has the opportunity to receive a more complete range of services under the social package. He is provided with travel vouchers, cellular communications are fully paid for, the cost of gasoline and food is also usually reimbursed, it is possible to pay for classes at a sports club, voluntary medical insurance is partially paid for, and you can even count on an interest-free loan.

Senior managers, in addition to all of the above, can receive medical insurance for all family members, an increase in pension from the company itself, vouchers for the entire family, a personal or corporate car with a driver, and a number of other services, the list of which is individual.

In general, there is no definition of the concept of “social package” in the legislation, but there is another concept - “standard social package”. It implies the presence of such benefits as: mandatory contributions for the employee (to the Pension Fund), payment sick leave and maternity leave, provision of annual paid leave. All this is provided for during official employment and is mandatory for the employer.

The so-called work without official employment, means the absence of mandatory services and benefits required by law.

Social package from the state - who is entitled to it?

The provision of social support to citizens from the state is enshrined in law. Which categories of citizens can receive it:

  • Disabled people or war veterans who have become disabled, and persons who are equated to them;
  • Military personnel (this includes firefighters and police officers);
  • Former concentration camp prisoners;
  • Combat veterans;
  • Residents of besieged Leningrad;
  • Family members of deceased war veterans (combatants or veterans);
  • Disabled people of groups 1-3;
  • Disabled children;
  • Participants in the Chernobyl events and those equated to them.

Types of social packages for different categories of citizens

The content of a social package for disabled people must include the receipt of free medications (the list is approved by law, and when receiving medications a prescription is required), a trip to a sanatorium for treatment and payment for travel to the place of treatment, benefits for travel in suburban destinations. There is even an option to receive part of the benefits in cash when a person refuses to use these services.

Old age pensioners also have their own type of social package, which necessarily includes: free medicines for the main disease (the list is approved by law, and a prescription is required to obtain it), a trip to a sanatorium for treatment, payment for travel to the place of treatment, discounted travel on suburban routes. Pensioners, along with people with disabilities, have the right to refuse the services of the social package in favor of money.

The procedure for registering a social package

To take advantage of the required package of social services, you must first register with the Pension Fund at your place of registration. The next step is to write an application, which must be submitted to the employee of the institution before October 1 of the current year - in this case, the social package will begin on January 1 next year. If the applicant has not previously used the package of services specified in the social package, and the application was submitted within a year, then the benefits can be used until the end of the current year.

The application for the provision of services must contain the following information:

  • PF (number and territorial affiliation);
  • SNILS (individual personal account insurance number);
  • Full name;
  • Full passport details.

If the application is presented by an authorized person, and not by the person claiming benefits, then the information of the authorized person is also indicated in it. You should also write down how much the social package provided should be - full or partial. What is meant here is that a person has the opportunity to refuse some of the services if they are not needed and receive reimbursement of their cost in monetary terms.

The PF employee accepting the application issues a receipt indicating the date of receipt, registration number, signature and transcript of the signature.

This receipt is a guarantee that the application has been accepted, will be considered, and the citizen will be able to take advantage of the benefits provided to him.

Refusal of the social package

It happens that the services included in the social package are not in demand. Then you also need to document the refusal of these services. Often the reasons for the resulting refusal benefits there is a need for financial resources. The possibility of replacing services with a cash equivalent is also prescribed by law, and the amount of compensation is determined by the local Pension Fund.

To receive a monetary value for social services, a number of requirements must be met. Since refusal of social services can be either complete or partial, you first need to decide which option is preferable to you. Then bring the following package of documents to the Pension Fund at your place of registration:

  1. Application for refusal (full or partial);
  2. SNILS;
  3. Passport;
  4. Pension certificate;
  5. Certificate of disability (when a citizen refusing a social package belongs to this category).

Until what date can I refuse the social package? The refusal must be completed before October 1 of the current year (as well as the application for receipt). If a person changes his decision regarding refusal social benefits, he is again obliged to submit a package of documents to the Pension Fund by October 1.

The social package, in essence, is designed to make life easier for certain categories of citizens and make the work they do more attractive. The expected social assistance is not always tangible, but we hope that every year the situation will change in better side. Social packages for vulnerable segments of the population will increase, and the list of benefits and services provided to working people will expand.

Many people looking for work are attracted to vacancies with a guaranteed benefits package. What features are included in this concept? What can an employee applying for a profession with a full benefits package count on?

To study in detail this question, you need to pay attention to the following subtleties of the relationship between the employee and the employer:

  • The law defines the employer's obligations to his subordinates (specified in the Labor Code and other legal documents);
  • The traditional system for Russia of providing employees with certain concessions and assistance.

The higher the position, the more privileges

Oddly enough, the concept of “social package” does not appear in the main legal act regulating labor relations, - Labor Code. This term is not documented, but still, certain provisions of the document can be considered as information that requires the attention of the employer.

It is worth dwelling on Articles 164 and 165, which talk about “guarantees” and “guarantees” promised to the employee. The Labor Complex outlines the situations in which these preferences apply.

Guarantees denote the means, methods and ways of ensuring human rights in the sphere of social and labor relations. Compensation is considered to be payments through which an employee is reimbursed for expenses associated with the person’s performance of certain tasks.

Important guarantees relate to popular procedures for hiring and transferring to another position. There are preferences promised at the state level in the following cases:

  1. The employee is forced to go on a business trip.
  2. The geography of work is becoming different.
  3. The employee is forced to perform operations of a state and social nature.
  4. The employee combines work and study.
  5. The employee must stop carrying out activities not on his own initiative.
  6. The man leaves.
  7. The contract is terminated due to certain circumstances.
  8. The employer is irresponsible in his duties and does not issue in a timely manner.

Legitimate side

Each organization has its own reward system

The law provides for other situations in which the hiring company must fulfill certain obligations to the employee. These obligations are fulfilled at the expense of the employer.

In exceptional cases, when operations of state or social significance are carried out, compensation may be made at the expense of institutions.

The employer's main responsibilities regarding compensation and guarantees are recorded in the contract; they can be reflected in the contract. But this information more often reflects the initiative of the employer, rather than the letter of the law. Despite the personal initiative of the employer, the obligations stated in the contract are binding.

The listed guarantees and compensations constitute a social package that is actively promoted by employers and attractive to employees. The employer is assigned the role of a responsible executor. The social package cannot be provided partially. All companies offering various shapes employment and remuneration schemes must comply with legal obligations.

The competitiveness of enterprises is influenced by the level of qualifications of workers. A skilled specialist is welcome in any company. They value him and try to provide such an employee with a decent salary, which will not make him think about changing jobs. Programs that create social guarantees are actively working.

Many bonuses are not specified in the Labor Code, but this measure of incentives is quickly becoming traditional not only for highly qualified specialists, but also for other workers in a certain industry.

If a company neglects the customer reward system, it becomes unattractive to job seekers and occupies lower positions in the labor market. Many specialists will prefer a company that cares about the lives of its employees. Bonuses and loyalty programs are factors that speak in favor of the company.

Privileges provided by a full social package

A full social package is good conditions for employees

What compensation and employee support measures are popular in Russia and valued by employees of many companies? We can talk about the following privileges:

  1. Free food;
  2. Providing employees with unlimited cellular communications;
  3. Providing employees with fitness memberships;
  4. Reimbursement of expenses during flights and travel during vacation;
  5. Providing the opportunity to visit some commercial medical institutions for free.

The social package for managers can be equipped with the following privileges:

  • Availability of a car and personal driver;
  • from the company;
  • Solving the housing issue;

Mid-level employees can apply for:

  • Free access to fitness centers;
  • Free food;
  • Payment for gasoline;
  • Opportunity to receive an interest-free loan.

Ordinary employees can count on:

  • Nutrition;
  • Travel payment;
  • Working clothes;
  • Financial compensation in certain situations.

Not all possible support measures are listed here: in many companies, the social package has been expanded with other interesting and important offers that make the lives of employees easier. In some firms, financial support extends to family members; in this case, the opportunity for summer holidays is provided.

Along with paying for classes physical exercise Attendance at competitions may be offered. In some companies, fans have the opportunity to attend the football championship.

The social package is a manifestation of care for employees!

The definition of “full social package” may include a list of compensation and privileges determined different standards. On the one hand, the content of the social package may be determined by the information contained in acts of federal significance.

On the other hand, the features of the social package may depend on the management of a particular company seeking to attract qualified personnel. Russian legislation is not indifferent to the fate of people joining.

The Labor Code lists the obligations that an employer has to its subordinates. They must be complied with without fail. Some companies independently initiate incentive programs and new obligations that encourage employees to perform well. Many obligations included in the social package greatly facilitate the life of employees, making it more varied and richer.

Therefore, when applying for a job, it would be a good idea to inquire about the capacity of the social package in a particular company and the number of privileges granted to employees in the position that attracts you. After all, you may have to use them and receive support from the company financially or in other ways.

But you will learn how to get an individual entrepreneur’s social package from the thematic video:

You can guarantee that valuable personnel will come to work for you if you have a high salary. But if at the same time employees do not have the opportunity to pursue their career and professional growth, then they are unlikely to come to you.

All managers of large successful companies are interested in employees who can be considered professionals in their field. And management has no choice but to competently introduce a personnel support system - "social package". Moreover, such an incentive bonus program appeared relatively recently in Russia. Since the vast majority of employers do not care about the interests of their employees and it is not in their interests to spend additional amounts to stimulate their staff.

But companies that want to get the most best employees, they will always bet on the social package, and they won’t go wrong. Typically, the most extended package of additional privileges can only be afforded by a very large Russian company, or almost all foreign companies that have representative offices in our country. Because for such companies, qualified specialists come first.

Extended social package

Social package- These are additional bonuses that the company gives to its employees, while paying for them itself. In addition to additional payments, there are guaranteed payments provided by the state. It is worth noting that guaranteed payments are made regardless of the status of the institution: how budgetary organization, and a commercial company.

These include the following benefits:

Another vacation;
Payment of sick leave;
Payment of maternity benefits.

And the social package is additional guarantees that a company can afford to pay its employees. It is worth noting that the social package is not always standard set services provided. Each company draws it up at its own discretion, usually taking into account the interests of its employees.

According to the new requirements of the Russian government, the employer is obligated to reimburse the personal property funds spent by the employee that were used during the work process. For example, if an employee’s work involves constant travel to sites or constant calls to clients, but a car or a paid SIM card is not issued, then the employer is obliged to pay the cost of gasoline and cellular communications.

Thus, the company itself compiles a list of its payments. Sometimes companies include the following preferential rates:

Payment for travel to the place of work;
Payment for child care facilities;
Payment for trainings and additional courses;
Payment for swimming pools and fitness rooms;
Payment for rented housing, for business travelers;
Receiving significant discounts on manufactured finished products.

Social package is a great way to motivate your staff to further productive work. After all, you can always include additional options in it.

How is the social package formed?

Typically, a social package can be formed in three directions.

First direction is built on the basis of the achievements of its employees. Thus, if you are a valuable employee for the company and at the same time you have extensive service experience in this institution, then you can safely count on an expanded range of additional services. It is worth noting that in this case, all employees will be divided according to the hierarchy of positions;

Second direction the formation of a social package is clearly defined all standard norms that will be provided to all employees. A special list of privileges is also determined, which will be provided only to certain personnel, for individual merits. Typically, specialists with extensive experience, as well as superiors and specialists for special merits, can count on an expanded list of benefits;

Third direction allows employees of a company or company to independently select the necessary options for themselves, but the company sets the maximum allowable amount. Far-sighted leaders usually choose this option. The social package includes only the functions necessary for each employee.

What does the social package provide?

What does the social package include? For many company employees, the presence of a clearly defined list of additional bonuses and benefits indicates the presence of firm guarantees of the company or firm. Since not all companies can provide a social package for each employee.

And every applicant, when choosing a place of work, in addition to career growth, always looks at the accompanying bonuses. Since top specialists can always be sure that high wages await them, they can choose special privileges that the future employer is ready to provide them with.

As statistics show recent years, most employees, when applying for a job, are primarily interested in "social package". Since now everyone is legally literate, applicants check their future place of work for compliance with the law.

Usually, in companies that care about their employees and provide them with all kinds of bonuses and support systems. Employees begin to hold on to their jobs, which means that an established team can work harmoniously and for a long time, and most importantly, bring significant profits.

Thus, social package is guaranteed like-minded people, which will allow you not to raise for a long period wages, and make do only with the required bonuses and benefits. And the best employees should be rewarded separately and with great diligence.

Voluntary view health insurance remains the most popular item of the social package, 70% of Russians used it. More than 60% received sick pay. In a social package from an employer, the opportunity is often used vocational training, payment for mobile communications, transport and provision of a loan if necessary. 7% of employees have access to guarded parking at the expense of the employer, 9% have access to a vacation package.

What is a social package? These are guarantees from the state and the employer. The preferential category of citizens may receive a monthly payment instead of benefits. It is also possible to change the decision on how to provide social guarantees, which allows you to choose the most suitable option at each time.

What is a social package?

When they talk about a social package, they mean providing guarantees. The state acts as a guarantor, but employers can also participate in the work benefits package, expanding privileges for their subordinates. The state guarantees the social package in two directions: preferential and labor.

A social package is a guarantee that in one case is provided by the state to preferential categories of citizens, and in another by the employer. In accordance with this, the social package is divided into groups:

  1. State.
  2. Private or labor.

Guarantees for beneficiaries

What is a social package? The state set of social services is a measure of social support determined by the government for federal beneficiaries: war veterans, home front workers, disabled people and other categories of citizens.

Package contents approved Federal law"On State social assistance", adopted in 1999. The articles of federal legislation spell out the categories for which benefits and items of the very set of social services are intended. Regulation of the implementation of the law is entrusted to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Social package: what is included in it

The state social package provides guarantees to beneficiaries and includes:

  • medicines, equipment and medical products for the disabled;
  • specialized therapeutic nutrition for disabled children;
  • medical vouchers to sanatoriums for health improvement and prevention;
  • travel to and from the place of treatment (once a year).

The mandatory state social package can be monetized, that is, you can receive the same set of services, but in monetary terms. In 2017, beneficiaries must make a choice before the first of October, refusing the non-material type of assistance by applying to the Department pension fund and departments of the MFC. Moreover, the beneficiary can choose which of the three components of the package he will monetize, and which one he will use specifically as a public service.

Basically, payments are chosen in the part that is not in demand. For example, the beneficiary will refuse the “transport” benefit and will receive accruals, while the drug and sanatorium benefits will be used in kind.

Social package at work

What is a social package at work? The labor benefits package is filled by the employer. Execution controls employment contract with an employee or a collective agreement signed by the trade union and the management of the enterprise.

The employer must provide a full benefits package and can introduce a competitive and compensation package if desired.

A mandatory set of social guarantees for workers is controlled by laws, in particular Labor Code, as well as the Ministry of Labor and the Authorities social protection population of the Russian Federation. The category of full social package items includes:

  • provision of annual paid leave;
  • sick leave payment;
  • insurance deductions.

Russian legislation provides for employer liability for infringement of employee rights and failure to fulfill obligations. You may face administrative, civil, financial and criminal liability.

The introduction of an expanded social package provides benefits not only to employees, but also to employers. In addition to improving the company’s image, the social package increases employee motivation and helps retain highly qualified specialists on staff.

A compensation benefits package allows an employee to return money spent, for example, on gasoline or cellular communications. Typically, the package is developed by small businesses. Its peculiarity is not in initiative and image bonuses, but in the need to support a work process that employees, bearing costs, simply will not carry out.

A competitive social package is an employer initiative uncontrolled by the state. It is mainly adopted by large companies that have to compete with competitors for qualified personnel. Wanting to attract highly qualified specialists to their staff, directors are ready to provide, for example:

  • loans and mortgages;
  • housing;
  • education;
  • nutrition;
  • vouchers and so on.

Often, a set of competitive social packages has a positive effect on the company’s image - this is another function of the package.

The best “competitive” social packages

Nestle guarantees its employees discounts on movies and cars.

Goldman Sachs sends free of charge for the treatment of orthopedic and gynecological diseases, as well as skin diseases.

Microsoft's advantages include game consoles, a bank, restaurants, dry cleaning and a football field.

Google pleases its employees with the organization of active recreation: skiing, hockey and picnics.

Popular Russian agency on employee search has prepared a rating of the best Russian companies, where social privileges were among the criteria. The list was topped by Gazprom Neft, VTB24 and the state corporation Rosatom.

The higher the position, the better the benefits package

HR specialists, analyzing the content of competitive and compensation social packages, noticed that the limits of opportunity depend on the position held.

Top management can count on a car with a driver, an additional pension and a trip for a family holiday. Managers of a lower rank can also take a break at the company’s expense and receive an interest-free loan. Some companies are willing to pay for travel to work.

Sometimes Russian holdings go to expand the possibilities of the social package in order to provide the most comfortable conditions for invited foreign specialists. Foreign employers, as a rule, develop a social package depending on the level of qualifications of employees and the position held. Domestic companies But basically they follow the principle of exclusion - individually.

Social package for disabled people

The monthly cash payment depends on the disability group. The category also affects the content of the package. What is a social package for disabled people, what is included in it and how much is due in case of refusal? According to government decree, disabled people of the first and second groups have the right to free medications under the social package, which are prescribed by prescription. The disabled person does not pay for sets of dressing materials, prostheses and products that make life easier for people with disabilities.

The medicinal part of the social package can also be reduced to a monetary equivalent, but for cancer patients and people with other serious diseases that require expensive medications, it is better to choose a benefit in kind.

If a disabled person of the second group works, then medicines will cost him half the cost. Non-working disabled people of the third group also have the right to a social package.

According to the doctor's testimony, disabled people can be sent to a sanatorium, travel to which is also included in the social package. Conditions have been determined for relatives who will accompany a disabled person on a trip.

The production of medical prostheses is part of state social guarantees. Instructions for ordering products have been developed; its points regulate the purpose of, for example, hearing aids and bandages. Prosthetics for lost arms and legs are made free of charge.

Disabled people can only contribute half of their utility bill.

Disabled people of the first and second groups can enter higher education without competition educational institution or college.

Social package size

Today, the mandatory state social package costs a little more than 1,000 rubles. Taking into account indexation, it became “heavier” by 5.5% compared to last year. Most of the amount, about 810 rubles, is allocated to medicines; for sanatorium-resort treatment and disease prevention - 125 rubles; for discounted trips to the sanatorium - 116 rubles. Payments are scheduled monthly.

The size of the disabled person's social package in monetary terms is determined:

  • for the first group - about 3,400 rubles;
  • for the second group - 2,400 rubles;
  • for the third group - almost 2,000 rubles.

Is it possible to refuse a social package?

An application for refusal of a social package, or more precisely for payment in exchange for in-kind services, must be written no later than September 30. The document must indicate personal and passport information.

If the beneficiary changes his mind and decides to reconsider the decision, for example, regarding drug provision, then the previous application ceases to be valid. To return the social package in full or in part, you will need to write an application again before October 1, although it will only begin to work in January of next year.

The choice - payment or benefit - can be made via the Internet. To do this, the beneficiary needs to register on the State Services Portal and through personal account pension fund to fill out an electronic application.