Day of Indigenous Minorities of the North. Script for children

  • 06.07.2019

Scenario for the holiday “Children” different nations»

Target: Formation in children preschool age feelings of tolerance, interest and respect for other national cultures.


1. To develop children’s interest and respect for people different countries world and nationalities, to their culture and activities.

2. Foster a tolerant attitude towards representatives of the Armenian, Azerbaijani and Uzbek nationalities.

3. Develop a desire to be friends with each other, to help, and to do good towards others.

Decor: Emblem of "Tolerance" - Earth, around which there are multi-colored palms, posters about friendship, images of children of different nations, balloons.

Preliminary work : Working with a world map, with a globe; Examination of paintings and illustrations about the lives of people from different countries; Reading fiction different peoples of the world; Learning proverbs about friendship (look for a friend, and take care of the one you find; true friend better than a hundred servants; the tree lives by its roots, and its bangs by its friends; perish yourself, and save your comrade); Composing stories “Portrait of my friend” (using the technique “ living picture", by attaching an empty frame); Exhibition joint work children and parents "Friendship Street".

Progress of the event. The leaders are a boy and a girl. The boy is dressed in Russian folk costume. The girl is dressed in an Uzbek costume.

Boy: speaks introduction about the upcoming holiday, focusing children’s attention on a new word - tolerance, explaining it semantic meaning. "On our planet great amount countries Every country is special and its people are special too. We are different, not at all similar friend on a friend. We have different colour skin, we speak different languages, we have different customs and traditions. But we are all united in one thing - we are people. People are born different: different, unique. In order for you to be able to understand others, you need to cultivate patience in yourself. You need to come to people’s houses with kindness, keep friendship and love in your heart! Guys, what country do we live in?” Children: In Russia. Power and strength Russian state largely due to the strong friendship of the peoples inhabiting it. We will never forget the example true friendship and unity, when during the Great Patriotic War the entire multinational Soviet people stood up to defend their Motherland and defended its freedom.

Girl : There are many different types of us: perky, cheerful, light and dark, beautiful, healthy! How many roads will be covered together! We have a common land and a common homeland! And in order for Russia to prosper, we must understand with our souls and hearts, That we inherited peace from our fathers, And friendship is a reliable means for peace! All children of the planet, let's be friends and protect and love our native Earth. So that the world can be preserved for our descendants! Girls, boys, We will live in the future! My country is huge - Russia. In comparison, Canada and China do not look like such a special force as ours.

Pride is our native land.

We are all children of different nations,

Russia is our huge common home

For centuries we have lived under a common roof

We feel good and comfortable in that house.

And at the same time, we are one people,

We can achieve a lot

When we are together, we are invincible,

We have always known this rule.

Wherever and whenever you and I are, we are always surrounded by people different nationalities. It is no coincidence that the Constitution of our country begins with the words: “We, a multinational people Russian Federation, connected common destiny on our own land..."

Historically, Russia is the homeland of different peoples, speaking different languages, professing different religions, differing in the originality of cultures and mentalities. The power and strength of the Russian state are largely due to the strong friendship of the peoples inhabiting it. We will never forget the example of true friendship and unity, when during the Great Patriotic War the entire then multinational Soviet people stood up to defend their Motherland and defended its freedom.

Meet children of different nationalities.

(To the hall under musical presentation children in different national costumes enter and walk in a circle).

What kind of peoples are there?

In our great country: Like a colorful sunny bouquet,

Kalmyks and Chuvashs,

Tatars, Komi and Mordovians,

Bashkirs and Buryats - Let's say kind words to everyone,

Anyone will be welcome.

The Caucasus mountain region is beautiful.

There are different peoples here.

On Far North we have

Reindeer herders live.

Here is a Kabardian on a horse,

Here is a Tunguska fisherman,

But who is the most in our country?

Of course, Russians!

Children dance "Russian folk dance".

Russian region, my land,

Dear spaces! We have rivers and fields,

Seas, forests and mountains.

We have both north and south.

Gardens bloom in the south.

In the north there is snow all around - There are cold and blizzards.

Russian region, how great you are!

From border to border

And a fast train straight ahead

It won't finish in a week.

Nations are like one family,

Although their language is different.

All are daughters and sons

Your beautiful country.

Everyone has one homeland.

Hello and glory to you,

Invincible country

Russian power!

Children dance "Cossack dance".

Different peoples have lived in Russia for a long time.

Some people like the taiga,

For others, the expanse of the steppe.

Each people has its own language and dress.

One wears a Circassian coat,

The other one put on a robe.

One is a fisherman from birth,

The other is a reindeer herder,

One kumiss is cooking,

Another is preparing honey.

Autumn is one of the sweeter ones,

For others, spring is dearer.

And the Motherland of Russia, we all have one.

The language is sometimes different and the faith is different.

We have become a model and example for everyone.

Children of Russia are friendly with childhood years,

This is perhaps our main secret.

General games we also have fun,

General school and common law.

The common sun, the land where we live,

Let's learn together and grow together!

Jew and Tuvan, Buryat and Udmurt,

Russian, Tatar, Bashkir and Yakut.

Different peoples big family,

And we, friends, should be proud of this.

Our common home is called Russia,

Let everyone feel comfortable in it.

We have any difficulties.

Boy : Well done! Our country is multinational, with representatives of different nationalities and nationalities living in it.

National language We have Russian. Russia has its own traditions and customs. Let's get to know them better. (Music sounds, a representative of Russia, “Mother Rus',” enters the hall in a Russian folk costume, brings out a loaf of bread, bows to the guests).

We always welcome guests

A round, furry loaf,

It's on a painted saucer

With a snow-white towel.

The Russian people are famous for their hospitality. There is such a wonderful tradition of meeting dear guests bread and salt. This wonderful tradition was passed on to me by my grandmother, and now I am passing it on to you.

Girl : Guys, what traditions and holidays do you know, and how are these holidays celebrated? Children: Maslenitsa, Easter, Autumn, Christmas, Christmastide, Apple saved. All the people are having fun, treating all the guests who come to the house, playing games, holding competitions, and conducting round dances. Host: Correct! So now we will remember the wonderful tradition of dancing in a circle.

Let's all stand up, hold hands together, invite everyone and our wonderful guest, who will remind us how to dance in a circle correctly(round dance “There was a birch tree in the field”). All words are accompanied by movements). After the round dance, everyone takes their seats.

Boy: Mother Rus': but Russia is famous not only for its round dances and loaves, but also for its fun games. We will now play one of these games: the game is called"Swan geese" (Participants in the game choose a wolf and an owner, all the rest are geese-swans. On one side of the site there is a house where the owner and geese live, on the other there is a wolf under the mountain. The owner lets the geese out into the field for a walk, to nibble green grass. The geese go far from the house After a while, the owner calls the geese: “Geese-swans, go home!” The geese answer: “ old wolf under the mountain! - "What is he doing there?" - “It’s nibbling on little gray hazel grouse.” - “Well, run home!” The geese run home, and the wolf catches them. The one caught leaves the game.The game ends when all the geese are caught)

Girl: Thank you, Mother Rus', for your hospitality, round dances and games, but it’s time for us to say goodbye. Children: Goodbye! (Mother Rus' leaves)

Boy : Not only Russian people live in Russia. Our country has many nationalities.

Among the pupils of our kindergarten There are other nationalities: Armenians and Uzbeks. Let's now get to know them.

Sounds Uzbek folk music, a representative enters the hall of Uzbekistan, dressed in folk costume, greets children on native language and translates his words) representatives of different nationalities and nationalities.

Uzbekistan is in Central Asia. This is a densely populated country. There are mountains in the south, but most of territories are deserts, among which is one of the most beautiful in the world - Kyzyl Kum.

Girl: Uzbekistan is called the country of “white gold” because cotton is grown here. Cotton is obtained from it to make fabric. It is from this fabric that the national men's striped robe is made. An Uzbek woman is also easy to recognize by her bright silk dress, and also by her many braided braids. Both men and women wear skullcaps - hats embroidered with colorful patterns.

Boy: Famous cities in Uzbekistan are Bukhara and Samarkand. Lived in Samarkand great commander Tamerlane. Since then, palaces and mosques decorated with mosaics and carvings have been preserved. And in Bukhara lived the cunning and witty Khoja Nasreddin. The people created many legends about him.
Girl: If you get caught festive table to Uzbeks, then be sure to try pilaf. This is an ancient oriental dish made from rice and lamb. It is customary to eat it with your hands. It is believed that this is the only way to truly experience the taste of this dish. Well, they will entertain you with their own great dancing oriental beauties.

( The guest performs a folk Uzbek dance). Anyone want to learn to dance? (Wanting girls come out and show themselves simple elements dance, after which everyone is treated to national food.

Girl: The next guests are already rushing towards us, we meet them (Armenian music is heard, a representative of Armenia in a folk costume enters the hall.

Boy : Armenia is one of the countries of Transcaucasia. This is basically Mountain country. Ancient name Armenia - Nairi. This means “country of rivers”. There are more than two hundred of them in Armenia.

Girl: The capital of Armenia - the city of Yerevan - was founded almost 3000 years ago. This city is very ancient and very beautiful. It is decorated with houses made of natural pink tuff stone. This makes the city look like a flower. In Yerevan itself and its environs, many ancient monuments are still preserved.
Boy: The pearl of Armenia is the high-mountain Lake Sevan. Its gigantic bowl is sandwiched on all sides by a ring of mountains. The lake is amazing pure water. It's there rare view trout fish. Dozens of rivers flow into the lake, but only one flows out.
Girl: The nature of Armenia is soft and harsh. When snow falls in one corner, peaches and grapes fill with juice in another, almonds, figs, persimmons, and pomegranates grow.

In Armenia, you will definitely be treated to lavash, cabbage rolls made from grape leaves and, of course, shish kebab. And also the beautiful Caucasian dance will not leave you indifferent.

A Caucasian dance is performed.

Boy: Just like in Russia, there are many great games in Armenia, let's play one of them. (Armenian outdoor game “Earth, water, fire, air” or “Khokh, dzhur, krak, from”). The players stand in a circle, with the leader in the center. He throws the ball to one of the players, while pronouncing one of the words: earth, water, fire, air. If the leader says: “Earth!”, the one who caught the ball must quickly name some animal; if “Water!”, then the name of the fish; if “Air!”, in this case birds; and if “Fire!”, everyone should turn in a circle and wave their hands. Those who make mistakes are eliminated.)

Girl: It is important not only to live in peace and harmony with the peoples of different countries, but it is necessary to be able to be friends with your peers, regardless of their nationality, customs and traditions. You cannot be indifferent to someone else’s grief; you must always remember that each of us can get into trouble and we cannot guess where and when. We live once on Earth, so let's do good every day.

Children's poems :

Don't stand aside indifferently

When someone is in trouble,

You need to rush to the rescue,

Any minute, always.

And if it helps anyone

Your kindness and your friendship,

You are happy that the day will not be lived in vain!

You don't live in vain!

Be cheerful so that you become happier

To the one with whom you become friends,

So that everyone has enough in life

Wonderful human kindness!

You will hear someone's song,

And it will become brighter all around:

The most magical miracle

We don't call it friendship for nothing.


If you are tolerant of your friends,

You can listen to anyone.

If necessary, I'm ready

You are always there to help.

Do you believe in miracles, in kindness,

You respect adults

Don't be rude to mom and dad

You don't offend the younger ones.

So, it’s not in vain that everyone says,

That you are tolerant.

Stay with him forever

And be more gallant!

Everyone gets up in a round dance: children, parents and guests.

There are white children

There are black children

There are yellow children

On our planet.

But it's not about the color,

And in the fact that in the world

Always to each other

The children are smiling!

All the children gathered in a circle,

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And let's smile at each other.

I want them to be together forever -

And the sky, and the sea, and the mountains, and the rivers,

And snow, and tulips, and the sun above us.

(All together) Let all children be friends forever!

Everyone raises their hands and clap.

Round dance of friendship “A smile will make everyone brighter”

Girlfriends and comrades
We have it everywhere
Girlfriends and comrades
There are countless of them all over the earth!
May it be fun and friendly
The guys are all living
And a song about a friend
Everyone sings about a friend

A song is sung about a friend.

Participants of the holiday join in a “round dance of friendship.”

In some regions of the Russian Federation, celebrations started in early August and will last until the middle of the month.

The International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples was celebrated this Wednesday throughout Russia. The holiday was established on December 23, 1994 by the UN General Assembly.

On August 9, 1992, the first meeting of the working group on indigenous peoples and the Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights took place. In some regions, celebrations started in early August and will last until the middle of the month. The celebration programs include car rallies, festivals, competitions in national sports, national dances and folk festivals.

A holiday in every village

In Chukotka, the International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples, or as the holiday is popularly called - Aboriginal Day, is celebrated in every locality. Somewhere it will be festive concert, somewhere sport competitions, and, for example, in the city of Pevek, residents are offered to take part in a city quest. This was reported by the press service of the government of the Chukotka District.

“The celebrations take place in all populated areas districts from August 4 to 15. The cultural event “Songs of Chukotka are free as the wind” will take place on August 12 in the city of Pevek. A yaranga will be installed and a city quest will be organized. In the settlements of the Pevek urban district there will be organized entertainment programs with competitions for the best national dish, the best song and dance performance,” the press service reported.

Also in Pevek there will be competitions in national wrestling, tug-of-war and triple jump. In other settlements of the region there will be concerts of national creative teams, folk fairs, national clothing competitions will be held. In Kamchatka, the main celebrations will take place this coming weekend in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and the village of Palana.

Rich celebration programs are expected in Kolyma and the Khabarovsk Territory. There, in addition to participating in concerts and competitions, guests of the celebration will also be able to try National dishes indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East, prepared according to old recipes that have survived to this day. In Komsomolsk-on-Amur, the results of the regional competition “Crafts of the Land of Dersu” will also be summed up, in which more than 30 masters of decorative and applied arts take part, presenting more than 130 works to the jury.

“32 artists out of 16 will present their works municipalities. Among them are experienced craftsmen and children aged 10 to 14 years. The commission will have to evaluate more than 130 products made of stone, wood, leather, fur and other materials. The winners will be awarded a prize of 50 thousand rubles,” the press service of the Khabarovsk Territory government reported.

“Alluring worlds” on Sakhalin

This year the festival “Alluring Worlds. Ethnic Russia» takes place for the first time in the Sakhalin region. The festival, which is turning 12 years old, has already visited 87 cities and towns in Russia, five cities in the CIS and four towns in China. On Sakhalin, festival participants will visit eight municipalities, the head of the department of culture of indigenous peoples of the Sakhalin North told TASS regional center folk art Galina Samenko.

“From Murmansk to Sakhalin - this is the geography of the project, uniting artists from Kamchatka, Chukotka, Altai, Evenkia, Yamal, Murmansk and Sakhalin regions. The program will introduce viewers to the unique culture of the indigenous peoples of the Russian North - Itelmens, Evenks, Chukchis, Eskimos, Sami, Nenets, Nivkhs, Nanais and Uilta. The project features pearls ethnic dances, throat singing, folk music and ethnic pop,” said Samenko.

The most interesting thing, according to her, about the festival is that everyone who visits it will be able not only to get acquainted with unique world culture northern peoples, but also try your hand at different genres. “Spectators will be offered master classes in throat singing, northern dance, decorative applied creativity. Moreover, first there will be an interactive session with the audience, and then everything will end with a concert, where visitors to the master classes will be able to take part,” the interlocutor explained.

Multinational greetings from the Arctic Circle

In Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug(Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug) the indigenous population is more than 48 thousand people, mainly Nenets, Khanty and Selkups who lead a nomadic lifestyle, engage in reindeer herding and fishing. According to the press service of the governor of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, a large-scale flash mob will take place in Salekhard, the only city in Russia located on the Arctic Circle.

Residents of the city - and this is several hundred people of different nationalities - will line up in the symbolic bright figure of the chum (the national home of the reindeer herders) and address the indigenous peoples with the greeting “Hello, world!” It is expected that the head of the region, Dmitry Kobylkin, will take part in the action.

In Petrozavodsk, a flash mob “Karelian Circle” will also take place on Kirov Square. Its participants will perform the Karelian dance of the circle, which resembles a round dance.

“The action is expected to bring together more than a hundred people. The main thing is to be lucky with the weather. The flash mob is being held to draw attention to indigenous peoples,” said the organizer, chairman of the regional public organization“Union of the Karelian People” Natalya Vorobey.

The International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples was also celebrated in the village of Pyazhozero, Babaevsky district Vologda region, where representatives of the small Finno-Ugric nationality live compactly language group- Vepsians - numbering more than 350 people. The “Village” project, an ethnographic platform for children and teenagers, will be held in Pyazhozero for 10 days, the Babayevskaya library system told TASS.

“Children will be able to get acquainted with the Vepsian language, in master classes They will master traditional Vepsian dances, learn songs in the Vepsian language that are feasible for their age, and get acquainted with the traditions of the Pyazhozero Vepsians. The youngest participants of the site will be able to watch cartoons in the Vepsian language, learn Vepsian games and round dances. At the end, we will gather all the village residents to show what their children and grandchildren were doing at our ethnographic site, what our main assistants, the Kelloine folklore group, were able to teach them,” the organizers said.

Nenets karaoke and sledge jumping

IN ethnocultural center A large cultural program is planned in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug in Naryan-Mar. “Here you can take pictures in the tent, have a snack on Nenets dishes, mainly venison, and sing karaoke in Nenets, that is, songs in the Nenets language,” the ethnocenter told TASS.

Children will be able to play Nenets folk games, the plots of which are related to life in the tundra, fish and deer.

“Menenkova” is a Nenets blind man’s buff: one of the players is blindfolded, and his task is to catch one of the players, focusing on the ringing of the bells that are in everyone’s hands. The same game can be played in a different way: everyone stands in a circle and holds on to the tynzey in front of them (a lasso for catching deer - TASS note). In the center of the circle is a blindfolded player. His task is to catch one of the players,” the ethnocenter explained.

In the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, events dedicated to this day will take place throughout the week. IN ethnographic museum“Torum Maa” of the district capital on August 9 the opening of the exhibition project “Seasons. Summer crafts of the Ob Ugrians." On August 12, a regional ethnosport festival will be held, during which residents of Ugra will compete in traditional wrestling, jumping over sleds and tug-of-war with a reindeer skin.

The main celebration will take place on August 13, also at the Vent Court ethno-village; its slogan will be “Ma ai miriem” (from the Khanty language - “My little people”). Here, residents and guests of the city will witness a traditional rite of worship, as well as take part in an entertainment program.

Motor rally and environmental festival in Primorye

Indigenous Peoples' Day in Primorye was celebrated last weekend with a car rally and the Bikin Day environmental holiday. The rally, whose participants included Udege, Tazy, Nanai and Gold people, started from Vladivostok on August 2 and drove a thousand km along Primorye to the Udege village of Krasny Yar.

“With such an action, representatives of the indigenous peoples of Primorye want to popularize their culture and traditions, as well as show their unity. The Udege, Taz, Nanai and Golds traveled in one convoy more than a thousand kilometers around the region,” the department said domestic policy regional administration.

On the way to Krasny Yar, the participants visited the Center for the Preservation and Development of Traditional Ways of Life, Economics and Crafts of Indigenous Minorities of the Primorsky Territory in the Olginsky District, national park“Call of the Tiger” in the Lazovsky district and the Bikin National Park in the Pozharsky district, where the big environmental holiday “Bikin Day” took place.

This holiday was dedicated to the Year of Ecology and the Year of Specially Protected natural areas. Over the course of two days, its participants not only showed the guests Udege National costumes and dancing, but also discussed the problem of creating national parks in places where indigenous peoples live and their participation in preserving the traditional way of life.

(International Day of the World’s Indigenous People), celebrated annually, was established in 1994 by the UN General Assembly (resolution A/RES/49/214). On this day in 1992, the first meeting of the Working Group on Indigenous Populations of the Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights took place, which stated:

“On this International Day of the World's Indigenous People, we celebrate the richness of indigenous cultures and the special contribution they make to the family of peoples of the world. We are also mindful of the enormous challenges faced by many indigenous peoples - from unacceptable levels of poverty and disease to dispossession, discrimination and denial of fundamental human rights.".

The First International Decade of the World's Indigenous People, launched in 1995, helped raise the voices of indigenous peoples around the world and increase attention to indigenous issues.

In 2004, the UN General Assembly proclaimed the Second International Decade of the World’s Indigenous People for the period 2005-2014 with the theme “A Decade of Action and Dignity”. The goal of the Decade is not only to focus on action to protect the rights of indigenous peoples and to support the improvement of their conditions in relation to their lands, their languages, their livelihoods and their cultures, but also to further strengthen international cooperation in addressing issues facing indigenous peoples in areas such as education, health, human rights, environment and social and economic development.

And in 2015, a System-Wide Action Plan to Promote the Rights of Indigenous Peoples was developed. Its goal is to ensure a coherent approach to achieving the goals set out in the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, including by strengthening support for UN Member States and indigenous peoples.

The Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples itself was adopted in 2007. According to it, the fundamental criterion for identifying one or another indigenous people is own awareness them themselves as indigenous people. Indigenous peoples have the right to define themselves or their ethnicity in accordance with their customs and traditions.

Also this Declaration recognizes the basic human rights and fundamental freedoms of indigenous peoples - the right to freedom and equality; to freely determine their political status and pursue their economic, social and cultural development; the right to respect and revive one's cultural traditions and customs; the right to create and control their own education systems; the right to participate in decision-making processes at all levels on issues that may affect their rights, lives and destiny; the right to lands, territories and resources and the right to guaranteed use of their means to ensure their existence and development.

Currently, the total number of indigenous peoples on the planet is approximately 370 million people, living in more than 90 countries and representing many languages ​​and cultures. In Russia, indigenous peoples are recognized as peoples living in the territories of the traditional settlement of their ancestors, preserving traditional ways of life, farming and crafts, numbering less than 50 thousand people on the territory of the country and recognizing themselves as independent ethnic communities. There are 47 such ethnic groups in our country, where 40 indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of Russia are distinguished. They live compactly in more than 30 regions of Russia, more than 65% of them in rural areas.

And although indigenous peoples make up only 5% of the world's population, they account for 15% of the world's poorest people. After all, they continue to face many problems, their rights are often violated. And precisely to attract the attention of the general public and authorities different levels to these issues, and to direct efforts to solve the problems of indigenous peoples around the world, this holiday was established.

By the way, every year the events held within the framework of the Day are dedicated to a specific topic. So, in different years The mottos of the Day were: “Reconciliation and partnership between states and indigenous peoples”, “Indigenous peoples and HIV/AIDS”, “Indigenous creativity: valuing stories and cultures, creating our own future”, “Building indigenous alliances: honoring treaties , agreements and other constructive agreements” and others.

On the Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples
We wish you great joy,
Great wisdom and strength,
Cherish unity with all your soul.

Keep the warmth, comfort of traditions,
Don't forget your native language,
Keep it safe in the heart,
Pass them on again and again.

To all the indigenous peoples of the world
We are sending congratulations today.
From tents to apartments,
They wanted “wildness” and “darkness”
Deprive them all, but where it is
We were already able to implement
In an effort to give them a “ray of light”
People were made to forget
Traditional way of life.
Their number is considerably less
In all parts of our native land -
Not all of the people here were lucky...

But the right is returned to the people
To live according to tribal laws,
And today we wish them
Preserve the custom of our ancestors!

Let their traditions, legends
About life in the camp, in the village,
Forever part of the universe,
They will be with us on Earth! ©


We are approaching the end of the second decade since the world's indigenous peoples had their International Day, proclaimed in 1994. It is celebrated annually on August 9th.

Who are “indigenous peoples”? Who does international law include in this category?

  1. These are those who are commonly called aborigines, that is, the original inhabitants - peoples who lived in a certain territory earlier than those living there now.
  2. We are talking about originality, manifested in a preserved language and culture, but gradually disappearing under the influence of modern civilization.
  3. Of course, in order to preserve their identity, the population needs a traditional way of life.

How many indigenous peoples are there on earth? It turns out that there are about 370 million of them living in more than 70 countries - 5% of the world population. However, many indigenous peoples live in poverty and make up 15% of the poorest people on our planet.

The culture and life of indigenous peoples, which travelers have been telling about for a long time, have always aroused great interest, and books about the life of aborigines from different countries are very popular.

If you like to read adventure literature, novels where the action takes place in the mysterious thickets of unexplored lands or on the prairies, and the heroes are proud indigenous peoples who did not submit to their conquerors, then many interesting books in the Adventure genre will be provided to you by the Free Electronic Library. Here you will find "Westerns" and "Historical Adventures", as well as fantasy works based on stay characters among wild tribes or their sudden arrival in other eras (“Alternate History”).

The UN proposed to celebrate it as the International Day of the World's Indigenous Peoples starting in 1994. Important date established in honor of the first meeting in 1992 of a working group on broad issues: poverty, disease, high mortality, discrimination.

Now in the world there are about 370 million representatives of peoples who originally inhabit their lands, and live in various parts of the planet. Approximately 90 modern countries can say that there are their representatives on their territory. For the total population, the size is small - only 5%, the more significant are the other figures. They are carriers of more than 5 thousand cultures and languages, which is the overwhelming majority among the global number. That’s why it’s so important to help them maintain their identity, cultural characteristics, traditions.

To do this, it is necessary, first of all, to respect territorial rights small population. But in the era of industrialization and active extraction of natural resources, which has become a priority factor for many states, maintaining property and independence is very difficult. The active infringement of rights and freedoms began quite a long time ago - during the heyday of colonization in the 15th century. And already to today the majority were endangered.

In Russia, there is a special unified list of such peoples, established by the government, according to which 47 small nationalities live on the territory of the state, making up less than a percent of the total population. But if some, such as the Nenets, of whom there are more than 40 thousand people, are considered a rather impressive nationality in number, then here are the Kereks from Chukotka or Vodi from Leningrad region- endangered representatives.

Until the 1940s, in Russia, even in official documents, politically incorrect names were used - “natives” or “foreigners”, while other countries used the name “aboriginals”. This is what the United States did, now calling the Indians “Native Americans.” But no replacement of terms will compensate for the consequences of European colonization, as a result of which many died or were moved to reservations, deprived of the possibility of a traditional way of existence.

The UN is trying to help in many issues, in particular, in 2007, a separate Declaration was adopted on indigenous peoples, recognition of their freedoms and equalities, the opportunity to live their own political and economic will, and have their own land. A System-Wide Action Plan was developed in 2015, but without the active support of the global community, especially at the local level, it is impossible to fulfill all the conditions. Therefore, a special international day for the protection of the rights to the inviolable identity of indigenous peoples around the world is one of the ways to jointly try to solve problems.

The results are summed up annually with positive results. Countries are indicative Latin America, such as Ecuador and Mexico, which have taken real steps in the right direction. Countries such as Chile, Australia, New Zealand, declared their intention to make special amendments to the Constitution on the recognition of small nations on their territory. The Philippines set an example by passing a similar law in 2007.

Specific projects and programs are presented to the public, and the topics change annually. On a special date, there is an opportunity to discuss the issues together, including delegates of First Nations, human rights organizations and their friends, at a gala event hosted by the UN.

August 9 takes place Lately informative and interesting. Exhibitions of folk crafts, occupations, exhibitions of household items, folklore concerts, master classes on applied arts, national species sports and cuisine will introduce those interested to the features of culture, art, and lifestyle.

Modern man has a lot to learn from indigenous peoples - amazing, harmonious interaction with surrounding nature. Therefore, environmental organizations were the first to support and continue to provide assistance ethnic groups. This holiday teaches how, through mutual respect for customs and spiritual traditions, goodness and peace can be achieved for the entire population of the planet.