Tolstoy's weekend in Yasya Polyana program. Comments

  • 30.06.2019

Program announced international festival Tolstoy Weekend

The program of the international theater festival Tolstoy Weekend has been announced, which will take place on June 9 – 12, 2018 at the Yasnaya Polyana museum-estate. On May 18, ticket sales for the festival started. In the year of the writer’s 190th anniversary, leading Russian and foreign theaters will show performances based on the works of L.N. Tolstoy, as well as other writers. Tolstoy Weekend is supported by the Ministry of Culture Russian Federation, governments Tula region and State Corporation Rostec.

The festival will be opened by the Kolyada Theater from Yekaterinburg - the most famous private theater in Russia, tickets for performances of which, if they are shown in Moscow, are sold out in a few days. Nikolai Kolyada is staging a story that is rarely seen in the theater, “False Coupon” - a play about personal choice, responsibility for actions and the mechanism of evil.

The Moscow Theater of Oleg Tabakov will also present a very rare story for the stage, “The Devil” - the main role in the play is played by Maxim Matveev. Paired with “The Kreutzer Sonata”, which will be shown at the festival by two theaters – Valmiera Theatre of Drama from Latvia and the Ballet Moscow theater - these works represent Leo Tolstoy's thoughts on the topics of gender and marriage. Two versions of “Adolescence” are presented by two famous regional theaters of Russia – the Perm and Saratov Youth Theaters.

All performances for Tolstoy Weekend were chosen by the program director, theater critic Pavel Rudnev. According to him, spectators can expect performances of different genres and styles: here are both classical traditional theater and experimental laboratory productions: “It is fundamentally important that this year the geography of the festival has been expanded, many more regional performances are taking part in it. In addition to communicating with the audience, any festival is also about communicating with each other. For example, the sketches made by theaters from Yelets, Kaluga and Ryazan will be seen by other theaters - and, I’m sure, this will spur them to create creativity based on Tolstoy’s ideas. The short plays “Peter Khlebnik”, “The First Distiller” and “Take All Qualities Away” are excellent literature, but in Lately they didn't agree at all Russian stage. There is a lot of simplicity and naivety in them. But this is not only a spectacle, but also an acquaintance with material that is not often played on stage.”

Of particular importance is the audio play-walk “War and Peace”, which is made by the young Tula director Evgeny Malenchev. The play based on eight volumes of Leo Tolstoy’s diaries was written by the young playwright Yulia Pospelova, and the composer was Grigory Polukhutenko. Also, especially for the festival, the independent Moscow theater LeCirqueDeCharlesLaTannes prepared the storytelling “Who Killed Anna.”

Among the festival's foreign productions is a synthesis of drama and puppet theater "Kholstomer" from the Slovenian Maribor and the above-mentioned play from Valmiera.

On the closing day of the festival, June 12, at the Yasnaya Polyana House of Culture there will be a meeting with the creators of the film “The Story of a Destination,” which tells about a little-known episode from the life of Leo Tolstoy. Its premiere will take place in early June at the Kinotavr festival. In Yasnaya Polyana, excerpts from the film will be presented by director Avdotya Smirnova, scriptwriter Pavel Basinsky and Evgeniy Kharitonov, who plays the young Tolstoy.

Traditionally, Tolstoy Weekend will feature children's performances based on stories by Tolstoy and contemporary authors. Especially for the festival, the Moscow Storytelling Workshop, beloved by children, prepared its own versions of Tolstoy’s children’s stories.

Tolstoy Weekend was first held in 2016. The idea of ​​the festival belongs to the governor of the Tula region Alexey Dyumin. In 2017, the festival acquired international status. The festival site was visited by over 5,000 guests, including more than 100 representatives of federal and regional media, who called Tolstoy Weekend the main summer theater event of the year.

Address: State Memorial and Nature Reserve Museum-Estate of L. N. Tolstoy Yasnaya Polyana, Tula region, Shchekinsky district, p/o Yasnaya Polyana.

"TolstoyWeekend»: Detailed poster of the theater festival

The Yasnaya Polyana Estate Museum is preparing to hold its second edition theater festival Weekend" This year, at the request of Tula residents and artists, it will be held from June 9 to 11. Moreover, the event will be dedicated to the 96th anniversary of the creation of the museum, which will be celebrated on June 10. According to preliminary estimates by the organizers, the festival will be attended by 4-5 thousand people from the Tula and Moscow regions. TSN24 news agency presents a detailed poster of the upcoming event.

Main stage

Musical and dramatic composition “War and Peace”

Moscow Academic Musical Theatre them. K.S. Stanislavsky and V.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko

Moscow city

Year of production: 2012

The opera was written in the mid-1940s, but before recent years Throughout his life, the composer continued to work on his most ambitious work. The Moscow premiere of “War and Peace” took place in 1957 on the stage of the Musical Theater. Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko. This was the first stage adaptation of all 13 scenes from the opera. In the year of the 200th anniversary Patriotic War In 1812, the theater again turned to Prokofiev’s masterpiece. The production was carried out by the theater's chief conductor Felix Korobov, artistic director opera troupe Alexander Titel and main artist Vladimir Arefiev.

Performance "Fathers and Sons"

Moscow academic theater them. Vl. Mayakovsky

Moscow city

A play in two acts (based on the novel by I.S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons”).

Year of production: 2014

Spectators will be seated on a wooden veranda, where the summer sun will peek through linen curtains. Turgenev's young ladies will escape the scorching sun with elegant wide-brimmed hats, lace umbrellas, homemade ice cream and cold water from a stream flowing right in the middle of the stage. The singing of birds will be accompanied by Beethoven's romances. It was to this Russian oasis that Arkady Kirsanov arrived in May 1859 along with his friend Bazarov.

Performance "Family"

Theater-festival “Baltic House”

City: St. Petersburg

Production based on the story by L.N. Tolstoy's "Kreutzer Sonata"

Year of production: 2016

The chamber performance is based on a play by the young St. Petersburg playwright Yuri Uryupinsky, written based on Tolstoy’s “Kreutzer Sonata.” Director Anatoly Praudin staged the second part of the trilogy, dedicated to the main stages of human life. If in the first part – the dramatic improvisation “School” – the hero is just beginning his acquaintance with the world and himself, then in the second part he is already an adult leading a family life.

Performance "Anna Karenina"

Sevastopol Academic Russian Drama Theater named after. A.V. Lunacharsky

City: Sevastopol

Year of production: 2016

Duration: 3 hours with intermission

Anna's unhappy love develops against the background of happy family life Konstantin Levin and Kitty Shcherbatskaya, in the novel there is another not entirely prosperous family of Anna’s brother - Stiva Oblonsky and his wife Dolly. Thus, great writer gives to its reader three-dimensional picture contemporary society, exploring the most intimate aspects of the Russian character, which has hardly undergone major changes over the past century and a half.

Play " Dark alleys» based on the stories of Ivan Bunin

Daugavpils Theater (Latvia)

Main stage

Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes

In the play, in the words of the great Russian writer, we will talk about what we often mistakenly call love - about pride, the desire to possess, the inability to forgive... We justify with love broken lives, fate, city. Heroes also use it as an excuse when they take out a gun and shoot someone in the head. But love is not the cause of their suffering; they die because no one loves them. Therefore, it is quite possible that these stories are about dislike.
People die when they are not loved.

Estate territory

Performance-tour through the estate " Green stick»

Liquid theater

Moscow city

Modern production

Immersive theater (Performance-tour through the estate)

Liquid theater will prepare a play-trip around the estate with the participation of actors from the Tula Theater and children from the circle of the Yasnaya Polyana House of Culture.

Liquid theater is the only theater in Russia that operates in the site-specific genre. Theater performances are structured this way. That the action involves the territory in which the actors are here and now, be it a factory, a park, a courtyard of a residential building, a train station or the stairs of a theater.

Apple orchard

Storytelling “Stories about history”

Workshop of Dmitry Brusnikin and Le Cirque Charles La Tannes

Moscow city

Year of production: 2016

Duration: 3 hours with intermission

The performance is a joint initiative of the actors of the Brusnikin Workshop and their teachers “senior brusnikians”, who have been working as an independent organization for many years theater group Le Cirque Charles La Tannes ("Cops on Fire", "Normansk", " Average age" and etc.)

The actors take classic sources and retell them in an engaging, game form. The result is exciting stories about great people Russian history, With Ancient Rus' up to the 20th century inclusive.

Storytelling “Stories for children L.N. Tolstoy"

Center named after Sun. Meyerhold

Moscow city

Year of production: 2016

Duration: 2 hours

The performance will be based on nine stories by Tolstoy: “Filippok”, “Father and Sons”, “Kostochka”, “Old Day and Granddaughters”, “Liar”, “How a boy told about how a thunderstorm stopped him in the forest”, “Bird” ", "Shark", "Jump".

You will see an hour and a half performance in the genre of storytelling. Storytelling is the art of telling stories in a lively, engaging way. This is a theater-game, theater at arm's length. Here there is direct contact between actors and spectators. In the Storytelling Workshop, actors are taught to translate myths and legends, Russian folk and modern fairy tales, funny and scary stories.

The play “How a Man Was Happy”

Theater for Young Spectators (Nizhny Novgorod)

City: Nizhny Novgorod

Modern performance

Year of production: 2015

Duration: 45 minutes

The play “How a Man Was Happy...” included five fairy tales by L. Tolstoy. Traditional history about a smart and cunning Russian man who knows how to get away with it, the actors play it with excitement and fun. Masterly play with objects, vibrant pantomime - and stage light, an ironic and funny performance. This is a good reason to remember the classic of Russian literature and look at it in a completely new way.

Solo performance “Sevastopol in December”

Anastasia Boshenkova

Moscow city

Modern performance

Year of production: 2014

Duration: 1 hour 10 minutes

The solo performance by Anastasia Boshenkova presents a peace-making, bewitching artistic statement based on the text of Leo Tolstoy. In modern human consciousness, war is like something distant and unreal. Meanwhile, she is constantly present nearby. Being in a state of war. The person tries in every possible way not to notice this, hoping that by doing so he will drive her away and remain human.

Performance "Adolescence"

Drama Theater "Wheel" named after. G.B. Drozdova

City: Tolyatti

Modern performance

Year of production: 2015

Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes

The sketch play “Adolescence” is a stage version by modern Russian playwright Yaroslav Pulinovich based on the story of the same name by Leo Tolstoy. The sketch was directed by a young, bright director, Evgenia Berkovich. The action of the play occupies not only the entire space big stage, but the heroes appear from time to time in the hall, between the rows, frighteningly close to the viewer.

Performance “There is no Tolstoy”

Active theater

Moscow city

Year of production: 2014

Duration: 2 hours 30 minutes

The basis for the play was documentary material - memories of contemporaries, letters, diary entries - however, the author does not try to accurately recreate the events preceding the writer’s departure from Yasnaya Polyana. The experiences and feelings of family members who, voluntarily or forcibly, are forced with their entire lives to serve the interests and goals of a great man - this is the thread on which the events of history are strung, which is unique in its own way and at the same time typical.

Screening of a video recording of the play “The Death of Ivan Ilyich”

Polish theater

Country: Poland

Modern performance

Year of production: 2010

Duration: 1 hour 54 minutes

The event will include a discussion of the topic “The influence of Russian culture on Polish theater.”

Public discussion with Armin Petras

Public discussion of the works of the German playwright and director Armin Petras, who created stage versions of the works of L.N. Tolstoy's Anna Karenina and War and Peace.

The answer to the question why these novels are in demand in European theater stage" It is proposed to conduct it jointly with the Goethe Institute.

On June 9, the Tolstoy Weekend theater festival will open in Yasnaya Polyana. This year he it will already pass the third time. In 2018, the festival will be opened by the Kolyada Theater from Yekaterinburg, the most famous private theater in Russia.

The Moscow Theater directed by O. Tabakov will present a rare story for the stage, “The Devil” - the main role in the play is played by Maxim Matveev.

Paired with “The Kreutzer Sonata,” which will be shown at the festival by two theaters – the Valmiera Drama Theater from Latvia and the Ballet Moscow theater – these works represent Tolstoy’s thoughts on the themes of gender and marriage.

Full festival program:

At 20.00 the opening of the exhibition “Άξιος Εστι – worthy to be” will take place. The Leo Tolstoy Museum-Estate “Yasnaya Polyana” and MaLou Art Consulting & Gallery (Athens), with the support of the Hellenic-Russian Chamber of Commerce, open the exhibition “Άξιος Εστι – worthy to be”.

At 21.00 The play “False Coupon” will begin. This is a drama in two acts based on the story of the same name by L. N. Tolstoy.

From 10.00 to 20.00 There will be an audio play-walk “War and Peace”.

At 16.00- “WHO KILLED ANNA” - the world premiere of the series “In Two Words”, a storytelling performance based on Leo Tolstoy’s novel “Anna Karenina”.

At 12.00 storytelling “Stories for Children by L. N. Tolstoy” will begin. The basis of the play “Tolstoy. Fairy Tales" includes the tales "The Worker Emelyan and the Empty Drum", "The Righteous Judge", "How Much Land Does a Man Need", "The Turtle and the Eagle", "Hares and Frogs", "The Squirrel and the Wolf".

13.00 – Performance “Son of a Giant.” A story about a small, tiny man, kind and hardworking, who really wanted to become a giant.

14.00 – Sketch “The First Distiller”. Production based on the play by L.N. Tolstoy “The First Distiller, or How the Little Devil Earned the Crucible.” The director of the sketch is Konstantin Soldatov.

14.00 – Fekla Tolstaya – Lecture “Classics in the Digital Age”.

14.00 - “Two” - an experimental performance, a search for a new theatrical language, an attempt to build communication using modern technologies and with the help of the viewer.

AT 17:00– Sketch “All the qualities come from her.” The Ryazan Theater for Children and Youth is working on a comedy by L.N. Tolstoy 1910 “All qualities come from her.” In the play, this phrase, speaking about vodka, is uttered by a passer-by: “All qualities come from it, all disasters come from alcoholic drinks.”

At 18.00– The play “Adolescence” is a kind of notebook of life, in which the main character Nikolenka Irtenev makes her notes. We see all the heroes and the world around us through his eyes, through the prism of his consciousness.

At 21.00– The play “The Devil” based on the story of the same name by Leo Tolstoy is the debut directorial work of Sergei Zhenovach’s student Mikhail Stankevich.

AT 22.00– Film “KARENINA & I”. Meeting with director Tommaso Mottola and actress Gorild Mauseth. Norwegian theater star Görild Mauseth set herself an almost impossible task: to play the role of Anna Karenina in Russia and in Russian.

11.00 and 15.00- “Responsible child. Part 1". This performance is a thank you to our children for preventing us from getting used to the world, from falling out of love with inventing things, and from noticing magic.

13.00 – Performance “Kholstomer”. Main character In Tolstoy’s story “Kholstomer” it is a horse. The horse, as one of the first domesticated animals, played an important role in human society - it is a symbol vitality, elegance, travel, transition to the afterlife.

AT 15.00– Sketch “Peter Khlebnik”. The sketch of the play is based on the unfinished play by L.N. Tolstoy’s “Peter the Khlebnik”, which was based on the “word” about the Christian saint Peter the Publican of the Alexandrian Patriarch John the Merciful.

17.30 – Performance “Adolescence”. The trilogy “Childhood”, “Adolescence”, “Youth” is the literary debut of Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy, which brought him fame and recognition.

20.00 – The play “Why I Killed My Wife.” A meeting with a killer that will leave only those who fall asleep indifferent. A provocative conversation will make married people, lovers and lovers of personal independence argue. The viewer is given the role of judge, lawyer and accomplice.

21.00 – Performance “The Kreutzer Sonata”. Contemporary ballet rising star world choreography by Robert Binet based on the story by Leo Tolstoy “The Kreutzer Sonata”.

18.00 – Meeting with the creators of the film “The Story of One Destination”, director Avdotya Smirnova and scriptwriter Pavel Basinsky.

From June 9 to June 11, 2017 at the Yasnaya Polyana estate on four stages under open air The country's leading theaters will present their interpretations of the works of Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy. Also, for the first time, the program includes productions based on works by other authors that are in tune with the writer’s work.

In total, about 20 theatrical events - performances, storytelling, discussions - will be held on the territory of Yasnaya Polyana over three days, for which the estate itself will serve as the setting.

The participants of the festival will be the Moscow Academic Musical Theater named after. K. S. Stanislavsky and V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko, Sevastopol Academic Russian Drama Theater named after. A. V. Lunacharsky, Moscow Academic Theater named after. Vl. Mayakovsky, Theater-festival “Baltic House” from St. Petersburg. Tolstoy Weekend will also feature famous figures art from other countries.

Compared to last year, the program for young spectators has been significantly expanded. Children's performances will be shown at the capital's Center. Sun. Meyerhold, as well as the Theater of Young Spectators from Nizhny Novgorod.

The Tolstoy Weekend festival is held in the open air at the Yasnaya Polyana museum-estate. The idea of ​​the festival belongs to the governor of the Tula region Alexey Dyumin. The first Tolstoy Weekend took place on September 9−11, 2016 and attracted more than 3,000 spectators, becoming one of the main cultural events year in the Tula region.

festival program

21.00 Musical and dramatic composition “War and Peace”. Moscow Academic Musical Theater named after K. S. Stanislavsky and V.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko.

10.00 Storytelling “Stories for children L.N. Tolstoy." Center named after Vs. Meyerhold.

14.00 Performance “Adolescence”. Drama Theater "Wheel" named after G. B. Drozdov.

15.00 Performance “How a man was happy...”. Theater for Young Spectators (Nizhny Novgorod).

15.00 Discussion “The influence of Russian culture on Polish theater.”

17.00 Storytelling “Stories about history.” Workshop of Dmitry Brusnikin.

21.00 Monopoly performance “Sevastopol in December”. Anastasia Boshenkova.

21.00 Performance “Fathers and Sons”. Moscow Academic Theater named after Vl. Mayakovsky.

11.00 Storytelling “Stories for children L.N. Tolstoy." Center named after Vs. Meyerhold.

12.00 Performance “Green Stick”. Liquid Theatre.

14.00 Performance about family values"There is no Tolstoy." Active theater.

15.00 Performance “Green Stick”. Liquid Theatre.

15.00 “Tolstoy’s fairy tales and children’s stories.” Alexandra Islentyeva.

18.00 Storytelling “Stories about history.” Workshop of Dmitry Brusnikin.

18.00 Performance “Family”. Theater-festival "Baltic House".

20.00 Performance “Green Stick”. Liquid Theatre.

21.00 Performance “Anna Karenina”. Sevastopol Academic Russian Drama Theater named after A.V. Lunacharsky.

Entrance to the festival territory is free (an entrance fee to the territory of the museum-reserve is charged). Some performances require purchasing tickets. .

This year marks the 190th anniversary of the birth of Leo Tolstoy, so everything that happens in Yasnaya Polyana takes on special significance.

For four days, June 9-12, 2018, guests of the Tolstoy estate witnessed and took part in the grandiose holiday -. Russian and foreign theaters showed fifteen performances based on the works of L.N. Tolstoy and other authors. The event took place outdoors at several venues.

It is noteworthy that this year the main stage was placed in the very place where the Tolstoys loved to play with the whole family. The first to attend was the private theater "Kolyada-Theater" from Yekaterinburg with a performance based on the unfinished work of Leo Tolstoy . Director Nikolai Kolyada unfolded before the viewer an action that was depressing with the number of sins. Almost all characters do them. And the coupon is just a catalyst for a chain reaction of evil.

One of the most “delicious” events of the second day was the performance of the Oleg Tabakov Theater based on the story of the same name by Leo Tolstoy, largely autobiographical. The main role (landowner Evgeny Irtenev) was played by actor Moskovsky Art Theater Maxim Matveev.

In addition, the performance included National artist RF Boris Plotnikov and Honored Artist of the RF Roza Khairullina - amazingly playing the role of Irtenyev's mother-in-law.

The debut directorial work of Mikhail Stankevich, a student of Sergei Zhenovach, was highly appreciated by the Minister of Culture of the Tula Region, Tatyana Rybkina.

Also on main stage was shown based on the story of the same name by Leo Tolstoy. She was brought to the festival by the Ballet Moscow theater.

As experts say, the Ballet Moscow theater is a unique troupe, combining the best traditions of classical Russian ballet and modern trends in choreography. Canadian choreographer Robert Binet made the most of these opportunities.

The ballet “Kreutzer Sonata” was first presented to the capital’s public exactly a year ago - in June 2017. The conditions of the Yasnaya Polyana festival, which were not adapted for ballet, became another baptism of fire for the production. One can only admire the dancers who agreed to perform on the open stage.

Regular guests of the festival noted the unique opportunity to observe the development of something new for Russia theatrical genre storytelling.

A storytelling performance based on Leo Tolstoy's novel Anna Karenina, created specifically for the festival, was brought to Yasnaya Polyana by director Alexey Rozin, a member of Le Cirque De Charles La Tannes. The 700-page novel was told and acted out at arm's length by Marina Vasilyeva, an actress from the Brusnikina Workshop. She called her story (premiere from the series “In a Nutshell”).

The most famous Tolstoy story gave another reason to talk about this brilliant work.

Most good performance brought to the festival by guests from Slovenia. - this is the name of Tolstoy’s story about the old gelding Kholstomer in Slovenian.

Of course, in their homeland Sebastian Horvath and Andreja Kopac play in Slovenian, and in Yasnaya Polyana they presented the performance to bilinguals. The audience heard that the Slovenian and Russian languages ​​are very close to each other. They look like siblings, and in some places they completely coincide, because Slovenian language involved in the most ancient layers Russian culture.

Every year, the Tolstoy Weekend festival prepares a special project, which, after its completion, continues to live in the estate. In 2018 it became Tula director Evgeny Malenchev. Its action is based on diaries, letters, memoirs of Leo Tolstoy and his wife Sofia Andreevna, as well as fragments of the novel “War and Peace”.

The exhibition includes works by nineteen contemporary Greek painters. Especially for this exhibition, over the course of two years, the artists re-read the works of Leo Tolstoy in order to show their completely non-standard view, first of all, on the female images he created.

On the veranda of the Tolstoy House there was an exhibition of costumes that were used in the film “The Story of a Single Destination.” The meeting with its creators was the final event of the Tolstoy weekend.

Director Avdotya Smirnova, author of the original source and co-writer of the film’s script Pavel Basinsky, as well as performer came to Yasnaya Polyana leading role Alexey Smirnov.

Film at the Kinotavr festival has already won two prizes, but the start of wide release in Russia is scheduled only for September 6, 2018. Therefore, at the meeting in the Yasnaya Polyana cultural center, only episodes permitted by the distributor were shown. IN general outline they opened storyline and gave the opportunity to evaluate a number of techniques used in the film. It also became clear that the story of how Leo Tolstoy defended a military clerk sentenced to death in court and lost, carries a very important social message.

“It’s sad to say that the festival is closing. It became a bright and big event not only in the life of the Tula region, but throughout Russia.”, says the director of the Yasnaya Polyana museum-estate, Ekaterina Tolstaya.

Tolstoy Weekend has already been named a cult event of the year and a significant phenomenon in the theater world.

“This is the implementation of the idea of ​​a “fair for the future” - directors and artists stay, as a rule, for all three days and watch the rest of the works. Perhaps the sketches made for the festival will not be able to be realized specifically in these theaters, but someone else can look at the sketch and take it to another theater.

The theater arsenal constantly plays 6-8 Tolstoy works. The purpose of the festival is to draw attention and show that this list can be expanded. I believe that Tolstoy asks for a lot on stage.

By the way, we have very few personalized festivals in Russia. And when he appears, he creates an endless amount of motivation for theaters.", - told our correspondent .

“It is very important that modernity meets the tasks that Tolstoy set for art, that in modern culture there is a response to Tolstoy’s word", - the theater critic also noted.

It is impossible to cover the entire festival and retell it! Yasnaya Polyana is amazing, both on weekends and on weekdays. At any time of the year and in any weather you want to come back here again and again.