Electronic magazine for music directors.

  • 20.06.2020

Directory of music director, No. 10, 2018.

The main article contains four ready-made cards to diagnose the musical development of children in all age groups at the beginning of the school year.
The “Teremok for Chicks” project will help you adapt newcomers to the younger group in a playful way. The article contains methodological recommendations on how to distribute the functions of kindergarten specialists, a work plan from October to May, and a scenario for the autumn holiday. On e.muz - ruk.ru there is a ready-made presentation of the project.
For autumn matinees, use the quest scenario in the open area and new songs.
Also in this issue is an example of a completed work schedule for the music director for October. With its help, it will be easier for you to schedule 97 tasks by day and hour.
Tatyana Anishina, executive editor.

We offer examples of ready-made diagnostic cards for the musical development of children of all age groups: preparatory to school groups, as well as for children of the senior, middle and junior groups (see Appendix). They can be used to determine the level of development of children and their mastery of the educational program, taking into account the planned results. The cards should indicate the child’s development indicators at the beginning (possibly also in the middle) and at the end of the school year. Make changes to the maps if necessary.

The validity of this approach is determined by the approximate basic educational program of preschool education, which establishes that preschool educational organizations have the right to independently choose tools for pedagogical and psychological diagnostics of children's development, including its dynamics.

Work cyclogram.
97 cases for the music director in October.
A song about a grandmother in the style of a gypsy.
For a holiday in kindergarten on the Day of the Elderly.
Red mountain ash.
A song for dramatization at an autumn festival.
Autumn song “Rustlers”.
Use for speech therapy setting of problematic sounds
Delicious memories of the past hot summer.
Comic song "Watermelon-toddler".
Song "Give your friends a smile."
Children and adults perform poetry together.
Autumn story in verse.
Dramatize with your children for matinees.
How to diagnose children's musical development.
New diagnostic cards.
Educational project “Teremok for chickens”.
How to adapt new children to kindergarten conditions.
Quest “In Search of Autumn”.
Tourist gathering in the open area of ​​the autumn park.

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Reader reviews

Before subscribing to the magazine, I looked for scripts, sheet music and lyrics on the Internet, but now I have no problems. Each issue of the Music Director's Handbook magazine contains interesting scenarios for organizing matinees and conducting classes.

Renata Ibragimova, music director, Stavropol

Very interesting scenarios for matinees for different age groups, and most importantly - exclusive! My parents thank me after every matinee.

Taisiya Glinka, music director, Krasnodar

I like working with the electronic version of the magazine. Thank you for regularly contacting your employees with me by phone, informing me of new opportunities, magazine sections, etc. Everything is working. Thank you!

Natalya Voytyakhova, music director, Tomsk

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Main topics of the first half of 2020

  • How to train the musical ear of children from 2 to 5 years old in a new way. Games and lesson notes
    In January - recommendations on what new games to organize to develop the hearing of younger preschoolers. There is also a lesson summary with a noisy fairy tale and improvisation.
  • What to change in terms of preparing matinees for February 23 and March 8, 2020. Reminders and new repertoire
    The article contains reminders on how to eliminate shortcomings in organizing holidays. Take advantage of a special selection of new songs, dances, and performances for the matinees on February 23 and March 8.
  • How to conduct the All-Russian Music Week for Children. Action plan for every day with ready-made developments
    We offer a plan of events from March 23 to March 29, 2020. The article contains methodological recommendations, notes on music lessons and ready-made leisure scenarios for different age groups.
  • How to determine the level of musical development of children at the end of the school year.
    The article contains recommendations and documents for diagnostics in May. A schedule, questionnaires, diagnostic cards and a certificate based on the results will help assess the level of musical development of children.
  • Musical games for summer work with children. New repertoire with sheet music and music library
    In May - a special selection of games with music. Use it to organize summer work with children. Music teachers and teachers will be able to choose games based on the theme of the week and taking into account the age of the children
  • What to keep and what to get rid of in the music room for the new school year. Recommendations and examples of a finished passport
    The Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education sets requirements for the equipment of a music hall. There is no information on how exactly to equip it, taking into account the type of preschool organization. Experts offer recommendations and examples of a finished passport.

Sections of the magazine "Music Director's Directory"

We update our repertoire– musical stories, cycles of entertaining thematic lessons on classical works of great composers for children. Notes, notes, audio files. Guidelines.

Projects, programs, developments– exclusive scenarios for different age groups. Methodology for their organization and implementation. Competitions, quizzes. Video and photo reports of children's theatrical events from the experience of music directors.

  • Delivery of printed publications is carried out for free.
  • Connection to electronic publications occurs automatically within 5 o'clock from the moment of receipt of payment.
Release frequency 1 time per month

Appeal to readers
The editor-in-chief of the magazine T.B. talks about the editorial plans for 2016. Koryabina.


We work according to the “Synthesis” program

T. Ruban, L. Saprykina, M. Zubareva, N. Shaiderova. Symphonic tale “Peter and the Wolf” by S.S. Prokofiev
It is not only possible, but also necessary, to introduce this symphonic fairy tale to preschoolers: this standard work from the point of view of introducing children to the symphony orchestra evokes a vivid emotional response in them.
Children simply need to express rich musical impressions, the characters of the characters and the timbre colors of the orchestra in various types of creativity: visual, musical-motor, theatrical. Teachers of preschool department No. 2 of the State Budgetary Educational Institution “School No. 117” of the South-Western District of Moscow tell how this happened in their educational institution.

A. Shcheglovitova. Development of intuitive two-voice (seconds). Introduction of N.F.’s methodology Kulikova in working with preschoolers
Two-voice singing in kindergarten promotes the development of musical abilities of preschoolers, activates their vocal hearing, interest in musical activities and ensemble singing, encourages creative self-expression through songwriting, and increases the confidence and status of the child himself in his own eyes. The author of the article shares with readers 35 years of work experience based on the methodology of Natalya Fedorovna Kulikova, who wrote more than 30 articles on the culture of singing and dealt with the problem of the so-called. "Gudoshnikov", participated in the creation of a music program for a secondary school.
With sheet music application.
S. Merzlyakova. Look, sunflowers! Integrated lesson in a pre-school group
With sheet music application.
N. Kokina. Our defenders. Complex lesson in a preparatory school group
All-Russian competition "Didactic aids and attributes for musical and theatrical activities with your own hands"
R. Osipova, I. Basarab. Fairy cube
The authors are teachers of MKDOU “Kindergarten No. 41 “Fairy Tale”, Novokuznetsk
Kemerovo region - became winners in the category "Didactic manual in musical activities."


T. Ruban. Sergei Sergeevich Prokofiev
Sergei Sergeevich Prokofiev is a recognized classic of the twentieth century, whose work represents a synthesis of bold innovation and creatively rethought classical traditions. Prokofiev made an invaluable contribution to Russian and world musical culture and opened new paths in various areas of composing. The article tells about the life and creative path of the composer, whose 125th anniversary is celebrated in 2016.


G. Klimova. Craftsmen's Square. Leisure in the preparatory school group
S. Bushmakina. Wide Maslenitsa. Holiday for children of senior preschool age
L. Olifirova. In the pattern room. Spring holiday for children 5 years old and their parents
With sheet music applications
M. Dumanyan. Kolobok's spring adventure. Holiday for children of the younger group
M. Gruzova. Chicken's birthday. Spring holiday for children 1.5–3 years old


N. Kulikova. Bogatyrskaya
A. Komarov, V. Kapustina. Drums
A. Komarov, T. Ryadchikova. Oh, pancakes!
I. Kirillov, G. Ladonshchikov. Return of the Starling
V. Shestakova. Spring evening
T. Gerasimova, E. Yakubovskaya. Mother


A. Lopatina. Flute music
N. Ipatova. Riddles from the pages of fairy tales
P. Sinyavsky. Khokhloma
G. Lagzdyn. Charger. Congratulations to mothers and grandmothers. Mom's holiday


S. Khmelkov. Lawyer's answers
The head of the legal department of the Trade Union of Public Education and Science Workers of the Russian Federation, Sergei Borisovich Khmelkov, answers readers’ questions.

Post Views: 2,874

An indispensable assistant for general and additional education specialists in organizing the musical, artistic and aesthetic development of preschoolers and junior schoolchildren in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

The publication covers issues of children's musical development, organization of musical and artistic activities, and also offers materials for the modern kindergarten repertoire: scenarios for holidays and entertainment; choreographic performances; song collection; music fund.

Published monthly Volume: 80 pages.

When planning renovations in a kindergarten, managers often abandon bold design ideas in favor of time-tested but outdated solutions. Even if you really want to use modern materials or unusual furniture, you are stopped by questions: “Will such a renovation pass the commission? Will it comply with SanPiN?”

The development and adoption of local regulations, the distribution of job responsibilities falls within the competence of the educational organization (clause 1, 5, part 3, article 28 of the Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ). The job description was developed taking into account the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ, EKS of educators.