Where did Dmitry Kiselev serve in what years? Dmitry Kiselev: biography and journalistic activities

  • 13.08.2019

Name: Dmitrii Kiselev

Surname: Konstantinovich

Place of Birth: Moscow

Height: 177 cm

Weight: 80 kg

Zodiac sign: Calf

Eastern horoscope: Horse

Activity: journalist, TV presenter

Childhood and family of Dmitry Kiselev

The ambitious journalist was born into a family of hereditary intellectuals in the capital on April 26, 1954. The family was especially enthusiastic about the uncle of the future celebrity - he was a relative of the composer Yuri Shaporin, conductor of the famous "Alexandrinka", author of numerous symphonic works, music teacher and the head of the Union of Composers of the USSR. Both mom and dad planned only a musical future for their son, hoping that he would surpass his famous relative in popularity and importance in creativity. The boy was sent to a special school with in-depth study of French and enrolled in classes to learn to play the guitar.

As it turned out later, neither the desire nor the ability to perform works famous composers Dmitry didn't have it. But the guy learned languages ​​with amazing ease, which became the main point in determining his profession in the future.

Disagreements in this regard led to the young man getting a job as a simple worker in a nearby printing house. Apparently there is a desire to decide your own future fate independently forced Kiselev to look for a way to earn his own livelihood. A little later, he entered medical school, which he graduated without much success. Having received a diploma as a nurse, Kiselev went to the northern capital - there the department of Scandinavian languages ​​at the university attracted his attention. With a diploma in philology and a rare specialization, Dmitry returned to Moscow in 1978.

A television

Dmitry Kiselev’s professional biography began immediately after graduating from university. First workplace Kiselev was at the USSR State Television and Radio. Here the journalist worked for more than ten years in one of the most prestigious and important sectors responsible for covering the life of the country abroad. High responsibility, control over every word, intonation - the young journalist Dmitry Kiselyov coped with these requirements perfectly.

In 1988, Dmitry Kiselyov moved to the news department of the Vremya program, where he became a presenter and conducted political reviews.

During the period of disruption and radical changes in the USSR, Dmitry Kiselev was fired from the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. He refused to read Official statement government about events in one of the republics. Soon Kiselyov was accepted into the Vesti program, and he became one of the creators of a new format for television and radio, actively collaborating with foreign colleagues.

In 1992, Dmitry Kiselev begins to host information program"Panorama". Later, as his own correspondent, he was sent to Helsinki, where he worked for the Ostankino agency.

After the murder of Vladislav Listyev in 1995, an experienced TV presenter was appointed in his place. Now he hosts the Rush Hour program on Channel One. At the same time, Dmitry Kiselev hosts another program called “Window to Europe,” but a year later he leaves the program.

In 1997, the journalist became talk show host called "National Interest". At first, the program was broadcast only on the RTR TV channel, and then on the Ukrainian ICTV. A short time Dmitry Kiselyov hosted the nightly edition of the “Events” program. In November 2003, Ukrainian colleagues expressed no confidence in Kiselyov, accusing him of distorting information. Soon the journalist was suspended from work.

From 2003 to 2004, Dmitry Kiselev worked on new programs called “Morning Conversation” and “Authority”. And from 2005 to 2006, he hosted the daily information and analytical program “Vesti +” and “Vesti. Details" on the Rossiya TV channel.

In 2006 famous journalist appeared as the host of the socio-political talk show “National Interest”, which he hosted until 2012.

In addition, in the summer of 2008, Dmitry Kiselev was appointed deputy general director VGTRK holding, after which he leaves the Vesti program. But in September 2012, he again returned to hosting the popular news program, which is now called “News of the Week.” It airs on the central channel “Russia”, which since January 2010 has been called “Russia-1”.

In December 2013, on the basis of RIA Novosti, the International information Agency“Russia Today”, whose general director is Dmitry Kiselev.

Appointment as head of the Rossiya Segodnya agency

In connection with the appointment of Kiselyov as head of the new news agency “Russia Today”, created by Vladimir Putin in December 2013 on the basis of RIA Novosti, a number of leading Western media published materials in which Kiselyov was called a “pro-Kremlin homophobic TV presenter”, and the creation of a new news agency – Putin’s attempt to tighten control over the media. Yes, on the website The Guardian a material was published under the headline “Putin appointed a homophobic TV presenter as head of the state news agency.” The publication described Kiselyov as a “conservative news anchor” and “a loyal supporter of Putin who occasionally makes provocative statements.” The article also stated that "Kiselyov is often accused of being a mouthpiece for [Kremlin] propaganda" and that he has become known for his "openly anti-gay, anti-American and anti-opposition views." Agence France-Presse called the appointment of an “anti-gay TV presenter” to head the new news agency an attempt by the Kremlin to “consolidate state media during a period of increased online criticism of Putin’s 13-year rule.”

By presidential decree, the new agency was entrusted with a very responsible mission: to cover Russian politics abroad. The journalist himself claims that he sees his task as restoring the attitude towards Russia as a country with good intentions.

In 2017, Dmitry Kiselev continues to work as the presenter of Vesti Nedeli and remains the general director of the Rossiya Segodnya news agency.


In the summer of 2014, the Security Service of Ukraine initiated criminal proceedings against Dmitry Kiselyov under the article “financing terrorism, facilitating terrorist activities.” The Russian TV presenter and the International Press Institute, which he heads, are suspected of financing separatist organizations in Ukraine. In response to this, Dmitry Kiselev described the accusation as “a continuation of the fantasies in which the Nazis in power in Kyiv live.”

In the spring of 2016, hackers announced that they had managed to hack the contents of two mailboxes and Dmitry Kiselev’s WhatsApp correspondence. They allegedly managed to steal a volume of information of 11 gigabytes, which covered the period from 2009 to 2016. The stolen information, according to the hackers, contains a lot of compromising information, including about the finances and assets of a journalist, the purchase of an elite apartment on Tsvetnoy Boulevard, challenging the personal sanctions imposed by the EU, as well as the purchase of a ready-made thesis for the wife. But the fact of the “theft” was never confirmed.

In May 2016, an unpleasant incident occurred between Kiselyov and the editor-in-chief of Moskovsky Komsomolets Pavel Gusev. The latter, like Dmitry Kiselyov, was included in the so-called “Petro Poroshenko’s sanctions list” and expressed his surprise at this circumstance, calling himself a friend of Ukraine. To this, Dmitry Kiselev, in the issue of Vesti Nedeli dated May 29, 2016, ironically noted that of all those on the list, “only Pavel Gusev was indignant, saying, how can this be, I’m one of my own, a bourgeois!” After the broadcast, Gusev called his colleague “a sexist and a scoundrel” and advised him to refrain from meeting him.


According to the magazine The Economist, « a new style propaganda, represented by Kiselyov, is aimed at exciting and mobilizing the audience, inciting hatred and fear.<…>This style is reminiscent of Orwell’s two minutes of hate, lasting half an hour.”

The President of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, Yasen Zasursky, characterizing the work of Dmitry Kiselev in 2015, said that “he simply repeats some theses, and journalists do not do this; a journalist should help to understand, should give not only information, but also knowledge... he is probably a good propagandist.”

On March 16, 2014, in the “News of the Week” program, Kiselev, based on an article in “ Rossiyskaya newspaper" on January 22, stated that Russia has a complex of automatic control of a massive retaliatory nuclear strike "Perimeter", "guaranteeing the defeat of the United States of America in the event of an armed conflict," used the expression "Russia is the only country in the world that is really capable of turning the United States into radioactive ash." The expression caused a wide response in the world.


Dmitry Kiselyov is listed in the second part of the European Union (EU) list, inspired by the Crimean crisis, among Russian political and government figures subject to visa and financial restrictions. According to the Kommersant newspaper, the TV presenter was planned to be included in the first part of the EU “black” list, but Finland opposed this.

General Director of VGTRK Oleg Dobrodeev said that “it’s amazing how quickly the European Union adopted the skills of repression against objectionable journalists from its Ukrainian puppets.” In his opinion, persecution of journalists is a sign of weakness and inferiority. Journalists and TV presenters of the Rossiya-1 TV channel came out in support of their colleague, publishing an open letter to the Russian journalistic community.

According to Dmitry Kiselyov, the EU sanctions lists were Russian journalist Sergei Parkhomenko and political and public figure Alexey Navalny.

In August 2014, he was included in the sanctions list by Ukraine for his position on the war in Eastern Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea to Russia. Also included in the sanctions lists of Switzerland and Canada, he is persona non grata in Moldova. In September 2015, he was included in the Ukrainian sanctions list, which includes 400 individuals and 90 legal entities.

In September 2015, he filed a lawsuit against the Council of the European Union, demanding to cancel the decision to include him in the EU sanctions list and to reimburse the costs incurred in connection with this. According to Dmitry Kiselyov, he came under sanctions for expressing his political position as a journalist and commentator, and therefore there is a violation of freedom of speech. He also indicated that he could not “actively support” Russian policy towards Ukraine and never expressed support for the “deployment of Russian troops in Ukraine.” On June 15, 2017, the European Court of General Jurisdiction in Luxembourg dismissed the claim and decided to maintain the sanctions, to which Kiselyov responded with an article on the RIA Novosti website.

Personal life

Today Dmitry is married and happy in his family life, but before that he was married seven times. He met his first wife Alena at medical school, they were 17 years old. Family life it didn’t work out and they soon broke up. The second time he married while studying in Leningrad was student Natalya. A year later, the couple decided to divorce. A year later, Dmitry led his next chosen one, Tatyana, down the aisle, but this marriage also came end soon. While working at Gosteleradio, Dmitry married his colleague Alena for the fourth time.

Very soon the couple's son Gleb is born. When the child was one year old, the leader left the family to new lover Natalia, who became his fifth wife. Dmitry did not stop communicating with his son, and now they support him a good relationship. In 1998, Kelly Richdale became the TV presenter’s sixth wife, and a few months later they divorced. Dmitry's seventh wife's name was Olga.

Meeting with destiny

Being married, the presenter built his own mansion in Crimea and very often spent time there. I was even able to found jazz festival in 2003 under the name “Jazz Koktebel”. In Koktebel, Dmitry loved to ride on his own boat, and on one of these walks he met his real wife Masha.

At that time she was a student at the Institute practical psychology and psychoanalysis. Masha already had a son, Fyodor, from a previous relationship. A year after their first meeting, the lovers had a magnificent wedding. In 2007 the world saw them common son Kostya, and three years later they became happy parents daughter of Varvara. Masha has three higher education degrees and is getting her fourth. In the future she wants to work as a psychotherapist.

Now Dmitry Kiselev has a wife who fully supports him, is successful in his career and happy in his personal life.

Hobbies of Dmitry Kiselyov

Together with his family, the TV presenter lives in the Moscow region, where a Scandinavian house built according to his design is located. It should be noted that construction lasted several years. There is a small mill installed on the well in the yard, complementing the general form Houses. At first, Maria could not get used to country life. She went to Moscow to, as she puts it, breathe it in. With time country life The TV presenter's wife liked it.

The father rarely sees the children, he practically has no days off. He usually leaves in the morning, when the children are still sleeping, and returns no earlier than nine or even eleven in the evening. The TV presenter often gets to work by motorcycle, only getting into a car in winter. There was a time when Dmitry Konstantinovich kept four horses, but after he fell with his car from a bridge into the water and received a compression fracture of the spine, he was no longer able to engage in equestrian sports. Being keen on motocross, the TV presenter received a serious injury - a torn ligament in his knee, he underwent three operations and whole year walked on crutches. After this, Kiselev gave one horse to his trainer, sold one, and donated two horses to childcare facility. The TV presenter’s eldest son, Gleb, is already an adult; they have always maintained a relationship and traveled a lot together. The son shared his father's passion for horses. IN country house Kiselev, Gleb has his own room where he lives when he comes to visit. Dmitry Konstantinovich is fluent in Norwegian, English and French, in addition, he reads Icelandic, Swedish and Danish.

    Kiselev, Dmitry Igorevich (director) Russian director. Kiselev, Dmitry Konstantinovich (born 1954) Russian journalist, deputy general director of VGTRK. Kiselev, Dmitry Sergeevich (born 1986) one of the leading web... ... Wikipedia

    - (b. April 26, 1954) Russian journalist, deputy general director of VGTRK (since 2008). Biography In 1978 he graduated from the department of Scandinavian philology of the Leningrad Faculty of Philology state university them. A.A.... ...Wikipedia

    Dmitry Konstantinovich Kiselev (b. April 26, 1954) Russian journalist, deputy general director of VGTRK (since 2008). Biography In 1978, he graduated from the department of Scandinavian philology of the Leningrad Faculty of Philology... ... Wikipedia

    Dmitry Konstantinovich Kiselev (b. April 26, 1954) Russian journalist, deputy general director of VGTRK (since 2008). Biography In 1978, he graduated from the department of Scandinavian philology of the Leningrad Faculty of Philology... ... Wikipedia

    Dmitry Konstantinovich Kiselev (b. April 26, 1954) Russian journalist, deputy general director of VGTRK (since 2008). Biography In 1978, he graduated from the department of Scandinavian philology of the Leningrad Faculty of Philology... ... Wikipedia

    Contents 1 Known media 1.1 A 1.2 B 1.3 V ... Wikipedia

    Dmitry Konstantinovich Kiselev (b. April 26, 1954) Russian journalist, deputy general director of VGTRK (since 2008). Biography In 1978, he graduated from the department of Scandinavian philology of the Leningrad Faculty of Philology... ... Wikipedia

    Dmitry Konstantinovich Kiselev (b. April 26, 1954) Russian journalist, deputy general director of VGTRK (since 2008). Biography In 1978, he graduated from the department of Scandinavian philology of the Leningrad Faculty of Philology... ... Wikipedia

    Dmitry Konstantinovich Kiselev (b. April 26, 1954) Russian journalist, deputy general director of VGTRK (since 2008). Biography In 1978, he graduated from the department of Scandinavian philology of the Leningrad Faculty of Philology... ... Wikipedia


Practice last decades convincingly shows that people come to journalism in different ways. There is no reason to call the route that Dmitry Kiselev chose unique, but there are interesting stories in the biography. The child was born into a family where established musical traditions reigned. And it is not surprising that Dima visited music school by class classical guitar. Musical education, like knowledge foreign languages, gives ambitious young men additional opportunities to build successful career in independent life.

After graduation high school with in-depth study French, Dmitry entered medical school. Having received the appropriate diploma, he realized that working as an ambulance paramedic was not for him. Already consciously, with a cool head and calculation for the future, the failed medical worker begins to study at the department of Scandinavian philology at Leningrad University. In 1978, a twenty-four-year-old certified specialist who speaks Norwegian began working at the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. Soviet Union.

Philological education allows him to short time become a leading employee in the editorial office of programs in Polish and Norwegian languages. It is here that Dmitry gains practical experience and develops a taste for working as a journalist. At the end of the eighties, when the notorious “perestroika” was already in full swing, he was invited to Moscow as a correspondent for the “Time” program. In his materials, Kiselev unobtrusively shows how the Soviet people live on the eve of the long-awaited changes.

Under the radar of criticism

Over many years of work on television, Dmitry Kiselev has formed his own style of presenting information. Not to say that he discovered anything new in presenting news or covering events. But his individuality is noted by everyone, even his ardent ideological opponents. With the maximum workload of preparing the weekly analytical program “News of the Week,” he manages to film several documentaries. It is not difficult to guess that the director raises topical issues and shows how iconic figures - Gorbachev, Sakharov, Yeltsin - behaved or behave.

If we abstract from political topics, we can see that Kiselyov’s professionalism is not in doubt. A clear confirmation of this can be seen in programs with the participation of the President of the country. Any rough edges or blunders in such broadcasts are simply unacceptable. In light of the fact that the situation in the information field is gradually heating up, it makes no sense to predict any changes in existing trends.

You can write a comedy and a thriller about Dmitry’s personal life with equal effect. Suffice it to say that the journalist, like the Russian Tsar Ivan the Terrible, was married seven times. WITH last wife Maria's joint farming has been going on for more than ten years. Maybe this is already love? The husband and wife are serious. They already have two children together. And further prospects in this direction are quite real.


  • Dmitry Kiselev

Dispassionate statistics show that many “non-core” specialists work on television. In other words, they do not have a special journalistic education. Evgeniy Kiselyov can rightfully be included in such a list, if it is maintained somewhere. This man appeared on the TV screen and immediately attracted the attention of viewers with his sharp form of coverage of events.

East is a delicate matter

The biography of Evgeny Alekseevich Kiselev is similar in its ornate plot to Arabian tales. A native of Moscow was born in 1954. The family of a prominent engineer who was involved in rocket science lived in abundance. The child grew up and developed in an environment where they ate well and discussed the pressing problems of the universe. Already from early school age the boy was distinguished by his broad outlook and intelligence. At a magnet school in English studied well. He easily memorized poetry and knew the names of all the capitals on the world map. Exact sciences– mathematics and physics – he was simply not interested.

At that time, the “School of Young Orientalists” functioned at Moscow State University. After his first visits, Evgeniy realized that this was where his field of activity in life began. It is quite natural that higher education he received at the Institute of Asian and African Countries. During his studies, Kiselev, in addition to English as part of curriculum mastered the Persian language. According to current regulations, the student spent a year on an internship in Iran. He saw with his own eyes how this mysterious country lives and develops.

Having received a diploma as an oriental historian, he was drafted into the army. He spent two years in Afghanistan. He worked as a translator as part of a unit of military advisers. Having served his due term, Kiselev returns to native land, and he is invited to a teaching job. The invitation came from the KGB Higher Courses. Evgeniy conveys the subtleties of the Persian language to employees who are waiting for work outside the Soviet Union. At this time, a vacancy appeared on television. There was an urgent need for a specialist for the editorial office of broadcasting to Iran and Afghanistan.

Odyssey through TV studios

Evgeny Kiselev’s career as a TV presenter and journalist developed without any special obstacles. After the events of 1991, when the former Soviet republics gained independence from the ruins of the Soviet Union, the information field was in complete chaos. Old television companies changed their broadcast format. New ones were created on fire. Kiselev tried his hand at different roles. He worked as a presenter in the “Morning” and “Vesti” programs on RTR. Stripped off interesting film about Israel, showing this state from an unusual perspective for the Russian viewer.

Evgeniy demonstrated good organizational skills when creating the NTV television company. He served as general director for almost a year. This was followed by a transition to the TV-6 Moscow channel. As a leader, he managed to broadcast at a professional level. However, financial troubles led to the liquidation of the channel. It should be noted that personal life Kiseleva remained unchanged through all political and organizational cataclysms. The husband and wife, who started a family back in 1974, were classmates. Love and mutual respect withstood all the trials that befell the spouses.

In 2003, the seasoned TV presenter went to work for the Moscow News newspaper. It was a forced step. The journalist was purposefully pushed to the outskirts of the information field. Five years later, Kiselev was invited to work for Ukrainian television. You can’t tell in a few words how things are going with him today.

Name: Dmitry Kiselev
Date of Birth: 04/05/1988 (31 years old)
Address: Moscow
Occupation: Licking

Dmitry Kiselev(also known as Kissel, Red Cockroach, Redhead licking, Redhead chick, Igor Nikolaev) - one of the first Russian Internet video bloggers and the full namesake of the host of “News of the Week” on the channel “Russia 1”, author of the cycles of analytical programs “Telesavr”, “Nausea” and “You are not reviewers, you are shit” (the last two were created jointly with Big Brain). Kiselyov began a career as a video blogger at the end of the first decade of the 21st century; He gained relative popularity from a video about the worst reviewers of the Runet, filmed together with Ilya Maddison. Infamously known for his own hypocrisy, ability to speak smoothly on camera and masterly ability to flatter. Author of the meme “Zzhar – new Suponev”. Participant in one already two episodes of "In the Kitchen", after which Kinaman appears in the final part of "Nausea" as an example of the ideal nostalgia reviewer. In Wormthread, Kiselyov is mentioned in an extremely negative light.

Creative path

Dmitry's creativity is very diverse. What they have in common with the Leader is that both are parachute people and can create in absolutely any form. For example, Kiselyov played in the theater, and also wrote a book, which at one time he advised everyone to read. Your own main creative feature considers script writing. He did not bypass YouTube either, understanding perfectly how it works and how it gains popularity there. More precisely, he began his activities back in the days when the entire elite of reviewers was on Rutuba because of the affiliate program and the established community. As already mentioned, Cockroach made friends with the very elite of that time: Maddison, Zulin. Now it's true friend and Big Brain, whom he despises with all his heart, can be considered a comrade.

At the end of the 2000s, Kiselyov tried himself as a film reviewer, but it didn’t go well. Then real glory he received a series of “The 5 Worst” programs, where he verbally humiliated the inhabitants of the bottom of the RuNet of that time on camera. It is noteworthy that one of the winners of this show was Big Brain, who was 26 years old at that time. He even won a prize for being the worst reviewer of the time. Subsequently, Brain turned out to be the only person who could for a long time communicate with Dima. Through contempt and humiliation.

But the music did not play for long, and at one time the review community was talking only about the tricks that Kiselev pulled. This was largely due to interview, which Kisel gave to Devinart, a guy who specialized in interviewing Internet celebrities. Then the young journalist was just starting his career, and could not understand how to behave with Kiselyov, who throughout the interview climbed into the bottle and behaved quite aggressively. From the outside it looked quite funny when he asked a question and then tried in vain to calm Dmitry down. Zulin wrote a post on his blog about this interview, with a detailed analysis. Ilya Maddison noted parody and he did not comment further on this, only once, when he was asked “What happened to Kiselev?”, to which he replied: “Ask Dima yourself what happened to him.”

At this point, the first stage of Dmitry Kiselyov’s creativity can be considered complete; he went into hibernation for several years.

Modern era

Kisel returned to the Internet unexpectedly, but very accurately. His first videos were movie review(again) . Not the most successful review, and as a result, we haven’t seen any other film reviews from him. Next came a parody of Kinaman and congratulations on his birthday. Pasha did not ban this parody, but even praised it. Thus began the ascent of the cockroach into the kitchen.

Together with his partner, he began to rivet videos that were almost no different from the top five. Except that this time he had the bottom of the Internet in his partners, and he reviewed people who were quite successful on YouTube. So he started the “Nausea” series, where he attacked retro reviewers who were pretty tired of them with their nostalgia. Since the topic was quite relevant, many people really liked the program. But the main question remained: what would Kisel say about the Chief Nostalgator of all Rus' - Pavel Grinev? Obviously, the answer was hidden in latest issue Nausea. And this answer disappointed everyone. Instead of constructive and harsh criticism, the viewer saw one of the most epic suck-ups in the entire history of YouTube. Actually, the entire cycle of these programs was saturated with sucking up. It’s not for nothing that the “new Suponev” meme is so well ingrained in the memory of Dima’s viewers. Zzhar himself does not deny that Kisel sucked up to him, and he sucked up in return.

So in the fourth Nausea, Pavel was shown almost as a prophet of the 90s and all the hope of YouTube. Part of the episode was filmed in the famous Rostov kitchen. Later Kisel even got into release in the kitchen. Also, after sucking up, he became a desired guest on various streams. Naturally, after touching the Great One, Dmitry was completely blown away. So the premiere of the fourth Nausea was presented as a very cultural event and took place in one anti-cafe, where people gathered and this episode was shown to them, as if in a cinema. There are even video from this event. How many reviewers do you know with such an ego? Kiselyov himself never skimps on epithets, praising himself. For example, he is not a reviewer, but a director, and in the new AVGN film he was the voice-over director.

From there things only got worse. A LIVE channel appeared, where vague discussions of almost all of Kisel’s videos were recorded. Naturally, all the analytics boiled down to singing praises in the direction of the skill of Kiselyov and Brain. Later, the Leader and Zhzhar began to be invited to these videos in order to praise the famous master. Today, Dima says that he is happy with his current surroundings, even though they are not the top of YouTube. But in 2009, he had much more famous friends, but such acquaintances did not bring happiness. And he can be understood, because Kiselyov’s current entourage does not drive him anywhere out of his comfort zone, and also praises him for every sneeze. What he has in common with the Leader is that at one time he banned dvachers in his group only for the reason that they were with dvachers. Another similarity with Kinamania is politics. double standards. There is only garbage in the dvachas, however, the old dvacher Ilya Maddison is an educated and smart person.

So why Cockroach?

Because he’s red-haired, and because there’s a cockroach that snuck into the kitchen. He earned a negative opinion of himself due to the fact that he constantly licked ass, and his reviews were full of hypocrisy, although they were done with some skill.

As is known, creative life have their own evil irony. So, on one of the streams with Zhzhar, Red Cockroach said that he played in the play... a cockroach. But it was the main role, after all, they staged “The Cockroach” by Korney Chukovsky. So fate also has a sense of humor.

On this moment he clung tightly to the Leader, using the “loyal suction” tactic.

Opinions about Kisel

  • As you know, in the final part of the “Nausea” tetralogy, Red Butt-Liser changed his hypocritical narrative style in the episode, which was dedicated to the story about Pixel Devil. In it, Kisel spoke extremely disapprovingly and with a noticeable amount of mockery about the latter’s passion for collecting shopping mania. In December 2014 at stream Pixel_Devil, dedicated to completing the final level of “Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures”, where Kinaman was also present, the last question was voiced from one of the spectators:
Tricky question: Kolya, how do you feel about Dmitry Kiselev? – Well, I wouldn’t say it’s positive, to be honest. Because somehow I communicated with him a long time ago. He didn't seem to me interesting person. Here. And if we’re talking about that same video, then, to be honest, I didn’t watch it to the end. I can not say anything. Well, I don’t know, it’s just not exactly the type of people I usually communicate with.
  • On the Rossiya 1 TV channel, the full namesake of Tarakan, known for his loud statements, Dmitry Kiselyov, hosts his own show. Coincidence?

Dmitry Kiselev is a famous Russian TV presenter and journalist. He is Deputy General Director of VGTRK. Heads the international news agency Rossiya Segodnya. The article will present short biography presenter

Childhood and studies

Dmitry Kiselev was born in Moscow in 1954. The future journalist received an excellent education. As a child, the boy graduated from a music school with a guitar class. And after receiving secondary education, Dmitry decided to enter medical school. But the medical profession did not appeal to the young man. Therefore next educational institution Kiselev became Leningrad University, where he studied Scandinavian philology. The young man graduated from university in 1978.

The beginning of a journalistic career

After receiving his diploma, Dmitry Kiselev got a job at the USSR State Television and Radio. There he worked in the foreign sector, which was considered the most prestigious. Dmitry was responsible for everything that was heard about the USSR abroad. In such work it was impossible to do without such qualities as extreme organization and responsibility. It is necessary to control not only every word, but also intonation. Kiselev worked in this department for 10 years, and then began to conduct political reviews, becoming the announcer of the Vremya program.


The year was 1991. Global changes have begun in the Union. Former republics began to fight for independence. The management of Gosteleradio invited Kiselyov to read the government’s statement about the events in the Baltic states. Dmitry Konstantinovich refused to do this. The head of the radio channel was on the side of the government, so he immediately fired the hero of this article.

New job

Also in 1991, the Vesti program appeared with Dmitry Kiselev. The presenter turned out to be one of the pioneers of that time. Together with his colleagues, he created on radio and television new format, collaborating with foreign programs.

In 1992, Dmitry Konstantinovich began hosting Panorama. And after some time I went to Helsinki as Ostankino’s own correspondent. After the death of Vlad Listyev, he became the host of the “Rush Hour” program.

In 1996, Kiselev began working on the Ren-TV channel. Dmitry Konstantinovich was invited as the host of the “National Interest” program. Kiselev himself called it ideological, not political. After some time, the program began to air daily on the Rossiya channel.

In 1999, Dmitry Kiselev appeared in the “Window to Europe” program. Moreover, he was not only the presenter, but also the author. Viewers watched “Window to Europe” on the TV-6 Moscow channel.

Present tense

Since 2012, Kiselev has been hosting the program “Historical Process”. Also, the hero of this article is the author of the “Authority” program. In the summer of the same year, the program “News of the Week” with Dmitry Kiselev began airing. Every month the number of its viewers increased by geometric progression. And in 2016 it became the highest rated program on Russian television, and the presenter’s name has turned into a real brand. The viewers themselves now call it “A Week with Dmitry Kiselev.”

At the end of 2013, the presenter headed the Rossiya Segodnya news agency created by Vladimir Putin.

Personal life

For Kiselev it was stormy. Dmitry got married for the first time while still studying at school. The chosen one of the future journalist was classmate Alena. The couple separated a few months after the wedding. IN student years Kiselev managed to get together and break up with two more girls.

Dmitry married for the fourth time, already working at the USSR State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. Twelve months later, his wife gave birth to a son named Gleb. As soon as the boy was one year old, Kiselev left the family. Then he had another one bad marriage. Dmitry Konstantinovich's sixth wife was Kelly Richdale in 1998. But this relationship lasted only a few months.

For the seventh time, presenter Dmitry Kiselev married a girl named Maria. At that time, the journalist built his own house in Crimea. Being a fan jazz music, he founded the thematic festival “Jazz Koktebel” in 2003. Since then, this event has been held on an annual basis. While in Koktebel, Dmitry Konstantinovich decided to ride a rubber boat. On the shore he noticed a lonely standing girl. She turned out to be a Moscow student Maria. At that time, the girl was studying at the Institute of Psychoanalysis and Practical Psychology. A year later the wedding took place. In 2007, Maria gave birth to the presenter’s son, Kostya. And in 2010, their daughter Varvara was born.

Country house and hobbies

Now Kiselev lives with his family in the Moscow region. He built the house for several years according to a special project. In the yard there is a well on which a small mill is installed. It perfectly complements the overall appearance of the building. At first, it was difficult for Dmitry Konstantinovich’s wife to get used to life outside of Moscow. And she periodically went to the capital. But then Maria even fell in love with village life.

At one time, Kiselev maintained a small stable of four horses. But after an accident with a compression fracture of the spine, the leader could no longer engage in equestrian sports. Also, while getting into motocross, the journalist received a serious knee injury (torn ligaments). After three operations, Dmitry Konstantinovich walked on crutches for a whole year. It is clear that equestrian sport was finished forever. Therefore, Kiselev sold one horse, gave the second to a trainer, and donated the remaining two to a children's institution.

The journalist speaks excellent French, English and Norwegian. In addition, he can read Danish, Swedish and Icelandic very well.