Gosloto: reviews from real people, winners and prizes. Stoloto, Russian Lotto – a scam? Reviews from real people Why the Stoloto app doesn't work

  • 20.06.2020

The vast majority of people on earth live exclusively on a fixed salary. They have a routine lifestyle and cannot make even small savings. As a rule, prejudices about money are also mixed in here.

If you are rich, it means you stole, deceived someone, or were just lucky. Such people often do not make real plans and do not try to earn more on their own. But they dream of big money that will suddenly fall on their heads.

People dreaming of the bird of happiness, free money, often play in casinos, lotteries, slot machines, and take risks. And often they are left with literally nothing. And this is undoubtedly a gold mine for cunning entrepreneurs, scammers who profit from human weaknesses. I especially often want to buy lottery tickets. Some people actively buy instant lotteries. This is very convenient when you don’t have to wait for the draw. In this case, you can lose a lot of money and not even notice. Currently, online super markets for lottery tickets are very popular, where you can see and play all existing lotteries and games. The Stoloto store is widely known in Russia. Here you can buy anything and have constant access to games and lotteries of any level.

Stoloto dotka ru is a lottery supermarket. An excellent, well-developed site where, after a simple registration, you can buy any lottery tickets and participate in instant draws online. The site is very easy to navigate, and in addition to games, here you can get complete information regarding all currently existing lotteries. Here there are announcements of future games, you can watch live broadcasts of games, and see photos of lucky lottery winners over the past years.

On the Stoloto website you can immediately create a wallet through which it is convenient to buy lottery tickets online. Here you can check whether your ticket has won or not. The website makes it easy to view the history of purchased tickets. Helps to create statistics of expenses on tickets and winnings. There is a very convenient mobile version of the stoloto website. The site provides complete information about ticket sales locations in cities. There is also information on how to properly receive money if you win.

If you answer this eloquent question, then stoloto is not a scam of suckers, but a reality. The site exists and is functioning. He sells tickets for various lotteries, using which you can hope for big wins. At the moment, there are a huge number of completely different lotteries, both public and private, with different founders. Stoloto is simply an intermediary, a trading platform where you can purchase these tickets.

Naturally, there is simply trading on Stoloto. The site is not deceiving anyone. We pay - we buy. But how lotteries function and whether they deceive people is a completely different question. In fact, there are so many people, so many different experiences and opinions. In order to get your own idea, of course, you can try playing with Stoloto. or read forums where people communicate and share their negative or positive experiences. I personally like the stoloto site itself. It's thoughtful and high quality, and what more could you ask for when you go to the supermarket. even if it's a lottery game.

Still, I think that lotteries nowadays deceive people by giving minimal winnings. It is very difficult to get a real prize; only with great luck can you become the owner of a large sum of money, by pure chance.

Video review


Who doesn’t hope for a miracle that one day he will be lucky and incredibly rich by winning several million in the lottery? That is why thousands of people buy Stoloto tickets every day, sometimes spending half their salary on it, or even all of it.

Hope for luck and a lucky ticket are a good thing. However, where there is fraud, it is a priori impossible to win. At least a large amount. Yes, and with small winnings, “Stoloto” has also been cheating too often lately, deceiving its participants even with such money as 120-180 rubles.

As they say, take care of the world and take care of yourself. Don't believe me? But in vain...

The whole truth about Stoloto

“Stoloto” is the official state organizer of lotteries in the Russian Federation. It runs 16 different lotteries, among which the most popular are Gosloto, Sportloto and Russian Lotto. Tickets can be purchased both online on the website and at various points of sale. It is a monopolist of lotteries in Russia.

The most favorite game of most players is “Gosloto”, when you need to guess several numbers from a number of possible ones, for example, 4 out of 20, 5 out of 36, 6 out of 45, 6 out of 49. On the ticket, the participant indicates his “lucky numbers”, and later - a drawing is held during which the drum randomly throws out balls with numbers.

The more matches, the greater the winnings. The jackpots are absolutely crazy - 8-80 million rubles!

But if you look for reviews about the Stoloto lottery, you will see that most of them are negative: not because people were simply unlucky to win and their hopes of becoming millionaires were dashed, but because of the organizers, who are constantly caught in fraud. They cheat here even with small amounts, let alone large ones!

Evidence of Stoloto's deception

The first thing you should pay attention to is a drawing on television, where it is shown not in real time, but from a ready-made recording: this opens up the possibility of fraud when you can edit a video and show the desired result.

The program, into which the data of all tickets is entered, calculates the result the organizers need in a few seconds, when no one wins large sums. And then... editing - and the jackpot is transferred to the next drawing!

Proof? Compare video screenshots of two different moments of two draws - 2259 and 2260. The picture is completely identical - all the balls are in the same position! What is the probability that this can happen four times in 2 draws? No. Oh yes... the most important thing is that the balls are the same, their position is the same, but the numbers are different.

The second thing that catches your eye is that the winnings become known even before the drawing itself takes place. And yes, the data after the drawing itself remains the same. How is this possible if the balls are randomly dropped? Only if the results are predetermined, and the audience is presented with a video edited according to plan.

The third proof is that in reality the ticket is a winner, since several numbers match, but the website says that the ticket is a non-winner. Explanations from the organizers? Read for yourself:

Won millions? And a fig for you!

Occasionally, “Stoloto” pleases with the message that someone there has won a jackpot or just a big prize of a couple of million rubles. The news spreads instantly. Hope flashes in the hearts of lottery participants that since someone has won such a huge amount, it means that they will certainly be lucky.

You just have to keep buying tickets and hope for a miracle. And here again the crowds are running for tickets.

Yeah... maybe sometimes someone managed to accidentally become one of these lucky ones, but they never saw anything more than a sum with a few zeros on the screen. Scandals have broken out more than once with those who won millions in Stoloto, but were left with nothing.

The story of a resident of Transbaikalia

In November 2016, a resident of Transbaikalia won 6 million rubles in Stoloto. But when he tried to pick them up, he was told that there was a technical glitch, an error had occurred, so his ticket was declared non-winning. What 6 million?!

The story of a pensioner from Dzerzhinsk

Pensioner Nina Koryagina from Dzerzhinsk was “broken off” even more by Stoloto. A woman won 54 million rubles on New Year's Eve 2017 in Russian Lotto. The lottery organizers confirmed her winnings and promised that they would contact her later about issuing the money.

However, no one else wanted to deal with the winner - the phone was either constantly busy or unavailable for months. Interesting, isn't it?

Yes, you always want to believe that someday you will be able to win the lottery and solve all your financial problems. However, if the lottery is dishonest, cheats and does everything to prevent people from winning or receiving minimal amounts, the likelihood of a big win tends to zero.

I hope the above evidence of fraud will make you think - is it really possible to win at Stoloto or is it all a scam? Are you ready to give your money to scammers for the sake of an illusory hope that simply is not destined to come true?

But some people get so excited that they spend their entire salary and even take out loans to buy several packs of tickets.

If you have something to add, write your opinion on this matter in the comments, and if you don’t have enough arguments, I recommend reading the article about a billion-dollar fraud from a government distributor. lotteries that we discussed in this

Money is something that so many people are sorely lacking. We live in an age of maximum consumption. From TV screens and on the Internet we are told that happiness directly depends on how expensively we dress, how often we vacation at resorts, and what kind of phone rings in our pocket.

Of course this is not true. But, nevertheless, there are a lot of consuming people who have a desire only for money, for hoarding. They dream of winning their jackpot, but they often want the money to come on its own.

It is these people who most often play lottery games, visit casinos, and join various financial pyramids. They are also the most frequent borrowers of banks. Alas. This is true. But, if you play in moderation, and have intelligence and willpower, then it is quite possible to do this from time to time without particularly burdening your wallet. There was an experience in my life when I wanted to try my luck and try to win the lottery. At that time, I did not know any lotteries other than Russian lotto, which has been popular in Russia for many years. So I bought a couple of tickets. And she won as much as 200 rubles. I didn’t want to go pick them up, so I registered on the Stoloto website, where you can receive your winnings online.

The Stoloto website is a lottery supermarket. By registering here you can purchase tickets for state, instant, housing and other lotteries. It is also possible to place bets online and also check your tickets. On the website in your personal account, you can link your e-wallet to your account. It is possible to transfer winning amounts to it or pay when purchasing tickets.

The Stoloto website itself, as an online store, is very convenient. It's easy to use. It is well designed in terms of navigation. There is everything you need to easily navigate through categories. In addition, there is a lot of information regarding the following drawings. To entice players, there are many photos of players who have won in the past. It’s nice to see her as a simple pensioner. who just yesterday was frying pies on a gas stove, today has become a millionaire...

On Stoloto you can watch online broadcasts of drawings. You can thoroughly study all the offered lotteries. In principle, there are no complaints about the store. But the lotteries themselves are raising more and more doubts among people who frequently play.

I have been registered on the Stoloto website for about four years. At the same time, I rarely play because I win very little. I am a fairly relaxed person when it comes to money, so I don’t suffer from gambling addiction and can stop playing at any time. I really like the site from a functional point of view. Buying tickets from this store is very easy. You can choose as many as you like. Consider combinations of numbers.

But, from the point of view of how honest the lottery organizers are with us, it is the game via the Internet that raises doubts. If you read various forums dedicated to lottery games, you can find many unpleasant stories about how winners are deceived. A man checks his ticket in real life. and sees that he has won. And on the website his ticket is listed as non-winning. Or, when calling the organizer’s hotline, they may say that a system failure occurred and the ticket was not won. The organizers leave behind many loopholes in order to enrich themselves and not let ordinary people win.

In the name of the Russian Federation
Using the method of selective verification of the actually paid prize fund of the “GOSLOTO 6 out of 45” draw No. 200 dated October 20, 2010, the fact of inaccurate information provided by Orglot LLC in the reporting on the All-Russian State Lottery for the 4th quarter of 2010 was revealed, in terms of what was actually paid prize fund.
When examining Draw No. 200 “GOSLOTO 6 out of 45” dated October 20, 2010, the Inspectorate revealed a violation of the terms of payment of winnings to a lottery participant, namely Mikhail Prokopyevich Larukov. According to the winning receipt of VGL Gosloto “6×45”, circulation 200 No.32685, confirming participation in the lottery at the terminal 205403-000016013, M.P. Larukov’s winnings amounted to 20,000,000 rubles.
In accordance with clause 9.6. “Conditions of the All-Russian State Lottery in Real Time”, the right to participate in which is associated with the payment of a fee”, payments of winnings begin no later than the day following the day of the corresponding Draw, and end no later than 6 months from the date of publication of the results in the media corresponding circulation, which is also provided for in paragraph 6 of Article 20 of Federal Law No. 138-FZ. The result of the circulation was published on October 26, 2010 in the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper.
According to the payment orders provided by Orglot LLC, Larukov M.P. was paid winnings in the amount of 3,069,373 rubles. 60 kopecks
LLC "Orglot" (operator) entered into an agreement with LLC "TD Pallant" (distributor), hereinafter LLC "Trading House "Gosloto" dated November 12, 2010 No. 74-210 for the provision of services for the distribution of lottery tickets (receipts). Subject of the agreement - the distributor undertakes, on the instructions of the operator, to provide the latter with a range of services for the distribution of lottery tickets and fulfillment of other obligations.
According to the acts of acceptance and transfer of payment of winnings to lottery participants dated 03/05/2011, 03/29/2011, 03/30/2011 between Orglot LLC and Gosloto Trading House LLC (in accordance with agreement No. 74-210 dated 11/12/2010) for which LLC “Trading House “Gosloto” accepted the debt to pay winnings to lottery participants in the total amount of 96,984,824 rubles. 40 kopecks, including according to Larukov M.P. in the amount of 16,930,626 rubles. 40 kopecks
At the time of the inspection, LLC Trading House Gosloto paid Larukov M.P. winnings in the amount of 2,418,660 rubles. 90 kopecks
The amount of unpaid winnings by the deadline of 04/26/2011, provided for in clause 6 of Art. 20 of Federal Law No. 138-FZ and clause 9.6. “Conditions of the All-Russian State Lottery in real time” amounted to 16,124,406.1 rubles.
The amount of unpaid winnings to Larukov M.P. at the time of inspection amounted to 14,511,965 rubles. 50 kopecks
Based on the above, the Inspectorate revealed a violation expressed in non-payment of winnings within the period established by clause 6 of Art. 20 of Federal Law No. 138-FZ in the amount of 16,124,406 rubles. 10 kopecks
In connection with the identified violation by the chief state tax inspector of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 22 for Moscow, Khisamova I.A. 07/18/2011 Protocol on administrative offense No. 2Yu was drawn up.

In accordance with Part 3 of Article 14.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, refusal to pay, transfer or provide winnings, as well as violation of the procedure and (or) terms for payment, transfer or provision of winnings provided for by the terms of the lottery, entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine on legal entities - from fifty thousand to one hundred thousand rubles.
According to Part 1 of Article 71 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, the arbitration court evaluates evidence according to its internal conviction, based on a comprehensive, complete, objective and direct examination of the evidence available in the case.
In accordance with Article 26.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, evidence in a case of an administrative offense is any factual data on the basis of which the judge, body, official in charge of the case establishes the presence or absence of an administrative offense event, the guilt of the person brought to administrative proceedings liability, as well as other circumstances relevant to the correct resolution of the case. These data are established by the protocol on the administrative offense, the explanations of the person against whom the case of the administrative offense is being conducted. The use of evidence obtained in violation of the law is not permitted.
The case materials establish that the applicant did not comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on Lotteries.
Under these circumstances, the fact of the defendant’s violations of the established payment deadlines is considered by the court to be established and confirmed by the case materials.
Thus, the actions of the defendant established the corpus delicti of an administrative offense under Art. 14.27 part 3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.
There is also the defendant’s guilt in committing it, since in accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 2.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, he had the opportunity to comply with the rules and norms, for violation of which this Code or the laws of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation provides for administrative liability, but this person did not take all measures depending on him to comply with them.
On the day the court decision was made, the statute of limitations for bringing the defendant to administrative liability, established by Art. 4.5 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, not expired. The procedure for bringing the defendant to administrative responsibility was followed by the applicant and is not disputed by the defendant.
Grounds for application of Art. 2.9 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and the court does not have a release of the defendant from administrative liability.
Consequently, there are legal grounds for bringing the defendant to administrative liability on the basis of Art. 14.27 part 3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.
The court verified and assessed all the defendant’s arguments, but they cannot serve as a basis for refusing to satisfy the demands, since they are not supported by evidence and are based on an incorrect interpretation of both the legislation of the Russian Federation and the conditions of the lottery. Thus, the court presented the defendant’s arguments with reference to the need for payment within the time limits specified in paragraphs 9.8, 9.9. The conditions are not accepted, since, in the opinion of the court, these clauses are not applicable to the case under consideration, which follows from the literal interpretation of the conditions.
Under these circumstances, the court considers the event of an administrative offense established, for the commission of which the law provides
administrative responsibility; the fact that it was committed by a person in respect of whom a protocol on an administrative offense was drawn up; existence of grounds for
drawing a protocol on an administrative offense; the presence of powers of the administrative body that compiled the protocol.

Parts 1 and 3 of Art. 23.1. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation consideration of cases of administrative offenses provided for in Parts 1, 2 of Art. 14.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation falls within the competence of the arbitration court.
Thus, the court found that the application was justified and should be granted.
The court did not establish any mitigating or aggravating circumstances in the case.
As follows from the grounds of the stated requirements, the applicant did not refer to the presence of aggravating circumstances when the defendant committed the specified administrative offense and due to the fact that the defendant was brought to administrative responsibility for the first time under this article of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the court considers it possible to impose a punishment according to the lower limit of the administrative fine specified in Art. 14.27 Part 3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, i.e. in the amount of 50,000 rubles.

In just three days, the Gosloto 5 out of 36 lottery made three of its participants millionaires. How is this possible, how to win Gosloto and what do real people’s reviews say about Gosloto?

Lottery fans have long been no longer surprised by the frequent drawings of super prizes in Gosloto “5 out of 36”, but at the end of January a truly non-trivial event occurred - the super prize was drawn three times in just four days! Moreover, only six hours passed between the first and second draw!

How to win at Gosloto?

But let's start from the beginning. On January 27, a participant in the 6098th draw who guessed all five numbers won 7,368,840 rubles. The winner bought the ticket in the Vologda region at the local Svyaznoy store. This man clearly knows how to win at Gosloto - he made a detailed bet and marked 8 numbers in one field. Thus, there were 56 combinations, which seriously increased the chances of winning. However, this type of bet not only increases the probability of winning many times over, but also the cost of the ticket itself; for example, in our case we had to pay 4,480 rubles. But considering that this amount has increased by more than 1600 times, this strategy has proven to be very viable!

The second super prize win happened in the 6100th anniversary draw on the same day. The recipe for how to win at Gosloto from this lottery participant would be somewhat different. His bid was more modest - only 160 rubles. It is worth noting that this time the winner bought a ticket in the Stoloto mobile application, which has recently become a trend, and more and more winners use the application or website of the Stoloto Trading House to buy tickets. The winnings amounted to 3 million rubles.

The participant in the 6114th draw, which took place on January 30, won the same amount. Once again, the participant who placed a bet on the Internet was lucky, but unlike the previous winner, he did not use a mobile application, but the website stoloto.ru. By the way, there is no difference in the chances of winning between bets in a mobile application or using a website; you need to choose here based solely on convenience. As for the third winner himself, his bet was quite bold and even risky. The ticket included expanded combinations and cost 6,720 rubles. In addition to the super prize of 3,000,000 rubles, the winner received another 88,000 rubles thanks to success in other winning categories.

Cash prizes await the winners at the Stoloto Trading House, at the central office - it is located in Moscow, on Volgogradsky Prospekt, 43, bldg. 3. We wish good luck to all future lottery participants!