How to draw a kite with a pencil step by step. How to draw an eagle with a pencil step by step

  • 04.03.2020

Good afternoon, today we present to your attention a lesson called how to draw an eagle. We will draw a proud bird, which is one of the largest birds on our planet. This is a truly unique bird that soars high in the sky (flight altitude can reach 10 kilometers) and from such a height can see its prey, even the smallest mouse.

In addition to the fact that we will draw an eagle, we will talk a little about the structure of the eagle's body and its behavior. We will clearly show the bird in flight and on the ground. Taking our lesson as a basis, you can learn not only which we offer you, but also learn how to draw a bird in different types and poses on your own. Let's get started

Learning how to draw an eagle

Step 1
Before you draw an eagle, it is useful to become familiar with its anatomy. The first three steps will focus on the anatomy of an eagle.

Step 2
In the second anatomy picture we will focus on building the head and eyes. It certainly doesn’t look very nice, but it’s important to know this when drawing.

Step 3
In the third picture we will take a closer look at the wings of an eagle, which is also very important.

Step 4
This picture shows several variations of an eagle in motion that may be useful.

Step 5
And here are some more examples.

Step 6
Now let's start drawing. Let's draw the main lines as shown in the figure.

Step 8
It's the beak's turn. Let's draw the top part.

Step 9
The next important detail is the eagle's eye. you can buy amber.

Step 10
Let's draw a nostril and a line dividing the upper part of the beak.

Step 11
Now let's draw small feathers around the beak. This will make our eagle more realistic.

Step 12
And again we draw small feathers, only this time around the eyes.

Step 13
Let's draw the feathers under the beak, and at this stage the work on the beak will be completed.

Step 14
Let's start drawing the feathers on the forehead.

Step 16
Now we draw the feathers of the head from the back side.

Step 17
Let's draw the feathers closer to the chest. It looks similar to the fur of other animals.

Step 18
Finish drawing the head by drawing the feathers on the chest.

Step 19
Let's draw the upper lines of the wings.

Step 21
Draw feathers on the eagle's body.

Step 22
Now you can color the drawing to your taste.

Our lesson today has come to an end. The lesson was difficult, we won’t argue, but instructive. If something doesn’t work out for you, repeat, practice, and everything will definitely work out.

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How to draw an eagle with a pencil step by step for beginners

Video: how to draw a realistic eagle

How to draw an eagle's head step by step

Video: how to draw a realistic eagle head

How to draw a bald eagle's head using pencils

Here are the pencils I used for this tutorial. 4H and 2H - for light shading. HB - for sketch. B is for outlines and dark shadows. 8B was used for very dark shades in the background.

  • Step 1

    Start your drawing with a sketch of the eagle's head. Use construction lines if you need them. Don't forget to lighten the outlines and erase all the extra lines on the sketch.

  • Step 2

    Once you have a basic sketch, add a little more detail, but don't get too carried away just yet.

  • Step 3

    Now shade the background. There are endless ways to create a background, get creative with them! I first shaded with HB pencil, then did the darker areas with 8B pencil.

  • Step 4

    I find it easier to work starting with the eyes. I used a B pencil for the dark areas and a 4H for shading the feathers.

  • Step 5

    Now paint over the beak. I used 2H for this because it is just a little darker than 4H.

  • Step 6

    Start shading the mouth in one layer for now. For this I used 2H and HB pencils.

  • Step 7

    Now add dark areas to the mouth using B and 8B pencils.

  • Step 8

    Now move away from the white feathers and focus on the neck and wing using HB and 8B to get really dark shades here.

The eagle is a beautiful and large bird. Its body is from 75 to 90 cm in length, and its wingspan is more than two meters. This bird has incredible strength and power and is capable of lifting objects much greater than its own body weight. There are stories of an eagle picking up small children and trying to carry them into the sky. In this article we will try to figure out how to draw an eagle step by step using a pencil.

Structural features of birds

Every day we see various birds on the streets. Mostly, our attention comes across rock pigeons, gray sparrows, yellow tits, and jackdaws, less often - ruddy bullfinches and appeared on our planet quite a long time ago - 175 million years ago. There are a large number of them, but the structure remains unchanged: head, legs, wings and tail.

Common Elements of Drawing Birds

Let's look at a simple example of how you can draw a bird using a simple pencil. To work, we will need a picture of any bird.

Simple drawing steps:

  • In order to depict a bird, we will construct an oval and a circle (body and head).
  • We get the basic structure of the pattern by adding a tail, beak and wings.
  • Let's finish drawing the legs.
  • Add small details with a pencil.
  • We highlight the plumage with shading.
  • Draw the eyes and beak.

Learning to draw an eagle on paper

It is better to start the first stages of pencil drawing with small sketches, depicting individual small details - the head, wings. Let's try to learn how to draw an eagle's head close-up.

Stages of pencil drawing

After going through a series of training sketches, you can proceed to more complex tasks. For example, how to draw an eagle in flight. To work on the sketch, we will need a picture or photograph of a bird, a sheet of paper, and simple pencils.

Carefully study the image of the bird to understand its structure.

A novice artist needs to learn to be attentive, notice the smallest details of the objects depicted and try to skillfully capture them on paper. In order to learn how to draw an eagle with a pencil, you need to be patient and persevering, and everything will work out.

The eagle is a bird of prey with a large body, strong legs, long wings, sharp talons, a short tail, a massive beak and large eyes with good vision. All these features allow it to soar high in the sky for a long time, examine future prey and easily attack. Therefore, you should definitely learn how to draw an eagle, because it is quite common in Eurasia, Africa and North America.

Necessary materials for drawing such a bird:

Stages of drawing a proud eagle:

    1. The main part of the bird's body is quite large, but our eagle will be in a flying position. Therefore, let's draw it in the form of an oval.

    2. The eagle is now in flight. Therefore, the head will be lowered a little down. We draw it on the left side of the contour of the body. We will also draw a small tail on the right side, which is much smaller in size than the wings.

    3. From the upper contour of the body, draw the main parts of the wings using lines. We draw the lines upward, because the bird is in flight in search of food. You will end up with two massive parts. We also outline a massive beak of medium length and eyes, which are already looking for their prey on the surface of the earth.

    4. Let's walk along the contour of the wings and outline the feathers in the form of thin arcs that will add length and volume. Let's add partitions on the small tail in the form of simple lines.

    5. In addition to good eyesight and a massive beak, the eagle also has strong paws with sharp claws. Therefore, they should definitely be drawn. Let's draw two arcs that lead from the lower contour of the body. Then we will add more thin curved lines at the ends, turning into claws. Let's add thickness to the paws using lines.

    6. We draw the eagle's head in detail, slightly adjust its shape and add small details. We finish drawing the plumage along the contour. We smoothly move from the head to the wings, which also need to be brought into perfect shape. To do this, draw large feathers along the upper contour at the top of the drawing. We finish drawing small details and remove everything unnecessary with an eraser.

    7. We are working on the tail, which needs a beautiful contour and elaboration of lines. Let's add feathering in the form of small strokes near the tail.

    8. We draw in detail the feathers on the paws in the upper parts. We will also work on the claws, which are very thin and sharp.

    9. We paint over the beak and claws of the eagle with a yellow pencil.

    10. Using a beige pencil we will go over some areas of the body, head, tail and wings.

    11. Using brown pencils we create color for the plumage on the wings, body and legs. Use a darker shade to add shadow and contour near the curves.

    12. Use black for a darker shadow. We use it to work on all areas of the drawing, including the white head, neck and tail.

    13. We use a black liner to create neat volumetric shading and the outline of all the lines.

    14. We get a beautiful drawing of a proud eagle, which is now in search of food.

      Eagle coloring page