What kind of business can a girl do? Interesting business ideas and advice for girls who decide to start their own business

  • 11.10.2019

What business should a woman start? In this article we will look at 5 interesting and original business ideas for active and purposeful girls

Hello, dear girls, women! With you is Alexander Berezhnov, entrepreneur and one of the founders of the website HeatherBober.ru.

Today, this wonderful article was published on the pages of a business magazine especially for you.

What is business for a woman? For some of you, this is a small home project, while others are striving to create a large, interesting company.

In any case, the material in this article will help you structure your thoughts, give you new ideas and inspiration for starting a new venture.

Below we will look at both classic and non-standard ways to open a business for women, after studying which, dear girls, you will have new ideas for organizing your own business.

So let's begin, dear ladies!

1. Business for women - myth or reality?

There is an opinion that business is the destiny of the strong half of humanity. But in the modern world of fast speeds and information technology, women are no less capable of conducting entrepreneurial activities.

Practice shows that in some areas women are not only not inferior to men, but are also able to run a business much more successfully. These are traditional women's spheres: beauty and health (cosmetics, clothing, dancing, yoga, massage, wellness and rejuvenating treatments), cooking, psychology and pedagogy.

By the way, how, on an equal basis with men, can women create passive income for themselves, that is, income that will flow to you, regardless of whether you work or not. You have a question, how can this be, I don’t work, but the money flows in?

The methods described in the article about passive income can be a good alternative for you to start your own business.

Continuing the topic of business for women, after conducting some analysis, I noticed that, by their psychological make-up, women are more patient and are able to wait longer for results than men. In addition, women have better flexibility and intuition, and feminine charm often helps in negotiations with men.

When it comes to starting their own business, mature women often say that they no longer have the same energy and that young girls will overtake them, because young people grasp everything on the fly, are better versed in information technology, and so on.

No need to worry. Age is not at all a reason to abandon your entrepreneurial ideas; on the contrary, the older you are, the more life experience you have, you know different people, and you are endowed with life wisdom.

For example, the famous successful female entrepreneur Mary Kay, the founder of the cosmetics company of the same name, started her business closer to 50 years old and achieved tremendous success.

And for those girls who want to start earning money in the very near future (3-7 days), there is one very interesting way. It consists in the following.

And wherever there are a lot of people, naturally, there is a lot of money.

It has long been known that, for example, our stars of show business, sports and politics receive substantial rewards for messages with hidden advertising.

And it works like this.

For example, the famous showman, actor and KVN performer Mikhail Galustyan, so beloved by young people, under the guise of ordinary text messages from his life, can “accidentally” advertise some store, person or event.

Of course, he will not do this by chance, but for a good fee of several thousand dollars.

In most cases, you and I are not as popular as our star compatriots, but it’s quite possible to earn a thousand or two rubles a day here.

We described ways to make money on Twitter in the article “”, just read it.

2. What business should a woman or men start - not competitors?

Typically, men prefer more “brutal” areas to open their own business, such as construction, auto business, and complex manufacturing business.

Dear girls, if you are looking for a good business idea, then we categorically do not recommend that you engage in such traditionally male-dominated types of business, especially if you do not yet have entrepreneurial experience.

Again, I recommend turning your attention to the World Wide Web. Even if you are just starting to master the Internet, then believe me, no matter what business you start, if you do not actively advertise your project online, you will miss out on great opportunities.

And it doesn’t matter whether you are engaged in Internet business, opened your own beauty salon or provide any services at home, be sure to study technologies for attracting clients via the Internet, order the development of your website, do more PR for your personal brand on the Internet and then your business will stand out from competitors will look much more solid and develop faster.

It is much better if you start working on your project gradually. This way you will open a business with minimal investment and avoid unnecessary losses when starting your business.

If you already have some experience in commercial activities, you can try opening a more complex project, for example an anti-cafe * .

Anticafe- a cultural and entertainment establishment free of alcohol and tobacco, where visitors pay for the time they stay.

In anti-cafes, food and drinks are usually not sold but are included in the cost of staying in the establishment.

Such women's businesses are already successfully developing in both large and provincial cities.

This is the best business for hospitable hostesses, who can start a more serious project, for example, opening their own hotel or large restaurant in the future.

In it, I talked about seven proven ways to make money that are available to any girl.

3. 6 simple business ideas for women

Let's move on to a review of business ideas for women. Perhaps for some they will seem banal, but at the same time they have one undeniable advantage - they all definitely work and have been tested in practice by thousands of women.

Business idea 1. Making and selling handmade crafts

Remember yourself as a child. Surely you made something, made “love stories” at school, helped decorate newspaper walls at the institute, or liked to give gifts made by yourself.

All these skills can be turned into a good business.

Here are just some handmade business ideas for women:

  • embroidery and beading;
  • floristry, making bouquets of sweets and soft toys;
  • creating collages, postcards, posters;
  • bags, wallets, boxes;

Your friends will willingly buy all these things, and the main thing is that you yourself will not spend money on gifts, because what you make with your own hands is valued higher, and the cost of materials for making one craft usually does not exceed 100 - 500 rubles.

Having carried out a simple calculation, it turns out that if you spend an average of 300 rubles on one unit made by yourself, then you can sell it for at least 1000 rubles, or even more. After all, this item will have exclusive status, made in a single copy!

And this is not all the money that you can earn by being able to do something well, for example, the same crafts with your own hands.

You can earn no less, and maybe even more, income by selling your knowledge.

Business idea 2.

If you are a mother or plan to become one in the future, then why not capitalize on your abilities given to you by nature in relation to children.

Nowadays, many parents are so busy with work that the maximum they can do is take their child to kindergarten or school in the morning and pick him up in the evening.

But, oddly enough, such educational institutions practically do not engage in the development of the child’s creative potential.

An excellent solution here would be to create your own creative studio.

You can organize it right at home and teach children any applied arts and creativity that you own.

For example, modeling from plasticine or clay, embroidery, or cooking.

This is exactly how one of the heroines of our business magazine, Anna Belan, opened her creative studio.

You can start by offering your services to friends, acquaintances or neighbors, and if things go well, then simply register as an individual entrepreneur (read the article “How to do this correctly”) and expand your activities on a larger scale.

Business idea 3. Courses of women's “tricks”

This business idea for women is a logical continuation of the previous one.

“Women's tricks” courses are a kind of club where you are an expert in some women's topic. There may be several such topics, it all depends on your level of training and experience.

For example, there are many women who would happily enroll in cooking classes, cutting and sewing courses, or child-rearing courses.

There are even girls ready to enroll in “female pickup” courses.

As you know, demand creates supply! Look around you to see what people need and then think about what you can offer them.

If in the process of your work you have secured the status of a good specialist, then, combined with organizational skills and a burning desire, you will be able to organize your own business by creating a club of “women’s tricks”.

By following them, you will learn how you can make money without starting your own business.

Business idea 4. Women's clothing and underwear store

Do you like to dress beautifully and know a lot about fashion? Then perhaps the best solution for you would be to open a women's clothing and lingerie store.

By the way, if you look a little into the future, you can open your own store for women, where the range will not be limited only to clothes, for example, women’s accessories and cosmetics can also be sold here.

Yes, your own store requires an investment of money, time and some experience in doing business.

In order for your business project to be successful, we advise you to analyze already operating stores in this area. Go around several of them, study their assortment, and, under the guise of a buyer, find out which products are in greatest demand and why.

This will give your store a better chance of success.

Dear ladies, we categorically do not recommend that you take out a loan to start your own business, especially if you have no experience in this. It is better to start with a project that does not require investment, acquire the necessary skills, and then take on more complex business projects.

Brief steps to open a women's goods store:

  • Demand analysis (we choose a niche and determine what exactly we will sell);
  • Selection of premises (we rent or adapt our premises for trade, if available);
  • Purchase of equipment and goods;
  • Official registration of the company;
  • Conducting an advertising campaign.

Business idea 5. Providing services in the field of beauty and health

Surely you have also met them: “Masha - manicurist”, “Marina - makeup artist”, “Lilya - hairdresser”, “Anna - yoga” and so on.

If you have a strong desire for beauty and lead a healthy lifestyle, then it’s time to make money by providing such services for women and open your own small women’s business.

Maybe you have completed some special courses in beauty and health, or you are simply interested in this area.

Business idea 6. Buying a Sushi Master franchise

In this section, I want to present a business idea with minimal risk, namely, purchasing a franchise of a Japanese restaurant chain.

Why am I proposing this particular project? There are several reasons. And the main one: I know for sure that the scheme works. A good friend of mine named Sergei already launched such a franchise in Maykop six months ago and is now receiving stable profits. So the project has been tested in practice, and I can vouch for its effectiveness.

The second reason is the prospects of the niche. All over the world there is an outflow of visitors from large expensive restaurants to more affordable ones. Sushi Master establishments are exactly like this. Even in small cities with a population of 50,000 or more people, the idea has every chance of becoming profitable.

Franchise owners offer food outlets in four formats: “Island”, “Street”, “Food Court” and classic. Choose depending on the future location of the establishment and your budget. Approximate investments - from 1.3 million rubles.

The partner receives a finished product with a working marketing scheme, a recognizable brand, unique recipes and proven cooking technologies. In addition, a special startup team will help launch the project as quickly and competently as possible. Specialists know how to effectively solve any of the possible problems and eliminate them immediately after they arise.

120 restaurants in 80 cities already bring regular income to their owners. There are also girls among the owners. If it worked for them, it will definitely work for you!

And here is what one of the owners of the Sushi Master chain, Alex Yanovsky, says about the advantages of the franchise:

Summing up the interim results

Regardless of which direction you choose to open your business, we want to give you a simple but proven technology for successfully starting a project.

Technology for a successful start in business for a woman:

  1. Decide what you can do. Make a 30-item list of things you enjoy doing. Don't rush, this will take some time. Be alone with yourself and make sure that no one distracts you.
  2. Match your favorite things with what you can do well. Please note that your favorite business MUST be in demand on the market!
  3. Find clients and earn your first money. This can be done by notifying your friends, acquaintances, relatives and neighbors, as well as by posting advertisements on the Internet.

This way you can scale your business and increase its profits in the future - this is quite possible.

A few months ago, we interviewed two female entrepreneurs who started their own photography business.

Read how they did it in our interviews:

4. List of 30 business ideas for women in different fields

Modern women strive to be self-sufficient, to realize their accumulated potential, and to bring certain business ideas to life. There are many examples that prove the success of the fair half in entrepreneurial activity. Let's figure out what's the best thing to do and how to start a business for women from scratch.

First steps

The postulate that business is for men has long since sunk into oblivion. Today women are engaged in issues of economics, politics, and science. Moreover, in some areas they are not inferior to men or are more successful than them. This is due to greater patience, flexibility, female intuition, diligence, and sociability.

Often for women, the embodiment of their own ideas is the only way not only to earn money, but also to increase their self-esteem.

Don’t create obstacles for yourself by thinking that without start-up capital nothing will work out, that you won’t have enough strength, that the prospects are too illusory. Having analyzed the history of the most popular brands, we can note a common feature - they were created from nothing!

Big money is not everything! A successful business begins not with huge sums, but with a big “selling” idea.

The basis for developing your business is purpose, desire and perseverance. In this case, success will certainly be achieved, even if it is created from scratch.

Age is not a reason to renounce your ideas. You can embody all your life experience and wisdom in them. Many famous people have done the best things in life after 50 years.

What kind of business should a woman start? You need to start with self-determination. What is your soul about? What are you good at? What skills do you have? There are many ideas for self-expression. They all lie on the surface. It is important to take time to conduct marketing research to determine the presence of competitors, the volume of demand and supply for services, and sales geography.

Do what is close to you! Only those activities that are your hobby or related to it can bring good income. Start a startup following your interests (not the scale of the project or the larger perspective), and you won’t go wrong in your choice.

Women's business from scratch, reality or fiction?

Business for women from scratch is not a myth at all. This is a chance! A chance to improve your financial situation and realize your potential.

Many of us do not receive satisfaction from work where we work monotonously for many years, cannot find a suitable position in terms of level and pay after maternity leave, or are not at all in demand in the modern labor market for our narrow specialty.

If your soul yearns for change, or you can only rely on yourself, take the risk of opening your own business.

Starting a business without cash investments, you will be deprived of the opportunity to:

  • hire workers;
  • rent premises;
  • conduct large-scale advertising campaigns;
  • use the services of consultants.

Advice: For a business from scratch, you can organize an advertising campaign in low-cost ways through: recommendations from friends, free newspapers with advertisements, advertising on the Internet, social networks, printed flyers. Such methods of advertising services can be quite effective - a circle of clients is quickly formed, and it is appropriate to invest the saved funds in the development of the business.

Women's business from scratch also has advantages:

  1. No financial costs or losses. You are only wasting time.
  2. At the initial stages, various services (firefighters, doctors, tax authorities, SES) are not interested in you, communication with which is often conflictual.
  3. You will know the specifics and all the nuances of organizing and running a business in your chosen field.

Any idea in the process of implementation turns out to be more difficult than you expected. Be prepared that you will need twice as much effort and patience. Learn the art of small steps. And soon you will be able to move from being a performer to being a coordinator.

What you can do at home - options

Home business for women is a wide field of activity depending on the idea. You can prove yourself in the following types of home business:

1. beauty and health:

  • image studio;
  • yoga club;
  • massage room;
  • beauty salon (nail studio, hairdresser).

2. Psychology and pedagogy:

  • children's creative studio;
  • kindergarten at home;
  • training courses on women's issues;
  • conducting seminars and trainings;
  • organizing home parties for speed dating;
  • organization of private consultations;
  • teaching a foreign language via Skype;
  • private psychologist.

3. Cooking:

  • home canning;
  • making jams;
  • making custom cakes;
  • health food store;
  • confectionery shop.

4. Tourism:

  • home mini-hotel;
  • organization of hikes, excursions, international visits;
  • private guide to the sights of your city.

5. Fashion:

  • shopping consultant;
  • children's goods store;
  • women's clothing store.

6. Creativity and handicrafts:

  • aerodesign – decoration of shops, celebrations, weddings, celebrations with balloons;
  • a store of goods for various types of creativity;
  • handicraft training (beading, cutting and sewing, gift design);
  • organizing your own photo studio;
  • sale of jewelry (made of polymer clay, beads and stones);
  • mini studio.

7. Internet technologies:

  • blogging;
  • creative gift shop;
  • site about cosmetology, culinary recipes, fashion news;
  • creation of web designs (website design, interiors, printing design);
  • freelancing (working with Photoshop, creating tests).

8. Design:

  • sale of exclusive crafts (plaster figurines, unique paintings and calendars, unusual flower pots, hangers and other interior elements);
  • landscape design (production of decorative figurines and statues, design of lawns, flower beds and small lakes, planning of garden plots and playgrounds).

These types of activities are perfect for new entrepreneurs due to the need for start-up capital, the complexity of the organization and the profit ratio.


Let's give examples of small interesting businesses for starting women who have an undeniable advantage - they definitely work. In practice, the fair half have repeatedly tested:

Production and sale of hand made crafts

Since childhood, we have all been making something, from designing a wall newspaper at school to knitting a scarf for our loved one. These skills can really be turned into a small business for a woman.

Bags, boxes, wallets, toys, jewelry, embroidered tablecloths, bouquets of sweets will be the first to be purchased by your friends and neighbors.

The cost of handmade products is quite high, and the cost of making 1 craft does not exceed 500 rubles.

Advantages: pleasure from work; the opportunity to make crafts at home, in the country, or visiting relatives! The status of an exclusive item significantly increases its value!

Cafe Restaurant

Every woman knows how to cook something. If you are tired of being praised for your culinary talents, you simply need to open a catering establishment. When implementing a business idea from scratch, it is appropriate to start with a small fast food outlet, pie shop, dumpling shop or coffee shop. In a few years you will get used to it, build a clientele and raise funds for something large-scale (cafe, restaurant).

Creative studio for children

Do you love kids? Make money on your natural abilities in relation to children. State preschool and educational institutions pay virtually no attention to developing the creative potential of their students. Creating a creative studio can be an excellent small business solution for a woman. The following will be in demand: dancing, singing, drawing, modeling, gymnastics, embroidery, cooking classes; chess club, logic games and tasks. Initially, you can offer services to friends.

Women's (children's) clothing store.

Are you fashion-conscious and love to dress beautifully? The best solution is to open a store where you can show off your talents. This requires time, investment and commercial experience. Initially, you can open an online store. Think about what your website should look like and what the range will be. Products can be ordered for sale and sent via postal services. Payment is credited to bank cards. Website development can be ordered from specialists. There is an option to create it yourself using a template. Put maximum effort into promoting your store.


This is a profitable business for a girl. Surely from the day you open you will have a large flow of customers. All that remains is to “catch it” with good service.

A profitable business created by a woman is no longer a rarity. In the 21st century ladies crave independence. They drive cars masterfully, occupy high positions, trade on stock exchanges, and invest in their own development. Let's consider what ideas can bring success to a business woman.

The following ideas look quite fresh:

  1. Interior design agency. This creative idea is suitable for those who have special education or relevant skills, because they will have to work with professional software.
  2. Courses for expectant mothers. Are you an experienced mother of many children? By organizing courses for pregnant women (trainings, lectures, physical therapy), you can receive significant income.
  3. Souvenir shop for business. The category of gifts with company logos is in demand. They are sold at corporate events and as gifts to partners. This includes: promotional clothing, table souvenirs, stylish paintings, covers for gadgets, etc.
  4. Real estate office. Any woman can open such a company. If you live in a big city and know it like the back of your hand, this business will make you rich. Minimum investment and maximum clients. However, you need to navigate the law.
  5. Yoga Center. If you are in good shape and like to experiment with different health techniques, then it makes sense to try teaching it to others.
  6. Early Development Center. Do you know languages ​​and have a pedagogical education? They don’t save on children, especially when it comes to investing in them. With kids you can: solve logic puzzles, play educational games, sing, dance, do modeling and art, formulate speech correctly, and train their memory.
  7. Sales and trade. Selling goods in most categories is better for women. Choose what you naturally know best. Sales can be carried out through an online store or by opening a point.

The best profitable business for women

What kind of business should you start with maximum return? Let's consider a wide variety of options.


Do you like to capture bright moments through your lens? Do you win people over? Opening a photo studio is easy. It does not need to be registered.

Rent a space or allocate a room in your own home. Of course, you need to have photography skills, professional equipment and skills in working with Photoshop.

From time to time you will need to decorate the room (New Year's theme, Valentine's Day, Easter, etc.). Depending on the season, you can do outdoor photo shoots. An excellent advantage of running your own business is the ability to plan your own time.

Photographing wedding ceremonies alone is quite difficult. You not only need to come up with a creative idea, but also be able to work with light. It’s better to start with single and family photo sessions. It's good to photograph babies, they always turn out well. In addition, such photos require virtually no editing.

If possible, attend master classes by famous photographers on photography and image processing. This way you will improve! You can actually advertise your services on social networks. If you already have a portfolio, it is appropriate to create your own website. You can also make money from photography by selling unique photographs with your copyright sign on Photostock. Interesting photographs sell well. Income from a camera can bring from $100 to a couple of thousand per month.

Wedding agency

A popular and in-demand service in the world, even in times of crisis. Are you romantic, creative, active? Have you been known as a dreamer since childhood? Then bringing beautiful and magnificent wedding celebrations to life is your calling.

Firstly, you must register as an individual entrepreneur. It is unlikely that clients will agree to pay considerable sums, relying on your word of honor. In such a matter as organizing weddings, you cannot do without an advance payment. After all, ceremonies require advance preparation and expenditure of money.

Secondly, you need a team (to write a script, install scenery, look for musicians and presenters, etc.). Thirdly, look for partners. Even a small wedding is a large-scale event in terms of organization. For the celebration you may need:

  • transport;
  • premises;
  • musicians;
  • toastmaster;
  • photographer;
  • decorations (floristry, balloons, fireworks);
  • accessories (bicycles, scuba gear, etc.);
  • clothing stores;
  • dance studio;
  • hand-made workshop (invitations, boutonnieres, hall decoration);
  • confectionery.

With this option, you can wait a while with the office. You can initially meet the client in a cafe. There is no need to delay with the agency’s website, where services, prices, promotions, and videos will be described. You can advertise through advertisements in newspapers and the Internet. It also makes sense to leave booklets in jewelry houses and registry offices. The profit from such a business is quite large. You can get up to 10% on discounts from partners.

cleaning company

This service is used by both wealthy private clients and companies.

Professional cleaning of offices, conference rooms, shopping centers, cafes can be a very profitable business for those who love cleanliness. Starting capital is required for:

  • agency registration;
  • purchase of equipment and chemicals for cleaning;
  • salaries for staff (cleaning specialists, driver, accountant, manager);
  • advertising company. A competent commercial proposal and the presence of advantages will help to attract customers:
  • specific services;
  • high level of service;
  • quality assurance;
  • individual approach;
  • low prices at the start.

Success stories

History remembers great women who became legends. These successful women in business they did not synthesize a rare chemical element, did not fly into space, did not prove mathematical theorems. They created empires because they believed in themselves!

Such great woman was Coco Chanel, who revolutionized the fashion world with her incredibly simple and original outfits. Her masterpiece black dress remains a model of elegance, restraint and special chic to this day. Before Coco Chanel, black clothes were worn only as a sign of mourning. On a par with the legendary French designer, there are several other ladies who are examples of female entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurial talent helped to become famous:

  1. Agatha Christie– the queen of detective stories. She became the first woman to write novels of this genre. According to the author herself, she drew the subjects for her works from the process of washing dishes. Its detective stories have been published in over 4 billion copies (only the Bible and Shakespeare are ahead). However, the numbers pale in comparison to the inexplicable popularity of Agatha Christie's works. Psychologically complex, surprising stories have been popular for more than half a century.
  2. Mary Kay- the most successful businesswoman in US history. Having gotten married at 17 and having given birth to 3 children, she remained a single mother. After working as a sales agent for a quarter of a century, at the age of 46 she decided to start from scratch. By founding a cosmetics company staffed exclusively by women, Mary Kay achieved the impossible. Her small business allowed her to combine family and career, generating a profit of 1 million in just 5 years. Network co The company not only entered the New York Stock Exchange, but also took 6th place in the prestigious global MLM rating. Today, the Mary Kay network allows millions of women to earn extra income.
  3. Beate Uhse - Frau. The only stunt pilot in Germany, left without funds after the war with a child in her arms, found a way not only to survive, but also to become famous. Beate Use had the idea to find ways to prevent unwanted pregnancy. In this she was helped by journals with notes from her mother-midwife, incredible looseness and insight. Her book about the calendar method of birth control sold 32,000 copies. At the venerable age of 75, Beate Use fulfilled her old dreams - she received a diver certificate and opened a “museum of eroticism” in Berlin.

For a motivated woman, starting a business is a great opportunity to make money and also make a name for herself. Successful business women are successful in life in general. The field of activity can be any, the main thing is to find a job that suits your abilities and your liking.

Humanity has only recently abandoned the erroneous opinion that most women are unsuitable for entrepreneurship. Although in some cultures the fair sex is denied the right to work even today. Although, in the civilized world, the ability of women to create a successful business is no longer in doubt, and the pathetic attempts of some men to prove the opposite only eloquently demonstrate the level of development of the latter.

Practical experience and statistics show that women are very successful even in those areas that, due to their characteristics, are usually considered masculine. But there are areas in which it is much easier for ladies to achieve outstanding success. As a rule, these are traditional women's areas - health and beauty, pedagogy, psychology, trade, cooking and the service sector.

Recent statistics show that women are also equal in success to men in generating sources of passive income. They are distinguished by higher patience and the ability to work for a future result. A clear advantage of women is their innate intuition and flexibility of thinking. In business, these qualities play an extremely important role.

Unfortunately, most businesswomen are young girls. Women with experience do not dare to plunge into the abyss of entrepreneurship because of far-fetched complexes, lack of confidence in their own strengths and the negative baggage of past failures. But the wisdom that comes with age and experience can be a decisive advantage. A young woman is often forced to choose between business and raising children. Grown-up children do not need guardianship and give the mother a lot of free time for self-realization. You just need to decide. The legendary Mary Kay created her business at the age of 50 and managed to develop it to the level of one of the most successful and largest cosmetology companies in the world.

It doesn't matter how old you are. The modern world offers a lot of interesting opportunities for creating a profitable business. Choose an activity you like and start working for yourself.

“Areas in which there is no competition with men”

There are areas in which men have a clear advantage. They are related to construction, engineering, and various technologies. If you do not have the abilities and decent education in these areas, you should not compete with men. The problem is not ability, but the fact that you will have to spend a lot of effort to gain authority and constantly prove your superiority. Only a few succeed in this.

If you are new to business, it is better to choose less complex, but in demand and close to you areas. The World Wide Web provides enormous assistance in this. Statistics say that it is much easier for women to create a successful business on the Internet, because the majority of users are the fair half of humanity. No matter what you decide to do, without active advertising online, achieving success is much more difficult.

To organize a business you need a certain start-up capital. What to do if it is not there? The Internet will also help with this. Here you can find many ways to earn extra money, which will help you collect the necessary amount. Don't have the necessary knowledge? A huge variety of training courses and original ideas for creating a business from scratch are at your service.

Do not hurry. If you have no experience in entrepreneurship, it is recommended to start gradually and with a minimum range of services that you can provide at the highest level. Gradually, the necessary knowledge, experience and understanding in which direction to develop will appear.

You probably have a hobby or activity that you do better than others. But do you mistakenly believe that they won’t pay for it? Try offering your services and making money on your hobbies or talents - you will be pleasantly surprised, because so many people need them.

“5 simple and popular women’s business ideas”

Let us immediately note that these areas are not obligatory for women and do not limit their opportunities. But these areas offer ladies a clear competitive advantage, since men rarely achieve success in them. These ideas are simple and proven over many years of experience. They are ideal for beginners. Another criterion by which this selection was formed is the demand for the service.

Production and trade of handicrafts

Women are distinguished by perseverance and a penchant for creating beautiful things. The ability to patiently work on the smallest nuances is also characteristic of the fair half. As a child, you probably enthusiastically sewed clothes for dolls, decorating them with bows and embroidery, made funny greeting cards, and did handicrafts. All this is extremely valued in the modern world, is called the fashionable word “hand-made” and can bring a solid income to the craftswoman.

We bring to your attention just some of the most popular destinations:

Embroidery and beaded jewelry.
- Hand sewing of soft toys and original dolls.
- Creating compositions from flowers.
- Production of original accessories.
- Creation of funny souvenirs and unique gifts.

These things can be sold among friends and close acquaintances. To trade successfully, you don’t need to look for premises and spend money on organizing a business. Minor start-up costs are needed only for the purchase of consumables. Create your masterpieces, take high-quality photos and post them on social networks. Believe me, you won’t have a shortage of customers, especially on the eve of the holidays.

These are excellent conditions for starting, and the idea is extremely in demand and can potentially develop into a large and profitable business.

Children's creative studio

This idea is suitable for women who have a pedagogical education. The ideal time for implementation is maternity leave. Many parents are too busy with work and do not have free time to play with their children and develop their creative abilities. Offer your friends the opportunity to give their children 2-3 hours a day to practice music, drawing, modeling from plasticine or clay, learning foreign languages ​​in a playful way and other equally interesting and useful ways of development. This idea will be received with great enthusiasm, because general education and preschool institutions do not offer such opportunities, and classes in specialized studios are too expensive.

This business can be organized from home. The law is less harsh and demanding for creative studios, and allows you to work with children at home.

If the business goes well, you will soon be able to expand, rent premises and offer your services to a wide range of young clients.

Women's or children's goods store

To organize this business you need a certain start-up capital. But only the speed of development and the target audience of customers depend on its size. A modest beginning is possible with little money or goods provided for sale or on partnership terms.

Most women love to dress beautifully and have an eye for quality and stylish things. If there is a shortage of women's goods of a certain category in your city, occupy a free niche - the love and devotion of customers is guaranteed to you.

Every mother knows how difficult it is to find good quality baby clothes that meet the average income level. For enterprising business women, this area can also become an immense and extremely promising field of activity.

If you do not have experience in business, taking out a loan to set up a store is not recommended. It is safer and wiser to start with a small project that does not require significant investment. With experience, you will be able to more soberly assess market needs and likely risks.

And again we draw your attention to the Internet. The World Wide Web allows you to start trading with minimal investment. You can earn the necessary start-up capital through intermediary activities, advertising the products of other stores. This will allow you to thoroughly study the demand for different types of products and create your own business with minimal risks.

Sell ​​your knowledge

There are no women in the world who are not experts in a certain field. You can’t even imagine that someone doesn’t know how to bake delicious pies, but in reality, many women are looking for this knowledge on the Internet.

Perhaps you are an experienced seamstress with unique secrets of craftsmanship. Do you know how to get along with children and suffer while watching the stupid mistakes of young and inexperienced mothers on the street? But someone has to teach them? Share your knowledge and experience.

Knowledge of daily skin and body care is in high demand. If you are active in sports and have managed to maintain a toned figure, tell other women how to achieve the same results.

This is only a small part of the most popular queries on the World Wide Web. And you can profitably sell any knowledge. Organizing this business is very simple. Record a high-quality and useful video and post it online. You can earn money from views, because popular sites and social network pages receive high income from advertising. You can sell the course, conduct master classes and trainings.

Knowledge is highly valued and can be the start of a new successful business.

Health and beauty services

Those who consider this direction unpromising are very mistaken. Despite the abundance of beauty salons, only a few offer decent quality services. Statistics show a significant increase in interest in a healthy lifestyle, playing new sports and the developing cult of a beautiful and trained body.

If you have an education as a hairdresser or cosmetologist, actively train and take care of your body, start creating a business in this area. By offering quality services, you are sure to achieve significant success. This niche is still free.

“Some tips for beginners”

If you have not yet decided what type of business you want to do, choose something in which you are a highly qualified specialist. Don't know your potential and aren't confident in your professional skills? Make a list of your favorite activities. Take your time, write down everything you really like, and don't discard anything by jumping to the conclusion that it won't bring you money.

Work through the list and try to determine what you're really good at. Consider feedback from your boss, family and friends. Don't limit yourself. Example. You have a passion for historical literature. Everyone around you knows that you remember all the dates of significant historical events, interesting details from the lives of famous people. Are you sure that it is impossible to make money from this? But this is not true, because you can create a training course that will have great success with a wide range of people.

In this way, go through all the hobbies and do research on which ones are most in demand in the market.

Having made a decision, do not delay the start and begin an active search for your first clients. Notify your relatives, friends in real life and social networks about the new service. Try to provide your first clients with the highest possible level of service and do not rush to immediately raise the cost of your services. Ask clients to point out flaws in your work and recommend you to their network.

With a reasonable distribution of income and constant business development, you will very soon notice that you have managed to collect good capital, acquire a wide range of regular clients and good experience in entrepreneurship.

Business from scratch for women: features of female entrepreneurship + how to find investors to organize your business + 5 interesting business ideas from scratch.

Today, more and more women want to develop not only as mothers, housewives, cooks who take care of family comfort...

They want to become strong, decisive and financially independent, to be on an equal footing with men.

Many women have already successfully proven that they can not only be equal to the strong half of humanity, but with diligent and painstaking work surpass them.

Business from scratch for women often implies a small start-up capital at disposal.

But this is not such a significant disadvantage, because they can be more durable and have better flexibility.

To achieve your goal in business, you should competently approach the solution of the task, namely, think about your strengths and talents.

It is not necessary to associate yourself with a familiar job that has not brought you pleasure for a long time.

It is worth finding a type of activity where you can open up to the maximum.

Creativity is one of the trump cards of all women.

The fair sex by nature has a lot of creative business ideas.

This will be a help in such areas as fashion, beauty, health, cooking.

All these ideas are attractive to women due to their relevance, profitability and low costs.

How can a woman find investors to start a business?

Before looking for an investor, you need to competently draw up a business plan.

It will provide answers to the following questions:

  • specific investment amount;
  • profit from business.
  • business profitability;
  • payback period;

Sometimes the search for investors for a business comes to a dead end.

In this case, you can take out a loan from a bank.

A guarantor and collateral will be required.

And if you are taking out a loan specifically for a small business, everything again comes down to creating a good business plan.

Another potential investor for starting from scratch for women could be a well-known brand.

Hundreds of entrepreneurs have built their businesses under the wings of different brands.

In this case, the bank willingly issues money.

What kind of business can be opened for women from scratch: analyzing 5 specific ideas

Perhaps some of the business ideas for women will seem banal and simple, but their effectiveness cannot be questioned.

After all, as practice shows, they all work, as female entrepreneurs have proven more than once.

Option #1. Handicraft Business

Surely, back in school, during labor lessons, each of the women made some kind of crafts with their own hands.

This could be anything from beadwork to doll making.

Some people did very poorly, while others created truly beautiful things.

If you fall into the second category, all of these skills can be used in your business.

Handmade has always been highly valued: everyone is pleased to receive a gift made by human hands, because it is exclusive and unique.

Often, handmade items are purchased simply for yourself.

The costs of such a business will not be very large (on average, a hand-made product costs 500-1,000 rubles per piece).

The result can be safely sold at 2-3 times the cost.

To attract buyers, create a page for your business on social networks, where anyone can see the products and order the item they like.

This will not require any investment and should not cause you any difficulties.

Ideas for business options on handmade products:

  • various jewelry and decorative figurines made of beads;
  • leather goods: bags, wallets, belts;
  • production of soft toys for children;
  • creation of posters, paintings for the interior;

Option #2. Confectionery production - an idea for women

Recently, it has become popular to order cakes for the birthday person related to his occupation or hobbies.

For the head of a large company, a cake in the shape of various pieces of stationery is suitable; for a football player, you can choose a ball, a bear or heart shape - for a loving girl, etc.

It is impossible to buy such products in stores.

And the demand is growing: more and more people want to give something special, and are willing to spend good money to make a good impression.

Why not an idea for a profitable business for a woman?

Such a business can be expanded with the service of baking cupcakes and pastries for various holidays with a specific theme.

And in order to attract customers, it is enough, again, to create a page on social networks with photographs of your products.

  • cakes of various shapes and types to order;
  • cupcakes, gingerbreads, cookies;
  • various pies (meat, fruit, sweet, salty);
  • making bouquets of sweets.

Option #3. The sphere of beauty and health as a business for women

Every woman strives to be beautiful and well-groomed, to have a beautiful manicure and stylish hairstyle, in general, to look “one hundred percent.”

But not everyone can afford to go on a trip to indulge in the delights of a “beautiful” life.

Consequently, he will look for alternative ways to achieve his goals.

If you have the skills, you can safely provide services in the field of beauty without fear of a lack of clients, both among men and women.

All that is required of you is the skills to carry out this or that procedure.

It is not necessary to take on everything in business at once.

For example, you are great at doing manicures.

Continue to develop in this direction, thereby increasing your skills and developing a client base.

If you don’t want to limit yourself to what you have achieved, you can take courses.

The most popular of them are massages and make-up courses.

A more serious step is to go and study to become a hairdresser from scratch.

The advantage of providing such services is that they can do this at home; it is not necessary to rent a space in the salon.

But in the future it will be possible to open your own office.

Nutritionists are also very popular.

Their demand is clear: many girls are unhappy with their figure and want changes.

If you are in excellent physical shape, then by your example you can clearly show how you can transform the bodies of others.

To do this, you need to have an extensive knowledge base on the topic, take nutritionist courses, or independently understand this issue from scratch.

You can create a profile on Instagram in which you can post photos of your clients under the title “before and after.”

After all, nothing says a job well done like a clear example.

How you can make money in the beauty industry:

  • manicure/pedicure at home;
  • preparation of training programs and diets;
  • eyelash extensions;
  • hair care/haircut/styling;
  • massage at home.

It is worth understanding that the main clients will be other women and focus the marketing campaign from scratch on them.

Option number 4. Custom tailoring business

Branded items in boutiques cost incredible amounts of money, but you always want to look stylish.

This is how an alternative arises - .

In addition to the high price, it is worth noting that sometimes clothes in a store fit perfectly on a mannequin, but on the buyer they already lose their charm and shape.

Thus, the client benefits from applying for custom tailoring services.

And clothes that are made from scratch to fit one’s size, and are unique in their own way, can sometimes cost more than items from a boutique.

Women can sew to order:

  • costumes for children;
  • evening dresses;
  • jackets and men's suits;
  • hats, gloves, bags, scarves and other accessories.

They are often forced to turn to seamstresses to provide them with clothes.

Business ideas for women, the implementation of which does not require large start-up capital,

presented in the video:

Option #5. Freelance work business

“To succeed in business, you must make others see things the way you see them.”
Aristotle Onassis

Nowadays it is quite easy to find a job on the Internet.

These can be various offers: from writing articles to filling out websites.

This area is very vast, every woman can find something of her own in it.

For example, if you speak several foreign languages, you will be able to translate texts.

Or write articles from scratch with translation into several languages ​​at once.

This will pay much higher than just writing publications.

This job has significant advantages for women: an individual schedule and freedom of action.

Over time, you can gather freelancers like you and organize a business, for example, writing articles, maintaining and promoting websites.

This type of business does not require any investment.

Freelancing business ideas for women:

  • translation of texts from different languages;
  • writing articles, abstracts, coursework;
  • filling out and promoting websites;
  • photo and video processing;
  • creating websites from scratch;
  • writing applications, games.

First of all, organizing business from scratch for women, it’s worth deciding what exactly you will do, what brings you pleasure and what you have the most experience and skills in.

To do this, you need to make a list of ten activities and select the best idea by elimination.

We must not forget that your activities must be in demand.

The last component of a successful business is clients, because the more clients, the greater the income from the business.

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Anyone, regardless of age and gender, can start their own business. The most important thing is to have desire, motivation and the right character. Start-up capital will not be superfluous, but if the goal is a business from scratch for a girl, then with proper determination, the lack of financial support will not become an obstacle.

What to try?

The easiest areas of business to master, in which it is even easier for girls to advance than men, are:

  • trade;
  • services.

Other varieties (manufacturing, agriculture, construction) are quite complex, and these days they do not bring very much actual income. To open a business for a girl, you should start with something that is simpler and more elaborate. The service and trade sectors in our country are very developed, which speaks in their favor.

Services: what business should a girl open?

You can try the following directions that do not require initial investment:

  • production of custom cakes, pastries, cupcakes;
  • manicure services;
  • production of custom sewn and knitted items;
  • provision of accounting services to enterprises;
  • clothing repair services;
  • organization of holidays;
  • making original bouquets.

If you already have some experience in a particular field and a small initial capital, then a girl (business woman) can try her hand at the following areas:

  • own cleaning company;
  • dry cleaning, laundry;
  • development center for young children;
  • private kindergarten;
  • salon.

Important nuance

Most of the ideas described are a business for a girl with minimal investment, but requiring certain skills and abilities. It is best to start a business by first thinking about what your passions, hobbies, interests are. Making a career in this field will be much easier than in a completely unfamiliar one.

However, if you like any of the listed ideas and you feel that it’s yours, but you don’t have the experience or skills, don’t be upset. Everything can be worked out and obtained. If you don’t want to experiment after you’ve already started your own business, take thematic courses first. The main thing is courage! Be confident in your abilities and success will be yours.

What if in trade?

Girls running their own business, whose photos can often be seen in the media, usually look great. Usually these are luxurious, stylish, fashionable ladies who make an impression at first sight. But think: thanks to what and who can they look like that? It's simple: because there are other girls running their own business in trade and selling them the most luxurious and fashionable clothes and cosmetics. And it could be you!

There are some areas of trade that are traditionally easier for women than for men. This:

  • office;
  • pharmacy business;
  • children's goods and toys;
  • fashion clothes;
  • cosmetics, perfumery;
  • wedding products;
  • flower salon;
  • Lingerie.

If you prefer more practical aspects of everyday life and understand them better, then pay attention to such sales areas as:

  • dishes;
  • household chemicals;
  • products;
  • cooking.

Will there be success?

In fact, a small business for a girl is quite a responsible and difficult task. But all the areas listed above are easy for ladies, as practice shows. Pay attention to similar establishments in your city: who owns them? In most cases, these are not even weak representatives of the fairer sex.

By the way, you can turn to them for help and support. Competition is competition, and solidarity between two girls will always play a role, and they will tell you exactly where to start and how to continue the business so as to achieve success.

Show business girls: how to become independent?

If you already have considerable experience speaking in public and are used to being the center of attention, then opening your own business will be an excellent career development for you. You don’t know what embarrassment is and you can show yourself in such a way that everyone around you can’t take your eyes off them? Use this talent and your skills to make a profit.

What's worth trying? First of all - organizing holidays and wedding business. This is an area in which the charisma of the seller, the toastmaster, is very important. If they believe you, look at you, love you, you will be successful.

Start by opening your own small agency for organizing holidays. Be a toastmaster, attract attention with your brightness, be remembered by the public and amuse them. Over time, having become a well-known company, you will be able to hire the same bright and cheerful girls to expand your area of ​​work and reach more customers. But remember: always maintain good relationships with clients, let them see you, charm them. This feature is indispensable for organizing holidays and holding events.

Approximate cost calculations for starting this business look like this:

  • rental of premises (depending on the city and location) - 20-200 thousand rubles;
  • furniture, appliances - 200,000 rubles;
  • initial personnel costs (staff of 2-3 permanent employees) - 70,000 rubles.

In addition, you will need to spend money on paperwork with government agencies (this can be done either independently or through companies that provide similar services).

By servicing, on average, at least 3 orders per month, you can count on a net profit of one and a half million rubles per year.

Girlfriend for rent

So, a young couple is getting ready to get married, they are doing their best to resolve organizational issues, formalize their wedding, but are often faced with the fact that there are no people at the event whom they would so like to see. By the way, there was even a similar film, only you had to find a best man to rent for a wedding. Only the film is a comedy, but in reality this has become an increasingly successful business in recent years. Best men, witnesses and bridesmaids are available for hire. Of course, stylish and beautiful, preferably famous at least in local circles.

Don’t believe that such a business for a girl actually exists? Some time ago, an agency that allows you to hire a bridesmaid was opened by an enterprising Chinese woman, Xu Lisha. She takes her workers from the university, selecting only young beauties. You can’t even imagine how many clients she already has! Of course, this area of ​​entrepreneurship has yet to develop; almost no one knows about it in our country, but it’s worth the risk.

A potential bridesmaid is required to be:

  • well-groomed;
  • beautiful;
  • with a figure;
  • with manners.

Are you ready to teach others?

Excellent business ideas for girls, which are still not widely used, are related to the field of courses, trainings, and education. Of course, we are all accustomed to training on career growth and manicure courses, but what can you say about training for brides? And such a bureau is already operating successfully. Would you like to open your own and become a pioneer in your home country?

Trainings are actively developing nowadays. What kind of business can a girl start without investing money in it? Yes, at least with wedding trainings. There are a great variety of topics for classes:

  • cost reduction;
  • culinary skills;
  • competent preparation;
  • family budget planning;
  • psychology of relationships between spouses.

You don’t even have to host a group in a rented room, because you can use the Internet and communicate with clients via Skype.

Since everyone who wants to take part in the seminar will pay for access to it, this will bring considerable profit even with the low price of one ticket. Well, for those who want VIP service in person, you can set a higher price tag. At the same time, keep an eye out for feedback. If the client is satisfied, you invite him to a live discussion of the issue, he will have a good impression, and they will recommend you to friends and acquaintances.


What other business ideas for girls have become very popular in recent years? Here are two reliable, proven options, albeit associated with initial costs:

  • acquisition of a ready-made business;
  • buying a franchise.

We are accustomed to franchise restaurants and purchasing ready-made office business. But, continuing the theme of weddings, it should be noted that such entrepreneurship can also be opened in this reliable way.

If you doubt your abilities and are not ready to develop yourself starting from scratch, try to buy a recognizable agency with a good reputation in the market. Recently, the cost of such a business is about half a million, but this money can be taken on credit. If the company that falls into your hands has already been successful, and you try to make it even better, you will be able to repay the loan in just a couple of months, after which you can work at a profit and develop your enterprise further.

But a franchise will cost less, because you will only have to pay 50-100 thousand to the head office for the right to work under its brand. But there is another difficulty: in fact, you will have to open the salon from scratch yourself, and this will require investment.

For skilled ladies

You can start a great business for a girl if you have a knitting machine and a computer at your disposal. You can make knitwear for adults and children. The initial investment is small - only for equipment, and if you already have it, then this completely turns into a “business from scratch”.

You will need to install a program on your computer that models products, and select styles, designs and features from it. The program will prepare a pattern and all that remains is to use it to make the item on the machine. This is how they make dresses, cardigans, sweaters - in a word, anything.

To sell finished products, use social networks. Open your own group, invite your friends - the process has begun! You can also work with well-known and large stores, supplying them with your goods, and over time, even open an atelier or small factory by hiring workers.

Ladies and cats

Everyone knows the joke about forty cats by age forty. But there is some truth in every joke. In particular, by breeding forty purebred cats, you can make good money from this. Why not business for a girl?

This is a beautiful business that employs beautiful ladies who enjoy interacting with their beloved animals. Of course, at first you will have to invest a little, if you do not already have a purebred cat at home with certificates, capable of breeding and having documentary evidence of this.

When you buy a cat, first prepare it. The animal must be well-groomed, beautiful, and absolutely healthy. It is desirable to have certificates from major exhibitions. If the animal has successfully completed two or more specialized events, it can be used for a kennel. The kittens produced by such a cat are the elite, the sale of which becomes a profitable business.

An alternative option is breeding kittens without certificates and pedigrees, without a specialized nursery. Of course, the animals will cost less, but those interested will be found quickly, because these are just as beautiful and healthy cats as those that attend exhibitions.

Plush cats are a bargain too!

If a girl's business can be done with live cats, why not try with plush ones? And not necessarily cats, the motives can be anything. Try your hand at making toys - this is a great way to earn a lot of income.

In recent years, handmade work has become increasingly valued in our country. Thanks to international Internet resources, you can cover the market in other countries, and customers from all over the world will probably buy really good toys from you.

You can make collectibles, or you can make educational toys, in demand among young mothers. Start with whatever you like best, and then you’ll probably be able to find your own.

To start making soft toys, you will need a machine for sewing knitted fabric, skills and accuracy. Patterns and step-by-step descriptions can be found on thematic resources and in special magazines. You can make beautiful toys, or you can make practical ones, for example, helping to develop the intelligence of children aged six months and older.

When you want something tasty

An excellent business opportunity is baked goods. Since ancient times, it was women’s hands that created the most delicious, aromatic, unforgettable homemade bread. Why not try to do it on a larger scale than for one family? Such an enterprise will bring its first income faster than many of those listed above, but remember: the bakery should delight guests with a variety of products. Don’t try to limit yourself to just bread; add pies and pastries, buns and muffins to your assortment. Be sure to install a coffee machine!

Business begins with the purchase of quality equipment and analysis of where exactly the bakery will be profitable. Choose a suitable area of ​​the city, look for a convenient place. As an experiment, you can try to open a mobile kiosk, but you will still need to document the business to avoid problems with the law. And to make production waste-free, you can install a special machine that processes bread that was not purchased on time into crackers.

What else delicious can you do?

Another good business idea is making homemade jams. To do this, you need minimal equipment, which almost everyone has at home today: a multicooker, a microwave, a seaming machine. It is important that the jam is not only tasty, but also environmentally friendly, prepared without any additives or preservatives.

Canning is most in demand in large cities, where most people have no free time at work, and there is no opportunity to prepare such delicacies on their own. Do you doubt that your idea can be successful? Look around: many people around the world do their business this way. The Fraser Doherty company is very famous, the creator of which began preparing jams for sale at the age of 12! And today the brand’s products are sold all over the world.