Online fortune telling from a book - reveal your subconscious! Fortune telling from books online.

  • 26.09.2019

IN Lately People increasingly want to know their future, go to fortune tellers and turn to psychics for help. But few people know that you can predict your destiny without the help of specialists. If you don't have magical abilities, you can still find out your future and find out the answers to all your questions. But it is recommended to guess not for the sake of interest, but in order to solve your problem and find out about an exciting event.

The way to lift the veil of secrecy about your future using a book has been known since ancient times. Our ancestors argued that almost any book contains special magic and invisible energy that connects our world with otherworldly dimensions.

In order to tell fortunes, you will need a book. But which book is best for this ritual? Experienced professionals recommend choosing the most old book from your home library. It's good if the selected book for a long time is in your home. In this case, she will reveal to you all the secrets of the future. If all your literature is quite new, then your favorite book, which you have re-read more than once, will do. It is desirable that it be thicker.

The first method of fortune telling from a book quite simple. In order to find out upcoming events, you need to take the book in your hands and press it to your heart, thinking about what worries you. After this, mentally say your question and think of two numbers. The first number should not be more than the number of pages in the book, and the second number should not be more than the number of lines on the page. Open the book on the page you wished for (first number) and count the desired line from the top (second number). The line you counted will answer the question you are interested in. If the phrase breaks off and moves to another line, then it should still be read to the end. In the event that the page you have chosen is in the picture, then you will have to interpret it.

With the help of the book, you can tell fortunes about love and even find out love compatibility with your partner. Fortune telling from a book allows you to find out the future of your relationship with your loved one or about his feelings for you. In order to find out the state of your heart affairs, you will need a pen and a piece of paper. Write your date of birth and the date of birth of your significant other on a piece of paper. Add all the numbers together and get a number that points to the desired page.

You can find out the desired line using your dating or wedding number. For example, if you met on the 25th of the month, then you need to count the 25th line. This method of fortune telling also takes into account the counting of the line from below and from above.

If you met or got married in winter or autumn, then you need to count the line from the bottom. If your dating or wedding date refers to the summer or spring months, then count from above. The line you find will tell you about what awaits you in the future with your loved one.

Sometimes it can be difficult to grasp the meaning of a phrase that is a prediction. In this case, you need to show your imagination and compare what the book says with your life.

Fortune telling from a book should not be used too often, otherwise all predictions will be incorrect. You should not give your book for predictions to anyone to read, since all subsequent ones will not tell you the whole truth. Experienced masters recommend finding out your future in this way only when it is simply necessary to find out the truth and future events. In difficult life moments, this ritual will help you make a decision, avoid trouble and dispel doubts. Believe in good predictions and do not forget to press the buttons and

Fortune telling by quotes is very popular, and it appeared in the distant past. This type of fortune telling includes three important points, which you should pay attention to.

Fortune telling using a book appeared a long time ago, but is still very popular today.

First you need to decide on the book that you will use for this. After which you need to relax and focus on the process. You can do this through meditation or simply light a candle; fire allows you to relax and clear your mind of unnecessary thoughts. The last and most important thing is to understand fortune telling correctly. Intuition and well-known interpretations can help with this.

Classic literature will help you discover the future

Fortune telling from books famous classics is popular. In order to carry out such a ritual, you can use your favorite book or any other. If the book is known to you, it will be easier to interpret from a quotation than from an excerpt from the book.

To guess by quotes, you need to calm down and focus only on him.

Then mentally ask a clear question and open any page of the book. You need to read the quote you chose and the next one.

How to interpret what you read

It’s very easy to interpret the line; it’s the first thought that came to mind. All reflections after this do not count. Every person, before asking a question, already knows the answer. But there are situations when you simply doubt something. A passage of text will allow you to sort out all your doubts and put all the dots.

For such fortune-telling, you can use poetry; it is much easier to interpret them. To do this, simply choose a writer who writes in poetic form, and then follow exactly the scheme. For fortune telling by poetry, you can use either the entire work or part of it.

Poetry - a good option for such fortune telling. They are much easier to interpret

Time for a ritual

It is best to perform this ritual in the morning immediately after sleep or in the evening before going to bed. You can tell fortunes at other times, but then it will take more time to calm your thoughts and mind.

Some people use that classic literature, which you have never read. It will be easier this way and you won’t be able to mess around. If a person has read a book many times, then he can easily guess the answer to the question himself.

Almost everyone has read the book Alice in Wonderland; for some, once was enough, while others re-read it constantly. If you take such a book for fortune telling, the answer will be 100% known. Try to take this very seriously, and if you really want to solve a problem, then try to be honest with yourself first.

Fortune telling on sacred books

Not everyone is ready to conduct fortune telling on the Bible or any holy scripture. Believers also have ambivalent views on this. They believe that in order to get an answer you just need to pray and not guess. If you look for answers in this way, it means that the person himself gives up the right to choose and gives up his fate to the book.

Priests say that if the Bible is used for such purposes, it is the same as simply taking it and burning it. But be that as it may, in history there have often been such stories that the clergy themselves opened the holy scripture and read the answer to the question.

In order to tell fortunes from the Bible, you must first sit at a post, pray regularly and ask God to give an honest answer. Before this, you just need to cleanse your soul and body. This method of fortune telling is used only in extreme cases, and not for every trifle.

Is it possible or not to tell fortunes using the Bible?

You can use the Bible when you know it well and read it regularly. In difficult situations, you can read passages; they will help you find the answer to your question. The Holy Scriptures should be used to raise one's spiritual level, not to know the future.

It is believed that using the Bible for fortune telling great sin

For book fortune telling You shouldn't use the Bible, it's a big sin. It’s better to study it for yourself and use it as a source of something pure and bright. Whether to guess from the Bible is a controversial issue; each person must determine this for himself. But it is better to use books that have nothing to do with magic and God. Most often, Holy Scripture contains an exact prophecy that can be interpreted to an ordinary person very difficult.

How to guess correctly on books

Before you start guessing, you need to decide on a book and look through it carefully. The process does not include prefaces, afterwords, or anything else that is not related to the topic itself. After that, you have certain numbers, from which to which you can guess.

To correctly interpret the quote, you need to turn on your intuition and turn off your reason. Some phrases give an exact answer that is clear as day, but there are others that are very difficult to understand.

It’s easy to guess using a book of associations, because not everyone gives a clear question, but with its help you can get one. If you do not understand the answer, you can ask the book to explain it by asking a question with the quote that came before. Most often, the second option gives the person a clear understanding of the answer.

The secret of fortune telling is that you can understand it only by seeing the sentence in context. You need to think and remember why this phrase was written. Then you can connect your question with the action in the book itself. After this, the answer will definitely be obvious. The question should be clear and the book should correspond to it. You should not use a book related to different techniques for love.

What you need to know when fortune telling by lines

In order to tell fortunes about books, you need to clearly understand why you are doing this. Concentrate and ask a question, in such cases the answer will be correct and clear. All you need to do after telling your fortune is to understand the phrase that came up.

Guessing from a book does not mean that you will receive clear instructions or recommendations. You turned not to fortune tellers, but to literature, so it’s worth thinking about. This is the advantage of this fortune telling, that you don’t need to go anywhere. At any time, I sat down and asked myself a question of interest.

How to interpret predictions from The Master and Margarita

Fortune telling based on the novel The Master and Margarita is very accurate, this is due to the fact that the story itself has powerful force. In order to understand the answer from this book, you need to think a little and take your time. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that the answer may not be specific, so it is worth paying attention to what is being described.

Fortune telling using the book “The Master and Margarita” is highly accurate

It is worth paying attention to the form of the sentence; if it is formulated in interrogative form, then the answer may be different. Exclamatory sentences indicate that you will soon be able to experience good emotions. But if the phrase is in the affirmative form, then you can be sure that everything you have in mind will come true.

If the phrase you chose talks about the time of year, then you shouldn’t even think about it:

  1. Spring is a time when everything grows and develops quickly, and this will be the case in your situation.
  2. Summer means that everything will happen very soon.
  3. Autumn argues that it is worth working hard to get what you want.
  4. Winter is a time when everything is on hold, and this will be the case in your situation.

You can choose any book for fortune telling, but it is worth remembering that this is not a final decision, it remains only yours. The result obtained from the process should be used as an opportunity to change something. Guessing from a book is very easy and not at all difficult, you can do it every day, but the main thing to remember is that you should choose the right literature.

Masters and Margaritas and zodiac signs

Fortune telling is good, but there is still very interesting information. Each zodiac sign has its own hero. Interesting? Let's find out who you are in this difficult romance:

Aries sign

Aries is associated with the horseman of Pontius Pilate, the Jew.

He was considered the chosen one in battles, because few people survive from so many wounds. He is honest and never goes against own opinion, but tries to hide it. The essence of the rider reaches only for the truth. It is thanks to this that he meets Yeshua. This is the son of a great king who does not tolerate unfaithful people. An example of all this is the fate of Judas.

Taurus sign

The image of Professor Ponyrev suits Taurus well. This is a stubborn person who strives for wealth and fame. It was only because of one important incident that he understood his outlook on life. This is precisely the behavior that is characteristic of Taurus. When intoxicated or out of mood, it can rage and break dishes. When you are in a calm state, wisdom and understanding are visible in your eyes.

Gemini sign

A character like the inventor Koroviev is perfect for Gemini. This person has a high intelligence, easily overcomes any situation and can always answer any question. He has a good sense of humor from birth and easily finds mutual language even with the most difficult people. This character has the same duplicity as Gemini themselves. Under the mask of a jester, Koroviev hides an intelligent and strong man.

Cancer sign

Cancer is main character Master. This character meditated under the Moon, and Cancer rules this satellite. Like the main character, he cannot find his place in life and constantly rushes from one extreme to another. The master needs a push, a person who will stimulate him. Margarita became a real muse for the Master, and Cancer needs support and love.

Leo sign

Lev's character is Margarita. It is ruled by the sun, which illuminates the path and allows you to be inspired. Leo is a leader in life; decisions are given to him very easily. Like the character loves yellow. When the main characters first met, Margarita was wearing a yellow robe. Despite his charm, Leo has a hard time bearing the grief of others and is always ready to help, and Margarita asked Woland to save Frida’s life.

Leo's character is Margarita. He is a self-sufficient person with leadership qualities.

looks good, just like her character.

Libra sign

Libra is financial director Rimsky loves culture and art. Often such people themselves become famous writers or artists. So the character chose instead of a bank puppet show. Libras look at a problem from all sides and can explain things that other people cannot.

The negative side is that it is not easy for them to make decisions and they treat everything passively. They don’t like being pressured and explode very quickly. About the same as the financial director in courier.

Scorpio sign

Scorpio is Azazello, who has creepy fangs. He has a lot of energy, reads any person like a book and is ready to use force at any time. It was because of this character that Styopa was thrown into Yalta. Scorpio quickly makes decisions and easily gets out of any situation. Often, in order to get away with it, he uses deceit. Azazello, in turn, is a very gloomy character who to a loved one may serve a glass of poison.

Sagittarius sign

Sagittarius is associated with theater director Likhodeev. The main goal of Sagittarius is to go absolutely beyond any limits, or to be forced to move to Yalta from Moscow. Likhodeev loves to drink and look after beautiful lady. And Sagittarians also like to get the most out of life. This sign has broad nature and treats everything with a positive attitude.

Capricorn sign

Capricorn is Professor Woland. This character embodies the idea of ​​power, only one side. The hero constantly talks about great things, always makes only honest and fair decisions. Capricorns easily influence people, although they can never be seen as aggressive. The sign easily leads even the largest team. He treats passion and feelings as something non-existent and fictitious.

Sign of Aquarius

Aquarius is a real Hippo cat. The character loves to play pranks and do something unusual. The cat loves to ride public transport or shoot with a pistol. Just like Aquarius, he makes non-standard and original decisions.

Pisces sign

The fish is the real Yeshua Ha-Nozri. The character treats others with understanding and is even ready to sacrifice himself. Fish are to this day a symbol of the Christian religion. Such people are very kind and will never do anything bad.

The novel "The Master and Margarita" is unusual and very interesting work. Therefore, if you decide to tell fortunes using it, then this correct solution. With its help you can get an answer to absolutely any question.

Fortune telling by book for last decades considered the most popular, accessible and reliable. This type is equally common both in the West and in eastern cultures. In order to use this fortune-telling, it is enough to choose the book you like, formulate a question to which you need to get an answer, select a page at random and point “blindly” to a paragraph or line on the open page. This text will be the answer to your question.

We bring to your attention modern version this fortune telling - online fortune telling from books. All you have to do is select the piece you like and click the “Guess” button. On this moment Fortune telling is available from the following books: The Bible (Old and New Testament), Master and Margarita, A little prince, Catcher in the Rye, Romeo and Juliet, Pride and Prejudice, Dark alleys.

Fortune telling book
Old Testament
New Testament
The Master and Margarita (M.A. Bulgakov)
Romeo and Juliet (W. Shakespeare)
Dark alleys (I.A.Bunin)
Pride and Prejudice (D. Osten)
The Catcher in the Rye (D. Salinger)
The Little Prince (A. Saint-Exupery)

How to tell fortunes from books

Before you start fortune telling, you need to decide on the choice of the book that you plan to use for fortune telling. Indeed, in many ways, it is the right choice of book that will influence the reliability of fortune telling. Sometimes you have to spend several weeks to decide on the best choice. It is generally accepted that the best book for fortune telling is the Bible. But sometimes this great book can give an answer that you may not be able to decipher.

If you are going to, try using one of these books first: "The Master and Margarita", "Romeo and Juliet", "Dark Alleys" or "Pride and Prejudice". If you find yourself in a difficult situation and you need advice, then the Bible (Old and New Testaments), “The Master and Margarita” and “The Little Prince” are suitable for such fortune-telling. In order to check whether your hopes will come true, whether your dreams are destined to come true, try telling fortunes from the book “The Catcher in the Rye” or from the Bible.

Of course, these recommendations should not be taken as an indisputable truth. First of all, you should rely on your own experience. We are confident that, using these fortune-telling for several weeks, everyone will be able to determine for themselves which of the books suits them best in a given situation.

How to interpret predictions

Let's try to understand the most common types of predictions.

  • Description of nature. Description natural Disasters (strong wind, hurricane, thunderstorm) is a negative omen; if you happen to mention rain, then on the contrary, it is a very happy symbol. If your question concerns love relationship, then any mention of water is good sign. Perhaps the main rule when deciphering predictions related to the description of nature is to determine the time of year. So, spring is a symbol of hope and renewal. Such a prediction can definitely be interpreted as the fulfillment of your hopes and desires. If the description feels autumn mood, then such a prediction symbolizes extinction, sadness. Winter is a symbol of waiting. Winter landscapes may mean that achieving your goals will take time, so be patient. Mention of snowfall, blizzard, or ice is always a positive sign. Interpretation of the description summer nature perhaps the most difficult, here you should rely on your intuition. For example, the description of drought has a negative connotation, while summer rain, on the contrary, is a purely positive sign.
  • Dialogues. It often happens that difficulties arise with the interpretation of dialogues, since such texts can often be uninformative or taken out of context. In this case, several rules can help you. Any interrogative sentence symbolizes some uncertainty, but at the same time there is hope for a change in the situation. In other words, everything is in your hands. A sentence that ends exclamation point symbolizes an affirmative answer to the question posed. It can also be interpreted as a call to action. An ellipsis does not occur often - it is a sign of sadness and unfulfilled hopes. It can also be interpreted as a symbol of expectation.
  • Headings. Sometimes it happens that as a prediction you can get, for example, a text like this: “Chapter 28”. Such a sign can be interpreted as the beginning of something new in your life, a change in life views. As a rule, this is a good sign.

Other on-line fortune telling.

Independent fortune-telling technique:

Predicting the future from books is the most effective and oldest fortune telling. But many do not know that this fortune-telling has its own characteristics that need to be known, especially for those people who are trying such fortune-telling for the first time.

Before you start fortune-telling from a book, you need to clearly understand that the most important thing in this fortune-telling is to be correct. asked question. It is important to remember that the book will not be able to answer simple questions. She will present the main idea, the meaning of which will need to be found on her own. For fortune telling, you only need a book. To start fortune telling, you need to think of two numbers. The first number will be the page, so this number will be determined depending on the number of pages. The second number is guessed depending on the number of lines, since this number is a line. It is also necessary to determine how the row will be selected, either from below or from above.

After identifying the page and line, you need to ask the question out loud. It is also very important to focus on thoughts about the future. After this, opening the book on the desired page, find the necessary line, which will be the interpretation of the future. There is another way of such fortune telling. This also involves asking the question out loud and focusing on the future. For example, you can think about the man you are interested in, pick up a collection of poems or a work on the topic of relationships, and ask - does he love me? Then open the first page you come across in the book and point your finger at an arbitrary paragraph, phrase or quote. This fragment will show the answer to the question or explain the current situation.

How to choose the right book:

In order to guess from a book, it is very important to choose it correctly. There are several rules thanks to which you can choose the right book for fortune telling:

1. Printed version.
It is absolutely impossible to guess from the book in the electronic version. In this case, the fortune telling may not be correct. The printed book can be purchased at any bookstore. Only such a book is suitable for fortune telling.

2. Genre of the book.
You can use any book for fortune telling. It all depends on your taste. The most best choice will fiction, any work that you like. It is advisable to choose books that have more than one hundred pages.

3. Various books.
When doing this kind of fortune telling, it is important not to use the same book several times. For more accurate fortune telling, you need to change books, publications, and diversify fortune telling.

How many times to guess and when, only the person himself decides. It is important to remember that fortune telling should not occur every five minutes, and they should also be varied (both in questions and in the choice of books). Thanks to this, the accuracy of fortune telling increases.

Fortune telling from a book is ancient look predictions that are still relevant today. Many people are sure that this method of predicting the future is quite truthful and, using it, you can accurately determine what will happen in life.

In the article:

Fortune telling by book - Holy Scripture

The Bible is main book the entire Christian world. Therefore, both church ministers and Christians themselves have an ambivalent attitude towards fortune telling from the Holy Scriptures. Some clergy argue that the search for answers to relatively difficult life situations using fortune telling is illogical, since they need to be sought through prayer.

There is also an opinion that this is a voluntary renunciation of freedom of choice, which is granted to a person from birth. The clergy argue that the use of the Bible as a magical attribute is in advance incorrect and desecrates it.

But despite this, fortune telling from the Bible remains popular, and in difficult times people hope to get an answer from it. Most chapters in the Holy Scriptures are considered prophetic. Therefore, the Church argues that spiritual experience and theological knowledge are necessary to truly understand them, but these texts cannot in any way be used for such rituals.

Therefore, if you use Scripture for divination, it is a personal choice and you are responsible for the predictions received.

Fortune telling based on quotes from classic books

There are many ways to find out what the future holds - on paper, etc.

If you decide to get an answer to a question using a quote from a book, you need to decide which book you will choose for the ritual. Second step - proper preparation to the ritual. It is advisable to first cleanse yourself of negative energy, extraneous thoughts, and relax.

Meditation or will help with this. If these practices are difficult, then you can achieve the desired state by concentrating your attention on the candle flame for a while. The most difficult step is the correct interpretation of the answer received. You may not immediately understand what you mean we're talking about, but after a while the picture will become clearer.

Be responsible when choosing a book. It’s better to choose a collection of your favorite poems or a work you’ve already read. It will be much easier to navigate a familiar text, and you will not evaluate phrases from it in two ways.

The fortune telling process itself is simple. You need to mentally ask a question, and then, without hesitation, open the book on any page and point your finger at any line. The sentence you indicated and the following provide valuable information.

Sometimes you can get a fairly clear answer, but if the predictions are vague, don’t ask the question again. It's better to wait until the situation becomes clearer. Perhaps after some time you will understand that the prediction was quite specific, at that time you simply could not understand it.

Also, do not pay attention to the reasoning that comes after the designated passage. They will only confuse and do not provide the necessary information.

If the choice fell on a classic who wrote in poetic form, fortune telling is carried out according to the usual pattern. Only in this case can you take into account both the whole poem, if it is small, and a separate quatrain that was chosen.

If you decide to tell fortunes using a book, it is best to perform the ritual in the morning. After waking up, you have not yet had time to accumulate negative energy, which may affect the result.

Additional information - how to correctly interpret the result?

If you decide to tell fortunes from a book, be prepared for the fact that sometimes the answer may not be presented in the form you expected. Quite often the choice may fall on an interrogative sentence. This suggests that it is possible to get both a negative and a positive answer to the question.

If the choice fell on an exclamatory sentence, then this indicates that a sea of ​​emotions awaits you in the near future, most of them will be positive. If the proposal was affirmative, this is a sign that nothing will prevent you from realizing your plans.

With such a ritual, it is necessary to look for signs that fate may send us. The received text of the prediction may contain a certain word, a phrase that will be key, which only you will understand, it will be the hint that you expected to see.

Pay attention to whether the selected fragment of text mentions the season. This is also an important sign.

  • Spring indicates that events will develop very rapidly and you will have to make efforts in order to have time to do everything you have planned.
  • Summer- what you are asking for will probably happen very soon.
  • Autumn- you will have to work tirelessly in order to achieve your goal. But the result will be worth the effort.
  • Winter- your dreams are not destined to come true soon, so you will have to wait.

If there is a mention in the text bonfire, fire, candles, then this indicates that events will take place in full view of other people.

Mention water indicates that you will not be able to remain calm.

It's a good sign if the text mentions Earth or home. This suggests that the answer to the question is positive and you will be able to achieve your goal and overcome any obstacles.

It should be regarded as a hint that will help you figure out what to do in the future and what you should refrain from doing. Take the deciphering of the result seriously and use the information received wisely.