Why doesn't Wi-Fi work on a laptop (netbook)? How to connect a laptop to a Wi-Fi router? Error “Windows could not connect to...”. The Internet does not work when connected to open Wi-Fi, or why you cannot connect to free (unsecured) Wi-Fi

  • 21.10.2019

Often, after the long-awaited purchase of a new laptop, connecting a router for WiFi distribution, or simply completely reinstalling all the device software, the computer, for some unknown reason, cannot connect to the Wi-Fi network. Every second person finds himself in a situation where the laptop does not connect to the Internet via WiFi, and this, to put it mildly, causes dissatisfaction. The laptop simply refuses to see all kinds of Internet networks, and the special icon itself, which is located on the bottom notification panel of the device, along with the usual little white stripes shows an exclamation point (connection is limited) or, even worse, a red cross (the personal computer does not see networks at all).

Why won't WiFi connect on my laptop?

There are incredibly many reasons for this behavior of your laptop. In most cases, the problem lies in the fact that the special WiFi module cannot be turned on. In this case, the laptop will work and detect all networks, but during connection it will write that the operating system, unfortunately, was unable to connect to this network. How to solve the problem if the laptop sees WiFi, but does not connect? The first step is to make sure that all the necessary drivers are installed on the so-called network adapter.

Oddly enough, this most often happens with laptops running the Windows 7 operating system. As noted earlier, there are many reasons why your laptop cannot connect to a wireless network. Since there are so many reasons, it means there are also a lot of ways to still get a personal computer to connect to the Internet. Is your laptop not connecting to WiFi? Windows may have nothing to do with it!

The laptop is not always at fault!

The problem can be not only in the PC, but also, as practice shows, in the router itself (in other words, the network access point). If the laptop does not connect to the Internet, then first of all you should determine what the problem is: in the PC or in the router. How to do it? There are several ways to confirm or refute the fact that the problem is with the router, the easiest of which is the help of a neighbor. Just visit your neighbor. Ask for the network password to test your laptop. If he can connect, then everything is fine with him, and the problem is hidden in the router. If the laptop does not connect to WiFi and writes the same thing as at home, then the problem is in the laptop.

Most likely difficulties

The most common problems with connecting a laptop or netbook to a wireless network are the following.

  • WiFi does not turn on on a personal computer. This is one of those problems that is easiest to solve, so if you find yourself in this situation, there is no need to worry - everything will work out!
  • The device does not detect the network of your personal router, although it sees neighbors and others. This problem is not solved as easily as the first one, but still the main thing is what? The main thing is that it is resolved!
  • The personal computer sees all the networks, but cannot connect to any of them, and writes: “Could not connect.” It is possible to solve this problem, because it is the most common. Of course, it’s not a fact that you can fix everything yourself, but it’s worth a try, especially since there won’t be any complicated steps.
  • The PC quickly connects to WiFi networks, but under no circumstances opens Internet pages in browsers. The problem is also more than common; you can solve it yourself, but, unfortunately, not always. You may have to call a professional to fix it.

Enable WiFi on a laptop

Unfortunately, not all laptop models have default settings, which is why the laptop does not connect to the Internet via WiFi. In some situations, you still have to perform various actions in order for the laptop to connect to one or another wireless network and no longer bother its owner. This method can really help, but only for those users who have not reinstalled the Windows operating system on their computer. If you have already done this, the advice may not help. But it's worth a try!

Key combination, special switch

There are laptop models in which, in order to enable the ability to connect to a wireless network, you need to press the required key combination on the keyboard. In such PCs, the first mandatory button is Fn, and the second is a special hardware key located somewhere from F1 to F12. Most often, these keys are F2, F6 and F10 - this depends on the manufacturer of the personal computer, as well as its model.

If your laptop is not one of those discussed above, then on your laptop model the network is turned on using a small switch. The switch can be located anywhere on your PC - on the back, bottom, side. Finding it will not be so easy, but then you just need to move the slider from “Off” to the opposite side “On”. Attention: special keys will not work if you have reinstalled the operating system. However, try it anyway - it was not. This will solve your problems regarding WiFi not connecting on your laptop.

Turn your laptop's wireless capabilities on or off

It is very important to know that after you have turned on the wireless network adapter using special keys, you may also need to turn it on “from within”, that is, in the laptop operating system itself. There are only 2 options: Windows 7 and Windows 8.

Enabling WiFi in Windows 7

If for some reason your personal laptop does not connect to WiFi, you will have to try to fix it yourself. First of all, go to the PC control panel, select “Network Management” there, then find the “Change network adapter settings” button.

For faster execution, you need to press the Win + R key and then enter the simple command ncpa.cpl. Pay attention to the network icon; if it simply isn’t there, skip this point. If, however, there is a wireless network icon that is disabled (that is, gray), right-click on the object and select “Enable network” or simply “Enable” from the drop-down menu.

Enabling WiFi in Windows 8

Here everything is a little more complicated. If you don't understand why your laptop won't connect to WiFi, this option is worth trying.

In the right panel, select “Options”, then click on “Change...”, after which you need to find the “Wireless Network” button. Make sure the button is turned on; if not, turn it on yourself.

Now we perform all the same steps as in the Windows 7 operating system. Simply put, you must completely make sure that the special wireless connection on your computer is turned on.

Also, regardless of the OS version, you may need to turn to a program that specializes in wireless networks and WiFi connections. Almost all manufacturing companies have their own programs, the name of which contains the word “Wireless” or “WiFi”.


Another reason why a laptop does not connect to WiFi, writes: “Connection limited” or something like that, is hated PC drivers. This happens especially often after the operating system has been reinstalled on a personal computer. You may have been able to reinstall Windows yourself, but you were unable to install the drivers from the official website of the company that created your laptop.

There are also situations when, automatically, after installing a new OS, the computer itself installs the necessary drivers, but the PC itself has never done anything correctly. Even if you installed the drivers using some program, you will still need to go to the company’s official website and download all the necessary drivers there. Only after installing them will you be able to connect to the WiFi network, if that was the case, of course.


It was already mentioned above that the problem may not be in the computer, but in the router itself, which emits the signal. You can check the health of the router in several ways:

Connection limited

Such an inscription quite often pops up on laptop screens, the owners of which do not understand why WiFi on the laptop does not connect. Solving such a problem will not take much time, but you will still have to follow the instructions exactly according to the instructions, otherwise you can get into trouble.

When a person finds himself in a similar situation, panic begins: what to do if WiFi on the laptop does not connect, “Limited” is written, and nothing is clear at all? Don't worry, everything can be fixed. Another thing is that not everything is done independently, but this is not such a big problem.

If you select a network from the list of available ones, then enter the password correctly (if you have one, of course), then wait for the connection... and then a message pops up that everything is connected. But on the network icon some strange exclamation mark icon appears in a yellow triangle. Hover your mouse over this sign and the system will tell you that the connection is limited. No Internet resources will work. What to do if the laptop does not connect to WiFi, or rather, it connects, but there is no Internet?

Providers have certain problems. Reinstalling the OS

The situation is that the problem may not be in the router or even in the laptop. If the connection is limited, one of the options to solve the problem is to call the technical support of the provider. Specialists will try to solve this problem within a day, perhaps a little more, but after that such problems will not arise.

If technical support claims that it is not their problem, but yours, then it is so. In this case, when the laptop does not connect to the WiFi network (or rather, it connects, but does not work), you can repeat some of the tips that are a little higher. However, the easiest way would be to call a private specialist who, for 200-300 rubles, will completely reinstall Windows for you to any kind you want. He will also install all the necessary drivers for everything to work, and if you wish, he can install a good antivirus.

Many more find themselves in a situation where nothing is actually broken, but only a minor glitch in the router. Don’t worry, you won’t have to reconnect anything, you will simply need to completely disconnect the router from cables and wires for 5-10 minutes so that it can “rest” a little. After that, reconnect everything: internet cable and power. And after a couple of minutes, the laptop will automatically connect to the network (if this does not happen, do it yourself), and everything will work perfectly without interruptions.

There is also a situation when there are no problems with anything, but suddenly WiFi stops working. What to do in this case? Either call support or reboot the router. Or the problem may still be in the laptop. There will be nothing complicated in the steps: you just need to first disconnect from the network, and after a couple of minutes connect to it again by entering the password. Everything should work, there should be no more such complaints. We hope you got the answer to the question why your laptop won't connect to WiFi.

If your laptop does not connect to Wifi, says limited access or no Internet access, you should look into this problem in more detail.

There are several reasons for the problem:

  • outdated or completely missing drivers on the laptop;
  • failure of the Wifi card itself;
  • incorrect router settings, etc.

We are looking for the culprit - a laptop or router

To understand why the laptop does not connect to the Internet via Wifi, let's look at all aspects of this issue.

The first step towards solving a problem is identifying the culprit. Problems with Wifi can be in the laptop itself, or maybe in the router. Finding the cause is important so as not to make things worse by changing all the settings.

First, try connecting another device via Wifi - phone, tablet, laptop. The Wifi button on the router should glow green. If the connection is normal on other devices, then the problem is with your laptop. And if the selected network does not work everywhere, then the cause of the problem is in the router and its settings.

If the reason is in the router, then you still need to check whether there is internet at all. Connect the cable directly to your laptop or computer. If everything works, then the problem is definitely in the router settings, and if not, contact your Internet provider to troubleshoot the problem.

Checking the network driver version

A common reason for the lack of Wifi on a laptop is an incorrectly installed or outdated network driver. This is indicated by this icon at the bottom right of the notification panel.

It shows that there are no connections available (even though there actually are). This often happens when reinstalling the system. Drivers that worked on Windows XP may not work on Windows 7, and drivers that worked on Windows 7 may not work on Windows 8.

You need to check whether the drivers are installed and, if so, their version, as follows:

  • here look for the “Network adapters/boards” tab and your network adapter in it. It can be called differently, it all depends on your laptop;

If the device is there and there are no exclamation marks near it, then everything is fine with the driver.

To find out its version, you need to right-click on the driver and select “Properties”.

In the window that opens, select “Driver” and look at its development date.

Hardware enable adapter

The network device driver is working properly, but there is still no network? Or did the Internet work before, but now there are no available connections? This indicates that the network adapter on the laptop is turned off.

This is done differently on different models, but often this requires pressing the FN + F2 key combination at the same time or FN + another key with the Wifi icon drawn.

Some models have a special button on the body.

Video: How to distribute wi-fi from a laptop

You can also enable wireless networking on the system itself.

If you have Windows 7, then follow these steps:

  • open "Start";
  • select "Control Panel";
  • "Network and Internet";
  • "Network and Sharing Center";
  • "Change adapter settings".

If the wireless network icon in the window that appears is colorless, this means that the network is inactive and needs to be turned on by right-clicking

To do this on Windows 8 then:

  • click the “Options” button on the right panel;
  • further – “Changing computer settings”;
  • select "Wireless Network". It must be turned on.

You can perform the same operation as for the 7th operating system to make sure that the network is turned on.

In Windows XP it's even easier:

  1. "Start";
  2. "Control Panel";
  3. "Network connections";
  4. turn on the wireless network by clicking the right mouse button.

The activation of the adapter will be indicated by this icon on the notification panel.

Laptop stopped connecting to WiFi

If the laptop previously connected to this Wifi network, and then suddenly stopped (the settings were not changed), a virus may be the cause of the problem. It may corrupt the file or change settings. Even if the antivirus scan showed nothing, the installation of some program on the laptop could have messed up the settings.

Simply removing this program will not restore the network. Alternatively, you can delete the network connection and create it again, you can reset the router settings and connect it from scratch, you can search for a long time for the broken parameter on the laptop, but the easiest way is to restore the system to the level at which the program got into it.

Restoring the system

Starting this process:

  • "Start";
  • "All programs";
  • "Standard";
  • "Service";
  • "System Restore" ;

  • "Further";
  • select a recovery point (updating and installing programs is recorded in the registry, so in the window that opens, select the desired recovery time);
  • "Further".

Photo: Window for selecting a restore point

The recovery process will begin and upon completion the laptop will reboot. If the problem is a malware, then Wifi will work.

Updating hardware drivers

If, when checking the network adapter, there is an exclamation mark next to the driver icon in Device Manager, right-click on it and select “Enable”.

The absence of a driver entry means that it needs to be installed. Then you need to download it from the manufacturer’s official website. Or use the driver disk that comes with your laptop.

You can find out the name of the driver from the information in the device manager, in the description of the laptop, or using a special program.

You can update the driver by right-clicking on it and selecting “Update”. Or go to its properties and select this item there. Even if everything is fine with the driver, it is recommended to download and install it again.

Checking connection settings

To check connection settings:

Photo: Automatically obtaining IP and DSN addresses

When you try to connect to the selected Wifi network for the first time, a password prompt appears. Next, there should be an automatic connection to the network when you turn on the laptop. But if the laptop does not want to connect automatically and asks for a password every time, check whether the “Connect automatically” checkbox under the network name is checked.

Internet no access or limited in Windows

It happens that after connecting, identification occurs without access to the Internet via Wifi and a yellow triangle appears near the network icon on the panel:

Also, if you go to the “Network and Sharing Center”.

Enter the connection properties. If everything in the window looks like this and the IPv4 connection says “No network access,” the problem is incorrectly entered IP addresses or a disabled DHCP server on the router.

Photo: IP address on the router DHCP server

Check that you did not forget to check the box to receive addresses automatically. But if they are already there, then try to do the opposite - register everything manually. You can get the network address in the router settings. But basically the IP address is standard 192.168.1.X, and the DNS is

If the connection properties show an IPv4 connection “Without Internet access,” then the DNS server addresses or router settings were entered incorrectly.

In this case, we manually change only the DNS settings, leaving the IP address automatic.

  • is Google's public DNS server;
  • – Yandex.

Some connection errors

If your laptop connects to the Internet, but sites load slowly, you might have gone too far from the router’s coverage area. And if the problem does not go away with a high Wifi signal, most likely, you are receiving many other networks and the Wifi channel is busy.

This can be changed in the router settings. The default value is 6. You can try changing it from 1 to 13 and watch the speed change. You can also try the "Auto" option.

If the laptop connects to Wifi, but does not access the Internet, and at the same time programs such as Skype and ICQ are working, check the DNS addresses. They must be automatic or registered, as in the paragraph above.

Photo: Select “Obtain an IP address automatically”

If the laptop does not immediately connect to the Internet:

  • open the Start menu;
  • "Control Panel";
  • "System and safety";
  • "Power supply";
  • “Power button actions”;
  • In the Shutdown Options section, uncheck “Enable Fast Startup (Recommended)”;
  • "Save".

Windows was unable to connect to...

Having selected the desired network and entered the security password for it, I suddenly got the error “Windows could not connect to...”:

Photo: Windows failed to connect

You can try clicking “Troubleshooting” and look at the written reason. Network devices and settings will be checked.

This message also appears due to a router error. Try rebooting both it and the laptop.

In Device Manager, in the properties of the network adapter, disable “Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power.”

Long authorization process

If, after entering the Wifi security key, while connecting to the network, the message “Obtaining an IP address” is displayed for a long time, and then the connection is disconnected and tries to connect again, this indicates an error in setting up IP addresses. In this case, you need to configure automatic acquisition of an IP address in the connection properties. And if it doesn’t help, write them manually.

Unidentified network - what to do

If the laptop does not identify the network, check whether the Internet cable is connected to the router. Reboot your router and laptop. You also need to check the IP addresses and DNS servers, as described in the above paragraphs.

There may be several reasons for the lack of Wifi on a laptop, the main ones being an incorrectly configured router (see instructions for setting up your model), problems with the network adapter (outdated or not installed), or an incorrectly configured IP address or DNS server.

Have you ever seen a situation where your laptop does not connect to the Wi-Fi network? Then you have come to the right address. The purpose of the article is to understand the most common connection errors, identify the malfunction and correctly reconfigure the equipment.

Most often, the problem is encountered by users who have reinstalled the system, updated drivers and software, or installed third-party applications such as a firewall, antivirus, and something like “Anti-malware” (a utility for cleaning a PC from spyware). Yes, there are other situations, but first things first.

We want to analyze the following situations:

  • no connection (red cross on the wireless network icon);
  • the laptop does not see a specific network;
  • the network is visible, but connection is limited or impossible;
  • The connection is successful, but the sites do not load.

Turn on the Wi-Fi module

If you think that the wireless network is turned on by default, then you are mistaken. Some manufacturers, in order to reduce power consumption, programmatically turn off the function. Let’s say right away that further actions will only be successful on a “clean” system, which was originally installed by the manufacturer. Those. all drivers, programs and utilities operate as normal and have not been modified to similar products with the same functionality.

Let's start with the basics - a hardware switch (which is now only found on older models) and a keyboard shortcut.

In the first case, we look for a special lever on the ends of the case or side walls, next to which there is a “Wi-Fi” icon (antenna with schematic waves). Switch to the active position and the problem is solved.

On modern models there is a separate button on the keyboard (usually an additional one), or activation occurs with a key combination Fn And F1-F12(look for the one with an antenna or an airplane on it). Press both and watch what is happening in the lower right corner of the monitor.

It's not so simple with function keys. All programs and components from the manufacturer must be installed on the system, otherwise the button simply will not work. Driver packs and unofficial builds like Zver and Ovgorsky will not help.

You can try the following. Go to the official website of the laptop manufacturer and download the necessary components with the following name:

  • Lenovo – Energy Management;
  • ASUS – ATKACPI driver and hotkey-related utilities;
  • HP - HP UEFI Support Environment, HP Software Framework.

There are also special forums where you can clarify the necessary software.

Launching a wireless network on different versions of Windows

If the laptop does not connect to Wi-Fi, then the module may be disabled by software. For Windows 7,8 and 10, the inclusion algorithm is different, so we will consider all options.

Windows 7

In this OS you need to go to the “Network Control Center...”. Right-click on the network icon and select the desired menu item.

The second way is to press the combination Win+R on the keyboard and enter the command " ncpa.cpl" This method is even simpler.

Here we need the wireless network icon. It should be gray (inactive). Right-click on it and select the “Enable” command.

By the way, the icon may not appear. In this case, you need to reinstall the driver, but more on that below.

Windows 8

“Eight”, although not a bad OS, has its own shortcomings. It's difficult to adapt after Win7. To activate Wi-Fi, you need to go to the settings and make sure that the network is really turned on.

Windows 10

There should be no problems with the latest OS from Microsoft. To begin, click on the network connection icon (as in Win7) in the lower right corner of the monitor. Then make sure that “Wi-Fi” is activated, but “Airplane” mode is not.

The second option is through the parameters, which is more typical for Win8. Go to “Settings”, then “Network and Internet”, and then “Wi-Fi”.

Additionally, if the standard options do not help, read the official instructions on the Microsoft website.

For all versions

The options described above are not a panacea. Additionally, try running proprietary utilities from the laptop manufacturer, which should be included. In the vast majority of cases, you can find “Wi-Fi” or “Wireless” in the name. The interface will allow you to quickly switch the adapter to the active position. The program is located in the "Start - All Programs" path.

And a little more about drivers. If Windows has just been installed, and all drivers were installed automatically or in a “driver pack” from a disk/flash drive, then additionally take a look at the official website of the laptop and download the necessary components. In 90% of cases this will solve the problem.

Wi-Fi is on, but I can't see the network

The first problem was sorted out, but it turned into another: you cannot connect to your home network - it is not visible. The lion's share of such cases is due to the lack of necessary drivers. The system is new, the viruses worked, the children played pranks and accidentally deleted it - it doesn’t matter. The problem needs to be solved. There are 4 approximate scenarios:

  • after installing the system, everything “tightened up” automatically;
  • you install individual components that are not immediately identified;
  • use of driver packs;
  • something was undecided, and you did not attach importance to it.

In all cases, Wi-Fi may not work, although the manager says “the device is working normally.” In the latter, the system may not even know about the device, although it physically exists and works correctly. In all cases, only the official website of the manufacturer can save you. Look for your laptop model and download for the desired OS.

To find out the current version of the “firewood”, press the Win+R combination and enter the command “ devmgmt.msc»

You will be taken to Device Manager. Here we look for the “network adapters” subgroup, open it and look at devices that have “Wi-Fi” or “Wireless” in their names. Right-click on the item and open Properties.

In this section we look for the “Driver” tab. We pay special attention to the highlighted lines in the screenshot.

If the supplier is Microsoft (and not Intel, as in this case) and the update date is very different from the current one, go to the official website for new ones.

It’s funny, but in Windows 10 the situation may be the opposite: fresh “firewood” is deliberately replaced by the system with obviously more outdated ones. In this case, it is worth “rolling back” the version to the previous one, and then prohibiting all updates.

Finally, you may have to re-enable the wireless module.

Additional reasons and their solutions

The situation can be resolved in more unconventional ways. The most common case is a change in network settings, or the inability to select a specific Wi-Fi standard and channel. Try this:

  • change the channel on the router, selecting a specific one, not “auto”;
  • adjust the frequency and network type according to the router specifications;
  • make sure that the password does not contain Cyrillic;
  • try changing the region to USA.

The laptop is connected, but the sites still do not open

If you have connected everything that is required, checked the connection, but the pages do not load, then there is a problem with the router settings. To get started, you should do the following:

  • see if the Internet works on the PC (if available);
  • Connect your smartphone/tablet/console/TV and other devices with wireless access.

Below is a more detailed picture. It is quite possible that the router settings have been reset to factory settings, so you will have to manually (if there is no disk with the provider settings) return the required configuration. I would like to say right away that you should look for information exclusively from the provider, who will describe the procedure in detail and step by step, based on your specific router model.

But if only Internet pages do not open, but Skype and some other programs work properly, then we dig deeper:

  • look at the register;
  • getting rid of viruses;
  • we clean the static routes of the router;
  • check the “Hosts” file.


Press the familiar Win+R combination and enter the command “ regedit" And then we follow this section.

We are looking for a file called " AppInit_DLLs" Its value must be zero (empty column). If there is any value, right-click and reset it to zero. Next, go to the root directory and do the same steps along the path below.

Reboot and see the result.


Everything is simple here. We install a good antivirus and additionally install the latest version of Dr.Web CureIt. We check and try to find something. Does not work? Then try Anti-Malware from Malwarebytes. It has a slightly different algorithm for searching for modified files and false routing paths, but the effect is there, and quite noticeable.

Cleaning routes

To update the static routes of the router, you should call the command “ CMD"via Win+R. A command prompt will open. Here you should write the value “ route -f"(the space before "-f" is required). Press Enter and reboot the router.

If you previously prescribed something manually, you will have to repeat the operation again.


Another “root of evil” in the system, which is poorly monitored by users, installing various software, not paying attention to additional checkboxes and ticks. It can be treated simply. We follow the following path on our laptop.

Open the document " hosts"(using notepad) and scroll down the document. It should end with lines like this.

We don’t need everything that is written below, unless you first manually entered the addresses of gateways and servers for specific tasks, or installed “broken” software (which is very bad). Clear, save and reboot.


Yes, there are many more ways to revive Wi-Fi and make it work, but we have looked at those that a beginner who has not previously encountered the downside of their system can handle. Why call a specialist if you can do everything yourself in a few clicks. Be careful.

First of all, it is worth checking what exactly is the problem in this case. Connect to Wi-Fi through another device. If everything is in order, move on to the next steps.

Drivers are faulty

Drivers are most often to blame for Wi-Fi not working on a laptop. To check this, right-click on “ My computer" or " Computer", depending on the version of Windows, and go to the "Management" section or to "Properties". Then go to the “” tab.

Select Computer Management or Properties

Launch the manager from computer properties

Computer manager

If the drivers are installed incorrectly or are not installed at all, the item “ Other devices».

Wi-Fi may also not work due to outdated drivers. In this case, you need to follow the instructions below:

This can also be done using third-party programs that completely automate the search for the necessary programs.

Wi-Fi module is turned off

The drivers may be fine, but the module itself may be disabled. It will look something like this:

All you need to do is right-click and select “ Engage" The name of the item may change depending on the version of the operating system, but its meaning will remain the same.

Turn on the device

No matter how strange it may be, sometimes it happens that people start to panic ahead of time, although in fact the Wi-Fi is simply turned off on the computer.

In order to fix this, you need to use your laptop keyboard find the pictogram with an image of a wireless network and hold it down simultaneously with the Fn key.

If this key does not work or something else prevents you from doing it this way, you can do this through the control panel.

To do this, open it and go to the section “ Network and Internet" Next - in " Network connections" Finding a wireless connection. Then right-click and “Enable”.

Failed to connect to...

There are times when such an error occurs during connection. And there is no clear solution to this problem yet. Most often it's a matter of router settings. First try reboot the router and a laptop. If it doesn’t help, I advise you to roll back the Wi-Fi to factory settings. Or just reconfigure.

Also, sometimes in laptops in the Wi-Fi adapter settings there is a checkmark in the “ Turn off this device to save energy" Because of this, when the laptop is disconnected from the network, such an inconvenience may occur.

You can remove this as follows:

There are many reasons why your phone won't connect to wifi. Mobile phones can provide us with access to the Internet, no matter where we are.

However, sometimes it turns out that the phone has stopped connecting to a non-wifi network.

In most cases, the smartphone tells us what the problem is by displaying characteristic notifications on the screen.

Sometimes, when the connection indicator shows that the phone is connected to Wi-Fi, you still cannot access the Internet and pages do not load.

In this case, it makes sense to look for the “ ” notification in the network settings, which often appears in such cases.

In this case, you can try to solve the problem in two ways. Often this problem occurs due to the fault of the router.

Most likely, no matter what device you tried to connect to this network from at that moment, from a laptop or tablet, the result would be the same.

  • The simplest solution is to try turning the router off and on again. Let it cool down for about 10 minutes and try to connect again. It is likely that the problem will be fixed.
    In addition, this notification may appear if Internet access is not paid for at home. This problem is also completely solvable.
  • If the Internet is paid for, the wifi router has been turned off and on again, but you still cannot access the Internet, then the problem is most likely on the operator’s side, and therefore you should call customer support.
    Sometimes you will have to do the same if you cannot access the Internet only from your phone, although you can do this from other devices.

Important! Regardless of what connection problem and what method you solve, after taking action, you need to turn off the connection on the device. Then turn it on again to check its functionality.

Obtaining an IP address...

Another common problem arises during the process of connecting your phone to a wifi router. The connection process stops when the phone attempts to obtain an IP address.

The notification “Obtaining an IP address...” may remain next to the network name for hours. Naturally, you cannot go online, since your phone is not connected to it.

  • The problem is not solved as easily as the previous one. However, the first step is the same - turn off and turn on the router again after 10 minutes. If you still cannot connect after this, proceed to the second step.
  • Not the most convenient way is to register a static IP address on the device. You actually specify the parameters of the network to which you connect at home.
    However, when using this method, problems will arise with accessing the Internet through other networks. In order to do this, you will have to erase the IP address and change its type.

You can register a static address as follows:

  1. When you click on the name of the wifi network, an item called “Advanced settings”, “Advanced settings” or similar will appear in the window that opens;
  2. Check the box next to this item;
  3. After that, in the “IP Settings” or “IP Settings” section, change the network protocol type (DHCP) to static and enter the IP.

Before you try to connect to the Internet through another network, change the protocol type again from static to automatic.

Authentication Error

A common reason why you cannot connect to the Internet.

This notification that your phone displays after trying to connect to your home's wifi network actually means that the network has not recognized your device as suitable for wifi reception.

The most common reason why this happens is an incorrect network password. Check it carefully and try to go online again. If you are sure that the password is correct, proceed to the next step.

  • This is already familiar advice. Try turning the router off and on again after a few minutes. This is a universal recommendation that is given even by customer support operators.
  • A more difficult way is to try making changes to the router settings. To do this, you need to go to its settings page through a browser.

Select the following data in the router settings. Version WPA-PSK, encryption – AES. Enter the password.

On most routers these should only be numbers, no more than 8 pieces. Set the security mode to WPA\WPA 2 personal.

These options make connecting to wifi as easy as possible. However, such actions are necessary only when nothing else has helped.

And, in addition, there is reason to believe that there are compatibility problems, for example, with the type of encryption used by the router and phone.