Potap and Nastya Kamenskikh meet. Nastya Kamenskikh left the group: Potap said goodbye to the singer, latest news

  • 14.06.2019

Today, one piece of news is being actively discussed in show business: Nastya Kamenskikh left the duet “Potap and Nastya”. In May 2017, the couple celebrated 10 years collaboration. Now it has become known that fans will no longer hear new songs from this duo. Some listeners were upset, some were holding back their comments, waiting to see how the artists would perform separately from each other.

Many fans were looking forward to such an event, because they had long ago determined that the duet “Potap and Nastya” had already grown out of the created image, and it was time to build a solo career.

Among the most popular songs Potap and Nastya can be distinguished:

  • "Mom".
  • "I...I..."
  • “On the Paradise” and many others.

Potap was the first to put an end to the duet. Everyone knows that the singer has already long time engaged not only in her vocal career, but also acts as a producer and author of her own projects.

Duet "Potap and Nastya Kamensky"

According to Nastya Kamenskikh, she is not afraid to go on a solo swim, because she has long dreamed of starting a solo career. It must be remembered that the duet “Potap and Nastya Kamenskikh” previously also wanted to cease to exist, but nothing worked out for them. Fans believe that the previous pause was untimely; the duo had something else to show.

Despite the fact that she left the duet, she speaks of Potap with great warmth and respect. Previously, the singer often complained that Potap was very harsh and could be rude in his work, but Lately Nothing negative was said towards the colleague.

Nastya and Potap spend a lot of time outside of work, they are connected by sports, and not only. Recently, more and more information has appeared on the Internet that Potap and Nastya are having an affair, which is developing into a serious relationship.

The beginning of Nastya Kamenskikh's solo career

Last week it was officially confirmed that the singer left the duet with Potap. The couple came to this decision together, so no one abandoned anyone. Nastya says that her career age is quite advanced, so there is no need for a duet. Now Kamenskikh has no doubt that he is able to cope with his vocal activities on his own. Potap only supports her in this.

Nastya Kamenskikh presented her new solo video “This is my night”

On November 2, Nastya Kamenskikh presents her first solo video, “This is my night.” Viewers will see the artist in a completely new role, which fully reflects the singer’s inner state. Nastya said that she really loves the night time, when you can think about everything, make new plans and decide on the way to implement them.

In her video, which was directed by Alan Badoev, Nastya will perform in the image of a Cuban beauty, which completely describes her. This role demonstrates modern trends, charges with energy, gives music to listeners, and also fully reflects the principles of Nastya Kamensky.

It is worth recalling that Nastya Kamenskikh recently presented sportswear own production with NK logo. By doing this, she not only shows her love for sports, but also encourages her fans to play sports together, take care of their figure and always remain beautiful and slim.

Nastya Kamenskikh's video was recorded in the Future Por style; it will allow the star to fully reveal herself, show her energy, beauty and mood. Despite the fact that things happen in Nastya’s life unpleasant situations, the singer never gives up and fights them without losing heart.

Let us remind you that Nastya was recently treated for a serious leg injury. Her first parachute jump was unsuccessful for the girl - the main canopy did not open.

Kamenskikh and his instructor landed on a spare plane, which did not save the singer from serious injuries. As we can see, the rehabilitation was successful, now Nastya continues to actively engage in sports, and subscribers to her Instagram page are convinced of this every day.

On the jury of the show "X Factor"

Nastya Kamenskikh left the duet, but not from concert activities because she is very talented singer, which tries to show viewers its best sides. According to her, the image in the new video was not invented just like that. The appearance of Nastya Kamensky is often compared to the appearance of foreign girls.

The singer says that from time to time she herself feels like a cosmopolitan woman, because she managed to live in Italy and the States, in addition to tours traveled practically the whole world. “NK” is music that has no boundaries, and in the process of performing, Nastya gained good life experience.

Now Nastya Kamenskikh is actively interested in filling her channel on YouTube; the singer launched NKblog, in which she records various stories from her life, talks about successes, and shares new events. The singer knows that she personal life interests many fans, so I decided to create a personal channel.

Nastya and Potap's relationship outside of work

Recently, you can notice on the Internet not only news that Nastya Kamenskikh left the duet, but also about her personal life with Potap. Lately, Nastya and Potap have been spending a lot of time together, going for runs early in the morning, and great tenderness is noticeable in their relationship.

Literally 2 years ago, Nastya Kamenskikh constantly complained that Potap has a complex character, he is very demanding and sets a high standard in his work. Now, on the contrary, Nastya will not miss a moment without once again complimenting her colleague and producer. Potap also began to show great attention to Nastya Kamenskikh; he does not hide his care and respect.

It is worth noting that just recently Potap officially announced his divorce from ex-wife. The couple has a son, with whom the man now spends all his free time from work. Such great fatherly love for his son can be judged by the photo on Potap’s Instagram.

Nastya shared that her personal life is now settled, she no longer has the status of an enviable bride. Recently, Kamenskikh showed off a diamond ring on her ring finger, which indicates that Nastya’s personal life is reaching a new level.

In turn, Potap does not hide new tattoo on the hand that has the logo of their group “Potap and Nastya”. With this, Alexey Potapenko wanted to show that their duet will forever remain in his heart, and that such changes in creative career only for the better.

All these events in the lives of the stars confirm that their relationship has switched to new stage. They began to show each other not only respectful attitude, but also considered other halves. Potap and Nastya themselves do not officially confirm anything. Many fans believe that after a while the couple will simply shock everyone with their wedding photos and starting a family.

Returning to the topic of Nastya Kamenskikh’s solo career, it should be noted that in this moment The name of her new producer is still unknown. Will Alexey Potapenko take on new job The public will find out about his beautiful colleague a little later.


For for long years the existence of the famous Ukrainian pop duo Potap and Nastya Kamensky, this young couple haunts their fans. Any joint photo or video material about spending time together became a very respectable argument to assert a close, non-working relationship between Potap and Nastya. What's really going on?

The dizzying success of “Potap and Nastya”

“Potap and Nastya” are a popular Ukrainian duet that was born in 2006. The team of two young, talented, full of energy Alexey Potapenko and Nastya Kamensky quickly began to gain momentum. This singing couple quickly came to taste to the younger generation and connoisseurs of pop classics. It became extremely clear that “Potap and Nastya” would remain for many years at the most big stages CIS. Song after song, video after video, concert after concert - and soon everyone will be quietly humming “No matter how you look at it, we are not a couple, not a couple” on the way home.

Roman Potap and Nastya Kamensky

The popularity of the young Ukrainian pop duo could not do without gossip in “ yellow press" Are Potap and Nastya dating? Romance between Potap and Nastya Kamensky? Any informational occasion became a new storm, stirring up thousands of hearts in love with this wonderful duo. And what the couple did was come up with more and more excuses, constantly referring exclusively to their professional working relationship. A former employee and PR woman of the Ukrainian duo, Anna, says that the whole team knew about Potap’s close relationship with Nastya and a long time ago everyone stopped wondering if they were sleeping together, because it was already obvious to everyone.

Potap divorced his wife because of Nastya Kamenskikh

According to numerous media reports, Ukrainian musician Alexey Potapenko divorced his wife Irina Gorova, co-producer of MOZGI Entertainment. For almost two years, Alexey hid this fact, but Irina herself said in an interview that their divorce process took place without scandals or high-profile divisions of acquired property. According to Irina, everyone was completely absorbed in work and they simply did not have time for all this pointless troubles. Alexey Potapenko and Irina Gorovaya still maintain warm friendly relations, no matter how they produce one project and raise their son Andryushka together.

Potap's mother spoke about her son's secrets

Alexey Potapenko’s mother Lyudmila Anatolyevna lifted the curtain in her attitude towards Nastya Kamenskikh. Potap's mom sees Nastya as an ideal female beauty and talent. The woman believes that the singer has a positive influence on his son Alyosha, giving an example of the famous couple losing weight together. Lyudmila Anatolyevna admits that Nastya is a full member of their large and friendly family and that she sees in Nastya that same example of an ideal wife for her son.

When is the wedding of Potap and Nastya Kamensky?

But what really happens behind the scenes? public life the popular Ukrainian pop duet “Potap and Nastya”? Potap himself, apparently already tired of this kind of interrogation, refuses to say anything about plans with Nastya later life and decide to say so when he sees the need for it. But journalists and simply fans of their favorite performers have already made all the necessary conclusions for themselves. The singer got a “Potap/Nastya” tattoo, Kamenskikh is going to name his potential child Alexey, and the last hit about the couple’s toxic love did its job. Now the newlyweds are simply obliged to organize a wedding.

The artists are in no hurry to comment on their relationship, and all press questions are either left unanswered or laughed off. For example, in an interview with Olya Polyakova, who became a reporter on Katya Osadchaya’s program, Potap only joked when asked about a wedding with Kamensky.

“Don’t worry about Potap and Gorovaya (the artist’s ex-wife and director), they know what they are doing: they have brains,” joked another showbiz representative, hinting at the production center MOZGI Entertainment.

But recently, too many factors have begun to indicate that the rumors may be true. Firstly, the details of Potap’s divorce from his wife and co-producer Irina Gorova were revealed. As it turned out, the couple has not lived together for more than five years and has been officially divorced for two years.

Anastasia Alekseevna Kamenskikh was born on May 4, 1987 in Kyiv. Mother - Lydia Petrovna Kamenskikh (born May 11, 1955), singer of the National Academic folk choir named after G. Verevka. Father - Alexey Iosifovich Zhmur (born May 16, 1939), was the captain of the Dynamo volleyball team, and also concert director choir named after G. Verevka. Godmother is singer Alla Kudlay.

“Today, for example, the project “Time and Glass” brings in much more income than the duet “Potap and Nastya,” so they have enough for everyone,” a producer friend assured us. – It seems to me that the guys are tired of toiling on tours, from which they have not been back for 11 years. So we took a vacation.

Some sources, after the news that Potap and Irina Gorovaya have not lived together for two years, and have been hiding their divorce all this time, began to say that in the near future Potap plans to get married to Nastya Kamenskikh.

It became known that the famous Ukrainian singer and producer Alexey “Potap” Potapenko and his colleague Nastya Kamenskikh allegedly planned to get married this summer, but the ceremony was postponed due to the singer’s unsuccessful parachute jump.

Potap's wedding Nastya wedding of stars more details. Last news.

All this time the journalists different ways they tried to get the artists to have a frank conversation, but it was all in vain. Nevertheless, the constant public interest in his person still forced Potap to make a loud statement.

“In the video, Nastya and Bianca will appear in five images in different locations,” says filming producer Irina Gorovaya. – In terms of preparation, this was one of the craziest jobs: for several months we coordinated the artists’ schedules, choosing a free day in everyone’s schedule. We discussed the script and images remotely, and faced force majeure right up to the shooting day. For example, Bianca's luggage with all the costumes for the video arrived two hours before the start of filming. And as practice shows, if the preparation is so difficult, in the end we create a real masterpiece!

Later, Potam also published a couple of pictures from his vacation, on one from which the rapper “soars” (it is known that Potap quits smoking, replacing cigarettes with a vape - an electronic device that evaporates liquids and releases steam instead of smoke).

If this is so, then the 30-year-old artist found out about her pregnancy sometime in the summer. That is, now she is approximately three or four months old. But looking at recent photo, where Nastya poses in sports tights, no hints of a tummy. Although she may well “tweak” photos on social networks.

According to the source, home construction near Kyiv is at its final stage. As KP ​​writes, Potap and Nastya have been living together for a long time and are now preparing for a housewarming party and wedding, which they plan to hold in strict secrecy and in a narrow circle.

Secondly, Kamenskikh, who has recently begun to actively blog, appears every now and then in videos with an engagement ring on the ring finger of her right hand.

In November 2016, the paparazzi caught Nastya with an elegant ring on her ring finger, which aroused even greater interest in the singer’s personal life. True, Nastya wears jewelry on her left hand, which indicates an engagement rather than a wedding.

Potap and Nastya do not live together! - video about the lead singer of the famous duet.
Potap and Nastya do not live together! — where and how Potap lives you will find out on our channel.
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Nastya Kamenskikh and Potap who are they known for? Top news today December 26, 2017

The fact is that there are rumors in show business that the relationship of the star duo has long ceased to be just business and has become romantic. However, the couple managed to carefully hide it.

Nastya: “Our audience is diverse; children and elderly people come to Potap and Nastya’s concerts. On charity concerts in Western Ukraine there will be children from low-income families and children with disabilities. For their safety, we ask that the media pay attention to the situation. There is no need for scandals and provocations, “Potap and Nastya” always bring love, joy and kindness!”

Members of the duet "Potap and Nastya", Alexey Potapenko and Nastya Kamenskikh, will soon move to Vacation home. KP writes about this.

Thirdly, Potap himself does not hide his tender feelings for his colleague, demonstrating this in every possible way - in particular, he recently got a tattoo on his hand with the name “Nastya”.

Rumors about a romance between Potap and Nastya Kamensky have been circulating for a long time, and after it became known that the artist divorced his wife Irina Gorova, the attention of the press and public to the relationship of colleagues only doubled. Moreover, insiders reported that the wedding of Potap and Nastya was supposed to take place in the summer of 2016, but due to the singer’s unsuccessful parachute jump, the wedding had to be postponed.

A well-known company wanted to book the duet of Potap and Nastya for its event, but the production center MOZGI Entertainment replied: “They do not perform together.” The owner of one serious event company confirmed this information to KP in Ukraine, saying that the duo had not given concerts for two months. Only at the end of September the couple worked at a private party in Turkey, but here they could not refuse - the performance was ordered and paid for in advance.

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The psychic, when asked about Potap and Nastya’s romance, answered: “When the baby is born, then we will understand everything.”

About a year ago, as their friends told us, Potap and Nastya were going to get married. All this time your love affair at work Although they didn’t officially confirm it, they didn’t really hide it either. Did they really quarrel and decide to break up?

It is only clear that one of the most popular teams in our showbiz, having worked together for 11 years, has retired. At least temporarily. What is the reason for the collapse successful project, which always brought good money?

Nastya Kamenskikh and Potap personal life news. Urgent information.

Moreover, insiders claimed that the planned celebration was prevented by the singer’s unsuccessful parachute jump. Potap shared his only comment about his personal life in the studio of the Zirkoviy Shlyakh program.

“They killed Mimishka, after 5 km she became completely obedient))) in the photo there are happy runners - it’s disgusting, so sporty))))!!! Joke! There is such a thrill in this botanical garden - there are places that blow your mind. There are a lot of people running around – it’s nice!” – Potap shares his emotions from the run.

The duet of Potap and Nastya Kamensky is about ten years old, and all this time the press has periodically married young people. Moreover, several times journalists predicted that the beautiful singer would soon give a child to the rapper, however, none of the predictions came true. Moreover, during this time Potap managed to successfully marry another, well-known Ukrainian businesswoman, producer Irina Gorova, and they had two children in their marriage.

And it would seem that when one could forget about the imaginary romance of the stars, Potap left his former family and nevertheless decided to marry Nastya Kamensky. The singer himself admitted that he had been divorced for two years and had not lived with his family for another five years. And yes, he has a beloved woman.

As KP ​​in Ukraine writes, Potap and Nastya Kamenskikh are no longer hiding their romance. Moreover, the couple planned to get married this summer. According to the publication, the wedding was supposed to take place in August, but due to an unsuccessful parachute jump, as a result of which the singer broke her leg, the lovers postponed the celebration indefinitely.

Nastya Kamenskikh and Potap live together 2017 video facts. Detailed information.

The other day, Nastya Kamenskikh shared photos in a swimsuit on her Instagram, in which attentive fans of the singer noticed not only her stunning figure in a bikini, but also Potap’s vape on the table.

In 2017, Nastya Kamenskikh launched the sportswear brand “NKsport”, together with the Ukrainian shopping club modnaKasta. The first collection included 17 models - T-shirts, tracksuits, leggings and breeches

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From us with Nastya is waiting some loud statements. But we do not live up to anyone’s expectations; we always offer our own version of the development of events. Wait - we will definitely surprise you in the fall - Potap commented on rumors about his possible wedding with Nastya Kamenskikh in an interview with TV Guide.

The wedding of Potap and Nastya, the wedding of the stars, more details. Detailed data as of November 28, 2017

In 2014, Nastya made her debut as a radio presenter. She still hosts her own show called “On the way home with Nastya Kamenskikh” on the Ukrainian “Russian Radio”.

Soon there was news that the popular duo broke up, and the musicians took up solo careers. Nastya told the press that her and Potap’s creative visions and plans began to differ too much. But soon Potap and Nastya overcame all differences and began working together again on future hits.

123ru.net - faster than I..., the latest and most relevant news from your city - every day, every hour with minute-to-minute updates! Instant publication in the original language, without moderation and without cuts in the Users section of the site 123ru.net.

Anastasia is constantly credited with having a relationship with Potap. Not only do the musicians regularly perform together, they often work as presenters together various events. Therefore, Potap and Nastya often appear as a couple at various social events. Every appearance of the duo is accompanied by a new wave of rumors about the musicians’ imminent wedding. Outside of work, Potap and Nastya communicate really well, they constantly post joint photos in which they hug, fool around, make faces and, in general, have a good time.

Anastasia Alekseevna Kamenskikh was born on May 4, 1987 in Kyiv. Mother - Lidia Petrovna Kamenskikh (born May 11, 1955), singer of the National Academic Folk Choir named after G. Verevka. Father - Alexey Iosifovich Zhmur (born May 16, 1939), was the captain of the Dynamo volleyball team, as well as the concert director of the G. Verevka choir. Godmother is singer Alla Kudlay.

“They killed Mimishka, after 5 km she became completely obedient))) in the photo there are happy runners - it’s disgusting, so sporty))))!!! Joke! There is such a thrill in this botanical garden - there are places that blow your mind. People are running around a lot is nice!” – Potap shares his emotions from the run.

In November 2016, the paparazzi caught Nastya with an elegant ring on her ring finger, which aroused even greater interest in the singer’s personal life. True, Nastya wears jewelry on her left hand, which indicates an engagement rather than a wedding.

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Nastya Kamenskikh and Potap who are they known for? All latest information as of November 28, 2017.

WITH early childhood The girl, at the insistence of her mother, studied vocals. At the age of 6 she was taken to music school, where Nastya studied piano. She graduated from music school at the age of fourteen. Moreover, she had to combine her studies with long trips abroad. Kamenskikh participated in a family exchange program for children. Parents dreamed that their daughter would study languages ​​and life European countries by natural immersion in the environment.

Previously, the KP publication reported that Potap and Nastya planned to get married in the summer of 2016, but the event was prevented by the singer’s unsuccessful parachute jump, as a result of which she received a leg injury.

The host of the TV program “Gentleman Show”, famous humorist Oleg Filimonov will come to Kyiv with the play “The Odessa-Mama Train”, which will take place on October 31 at the National Operetta. Having traveled with this…

On April 2, 2016, he created the second channel “NKblog”, which later, with a temporary pause in a duet with Potap, was renamed “NKofficial”. At the moment, videos are only released on the main channel “NKofficial”.

In 2008, together with Garik “Bulldog” Kharlamov, Nastya took part in the First Channel television project “Two Stars”, from which she dropped out on March 30, 2008, based on the results of a vote by the audience.

Soon Nastya finally fulfilled her plans, but not alone, but together with her performance partner. The musicians went on a diet together. With the support of Potap, Nastya lost a lot of weight. Her partner also lost significant weight. Fans of the couple approved of the change in the image of their idols.

In 2016, Nastya again acted as a TV presenter. By currently Nastya works on the channel “1 1” and hosts the children's version comedy show“Make the comedian laugh” - “Make the comedian laugh. Children". At a talent show, young participants need to make the jury members at least smile in one minute. If one of the jury smiled, then the participant gets one more minute or the right to take away cash winnings. For each subsequent minute, the amount increases noticeably, but if the comedian fails to make the judges laugh again, he loses all the winnings.

Nastya Kamenskikh and Potap personal life news. All the latest information.

The personal life of Nastya Kamenskikh is of interest to a large army of her fans and journalists for obvious reasons: she famous singer Moreover, she bears the title of the first beauty of Ukraine. But at the same time, Nastya Kamenskikh does not often please everyone who is interested. juicy details their novels. And there aren’t that many novels themselves.

“They killed Mimishka, after 5 km she became completely obedient))) in the photo there are happy runners - it’s disgusting, so sporty))))!!! Joke! There is such a thrill in this botanical garden - there are places that blow your mind. There are a lot of people running around - it’s nice!” - Potap shares his emotions from the run.

Members of the duet “Potap and Nastya”, Alexey Potapenko and Nastya Kamenskikh, will soon move to a country house. “KP” writes about this.

Some sources, after the news that Potap and Irina Gorovaya have not lived together for two years, and have been hiding their divorce all this time, began to say that in the near future Potap plans to get married to Nastya Kamenskikh.

“They killed Mimishka, after 5 km she became completely obedient))) in the photo there are happy runners - it’s disgusting, so sporty))))!!! Joke! There is such a thrill in this botanical garden - there are places that blow your mind. There are a lot of people running around – it’s nice!” – Potap shares his emotions from the run.

For two years now, Nastya Kamenskikh has been regularly engaged in sports and is not going to give up. Physical exercise became a habit and became an integral part of the singer’s life. And recently, Nastya has included her colleague and, as many say, her lover, Potap, in training. Now they go jogging together in the morning, accompanied by coach Andrei Khomitsky.

The girls came on stage in rather revealing costumes with very short shorts and performed new song“Nichese” (another name for the composition “Abnimos/Dosvidos”), but this was not what surprised the audience. At the end of the performance, the performers kissed live. This end of the number was clearly not planned; when the girls left the stage, the presenters did not know what to say about what had happened.

Several major changes have occurred. Firstly, she first tried on the role of a judge on the X Factor 8 project, and secondly, she began a solo career.

This Saturday Nastya will perform for the first time without Potap at big stage. The premiere of the star's solo project "NK" will take place live on the show "X Factor 8".

Kamenskikh will appear before the audience in a completely new image and a different creative role. Now the singer will set the rhythm and blow up the dance floors crazy energy and give music that knows no boundaries.


But judging by last interview Nastya Kamensky told one of the Ukrainian magazines that changes have occurred not only in her work, but also in her personal life.

Nastya admitted for the first time that she fell in love and was incredibly happy next to her chosen one. True, the singer decided to keep her boyfriend’s name a secret.

I am not ready to show my love, my chosen one, to the public. As they say, happiness loves silence

The 30-year-old singer opens up in an interview with “Relax.”

Photo in text: Instagram.com