Cool nomination for a director. Fun nominations for rewarding employees

  • 30.03.2019

Do you want your corporate event to be interesting, with a fair amount of humor, and unique? Include humorous nominations in your program. Comic nominations– it’s always original, original, fun. Corporate event, or as they usually say, corporate parties give us a supply of cheerfulness, joy, and positive emotions for a long time. So, let's get started, the first nomination...

“I will command the parade”
In this nomination the palm belongs to the manager, director of the enterprise, and general manager. He is our commander, lord.
“My position is known to everyone,
I will command the parade."

"In Apple pie order"
The winner of this nomination could be one of the most successful ladies in your team. The lady is successful and lucky. Or a big fan of solariums can win the nomination.
“It won’t go to waste,
The one that is always covered in chocolate.”

"Fifty Shades of Gray"
The winner in this category is the one for whom love is fairy world, the world of dreams and fantasies, sorcery and magic. Of course, there will be such a person in your team.

"It's good to be a lady in a pink coat,
Maybe not in pink, but it’s not the same.”
The winner in this comic category is the person for whom pink color- basic. She certainly has a pink coat or raincoat, a pink jacket or scarf, a pink blouse or dress.

"Time is money"
This nomination is for the first “financial” person of the enterprise. And although they say that they don’t joke with money (and the nominations are jokes), we won’t joke with them. We'll just mark the first "financial entity."
"Time is money,
And money is freedom.”

"High Relationships"
Forever and ever, friendship rules the world. If in your team there are people who have maintained relationships for a long time, have been friends for many years, and help each other, then they can win this nomination.

"You are beautiful, no doubt"
The first place here goes to the one who does not allow the entire male team to relax.
“You are beautiful, no doubt,
And a bouquet from us for you.”

"First violin"
The winner in the “First Violin” category can be a manager personnel service, Head of Materials, Chief Technologist, Chief Accountant.

« Detective agency"Moonlight"
Many enterprises have a security service. Representatives of this service watch, observe, contemplate. Security or security workers are the winners of the “Moonlight Detective Agency” category

"They sat on the golden porch"
Gold is that noble metal that makes anyone who wears it noble. The one who loves gold - chains, brooches, pendants, and does not forget to change them, wins in this category.

Using these comic nominations, you will make your own festive event unforgettable.

Comic nominations for corporate events First of all, you can mention important people of the company and come up with interesting titles for the director and his deputies, chief accountant, heads of departments: “I will command the parade.” We are talking about the head of the company. You can award a leader with a certificate for intelligence, for business qualities, for skillful leadership, etc. “A penny saves a ruble” Of course, the chief accountant will win based on characteristics. Who, if not he, is responsible for efficient use funds. “First Violin” The Deputy Director for Finance (Head of the Financial Department) can win this nomination. The performance of the orchestra depends on it. You can come up with nominations based on the characteristics and behavior of employees, and use lines from songs to name the positions being awarded, set expressions, catchphrases: “Keeping up with the times” The winner is the one who is never late for anything, always in the right place and at the right time. “And the scent is like that of a dog, and the eye is like that of an eagle.” The most attentive and noticing everything employee of the company will receive a prize in this nomination. “Musketeer” will always support and help, guided by the famous motto. “I’m writing to you, what more?” The prize is awarded to the one who most actively uses any available means communications ( Email, ICQ, SMS, etc.) and prefers to resolve all issues through correspondence. “Uma Chamber” You can always seek advice on any issue, even the most difficult one. “They only dream of peace” There’s more than enough energy, you can’t sit still. Moreover, he prefers not to sit still alone; he gathers a group of colleagues into the company. “Keeper of Traditions” Knows the history of the company, its traditions and its legends better than anyone else, he will win in this category. “Hidden Reserves” The title will go to one of the promising newcomers. Character traits, personality traits people can be emphasized simply: “Mr/Miss...”: “Mr (or Miss) Anti-stress” “Mr (or Miss) Charm” or “Mr (or Miss) Smile” “Mr (or Miss) Responsiveness” “Mr Cheerful” , “Miss Laughter” “Mr (or Miss) Curiosity (or maybe Curiosity?)” These and similar nominations speak for themselves. Not entirely humorous, but quite suitable for an announcement at a corporate party; by the way, they allow you to see how a person is perceived by the team. You can come up with categories for awards based on the special abilities and skills of employees: “Master of the tea ceremony” On the one hand, the winner in the nomination could be a colleague who takes frequent tea breaks. The result is a reward with a hint. On the other hand, you may have a person working for you who knows and follows tea drinking traditions. Then the title is recognition of unusual knowledge and the ability to apply it in practice. “In Chocolate” The title can be given to a person who always succeeds in everything. Which has almost everything you could dream of. And if something doesn’t exist yet, no one doubts it will happen. “Golden Hands” Those who have everything “on fire” in their hands, everything “fixes” itself. Nominations can be created based on professional affiliation: “Fighter of the invisible front” About a good system administrator who provides uninterrupted operation computers. “Swiss Precision” Nomination suitable for accountants. “Time is money”, “Money in the morning – chairs in the evening” Such titles are suitable for bank employees who issue loans. "Miss Light hand”, “Specialist in the colors of life”, “But we have our own alphabet” These and other nominations are for doctors (in this case, nurses, pediatricians and ophthalmologists, respectively).

Awards in humorous categories are usually a fun ending to the official part entertainment program. It relieves the tension and brings a festive mood to the event.

In every team you can always single out the person who is late, or who amuses everyone, or who dances well, who is the most erudite, etc. This will be your clue in the nominations. Try not to repeat nominations.

Comic reward options

  • medals
  • certificates, diplomas
  • Oscar type figurines
  • funny IDs
  • T-shirts with unique inscriptions
  • mugs

All this can be ordered in special places, and if you have craftsmen, then do it yourself.

More ideas:

  • You can purchase children's dolls from the Barbie and Ken series and decorate them with ribbons with appropriate inscriptions (original, beautiful, and many will definitely keep such a souvenir as a keepsake).
  • Option with photographs: make funny photo collages of each graduate (process them in Photoshop and put appropriate inscriptions on them, for example: “Miss Charm”, “Mr. Intelligence”). Then you buy interesting paper holders and attach ready-made photographs to them - the souvenir is ready! Such a souvenir will also fit perfectly into any apartment and will remain as a keepsake.
  • The easiest and most economical option is to make a wall newspaper with photographs of graduates and under each photograph of the graduate write in which category he is the winner. You can also come up with funny epigrams or wish poems.

Nomination options for awards

Nominations for awards can reflect the personal traits of the recipient, his business qualities, or be based on some single, but all famous case. You can also use a person’s favorite phrases, his habits, outstanding external characteristics, gastronomic preferences and hobbies for nominations.

It is very important that the nominations please both the audience and the recipient himself. You should not make fun of people with sick pride or without a sense of humor. Jokes can only be used in relation to a person who is able to laugh at himself without irritation or other negative feelings, and you must be 100% sure that this person will not be offended.

Remember, your main task when drawing up nominations is not to spoil anyone’s holiday mood!

I suggest you wide choose comic nominations:


  • Activity
  • Antipunctuality
  • Amazon
  • Antistress
  • Artistry
  • Carelessness
  • Fighter for justice
  • Veselchak (Joker)
  • Magic voice
  • Know-it-all
  • Fearless warrior
  • Genius
  • Idea's generator
  • Grace
  • Delicacy
  • DJ
  • Kindness
  • Integrity
  • Good nature
  • Friendliness
  • Sole of company
  • Mystery
  • Zateinik (Zateinitsa)
  • Pop star
  • Sophistication
  • Grace
  • Intelligence
  • Seeker of adventures
  • Movie buff
  • Yoke
  • Compromise
  • Handsome
  • Eloquence
  • Creativity
  • Cool guys can do anything!
  • Lightness of Being
  • Best biceps
  • Women's Favorite
  • Animal lover
  • Curiosity
  • Music lover
  • Dreamer
  • Model (Supermodel)
  • Wisdom
  • Observation
  • A True Gentleman
  • A real lady
  • Resourcefulness
  • Extraordinaryness (Extraordinary personality)
  • Unpredictability
  • Fidget
  • Charm
  • Charm
  • An example of intelligence
  • Sociability
  • Optimism (Optimiss and Optimister)
  • Orator, or voice of the people
  • Originality
  • Responsibility
  • Responsiveness
  • Charm
  • Positive
  • Political commentator
  • Popularity
  • Kidnapper women's hearts
  • Psychotherapist
  • Prikolistka (Prankster)
  • Discretion
  • Determination
  • Romantic
  • Knight
  • Heartbreaker (Heartbreaker)
  • Storyteller
  • Modesty (Modest)
  • Quick wit
  • Athlete (Athlete)
  • Justice
  • Style
  • Slimness (Slim)
  • Mystery
  • Privy Councilor
  • Tact
  • Dancer
  • Creative person
  • Confidence
  • Smile
  • Dreamer
  • Tricky
  • Laughter
  • Generosity
  • Energy
  • Erudite
  • Humorist
  • Mr. "I'm busy"
  • It's hard to be a god
  • War is war, but lunch is on schedule
  • Desperate Drybiter
  • Avid Coffee Drinker
  • Best Chipseater
  • Honored Master of Feng Shui
  • Goddess of social networks
  • Photo monster
  • Internet maniac
  • Just a Goddess
  • Bright head
  • Simply Genius
  • Computer genius
  • Our Muse
  • Master gold pens
  • Mr. Bean
  • Thumbelina
  • The Little Mermaid (most long hair)
  • Cowboy Joe, etc.

Award Ceremony

How can you beat this or that nomination at the award ceremony? I offer options for some nominations:

Nomination "Miss (Mister) Antistress"

This is the calmest person in the team. Communication with him puts you in a state of peace, so you want to communicate with him (her) again and again...

Nominations "Mr. Veselchak and Miss Laughter"

From the blues and all misfortunes
Laughter is the main medicine!
The winners in this category are _____________. Applause!

Nomination “Miss (Mister) Lightness of Being”

Brilliant carelessness and absent-mindedness. He has a magnificent talent of always and everywhere being late, but always and everywhere on time! How does he (she) do it?

The winner in this category is ______________. Applause!

Nomination "Miss (Mister) Curiosity"

This is the most inquisitive person in the team. It is he (she) who will beat all the information out of you about everything, everything, everything until the last moment...

The winner in this category is ______________. Applause!

Nomination “Miss (Mister) Speaker, or Voice of the People”

He (she) is the most eloquent person who is not afraid to speak on behalf of the team...

The winner in this category is ______________. Applause!

Nomination "Miss (Mister) Responsibility"

Despite crazy traffic jams, global cataclysms and rising prices for gold and oil, he will always appear in the right place and at the right time. For a responsible attitude to the daily routine

The winner in this category is ______________. Applause!

Nomination "Miss (Mister) Sunshine"

It doesn't matter what the weather is today,
Even if it rains outside,
It’s easy in the soul and heart in bad weather,
When the sun lives next to you.
The winner in this category is ______________. Applause!

Any corporate event is always an excellent reason to gather in one place with your entire work team. And, of course, in order for the evening to be a success, it’s best to come up with fun competitions with incentive prizes and comic nominations. As a rule, nomination names are directly related to the theme of the event, for example, February 23. We will talk about what nomination names to come up with for men in this article.

What determine the names of the nominations?

As we have already said, the names of the comic nominations directly depend on the theme of the party. Also, the names of the awards may be influenced by the gender of the nominees nominated for the award. In our case, we agreed that all names would be compiled for men. So, what funny nominations can you come up with for a corporate party?

"Most late employee of the year"

This nomination, as the name suggests, should go to the employee who is constantly late for work. As a rule, such people constantly come up with new excuses for their unpunctuality. However, in order not to offend the nominee, such an award can be presented using the following verses:

The alarm clock will ring in the morning,

Get up, get up! It is time!

But he just can't get up

He really wants to sleep.

He's in no hurry to get to work

He basks and sleeps for a long time.

As soon as he sees that he overslept,

He runs to the taxi, but is late again.

Well, who doesn’t it happen to?

He deserves his reward!

Such humorous nominations in verse will help to lift the mood and tell the employee in a playful manner that he is doing something wrong. As a reward for the nominee, in addition to a certificate, you can get a beautiful medal with the image of a sleeping person. You can also give him a large alarm clock.

"The sickest employee of the year"

An employee of an organization who is regularly sick and is on sick leave for any reason can win this nomination. In this case we're talking about not about those employees who have chronic diseases or real health problems that certainly shouldn’t be laughed at. Nominees nominated for this award are often described as “imaginary patients” or that they “suffer from the inflammation of cunning.”

He wakes up in the morning, that's the problem.

He had a headache!

Either your stomach or your back will hurt,

Either a sore throat, or the flu, or colitis.

He won't go to work

He will name a hundred reasons.

He'll call you at work,

He coughs and wheezes into the phone.

And so every day he suffers,

For this he receives an award.

As a reward in this category for employees - comic prizes in the form of a large first aid kit with a red cross.

"The most thrifty employee of the company"

For example, a chief accountant can be nominated for this award. Such a person, as a rule, resolves many financial issues of the organization. He always knows where and in what amount certain funds are spent, and also has information regarding saving money. The nominee can be awarded with a large medal with the image of a chest with gold coins or a hand with a fan of green banknotes clutched in its fingers. You can also give him a calculator or an old wooden abacus (the second option is preferable - in order to save money).

Such humorous nominations will make your employee stand out from the team and will be an additional motivation for everyone else.

"The most important ladies' protector"

This nomination is ideal for men who like to be in the center women's team. As a rule, they are not deprived of the attention of the fair sex; they always know how and what to say to any lady. Such a colleague can be presented with a medal with the image of a pumped-up athlete or sports attributes, for example, sports dumbbells.

"Master of the Tea Ceremony"

It is interesting to include such interesting titles as “Master of the Tea Ceremony” in comic nominations for awards. A candidate for this nomination could be the employee who was often spotted with a mug of tea. At the same time, he could be seen with this drink not only at lunchtime, but also at work time. Such people, as a rule, are simply “playing for time.” During and after tea drinking, they can go for a smoke break and accompany the consumption of this drink with conversations with colleagues, etc.

You can come up with similar nominations on the same topic, for example in the rubric: “for record cups of coffee drunk during the working day”, “for record frequency of visits to the smoking room”, and so on. In a word, come up with nominations for employees that are humorous and at the same time highlighting individual characteristics each of the employees nominated for the award.

"Talker Bird"

An excellent nomination in which people who like to talk a lot can be involved. They usually talk regardless of whether they are on their lunch break or doing something during work hours. As a prize, such employees can be given a megaphone or a poster in the “silence is golden” style.

"Chief psychotherapist of the company"

To select candidates suitable for this name awards must be approached very carefully. Comic nominations should lift your spirits, not upset you. Therefore, it is better not to make a candidate a person who has trouble with humor.

For example, if your boss has no prejudices, you can award him this bonus. At the same time, the presentation of the prize can be accompanied by a certain text in the style: “Our director will always find his own approach to everyone: he will bring the arrogant ones back to earth, bring some sense to the dull, guide the heads of departments to the right path, etc.” As a reward, he can be given a statuette reminiscent of an Oscar award.

"King of Social Media"

Such nominations for corporate events are comic, so the name of the nomination should be carefully thought out. “Speaking” names that do not need explanation are welcome. Thus, the nomination “King of Social Networks” may be a subtle hint at some employees who only imitate hectic work activity, while they themselves only “sit” on VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and others.

"The most important fashion critic"

Some humorous nominations for men need clarification. For example, “The Most Important Fashion Critic” is awarded to those male representatives who carefully monitor what clothes the secretary and other work colleagues wear. Moreover, in reality they may not be at all in the fashion trend, but they will happily discuss the length of the skirt, the depth of the neckline and the width of the slit.

"The best expert on privacy"

There is such a person in every company. As a rule, he is always aware of personal life all employees. He knows who lives with whom, who he meets with, who he quarrels with, who his wife left and for what reason, who is cheating on her husband, and the like. If you want to single out this particular employee from the crowd, make humorous nominations for rewarding employees in such a way as not to offend him, and everyone present at the corporate party can guess who they are talking about.

"Biggest Partisan of the Month"

In a large team there are also people from whom, as they say, every word needs to be pulled out with pincers. They are usually laconic, but in most cases they are hardworking. Almost all representatives of the “silent people” behave like hermits. They hardly communicate with anyone and prefer loneliness to noisy company.

Comic nominations for rewarding employees: “Genius of the Year”

This category is open to all employees who have distinguished themselves in some way in the workplace. For example, reward a middle manager who solved a 5th grade problem for the child of a chief engineer; for quickly and effectively finding a solution when working with a printer that has jammed paper and so on.

"IT maniac of the month"

This nomination is open to all employees who cannot imagine their lives without computers and other information technologies. They are usually said to be “gadget freaks.”

Let us remind you that all nominations for corporate events are comic. Jokes should not be confused with sarcasm or black humor. Remember that your nominees should not be offended or subject to ridicule or snide remarks. Therefore, be very careful when selecting names for nominations.

Use tools such as medals and certificates with humorous content. In addition, all participants and winners can be called onto the stage, taking funny photos with them. Additionally, comic nominations for men can be accompanied by some funny accessories, for example, glasses with a nose and mustache, unusual hats, colored wigs, and so on.