Drawing on a military theme in pencil step by step. Learn to draw a tank step by step

  • 02.07.2020

    Drawing military equipment is quite difficult.

    Even an advanced draftsman needs at least a detailed photograph of a piece of military equipment so that he can take all the details from there.

    There are simpler drawing schemes for children, such as this one diagram of step-by-step drawing of an airplane:

    Or a slightly more complex diagram of drawing a military aircraft, this one has a rather complex angle.

    But, as always, we start by marking the dimensions of the drawing and sketching out the general outlines. then we outline the main parts of the drawing and check the correctness of the proportions, and only after that details can appear in the drawing.

    If you are quite confident in holding a pencil in your hands, then you can draw an entire composition on a military theme, the step-by-step drawing of which is presented in the pictures below.

    For color development, it is better to take pastel pencils and draw on pastel paper.

    When drawing military equipment, a step-by-step diagram for drawing a tank can also be useful.

    The two diagrams below are not very complicated, try to draw a tank with a 7-10 year old child using them.

    Creative success!

    Drawing military equipment is often quite easy and quick. For example, let's look at how you can quickly draw a tank in just four steps.

    First stage. Draw three geometric shapes. First we draw an oval, and on top of it there are two trapezoids, one larger, the other smaller. This is the basis of the tank.

    Second phase. Inside the oval we draw large and small wheels. Inside the first trapezoid we draw the elements of the tank. And at the top we draw the barrel of the tank.

    Third stage. Draw a star on the tank. Let's check the details on the cabin. And we draw the wheels of the tank.

    Fourth stage. We take colored pencils and paint the tank.

    I also attach a step-by-step drawing of a submarine and an airplane, good luck with your drawing:

    From military equipment on February 23 and other holidays you can draw many different types, for example this: BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicle (USSR), Strela-1 anti-aircraft missile system, Topol M strategic missile launcher (Russia), nuclear submarine, JU-87B Junkers bomber (Germany) ), MI-24 helicopter (Russia), MIG-21 fighter (Russia), rocket ship (Russia), Smerch multiple launch rocket system (Russia), IL-2 aircraft (USSR), Invisible B-2 Spirit aircraft (USA) , Grad multiple launch rocket system (40-barreled mortar) (Russia), Katyusha multiple rocket launcher system (USSR), T-72 tank (USSR), drawing a torpedo boat (Russia).

    To draw any military equipment, you will need a sheet of white paper, a medium-hard pencil, an eraser, a compass, paints, a felt-tip pen, or a ballpoint pen.

    We choose what we want to draw. It could be any of the above, or other military equipment of your choice.

    First of all, having introduced the technique, we draw only with strokes, barely noticeable with a pencil. We start from the left, from the top. We apply strokes very carefully, observing proportions, the curvature of bends, and the distance between lines.

    The first steps seem to be not difficult to carry out, but you should draw clearly, the whole drawing later depends on this, so a small inaccuracy can later distort the whole.

    The size of the drawing approximately corresponds to the size of the selected sheet: not too small, not too large.

    We continue to draw without much pressure. If necessary, we use an eraser and erase what is not necessary, doing it in a new way.

    Any of the objects in the drawing can approximately correspond to one of the geometric shapes: ball, cone, cube, pyramid, parallelepiped, cylinder. So this can be followed, which makes things easier.

    Later, the elements of the whole picture make the drawing more lively: the landscape, the river fit in as elements of the whole picture.

    After drawing with light strokes, you can outline the outline more clearly.

    In addition, you can use a brush, or a felt-tip pen, pen, or feather.

    Having outlined the contours with a pen (felt-tip pen, brush), after drying, the pencil marks can be erased with an eraser.

    As I understand it, the assignment tells us that it is not necessary to fit absolutely all the military equipment that exists on Earth into one drawing. Yes, this is impossible. Therefore, it is enough to draw, for example, two elements, and that will be enough. And other local artists will depict the remaining representations of military equipment.

    On the Internet there is a nice and relatively uncomplicated drawing of equipment called the Fighter and the BMP-2. A fighter is an aircraft that destroys the enemy, and the BMP-2 is a military vehicle similar to a tank. We will be content with this. Based on this drawing, the stages are made.

    The drawing stages were created by me personally; you won’t find such stages on the Internet at the moment, so I put the abbreviation BV on some of them. This does not refer to the drawing, but symbolizes the original belonging of these stages to the site on which we are:

    So, BMP-2 and Fighter.

    You can draw various military equipment, and if you do not have experience in drawing on this topic, then it is preferable to learn from photos - step-by-step drawing diagrams that can be used as visual instructions. I will give as an example some similar schemes, for example, those for drawing tanks, helicopters,

    • First scheme. Drawing a military helicopter.

    At first glance, it is very difficult to draw such a technique, but in fact, using the diagram, there should be no difficulties in drawing. And even if it’s difficult at first, just a little training to get the hang of it, and everything will work out. Once individual representatives of military equipment are obtained, it will be possible to arrange some of them on one sheet and draw a drawing on a military theme. Good luck in your creativity!

So today, continuing the military theme and ignoring all sorts of fantasy and the like, you and I will draw a really cool dude with a sniper rifle. In anticipation, I’ll tell you a little about snipers: So, a sniper is a specially trained dude who will give odds to any eagle eye, since, aiming at a small peephole, he manages to hit the target and hit that very target. Here are the types of snipers:

  1. Sniper saboteur. This is someone who appears in many computer games. Acts alone or with a partner. He tries in every possible way not to give himself away: quieter than water, lower than the grass, that is. It can kill at a distance of 1.5 - 2 kilometers. The weapon is a first-class, precision rifle with a silencer.
  2. Infantry sniper. Works alongside the infantry. It shoots at important targets with general bang, so it doesn’t really need a silencer. The distance is usually up to 400 meters, there is no time to take special aim.
  3. Police sniper. Well, this one is generally a loser compared to the previous two: it shoots at a distance of no more than two hundred meters. But not everything is so simple, it turns out. Usually the criminal is armed and has already pointed his gun at the helpless victim. So you need to shoot in such a way as to hit your finger and prevent this bastard from shooting.

So, let's get creative.

How to draw military equipment with a pencil step by step

Step one: Draw an oval head at the top of the sheet. From there downwards there is a large body. We will outline other parts of the body with large oval shapes. The man holds military equipment in his hands, but so far it is only an elongated figure.
Step two We gradually transform all the defining details into the human body. Some details of the clothing are already visible. Let's give the rifle the desired shape.
Step Three Draw the clothes: a T-shirt, a cap, rolled-up pants, and shoes. Let's pay more attention to weapons. It is squeezed by strong gloved fingers. By the way, there are folds on the trousers and gloves. Now let's move on to the face. The eyes are covered with dark glasses, and a small ear is clearly drawn. There is a thick beard on his face.
Step Four Everything that we have drawn needs to be strengthened: outline, add lines, and then draw in the missing details. This is how we ended up with a strong man, holding a serious gun in his hands and carefully watching the target.
I also advise you to look at drawing lessons for other types of weapons, for example.

From the title it is already clear what we will talk about. We will study how to draw war with a pencil step by step. It won’t be Star Wars and Darth Vader, or even a shooter game, but a real war! Three soldiers in a trench, with piles of military equipment. In order to draw all this, you will need a lot of knowledge about military affairs. You can, of course, sit down to play WoT, but in the end you won’t draw anything. Who doesn’t know this is such a super action game with the participation of tanks, which has gathered a huge number of gamers in our country. By the way, the yellow-faced Chinese are no less interested in this. It seems that half of their population goes in for sports, judging by the number of Olympic medals in 2012, but the second is mired in the whirlpool of online games. For the fact that half of our population has been staring at the LCD monitor for two years now, at the same time managing to stain the gaming mouse with greasy fingers from dinner and pour coffee on the keyboard... let’s all say “Thank you” to Wargaming! Although God bless him. Now let's take a break from tanks and try to draw military actions with the participation of real ones. There are five steps ahead.

How to draw a war with a pencil step by step

Step one First, let's outline the people in motion. Head, position of the torso, arms, legs.
Step two Now let's think about what will be around our soldiers: this is a fence, stones, logs. Let's show their outlines.
Step three Let's dress our combatants: helmet, pants, boots. Let's equip one of them with a bag. Let’s draw the face profile of the one closest to us. We will surround the fence with barbed wire.
Step Four Let's add details: barbs on the wire, belts on people's clothes, a spatula, etc.
Step five Let's do the shading. There are darker areas on the clothing at the folds. Let's darken the areas on the pillars. Well, here are the soldiers against the backdrop of a military and completely unpicturesque landscape.
See similar military equipment drawing lessons.

For many boys, the ability to draw military equipment becomes a kind of step in the process of growing up, when a simple drawing of a tank or armored personnel carrier begins a real passion, a desire to learn more not only about the equipment itself, but also about people, glorious history, and defense of the Motherland.

And although the task of learning to draw with your own hand is quite simple, drawing a tank with a pencil step by step with detail of all the elements becomes quite difficult for many, because it is much easier to download the picture you like from the Internet and print it on a printer.

But for those who are not afraid of difficulties and are ready to diligently learn to draw on their own, this will be an excellent activity and time well spent.

Luck at the beginning of work always sets the tone and mood; work begins to progress and bring pleasure, even if temporary difficulties are encountered.

That is why the drawing for a child should be clear and simple; in sketches for this it is better to use not white blank paper, but an ordinary notebook sheet with a square.

For beginning battle painters depicting such formidable military equipment, it is a sheet with a grid that will allow you to first navigate the sizes of some elements, and later move on to a more complex drawing, for example, depicting tanks from the game World of Tanks (World of Tank), or transferring them onto a sheet of paper. planar image, give it a certain angle.

The second point, which is best used at the initial stage, is the ability to transfer an image to a sheet of paper, having previously selected certain shapes.

Step by step drawing of the tank. Photo:

Here, if you look closely at the models of different tanks, you can identify several common features for them - in the drawing of almost all types of equipment I will use techniques for drawing simple geometric shapes - circle, rectangle, square, oval and triangle.

And if a child knows how to draw several identical circles next to each other in one line and add two small circles on the right and left so that they are slightly higher, then we can say with confidence that the tracks of the formidable IS-7 are almost ready.

IS-7 tank, drawing. Video tutorial:

How to place a model in a drawing?

The stages of development of a child’s creative potential must be adjusted; drawing a tank from a certain angle, fitting it into a specific landscape or scene is a rather difficult task.

Therefore, at the initial stage, for an easy sketch, it is better to offer the child two image options:

  • front view;
  • side view.

In the first version of the drawing, mostly rectangles will be used, and the drawing itself will be located symmetrically relative to the central vertical line.

True, such an image is unlikely to delight the little artist; on the contrary, it is precisely this kind of view that can scare him away from further drawing, the frontal view of armored vehicles is so difficult to perceive.

The second type will allow you to show more creative thinking; circles, rectangles, and smooth connecting lines will be involved in the image, and the appearance of such a tank will be more spectacular.

Well, drawing a tank in 3/4 or 1/2 turn will require not just a lot of effort, but knowledge of the basic structural elements and the ability to maintain their proportions in the image.

Step-by-step drawing of the T-34. Photo:

Tank tracks

Among the methods of teaching children how to draw a tank, the simplest method recommends starting the construction of a sketch by sketching the tracks of the vehicle. To do this, the first step is drawing the ground line. Everything is simple here - you need to draw a horizontal line in the lower third of the sheet.

But from this moment on, the image of the tracks of Soviet tanks will begin to appear on the sheet - both the T-34 and even the more modern T-54 and T-62A have almost the same type of tracks - with large open rollers. Therefore, a small circle is drawn in the central part. This circle will act as the middle roller of the track.

Having thus obtained the start of the drawing, it is easy to depict the remaining road wheels:

  1. For ease of drawing, a straight line is drawn across the top of the circle parallel to the ground line; this line will help to obtain rollers of the same size.
  2. Two skating rinks are drawn on the right and left - the circles should touch each other or have a small gap.
  3. On the left and right, slightly touching the outer circles, smaller circles are drawn, about 1/3, and they should be half higher than the main rollers.
  4. A smooth line connects all the upper points of the circles; the line should sag a little above the place where the rollers touch, just like on a real tank, the tracks will hang a little in this place.
  5. But the outer circles of a smaller size and the outer support rollers from below are connected by a straight segment; in this place, the tracks of all types of military equipment are always tense.
  6. To add expressiveness, you can put a bold dot in the center of the circles and draw 2-3 small circles around it.
  7. The outer contours of the rollers are drawn with a thick line, and the caterpillar itself must be highlighted with a line 2-3 times thicker than the contour of the rollers, this is a caterpillar!

The resulting chassis can serve to design a whole family of Soviet-made vehicles. But what kind of tank you get depends on how the hull and turret above the tracks are depicted.

Is it difficult to draw a car body?

In fact, the final result will depend on how this element is depicted. In the drawing, an image of the body, even in a child’s version, will allow you to express the individuality of the model that the child is trying to draw.

Thus, the German tank in all the pictures, and in real life, has a massive large hull, it is almost equal to the height of the tracks, but even the most powerful and reliable KV-1 and KV-2 had a relatively low hull side.

Therefore, in the drawing of the most famous domestic T-34 or the ultra-modern T-90, the height of the tank hull will be small:

  1. Literally rising above the top points of the outer rollers of the drawn caterpillar, a horizontal line is drawn parallel to the ground line.
  2. Having retreated 1/2 of the height of the rollers from it, a second segment is drawn - the line of the height of the side of the machine body.
  3. On the left side of the conditional vertical line that passes through the center of the small skating rink, an arc is made along the circle of the first skating rink to the horizontal level of its center - this is how the front wing is depicted.
  4. The rear wing is also drawn on the right.
  5. Further from the point of contact of the first and second road wheels, a dot is placed at the level of the top line of the side - this is the top of the front armor sheet.
  6. This point and the center of the front small skating rink are connected by a segment, and it is clearly drawn to the bottom line of the side.
  7. At the rear of the hull, the top point of the side is a point at the level of the center of the last small roller; it connects to the rear wing of the track.

Tank T-34 in pencil step by step. Video tutorial:

As you can see, when drawing a body, you have to take into account the proportions and correlate different points in the drawing with ready-made elements. When drawing with children, complex elements need to be spoken out so that the child learns not just to move a pencil on paper, but begins to understand what he is doing and learns to draw consciously.

Gun turret and other expressive hull elements

In most models, the gun turret remains the most recognizable element of the design, so it is by its silhouette that most people recognize the name of the vehicle. For example, a tiger has an angular silhouette and, although from above the tower itself has a teardrop shape, from the side it is precisely because of this rectangular shape that this model cannot be confused with any other.

When drawing a tower, it is easiest to use the already learned method of constructing a drawing using anchor points.

This drawing is constructed as follows:

  1. From the vertical line of the center of the first large skating rink, located on the left, slightly retreating from the top point of the body, the starting point of the base of the tower is set.
  2. The same point is placed vertically on the body line and in the middle of the middle skating rink.
  3. Having raised the points a few millimeters up, a segment is drawn parallel to the body and thus a base is obtained.
  4. A circle is drawn in the center of the first main roller above the base of the turret so that its lower edge touches the base, this will create the outline of the frontal armor of the gun turret.
  5. The back part is drawn using the same principle, however, the circle should be half larger than the circle of the skating rink.
  6. The highest points of the circles are connected and the outline of the tower is obtained.

In order for the drawing to become completely similar to the T-34, in front of the turret, from the center of the small circle, just above the horizontal line, two parallel segments with a length of 2 gun turrets are drawn, so the tank gets a gun.

At the back of the tank, above the hull in the rear part above rollers 4 and 5, about 1/3 of the turret high, a rectangle is drawn - this is exactly how the T-34 had spare fuel tanks located.

The gun turret can be different, for example, on the KV-2 it looked simply threatening, it was much higher than the hull and rose several meters above the ground.

But its predecessor, the KV-1, has a more streamlined turret and can be drawn using a technique that has already been studied.

Or, for example, like the SU-100, combined with the hull, when a truncated pyramid is formed in the front part of the hull using parallel segments - as a result, the turret is ready:

How to get your child interested in drawing in the future?

Considering that we are learning to draw quite complex elements in order to show the child his capabilities, we can offer to draw a car of a different design, the silhouette of which, for example, resembles a T-54

or T-62A with a machine gun on the commander's cupola.

The principle of constructing the design here is the same - tracks, hull and gun turret. True, in order for the child to feel the difference, the tower will need to be placed neatly in the middle of the body.

It will have a semicircular shape and should be set low on the body. From this moment on, it becomes quite easy for a child to draw, because he already understands how to correctly draw all the elements step by step and other elements will be easy for him.

You can add expressiveness to the design by adding small squares to the hull and turret, such as on modern tanks, and then the design will look like a real modern tank.

In many models, size matters, for example in the Mouse tank, in which the turret and hull are the same height.

Or in another, no less exotic specimen, the simply huge E-100, which remained only a prototype on paper.

To decorate the drawing (what is a drawing without color design?), it is worth choosing an expressive green color, but this is the color of the hull and rollers, but on the tower you must paint a three-digit number with white paint and, of course, a red star or, as is customary among the Germans, black cross with white outlines.

An excellent continuation of this activity would be to draw other equipment to continue the military parade, for example, draw an armored personnel carrier:

Or draw a German panther:

At the same time, when decorating, use two or even three colors, giving the model a beautiful camouflage.

You can choose the model you like in order to sketch it in screenshots for computer games. For example, you can draw a tank from World of Tanks by looking through all the vehicles and choosing the one you like best.

When drawing modern tanks, such as the T-90, for example, you can add elements such as squares to the turret or hull - this way you can get more realism.

Step-by-step drawing of a sketch allows you to master not only drawing a contour with one line, but also the ability to color it with color or, more importantly, teach a child to draw using shading, when simple movements create a lighter and more saturated tone, highlight individual elements, and form the concept of light and shadow , transition on volumetric surfaces.

Examples of drawn tanks. Photo:

In any case, having learned to draw such a drawing step by step, the child acquires not only the ability to hold a pencil, but also the opportunity to significantly increase his self-esteem, because a tank is a great reason for a child to be proud of himself.