Scenario of a competitive entertainment program for schoolchildren in the camp. Script for the competition show program - "Granny of my dreams"

  • 18.04.2019
GKU SO KK "Belorechensky SRCN"

Competitive and entertainment program


AH –



Target: creating a joyful, cheerful mood.

Tasks: cultivate activity, curiosity, organization;

develop a desire to communicate with each other in a relaxed atmosphere;

be able to use balls in various outdoor games.

ABOUT equipment and materials: audio equipment for musical accompaniment, laptop, 2 radio microphones, Balloons, two large boxes for balls, two large bags, 2 tennis rackets, colored crayons, a ball pump, colored markers.

Progress of the event.

1 presenter: Good afternoon to you, friends

Hello everyone, our airman

It will fly to you now

Obedient to the breath.

2 presenter: To kind, cheerful,

Healthy, attentive,

Everyone, everyone, so wonderful.

(Sends air greetings.)

1 presenter: Now we want to play with you.

You just have to name it first

A subject that, of course, is familiar to all of you

He always brings joy to every home.

2 presenter: It can be different green and blue

Huge, airy and very beautiful.

Can he lie there like a dried up pod?

Whoever guessed is still silent.

Now say it all out loud together

What did Winnie the Pooh fly on for honey?

(Listens to the answer, takes a balloon.)

1 presenter: Well, of course it's a balloon

Everyone's favorite and naughty.

And if you are ready to play with us

We start now


2 presenter: We need to split up into teams now.

And this is faster than drinking water. (Children are divided into two teams.)

On the right is our team Pyatachkov

On the left is Winnie the Pooh's team,

Well, fans for strength of spirit.

1 presenter: And so, we begin our show.

And first of all, let’s find out what your name is.

Who will get the ball?

He'll tell you his name soon.

(They throw 2 balls. The one who caught the ball says his name and throws the ball to the next one.)

1 competition “AY YES CHEEKS”. All participants are given balls. At the command of the leader, the children inflate air balloons. The team that inflates all the balloons the fastest wins this competition. (The presenters help tie the balloons.)

2nd competition “FUNNY CATERPILLAR”. Two teams take part in the competition. The first players from each team run to the basket with balloons at the sound signal, take one balloon and return to their teams. They use their balloon to attach the second player to themselves (the balloon is between the players), and again run to the basket with balloons. Then, with the help of balls, they join the rest of the players. The winner is the team that is the first to make its own funny caterpillar and take all the balls from the basket.
Kids are playing.

3rd competition “FUNNY DANCES”. For the competition, children are divided into pairs. Each pair is given a balloon. The task is to hold the ball between your foreheads while dancing different dances. The pair that holds the ball the longest wins.

4th competition "GEMINI". Players run in pairs, holding a balloon between their stomachs, go around the obstacle and come back. The task can be complicated by holding the balls between the backs.

5th competition "SHOOTOUT". Two teams stand opposite each other, with a chalk line between them. Children throw balls from their half to their opponents' half. At the signal, the teams stop. The one on whose side there are fewer balls wins.

6 competition "AIR TENNIS". The first participant has a table tennis racket in his hand. The task is to place the ball on the racket, run to the finish line and go around the obstacle to come back. All team members repeat the same. The team that completes the task the fastest wins.

7th competition "KANGAROO". Each participant jumps to the finish line, holding the ball between his knees. Having gone around the obstacle, he returns back and passes the ball to the next player.

8th competition "GREEDY". There are a lot of balls without strings lying around on the site. You need to hold as many balls on yourself as possible: under your T-shirt, pin them with hairpins, hold them by the “tail” with your teeth or between your fingers, squeeze the balls with your hands and feet. (Very funny, don’t forget to take a photo of the winner.)

9th competition “TOP - CLAP”. Two or more participants have a ball tied to their leg. The task is to crush the enemy’s ball and save your own.

10th competition "BARREL" In a large garbage bag (new, of course)

cut off the bottom corners. These will be the holes for the legs. One team member climbs into the bag, sticks his feet into the holes, and holds it with his hands and back. top edge package. It should look like a barrel. At the command of the leader, the rest of the participants collect the balls into a “barrel”. The team that can fit the most balls wins.

1 presenter: Let the balloons
In the hands of skillful children
Turn into gifts
So that the world around you is bright!

Children draw funny faces on the balloons with a marker and give them to each other.

2 presenter: Guys, the balloons are bursting, this is very sad, we came up with an idea to prevent the balloons from bursting, let's draw them with crayons on the asphalt. (children draw)

At the end of the event, all children are given sweet prizes!!!


competition show program

"Granny of my dreams"

A touching melody of the London genre sounds, a man is highlighted with a cannon in the center in front of the stage, George Gordon (an emigrant) stands, the sound of rain.

At least in a dream, let's see you.

Out the window, it was either rain or grains in the morning.

And then it knocks and knocks...

How I need you now!

I would like to see it.

Remember everything.

They are talking about something behind the wall.

I don’t hear it, but it’s probably about you!

I’m trying to remember the face, but I can’t.

Let's see you at least in a dream

The light goes away and the GZK sounds

Attention, attention, flight 215 has landed, London - Urai. We ask everyone meeting us to go to the waiting room. The curtain opens. Poplanovy is closed

Picture "Meeting the Lord." On the stage there are girls with bread and salt, people with a “George Gordon” poster, and a presenter.

Leading: Quiet, everyone, everyone, lined up, the girls quickly stood here. They stood up so beautifully. Loaf bread, everything is fine. Raise the poster higher. Like this. We all smile, we have to do everything in at its best. It's clear? (looks in and sees him coming out). Smiles. This is him coming.

Emigrant: Hello dia lady and gentleman ( Hello, dear ladies and gentlemen!)

Leading: What did he say?

Leading: Let's bring him a loaf of bread, smile.

Emigrant: Senkyu veri mach bat ay do not vont e lauf, (thank you very much, but I don’t want your loaf).

Leading: Why didn’t they tell me that this lord doesn’t speak Russian, I would at least take a translator. Who knows how to say, now we will show you the city!?


Emigrant: A! Eh! I speak Russian, don't worry.

Leading: How wonderful! (addresses the crowd) everyone go, thank you, go, I tell you. (addresses the lord) Hello Mr. Gordon, I will be your guide today. Well, where do we start?

Emigrant: I don't need anything, I came to find an image ideal woman

Leading:(interrupts) Yes, yes, you told me. Please present to your attention best girls city ​​of Urai!


Emigrant: You understood me wrong. The girls are beautiful, but the thing is, I want to find the grandma, you know, the Ba-Boo-Shka of my dreams. Just listen to the words: “Grandma! Grandma, Grandma!!” How tender, beautiful, affectionate and warm word! Who doesn’t know that the house rests on the grandmother - the source of kindness and care for all household members, big and small? Everyone is used to seeing grandmothers busy with household chores, but no one thought that our grandmothers are active social life, go to choirs, take part in city events, and each of them is interesting and unique.

Leading:(addresses the emigrant) Everything is fine. Everything will be now.

At this moment, Oleg Marushchak comes down from the upper entrance of the auditorium and sings the remade song “How many good grandmothers”, during the song he brings all the participants onto the stage.

NUMBER: OLEG MARUSHCHAK “So many good grandmothers”

Leading: So, our lovely ladies, meet me! (Announces the participants)

DEFILE OF PARTICIPANTS (in the final they diverge according to to different parties are leaving)

1. Agliullina Zinaida Khalikovna

2. Dayanova Lyudmila Vladimirovna

3. Snigireva Kapitalina Andrianovna

4. Datskevich Alfinur Kamilievna

5. Zykova Lyubov Alexandrovna

6. Bulgakova Lyudmila Alekseevna

7. Popova Vera Gennadievna

Lord: Oh, how amazing, attractive, charming, and just perfect grandmothers they are. I can’t choose, because each of them is interesting and unique in its own way.

Leading: This is not a problem, I have invited experts who will help you find the grandmother of your dreams, here they are:

(Jury Presentation)


Lord (swept):

When we meet one day,

And we'll meet, of course,

And let's quench our thirst for communication,

And let's say something about eternity.....

Leading:(interrupts) Let us get to know our grandmothers better, they will tell you about themselves.


1. Dayanova Lyudmila Vladimirovna

2. Snigireva Kapitolina Andrianovna

3. Agliullina Zinaida Khalikovna

4. Popova Vera Gennadievna a

5. Bulgakova Lyudmila Alekseevn

6. Datskevich Alfinur Kamilievna

7. Zykova Lyubov Alexandrovna

Leading: Well, have you decided on the grandmother of your dreams?

Emigrant: I just can’t understand what it should be like!?

Leading: Fine! I have an idea

Emigrant: Yes!

Leading: Tell me where you could meet her?

Emigrant: Don't even know. But when I lived in Russia, I went to dance floors. Just imagine, beautiful music, lanterns, dancing couples and here she is..... (dreaming)!

Presenter: (addresses the emigrant) Great, so we will immerse you in the time of your youth.


Leading: So what do you think?

Emigrant: Oh, what a wonderful time it was. How beautiful were all the girls on the planet?

Leading: What were they like?

Emigrant: Yes, different.

Leading: Well, have you decided what kind of grandmother she is of your dreams?

Emigrant:(arriving in dreams) She, she is so airy in white socks, in a light dress, in a beret, and in such graceful pumps.

DANCE "Waltz"(Snigireva Kapitalina Andrianovna)

Leading: So what is she?

Emigrant: Don't know! She was also perky. And we danced the twist.

DANCE TWIST(Popova Vera Gennadievna)

Leading: Could this be her?

Emigrant: You know, she is such a Turgenev young lady, sophisticated, with excellent manners and graceful, we dance the waltz.

DANCE "Waltz"» Datskevich Alfinur Kamilievna

"Charleston" - Bulgakova Lyudmila Alekseevna

And in a row without announcement

"People's" - Dayanova Lyudmila Vladimirovna

"Rio-rita"Zykova Lyubov Alexandrovna

"Rock'n'roll" -Agliullina Zinaida Khalikovna

All the participants join in rock and roll, dance and stop in a freeze frame.

Emigrant: Ay here is white tenghwit.

Leading: Here?

Emigrant: I'm completely confused, they are all perfect, beautiful, chic...

Leading: Know problems . Let me remind you... Danced for you:

1 .Snigireva Capitalina Andrianovna

2. Popova Vera Gennadievna

3. Datskevich Alfinur Kamilievna

4. Bulgakova Lyudmila Alekseevna

5. Dayanova Lyudmila Vladimirovna

6. Zykova Lyubov Alexandrovna

7. Agliullina Zinaida Khalikovna

(participants leave)

Lord: Mister, I need to rest, collect myself and think which of them is more suitable for the title of the grandmother of my dreams.

Leading: Fine. While you are gathering your thoughts, I bring to your attention the choreographic ensemble “In Motion”, “Eaglets”

ROOM: “On the Move” EAGLETS

Emigrant: Well, everything is gone! Now I'm completely confused. They are all so wonderful, gorgeous, chic, talented and for sure creative personalities.

Leading: Well, of course. Let's see what our grandmothers are capable of.


1. Popova Vera Gennadievna with the song “Young Young!”

2. “The most precious” fairy tale is read for you by Snigireva Kapitalina Andrianovna

3. Lyudmila Vladimirovna Dayanova with the song “Black Cat Around the Corner”

4. Gypsy dance performed by Datskevich Alfinur Kamilievna

5. Bulgakova Lyudmila Alekseevna, Asadov “About you”

6. Agliullina Zinaida Khalikovna and her granddaughter will perform a Tatar dance.

7. Zykova Lyubov Alexandrovna “Cinderella’s Dream”

Leading: We ask our esteemed experts to go to the meeting room.

NUMBER: NUMBER: ___________________ Trefilova

ROOM: People's Circus "Youth" "Pippi" long stocking» Likhacheva Anastasia


Emigrant: So I’m interested to know from my compatriots what kind of grandmother you think a grandmother should be, so that you could say: “yes, this is the grandmother of my dreams.”

As soon as the jury goes backstage, the event continues

Lord: How quickly time has flown by since my return to Russia, and I am very happy to be here with you, and I am doubly happy: after all, I found the grandmother of my dreams, she is the most charming, magnificent, incomparable, and what can I say, the IDEAL GRANDMOTHER

Leading: We made sure that all participants deserve to rightfully bear this high title of “grandmother”. Let's greet our grandmothers. The word for the award is given to:


And we move on to the ceremonial part
1. The title of Most Elegant is awarded

2. The title of the most organic is awarded

3. The title of Most Charming is awarded

4. The title of Most Original is awarded

5. The title of Most Extravagant is awarded

6. The title of Most Creative is awarded

And the title “Granny of my dreams” was won by _______________________________________________________________

Lord: I would like to express my deep gratitude to those people without whom this holiday would not have happened.

Beauty salon "Before and After"

include trade union committee chairmen

Emigrant: In parting, I would like to wish you happiness and good luck in everything! Family well-being and family joys, and most importantly - good spirits and youth of soul!

Good luck and sincere laughter,
I wish you health for many years to come!
We wish you success in all your endeavors,
And we're glad new meeting we always!

Leading: We sincerely thank the participants. We thank the jury members and you, dear viewers and fans.
The cinema and concert circus complex “Youth of Shaim” does not say goodbye to you, but says to you until we meet again.


Tyumen region. Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug.

Nizhnevartovsk district.




competitive- entertainment program:

"Guinness Show"

Prepared by: Lyubov Alexandrovna Komalova

2017 - 2018 academic year

Goals and objectives:

getting the kids to know each other in an interesting way in an entertaining way;

team building;

introducing children to the capabilities and abilities of people according to the Guinness Book of Records;

awareness of one’s individual capabilities, one’s uniqueness, the desire for self-improvement;

development creativity.

Materials for competitions:

    balloons, meter tape;

    whole peas ( better beans– does not crumble), plates (according to the number of participants);

    whole pieces of plasticine (according to the number of participants), modeling boards;

    small toys (Lego), blindfold (according to the number of participants), plates (according to the number of participants);

    two chewing gums for each participant;

    a lot of newspapers, Kinderjaytsa (according to the number of participants);

    A4 sheets, felt-tip pens (according to the number of participants);

    tennis balls, tea balls or wooden spoons(the latter complicate the task) - according to the number of participants;

    pencils with a flat surface at the bottom (according to the number of participants);

    a bowl of water, transparent measuring cups and tablespoons (according to the number of participants);

    music for competitions;

Posters are hung in the classroom: “The longest word”, “The most beautiful handwriting”, “The most original greeting”. The guys in the class take an active part in writing certain words and greetings. Required condition- indicate your last name and first name under the written words. At the end of the event, the jury sums up the results of the competition for the most, the most.

(Leaders come out - students of the class).

Presenter 1: Good afternoon friends!

Presenter 2: We are glad that you and your parents came to our Guinness show!

Presenter 1: The Guinness show is laughter, humor and an opportunity to have a good rest!

Presenter 2: The Guinness show is about records and victories, competitions and good luck!

Presenter 1: The Guinness Show is a program for those who are friends with their heads.

Presenter 2: The Guinness Show is a fun, educational and exciting program during which we will find out who is the best, the best, the best in our class!
Presenter 1: This word will be heard more often than others today. So... Together. Guinness - show!!!

Presenter 2: Well done! With such active boys and girls, you can safely start our Guinness Show program! And on this occasion your stormy applause!

Presenter 1: The Guinness Book of Records records the achievements of mankind, as well as the records of the world around us.

Presenter 2: And today we will set our records. But our records will be unusual and fun! And everyone will receive their own medal.

    contest "Bumblebee."

Whoever buzzes the longest is the winner.

( a medal is awarded"The longest buzzer »)

Presenter 1: Well done! Congratulations to the winners and move on to the next competition, it is called “Chimpanzee Race”. Who is the fastest in our class?

Presenter 2: Contest "Chimpanzee Race"

Players stand side by side. When signaled, lean forward and grab your ankles. In this position, without bending your knees, you move to the finish line and back. The one who gets there first wins. If someone releases their ankle from the grip, they must return to the starting point and start all over again.

(a medal is awarded« Fast chimpanzee runner »)

Presenter 1: Guys, you are just great! Well, we continue to set records. I ask for participants for the next competition!

Presenter 2: Contest "Gyret pusher »: To then he will throw the balloon further.

(a medal is awarded "Giret pusher")

Presenter 1: It's time to find out who is the most dexterous! Come on, go ahead and enter the competition!

Presenter 2: Contest " Pea Picker" : who in 30 seconds will collect the largest number of peas scattered on the table into a mug? You are allowed to take one pea at a time.

(a medal is awarded « Pea picker")

Presenter 1: A competition for the most cheerful, smiling, laughing boys and girls!

Presenter 2: Contest " Long Screamer ». You need to shout out the sound “A” in one breath. Whoever lasts longer wins.

(a medal is awarded "Long Screamer" )

Presenter 1: Guys, do you love various items sculpt from plasticine? Let's go out!

Presenter 2: Contest "Long plasticine sausage roller" : Who can roll the longest sausage out of a piece of plasticine in 30 seconds?

(a medal is awarded " Long plasticine sausage roller")

Presenter 1:Aren't you tired? Then go ahead! Look for toys.

Presenter 2: Contest "Toy Finder" : who, blindfolded, can collect the most toys from the floor in 30 seconds?

(a medal is awarded "Toy Finder" )

Presenter 1 : Do you like to blow bubble gum? Then this competition is for you.

Presenter 2: Contest " Bubble Gum Blower" : In 30 seconds you need to inflate the bubble. Whoever has the bigger bubble wins.

(a medal is awarded « Bubble Gum Blower" )

Presenter 1: Let's check who can quickly repeat a tongue twister.

Presenter 2: Contest « Tongue repeater" : who can repeat the tongue twister three times without hesitation? Each participant has their own tongue twister(a medal is awarded « Tongue repeater")

Presenter 1: Do you like surprises? Now we will check this.

Presenter 2: Contest " Surprise getter ": who can quickly get out a Kindersurprise toy wrapped in ten newspapers without tearing the newspapers.

(a medal is awarded " Surprise getter »)

Presenter 1: Now I invite guys who really like to draw.

Presenter 2: Contest « Oculoporidator": who in one minute will draw a six-nosed-eyed navel on a sheet of paper with a felt-tip pen. Whose drawing is funnier and more original?

(a medal is awarded " Eye-powder" )

Presenter 1: The next competition is for those who like to play with teaspoons at the table.

Presenter 2: Contest « Ball hook": Who can quickly pick up a tennis ball from the table with a teaspoon without using the other hand?

( a medal is awarded « Ball hook")

Presenter 1: Guys, has anyone tried holding a pencil in your palm? Let's check it now! Come out!

Presenter 2: Contest « Long pencil holder" : who can assemble the longest chain of paper clips in 30 seconds?

(a medal is awarded « Long pencil holder" )

Presenter 1: Well, friends, our Guinness Show has come to an end. And we have one last competition left.

Presenter 2: Contest « The boat is leaking." You are invited to save a sinking boat - within a certain time, scoop up water from one basin to another using improvised means, while touching the basins themselves, lifting them and pouring them directly is prohibited. Whoever scoops up the most wins.

(a medal is awarded " Water-submarine scooper ») .

Presenter 1: At the beginning of the show competitions were held:“The longest word”, “The most beautiful handwriting”, “The most original greeting”. The jury will present the winners with medals: “Writer of Long Words”, “Beautiful Writer”, “Original Health Writer”.

Presenter 2: Well, friends, our Guinness Show has come to an end. And I want to wish you not to be afraid to stand out from others, strive for victories and win!

Tongue twister options:

Grandfather Dodon hummed the trumpet,

Dimka's grandfather hurt him.

They gave Varenka felt boots,

Valenka - mittens.

Cat Potap clapped his paw,

And Potap drowned the cat.

Varvara finished cooking the jam,

She grumbled and sentenced.

Four little black, grimy little devils

A drawing was drawn in black ink.

Extremely clean.

The cap is not sewn in the Kolpakov style,

We need to repack it and dig it out.

Osip is yelling, Arkhip is not far behind -

Who will outshine who?

Osip is hoarse, Arkhip is hoarse.

In our yard there is a courtyard.

The weather became wet.

You can’t say all the tongue twisters quickly,

you can't overstate it.

Thirty-three ships were tacking,

We maneuvered, but never managed to catch it.

Senya carries hay in the canopy,

Senya will sleep on the hay.

"A fun show."

Initiation into high school for 8th grade students.

Attention! Attention! Only today and only now, only here and only with us you will see a cheerful, funny, incendiary show! Meet!

Film crew from Moscow on the boring channel of MKOU Secondary School No. 3!

The screens slide apart and journalists in clown costumes run out from behind them. Music from the cartoon sounds The Bremen Town Musicians»

(“We stopped by for an hour”).

Song: The whole world is in our hands,

We are the stars of the continent

Broke to smithereens

Damn competitors.

We stopped by for an hour.

Hello! Bonjour! Hello!

Well, hurry up and love us!

You are very lucky!

Come on, all together

Open your ears!

Better in a good way

Clap your hands!

The journalists run away, leaving Dima and Inna.

Inna: Hello, hello, our dear viewers! Yes, yes, we are really from Moscow, we are correspondents, and we came to you today to congratulate you on the beginning of a new school year!

Dima: We have heard a lot about your school, especially about 8th grade. We were told that the strongest, the bravest, the most charming, the most cheerful students study here! But now they are probably sad - after all, they will become high school students only today, after our dedication!

Inna: We became interested and decided to check whether 8th graders really are what they say they are. Now we will send our correspondents to meet them and make sure of everything. And for sure the very best will be awarded, and all the guys will be promoted to high school students. Now let's see summary programs.

Correspondents come out from behind the screen one by one and present their column.

Lisa: My name is Lisa Schwarzenegger. Today I will go to the 8th grade boys. Let's see how strong they are.

Masha: I am Masha Militsionerova. I'm going to test the abilities of 8th grade amateur car enthusiasts.

Inna: I am Inna Delovaya. I present sports news. Today there will be competitions among 8th graders sports dancing and dance endurance. I wonder who will win? Stay with us.

Julia: I am Julia. I will now go to our charming, caring, gentle girls of 8th grade. Why do I say this? Stay with us and you will find out everything!

Inna: Me again. I thought for a long time which of you is the most charming. And then I remembered: about whom there are the most jokes, in which he is always in funny situation? Of course, this is Vovochka! Let's see who is the most popular in the class!

Dima: The most not banal, the most interesting, the most unusual... Who is this? Of course we'll find out at the end of our show! Stay with us and follow the developments!

Julia: The hottest, the most incendiary! Wow! 8th grade students, of course! We are coming to you!

All together: And finally, who is our most humorous? Who is the funniest and most extraordinary joker! Stay with us and find out everything!

Everyone runs away. Dima and Inna remain.

Inna: And now, I think it’s time to introduce you to our heroes of the occasion. These are people who take their studies seriously and responsibly...

Dima: ...And not very seriously and responsibly...

Inna: These are guys and girls who always take an active part in the life of the school...

Dima: ...And sitting quietly in the corner...

Inna: In a word, these are the most ordinary students. But today they will become not just students, but high school students!

Dima: And they will introduce us to them class teachers 8th grade. Let's welcome them!

Class teachers present a comic class passport and briefly characterize each student.

Inna: We will ask the participants to take their seats.

Dima: But we didn’t come to you alone.

Today is a holiday, everyone is buzzing,

The stars are in a hurry to congratulate you.

Everything will be great, no cheating -

The screen star sings for you!

(9th grade number).

Dima and Inna come out.

Inna: Still, how wonderful, fun party- the beginning of the school year! Dima, what do you think?

Dima: Of course, funny! But I think it’s time for us to ask our correspondents what they managed to learn during this time.

Inna: Oh, correspondent Lisa Schwarzenegger is in touch with us. Lisa, are you ready?

(The “King of the Ring” music plays, Lisa comes out, waving a huge inflatable hammer, throws the hammer to the side, she is given an improvised steel rod and she easily bends it into a ring and throws it to the side).

Inna: Lisa, are you ready?

Lisa: Yes, Natasha. I am now with the 8th grade boys, looking for the strongest. You may ask why I chose boys? I think they need to confirm that they are future men, that speaks for itself. I have already managed to choose the very, very strong ones. Now let's choose one of them. Please come up here. Do you think that we will lift the weight now? No no! You didn't guess - a girl! We will choose the girl you like from the audience. Now the music will play, whoever can hold his girl in his arms longer is the winner. Let's start!

(Competition “The Strongest”).

Inna: Thank you, Lisa. And now, dear viewers, we invite you to look at the autumn collection of Couturier Koftenkin. This collection is made specifically for your school - new models of workwear for specialized training:

We present to your attention a model of a work suit suitable for plumbers, as it does not get dirty at all; for environmentalists, since it does not get wet; for masons, as it is very durable. This model is made according to the latest fashion. Anyone can wear it to any party. And most importantly, pay attention to the pockets - there are many of them! It is very comfortable!

(this model is made of oilcloth, with pockets made of multi-colored napkins glued on)

in front of you is a light dress for environmental engineers, equipped with antennas to make it easier to keep in touch with space.

(the dress is made of light scarves, antenna tubes are glued on, and there is a hat with antennas on the head).

this model for school girls, especially for parties. We took stars from the sky, wove them into ordinary wire, and from the wires we made this luxurious hair. Pay attention to the gloves - girls no longer need to get their nails done.

(The main element of this costume is gloves with manicured nails glued on them).

the next model is smocks for carpenters and painters. The first one I did not sew, but painted. I think it's pretty decent. And I gave the second one a spring look and trimmed it with flowers. Don't worry, it's nothing personal.

(The first robe is white, painted with multi-colored spots, the second is dark, with flowers sewn all over the field).

Dima: I wonder what new Maria learned?

(Maria comes out to the sound of machine engines.)

Masha: Yes, Dima. I am in the workshops of future 8th grade auto mechanics. There are girls among them! I watch them tinker with car engines. You know, they are good at it. But I wonder if they know how to drive cars? Want to check it out? I ask for two of the fastest auto mechanics here! We will now choose the fastest among you. You are given two cars. Whoever gets them to the start faster will win.

(Competition “The Fastest”).

(Inna Delovaya comes out from the hall to the stage with a phone in her hands to the sound of music).

Business: Yes, Dima. For my section, I chose 8th grade. I think that the most athletic boys are here. They successfully proved this to me and will prove it to you, dear viewers. So, sports news. Today the boys compete in dancing! They must show the most incredible dance moves. Who can dance better and cooler? Everyone keep an eye on them! Now we will begin the task. But for this, participants need a support group - these will be their class teachers! Let's ask them to come up on stage! (The guys start dancing.) We think that the class teachers taught their children everything, which means they themselves know how to do it better. You must repeat the guys' movements as similar as possible. This is impossible without applause!

(Competition “Reflection”). Number 10 class.

Inna: I came to visit you unusual person! Meet David Cooperfield!

Music is playing. The magician comes out, straightens the blanket, pulls it back - an assistant appears; the magician performs a couple more tricks with the appearance and disappearance of his assistant. After the magician performs a spell on his assistant, she lies down on two chairs, the magician covers her, removes one chair from under her feet, and she half hangs in the air. He puts the chair in place and pulls back the blanket. The assistant stands up and selects participants for the next trick from the audience. They are placed in a “well” shape, the chairs are removed, and the participants remain standing in the well position. Everyone falls as the magician spreads his arms over them. Everyone bows.

Inna comes out and turns to Dima.

Inna: Well done, Dima! My phone rang! Who's speaking?

Dima: Elephant!

Natasha: No, this is Yulia. Julia, what happened?

Julia: Can you imagine the situation! Now there will be a competition in which only girls participate. And it's called environmental. The 8th grade girls are really caring environment and use it very rationally. How? See for yourself. I need six girls, 3 from each class. There were two teams. Here are two bowls in front of you: empty and full. You need to transfer water from a full bowl to an empty one with your hands. Whoever does this faster and overflows less water will win. Let's start! ... The winners will receive a prize! We visited the girls, now meet number 11th grade.

(Number 11th grade).

Anya: And now the game with the audience. I need five couples: a boy and a girl. A couple from 10th grade will help me explain the conditions of the competition. Gallant young men, walking with a girl along the road after the rain, see a large puddle that cannot be avoided:

That's what the 11th grade boys do (pushing into a puddle).

And this is what the boys from 10th do (spray).

What will you do, dear viewers?

(Game with the audience “The most gallant”). Number 9 class.

Inna: But the most charming of all the guys, I think, are the 8th grade boys. I invite four people here (2 from each class). We'll test their charm. Here's a package for you. You must collect as many women's souvenirs as possible.

(Competition “One Thread at a Time”).

Inna: And the other two young men will receive another task. The one who wins more girls will fit into these circles drawn on the floor. Your time is limited!

(Gaming competition“Gather the girls in a circle.” For this competition, you can take hoops and gather girls in them).

Dima: Personally, I want to find the most extraordinary and most talented girl among the 8th grade girls. I need two participants from 8th grade. I consider the most difficult thing to be able to draw. I think that artists are unusual people, because how many ideas, inventions, imagination and ingenuity are needed to draw, color, and then explain to everyone what you drew correctly. And not everyone can do this! But now we will find the most talented among the girls. They will demonstrate their abilities, only in a slightly more complicated version. IN boxing gloves you need to draw funny clown. Whoever is faster wins! And the winner gets a prize!

(Game competition “Draw a clown”). Number 10 class.

Julia (runs out): Why are we sitting, who are we waiting for? Perhaps you're bored? (Goes down to the participants) Help, we're burning! 8th grade boys are so hot! Wow! Would you like to see? Then I call four people, 2 from each class. Whichever of them dances the hottest and most fiery will win.

("Hottest" competition). Now let's look at the professionals!

(Number 11th grade).

Dima: It's time to sum up. Winners of all competitions, please take the stage! Based on the audience's applause, we will choose the winner. Clap for one person only! You are our funniest and coolest winner. Congratulations!

Inna: And now comes the most solemn moment - the moment of dedication. Just five minutes ago, you guys were simple students. And now we accept you into our family. (Presentation of high school student signs).

Dima: Now you are high school students and a huge responsibility falls on your shoulders - to protect the honor and dignity of our school always and everywhere.

Inna: Looking at you, people will judge our school. Always be on top! After all, our school is the best - yes! The most beautiful - yes! The most friendly - yes!

Inna: And for you, dear viewers, there will be a weather forecast.

Dima: Listen and watch the long-awaited weather forecast for whole year. The country is dreary and cloudy.

(To the music, 2 students come out with large painted clouds in their hands and dance next to each other.)

Dance of the clouds.

Inna: Above the Kambulat school you can see that the clouds are parting and the sun is appearing.

(The clouds part. A girl comes out with a huge drawn cardboard sun in her hands. The music “Sunrise” plays.)

Dima: And where the sun is, there are smiles!

(Girl correspondents come out with painted smiles in their hands.)

So let there be smiles in our school not just for one year, but for many, many years!

Final song all participants (music of the Strelki group song “Sexual Revolution”).

Days pass in succession,

We live together at school

And we love the school house.

And if you have to leave

Do you remember school on the way,

Always come here!

Wonderful song

“Our school is just super!”

Let the years of friendship last

In the hearts of boys and girls,

There will be no barriers to friendship.

You share joy with a friend,

And grief will be on the way -

Come to the aid of a friend.

Chorus: And you and I are always together

Wonderful song

Our whole group will sing:

“Our school is just super!”