Strong rituals for Ivan Kupala. Protection from bad dreams

  • 26.09.2019

Ivan Kupala is the most mystical and mysterious holiday in the folk calendar. It is believed that rituals and ceremonies on this day are particularly powerful and effective.

Our ancestors assigned the role of the most powerful and mysterious holiday to Ivan Kupala Day. A huge number of ceremonies, traditions and rituals are dedicated to this time. After all, the day of Ivan Kupala has the highest energy, which flows in tune with money and love magic. We inherited all-powerful conspiracies for well-being and prosperity, which allow us to use strong energy for our own benefit.

The effectiveness of conspiracies on Ivan Kupala Day

Conspiracies on the day of Ivan Kupala, aimed at wealth and prosperity, use the energy of the eternal elements - fire and water, which are activated precisely during this period. These spells are based on the solid ground of experience from ancient times. Their effectiveness has enriched more than one generation.

White conspiracies will not harm your biofield; on the contrary, the energy of this day is trying to break out and enrich every person. Our ancestors created them based on observations of living nature: they lived in harmony with the elements, which repaid them with goodness and prosperity.

These conspiracies are relevant only on the day or night of Ivan Kupala and are used only once a year. The sacrament of gaining wealth and well-being should be approached with all seriousness and rituals should not be performed for the sake of curiosity. A frivolous attitude and errors when reading can only anger the Higher Powers, which will negatively affect your energy.

A strong conspiracy for wealth, wealth and prosperity

You will need a lot of coins. It will be great if you can find silver coins. If this is not possible, you can use ordinary modern money, but first you should perform an energy cleansing ritual on it. Preparations for the conspiracy should be done ahead of time, not at the last minute. Wash the coins in holy or running water. Sand and laundry soap will help get rid of dirt. When everything is ready and your coins are sparkling clean, fill them with water and leave them overnight before or after the holiday. When you wake up, wash your face with this water and read the plot:

“The bright sun will rise in the sky and bring me enrichment. The coins languished in the water all night and were charged with monetary luck. By washing your face in the morning, you will attract good luck. May Ivan Kupala and the magic of water fulfill all my dreams. Let it be so!"

Spell for prosperity and good luck in money

You will need a small pile of coins, a handful of soil and a glass of water. The ritual must be performed on the night of July 7th. Place all ingredients in a deep bowl, add water and mix thoroughly until smooth with bare hands. Strengthen your actions with a conspiracy:

“I don’t sleep on Midsummer night, but I attract prosperity into my life. By mixing water with earth and gold, I will become rich. May a higher power help me and shower me with money. As I said/said, so it will be!”

Then wash your hands and take the bowl to the balcony or open window. She must stand all night and the next day, saturated with the energy of magical time and the light of the Moon and the Sun. The next night, take the basin to any intersection and dispose of the contents. You can be sure that from this moment on, money, well-being and prosperity will flow to you.

Ivan Kupala Day contains many secrets and sacraments. Knowledge and ability to use them will enrich your life, attracting good luck, happiness and prosperity. Conspiracies for wealth will help you get rich, because the time of this holiday is saturated with powerful energy. We wish you good luck, prosperity and prosperity, and don't forget to press the buttons and

07.07.2017 05:26

Your household will be able to feel truly happy if there is prosperity and prosperity in the house. Reach...

From time immemorial, the holiday of Ivan Kupala has been shrouded in an aura of mysticism and magic. Previously, people were not spoiled and lived in friendship with nature, so they subtly felt mental connections between objects and events. Conspiracies and rituals on Ivan Kupala carry enormous power and in most cases end in a positive result.

Kupala or John the Baptist was highly revered in Christianity, since he was the man who baptized Jesus in the waters of the Jordan. This mixture of Orthodoxy and pagan rituals has become firmly entrenched in Slavic culture and has been inextricably followed for many centuries.

What are the rituals for Ivan Kupala?

Conspiracies on the night of Ivan Kupala can be used to attract a lover, to gain wealth, harmony in the family or good health. They carry a charge of powerful energy. It’s not for nothing that in Rus' this day was called “the ripeness of summer.” At this time, most of the work in the field has already come to an end, and the plants are full of vitality and are preparing for harvest. The entire essence of nature on this day is overflowing with the power that creates. This must definitely be used for good.

The most familiar and frequently used Kupala ritual is jumping over a fire. There are references to this not only in legends and fairy tales, but also in fiction. Such jumps help a person get rid of all the accumulated negativity and diseases associated with it. But lovers jumped over the fire holding hands in order to strengthen their relationship.

An equally popular ritual was the search for a blooming fern in the forest. Finding him was not so easy. Along the way, the man was awaited by the machinations of evil spirits and evil spirits of the forest. The one who found the flower was promised a happy, comfortable life and the fulfillment of his most cherished desires.

On Midsummer's Day, girls practice fortune telling for their betrothed. And those who want to get pregnant read prayers in front of the images of John the Baptist. This will help you achieve what you want, the main thing is that the prayers are sincere and come from the depths of the soul.

Ritual for cleansing from negativity and disease

Rituals to cleanse the soul and body from negative energy and against diseases were not limited to just jumping over a fire. This folk fun was preceded by preparation. On the morning of July 7 at Kupala, at dawn, women and girls went to the field or forest and collected Kupala herbs. They are a source of energy for many rituals, including getting rid of ailments.

Our ancestors knew a lot about herbs, and now the person performing the ritual is advised to trust his intuition. You need to collect herbs that suit your soul. If you trust your instincts, which you inherited from your Slavic ancestors, you can easily put together a magical bouquet of herbs and flowers

Unlike most rituals, this one does not require any special material costs or skills. But it can take a lot of time to implement it. It is worth taking this into account, because collecting Kupala herbs does not tolerate fuss and haste.

To perform the ritual you will need:

  • a bouquet of wild herbs and flowers, collected with one’s own hand;
  • scarlet ribbon or piece of fabric;
  • white ribbon or piece of fabric;
  • candle.

You need to prepare everything you need one day in advance – July 6th. Some believe that it is necessary to buy a ribbon and a candle on the waxing moon, but most practicing magicians agree that this is not at all necessary.

You will also need a place to make a fire and firewood for it. There is no need to take too large logs. It is enough to collect a lot of brushwood. In the age of advanced technology, many try to use purchased charcoal or firewood for a Kupala fire. This should not be done, because the natural course of things is disrupted. All materials must be collected and prepared independently. It is also not recommended to use lighter fluid; matches and dry grass will suffice.

The order of the ritual

Early in the morning of July 7, you need to go to a field or forest and collect a bouquet of wild herbs and flowers. You need to completely trust your intuition and pick those plants that seem right and necessary.

When the bouquet is collected, you can go home and continue the ritual until the bouquet withers. If you read all the conspiracies for Ivan Kupala correctly, then next year the person will have good health, and negativity will be avoided. To do this you need:

  1. At home, divide the bouquet into two approximately equal parts.
  2. Tie one part tightly with a scarlet ribbon, and the second with white.
  3. It is necessary to light a wax candle and move it over the bouquets one by one. At this time, conspiracies are read, separate for each bouquet.
  4. On the night of Kupala, a fire is lit so that you can jump over it without injuring yourself.
  5. After the first jump, they beat themselves with a white bouquet, uttering special spells at this time.
  6. After the second jump, use the remaining bouquet with a scarlet ribbon.
  7. Next you need to jump a third time.

Both bouquets are kept at home as a talisman against bad looks and negativity. If one of the family members falls ill, he should be lightly spanked with bouquets. They are stored for the next year and burned in a fire on Kupala night.

Text of conspiracies

By observing the customs and traditions on Midsummer's Day, you can receive a blessing for the entire next year. In order for amulets made from field herbs to work and reliably protect against diseases and problems, you need to read the following conspiracies:

  • a bouquet with a white ribbon is charmed with the following spell:

“Grief and troubles, illnesses and illnesses, go away from me and from my house. I beat with herbs and drive away the evil ones! Sealed, in word and deed!”;

  • over a bouquet with a scarlet ribbon they read a conspiracy:

“I hit, I hit, I knock out. I expel all evil from bodies! I clean out all the crap from myself! Let it be so!".

Conspiracies and rituals for the holiday of Ivan Kupala have enormous power and such bouquets will become a strong amulet for your home or apartment. The only restriction is that the herbs should not be touched by strangers. This could be an insidious plan of an ill-wisher who will destroy the magic of the herbs collected on Kupala.

Love spells for Ivan Kupala

Love spells for the holiday of Ivan Kupala are an integral part of traditional rituals on this day. Girls also use love fortune telling and try to find out the name of their betrothed. To do this, in the evening they weave wreaths from field herbs, flowers and young shoots of trees. These wreaths are floated down the river and the guy who catches the wreath will become the future husband.

If the betrothed still does not meet on the path of life and the girl is afraid of being left without a partner, then on the night of Ivan Kupala you can use conspiracies to attract him. The main thing is to believe in the strength that nature gives on Midsummer and a worthy man will soon appear on the horizon.

Accessories for the ritual

On the eve of July 7, the girl needs to prepare all the necessary accessories so that on Midsummer's Day, at dawn, she can go in search of St. John's wort, which is collected before the dew dries. Since ancient times, this plant has been endowed with special magical properties. St. John's wort is an essential ingredient in many magical potions and amulets.

What to do on the main night of the year? Making wishes

Not a day without luck!

When using a ritual to attract someone destined for Midsummer, you need to strictly follow the rules for its implementation. One wrong action and you will have to wait another year for the next chance.

In order for everything to work out on holiday, you need to:

  1. Early in the morning, collect St. John's wort before the dew dries, around 4 am.
  2. When the grass has already been collected, you need to go home and not talk to anyone along the way.
  3. You need to be alone at home so that no one interferes with the ceremony.
  4. I pull out 12 hairs from my head. While reading the plot, they wrap them around a bunch of collected St. John's wort.
  5. Next, light the candle and secure the hairs with hot wax. When the wax has cooled, St. John's wort must be removed from prying eyes.
  6. At sunset, the grass is burned, reading a special conspiracy on the smoke.

This ritual is not a love spell and does not have negative consequences for the betrothed man. This is just appeasing higher powers and fate so that they show the way to their future husband.

Text of conspiracies

In order for St. John's wort to help solve the problem, it must be spoken while its branches are wrapped in hairs. The following words are read: “The path is paved for the betrothed, my fate is prepared. Amen!".

The spell for smoke from St. John's wort must also be read, but this must be done in a whisper so that the breath touches the smoke:

“The flame flashes like amber in the sun. St. John's wort burns, burns, and brings the meeting with my husband closer. Amen!".


And on the night of July 7, many inexplicable things happen. Some are wary of them, while others are trying to direct the magical power that the holiday gives in the right direction. In addition to these two rituals, you can also attract wealth or good luck to your home.

There are also signs, tales and legends associated with this day. All information was collected bit by bit by the ancestors, carefully stored and passed on from generation to generation. And now it would do well for people to listen to the wisdom of their ancestors.

The most mystical night when the fern blooms - the night of Ivan Kupala - is traditionally celebrated from July 6 to 7. This is the time when the line between worlds becomes thinner and all magical conspiracies and rituals have enormous power.

In this article, we would like to tell you about the most powerful and effective money conspiracies for Ivan Kupala, which will help you solve financial problems, get good luck and luck for the whole year.

Money rituals on Ivan Kupala

If you want to charm yourself into wealth, then on Ivan Kupala wash yourself with silver coins and say:

“How people love gold and silver,
So let the money not forget my wallet,
They come to me, stick to me and pester me.
In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit
Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Of modern rites and rituals, the most effective is the Kupala money ritual. It is believed that on the night of Ivan Kupala you can charm yourself into wealth for the year ahead.

To carry out this ritual for wealth, you need to put all the money in the house under your pillow before going to bed, and in the morning, when you wake up, take it out of there and quickly, quickly wave it in front of your eyes, creating the feeling that there is a lot, a lot of it. Unlike searching for a fern flower, this ritual is quite accessible to any person.

Monetary ceremony for Ivan Kupala

Another ritual for wealth is done on the night of Ivan Kupala. To ensure that you always have enough money for everything, roll yourself in the dew among the field grass before sunrise. Whisper the following conspiracy:

“No one counts you, grass-ants, and will never know your account, so that I, God’s servant (name), do not know the account of my wealth. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the holy spirit. Now, and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen".

A fairly simple but powerful money conspiracy can be carried out as follows. On the night of Ivan Kupala, scoop a couple of liters of water from the nearest body of water into a bottle or pan. Throw a few coins into this water (preferably gold or silver, but you can also use ordinary coins) and leave until the morning. The energy of the night of Ivan Kupala will give this water a powerful magical charge, and the coins will give this charge a financial orientation. Wash your face and hands with this water early in the morning. When washing your face, repeat the spell:

“The magic water will wash me and reveal all the secrets of wealth to me. All trade matters will be submitted to me, my wallet will be filled with gold!”

In the coming months after this, luck will accompany you in all financial matters.

Money Ritual

There is another way to attract wealth to Ivan Kupala. Throw a handful of coins into the festive fire and say the following spell:

“Mighty fire, take away my gift, give me good luck in business, so that my wealth increases, so that any business succeeds, so that money flows into my hands, so that my plans are successful. If you do everything as I say, I will thank you generously.”

On Kupala night, mainly love magic happens

Kupala night in the minds of the Slavs is associated with pagan magic, the sudden acquisition of wealth, love and success. The holiday of Ivan Kupala is mysticism, mystery and a variety of natural magical rituals. Kupala was associated with the summer solstice, so spells and love spells for Ivan Kupala were very effective.

What can you achieve from otherworldly forces on this day? Ivan Kupala is called the Herbalist, the Colored, the Lover and the Walking One for a reason. On Kupala night, mainly love magic happens, but there are conspiracies for other purposes. For example, to gain wealth, beauty, health and good luck.

When you wake up at dawn on July 7, hurry up to take a swim in the nearest body of water. The power of Kupala water is so great that it can heal any disease. While bathing, you can perform a simple ritual. Stand facing the river (or lake), bow three times and say:

“Kupala, good master, be merciful to me. Mother Voditsa and kind Kupala spirit, drive out illnesses from the bones, veins, womb and head. Give me, God's servant (name is called), health and longevity. Amen".

After swimming, thank Mother Water three times. The words are: “Water, water, thank you, it gave me health, washed away all illnesses”. If your child gets sick, you can dip him in the river and perform a similar ritual. In the spell, instead of yourself, mention the name of the sick child.

Kupala knitting for diseases

Ritual knitting in Kupala has long been practiced by our ancestors. Things connected on this day have a powerful charge of positive energy. Threads should be natural (ideally wool) with a predominance of blue and yellow colors. Here is a complete list of color matches that can be used:

  • yellow - mental activity;
  • blue - spirituality, healing;
  • red - health, vitality;
  • pink - love;
  • orange - joy;
  • green - wealth, creative growth;
  • white - spiritual protection;
  • purple - confidence;
  • black - binding.

Knitting is carried out on the holiday of Agrafena the Bathing Suit (July 6), before which you must cleanse yourself in the bathhouse. The broom should be nettle or birch. Go to bed, and on July 7 (at dawn) pick a bunch of nettles on which the dew has not dried. Additionally, collect the dew in a small bowl.

Take the dew and nettles into the house (the grass should be placed in the corners) and start knitting. It could be a sweater, sock, hat or anything else. After completing the process, sprinkle the product with Kupala water. The knitted item can be used throughout the year - until the next Kupala.

Books with Kupala spells and love spells

Modern researchers of folklore often turn to Kupala beliefs. Scientists give a special place to conspiracies and love spells, which have long been practiced in Rus'. Belarusian researcher Ivan Kirchuk outlined the main stages of the holiday and the features of the rituals in the book “Yarila-Kupala”. The manual was published in 2005 (Minsk) and touches on aspects of the reconstruction of Kupala rituals.

One of Vladimir Yuzhin’s books talks about Kupala rituals aimed against the evil eye and damage. The author teaches how to make amulets, read prayers and spells. Separate chapters are devoted to fortune telling and Slavic signs.

The “Big Book of Conspiracies,” written by the sorcerer Veleslav, emphasizes fire and earth rituals. Here are healing spells and beauty spells. With requests, the sorcerer advises turning to Mother Earth and Veles.

For happiness, success and good luck

To attract good luck and fortune, on Kupala evening you need to retire and perform the appropriate ritual. On the eve of the holiday, go into nature and find a little-visited body of water. Enter the water after 18.00 and read the spell:

“One tree is vitriol, the second is to John, the third is feigned, submissive to the holy fathers. Come to me, luck, submit, happiness. Let luck grow under the pretend tree. Happiness submits to the Lord, and is covered with night ferns. If I read the spell nine times, I will gain success in life. Let the Kupala water flow over me, let luck stick to my body. Amen".

The words of the spell must be pronounced by sprinkling yourself with water. The text is repeated nine times. After completing the ritual, let the water dry on your body and go home. You can’t dry yourself with a towel, and you can’t look around either.

Success in financial matters

On the eve of the holiday, visit three neighbors and ask each of them for a pinch of salt. Wait until midnight and mix the salt you received from your neighbors with your homemade salt. Cut a piece of black bread and salt it. Conspiracy text:

“A person cannot live without salt, so let happiness certainly come to me. Everyone needs salt, so I (name) with money and luck will be loved. Follow me, luck, on my heels, settle in my house, and don’t run to your neighbor. Live, good luck, in the house of God's servant (name). My word is strong. Amen".

To avoid misfortune

In Kupala, the earth is literally saturated with solar energy, so rituals against troubles are powerful and durable. To protect yourself from life’s adversities, try making a simple amulet. On Kupala night, go outside, draw a circle around yourself and take off your shoes. After crossing yourself, read the plot:

“My relatives, friends and saints, deliver me from all kinds of adversity. Let an evil person not offend me, let an enemy with bad intentions pass me by. Give me the strength to push away troubles with my hands, see misfortunes with my eyes, and understand them with my mind. The saints will protect me from any evil and shield me. Bless me, Mother Theotokos. Amen".

As a talisman, you can use a coin or a smooth stone taken from the river bank. The main thing is that the artifact is within the circle throughout the ritual. After completing the ritual, thank the forces of nature by bowing three times.

How to achieve wealth and prosperity

To gain wealth, our ancestors used “silver washing.” Having waited for Ivan Kupala, the sorcerer walked to the nearest reservoir, grabbing a handful of silver coins and a goblet. The coins were poured into the cup, after which the container was filled with water. Next you need to read the plot:

“Just as everyone around is drawn to gold, let coins not bypass my Wallet. Let wealth stick to your wallet and flow into it like a river endlessly. Move, money, in the name of our Lord. Amen".

Our ancestors searched for a fern flower to achieve well-being, but this was a long and labor-intensive process. Modern rituals are made simpler and do not require special preparation to perform them. Let's look at a classic example.

Rituals with pillow and earth

Collect all the money in the house and hide it under your pillow on the eve of Kupala Night. In the morning you need to take out the money and start waving it in front of you. You must create a feeling of abundant money supply. There are more complex rituals, here is one of them:

  1. Wait for the holiday of Kupala.
  2. Prepare more metal coins, earth (3 handfuls) and water.
  3. At midnight, fill the basin with coins, soil and water.
  4. Mix everything until it becomes muddy.
  5. Read the plot.

The spell must be cast during the mixing process. After this, you need to wash your hands and place the basin on the eastern windowsill. A day later, go to a secluded intersection and shake out the entire contents of the basin. Here is the text of the spell:

“I don’t sleep during the Kupala night, I forge prosperity and wealth. I take the golden keys and unlock the damp earth. I will let the dew go away, I will attract little gold to my home. Help me, Yarilo, send grace.”

Love spells

To create powerful love magic, you need a fern. You can get a sprig of fern anywhere - in a public garden, park area or forest. The plant must be picked at midnight; healers recommend performing the ritual in the same place. Procedure:

  1. Take out a photograph of your lover and roll it up into a tube.
  2. Carefully tie the tube with fern.
  3. Say a spell.
  4. Hide the photo in a secluded place.
  5. Tie the photo with a strong thread (to be more secure).

The photograph should be folded so that the lover's face is inside the tube. Pay attention to the “behavior” of the branch - a breaking fern means dissatisfaction with higher powers. In this case, the ritual should be stopped. Spell text:

“Kupala fern, you have seen the royal jewels, the underground treasures. I don’t ask for gold and silver, it’s better to unite my heart with my dear one (name is called). Gold dries up people's hearts, and let my loved one suffer forever without me. For the sake of wealth, a person forgets the past, and let my betrothed think only about me. My words are strong. The Kupala fern and the night star help me. Let it be so".

Ritual with a fire

Love magic at Kupala is often associated with a fire. Fire and love spells are inseparable in the minds of the Slavs, since they are associated with the power of Yarila. You can bewitch your loved one if he is present at the holiday with you. Look at the flame and read the plot:

“The flame burns hotly, illuminating the night brightly. The fire will preserve the secret of love and will bewitch the betrothed (the name is called) to me. As soon as we hold hands, we will merge forever, we cannot be separated, we cannot be separated. Strengthen, Fire, our love, unite our hearts.”

The ritual will be completed when you jump over the fire with your loved one. To do this you need to join hands. Then drag the guy into the Kupala round dance and don’t part with him until dawn.

For youth and girlish beauty

To enhance natural attractiveness, girls in the old days resorted to secret magic. The prayer below is suitable for those who have a house in the village or a dacha. Buy a nightgown (the old one is no good) and go to the village. In the morning on Kupala, run in your shirt across the field, collecting dew. Take off your shirt and read the spell on it:

“Beauty and dew will be connected, they will lie down on my youthful body. Let my beauty flare up with a bright flame and amaze everyone around me. Let honest people look, admire and admire. I’ll go out as a soldier; among women I can’t find equals. Let it be like this forever. Amen".

The prayer should be repeated three times. After finishing reading the plot, put on a shirt and lie down in the dew - let your clothes get thoroughly wet. Soon you will notice the changes that have occurred.

Sex appeal

To achieve sexual attractiveness, you need to go into the forest and pick some oregano there. This must be done at three o'clock in the morning on Kupala. Return home, put oregano in front of the mirror. Looking at your reflection, read the following text:

“Ordinary people look in the mirror, but let the men never take their eyes off me. I will be brighter than the sun, whiter the moon, sweeter than the sky. I will become beautiful and desirable for men, let them admire me and dream about their secrets. My words will be reflected; the mirror will not distort. Keys and lock. Amen".

Ancient and modern conspiracies

The oldest Kupala rituals involve the use of fern, thistle and other herbs. You can put together a bouquet containing 12 components, put it under your pillow and find happiness. You can revive faded feelings with the help of a bathhouse and a birch broom. While slapping yourself with a broom in the steam room, say:

“The bath leaf clings to the girl’s body, and so my betrothed clings to me again. Sculpt, beloved (name is called), be strong, bond with me forever. My work is sculpted, my word is strong. While the birch tree stands in the field, my beloved lies at my feet. Amen".

Ritual ablution

On Kupala, both the fire and water elements are activated, so ablution will bring real benefits. A powerful love ritual is associated with river flow. Persuade your lover to enter the river and, while swimming together, say the following spell:

“Water, wash our bodies and souls, open the heart of my betrothed (name is called) to love. As soon as my beloved plunges into the water, he will rush to me with all his soul. Today we will walk together through the world, and we will walk through life together.”

Ritual in an unheated bath

Another effective love spell ritual is associated with the water element and an unheated bathhouse. The guy’s personal presence is not required for the ritual. Procedure:

  1. Go to the bathhouse.
  2. Fill the basin with water.
  3. Throw salt into the water.
  4. Cross the basin with a piece of black bread.
  5. Read the spell and eat the bread.
  6. Take out a handkerchief and rinse thoroughly in water.
  7. Place the artifact in the chosen one's pocket.

The plot can also be applied to a husband who has lost interest in you over the years. In this case, the scarf is replaced with a shirt belonging to the spouse. A man must wear this shirt and wear it for some time. Conspiracy text:

“People cannot live without salt, bread and water. Likewise, God’s servant (name is given) will not be able to take a single step without his beloved (your name). Water gives you water, bread feeds you, and you will always remember me. Let it be so. Amen".

Kupala signs

All rituals performed by young people on Kupala night are associated with the solstice, water and fire elements. The spirit of the Kupala festivities is best felt in the village - pagan signs are still revered there. Here are the most interesting of them:

  • climb over 12 fences - to a dream come true;
  • fern with nettles is the best protection against witches if you put these plants on the doorstep;
  • collecting herbs at night - for quick healing from ailments;
  • plantain under the pillow (for girls) - to a prophetic dream about the groom;
  • jumping over a fire is a sure defense against otherworldly forces.

If you want to protect your home from thieves, place Ivan-da-Marya in the corners. You need to lay out flowers, then robbers will avoid the house. If you write down the bad events of the year and throw the paper into the fire, these events will not happen again.

Love omens

Place a plantain under your head and ask Yarila to show you your future groom in a dream. Sentence: “Tribute traveler, you live on the paths, you will bring your betrothed to me.”. The dream will be prophetic and will reveal the whole truth.

The most famous love sign is to float a wreath along the river. If the wreath quickly sinks, the love is not mutual. If your candle wreath floated further than the others, get ready for a long and happy life.

Remember: Ivan Kupala is associated with the pagan beliefs of the Slavs, so the forces of nature are decisive. Water and fire must be respected, praised, and thanked to Yarila for her help. By strictly following pagan traditions, you will achieve amazing results.

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Ivan Kupala is a day of magic, when magic reigns in the air. With its help, you can overcome any boundaries, making your deepest dreams come true. Conspiracies on Ivan Kupala will help you with this.

What conspiracies are read on Ivan Kupala?

On this day you can perform a variety of rituals:

  • for love;
  • to attract money;
  • for wealth;
  • for luck and fortune, etc.

Spell for beauty on Ivan Kupala

To always look good in the old days, girls went to the field early in the morning, taking a sheet with them. They collected dew on it and then wiped their face and body with it. While saying:

“Taking the morning dew, I want to give my face and body an unearthly beauty. I wipe my face with dew, washing away all the imperfections from it. Every year I will only bloom, my beauty will never wither or fade.”

A spell for good luck and luck on Ivan Kupala

And if you want to attract good luck to your home, then on July 7, after six o’clock in the evening, go to the river. When you go into the water, spray yourself while reading the plot:

After that, after leaving the water, go home without looking back. You cannot wipe your body or face with a towel; the water should dry on you naturally.

Conspiracies against Ivan Kupala (Stepanov)

Among other rituals, conspiracies for Ivan Kupala by N. Stepanova are very popular among people, which you can read online on our website. And all because they are very effective. Let's offer a few of them.

Love spell on Ivan Kupala

Love spells for Ivan Kupala have special power. On this day, our ancestors performed many rituals, including those to attract love.

Girls who wanted to know the name of their betrothed, on the night of Ivan Kupala, put a plantain leaf under their pillow, while saying:

“A travel companion, you live along the road, you see young and old, you meet and see everyone off, you know a lot of things. Tell me, plantain, the name of your betrothed, show him to me in a dream.”

After that, without talking to anyone, they went to bed. The dream that I had that night was prophetic.

If you want to return a person’s feelings and disposition, some of which have been lost for some reason, this love spell will help you. You need to read it the evening before Ivan Kupala.

Money conspiracies on Ivan Kupala

It is believed that on this day you can get fabulously rich. To do this you need to find a fern flower. This is not easy to do, since a magical flower blooms in the very depths of the forest, and only for a few minutes. According to legends, he is guarded by evil spirits.

The seekers of happiness went into the forest, taking with them a tablecloth and a knife. They drew a circle near the intended place of flowering, spread a tablecloth and sat on it, waiting for the fern to bloom, without taking their eyes off the plant. If you are lucky and you see it bloom, you need to quickly pick the flower and, throwing the tablecloth over your head, run home without looking back, no matter what happens.

When you get home, you need to cut your hand with a knife and put a plucked flower on the wound. They believed that after this all the treasures on earth would be revealed to man.

If you don’t want to go looking for a fern flower, you can perform the following simple ritual. Pick a sprig of fern on Ivan Kupala and read the following spell for money on it:

“Let the fern bloom on Ivan Kupala, it attracts wealth and money to me. Let the money always rustle in my wallet, I will become happy and rich. I will have abundance all year round and I will not have any troubles. Be my words strong and sculpted. Let it be so. Amen"

Now put the charmed twig in your wallet and always carry it with you. She will become your talisman for attracting funds.

On this day, the water in the rivers has special magical powers. If you are sick and cannot be cured, banishing the disease from your life forever, you need to perform a ritual of ablution.

To do this, after sunset, take a swim in the river, saying at this time:

“Water, water, help me get rid of the disease and recover. Take away my illness forever, free me from it. Deliver me from the illness that has crippled me, give me back my former health and strength.”

Once ashore, do not rush to leave immediately. Sit near the river, imagining how the disease leaves your body and you become healthy and strong again.

In addition, on Ivan Kupala you can wash one of your things (shirt, T-shirt) in the river. If you get sick within a year, then put on this thing and soon the illness will subside.

Money conspiracy against Ivan Kupala