How many points does not play in 1000. Card game thousand

  • 17.10.2019
Introduction The 1000 card game has gained immense popularity lately. The advantage of playing 1000 is that the rules are simple and easy to remember.
The number of players in 1000 - from two to 4 people.
The change is determined by lot.
At 1000, the dealer distributes one card to the partners.
The whole point of the card game of 1000 is to try to score such a number of points through the bribes taken that it exceeds 1000.
Whoever first reaches the total number of points equal to 1000 or more is the winner of the game.
The results of the games are recorded.
When playing in a thousand, cards below the nine are thrown away, and the rest from ace to nine are regarded as follows:
Ace = 11 points. King = 4 points. Queen = 3. Jack = 2 points. Ten = 10 points. Nine = 0.
Peak Marriage - 40 points.
Marriage of clubs - 60 points.
Tambourine Maryage - 80 points.
Heart marryage - 100 points.
Maryage - queen and king of the same suit


The card game thousand has its roots since 1916. the truth then the rules were a little different and the game was called "rocking chair". The essence of the game is very similar to the modern thousand. True, a combination of an ace and a king of the same suit was considered to be a marry. The modern thousand were invented or altered (according to the theory from the game "rocking chair") by sailors. The sailors spent their time playing this fabulous game. And their sea routes became much easier. Thousand is a preference type game. It can be attributed to both gambling and folk.

The rules of the game of 1000

The dealer is determined by lot. At the beginning of each subsequent game, the deal goes to the one who sits to the left of the dealer.
After thoroughly mixing the cards, the dealer is obliged to let the player sitting on his right hand move the cards. The dealer has the right to look at the last card in the kalode (when dealing, it goes to him). If the last card is a nine, then the dealer has the right to ask to "re-move". In the case of a three-fold drop of a nine, a penalty is written to the player who moved. Penalty amount = 120 points. If a jack falls out as the last card in the kalode, then the dealer can put it in the middle of the deck - it is forbidden to move after that.
Treating cards in this card game is carried out by one card. The first card is dealt to the player to the left of the dealer. During the deal, you need to put three cards in the buy-in. It is forbidden to put the first and last three cards in the buy-in.
If during the distribution at least one card turned out to be revealed (whether by negligence or on purpose), then the dealer is charged a penalty of 120 points and the cards go to the next player for re-dealing.
The player sitting to the left of the dealer is always "obliged" to score 100 points in the game ("obligatory hundred"), if none of the opponents bought this right.
After the cards have been dealt, it is recommended to line up the cards by suits to avoid mistakes in the further game.
When the players in a thousand have considered their cards, bidding begins for the right to take the buy-in. The bidding step is strictly limited to 5 points, no matter how good or bad your cards are. The bargaining begins with the player sitting to the right of the dealer. If the cards are bad, then he says "pass". If the player sees that he is able to score more than 100 points, then he says "five", which means a statement of the game in 105 points. Further trading in a thousand takes place clockwise. It should be noted that the player having once said "pass" is no longer entitled to bargain in this rally.
The buy-in goes to the player who offered the highest price. Having taken the buy-in, the player lines up his cards and gives any two (usually the most unnecessary) opponents.
It should be noted that it is forbidden to offer at the auction a price over 120 points without having a margin on hand (it is often called praise in the family circle).
The sum of all cards in the game (excluding the cost of the margin) is 120 points.
The player who wins the auction and takes the buy-in can re-declare the cost of the game, but only upwards. This often happens when a good card or margin comes in the buy. It is important to note that the presence of margin on hand does not guarantee that the player will account for these points. In order for the points from marriages to learn, it must be declared. The declared margin automatically becomes a trump card.
The rules for declaring a trump card are simple:
It is possible to declare a mariage (trump card) only after the player has taken the first trick. Therefore, the first move is usually made with an ace. There are times when a player, having three margins in his hands, does not score a single point in the drawing.
During the rally, the first to go is the one who took the previous trick. It is important to remember that if the opponent intercepts the move, he can re-claim the trump card, if he also has a margin on his hands.


At the beginning of the round, 7 cards are dealt to each player, 3 cards remain in the drawdown. Further, the bidding for the buy-in begins. The first to have the word is the player following the "sitting on a hundred" clockwise. The player can either raise the bet, or say "PAS", refusing to continue trading. The bidding step is strictly limited to 5 points no matter how good or bad your cards are. The player who has set the maximum bid wins the auction, gets the right to the first move and takes the buy-in. After evaluating 10 cards that are in the player's hands, the player must give one card he does not need to each of the opponents. After the cards are handed over to the opponents, the player who ordered the game has the right to raise the bet. The maximum possible bet value is 300 points.

You can bargain in the dark without looking at your cards. The winner of the trade does not show the buyout to the partners, and the win (and also the loss) at the end of the game is doubled. If in the course of the betting blindly the player has doubts about the correctness of his decision, he can consider his cards. From this moment on, trading continues in the usual way, openly.

Trading rules for a round in which someone plays the barrel

The achievement of 880 points by one or more players is called a "barrel". The rules of the barrel game are as follows: The player on the barrel must score 121 points. The player on the barrel has three attempts to play 121 points. At the same time, for two unsuccessful attempts, he does not receive penalty points. If the third attempt did not bring success, then the player flies off the "barrel" and 120 points are deducted from the player, one unplayed barrel is recorded in the player's asset. If another player climbs onto the "barrel", then the player sitting on the barrel is discarded from it, 120 points are deducted from the player sitting on the barrel. Regardless of whether the player has played the "barrel" or not, the opponents do not count any points or sticks in this circle. They "stand still". If 2 or 3 players hit the barrel at the same time, then they all roll off, 120 points are deducted from each player.

The game ends if any of the players takes the barrel.

Additional rules


If the player has 4 nines in his hands (3 nines on the “hundred”) or less than 14 points, the player can ask partners to re-deal cards. Also, retaking occurs if there are less than 5 points or 2 nines in the buy-in.

Barrel trading

In this case, the trade proceeds as usual, with the player playing the barrel automatically declaring the game for 121 points. At the same time, in various variants of the game, the bet can be either interrupted by the opponents, or without a trade, it can be given to the one who plays the barrel.

Ace Marriage

Ace margins may be in play in the game. Ace margin is 4 aces. The cost of the margin is 200 points. This margin is subject to the rules of regular margin, that is, such a margin cannot be declared on the first move.

Trade in the red

There are variants of the game when the condition of trading is stipulated when the player has negative points. In this case, if the player scored less game points than specified, then the player automatically says pass when trading until he scores more than this limit.

Buy on a hundred

Before the start of the game, players can set a condition according to which opponents do not see the buyback if it is taken by the "one sitting on a hundred"

Schedule the game

If the player sees that he obviously cannot collect the bet specified during the trade, he can schedule the game, while the player receives a penalty equal to the bet made during the trade, his opponents receive 60 points. Sometimes the right to one "free" painting is given, when the penalty for the bet is not removed.

You cannot paint the game on the "barrel".

Zeroing at - + 555 points ("dump truck")

When any player reaches 555 or -555 points after the next round, the points of this player become equal to 0.

Blind game

When the cards are dealt, the player who has the right to be the first to name the buy-in price announces a "blind" game. It automatically sets a price of 120, does not show the buy-in, and all points scored for a bet are doubled. Opponents can "darken" it, but only if they have some kind of margins on their hands.

Golden con

The points scored and not scored in the first three rounds (if there are 3 players, if there are more or less players, then the situation is appropriate) in the party are multiplied by two. The player under the declarer automatically plays 120, without the right to trade. This continues throughout the first game.

Card game progress

The first move in a game of 1000 is always made by the player to the left of the dealer. After the first move is made, the players must lay down cards in the suit. In the event that such a suit is not on hand, then it is imperative to beat with a trump card, if one has already been announced. If the trump card has not yet been announced or there are no trump cards on hand, you can put a card of any suit. The bribe is taken by the player who played the highest card. The precedence of cards in 1000 is as follows (in descending order):
After all the draws are over and the players have no cards left in their hands, everyone counts their tricks, which are recorded in the table. If margins have been declared by one or more players, the value of the margins is added to the bribes. Points are recorded not only for the player who won the auction, but for everyone without exception.
If the player does not complete the ordered game, he will be charged a penalty in the amount of the announced game.
If, for example, the player playing the game ordered a game for 170 points, and typed 220, then the "surplus" of 50 points is not taken into account and the sum of 170 points is entered into the table.
The achievement of 880 points by one or more players (900 in some versions of the game) is called a "barrel". There are some peculiarities when playing on a barrel.

  1. The player who is on the "barrel" receives a buy-in without bargaining.
  2. The player on the "barrel" must score 121 points.
  3. The player on the barrel has three attempts to play 121 points. At the same time, for two unsuccessful attempts, he does not receive penalty points. If the third attempt was unsuccessful, then the player flies from the "barrel" and he gets 120 penalty points, that is. in the table 880 - 120 = 760 points.
When playing in a thousand, there is such a thing as a stick. It is written to the player if he did not score a single point during the rally (it is drawn as a vertical line in the table). The player is penalized by 120 points for every third recruited stick.

At a game of 1000 together two buyouts are created, with 2 cards in each. The winning bidder chooses one of the buyouts at random, and the second buyback goes to the player who took the last trick in the drawing.

At game in 1000 foursome the dealer sits on the buy-in and watches the game. The dealer can also credit the points = the sum of the points in the buy-in. If there is a margin in the buy-in, then the nominal value of this praise is also recorded.

Calculation of winnings

At the end of the game, the person who wins the game receives game points from the losing players in proportion to the points they scored.

This game belongs to the category of preference. It is similar to "poker". She will need 24 cards - from nine to ace inclusive. Each of them has a certain denomination of points:
- 9 – 0;
- 10 - 10 points;
- jack - 2;
- lady - 3;
- king - 4;
- ace - 11 points.

In addition, it is important to know the rule of scoring for a combination (margin) consisting of a king and a queen. Their number depends on what kind of suit this pair is. If the king of spades and the queen have fallen, then the player teaches 40 points. The tambourine option is worth 80; club club enriches the player by 60; and hearts - by 100 points. An Ace Marriage (4 Aces) is worth 200 points.

"Thousand" for two

If there are two players, then several layouts are possible.

First way:

Each "Thousand for Two" player is dealt 10 cards, and 4 are laid out in two - the picture must "look" down and be invisible to the players. When the "bidding" begins, the winner is the one who named the most points, which he undertakes to take.

After that, he takes 2 cards for himself from one pile and folds 2 of his unnecessary ones into the second pile. If, in the course of the card game, he manages to score the number of points that he announced or even more, then the announced number of points is recorded for this player. If he scored fewer points, then he writes down to himself the number of points that was not reached before the announced one. The second one writes to himself the points that he was able to earn on his bribes and margins.

Second way:

In a three-player game, 21 cards are dealt - 7 for each, and 3 - go into a separate pile, called the buy-in. When playing together, I act in almost the same way. Cards are dealt for three, the other 3 - establish a buy, but the third pile is not played, but only two.

Third way:

Cards are dealt to two players without buy-in. It is necessary in the course of the game, by analogy with the "Fool", to pick up cards from the remaining common deck.

Game progress

After the cards are dealt, and if there is a buy-in, then the bidding begins for it. They are won by the one who announced the most points, which he undertakes to score, the rest say “pass”.
The maximum bet can be equal to 300 points. It is made up of the sum of all cards (120) and points for marriages.

As mentioned above, the winner of the auction can further rule the game, he takes the buy-in. If, having seen him, he realizes that he will not be able to score the indicated number of points, then he can say about this and receive a fine equal to the rate he announced. The opponent is given 60 points.

After any of the players has taken the first bet, on the second and subsequent moves, he can declare a margin. He gets the number of points for this combination and the right to name the trump card.

During a two-player game, players take turns placing one card. The one who has the highest of these cards or the trump card takes them. Now it's his turn.

When the number of points for one player reaches 880, then he "sits on the barrel." He is given 3 rounds so that he can score more than 120 points in one of them, then he will win. If in 3 games he did not succeed, then he is fined by 120 points, and he "flies" from the barrel.

These are the basic rules of the "1000 for two" game. There are games where, in addition to cards, dice are used.


  • The rules of the card game 1000 for two?
  • Card Game 1000 on iPad

Most people perceive poker as a gambling entertainment and associate it with a casino, where hard-earned money is taken from honest citizens with the help of cunning machinations. But all over the world, this game is considered a sport along with chess, and in order to regularly win and earn money at poker, it is necessary to learn many rules both in poker mathematics and in the psychology of the game.

You will need

  • - computer;
  • - an account at a poker room suitable for you;
  • - reliable internet access;
  • - money that you can spend on the game.


Remember the simple formula of professionals: "Mathematical calculation + experience + psychological endurance =". Study poker books, reinforcing what you read in practice. Excitement will not go far: if you are lucky in one hand, then in the next, most likely, the cold calculation of professionals will prevail and your money will go to your rivals. The mathematical calculation cannot ensure a victory in one particular hand, but thanks to it, out of 100 hands, you will win 60, which means you will remain in the black and earn money. Focus on winning long distance, not in a single hand.

Forget greed. It will be much better for you if you do not take the bank several times in a row. But it is not worthwhile to deliberately underestimate the stakes, having felt a stronger opponent at the table.

Establish limits for winning and losing. Then you can safely start the game, but in no case go beyond the given boundaries. Do not strive to hit the big jackpot, because the more you win, the more difficult it will be for you to focus on the situation at the table. Easy money intoxicates and players forget that in, as elsewhere, money is earned only through persistent and prolonged mental work.

Listen to your intuition. If you feel that you are uncomfortable at the table, leave it, perhaps you will save yourself from a big failure, because nothing prevents you from taking the money and moving to another table. Well, if you realized that you were "on your plate", then focus on a competent game, throwing out of your head any gambling thoughts.

On this page right now you can play the card game 1000 online absolutely free of charge and without registration via the Internet. You can play a thousand with a computer or with your friend for two, you can play with unfamiliar players - real people from all over the world. You can also download 1000 for free on your computer - all the links necessary for this are located just below.

At the moment, the system has two versions of the online card game in a thousand - "for friends" and "public game". To play with your friend or acquaintance, you will need to create a private table and set a password that you will need to tell your opponent. In the case of a public game, you can play without registration with real live players, with whom you can chat in a chat and make new acquaintances.

To play with your computer, please download the application from the dedicated link just below this text.

We wish you a pleasant game! Like, share the link on social networks and invite your friends, then the game will become even more interesting!

Initially, going to the game page, you need to enter the game system using your username and password.

If you are not yet registered in the system, click on the "Login" button in the lower left corner of the page, an authorization window in the system will appear, then click "Register".

After that, in a new window, you need to fill in all the fields and click "Apply".

Registration is simplified as much as possible, does not require entering confidential information and will take no more than 1 minute of your time.

After registering or logging into the system, you will see a page with a list of all possible games that are in our system. You need to select "Card Games".

After that, you will go to the section with a list of all possible card games, where you need to select "thousand".

Next, you will see a list of all created tables at the moment and the players sitting at them. You can join one of the opponents who is waiting for an opponent, take a look at one of the current games, or create your own table for the game.

How to join the game
The easiest way is to click on the yellow "Fast" button in the lower right part of the screen, then the system will automatically put you at a free table with a random opponent. If you want to sit down at the table with a certain player, then select the table at which there is free space (the image of an "empty", not filled-in man) and click the "Play" button at the bottom of the screen. After you and your opponent are ready to play, the game begins.

How to watch the current game
Select a table at which 2 or more people are seated (white filled outlines of a man) and click on the "Watch" button at the bottom of the screen.

How to create your own table
There are times when there are no free tables for the game or if you want to play only with your friends, then you need to create your own table. To do this, press the "Create" button at the bottom of the page.

A window will open in which you will need to configure your preferred game parameters. If you want to play with your friend, then in the "Type of table" select "Private" and come up with a password that will need to be communicated to your friend. Now only the person who knows the password will be able to join the game with you.

All the best and enjoyable game! For any questions, please contact the support service through the "Support" button in the lower right corner of the game page.

Learn more about the 1000 online card game - how to play it to win

Nowadays, the Internet is developed everywhere, almost every home has a computer and the Internet. This was beneficial for those who like to play cards, because now there is no need to look for a rival among friends, relatives or acquaintances. It is enough to visit our website and play any card game online, for example, a thousand. Why exactly in it? This is because this game has recently gained immense popularity due to the simplicity and easy memorability of its rules, as well as huge excitement and interest from users.

The card game "thousand" is a type of so-called "preference games" and is a bribe game for 2, 3 or even 4 players. The goal is to score a thousand points. A feature of the game is the use of "margins" (this is when you have a queen and a king of the same suit in your hands). Marriages allow you to "praise" (in other words, to appoint) a trump suit.

How the game begins: as a rule, 2 players play in a thousand, in some cases their number can reach three or four. The meaning of the game is as follows: it is necessary to score 1000 game points or more by means of bribes. The winner of the game is the one who was the first to score this amount of points.

Actually, purely theoretically, this game can go on without end and edge. However, in practice, due to some factors of randomness, luck and skill of the players, the game party still has a logical conclusion, and it lasts on average from 30 minutes to several hours. By prior agreement between the players, after the next game, you can not shuffle the deck, but simply move it and start dealing.

Dear users, we want to remind you that in our gaming system you can play 1000 online for free with live players via the Internet without registering - for this, click the "enter guest" button. The beauty of our system is that here you can play not with a computer, but with a living person, whose actions defy logic, unlike a computer. Here you can play with your friend or acquaintance, and with a complete stranger from any corner of our planet.

Play on Games24.Ru, win and gain experience, applying it in the next games against stronger opponents. May luck always be on your side!

Card Game Thousand - Rules

The number of players per thousand - from 2 to 4 people. The whole point of the card game Thousand is to try to score such a number of points through bribes that it exceeds 1000. Whoever is the first to reach the total number of points equal to 1000 or more is the winner in the game.

How can you play this game:

Card game Thousand - rules of the game

The game has 24 cards, 4 suits, 6 cards per suit in ascending order of seniority: Nine, Jack, Queen, King, Ten, Ace.

When calculating points in tricks, the following denominations are used: Nine - 0 points, Jack - 2 points, Queen - 3 points, King - 4 points, Ten - 10 points, Ace - 11 points. The sum of the denominations of all cards participating in the game is 120 points. The sum of the denominations of cards in one suit is 30 points. For one round (round) it is possible to take from 0 to 300 points.

Marriage denominations (queen and king):

  • Hearts - 100 points
  • Diamonds - 80 points
  • Cross - 60 points
  • Peak - 40 points

The first dealer is drawn by lot. At the beginning of each next round, the deal goes to the one sitting to the left of the dealer. After shuffling the cards, the dealer must let the player sitting on his right hand move the cards. The dealer has the right to look at the last card in the deck (when dealing it goes to him): if it is a nine, then the dealer has the right to ask to "re-move" (in the case of a three-fold drop of a nine, the shifting player is charged a penalty of 120 points); if it is a jack, then the dealer can put it in the middle of the deck - it is forbidden to move it after that.

The distribution is carried out on one card. The first card is dealt to the player to the left of the dealer. During the deal, you need to put three cards in the buy-in. It is forbidden to put the first and last three cards in the buy-in.

If the player has 4 nines in his hands (3 nines on a "hundred") or less than 14 points, the player can ask partners to re-deal cards. Also, retaking occurs if there are less than 5 points in the buy-in.

Trading and the course of the game

At the beginning of the round, 7 cards are dealt to each player, three cards remain in the draw. Further, the bidding for the buy-in begins.
The player in a thousand sitting to the left of the dealer is always "obliged" to gain 100 points in the game ("sitting on a hundred"), if none of the opponents bought this right. A buyout taken "on a hundred" is not shown to other players.

The first to have the word is the player following "sitting on a hundred", clockwise. The player can either raise the bet or say "pass", refusing to trade further. The bid step must be a multiple of 5 points. The maximum possible bet of a player cannot exceed the sum of all card points (120) and all margins on his hand. The maximum possible bet value is 300 points. The player who has set the maximum bet among all the participants wins the bidding (the rest said pass), gets the right to the first move and takes the buyback.

  • If the player at this stage sees that he cannot collect the bet indicated during the trade, he can paint the game, receiving a penalty equal to the bet made during the trade; opponents receive 60 points.

After evaluating 10 cards that are in the player's hands, the player must give one card he does not need to each of the opponents. After handing over the cards to the opponents, the player who ordered the game has the right to raise the bet (this often makes sense, because after a successful drawing he will receive only the ordered number of points, not the number of points scored) and make the first move.

The announcement of the margin is possible only during its own move, starting from the second, i.e. Marriage can be declared with at least one bribe in hand. In this case, the announcer receives points in accordance with the value of the margin and sets the trump card of the corresponding suit. The first move immediately with one of the margin cards is admissible, but the announcement of the margin and trump card does not occur. Margin announcement also does not occur if the player has thrown off one of the Margin cards before the announcement.

  • The priority of the whistlers' moves: suit, trump, any card.

After 3 players have laid their cards, the player who has laid out the highest card takes the bribe, and the right to move goes to him. After the round, each player's score is calculated. The points are made up of the denominations of the cards that the player took during the round and the denominations announced by the player by the margins. The player who ordered the game receives a number of points equal to the amount of the order: with a plus if it is completed, with a minus in case of a shortage. The whistlers receive the actual number of points scored. The player who did not take a single trick receives a "bolt"; if the player scored three bolts, then he is penalized by 120 points.

When the total amount of points of the player reaches 880 points, the accrual of further points to him stops, the player sits on the "barrel". The player on the "barrel" must score more than 120 points at once to exceed 1000. Three attempts are given (three rounds). You can win the game only if you order (winning the bargaining) and fulfill the order for more than 120 points (in some types of rules, it is enough to score 120 points). If all three attempts do not reach the goal, the player is thrown off the barrel, receives a 120-point penalty and a record of one unplayed barrel. Three unplayed barrels zero out the points of this player.

If another player climbs onto the "barrel", then the one sitting on the barrel is thrown from it with a penalty of 120 points. If several players hit the barrel at the same time, then they all roll off with a penalty of 120 points.

Additional options for the rules of the game in a thousand

Ace margin (4 aces), nominal value of 200 points, can operate in the game. This margin is subject to the rules of regular margin, i.e. it cannot be declared on the first move.

There are variants of the game when the condition of trading is stipulated when the player has negative points. In this case, if the player scored game points less than specified (for example, below -120), then automatically says pass when trading until he scores more than this limit.

When any player reaches 555 points after the next round, his points are reset to zero.

At the trading stage, you can place an order blindly, without looking at your cards. The winner of the trade in the dark does not show the partners the buy-in. The result of this change is doubled.

In the first three rounds, players must forcibly place an order of 120. In this case, the entire count of these parties is multiplied by two, similar to playing the dark game.

A thousand together

When playing a thousand together, two buyouts are created. The winner of the bargaining chooses one of the buyouts at random, and the second buyback goes to the player who took the last trick in the drawing.

The second feature of a thousand for three is that one of the discarded cards goes into the remaining buy-in.

One thousand four

In a thousand-four-player game, the dealer sits on the buy-in and watches the game. In the total score of the round, he writes to his account the points equal to the sum of the points in the stock (if there is a margin in the stock, then its nominal value is also recorded).

Now it's time to get acquainted with another cool game. This is a card game 1000 (Thousand). As long as I remember her, she has always been very popular, because she is very gambling and the rules are simple. Easy to remember. By the way, the game "Thousand" is a kind of old French marijage!

You can buy marked cards for the game of 1000

The rules of the game of 1000

So let's break down the rules of the 1000 game.

So how do you play Thousand? The game can be played by two to four people. To play, you need to get a deck of 32 cards.

Let's deal with the cards themselves right away. More precisely, with their face value.


Ace - 11 0

Ten - 10 points

King - 4 points

Lady - 3 points

Jack - 2 points

Nine - 0 points

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The so-called marriages are of particular value in the game. Mariage is a king and a queen of the same suit. Each marriage has its own value. Hearts-100 points, diamonds-80 points, clubs-60 points and spades-40 points. Also present in the game Ace Marriage (when all 4 aces are in hand) - 200 points

The game itself is about getting 1000 points or more the fastest. So what are the rules of the 1000 game?

How to play? Glasses announcements.

Now let's take a closer look at the rules of the game. Fortunately, they are lightweight.

Let's analyze the rules of the game for three people. The dealer is determined by drawing lots. He deals cards one by one to each player, but in the process of dealing, he must put 3 cards aside. Important! You cannot put the first or last card of the deck into the buy-in.

Players look at their cards and estimate how many points they can take on them. The player to the left of the dealer starts. You can only declare in numbers divisible by 5.

The minimum number of points is negotiated immediately. Everywhere is different. Someone has a minimum number of 50, and someone has 100.

So friends, take into account this moment. The next player can add 5 points, regardless of how many good or bad cards he has.

The player who pledges to score the most points takes the buyback.


The player who took the buy must show it to his opponents, and then discard any two cards. He can fold these two cards either face-down or face-down. These cards are dealt to the opponents one by one. After such a replacement, he can still increase the number of points, but not decrease.

If he scores more than the announced number, then only the declared points are recorded, and if less, then the declared points are recorded with a minus. That is, they are deducted from those previously recruited. Players' points are rounded up. For example, a player scored 37 points, then they will be rounded down, that is, they will write 35, if he scored 38, then already in a large, i.e. 40 points.

If he scored 31, then 30, if 33, then 35 points. I think the meaning is clear.

Who goes first and how to beat the cards?

The game is started by the player with the highest entry or by playing the compulsory game (Golden Knight). He comes in with any of his cards, and the rest also play with their cards.

The player who played the highest card or trump card takes the trick. At the beginning, the game is played without trump cards until the first margin is announced.

This player also starts the next turn. It is necessary to answer with exactly the same suit that you entered, and it is desirable that the cards were of greater value. If the player does not have the required suit, then he must trump. If there is no trump card, hit with any card.


The card game 1000 differs in one more "trick". Margins are extremely important in the game (King + Queen of the same suit). If a player has margins on his hand, then he has the right to declare them only after taking a bribe.

After the announcement of the margin (the word "She", "Praise", "Trump"), his score value is recorded with a plus sign. And the suit of marriage determines the trump card. That is, until the first marriage there is a game without trump cards.

I think it is clear that the trump suit changes with every margin. And it can even change four times at a time. For example, a heartbreak was announced. This means that hearts will be the trump card until someone announces the next margin.

After the knight is played, the points are counted, and the last one who took the bribe is credited with another 10 points for the last bribe. The amount of margins, if any, is added to this amount.

The player who announced the highest bribe must reach the announced amount, or receive a minus, and the opponents round their bribes to the nearest five.


Well, I wrote everything according to the rules. Card Game 1000 contains several nuances.

  1. When the cards are shuffled before the stake, they must be shifted.
  2. The dealer has the right to look at the last card. She, as you understand, will get him.
  3. If there is a nine, he has the right to ask to re-move the cards. In the case of three drops of these cards, the shifter is mercilessly recorded 120 penalty points.
  4. If the Jack falls out as the last card, then it is allowed to be removed to the deck and after that the cards cannot be shifted.
  5. During the distribution of cards, it is forbidden to put the first and last cards in the buy-in.

He seems to have told everything that he knew. If there are any additions, write, I will gladly supplement the text. Good luck and success in hard card battles.

I advise: ,