Christmas wish for the birth of a child. Fortune telling for Christmas by wish - simple ways

  • 11.10.2019

Christmas and the time before Epiphany are the most magical days of the year. This period of time is called Christmastide. The period among our ancestors is considered the ideal time to find out your future and make wishes.

But in order for your Christmas wish to come true, it is important to know how to make it correctly. In this article we will talk about how to make a wish for Christmas so that it comes true. What rituals will help you find love or gain wealth?

Fulfillment of desires

Many people are interested in exactly how to make a wish for Christmas. After all, you can wish for anything and it will definitely come true. So, you need to take a bag made of green fabric, and inside put as many needles from the Christmas tree as you are full years old. But don't just throw the needles into a bag. Hold each one in your hands, give it a piece of your energy, tell it about your desires. Remember the day you put the needles in the bag. Because next year on the same day we need to deliver the needles and look at them. Needles that have turned yellow will not make your wish come true, so bury them in the ground. But the green needles should be placed in a saucer of water, then you should wash your hands with this water. The remaining water must be taken out of the threshold along with the needles. Now you can make a wish again - after all, the night favorable for the ritual has arrived again.

Another option is how to make a wish at Christmas to make it come true. We need to make a multi-colored candle. To do this, you just need to buy candles of different colors, melt them in a bowl, and then make a candle from the wax. Pay the most attention to a candle of your favorite color. Think that each color will bring good luck, and a colored candle will help make your wish come true. Write your wish on paper and light a candle, then burn the paper in the flame.

Strengthening the family

If your wish is to strengthen your family, then this ritual will help, like making a wish at Christmas, to make it come true. You need to prepare magic salt from several kilograms of ordinary salt. You just need to heat it well in the oven and make sure that the salt does not change its color. Then remove the salt from the oven and read the Lord's Prayer forty times. After this, store the salt in a closed container and pour a little into the salt shaker. Salt charmed in this way at Christmas will strengthen the health and spirit of the family.

Youth and beauty

On Christmastide, you can also think not only about your family, but also about your loved one. To carry out this ritual, you need to use a decoction of linden, calendula and chamomile. To prepare such a decoction, you need to add three tablespoons of leaves of each herb to three liters of water. Cool the broth to room temperature and add a tablespoon of honey and salt, as well as the heads of your favorite flowers. Now you need to bend low over the broth and say three times: “How fresh and aromatic, how pleasant this water is, so I will always be young and beautiful, everyone will love me.” On Christmas morning you need to douse yourself with this decoction.

Financial well-being

The ritual is carried out with the onset of Christmas and the beginning of the Yuletide period. You need to take care in advance to find a small pot of clay. Each participant in the ritual must have coins in her wallet. At the bottom of the peas you need to put a note in which to write that the money is coming and coming. Next, you need to pour clay into the pot, cover its neck with green cloth and tie it in eight knots with green thread. When tying the pot, you must constantly say that the money is coming. Next, you need to drop water on the fabric according to the number of members in your family. It is clear that you need to store the happy pot throughout the year.

But the most important thing about making a wish at Christmas is to believe that your wish will definitely come true. Keep it in your head constantly, make efforts to fulfill your desire. You can even imagine how your wish came true, how you feel after that, how happy you are. This kind of dream visualization, constant visualization, will definitely help. The forces of the Christmas period will only intensify the magic. We wish that in 2015 all your wishes come true, and that your dreams become reality!

By the way, at Christmas it is customary to guess. If you want to lift the veil of secrecy over your future, take a look

How many times during one day do we desire one thing or another? But each of us has one, or maybe two, deepest desires. Christmas night is a night of miracles. At this time, the most unexpected, the most desired things come true. With his faith, a person can change his life, enter the path of peace, love, luck, goodness, and health.

and what should you know?

Things to remember when making a wish for Christmas

1. Start any desire with gratitude. Thank God for the light he gives us, for life, for love.

2. Desire must bring good. To humanity, to oneself, to the world around us. Your desire should not cause harm or pain to anyone. Otherwise, you will end up hurting yourself.

3. Think over your desire in advance, formulate it. It should not contain the particle “not”. Don’t say “I don’t want to get sick!”, say “I defeated the disease!”

4. A wish made on Christmas Eve is believed to come true within a year. Consider it to have come true. Let the wish itself sound as if it has come true, do not be afraid to believe in your happiness.

5. Make your dream on Christmas night from January 6 to 7. The best time is 3 am. If you see a shooting star, it is a sign from above. Everything will be the way you want.

6. Try to formulate a specific desire, do not get confused in the little things, choose priorities.

7. And lastly. After completing the ritual, making a wish, forget about it for a while. The angels heard you, be patient, everything will come true.

The color of desire

To fulfill any desire, symbolism and rituals are of great importance. The color scheme, the flame of a candle and, of course, faith can create a miracle. Especially on a night like this.

It is believed that green color symbolizes health and material well-being, blue will give you the opportunity to relax, relax, travel, red, as you guessed, will give you love, pink will support the spirit of romanticism in you.

Choose the right color candle, thread and paper. Write your wish on a piece of paper. Drip a lit candle onto the sheet with the wish. Tie the leaf with threads and keep it next to you, among the things close to you.

Morning prayer

Good come, bad go

On Christmas night, the forces of good are revealed. Find a secluded place. You will need darkness and a red candle. Stand in front of a window, look at the night sky and cover your eyes with your palms. Imagine something that you would like to get rid of. Don't forget: your wishes should not harm others! Move your palms away from you. Then, open your eyes again, look at the sky, close. Imagine what you would like to add to your life, wave your hand towards yourself. Light a red candle, look at the sky, inhale a handful of spiritual happiness and warmth. Let the candle burn out completely.


Place two mirrors parallel to each other. Place a lit candle near one mirror. If you can sit so that you can see an endless row of candles in the mirror, you can safely make wishes. While the candle is burning!

Christmas is the best time for magical rituals and ceremonies!
Therefore, do not miss the wonderful chance to try for yourself the powerful magical power of that holy day when baby Jesus was born.

Moreover, many folk Christmas rituals are very simple and do not require much preparation.
But they may well attract good luck and prosperity for the whole year to you. If, of course, you carry them out with sincere faith and the best intentions.

How to make wishes so that they come true 100%

Christmas Eve Cleansing Ritual

Christmas Eve is Christmas Eve, also called Kolyada. Even if you haven't fasted for forty days, try to exercise moderation and limit your food intake on Christmas Eve. Prepare it juicy (this can be any grains steamed in water). Do not eat any other food until the Star of Bethlehem appears. Our ancestors believed that such a “hunger” ritual cleanses not only the body, but also the soul. You get rid of sins, are filled with positive energy, together with Christ, preparing yourself for a new spiritual birth.

Rite of well-being

In ancient times, before Christmas, they always knitted sheaves of straw. Since ancient times, straw has been considered a symbol of good luck and prosperity. She is also credited with the ability to ward off evil spirits. That is why in the old days straw scarecrows were installed in the fields, and not at all in order to fight annoying birds. Of course, you are unlikely to knit sheaves. But it is quite possible to place a small bunch of straw tied with a ribbon in the center of the Christmas table. Such a simple ritual will attract good luck and money to your home. You can also spread hay under the tablecloth that covers the Christmas table.

Ritual to attract good luck

Luck will leave your home if there are an odd number of people sitting at the Christmas table. Of course, counting guests is sometimes very difficult, but there is a way out. Perform this ritual. To attract good luck, be sure to place an even number of beautifully decorated cutlery on the table, no matter how many people you are expecting for the Christmas meal.

Ritual for a well-fed year

To make the year full, put 13 different dishes on the Christmas table. Be sure to try each of them. What remains is wrapped in beautiful napkins and taken outside. Treat everyone, acquaintances and strangers.

At Christmas, it is customary not only to perform rituals and ceremonies, but also to make wishes.
It is best to make wishes on Christmas night, immediately after the appearance of the Star of Bethlehem.
You don't have to say your wish out loud. Even if you speak mentally, you will be heard.

The main thing is not to bother the Higher Powers with trifling desires (you can buy a new refrigerator anyway) and ask for what you want with all your heart!

The best rites and rituals for fulfilling wishes that are performed on Christmas night

Christmas ritual to make wishes come true

On Christmas night, Angels fly over the earth and make wishes come true. The most, most cherished. You just need to ask them about it when you go to bed. Desires must be sincere and come from the heart.

On Christmas Day, before going to bed, make your deepest wishes, write them down on paper and place them on the windowsill.

And so that the Angels know exactly where they are most expected, you also need to put a lit candle on the window or hang a Christmas star.

Even if just for one night - a night of magic and light.

Christmas rituals for good luck and health

1). 6th January.

Spell for healing.

There are days on which they create (make) amulets for their family. The birth towel also belongs to this amulet.

On January 6, on the eve of the birthday of Jesus Christ, they buy a new linen towel and charm it for healing from various, including serious, diseases. If later in the family someone gets sick, then this towel should be used to wipe the patient, and he will definitely recover.


In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
I speak from 77 ailments,
From any pain, from the torment of the night,
Feigned dryness, from traveling cancer,
An epileptic fit,
From damage, from night cramps.
The Mother of God washed her Son,
I wiped it with a linen towel.
God bless my flax too.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Whom I (name) will wipe with this flax,
From then on I will erase all 77 ailments.
Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Millions and millions of people lived on earth. But among them there was not one like Jesus Christ. Just think about it, because absolutely everyone remembers His birthday and everyone sincerely rejoices on this wonderful day, repeating with sincere love His name and the name of His Mother, who gave us eternal life and salvation through Her Son.
The one who washes himself this morning, having said three times before:
The Savior was born, the light of the world appeared.
I too (name) will be saved through Jesus Christ.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen, -
will gain not only mental, but also physical strength. Sick people, by doing this, recover.

According to a secret custom, on the second day of Christmas you need to go out into the street at exactly three o'clock in the morning, raise your hands to the sky and say:

Open up, holy sky,
Give me golden happiness.
How many clear stars do you have, my dear,
I wish (name) had so many happy tears.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Christmas rituals to make wishes come true

1). From January 7, every morning, as soon as you wake up, repeat your cherished desire, you can mentally visualize it.

And so on for 40 days. This period is called PEACE.
The Light Forces of the Universe help make our dreams come true. On the 40th day you need to feed the birds with bread crumbs.

2). On the night of January 7, draw an angel and cut it out of paper. Make a wish and draw one eye for the angel. It is very important! Hide the angel figurine. You will complete the second eye for the angel when you see and feel that your wish is being fulfilled. The ritual is very effective.

3). Christmas (January 7) is the time of fulfillment of our hopes.
At 3am on Christmas Day the sky opens. If you have a desire, go outside at the right time and looking at the sky, pray to Heaven to help you. You can only ask for yourself and not make wishes that could harm someone (you shouldn’t make a wish for a specific man either, you don’t know what the highest good is for this person)! Although I once asked for the healing of another person - and God help me
This night is truly magical - if you make a wish for Christmas while looking into the open sky, it will definitely come true!

4). On the afternoon of January 7, light a candle in front of the icon of Jesus Christ and repeat the prayer about your desire.

5). On Christmas night, find time to be alone and go outside, where it is dark.

If this is difficult to do, then stand alone by a window in a dark room. Listen to the sounds of the night, look into the depths of the starry sky, mentally connect with the Universe. At this moment there is no one nearby - you are alone with the Universe.

Now mentally keep in mind everything that you would like to receive next year. Set clear goals. Also focus on what you want to get rid of (or who). Be prepared to accept everything that comes after the fulfillment of these desires.

Covering your eyes with your palm, quietly list what you want to get rid of - and throw it away from yourself with your hand into the depths of the sky. Then, in the same way, covering your palm, list what you want to receive and throw these desires into Space.

And the third, important stage: upon entering the house, light a red candle. Place it in a place where it can safely burn to completion. Leave the candle to burn completely. It will serve as a beacon that attracts the realization of desires

Christmas magic to make wishes come true

They say that it is on the night of Christmas that something magical happens... as if magical forces descend on the Earth. It is on Christmas night and during Epiphany that all rituals come true much faster than on other days. Here is one such ritual:

At Christmas, you can ask fate to fulfill one of your most cherished wishes next year. You need to write this desire on a piece of paper and take a small candle. It is better to choose the color of the candle depending on the type of desire.

If the desire concerns love affairs, then you should definitely take a red candle; if you want to attract good health or material wealth, then take a green candle.

  • Blue candles (both in this spell and in general) are good for fatigue,
  • yellow - relieves stress,
  • brown - bring health,
  • pink represents romance and hobbies,
  • white ones are used mainly for fortune telling,
  • purple will help remove damage and heal a person,
  • Blue candles are also used when reading prayers to remove damage, and also help strengthen a certain aspect of a person’s personality and cure a serious illness.

If the candle is initially large, it is better to trim it, since you will need to light it and, if possible, drip all the wax onto a piece of paper with a wish written on it. After this, you need to take a thread the color of the used candle and, folding the leaf into a square, tie it with this thread.

You should carry this package with you throughout the next year, because this little trick lasts for exactly a year and promises the fulfillment of your intended desire during this period.

Ritual to achieve a goal (for Christmas)

The ritual, simple to perform, but very effective in its occult power, will help you achieve your desired, cherished goal in the new year, fulfill everything that you have been dreaming about for so long and what you selflessly expect.

At the bottom of a deep plate (it should be without any drawings), use a green marker to reproduce the symbol below.

At 24 hours (on the night from January 6 to 7), pour a little holy water into a plate and immediately take it outside (to the yard or to the open balcony), let it sit until the morning.

Immediately after sunrise, bring it into the house (apartment). Light a small (thin) church candle and move it over the plate (clockwise), while reading the plot twelve times: “The Savior was born, the world was transformed, Salvation was found, the solution came.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, help, help the slave (your name) solve the matter, achieve the goal, break through the obstacles. Let (briefly state the essence of the problem you want to solve) be decided according to Your word. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Place the candle in a candlestick and let it burn to the end. And wash yourself thoroughly with water before you leave the house for the first time on January 7 (for any business).

On the bright holiday of Christmas, it is customary to make wishes that must certainly come true within a year. If you believe in miracles, try asking God for your secret on Christmas Eve.

You will need: - a sheet of paper; - candles; - thread.
1) The wish should be made on the night of January 6-7 (or from December 24-25 if you belong to the Catholic or Protestant church). Moreover, it is not necessary to do this exactly at midnight - you can make wishes throughout the magical Christmas night.
2) What you ask also matters. On this bright holiday, you should not wish for material benefits for yourself, especially if there is no urgent need for them, and even more so wish harm to other people. Ask for happiness, health, peace, meeting true love, the birth of a child. Desires should be formulated in the present tense and be sure to thank God for them. For example, you could say, “This year I will meet the man of my dreams and he will propose to me. Thank you, Lord, for this." Such a wish will certainly come true. It would also be appropriate to wish health and happiness to your loved ones. However, you should not wish for the love of a specific person. You cannot control his fate and you do not know whether your relationship will be good for him.
3) It's best if you make a wish in church. However, don't be discouraged if you don't get to go to the service. It is believed that the sky opens at three o'clock on the night before Christmas. Go outside and say your desire, raising your head up. It will certainly reach the addressee.
4) Write your wish on a small piece of paper and take a candle. Its color depends on the nature of your request. A red candle is suitable for fulfilling love wishes. For requests for health or improvement of material well-being - green, for rest - blue. Light a candle and drip all the wax onto a piece of paper with a wish. After that, take a thread of the same color as the candles and tie a note with it. You should carry the envelope with you all year, and during this time your dream will definitely come true.

Surely you have heard that thoughts materialize. And indeed it is. But this happens not due to magic, but according to the laws of psychology. For wishes to come true, you need to formulate them correctly.
The more clearly you define what exactly you want, the better. Don't use negatives: don't think about what you don't want, only about what you do want. For example, not “I don’t want to get sick,” but “I want to be healthy,” not “I don’t want to be fat,” but “I want to be slim.” Detailing.
For example, you want to lose weight. Now you need to imagine in every detail how this will happen. On a piece of paper, write something like an essay on this topic, that you have become slim, walk on the beach in a swimsuit without embarrassment, feel better, and stores always have your new small size.
Present tense.
Experts have divided opinions on this matter, but many of them recommend formulating the desire not in the future tense, but in the present - as if you already have it. For example, not “I want to get a job”, but “I’m on the way to getting a job”, i.e. your wish is already beginning to come true.
Expanding boundaries.
You shouldn’t formulate your desire as “I’m on the way to buying a car.” What if you win a car in the lottery, or someone close to you decides to give it to you? Therefore, it is better not to impose restrictions in the form of “I want to buy it, find it, return it,” etc. Who knows which way the desired item will get to you.
After completing the stages, imagine yourself in the future, in which your wish has come true. For example, you wanted a new apartment: imagine how you live in it, wake up in the morning, get ready for work, greet guests, etc. Imagine in all details the interior of this apartment, what surrounds you, who is next to you. Imagine this every day.
Remember that a wish is not fulfilled by magic, and therefore it takes time to fulfill it. You shouldn’t expect that tomorrow or within a week you will suddenly go on a tour of Europe. Just continue to perfect your desire: formulate, detail and imagine.
The main thing here is not to miss your chance. After all, it is quite likely that you will be offered the job of your dreams, or a handsome man will come up to meet you, and for some reason you will be scared and refuse. Don't be afraid and always take your chance.