Meaning grammatical meaning in the dictionary of linguistic terms.

  • 14.10.2019



Subject of morphology

Morphology (from the Greek morphe - form and logos - study) is the grammatical study of words. The word is the main object of morphology. Morphology studies the grammatical properties of words, establishes what grammatical meanings certain words and classes of words have, and identifies the specifics of grammatical categories for words belonging to different parts of speech. For example, both nouns and adjectives have the categories of gender, number and case. However, for nouns these categories are independent, and for adjectives they are syntactically determined, depending on the gender, number and case of the noun with which the adjective is combined (cf.: big house, big house, big house and so on.; the big one is ours; large building; big houses and so on.).

The tasks of morphology include determining the range of words that have one or another grammatical category. Grammatical categories either cover the entire lexical base of a certain part of speech, or apply only to the main body of words belonging to it. So, nouns pluralia tantum (scissors, twilight, yeast etc.) do not have a gender category, impersonal verbs do not have a “person category.” One of the most important tasks of morphology is to identify and describe the specific functioning of grammatical categories in the vocabulary of various parts of speech.

Morphology establishes the composition of the grammatical forms of various types of words, reveals the rules for changing words, and distributes words according to types of declension and conjugation.

Morphology includes the study of parts of speech. It examines the semantic and formal features of words of various categories, develops criteria and rules for classifying words by parts of speech, determines the range of words for each part of speech, establishes a system of parts of speech, studies the lexical and grammatical features of words of each part of speech, and identifies patterns of interaction between parts of speech.

Grammatical meanings of words

A word is a complex unity of lexical and grammatical meanings. For example, the word lamp stands for "lighting or heating device of various devices." This is its lexical meaning. Into the semantic content of the word lamp also includes feminine, nominative and singular meanings. These are its grammatical meanings.

The lexical meaning of a word is an individual semantic feature that distinguishes it from other words. Even words that are close in meaning (cf.: lamp, lamp, lantern) have different lexical meanings. Lamp -“a small vessel with a wick, filled with oil and lit in front of the icons”; flashlight has three meanings: 1) “a lighting device in the form of a glass ball, a box with glass walls”; 2) special: “a glass skylight in the roof, as well as a glazed projection in the building”; 3) figurative: “bruise from a beating, from a contusion.”

Grammatical meanings are characteristic of a whole class of words. Thus, the meanings of the feminine gender, singular number, nominative case unite the words lamp, water, fish, room, mermaid, thought and others, which have nothing in common in their lexical meanings. Wed. also: 1) I run, I fly, I read, I lift, I write, I jump; 2) sang, drew, read, thought, danced, shot; 3) run, read, take, fly, wipe, buy. The words of the first row denote different processes, but they all express the grammatical meanings of the 1st person, singular. The words of the second row are united by the meanings of the past tense, singular, masculine. gender, words of the third row - with the meanings of the imperative mood, units. numbers. Thus, grammatical meaning is an abstract meaning, abstracted from the lexical content of a word and inherent in a whole class of words.

Grammatical meanings are not unique. One grammatical meaning necessarily presupposes the presence of another (or others), homogeneous and correlative with it. For example, the singular number implies the plural (bird - birds, nagi - pasha); the meaning of the imperfect form is paired with the meaning of the perfect form (take off- remove, accept - accept); meaning to them pad. enters into relationships with all other case meanings.

Grammatical meanings are not isolated from lexical ones. They seem to be layered on the lexical (real, material) meanings of words and rely on them. Therefore, they are often called accompanying. Thus, the grammatical meanings of gender, number and -case in a noun book accompany its lexical meaning; grammatical meanings of the 3rd person, units. numbers, nes. aspect in verb draws based on its lexical meaning. A. A. Shakhmatov wrote about this: “The grammatical meaning of a linguistic form is opposed to its real meaning. The real meaning of a word depends on its correspondence as a verbal sign to one or another phenomenon of the external world. The grammatical meaning of a word is the meaning it has in relation to other words. The real meaning connects the word directly with the outside world, the grammatical meaning connects it primarily with other words."

Grammatical meanings reflect either certain features of phenomena in the external world, or the attitude of the speaker to the thought he expresses, or intralingual connections and relationships between words. They, notes A. A. Shakhmatov, “can be based (1) partly on phenomena given in the external world: for example, plural. h. birds depends on the fact that we mean the idea of ​​not one, but several birds... (2) Partially, the accompanying meanings are based on the speaker’s subjective attitude to a certain phenomenon: for example, I walked means the same action as me I'm walking but taking place, according to the speaker, in the past tense... (3) Partially, finally, the accompanying meanings are based... on a formal, external reason given in the word itself: thus, the feminine gender of the word book depends only on the fact that it ends in -a.”

The word is one of the basic units of grammar. A word combines its sound matter and its meaning – lexical and grammatical.

Grammatical meaning -generalized, abstract linguistic meaning inherent in a number of words, word forms and syntactic structures, finding its regular (standard) expression in the language, for example, the meaning of the case of nouns, verb tense, etc.

The grammatical meaning is contrasted with the lexical meaning, which is devoid of regular (standard) expression and does not necessarily have an abstract character.

Criteria for distinguishing lexical and grammatical meanings:

2. LZ is individual for each word (is this always true?), and GZ is typical for a whole group of words with different LZ, for example, nouns.

3. LZ remains the same in all forms of the word, GZ changes in different forms of the word.

4. When the LZ changes, new words are formed, and when the GZ changes, new forms of words are formed.

A characteristic feature of grammatical meaning is also recognized standardity, regularity of way of expression. In most cases, meanings traditionally classified as grammatical are actually directly expressed using fairly regular and standard means of expression.

Grammatical forms and grammatical categories. Grammatical formthis is a form of a word in which the grammatical meaning finds its regular (standard) expression. Within the grammatical form, the means of expressing grammatical meanings are special grammatical indicators (formal indicators).

Grammatical categorya system of opposed series of grammatical forms with homogeneous meanings. A necessary feature of a grammatical category is the unity of meaning and its expression in the system of grammatical forms as two-way linguistic units.

The concept of a grammatical category is closely related to the concept of grammatical meaning. In this regard, any grammatical category is a combination of two or more grammatical meanings. On the other hand, it is known that each grammatical meaning has its own way of expression or grammatical form (or a series of forms).

a) inflectional – manifest themselves in the process of forming the forms of a given word (for example, case and number of Russian nouns, gender and number of French adjectives, mood and tense of the verb);

b) classification categories are inherent in a given word in all its forms and relate it to a class of similar words.

Members of classification categories are represented by different words, for example, the category of gender of nouns in Russian ‘table’ – masculine gender, ‘desk’ feminine gender, ‘window’ – neuter. genus.

33. Means of expressing grammatical meanings.

I. Synthetic products

1. Affixation consists of using affixes to express grammatical meaning: books; read-l-i; mәktәp-lәr. Affixes are service morphemes.

2. Suppletivism. By suppletivism we mean the expression of grammatical meaning by a word with a different stem: I go - walked (GZ past tense), person - people (GZ plural), we - us (GZ R. or V.p), I - me, good - best.

Words with different roots are combined into one grammatical pair. Their LZ is one and the same, and the difference serves to express the GZ.

3. Reduplication(repetition) consists of complete or partial repetition of parts of a word to express grammatical meaning. Yes, in Malay orang – ‘ Human' , orang-orang –'People' .

4. Alternation(internal inflection) is a use. changes in sounds. root composition to express grammatical meaning: ‘avoid – avoid’; ‘collect – collect’; ‘sing – sang’.

II. Analytical tools –

GZs receive their expression outside the main word, often in other words.

1. Function words can be used for express.GZ: I will read (weekend time), I would read (conventional mood).

We went to the cafe (V.p.). – We were leaving the cafe (R.p.).

2. Word order.The house (I.p.) obscured the forest (V.p.). – The forest (I.p.) obscured the house (V.p.).

Particularly important, for example, for isolating languages.

The material means of expressing grammatical meaning is not always segmental, i.e. consisting of a chain (linear sequence) of phonemes. It can be supersegmental, i.e. can be superimposed on the segment chain.

3. Accent: hands (I. and V. p. plural) – hands (R. p. singular).

4. Intonation:You will go! - You will go?

Thus, in Russian adjectives we distinguish three forms: ‘ big-big-big’. They express masculine, feminine and neuter meanings. This gives us grounds to assert that the adjectives of the Russian language are characterized by the grammatical category of gender.

The grammatical meaning (plan of content) and the formal indicator of this meaning (plan of expression) form a grammatical sign - a grammatical form, a gramme. Grammemaa component of a grammatical category, which in its meaning represents a specific concept in relation to the grammatical category as a generic concept.

A grammeme can have multiple meanings.

The plural gramme of nouns in Russian has the meaning: set ‘ tables’, ‘trees’; varieties ‘ oils’, ‘wine’; a large number of ' snow', 'sand'.

The languages ​​of the world differ in the number and composition of grammatical categories. Each language is characterized by its own set of grammatical categories, grammes and grammatical ways of expressing grammatical meaning. When comparing the grammatical structure of languages, one should take into account

the following criteria:

Presence/absence of a corresponding grammatical category;

Number of grammes of a grammatical category;

Ways of expressing grammatical meanings of a given grammatical category;

Word categories with which this grammatical category is associated

34. Methods of linguistics

General scientific methods.

Humanity is accumulating research techniques that help identify the hidden specifics of an object. Methods of scientific research are being formed.

Method– the path and method of cognition of an object, depending on the properties of the object, aspect and purpose of the study.

In linguistics there are:

general methods– generalized sets of theoretical principles, language research methods associated with a specific linguistic theory and methodology,

private– individual techniques, techniques, operations – technical means of studying a certain aspect of language.

Each method is based on the knowledge of objects and phenomena of objective reality, based on the properties of realities, but nevertheless it is a mental formation, one of the most important categories of subjective dialectics.

General scientific methods include observation, experiment, induction, analysis, synthesis.

Observation carried out in natural conditions on the basis of sensory perception of the objects of study. Observation concerns only the external side of phenomena; its results may be random and not reliable enough.

Experiment makes it possible to repeatedly reproduce observations in the process of deliberate and strictly controlled influences of the researcher on the object being studied.

Induction and deduction refer to intellectual ways of knowing. Induction is a generalization of the results of individual private observations. The data obtained as a result of experience is systematized, and a certain empirical law is derived.

Under analysis refers to the mental or experimental division of an object into its component parts or the isolation of the properties of an object for studying them separately. This is the basis for understanding the general through the individual. Synthesis- mental or experimental connection of the component parts of an object and its properties and the study of it as a whole. Analysis and synthesis are connected and mutually determined.

Particular methods of linguistics.

Comparative-historical method– a scientific method, with the help of which, through comparison, the general and special in historical phenomena are revealed, knowledge of the various historical stages of development of the same phenomenon or two different coexisting phenomena is achieved;

The comparative historical method is a set of techniques that allows one to prove the kinship of certain languages ​​and restore the most ancient facts of their history. The method was created in the 19th century, its founders were F. Bopp, J. Grimm, R. Rask, A. Kh. Vostokov.

Descriptive method– a system of research techniques used to characterize language phenomena at a given stage of its development; This is a method of synchronous analysis.

Comparative method– research and description of a language through its systematic comparison with another language in order to clarify its specificity. The method is aimed primarily at identifying differences between the two languages ​​being compared and is therefore also called contrastive. Underlies contrastive linguistics.

In modern linguistics, considerable attention is given to the study of linguistic phenomena statistical methods of mathematics.


Language is a set of words and the rules for their formation and change, as well as the rules for combining word forms in a sentence.

Language as a communication system ensures the transmission of various types of information. This includes information about objects, phenomena, states of affairs in external reality, and information about subjective acts of cognitive (cognitive) activity and personal experiences of the speaker, and information of a service nature concerning the methods used for constructing coherent speech and the characteristics of the behavior of the language units used in it and their options. Thus, our speech is not a mechanical collection of words. But to be understandable, you need not only to choose the words correctly, but also to put them in the appropriate grammatical form, skillfully connect and arrange the forms of words in a sentence.

The word is studied in different sections of linguistics, as it has a sound design, meaning, grammatical characteristics, that is, it combines the characteristics of different aspects of language.

A word is a two-way unity: it combines form (a certain sound or letter complex) and meaning. A sound or letter sequence becomes a word only when it acquires meaning. There are lexical and grammatical meanings.

Lexical meaning:

Lexical meaning is the content of a word, reflecting in the mind and consolidating in it the idea of ​​an object, property, process, phenomenon, etc.

The lexical community of words is, as a rule, contained in the root morpheme - the bearer of a conceptual idea. The lexical meaning, therefore, represents the semantic side of the word and is devoid of a standard (regular) expression. According to the classical definition of V.V. Vinogradov, the lexical meaning of a word is “subject-material content, designed according to the laws of grammar of a given language and is an element of the general semantic system of the dictionary of this language”

In the semantic structure of a word, as in other aspects of language, there are elements of the new, living, developing elements, and elements of the old, dying elements, receding into the past.

A word can have several free meanings, which directly reflect different objects and phenomena of reality (cf. cap - “headdress” and “heading in large font, common to several articles”).

1) an object for which a word is used (“a word is the most important structural and semantic unit of language, used to name objects, processes, properties” - the definition of a word proposed by O.S. Akhmanova);

2) sound shell (the following definition: a word is a sound or a complex of sounds that have meaning and are used in speech as an independent whole - A.V. Kalinin);

3) the concept of a named object that arises in the human mind (cf. a word is the shortest unit of language that expresses the concept of an object, process, phenomenon of reality, their properties or relationships between them - D.E. Rosenthal).

All three elements are interconnected, forming a so-called semantic triangle, the vertex of which is the phonetic shell of the word, and the two opposite corners are the subject and the concept. The phonetic shell of a word (i.e., the sequence of its sounds) is connected in the human mind and in the language system, on the one hand, with the object of reality (phenomenon, process, sign), and on the other, with the concept, with the idea of ​​this object. The concept is the basis for the formation of the meaning of a word.

The meaning of a word is the reflection in the word of an idea about an object (phenomenon, process, sign), this is a product of human mental activity. It is associated with such types of mental processes as comparison, classification, generalization.

The meaning of a word as its content is connected with the concept as a reflection in the human mind of objects and phenomena of the external world. In this sense, the dialectical unity of linguistic and extra-linguistic content is enshrined in the meaning of the word. The lexical meaning of a word is determined, therefore, through its correlation, on the one hand, with the corresponding concept, and on the other, with the rest of the words of the language, i.e. through its place in the lexical system of the language. Meaning and concept are therefore closely related to each other.

A concept is a category of logic and philosophy. It is “the result of generalization and identification of objects (or phenomena) of a certain class according to certain general and generally specific characteristics for them. From the point of view of linguistics, “a concept is a thought that reflects objects and phenomena of reality in a generalized form by fixing their properties and relationships.” Both definitions indicate the generalizing nature of this category, since the concept captures the most general and essential features of cognizable objects (for example, the concept of “man” captures such essential characteristics in the thinking of the cognizer as the ability to think, morally evaluate one’s actions, create complex tools, etc.). The concept expressed by a word corresponds not to a separate, specific object, but to a whole class of homogeneous objects, thus representing the highest form of generalization.

The meaning of a word can be broader than the concept, since there is only one concept in a word, but there can be several meanings, especially for polysemantic words (the word core, for example, expressing the concept “inner part of something”, has several meanings: 1) the inner part of the fruit, enclosed in a hard shell (kernel of a nut)", 2) the internal, central part of something (nucleus of an atom)", 3) the most important part of the cell of an animal and plant organism, etc.);

Grammatical meaning:

Grammatical meaning is a generalized, abstract linguistic meaning inherent in a number of words, word forms, syntactic structures and finding its regular expression in grammatical forms.

The grammatical meaning differs from the lexical meaning by a higher level of abstraction, because “this is an abstraction of characteristics and relationships” (A.A. Reformatsky). The grammatical meaning is not individual, since it belongs to a whole class of words, united by a commonality of morphological properties and syntactic functions. Some particular grammatical meanings can change in a word in its different grammatical forms (for example, a change in the meaning of number and case in nouns or tense in verb forms, while the lexical meaning of the word remains unchanged in them). Unlike the lexical meaning, the grammatical meaning is not called a word directly, directly, but is expressed in it “in passing”, in a strictly defined way, with the help of specially assigned grammatical means (affixes). It accompanies the lexical meaning of the word, being its additional meaning.

The grammatical meaning of a word often includes its word-formation meaning (if the word is derivative), since word-formation is part of the grammatical structure of the language. Derivative meaning is a generalized meaning inherent only to motivated words, expressed by word-forming means.

Despite the fact that the grammatical meaning is, as it were, a side meaning of the word, it plays a significant role in creating the holistic meaning of the sentence (for example, I put a gift for a friend... and I put a gift for a friend...,), changing the grammatical meaning of the case in the word friend leads to a change in the meaning of the sentence.

Grammatical and lexical meanings represent the main types of content plan of linguistic units. In a word they appear in unity, and for some categories of words they are simply indivisible. For example, about the semantics of pronouns it can be argued that it has an intermediate, transitional character between vocabulary and grammar.

The functional classification of word elements - morphemes - is based on the opposition of lexical and grammatical meanings. However, division into roots, prefixes, suffixes, inflections, etc. requires a more detailed differentiation of meanings.

Some grammatical meaning may, over time, losing its binding nature and narrowing the scope of its application, turn into a lexical meaning.

In general, despite all the borderline and transitional cases, lexical and grammatical meanings retain their global opposition in the language system.

Meaning GRAMMARICAL MEANING in the Dictionary of Linguistic Terms


(formal) meaning. A meaning that acts as an addition to the lexical meaning of a word and expresses various relationships (the relationship to other words in a phrase or sentence, the relationship to the person performing the action or other persons, the relationship of the reported fact to reality and time, the attitude of the speaker to the communicated, etc. .). Usually a word has several grammatical meanings. Thus, the word country has the meaning of feminine, nominative case, singular; the word wrote contains the grammatical meanings of the past tense, singular, masculine, perfective. Grammatical meanings find their morphological or syntactic expression in the language. They are expressed mainly by the form of the word, which is formed:

a) affixation. Book, books, book, etc. (case meanings);

b) internal inflection. Collect - collect (imperfect and perfect meanings);

c) accent. At home. (gen. fallen. singular) - at home (named. fallen. plural);

d) suppletivism. Take - take (meanings of the form). Good - better (values ​​of the degree of comparison);

f) mixed (synthetic and analytical methods). To the house (the meaning of the dative case is expressed by a preposition and a case form).

The grammatical meaning of a word can also be expressed using other words with which the word is associated in a sentence. The tram left for the depot.— The tram left the depot (the meanings of the accusative case of the indeclinable word depot in the first sentence and the genitive case in the second are created in both cases by different connections of this word with other words). see also ways of expressing grammatical meanings.

Dictionary of linguistic terms. 2012

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    INTERPRETATION - interpretation of a rule of law, which consists in analyzing the structural connection of words to clarify its meaning and content. Gt. suggests that...
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    content associated with a particular expression (word, sentence, sign, etc.) of a certain language. The history of linguistic expressions is studied in linguistics, ...
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    content associated with a particular expression (word, sentence, sign, etc.) of a certain language. The meaning of linguistic expressions is studied in linguistics, ...
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    value avg. 1) What does someone mean? or something; meaning. 2) Importance, significance, purpose. 3) Influence, ...
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    Wed 1. What someone or something means; meaning. 2. Importance, significance, purpose. 3. Influence,...
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Grammatical meaning

(formal) meaning. A meaning that acts as an addition to the lexical meaning of a word and expresses various relationships (the relationship to other words in a phrase or sentence, the relationship to the person performing the action or other persons, the relationship of the reported fact to reality and time, the attitude of the speaker to the communicated, etc. .). Usually a word has several grammatical meanings. Thus, the word country has the meaning of feminine, nominative case, singular; the word wrote contains the grammatical meanings of the past tense, singular, masculine, perfective.

a) affixation. Book, books, book, etc. (case meanings);

Grammatical meanings find their morphological or syntactic expression in the language. They are expressed mainly by the form of the word, which is formed:

b) internal inflection. Collect - collect (imperfect and perfect meanings);

c) accent. At home. (gen. fallen. singular) - at home (named. fallen. plural);

f) mixed (synthetic and analytical methods). To the house (the meaning of the dative case is expressed by a preposition and a case form).

d) suppletivism. Take - take (meanings of the form). Good - better (values ​​of the degree of comparison);. Dictionary-reference book of linguistic terms. Ed. 2nd. - M.: Enlightenment. 1976 .

Rosenthal D. E., Telenkova M. A.

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    Grammatical meaning is a meaning expressed by an inflectional morpheme (grammatical indicator). The difference between lexical and grammatical meanings (each of these rules is not absolute and has counterexamples): grammatical ... ... Wikipedia grammatical meaning

    Grammatical meaning- Grammatical meaning is a generalized, abstract linguistic meaning inherent in a number of words, word forms, syntactic structures and finding its regular (standard) expression in the language. In the field of morphology, these are the general meanings of words as parts... ...

    Grammatical meaning is a meaning expressed by an inflectional morpheme (grammatical indicator). The difference between lexical and grammatical meanings (each of these rules is not absolute and has counterexamples): grammatical ... ... Wikipedia- the meaning of the formal affiliation of the word, i.e. the meaning of a relationship expressed not by a separate word, but by non-independent elements, additional to the main (meaning) part of the word... Explanatory translation dictionary

    grammatical meaning as opposed to lexical meaning- 1) G.z. is an intralingual meaning, because contains information about relationships, connections between linguistic units, regardless of the presence of these relationships in extra-linguistic reality; L.z. correlates a linguistic unit with an extralinguistic one... ... Dictionary of linguistic terms T.V. Foal

    This term has other meanings, see Meaning(s). Meaning is an associative connection between a sign and the object of designation. Words are distinguished by their lexical meaning, the correlation of the sound shell of the word with the corresponding... ... Wikipedia

    The meaning contained in a word, the content associated with the concept as a reflection in the consciousness of objects and phenomena of the objective world. The meaning is included in the structure of the word as its content (internal side), in relation to which the sound... ... Dictionary of linguistic terms

    This term has other meanings, see Number (meanings). Number (in grammar) is a grammatical category expressing the quantitative characteristics of an object. The division into singular and plural is perhaps... ... Wikipedia

    Meaning of the word- For the meaning of the word, see Grammatical meaning, Lexical meaning of the word... Linguistic encyclopedic dictionary

    - (derivative meaning) one of the basic concepts of word formation; a special type of word meaning that only a derived word can have. Derivative meaning is expressed using a derivational formant and... ... Wikipedia


  • Friedrich Nietzsche. Selected works in 2 books (set of 2 books), Friedrich Nietzsche. Dear reader, we bring to your attention two books of selected works by the great German philosopher, poet and musician - Friedrich Nietzsche. I would like to immediately note that all the syntax...