I dreamed about the hallway in a dream. Hallway in the apartment The reality and meaning of dreams

  • 05.09.2024

Why do you dream of a hallway?

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

The hallway, waiting in it means being humiliated.

Why do you dream of a hallway?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Hallway - Waiting in it means being humiliated

Hallway - you wait in the hallway for a long time - you are behaving immodestly in reality.

Why do you dream of a hallway?

Modern dream book

If you saw yourself standing in the hallway in a dream, this should be regarded as a call to behave more modestly and not stick your head out for any reason, believe me, you will only benefit from this.

The reality and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday

A dream with pleasant images is considered a good sign. It promises joy from successful changes in life and travel. A monotonous dream that could not be remembered in detail indicates the low social activity of the sleeper. Predictions come true on the coming Friday or Saturday.

18th lunar day

The dream may indicate possible obstacles to your professional growth or personal happiness. It is believed that such dreams pose an energetic danger to the body: the longer they last, the more tired you will feel after waking up.

Waning Moon

A dream on the waning moon belongs to the category of cleansing: it indicates that it will soon lose value in real life. Only dreams with negative content come true: they carry a good meaning.

May 22

A dream with an unpleasant connotation personifies the subconscious fears of the sleeper. There is no point in interpreting it: it will not come true. Only dreams with a good semantic load are destined to come true.

Seeing a cramped, dark hallway in a dream means you will have to suffer humiliation from your superiors.

Imagine that you are walking from the hallway into the room. The room is large, bright, with high ceilings. You feel like you're in charge.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

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Dream Interpretation - Apartment

Having it in good condition and with decent furnishings in a dream means that your business will go well.

Finding a new apartment or changing it in a dream is a sign of a change in occupation;

Renting an apartment in a dream means starting a new business;

Giving a “corner” to someone in a dream is a harbinger of obstacles in business;

Paying rent in a dream is a sign of retribution for something. Sometimes such a dream means separation from a loved one and deep emotional experiences.

Accepting rent in a dream is a sign that the past will remind you of itself. Sometimes such a dream means that you will have to do something that you left long ago.

It is possible that after such a dream you will meet a person whom you have not seen for a long time and who repents of his mistakes.

See interpretation: tenant, house, dwelling.

Interpretation of dreams from

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    Why dreaming Hallway. Dream Interpretation of Hasse. Hallway in dream from Hasse's dream book. to expect in it is to be humiliated. Is this the correct interpretation? Yes (0). marketability dreams by day: If dream dreamed about it on Tuesday - dream may turn 10 in 7-10 days. If dream dreamed about it 9 numbers are meaningless, chaotic, you can not attach any significance to them.

An apartment seen in a dream means good news or changes. For a more specific interpretation of what an apartment means in a dream, you should remember the small details that caught your eye, caused surprise or concern, and look into the dream book. It is important to remember the feelings and sensations that the dream evoked - the emotional load of the dream will show how good or bad it will affect the future.

A new apartment is a dream of financial changes that will lead to material independence. Also, according to the dream book, this dream can mean the birth of a new love relationship that promises a long-term relationship. An empty apartment means spiritual emptiness and loneliness, a desire to escape routine.

According to the dream book, someone else’s apartment is a change in life. Whether they are good or bad depends on the emotional load the dream carries. If the room is bright, spacious, and evokes a feeling of calm, the dream means success and good luck in business, a promotion at work, an interesting offer of cooperation, or a new lucrative contract. If the apartment and the atmosphere are gloomy, dark, and sleep causes a feeling of restlessness and anxiety, then this promises difficulties in solving any matters, or a long and tedious solution to the issue you need.

If a girl dreams of someone else’s apartment, the dream book promises a quick marriage; a dream in which someone else’s apartment is located promises new love experiences for a married woman, which can end in a long-term love affair.

If you dream of a flood in an apartment, or other disasters in your home, the dream book interprets it as the onset of difficult times for the owner of this dream. A dream in which a stranger’s apartment was flooded means strained relationships between you and others. If there is water in the room, to more accurately determine what this dream is about, it is worth remembering the appearance of the liquid: if it is dirty, cloudy, conflicts between households should be expected, clean and clear water is for the success and well-being of the residents of this home.

A dream in which you are renovating an apartment means that you are moving in the right direction, and your life is getting better thanks to your own efforts and efforts. A dream in which you have to oversee the renovation of your apartment, according to the dream book, means that a stranger is involved in organizing small household chores absolutely free of charge. A dream in which renovations are being carried out in someone else’s apartment means that soon you will support someone in resolving some everyday issues. Renovating an old apartment means that you will receive an interesting offer from your old place of work, or an old client will offer you a lucrative contract.

Buying an apartment in a dream means a successful financial investment that promises easy profit. If you are buying a luxurious property, this dream suggests that your dreams are too far from fulfillment and you should work hard to make them come true.

Why do you dream about an old apartment? The dream book determines that such a dream speaks of difficulties in fulfilling the plans.

A dream in which you dream of another (unfamiliar) apartment - the dream book promises dramatic changes in life. It is important what appearance this room had: if it is clean, light and spacious - it means good changes, if it is dark, sleeping with a gloomy and dark room - it means bad changes in life.

A dream in which you saw the keys to an apartment means great prospects and opportunities. If you lost your keys, then the chance will be missed; if you found the keys, you will become the owner of some important information that will help you achieve success. A dream in which the keys are made of gold (or other precious material) means that in order to realize the plan, friendship (acquaintance) with an influential person will be required. The dream book defines rusty, broken or dirty keys as the appearance of obstacles in the execution of plans.

Moving into an apartment - this dream is interpreted as a stage of significant changes, the beginning of a new chapter in life or a change in priorities. Moving to new apartments is an unexpected success; moving to an old premises is a sign of difficulties in achieving goals.

Why do you dream about a big apartment? Such a dream speaks of the prospects and great opportunities that fate has in store for you. According to the dream book, a dream in which the room is furnished with new and beautiful furniture is a successful resolution of matters.

The dream book interprets robbery of an apartment in two positions: firstly, this dream speaks of a person’s internal problems (self-doubt, fear of people and fear of expressing emotions), secondly, the dream may mean that a person has a hidden grudge against loved ones and relatives, who oppresses him. If you dream that your apartment has been robbed, then soon you will have several fans ready to offer their hand and heart. Also, according to the dream book, a robbed apartment means the arrival of unexpected guests whom you are glad to see.

For men, the dream book explains what dreams of a robbed apartment means - the emergence of competitors in the business sector. Robbery of someone else's apartment - a dream means that you have negative thoughts and feelings (resentment, envy, anger), which you urgently need to get rid of before it leads to unpleasant consequences. Thieves in the apartment - the dream book translates as your lack of confidence in your own abilities, if you act as a thief - a quick resolution to long-standing problems.

Why else do you dream about an apartment in a dream?

A dream where you saw a fire in an apartment means the emergence of new love experiences in life. For married people, the appearance of a lover is expected; for single people, a new meeting or acquaintance is expected, which will most likely lead to marriage. If you saw a dream in which the fire, enveloping the room, did not touch the walls, then you will resist temptation. The dream book interprets a burnt-out room as “burnt out” feelings, lost love, unnecessary and protracted relationships.

According to the dream book, a former apartment means nostalgia for an old relationship or an upcoming meeting with long-forgotten friends. A dream where the former premises are furnished with new and beautiful furniture - expect a promotion, business success, or the conclusion of a lucrative contract. The former home is in ruins - soon your difficulties will be left behind, only a memory will remain of them. If you dream that you are still living in your former apartment, you should reconsider your plans for life and change the strategy for their implementation; for a girl, such a dream tells you that you do not need to believe the promises of a young man.

Receiving an apartment by inheritance - such a dream promises many small problems and troubles that should be resolved in the near future. According to the dream book, receiving premises as a gift means improved financial well-being and success in further investments. Receive an apartment on a promotional basis (or as a gift from government agencies) - help and intercession from influential people, unexpected financial support.

Why do you dream about renting an apartment? This dream suggests that changes will soon occur regarding your personal life, for girls - the appearance of an interesting young man, for a married woman - the opportunity to start a new love affair. According to the dream book, renting out a living space means finding a new love or hobby.

Cleaning an apartment in a dream means establishing a family hearth; for women this is a good sign, promising a good attitude towards her from her husband and children. A dirty apartment promises minor troubles and troubles in the family; cleaning up the dirt in the room (according to the women’s dream book) means getting rid of feelings of dissatisfaction and resentment towards your spouse. A dream where you have to clean someone else’s home means providing mediator assistance in sorting out the relationship between friends or familiar couples.

The dream book interprets looking for an apartment as a subconscious desire to radically change your life, and this dream also means a quick change in your job or marital status.

A dream in which you are going to sell an apartment means getting rid of old and unnecessary relationships or making a big profit from a profitable investment or transaction. Your own feelings will help you find out why you have a dream in which the sale of an apartment appears: if you part with the premises with a heavy heart, the dream book suggests separation from a person you care about; if you feel joy when selling your own premises, this means a successful investment of financial resources.

An open door in an apartment symbolizes the appearance of uninvited guests; the dream book also interprets this as a moral and spiritual readiness to accept new relationships and love experiences, a desire to start a family, or start your own business. If you see a dream where a door opens on its own, expect unpleasant news; closing a door indoors means getting rid of hassle, unnecessary love affairs, partnerships, friendships.

Pigeons in the apartment - to joy, if a pigeon flew into the room and you are trying to catch it - to fun and family happiness in the house. A dove beating on a window - a dream means good news or an unexpected but pleasant visit from people dear to you.

A dream where you are renovating an apartment, according to the dream book, means a change in your opinion, a renewal of relationships, and getting rid of a past that depresses you. Home renovation means family proceedings, the outcome of which depends on the result of this repair.

If after the renovation the apartment has been transformed - family ties will be preserved and mutual understanding will reign between the spouses, the dream in which the room has become even more gloomy or is in a state of repair, then most likely your marriage is in danger of collapse if after the renovation everything remains as it was - to reach a compromise between husband and wife. Gluing wallpaper in your home promises significant changes in your personal life or relationships.

Why do you dream about an apartment in Miller’s dream book? An unfamiliar home is a period of change in life; renting out a room means accumulated problems that cannot be solved on your own. A dream in which you dream of your own home, which does not resemble itself, is good news. A dream where you can’t leave your own room means your plans will fail, unpleasant news.


    I dreamed that some couple was lying in bed (her husband had beaten her), he closed his eyes and asked her to listen, he didn’t remember about the building or the cafe, and she asked, do you need this? He answers, you! He closes his eyes and sees a house in the city, I say that I see (a house, a high-rise) then I close it and move to another high-rise, and there I already see the roof, they tell me or I didn’t understand that I need to share one move and explains that it’s closer, before that buy grain, go up and feed, in my opinion, the birds, after which I find myself in the room (apartment) and the old man tells me if you don’t exchange the apartment from the options offered, then there will be no other option in life, and I was joyfully about to call my mother for money (for purchase) asked and said that she would not be given a mortgage.

HALLWAY symbolizes a person’s living space with an emphasis on communication with the outside world. We live in an apartment, we are protected, we go about our business, the hallway is a kind of boundary beyond which the unknown, dangers, meetings, righteous and unrighteous works begin, in a word - the knowledge of life. Everything that happens in the hallway, as well as its surroundings, is indicative of the intentions and strategies that a person will use in the external world. The analogies are obvious: a lot of clothing may indicate an excessive number of role masks; the large square hallway indicates thorough preparation for the complexities of life; looking at yourself in the mirror - uncertainty; the orange-brown color of the wallpaper perhaps means that the person disapproves of many common pleasures; dark in the hallway - gloomy expectations from life, however, and melancholy from oneself.

Dream : I’m in the hallway of my apartment, seeing off a girl (6-7 years old), hugging her. She has long blond hair, laughs so fervently, is so lively, and I feel that I am overcome with great excitement, I imagine how she affects men and I envy her. I'm going to take a bath, it's dark, it's filled, but the water is kind of cloudy. Then I find myself in the corridor, there is the same girl, only she has changed and is a little taller. I ask how old she is, she answers - 15. I understand that so much time has passed, but I don’t remember anything, and I tell her about this and add - does she remember that this already happened to me when she was little? , she says she remembers. I go to my room, there are a lot of strange things there, I have no idea what to do. Then I see pictures that are happening in the world. Some kind of war, with aliens. I see creatures with dinosaur heads coming out of red flames with black smoke. I see how special forces surround someone in a spacesuit in a cafe, force them to take off their helmet - and there is a dog (also an alien). I see people armed with strange weapons walking around and killing someone in the streets. Then this scene. I’m with my husband (whom I also don’t remember, and who doesn’t really exist), at night, we’re having a dialogue - only at the same time we’re filming a movie. I notice that he somehow speaks quickly and indistinctly and I wonder how they will add voice acting. Next day. I'm riding a bus around the city and trying to figure out what city it is. The first views of the streets make your heart clench with joy - St. Petersburg. Then my gaze catches the cathedral - Kazansky, I look more closely - it seemed. Very interesting and beautiful architecture, reminiscent, but not Kazan. We drive out onto a wide street, again the architecture makes me doubtful, I can guess Gostiny Dvor, its motives, but... still not it. Then I find myself at some ticket offices, standing in line. A woman came up (I should know her, but I don’t remember) and asked me to buy her a ticket at the same time (he seemed to give me money, I don’t remember exactly) (in general I didn’t like her very much, she was a little impudent, with black hair). I buy 3 or 4 tickets at the box office and give one to her. I don’t know where the tickets are. Then I get to the hotel. There is some kind of loss of self-identification. It's like I'm a man. I want to get to my room, but I feel that this will be fraught with some problems. I have a key and a thick wad of money in my vest pocket (I was afraid to leave it in the room, I think there was definitely a search there). I find myself on the floor with numbers starting with 9, a guard stands with his back to me, as if blocking me, but I remember that I need the 8th floor. As I’m getting ready to leave, I notice a stall in a nook where they sell sweets. I thought about how not to be in the future and not try something delicious. The cakes looked really tempting. I take the change out of my pocket and am afraid that coins of my time will not come across (for some reason I am afraid of this), I look at it - no, that’s right, new money. I give it to the saleswoman, she takes it away, and then suddenly, the girl says that I’ve already either eaten it or ruined it, in general, I won’t see the cake. Divorce. I start to get angry and try to sort things out. She suddenly takes out a gun, points it at my head and begins to advance, and I retreat.

Interpretation : The plot with the send-off of a little girl reveals one of the most significant vices of female upbringing. Not specifically our heroine, she is a special case in the majority pattern. Girls around the age of 4-6 are taught to conquer men. The flaw is that love is completely absent in this action. The girl is not taught to listen to love in herself, is not instilled with attentiveness to reciprocity, and her attention is not paid to the spiritual things that happen between a man and a woman. She is trained to win men - with coquetry, charm, holiness. Mothers teach, this science is passed on from generation to generation, even more by genes than by verbal means. As soon as a girl begins to realize her gender, and this happens around 4 years old, the conquest program begins. The girls really like it, they don’t understand the essence of the program, but they see the result well - they get attention, because children really love attention and... power. Meanwhile, the program enters the blood and then becomes an unconscious model of behavior. As a result, when a girl becomes a girl, she is incapable of natural feelings. The conquest of men becomes more sexual in nature, more socially constructive, but the essence remains - conquest, but not love. The need for love turns out to be acting somewhere on the side, and conquest follows the main track. The result is either unrequited love or a loveless relationship. This is why the image of a bathtub with muddy water appears. Further, the corridor is a symbol of a limited space, where there is only one path, from entrance to exit. The corridor in dreams symbolizes the processing of consciousness by programs (each program has an “input and output” of information, one thing comes in, another comes out). The input signal is a man, the program is conquest, the output is well-known techniques and means of seduction. The fight against aliens in this dream has nothing to do with space - the aliens are men who, due to software mechanisms, have lost their true faces and turned into terrible dinosaurs and dogs. The plot is indicative when a woman acts in a movie with her husband (who does not actually exist). Then the city (the city symbolizes the philosophy of man) - like that one, the heart shrinks - no, not that one, deception. Buying tickets to an unknown destination, one of which is given to an unpleasant, impudent woman - all these are consequences of falling out of the soul and falling into the program of the mind, which occurred in early childhood. The end of the dream is also interesting, the heroine of the dream finds herself in a hotel (an image of the absence of “I”) and feels that she has become a man, and then a girl selling cakes points a gun at this man’s head. This is how the Conquering Men program works.

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