School education rating. Level of education in the world - country rankings and comparisons

  • 13.09.2024
Every year Quacquarelli Symonds surveys about three thousand universities in different countries, choosing from them those with the best education. Only those universities that offer all three levels of higher education: bachelor’s and doctorate (in the Russian educational system - postgraduate student) can be included in this rating. In addition, the university must cover at least two of the following areas: social sciences and management; humanities and arts; medicine and life sciences; engineering and technical sciences; natural sciences.

The Quacquarelli Symonds ranking ranks the best universities based on the following criteria: academic reputation (survey); ratio of the number of teachers to the number of students; reputation of university graduates among employers (survey); share of foreign students (reflects the level of popularity of the educational institution in the world); the share of foreign teachers (only those teachers who work full-time or part-time and who have worked at the university for at least one semester are taken into account); citation index (depends on the number of published scientific studies of the teaching staff in relation to its total number).

Best education: top

The leader in the QS ranking is the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA). Second and third places are occupied by British educational institutions - the University of Cambridge and Imperial College London, respectively. Harvard University (USA) is in fourth position, Oxford University and University College London are in fifth position. In addition to American and British universities, the top twenty includes two institutions from Switzerland (ETH Zurich and École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne), as well as the University of Toronto (Canada).

Moscow State University named after. Lomonosov managed to enter the top 200. The full version of the ranking has 800 positions, including 21 universities from Russia and two universities from Belarus (BSU and BNTU). None of the higher educational institutions located in the CIS are included in the top one hundred universities with the best education in the world. According to the ranking compilers, in order to improve their positions, these universities need to cooperate more with other states and increase the citation index of scientific publications.

For many foreign countries, the higher education sector is an important area of ​​strategic development and international partnership. We are talking about countries whose universities have an excellent international reputation and accept a large number of foreigners.

Based on the quality of education at universities in different countries, their positions in academic rankings, as well as the internationality and innovativeness of education systems, we have compiled a list of countries with the highest level of university education in the world.

Do you want to gain the best knowledge and experience in the best academic environment? Choose one of these countries to study and get the education of your dreams!


America confidently leads in the number of universities included in the Top 100 best universities in the world QS World University Rankings, there are as many as 30 US educational institutions in this ranking. Moreover, the American one tops the entire ranking.

The most popular student cities in the US are California, New York and Texas, and the most popular subjects among international students coming to study in the country are engineering, business and management, mathematics and computer technology. In America, students are attracted not only by the high quality of education, but also by an interesting student life, as well as extensive job opportunities. At the same time, the American education system not only meets all world standards, but often dictates them itself.


The global reputation of British universities and the education of over 500,000 international students has enabled the UK to become the second largest country in terms of higher education. The Top 10 best universities in the world include four local universities, including the famous and.

Two undeniable advantages of British education are centuries-old academic traditions and internationality. The UK's proven education system has already been adopted by many countries, and the UK is home to a number of campuses with the most diverse and multicultural student communities.


Germany is the most popular and sought-after non-English speaking educational destination in the world. Moreover, in recent years, Germany has been challenging Britain's academic leadership in Europe. Many students have already chosen to study in Berlin and other large cities of the country.

The popularity of Germany among foreign students is quite easy to explain. There are many leading universities here, three of which are included in the world Top 100. Education at public universities in Germany is absolutely free, and accommodation is relatively inexpensive. You may not even have to learn German, because in order to attract foreign students, the country offers more and more English-language programs every year.


Distant and exotic Australia remains a popular destination for student and professional immigration. Not surprising, because the country is known for a very high standard of living and salaries.

Having adopted and adapted the British education system, Australia today is the most attractive state in its region for students. Many foreigners study here, primarily from neighboring Asian countries, and the best professors from all over the world teach. Seven Australian universities are included in the global Top 100 best universities, while maintaining a position in the Top 20 rankings. Moreover, Australian educational institutions have an excellent reputation among employers, so their graduates can count on successful employment in their specialty.


Studying in Canada is still less popular among Russian students than studying in neighboring America, but in vain! This is not only a very picturesque country with stunning nature, but also a state with a developed education system, four of whose universities are included in the world Top 100.

The Canadian cities of Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver and Quebec are home to the country's best universities and are home to many students from all over the world. Living in Canada is usually cheaper than living in America, and getting into local universities is also easier.


Recently, Paris was once again recognized as the best student city in Europe. It is not surprising, since several famous universities are located here, the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris, ParisTech and the University of Pierre and Marie Curie, and students have access to a developed academic environment and an interesting metropolitan life.

Other cities in France are not far behind, attracting thousands of foreign students every year. Among the undoubted advantages of local education are centuries-old academic traditions and history, the availability of English-language programs at all levels and low tuition costs.


The Netherlands is another European country where international higher education is developing rapidly, with the number of international students increasing every year. Two Dutch universities are included in the world Top 100 - this is the capital one.

The high level of local education and excellent connections between universities and foreign partners have made the country one of the best places in the world to study technology, IT, design and a number of other disciplines. In addition, students appreciate the strong practical component of Dutch higher education. This is what allows local and foreign graduates to successfully find employment after graduating from universities.


China can also boast of the rapid development and internationalization of higher education, investing huge amounts of money in the development of the industry at the state level. This year, six Chinese universities entered the Top 100 best universities in the world, confirming the country's significant progress.

In China, you can study all existing disciplines, and foreign students, whom the country is working hard to attract, are offered study in English, modern living conditions, and numerous scholarships and grants. In addition, the combination of high quality and accessibility of local higher education plays an important role.


South Korea boasts four universities ranked in the global Top 100 and Seoul, which is ranked among the top ten student cities in the world. Today, Korea is an important economic, trade, academic, technological and tourism hub in Asia. As a result, students here live in an international environment and receive unique employment opportunities in international companies.

South Korean universities, such as and, employ many foreign teachers and conduct cutting-edge research, which significantly increases the country's scientific potential.


Home to many global brands and one of the most developed economies in the world, Japan has a fundamental education system and one of the highest graduate employment rates. The unique culture of Japan has made a significant contribution to the development of the local academic system and the training of highly organized, intelligent and professional personnel in various fields.

Japan is also working to attract foreign students, with plans to increase their number in the country to 300,000 by 2020. Among the important characteristics of a Japanese education that are attractive to foreigners are numerous internship and study options in English, as well as extensive research grants and close acquaintance with the unique Japanese culture.

In the 19th century, the higher nobility had very interesting customs. You could be ugly, burry or short, but no one would dare to make fun of these shortcomings. But ignorance or stupidity was not forgiven. It was customary to openly ridicule "lack of intelligence" if such a problem was not caused by illness. Today, stupidity, fortunately, is also not held in high esteem. We are sure that you strive to be an educated person, and we want to offer you 5 countries where you can get an excellent education.

1. England

So, you've arrived in Bond's homeland. James Bond. Studying in England is traditionally one of the best in the world, so you made the right choice. And for students from Russia, very interesting learning features are presented here. But in the process of collecting documents and studying the conditions of admission and residence, many questions may arise. In addition, adaptation to an unfamiliar country is a rather difficult stage.

To resolve such difficult issues, the company opened its office in London. Target will help you navigate the cost of training and choose the best language courses according to your financial capabilities. You also receive direct contact without intermediaries, which will help resolve any issues that arise after arriving in the country.

You can get education in any specialty at 120 universities. The most popular is the humanitarian direction, the cost of which ranges from 12,000 to 14,000 pounds sterling. Medical education is considered the most expensive, costing 20,000–22,000 pounds per year. This is due to the fact that students spend a lot of time in laboratories during their studies.

The learning process is very interesting. Unlike our universities, most of the training is devoted to practical learning in groups, rather than communication with the teacher. In addition, you can choose optional items to suit your taste, which will be more interesting to you.

If you are interested in this company and the prospects it offers, then you can meet in person with representatives at the Education Abroad exhibition in Tishinka on October 13-14, 2017.

2. Norway

A country where prisoners are kept in better conditions than the homes of half the world's population. Students from all over the world come to Norway for a European-level education. A huge advantage is that, regardless of your citizenship, you can get education in this country absolutely free, because the country’s educational system is fully financed from the state budget. The only possible fee for international students is fees of 30-60 euros per semester.

There are 8 universities and 36 colleges in the country (16 of them are private). The most popular universities are the University of Oslo in the capital and Bergen and Stavanger. The University of Oslo has educated many minds, and five graduates of this educational institution are Nobel laureates. By the way, the Nobel Prize was awarded for 42 years in this temple of science.

The downside of studying in Norway is that accommodation is very, very expensive. On average, utilities, food, rental housing and other related expenses will cost from 1,000-1,500 euros. But, given the high level of wages and social support from the state, there is always a solution to this problem.

3. Brazil

Are you looking for a warmer country, do you love football and slender girls with excellent shape? Turn your eyes to Brazil. Few people know that the country, which is famous for its beaches and carnivals, also provides free education. Public universities will not require anything other than an application fee upon admission. Students also pay for the hostel out of their own pockets.

But there are also difficulties. The training takes place in Portuguese, and in order to start classes you will need to provide the results of a language proficiency test (successfully passed, of course). In addition, there is a fierce intellectual competition for vacant places at the university, so you have to show extensive knowledge in the entrance exam. But after you pass all the tests and throw the Ring of Omnipotence into the abyss of Mordor, all scholarships and support programs will become available to you. The most popular are faculties that provide the opportunity to obtain legal, medical, computer or engineering education.

Education in Brazil is worthwhile if you plan to live there in the future. The motivation is that there is a catastrophic shortage of good specialists with higher education in this country, which ensures the availability of jobs and good wages.

4. Switzerland

Welcome to the most peaceful country on the planet, which can provide world-class education. Switzerland provides absolute equality in tuition fees. For its citizens and citizens of other countries, it is absolutely the same, but foreigners who want to study in this country must pass annual exams in the city of Friborg.

To enter a Swiss university, it is not necessary to speak French or German, because universities themselves will teach languages ​​throughout the entire educational process, and language preparatory programs are absolutely free. Do you know English? Feel free to choose the Anglo-American curriculum.

If you decide to choose hospitality training in Switzerland, they will provide you with excellent training programs to choose from! Caesar Ritz College (yes, that same hotel chain) will be a great option for you.

By the way, for Russian citizens, studying in Switzerland is very affordable: all you need is a certificate of secondary school education, and the result of the Oxford English Test must be at least 50 points.

Hotel management training services are provided by HIM (Hotel Institut Montreux) and SHMS (Swiss Hotel Management School) schools in Montreux. These educational institutions offer a multi-vector training program according to Swiss and American standards, which will allow the graduate to easily find a job in their specialty both in Europe and in the USA. Among other things, school programs provide the opportunity to work in management positions and open up wide opportunities for any type of entrepreneurship, not just hotel business.

Interesting statistics:
89% of graduates occupy management positions or open their own business;
73% of graduates work in the restaurant or hotel sector;
96% of graduates are employed in luxury hotels.

5. Finland

Finland can be an excellent option to get an education in Europe. The excellent level of education attracts many students from all over the world, and in most universities it is free. The exception is courses in English.

Many students are in a hurry to obtain a residence permit. This is quite simple to do: you only need to provide documents from the university and prove that you can spend 560 euros per month on accommodation. This amount is greatly underestimated and does not reflect reality, because depending on the chosen place of study, you can spend from 700 to 1,000 euros per month.

An interesting fact is that the training time is not limited in any way. You can complete educational courses in two years, or you can stretch this process up to 7 years.

To work while studying, you will have to learn Finnish - one of the most difficult European languages. But, as a student at a Finnish educational institution, you will receive significant discounts on public transport, books and even trips to the cinema.

Northern Ireland primary school pupils achieved the sixth-best performance in the world, the best in Europe. England's results have not improved since the tests four years ago.

These international rankings - Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) - are published every four years. They are based on test results involving more than 600,000 students from 57 countries aged 9 to 10 and 13 to 14 years.

1. Singapore

2. South Korea

3. Taiwan

4. Hong Kong

7. Kazakhstan

9. Ireland

11. England

England's results are above average and better than many European countries, but there has been no significant progress in the rankings despite reforms to the school system.

In the latest TIMSS international primary maths test, England fell one place in the rankings, from 9th to 10th place. Secondary school results have also deteriorated. Instead of 10th place, England finished 11th.

When these same tests were carried out in 2007, England were sixth in maths. This place is now occupied by Northern Ireland.

In science, primary school pupils in England remain in 15th place, while secondary pupils have risen from 10th to 8th place.

1. Singapore

2. Hong Kong

3. South Korea

4. Taiwan

6. Northern Ireland

8. Norway

9. Ireland

10. England

England's schools minister, Nick Gibb, said the results from English students were more "engaging and confident" than many of their international competitors.

“The new, more demanding mathematics curriculum for primary schoolchildren began to be used in September 2014. We expect future testing of TIMSS to reflect progress,” said Mr Gibb.

Meanwhile, Labour's Angela Rayner said the results had been achieved despite "the constant re-forging and re-jigging of exams, school structures and curriculum".

National Association of Head Teachers leader Russell Hobby says a shortage of qualified maths and science teachers has kept England from staying in the “top tier” of international education.

Northern Ireland performed very well in maths testing among primary school pupils. The country has maintained the same position as four years ago and is first in the group, following the leaders of the ranking - Asian countries.

This puts Northern Ireland's young people ahead of schoolchildren in countries such as Finland and Norway, which tend to be high achievers. Scotland and Wales did not participate in these trials.

The results of tests carried out in 2015 highlighted a group of countries demonstrating high achievements. They increased their advantage compared to previous tests. All these states are located in Asia.

Despite Singapore's international success in testing, there were concerns about young people being put under too much pressure.

Singapore's Ministry of Education has said that education is more than just getting good grades.

Top 10 test results for high school students in mathematics:

1. Singapore

3. Taiwan

4. South Korea

5. Slovenia

6. Hong Kong

9. Kazakhstan

10. Ireland

Finland, whose education model is often used to improve school systems in other countries, has worsened its position in these rankings.

Testing is carried out by the International Association for the Assessment of Educational Achievement in the Netherlands and Boston College in the USA.

TIMSS testing chief executive Ina Mullis said the overall results brought "a lot of good news" about schools, with participants' scores rising and more children than before saying school was a safe environment for them.

Professor Mullis said the success of Asian countries reflected the “coherence” of their approach and “culture of immersion in education”.

"The rest of the world has ignored its work, and has fallen further behind countries like Singapore and South Korea," she said.

Top 10 test results for elementary school students in mathematics:

1. Singapore

2. South Korea

5. Hong Kong

6. Taiwan

7. Finland

8. Kazakhstan

The most important overall success factor is the quality and accessibility of training, said TIMSS Director Michael Martin.

And Singapore’s achievement, I think, could not have become a reality if education in this country had not been a priority.

"Education is hugely important in these countries," said another testing project leader, Dr. Dirk Hastedt.

It is also worth noting the successes of Russian schoolchildren. In all four ratings, the country is approximately in the middle of the top ten.


The British company Economist Intelligence Unit conducted a very interesting study, in which experts tried to identify the factors that have the greatest impact on education, and also determine countries that boast the best educational systems.

As a result, the first three places were taken by: Finland, South Korea and Hong Kong. Russia is in 20th place on the list.

Best higher education

Leaders and Outsiders

After the top three, the places were distributed as follows: Japan in fourth place, Singapore in fifth place. The top ten also included: the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Switzerland and Canada.

The USA stopped at 17th place, Hungary at 18th, Slovakia at 19th, and Russia at 20th.

The authors of the study (covering the period from 2006 to 2010) took into account various factors, in particular, the percentage of school graduates entering higher education institutions, the number of university graduates, as well as the results of international tests that determine the level of literacy.

Where is the best place to get higher education?

Success Factors

Michael Barber, lead researcher of the study, argues that one of the main factors influencing the level of education in a country is position of teachers. The salary level is not the main indicator.

The position of the teacher in society is much more important than one might imagine, as is the place of public education in the value system.

The higher the state’s level of care for teachers, the higher their professional level. Therefore, and The level of education in the country is also higher.

The success of Asian countries in this matter is explained by the increased attention of the authorities to this area of ​​life, as well as the close attention of parents to the success of their children in the field of education.

Leaders and their paths

Why are Finland, South Korea and Hong Kong in the top three? What are the features of education in these states?

Where is the best education?

So, Finland. First of all, it is worth noting the significant attention paid to education by the state. Education in this country is free for everyone. In Finnish schools, textbooks are provided free of charge, children are fed free of charge, and are transported to and from school for free.

Preschool organizations are also available and operate from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., which is very convenient for parents working different shifts. Higher education here is also free, including for foreign students.

Educational institutions at all levels are perfectly equipped.

As a result of reforms carried out in the 1980s, the country has made incredible progress in education. These reforms greatly improved the standard of living in Finland, which was once part of the Russian Empire.

The relationship between teacher and student is very democratic, and the authority of the teacher is extremely high, this is expressed in wages and in the social benefits provided.

Interestingly, every fourth teacher in Finland is a man. There are also men among preschool teachers. And this is not surprising, because a teacher's salary in Finland allows a man to support his family.

Best education system

In Finland the level of vocational education is quite high. There is an extensive network of vocational schools in the country, and you do not need to pass special exams to get into them.

A large network of well-equipped libraries also contributes to the high level of literacy and education of the Finnish population.

In South Korea, education is a necessity for every Korean who wants to move up the social ladder, and the state, in turn, actively helps such people in all respects.

There are private and public educational institutions in the country. The level and authority of the latter are usually higher.

Over the past 10 years The level of South Korean universities has increased significantly. This can be said by following the significant increase in foreign students coming to South Korea to gain theoretical and practical knowledge.

The state's leading universities receive generous financial grants, with the help of which they can provide themselves with a high level of teaching staff, as well as purchase modern scientific equipment.

The power of education, especially higher education, is incredibly strong in the country. Without education, a person will not be able to take his rightful place in the hierarchical society of South Korea. Thus, the role of the teacher is extremely high.

This is reflected in the high salaries of teachers, as well as in the attitude towards this profession in society as a whole. Only a teacher in South Korea can give a person a start in life and prepare him for various exams that will determine his future.

Higher education in South Korea is paid, but tuition fees are relatively low - about $1,500-2,000 per year. Thus, higher education is widely available.

Which country has the best education?

The fact is that the educational system of Hong Kong is very similar to the English and American ones, but at the same time there are differences. Hong Kong universities always occupy the top lines of various international rankings in terms of the quality of education, and diplomas from universities in this state are recognized throughout the world.

Eight universities are actively operating in Hong Kong, where people can engage in both professional training and complete higher education. Universities offer a variety of subjects to choose from, and classes are taught in English.

A characteristic feature of education in Hong Kong is the opportunity to get acquainted with the local culture, language and traditions. Experience in China has become increasingly important in the West recently.

It is worth noting that educational institutions in Hong Kong pay great attention to the harmonious and comprehensive development of students.

Russia, as already mentioned, occupies the last, 20th place in the British ranking. We will not talk about the role of a teacher in Russian society, about his salary, about the role of education in achieving career heights, about the accessibility and quality of education, as well as about secondary and vocational education in Russia.

Russia urgently needs to pay attention to the level of education in the country, otherwise we may lose both people and the state.