A person's view: what views there are. What is a staring game?

  • 30.01.2022

To look and be the object of other people's gazes - what could be more natural? In transport, in a store, on the road, at school and at work...

We meet other people everywhere, look at them and give them our views. It seems to fill life with some meaning. It seems that since they look at us, it means they see us, and we exist. Therefore, sometimes the complete visual indifference of others hurts...

What are the different views? Why do we feel other people's gazes? What kind of game is this “staring contest”? How to learn to play it and win constantly? We tried to collect in this article all the most interesting things about the look for you.

What are the views?

The universal definition of gaze is as follows. This is one of several ways the eyes convey nonverbal information. Let's figure out what the look is like.

Types of gaze depending on reflected emotions

A person is able to reflect with his gaze a huge number of emotions that he experiences. Or he can control himself perfectly and not show or express anything at all with his eyes.

Conventionally, we divide views into positive (carrying positive emotions) and negative (carrying negative emotions).

In order not to devote a huge amount of time to all varieties of positive views, let's do this. Imagine the most pleasant look that you can give or feel yourself - the look of love. This is how a man looks at a woman and a woman looks at a man, this is how parents look at their children, and children look at their parents.

This look expresses at the same time a huge number of feelings - affection, tenderness, sympathy, approval, admiration... We reward with this look those who are truly dear to us.

So, the look of love combines a huge number of positive views.

For example, we look at a friend with admiration. Isn't this part of the look of love? To a colleague - with approval, and to someone else's child - with tenderness. It's the same here. So, if you want to become the owner of a list of positive looks that a person can bestow on another person, dissect the look of love. You can do it!

Let's do the same with negative views. First, let's choose a landmark.

Perhaps the most powerful negative look is the look of hatred. It combines a huge amount of the most negative emotions. We look this way at the people we really hate, the people who cause our deepest dislike.

Do you want to imagine all kinds of negative views? Judgmental? Aggressive? A look of disgust? Disgusts? Divide the gaze of hatred.

Another classification of views

Now let's look at another classification of views.

Direct look.

This is when a person openly looks directly at you for some period of time without taking his eyes off. It may indicate that the interlocutor is interested in you, in communicating with you.

Most often it is characteristic of people who respect themselves and others, strong personalities.

Squinted gaze.

This is when a person squints one eye when communicating with you. Indicates some kind of mistrust, a desire to control your actions. It often signals that a person wants to hide something himself or find out what you are hiding. Agree, this look is not very pleasant.

Wandering glance.

A person cannot stop looking, calm down. His eyes wander to nearby objects and nearby people.

He will tell you about the interlocutor’s endless interest in everything around him or about a complete lack of interest in anything, including you. Sometimes a person cannot concentrate due to excessive modesty or shyness.

Wide-eyed look.

Used most often by those who want to attract attention. Very often sellers look at buyers this way. Or they take advantage of open-minded women who are desperately trying to attract men.

Sideways glance.

If a person is unsure of himself, or he wants to get more visual information and is trying to hide it, most likely he will use sideways glances. In such cases, the eyes look in one direction, periodically running away to the side and immediately returning.

Eyes to eyes.

This is when two people look directly into each other's eyes for a fairly long period of time. Most often, it is characteristic of children, as well as couples in love.

A look from half-closed eyes.

This is probably familiar to each of us. The upper eyelid in this case almost covers the eye. This is how a person expresses indifference to what is happening, boredom.

It also often indicates that a person is tired and that he is making every effort to fight sleep. Or half-closed eyes can talk about complete surrender, a feeling of unity (during sexual intimacy).

Looking through a person.

It seems that the interlocutor does not see you, is busy with his own thoughts, that he is not here, despite his physical presence. Indicates inattention, thoughtfulness, or, ignoring, hostility towards the interlocutor. Causes negative feelings.

View from above.

With this look, the head is thrown back a little, the person seems to be looking down at you. He will tell you about a slightly arrogant attitude towards you, about contempt, about arrogance.

There is a sense of tension and persistence in him. It is often seen as an intrusion into the personal, intimate sphere of another person. In our society it is often perceived as hostile.

Why do we feel another person's gaze on us?

This happens. You're sitting in public transport, or on a park bench, and suddenly you really want to turn around. And when you turn around, you see that some person is looking at you.

A split second later he already looks away. Are you already looking at the stranger with interest and asking yourself in surprise what could interest him?

So why do we feel other people's views? Let us present to your attention several points of view.

A little about physics.

When we look at someone, we direct a narrowly directed beam of light at him (a stream of photons that has its own energy). Since human skin is incredibly sensitive, it senses the energy coming from another person. This forces us to turn, for some unknown reason, to someone else.

Another option. A person catches part of the scattered light emanating from the beam of another person's gaze.

Views are best felt at a short distance - 3 - 5 meters.

A little about mysticism.

There is a point of view that the views of other people are captured thanks to the secret telepathic abilities of people. Like, we are all telepaths, but only some of us have realized our abilities and use them.

There are also opinions that with the help of a gaze, one person sends another a stream of positive or negative energy. And this flow is so powerful that it is impossible not to notice it.

A little about imitation.

Another point of view is based on the fact that it is human nature to imitate. This is when we tend to unconsciously repeat the actions of another person or feel his action.

For example, you really want to yawn when someone nearby yawns. All because of mirror neurons in the brain. They are the ones who make this or that action contagious.

Mirror neurons have not yet been studied. They are constantly evolving and, according to scientists, are the key to unraveling many interesting mysteries about man and his capabilities.

And also about logic and experience.

Some people are of the opinion that we sense other people's views due to our experience and logic. For example, based on the current situation, our subconscious tells us that at the moment someone is looking at us. For example, to ask for directions.

Remember that after you have eaten a large cake with protein cream on the street and haven’t looked in the mirror, you always feel like everyone is looking at you. Because your experience and intuition tell you that, quite likely, there are traces of past pleasure on your face, and everyone is paying attention to it.

Exercise for training your gaze

Some people love staring games. For those who don’t know, this is when two people look at each other continuously without blinking. The one who reconsiders the other wins. Those. will not blink longer.

The very first eternal winner of such a competition is Medusa the Gorgon. She never lost, and all her opponents turned to stone.

Staring is a common game at children's parties, among drunken men and teenagers. Some even manage to play with their cats and dogs.

The popularity of entertainment probably lies in the fact that the look in some special way reflects the essence of a person, his strength. Therefore, it seems to people that having won such a test, they seem to become mentally stronger than the loser.

There are many recommendations for those who love staring games and want to win constantly.

The funniest one.

It is based on the fact that a person cannot look into both eyes at the same time, and looks alternately into one and then into the other. Therefore, the player is asked to keep one eye, the one into which the enemy is looking at the moment, motionless.

The second one can do whatever he wants at this time - rotate, close, etc. Then the eyes change - the first one is resting, and the second one is working.

The picture when one eye turns around and blinks actively, and the second at this time is serious and motionless, is unlikely and very comical. Just wondering, how can an opponent not notice this? Will his peripheral vision really not notice that something wrong is going on with his opponent’s second eye?

The saddest one.

Do you want to always win a staring contest? During the staring contest, remember something terribly sad.

This will help, firstly, to get distracted and not concentrate on how hard it is not to blink.

Secondly, you won't laugh while playing. After all, the enemy can choose a tactic called “making your opponent laugh.” Therefore, have heart-warming stories ready about how an older boy hurt you in kindergarten, or how your beloved grandmother died.

The most effective.

To achieve the desired result, sit about a meter away from the mirror and look into your own eyes. Imagine that two rays come out of your eyes, connecting you with your own image. Try to watch without blinking for as long as possible.

Don't forget to time yourself before starting your workout! The next day, your task is to slightly increase the duration of the non-blinking gaze.

Instead of a mirror, use a black dot on the wall, a burning candle, etc.

Interesting thing about the look...

Scientists say that during a conversation, interlocutors look at each other approximately 60% of the time. The exception is lovers and aggressive individuals. If the distance between people increases, the duration of visual contact also increases.

It was also found that women most often look at those they like, and men - at those who like them.

In addition, ladies take a direct gaze as a sign of interest and a desire to establish some kind of contact. Men tend to perceive direct gaze as a threat.

If during communication a person’s pupils constrict, it means that the interlocutor evokes negative emotions in him, irritates or angers him. Dilation of the pupils, on the contrary, indicates disposition towards the interlocutor, interest in him and the conversation.

Don't try to recognize a liar by looking at him. It is believed that people who tell lies do not make eye contact, touch their face, etc.

However, there are those, and there are many of them, who are able to control themselves. They know how to focus their gaze in such a way that you will never guess in life whether a person is speaking the truth or a lie.

It is believed that the larger the populated area, the less inclined people in it are to consider each other.

This is due to the fact that a person can meet thousands of people in a day. It is difficult to pay attention to a large number of people, and besides, the probability of meeting someone you know tends to zero. Therefore, in big cities, residents prefer not to look at others at all.

In small towns it’s the other way around. There are few people, and you can meet someone you know on every corner. In villages this is how they generally greet everyone and look at each other closely.

In China and Japan, the tradition of views is somewhat different from the one that is familiar to us. In these countries it is not customary to look into each other's eyes.