Alexey Kosinus, do you have any children? Alexey Kosinus: Pure music

  • 01.08.2019

About the singer and TV presenter's stormy romance with famous musician became known back in April. And already in the summer we went.

Let us remind you: Alexey Kosinus is a world-famous electronic music star, the frontman of the popular electronic project Zeskullz in the West.

Vodonaev and Cosine long years had a warm relationship. Back in 2013, the TV presenter wrote on her microblog: “Lesha is my lifelong obsession. One of the sexiest men on the planet for me!”

And in April 2017, a whirlwind romance began between them. Since Alexey lives in St. Petersburg, Alena had to live in two houses, shuttling between the city on the Neva and Moscow.

And so the couple decided to become husband and wife. The wedding of the star couple took place in the cultural capital of Russia - St. Petersburg.

The bride's preparations were organized in the presidential suite of one of the most luxurious hotels in St. Petersburg, Lotte. A team of stylists and makeup artists created a sophisticated look for Alena. Alena gave preference white dress with open shoulders, which was richly decorated with lace. The young woman left her hair loose and also chose light makeup with an emphasis on her eyes. At the same time, Vodonaeva decided to show originality when creating a wedding ensemble, so she chose burgundy-colored accessories and shoes.

The groom appeared at the wedding in a black suit.

Before the painting, the lovers decided to take a ride around St. Petersburg. As a car star couple chose the rare “Chaika”, which will take the newlyweds to the most Beautiful places cultural capital. Vodonaeva and Kosinus were lucky with the weather: the sun was shining during their walk.

At the ceremonial registration of the marriage, which took place in the registry office No. 1 on the Promenade des Anglais, only the newlyweds themselves were present.

wedding of Alena Vodonaeva and Alexey Kosinus

Previously, Vodonaeva admitted that she dreams of an ideal celebration that will be remembered for a lifetime. She shared with fans the nuances of preparing for the holiday, talking about the chosen dress and other details of the wedding look.

“When I was planning the wedding, I wanted it to be stylish, seasoned and at the same time surprising for ourselves. For example, I chose a black seagull as a wedding retro car instead of limousines and Mercedes. And I immediately dismissed the options of restaurants for the celebration. In the middle of the day, an incredible lunch awaited us in the flag tower of the Naryshkin bastion Peter and Paul Fortress"- said Alena.

“The dress was made in St. Petersburg. I knew what it should be like, I imagined it in my head. I was confident in the outfit and was in a state of maximum calm, so I ordered it exactly a week before the wedding. I took my measurements myself and sent them to the designer. We agreed on the sketch and I tried on the finished dress exactly one day before registering the marriage. It fit perfectly. I decided that it would be gothic combined with vintage elements,” said the bride.

Fans appreciated Alena's sophisticated image and came to the conclusion that the lovers look great together.

His club parties are a real fireworks of bright emotions and incendiary shows. There is never a dull moment with them.

And Alexey Kosinus, one of the most famous DJs in St. Petersburg, really knows how to organize them.

The gallery of his images is similar to the filmography of the film actor.

Either he appears before the audience in the form of an angel with huge wings behind his back, or in the company of luxurious strippers. Alexey Kosinus (real name Alexey Komov ) known as DJ Cosine. This is the host of the Western project Zeskullz ( Electonic music

), St. Petersburg famous DJ and talented musician. He composes his own music. Born June 26, 1982

. By this time he had become famous as one of the best DJs not only in St. Petersburg, but also in European countries.

Athlete and musician Alexey has been involved in athletics since childhood and served big hopes . His coach has planned for him sports career

. However, as it turned out over time, sports was not his real calling. It all started with meeting with Sergei Grashchenkov,
who became Alexei’s teacher. The future DJ studied everything free time

. He spent 5 hours a day learning to work as a DJ, which his neighbors suffered in silence.

However, the boy’s natural perseverance and his love of music brought results. Alexey learned the profession of DJ very early and realized that this became his calling for life.

This is how one of the most interesting and unusual DJs in Russia, Dj Kosinus, created himself. Although at that time he was not yet sure that he would connect his life with music, and this activity would become his main income. After school he completed hairdressing courses.

This did not become his profession, but, according to Alexey, he still cuts his friends’ hair from time to time. Haircuts and hairstyles have become a favorite hobby.

And music always came first. Alexey was lucky - he was noticed. Soon he was invited to the main techno team in Russia - Underground Experience (UE). At the same time, he worked as a promoter, organizing UE club performances.

1997 was the year when performances began in St. Petersburg clubs. Before 2000, Komov performed in the style of Scottish techno, and after 2000, the style of synthepop and house became a priority.
In 2004, Komov was awarded the status of the best DJ in St. Petersburg.

Each set of Cosine is unique, imbued with incredible energy. Professionals note excellent musical abilities and professionalism of the DJ. In addition to his work, Alexey is also a wonderful artist who knows how to turn on the audience.

He - headliner the most famous St. Petersburg parties, his sets create an incomparable atmosphere of delight and intoxication with music, blowing up crowds of thousands of people at the largest events in the city. His performances are bright shows that are remembered for a long time and make you want to visit them again and again.

Komov – international DJ. He works in the best disco bars of different Slavic countries. For 2003–2005, Komov had the most a large number of published club mixes – 40 releases.
He performed on the same stage with such famous musicians as Wally Lopez, Westbam, Boogie Pims and others.

Since 2010 he has been participating in a Western project Zeskullz, thanks to which I acquired world fame. Zeskullz is especially popular in Europe and America. Abroad, Komov collaborates with serious foreign music companies.

Family life

WITH Alena Vodonaeva– Alexey has known the star of “House 2” and television since 2013. Vodonaeva attracted fans with her bright beauty and charisma.

At this time, they were on friendly terms, and Cosine was in a relationship with another girl. However, last year a romance broke out between Alena and Alexei, and soon he proposed to the girl. “I was ready to get married 5 weeks after the start of the relationship,” says Komov, “Everything was so wonderful with us: you meet your beloved and want to be with her always.”

At first, the couple hid their relationship until happy Alexey began posting photos of them together on the Internet. The photos appeared on Instagram and it immediately became obvious to everyone that they were a wonderful couple. The relationship did not develop without difficulties; circumstances got in the way.

They lived in different cities: Alexey in St. Petersburg, Alena in Moscow. However, the lovers overcame everything - Alena came to St. Petersburg, Alexey came to Moscow.

They got married on September 11, 2017. And before registration, they rode a rare “Chaika” around the city. It is curious that only the newlyweds themselves were present at the ceremony.

Alena's chosen one is worldwide famous star electronic music. The couple had a warm, almost friendly relationship for many years. Almost, because Vodonaeva had been breathing unevenly towards Cosine for several years.


Back in 2013, the TV presenter wrote flattering words about the artist on her microblog. "Lesha is my lifelong obsession. One of the sexiest men on the planet for me!" – the model admitted.

Posted by ZESKULLZ (@zeskullz) May 25, 2017 at 2:55 PDT

Let us note that Alexey is an enviable groom. In Russia, he performs in front of stadiums of thousands as a DJ. In the West he is known as the frontman of the popular electronic project Zeskullz. Abroad, Cosine collaborates with three major music labels from Britain, Australia and Holland.

Cosine is so inspired by Vodonaeva that he shares photos together with her on Instagram. “Love lasts a lifetime,” the musician writes about his sweetheart. Sources close to the couple whispered to reporters that Cosine has very serious intentions.

Let us remember that Alena was married once. WITH ex-husband, businessman Alexei Malakeev, Vodonaeva legalized the relationship in 2009. A year later, the couple had a son, Bogdan, but this did not save the feelings of the young people. In 2011, the couple separated.

According to Alena, she and Alexey managed to maintain friendly relations. Former star TV productions do not interfere with the son’s communication with his ex-husband. The child treats his father with reverence and respect and looks forward to meetings, which, due to the businessman’s busy schedule, do not happen so often.

Alexey Kosinus, aka Zeskullz – St. Petersburg DJ, music producer, the turbo engine of a number of projects in the Wellness style, including the organizer of a new movement for Russia - non-alcoholic wellness parties. About propaganda healthy image life, yoga and music, read the interview.

I saw you with the singer Polina at Urgant - I was happy. What else new is happening in life?

If we don’t talk about music and fashion, then the two main projects are Human 3000 and RockstarYoga. The latter began as an Internet project aimed at a foreign audience. I wanted to establish communication between people different countries who are united by caring about their health. Then we held one offline event in St. Petersburg, then another... and away we go. Organized a two-day presentation with workshops at the Four Seasons Hotel, brought to life the idea of ​​​​hosting a yoga-related party to attract young people to cool and proper rest. So, in a year we organized more than 30 events - the Human 3000 project became a city project.

Cool. But you’re not the only one pulling this, right?

Of course not. The four of us are moving the project forward: my mother (she is a doctor, doctor of sciences) conducts practices, talks about women's health and nutrition, sister (psychologist by training) writes content for social networks and my friend Sergey ‘Bad Bonus’ (psychologist by training) - we do everything else together with him. It so happens that we are targeting a female audience, since girls are more health conscious. Of course, I would like guys to join in, but so far there are very few of them.

What do you think this is connected with?

The fact is that it is still difficult for them to move away from stereotypes. I notice this in myself. I’ve been practicing yoga for 4 years, when I started, my friends were surprised: “What kind of nonsense?! Yoga for girls! Guys want to make themselves cool relief body, but they believe that this is only possible in a rocking chair. By my example I show how wrong they are. That’s why I perform bare-chested – all in the name of an idea!

I thought so. What is Yoga Rockstar, tell me?

People who are far from the topic are afraid of yoga because of the ethnicity. Therefore, I want to carry out an easy urbanization of yoga culture, wrap it in an accessible and understandable shell. The correctness of the internal presentation will not suffer from this, but the visuals and mood itself will be sort of Californian. I associate this with Adam Levin and Jared Leto - cool rock musicians who lead the right lifestyle. Hence the name – Rockstar.

What direction? Or is it fusion?

A distinctive feature of our project is objective coverage of various aspects of a healthy lifestyle. We give our participants the opportunity to learn as much information as possible about existing approaches, to reveal the pros and cons of each of them. Rockstar Yoga is based on my experience combining various types Yoga is like a construction set, everything is individual, and the main thing is that after practice you feel toned. As part of the project, we opened two specialized halls in St. Petersburg: one on Bolshevikov, the other on Zvezdnaya. In America, they have long been combining sports with the practice of yoga. We are developing this movement here, focusing on young families. This is great: while the children are at jiu-jitsu, mothers are going to yoga.

Rock music, like electronic music, is weakly associated with a healthy lifestyle, rather the opposite.

This is a stereotype that I intend to destroy - this is what all my projects are about. Recently, my friend The Dual Personality and I recorded the album RockstarYoga vol.1, it will be released in December this year. This is an hour-long record of electronic music for yoga. No standard ethnic motifs, this is experimental electronic music for yoga practice. I want modern musical trends to be able to intersect with such healthy stories, I’m trying to promote this in Russia. By the way, British producer Goldie also recently opened a yoga room called ‘Yogangster’ – and he’s not the only one – musicians of the new generation prove by their example that the stereotype “electronic music = unhealthy lifestyle” is hopelessly outdated. The message that we are trying to convey to the masses is that if you are healthy, then everything in your life will be successful. I am pleased with this trend, I believe that this is the future. Perhaps something new will even emerge Musical direction, because music written under alcohol or drugs is different from “clean” music.

Have you experienced the negative effects of doping yourself?

Yes, in the 2000s my friend and I had a duet ‘Kosinus & Slutkey’. Then we parted ways because he is an active participant in various “doping” stories, and I am opposed to this. But no one knew about this. People thought that I was “under something,” because I was always super-cheerful, and he was always calm. In the end, “Slutkey” broke this situation, he quit music, which is very sad, because he undoubtedly had talent. Unfortunately, many worthy people killed themselves with various “dopings”.

It’s a common legend that creativity is supposedly born this way. After Morrison, Cobain and Amy Winehouse It’s hard for people to believe that this is also possible: get up at dawn, yoga, meditation, smoothies, piano. Suspiciously sterile!

I have never understood those who look for inspiration at the bottom of a glass. I love music, it in itself invigorates and inspires me, charges me with energy so much that I have many times more of it than ten inadequate DJs combined.

However, other situations also happen. Some people are so afraid of the public that their hands shake before going out. For him, alcohol and drugs are the key. He needs it to avoid stress. I, on the contrary, absorb the energy of the hall, charge myself with it, and for this I need to be turned on, clean. When you're under something, you're playing somewhere outside of yourself, you don't understand what you're doing or where you are. But if you're real creative person, then creativity should be in yourself, and not in substances.

But what about the audience itself? A sober person is unlikely to go to night club. I last time I was in the club about 7 years ago. Then she refused, stopped drinking - and immediately said goodbye.

This is a different story. That's why we organize parties where electronic music is mixed with healthy entertainment. This is also a pro-American story - in the States they have been doing this for several years, 3-4 years. There it is called Yoga Rave. But we abandoned the word ‘Rave’, since Russian people strongly associate it with drugs. I call this “non-standard recreation for young people.” Non-standard, because our standard is still considered to be a set of nightclub, bar, alcohol and drunken dancing. Parties take place in right time– evening or daytime, last a couple of hours and are accompanied by tea, fresh juices or shots based on the same wheatgrass. In the role of MC - trainer, he conducts a simplified yoga training, from the basic, simplest movements. This unites and energizes people, and after half an hour, unreal, crazy energy reigns on the dance floor. Lively, healthy energy! If we compare the success of our healthy lifestyle parties and club ones, then our success is much more stable. I used to play in clubs 8 times a week, of which only 1-2 parties were really cool. And here every party flies by with a bang.

I can’t believe that you have always been such an ardent healthy lifestyle person, given the specifics of your work and the years when you started - in the 90s, only the dead did not drink or smoke.

I’ll be honest: at first I occasionally performed under alcohol – I thought that this way I would be more liberated. But it did not turn into a system. I realized that alcohol only gets in the way. As for sports, I have been a professional athlete since childhood - even before music, from the age of 9, I went to a sports school, ran 60 meters, won prizes. The coach had hopes for me, so when in the 9th grade I was about to leave sports for music, the coach came to me at school and persuaded me not to ruin my career.

I think she would be happy to see yours today's results. Has yoga changed you mentally?

Definitely. I’m constantly at work, I can run around the city from 7 am to 12 midnight, and then go perform. This is the standard mode. Previously, there was such confusion in your head, as if you were rushing at 200 km/h in a Lamborghini, in terrible tension, because you had just learned to drive. Now you continue to rush at the same speed, but you feel much more confident, calmer, you understand where to go next and where to turn. Thanks to yoga, my productivity has increased, I can calculate actions faster and more clearly, plus I have freed up additional time. My friends are shocked, they don’t understand how I do it all, but I’m just having a blast.

How difficult was the transition from traditional eating to healthy eating for you?

I gradually gave up foods that didn't provide enough benefit. You understand what it’s like: one fuels with diesel - fast food and Coca-Cola, the other - jet fuel - organic products. There is no point in calling for something; everything is learned by comparison. You need to experience this for yourself. For example, my musician friends love teas and bring them from Asia. While we were working in the studio, they treated me to food. A month later I ordered from a cafe green tea. I drank it and was stunned, because it was not tea at all and it was simply impossible to drink! This is the last comparative story that cheered me up.

In terms of restructuring my diet, the most difficult thing for me was giving up sweets. I was looking for substitutes, gradually switched to dried fruits, and then discovered the existence of very cool vegetarian desserts. I never thought it would be so tasty, and also healthy! True, I never cook them myself. The most I make at home is a fruit smoothie.

By the way, about smoothies. I heard you were going through some super cool detox. Will you tell me?

Yes. Mom teaches the course “Cleansing Energy Channels,” which came to us from Asia. The point is to give up chewing functions for a month, drink smoothies, juices, and puree soups. In the first week, the intestines, mucous membranes and the entire body are cleansed. Since liquid food is better absorbed by the body, less energy is spent on digestive processes, and there is more strength. I went through this program myself in the spring and felt the effect myself. My head reconfigured itself: no matter what I did, the algorithms lined up like in a computer, and much faster than usual.

How does the brain react? Doesn't require chewing crackers?

This is present literally for the first two days, then it goes away. You are eating, your body is not hungry. And the reaction of the head is a deception.

If we're talking about the head, let's talk about meditation. Do you practice?

Certainly. Meditation is the best state to recover. For me, getting to know this experience was another confirmation that no “doping” works, only your inner state works. If you are calm internally, then Life is going otherwise. If, after running, I realize that I am mentally exhausted, I go home and meditate.

Eh, Lyosha, everyone would like your consciousness!

Meditation practices are a global trend. Yoga lunches are being introduced in New York business clusters. Especially for businessmen who work hard from 7 am. They come there, meditate for 30 minutes, reset and go back to work. Meditation – cool topic, and I want to develop it, but it’s hard. I think, first of all, such a cluster will appear among conscious business people who understand that this works.

Where did you learn meditation?

From master practitioners who tell you in which direction to move. It is important to understand where to go. You need to be brought into this state at least once, and then you yourself will learn how to achieve it.

Interviewed by Yulia Ulyanova

A month ago, Alena Vodonaeva and Alexey Komov became husband and wife. Before this, they had only dated for four months. In such a short period, the lovers realized that they were ready to connect their lives with each other. But fans still haven’t figured out how this happened. And if a lot is known about Alena, then Alexey remains a mystery to many to this day. We know him as cool musician, which tours around the world and collaborates with top foreign labels. But what kind of person is this Alexey Komov? There are more questions than answers, especially since our hero doesn’t like interviews. For the site, he made an exception and told how he decided to get married so quickly, whether he dreams of children, and whether it is easy for him to be in charge in his relationship with Alena.

Black “claws” instead of the usual wedding jacket, a black “Seagull” instead of a white limousine, an eagle owl instead of doves, a black tuxedo and a gothic dress instead of traditional bride and groom outfits, and finally black wedding rings- that was their wedding. Alena Vodonaeva and Alexey Komov got married on September 11 in St. Petersburg and spent this day exclusively in each other’s company.

Not only the wedding decor was mystical, but also the couple’s romance itself. She dated for only four months before deciding to take such a serious step. It was as if someone had whispered to them that the moment had come.

Having met Alena shortly after the wedding, we noted that she had become different - soft, dreamy and romantic. Vodonaeva described her newly-made husband so enthusiastically that after that conversation we became eager to communicate with him. Fortunately, Alexey Komov, who rarely agrees to an interview, did not refuse and honestly answered several burning questions...

website: Alexey, nowadays many men avoid marriage, but you decided on it quickly, if not hastily. Was it fundamentally important for you to legitimize the relationship?

Alexey Komov: For me, this step was conscious. I see in Alena all the qualities that I personally associate with ideal woman. From the moment of our first meeting to this day, I have only become more convinced that Alena is exactly the person I have always waited for and seen next to me. I didn’t have an ounce of doubt about legitimizing our relationship. This decision was undeniable.

website: Were you not afraid of what kind of short term relationship didn’t have time to get to know Alena properly?

A.K.: Alena and I had many trips together - both tourist and business. And difficult situations inevitably arose. It is at such moments that it usually opens true face person. I can say that Alena was at her best and came out of any situation, even the most difficult situation Beautiful.

“Besides, we have a lot in common. My wife is very independent and goal-oriented, just like me. That's exactly what I like about her. Sometimes it feels like we're too similar (smiles)»

Our views on life, work and interests also turned out to be absolutely the same, so we have already managed to launch several common projects, which everyone will soon hear about.

website: Can you tell us more about your joint plans?

A.K.: Now we are already working on creating our own clothing brand. Also, for the last few years I have been developing wellness programs (the concept of a healthy lifestyle, - website note). This topic is also close to Alena, so we decided to do something interesting together. It's great to have similar views in both work and family.

website: Alena mentioned it several times random coincidences, stories during your communication since 2013. Do you believe in mysticism or fate?

A.K.: I believe in fate and believe that much in our lives is predetermined. People may not form a relationship when they first meet. But if a person is destined for you, the spark will still jump through. Sooner or later everything will turn out as it should. Everything has its time - you just need to be able to wait calmly and not fuss.

website: So you also think that back then, in 2013, it’s unlikely that anything would have worked out for you and Alena?

A.K.: We are already joking about the fact that we had enough time to learn a lot about communicating with the opposite sex and prepare for life together (smiles).

“Now it’s time to start a family. Moreover, I always knew within myself that at the age of 35 I would have a family. And so it happened - Alena and I got married.”

In such matters, as I already said, there is no need for haste.

website: What attracted you to Alena?

A.K.: Of course, beauty. It's stupid to say that this is not so.

I was captivated by her Italian temperament- she always moves forward and sets more and more new goals. Alena was brought up correctly - for this, of course, special thanks to her parents. They are wonderful people and I am very glad that we immediately found mutual language.

website: Is the Alena we see on the screen and on Instagram similar to the one you know?

A.K.: Alena, like many public people, is alone at work, but at home, with close people, she is completely different. I am an artist myself and I know this very well. So I declare with full responsibility that it is different. But I note that my wife does not lose her signature style of communication, charm and charm under any circumstances.

. How did you manage to “tame” her?

A.K.: We do not tame each other, but complement each other (smiles). I think this is very important for family life.

website: Is it difficult to be in charge in a relationship with such a woman?

A.K.: There is nothing complicated or difficult about this if you and your loved one are on the same wavelength. This is just about Alena and me.

website: Your wife has a son from her first marriage. Was it easy for you to find a common language with Bogdan?

A.K.: Bogdan is a very cool and cheerful guy, also smart and super active. He and I immediately became friends.

“Today, Bogdan and I often go for walks, play sports, and I also want to teach him music. The main thing in communicating with a child is the ability to interest him. We have no problems with this."

Recently, by the way, I asked Bogdan to draw the cover for my new music album, which will be released in 2018. He got down to business with enthusiasm (smiles).

website: Do you imagine yourself as the father of a girl?

A.K.: Yes, of course (smiles). Children are real happiness.

website: How do you see your family in the future?

A.K.: A family is a single organism in which everyone plays an important role. It should be friendly, strong and, of course, big. My family will be exactly like this.