Brothers Karimov house 2 now. Oscar Karimov: “It has become difficult to communicate with Borodina

  • 02.07.2020

Back in 2004, the first episode of the most popular reality show “Dom-2” was aired. Over its almost fourteen-year history, the program has undergone a lot of changes. More than a thousand participants passed through the project. The guys got married, had children, got divorced, left and came back again. Some were forgotten immediately after their departure, but the brightest ones are still remembered by TV viewers. Today, many are concerned with the question - what happened to the first participants of the reality show, where are they and what are they doing? The Karimov brothers, Oscar and Stas, were precisely one of the pioneers of the popular television series. But after their departure from “House-2” they somehow disappeared from public view. However, thirteen years later, viewers are still concerned about the fate of the charismatic twin brothers.

How it all began

The Karimov brothers were born in Bashkortostan (in the city of Belebey) in 1980. Nice and cheerful guys from an early age were interested in music and creativity. Oscar was especially drawn to the stage. It was he who always acted as the ringleader and always came up with different adventures. Stas, as an older brother, grew up more responsible, reasonable and more inclined to solve organizational issues. Possessing such qualities, it is not surprising that the brothers made an excellent creative duo. Therefore, when the casting for a new television project was announced, they decided to try their hand without hesitation.

The organizers liked the openness of Stas and Oscar Karimov, and the brothers became part of the first participants of “House-2”. Thus began their creative path to popularity. And she didn’t have to wait long, because the show at that time was simply collecting record ratings. The unprecedented success could not be predicted in advance. This transmission format was new on Russian television, becoming one of the first reality shows in Russia.

Relationships and life of Stas Karimov on the project

From the very first episodes, viewers could observe how Stas indicated his sympathy for Marina the Mouselova. Quite quickly, the guys declared themselves an established couple and moved from the shared bedroom to a VIP house, which by the standards of the project was considered very comfortable housing. But just as quickly as the couple was born, just as quickly it broke up. A little later, the guy began to court another participant in the TV show, Olga Buzova (now the host of “House-2”). Stas truly fell in love with the girl, and Olya reciprocated his feelings. But the relationship did not become strong, and the couple broke up. Olga immediately began building a relationship with Stas, who left the perimeter in June 2005.

Oscar history at Dom-2

Unlike his brother, Oscar did not enter into a relationship immediately after arriving. After a while, participants and TV viewers began to notice that there was clearly sympathy between him and the host of the project, Ksenia Borodina. If at first Ksyusha tried not to give in and not to transfer the relationship from friendship to love, then after a while Borodina gave up, and it became clear to everyone that this was more than just friendship. The couple had a wonderful time, but the organizers of the television show did not like the idea of ​​an office romance. Oscar was asked to decide what is more important to him: a project or love. The young man in love chose the latter and left the project at the next vote. For some time, Ksenia and Oscar lived together outside the perimeter, but the relationship was not destined to develop into a full-fledged family, and they decided to remain friends.

How did the brothers’ lives turn out after “House-2”

As it became known, although the young people left the project, they did not abandon their creative dream. After the project, the Karimov brothers decided not to return to their distant hometown, but to try to arrange their life in Moscow. And so it happened. The guys took up music closely. Today they perform at concerts together with former members and work as DJs and hosts of various events. In the 13 years after leaving the project, the Karimovs managed to travel all over Russia and the CIS. They also own their own business related to premium clothing.

The brothers do not forget about the place in which they grew up, about their parents. And once a year they try to visit family and friends. Stas and Oscar still communicate with some of their former neighbors from the TV set. The same cannot be said about the famous TV presenter who does not maintain contact with her ex-boyfriend. According to Oscar himself, he does not hold a grudge against her and understands that Ksyusha has long had her own life. But the Karimov brothers sometimes keep in touch with the second TV presenter, Olga Buzova.

Oscar's personal life

After leaving the perimeter, Oscar did not particularly advertise his personal life, but journalists learned something. It turns out that at 37 years old, Oscar lives in a civil marriage with his girlfriend Alena. The couple plans to get married, but so far there has been no information about the celebration. Oscar and Alena have no children yet.

Personal life of Stas Karimov after “House-2”

Stas's fate turned out somewhat differently. Almost immediately after leaving, he met a girl, Elena, and they still live together to this day. The young family also has a 13-year-old daughter, Uma, whom Stas calls his pride. The girl is an excellent student, successfully engages in combat sports and draws well. Judging by the way Stas speaks about his wife and daughter, complete harmony and love reign in their families.

As the brothers themselves admit, participation in a popular television show gave them some popularity, and therefore the opportunity to be recognized in the business that they chose to pursue in life. Stas and Oscar do not regret at all that they once lived under the guns of television cameras, but they try not to talk about it. Despite everything, they are still often recognized on the streets and in the clubs where they perform.

the site found out how life turned out for the brightest residents of the famous TV show.

"Dom-2" gave Russian show business several big names. For example, Olga Buzova married football player Dmitry Tarasov and became the host of a TV show, Victoria Bonya lives in Monaco with her common-law husband, with whom she gave birth to a daughter, Alena Vodonaeva tried herself as a singer and became a TV presenter. But not everyone’s fate turned out so brightly. We found out how other ex-participants of the famous TV show live.

Natalya Varvina

While still participating in the show, Natalya began singing. She participated in the group "Instrinsky Witches" together with Alexandra Kharitonova and Elena Bushina. Later she sang a duet with Nelly Ermolaeva, after which she took up solo work. But Varvina never made a career as a singer. Her acting career also did not work out; Natalya starred in the film “Dot Doc. Ten Last Days”, as well as in a small role in the TV series “Spouses”. In the summer of 2013, she married the producer of “House-2” Alexei Mikhailovsky. Last fall, she was assigned the position of presenter at the third location of the show - in the Seychelles. Now the girl often appears on the islands with her husband.

Stepan Menshchikov

On the television project, the most prominent girls fought for Stepan’s heart - Alena Vodonaeva, Victoria Bonya and Alexandra Kharitonova - but Menshchikov found his love outside the walls of the project. In 2013, his beloved Evgenia gave birth to his son. After leaving the project, Stepan was the host of several TV shows and opened his own dating site. Now Menshchikov runs his own agency for organizing holidays.

Stas and Oscar Karimov

On the project, Ksenia Borodina had an affair with Oscar Karimov, the young man very beautifully courted the presenter. The couple was even going to get married, but Oscar left the project and their relationship gradually faded away. Now Oscar, together with his twin brother Stas, work as DJs, perform concerts and are involved in commercial real estate. The brothers live in Moscow and both are already married.

Anastasia Dashko

A sad fate befell one of the brightest participants in the TV show. Anastasia Dashko was sent to prison for fraud. After breaking up with Sam Seleznev, the girl went into business in Chelyabinsk - resale of building materials. However, having received money from entrepreneurs, she appropriated it and spent it on personal needs. Thus, Dashko received more than 1 million rubles from customers. She was sentenced to three years in prison, but after an appeal her sentence was reduced to two years. The girl had just a few days left to sit.

May Abrikosov

May Abrikosov also suffered an unenviable fate. After leaving the TV show, the young man starred in the film “Victory Wind, Clear Day”, and was also the host of the “Secrets” program on TV3. Later, for some time, he disappeared from view, even his friends did not know where he was or what he was doing. There were rumors that Abrikosov led a reclusive lifestyle and was even treated in a mental hospital. Mai does not maintain relationships with other participants in the TV show. What exactly Abrikosov is doing now is unknown. Not long ago, on his blog, he wrote the unpleasant truth about the participants of “House-2” and producer Alexei Mikhailovsky.

Participant name: Stanislav Karimov

Age (birthday): 14.12.1980

City: Belebey, Republic of Bashkortostan

Job: DJ

Family: married

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Read with this article:

One of the first participants to appear on the Dom-2 site was Stas Karimov, but that’s not why fans of the TV project remembered him. So why do viewers classify this hero as one of the golden cast of “builders of love”?

Stas is a very creative and active guy. Since childhood, his favorite hobbies were dancing, sports and music. His twin brother Oscar was always nearby and they even came to the show together. It happened on May 11, 2004.

The first girl to whom he expressed his sympathy was Maria Mouselova. With her, the young man moved into a separate room; by the way, they became the first couple to do this within the framework of “House-2”.

Only this fact did not bring them happiness - soon conflicts began to arise in the couple, which Stas did not tolerate. Despite Marina’s persuasion, her tears and hysterics, the young man never returned to her.

For a very long time Karimov moved from one girl to another, but there was absolutely no seriousness in all these relationships. Behind his back, the young man was even given the nickname “eternal bachelor.”

For the entire time he was on the television set, Stas Karimov can be singled out among all the girls.

It was clear that he sincerely sympathized with the girl, but Olga herself was not sure of him and soon moved on to someone else. This incident led to the fact that the young man stopped even starting any relationships within the project.

After being alone for some time, he left Dom-2 without regret. At that time, he spent about a year within its walls! As it turned out, he left for good reason - outside the perimeter he very quickly met his love. The young man was not even embarrassed that his beloved had a child from a previous relationship.

Stanislav is currently married, in professional terms, Karimov was also successful - in 2016 he can be called a successful DJ, showman, producer and remix-maker.

Photo by Stas

Stas Karimov is a popular DJ; on his Instagram you can see photos from performances and announcements of events.