Letter c of a sentence. Lesson summary on the topic “Reading words and sentences with the letter C

  • 16.09.2024

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Basic secondary school No. 8"


reading lesson

(1 "A" class)

Subject: Reading words with letters Ts, ts.

Prepared and carried out

Primary school teacher

Naberezhnykh E. A.

Stary Oskol

Goals: - consolidate students’ knowledge about the hard consonant sound[ts],

Letters C, c;

To form the skill of correct, smooth, conscious,

Expressive reading;

Develop phonemic hearing and coherent speech;

Cultivate an interest in reading.

Equipment : textbook “Russian alphabet” (

Letters c a p l i ; pictures: tit, flower, towel,

Caterpillar, heron, chicken.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment

The long-awaited call was given -

The lesson begins.

Every day - always, everywhere,

In class, in play -

We speak boldly and clearly,

And we sit quietly.

II. Phonetic exercise. Setting the topic and purpose of the lesson

How does the housewife call the chickens?(Chick-chick-chick...)

Listen carefully to what sound you hear first.(Sound [ts].)

What can you say about this sound?(Sound [ts] consonant, firm,


- What letter in the letter represents this sound?(Letter c.)

What are we going to do in class today?(Read syllables, words,

Sentences with letter ts.)

III. Exercises for the development of the speech apparatus

1) Breathing exercises:

A) exercise “Elephants”

Extend your lips with your proboscis while clenching your jaws. In this position, draw in air. When exhaling, pass air through clenched teeth, simulating the release of water.

B) exercise “Balloon”

Exhale completely through your mouth and do not breathe for several seconds. Then fill your lungs with air in a few short, active breaths through your nose.

2) Articulation warm-up:

A) exercise “Cheeks”

Place your hands on your knees. Inflating each cheek one by one, we move the air flow from one cheek to the other, then fill both cheeks with air. Repeat 5-7 times.

B) exercise “Lips”

Pursing your lips tightly, we stretch them forward, fixing this position. Without opening our lips, we stretch them into a smile. Repeat 2-3 times.

IV. Updating knowledge

1) Reading syllables:

A) smoothly, slowly in chorus

B) finishing a syllable to a whole word

On the board tsa tse

Tso tsy

Tsu qi

2) Game "Who is attentive"

Compose a word using the first sounds of words(the teacher names the words, the children put cards with letters).

Words: chicken, stork, sail, swallow, yacht.

There is a mark on the board

3) Game “Say the Word”

Long thin beak

He'll grab the frog.

A drop drips from the beak

Who is this? (Heron)

V. Physical education minute

It's very difficult to stand like that

Don't put your feet on the floor

And don't fall, don't sway,

Don't hold on to your neighbor.

(The poem is recited by the children 2 times; the first time the children stand on one leg, the second time on the other.)

VI. Working from the textbook

1) Reading a poem about a letter ts:

A) exercise “Bird market”

B) aloud 2 students

How do you understand the word “fighters”?

Who are blacksmiths?

B) selective reading

Find and read words with a letter c.

D) expressive reading

2) Reading the poem “Delicate Work”:

A) teacher

B) conversation on issues

Who did the son blind?

What did he do, according to his father?

What kind of poem is this?

C) preparation for expressive reading

D) expressive reading. Competition "Best Reader"

VII. Consolidation

1 ) Matching words with pictures

Literacy lesson

Lesson topic: « Reading words and sentences with the letter C"

Target : formation of the skill of correct, conscious, expressive reading of words and sentences.


    develop the skill of sound-letter analysis;

    develop cognitive processes (thinking, imagination, attention);

    broaden the horizons of students;

    develop interest in the native language;

    cultivate a love for animals and plants.

Lesson type: consolidation of learned knowledge.

Forms of lesson organization:










    independent work


    partially search.

Equipment: computer, multimedia installation, disk with slides, tape of letters, cards for individual work, magnetic board, textbook, notebook for printing.

Lesson progress:

I. Class organization.

Smile at each other! Say hello with your eyes. Let's start the reading lesson.

MANAGEMENT: If you want to know a lot,

Achieve a lot -

Must learn.

2.Sound charging

a) - Let's start with sound charging. Name the letters on the tape that represent:

- Sonorous sounds
- Paired voiced sounds
- Paired dull sounds - Unpaired voiceless sounds
- Give the command to read firmly
- Give the command to read softly
A) - Let’s read the sayings in unison from the screen:Slide 1 Tsy, tsy, tsy, tsy - I’m picking cucumbers.Tsa-tsa-tsa - the singer sings
Tsu-tsu-tsu - let's go to the seller
Tso-tso-tso - the chicken laid an egg
Tsor-tsor-tsor - dancer dancing
Qi-qi-qi - we wrote numbers
3. Goal setting - What letter were our pure words? What are we going to do today?SLIDE 2


words and sentences

with the letter C

4. Work on the topic of the lesson.

1) Read the poem:

Clack, clack, clack, clack!

I am a horse - gray side!

I hoof I'll knock If you want, I’ll give you a ride! Slide 3

Find words with the letter C.

- Guys, I suggest you ride a horse. And where, guess for yourself: SLIDE 4
- So where are we going? (To the circus)- Which of you was in the circus? Share your impressions with your friends. What did you see there?2) - There was no elephant at the performance, he came to us today after the tour and brought the game “The Letter is Hidden”. If you read the words correctly, the elephant will make friends with you and stay with you.
SLIDE 5 The letter hid KURI...A...IRKAPPLYA SQUARE... BLUE...ADifferentiated work: Group 1 writes down words on a card opposite the diagram of this word 1 at the board Group 2 copies words and divides them into syllables 1 at the board Group 3 copies words and underlines the letter CChecking the completion of the task. 3) - And also an animal came to our lesson, the name of which you must find in the chain of letters on the board: J V R A V HARE G R U Z A Y C H I K P O S L- Why did they call him two words at once? When do you say "bunny"?- The bunny asks us to play lotto with him. Slide 6

Guys, collect words from syllables by color.Group 1 – red syllablesGroup 2 – green syllablesGroup 3 – yellow syllables

Collect words

di honeybear flower cucumber (compile on the board) Physical education minuteSlide 7 4 ) Working with the text "Queen of Flowers". Name the word that answers the questionWHO? ( she-bear ) Slide 8
Today he performs at the circus she-bear, which asks us to guess the riddle: Let's read the ABC for our bear. (p.102) Read the title of the text

"Queen of Flowers"Slide 9
-What are they talking about? Why? (This flower is very beautiful)

This piece was written by K.D. Ushinsky. Have you guessed what we are going to read about?

A) - Let’s read the words on the board in unison:

Flowers - color, colorful, multi-colored.

Long, brown, crimson, yellow

b) Text a well-read student reads

What did you imagine? What is she like? Why was the rose presented so easily?
- This description can be called verbal drawing. There is no picture, but

we have a good idea of ​​what a rose looks like.
c) – Read the text to yourself. Try to remember it.
G) Selective reading.
-Read where the rose grows.
-What is on the trunk and shoots?
- What color are roses?

-What are flowers for?
- Guys, giving flowers means expressing sincere feelings of love and respect for a person. Flowers help make our relationships more cordial and trusting.

5. Lesson summary.
- What interesting things did you hear in the lesson?

What did you like and remember most?

6. Lesson reflection.

All these artists thank you for your work, and you give them flowers.

How did you work in class today?Slide 10 (flowers with an arrow)

Children choose a color and hang a rose on the board.

- The lesson is over, thank you for your work.Slide 11

If there is time left: - Guys, you're a little tired. Place your head on the desk, lower your shoulders, close your eyes. Listen to a story about a grandmother and granddaughter. Remember all the words that have a new sound (ts). In summer the sun shines brightly outside. And in my grandmother’s garden there are cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, and radishes. But here's the problem! The cabbage was attacked by caterpillars. Grandma collects them in a jar. And Marusya says: - Now I’ll help you, grandma! Marusya ran into the yard, and came back carrying a basket. What did Marusya bring in the basket? How do you think? And there were chickens in the basket. Marusya released them into the garden beds. The chickens began to peck the caterpillars. Grandmother told Marusya. - Well done, Marusya! Raise your head. Repeat, which words did you remember with the sound (C)?

Sections: Primary school

Pedagogical goal: create conditions for consolidating students’ knowledge about the hard consonant sound [ts], the letters Ts, ts, the development of speech, memory, and logical thinking.

Lesson type: solving a particular problem.

Planned results (subject): recognize the sound [ts] in words, read words with the letters Ts, ts, read poetic texts with intonation and pauses in accordance with punctuation marks, complete tasks for texts, practice reading techniques.

Personal: define the boundaries of their own knowledge and “ignorance”.

UUD: regulatory: plan their action in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation.

Cognitive: general educational – search for necessary information in literary texts and illustrations; logical – carry out analysis of pr.

Communicative: are able to control the actions of their partner.

Lesson progress

I. Organizational moment.

The cheerful bell rang
We are starting our lesson.

We don't get bored in class
We work and read.

II. Introduction to the topic. Setting a learning task.

Many literary heroes came to our lesson with assignments.

1. gives you a task crocodile. (Slide)

What kind of speech is there?

What does speech consist of?

The following questions are asked elephant. (Slide)

What is the difference between sounds and letters?

What sounds are there?

Teacher: - How are vowel sounds pronounced?

(They are pronounced with air flowing freely through the mouth.)

How are consonants pronounced?

(When pronouncing the escaping air, there is an obstacle: lips, teeth, tongue)

What consonant sound did we learn about in the last lesson?

Describe the sound [ts]

(Consonant, unpaired, voiceless, always hard)

What other consonant sounds are always hard?

(F, W, C)

Think about what educational task we will solve in class today?

III.(Reading words and sentences with the letter C) (Slide)

Say a clean phrase: (Slide)

Tsa-tsa-tsa - the singer sings
Tsu-tsu-tsu - let's go to the seller
Tso-tso-tso - the chicken laid an egg
Tsk-tsk-tsy - there are cucumbers in the garden
Tsor-tsor-tsor - dancer dancing

Read the poem (Slide)

Clack, clack, clack, clack!
I am a horse - gray side
I'll knock my hoof
If you want, I’ll give you a ride!

Find words that contain the letter C. Name them.

And now a very interesting task awaits you. Look at the screen and tell me what letter is hidden in the words? (Slide)

Read the words in which the letter C appears at the beginning of the word?

(Heron, circus)

At the end of a word? ( Starling)

Before the letter A? ( Chicken, tit)

Where in a word can the letter C be found?

Working with the textbook.

And now we will read about the letter C.

Open the alphabet on p. 54.

Read the poem yourself.

Reading aloud.

Read the words in which the letter Y is at the end of the word:

(Chicks, fighters, blacksmiths)

How many words are used? ( Mn. number)

Read the words where C is at the beginning? ( Heron, circus)

Guys! In the words wrestlers, circus, TSY and TSI are read the same, and you will learn what to write in a particular word TSY or TSI in Russian language lessons when you are older.

Now look at the screen. A butterfly flew to your lesson. But she scattered the syllables. Please collect the words:

  • Collect word on red background URSA(Slide)
  • Green CUCUMBER(Slide)
  • Yellow FLOWER(Slide)

Let's stand up and become flowers.

Physical exercise.


Our scarlet flowers
The petals are blooming
The breeze breathes a little,
The petals are swaying
Our scarlet flowers
The petals close
They shake their heads, quietly
They fall asleep.

Look at the screen. A clattering fly also flew to our lesson. She also brought you a task.

Describe the sounds [k], [ch], [i].

  • The sound [h] is a consonant, dull, always soft.
  • The sound [and] is a vowel, giving softness to the consonant.
  • The sound [k] is a consonant, dull, and can be hard or soft.

These sounds are designated by the letters K.I.Ch.

We were visited by a Crocodile, an Elephant, a Butterfly, and a Tsokotukha Fly. Tell me, in which writer and storyteller do they occur? Are you familiar with them? Now look at these three letters. They will help you answer my question.

K.I. Chukovsky (Slide)

Teacher - Correct. Today we got acquainted with the work of K.I. Chukovsky.

He is a great storyteller, translator, writer, critic. He wrote many books for children. One day he heard the loud cry of a girl who did not want to wash herself. Chukovsky took her in his arms and suddenly began to tell her:

“We must, we must wash ourselves.
In the mornings and evenings
And the unclean chimney sweeps
Shame and disgrace! Shame and disgrace.”

Can you guess which work this is from?

Moidodyr (Slide)

Open the alphabet on p. 53.

Everyone reads it.

What does Chukovsky advise children from the first lines of the poem?

You have cards on your desks, read them to yourself, then out loud.

1) Whom does he threaten with shame and disgrace?

2) What does he praise and in what words?

3) What does he advise children to do?

How many of you know by heart excerpts from the works of K.I. Chukovsky?


What new have you learned?

There is a Christmas tree in front of you. Let's decorate it with balloons.

  • Red ball - I did well, I was active in the lesson. Everything worked out for me, I understood everything. (Slide)
  • Purple ball - I can do better in class. I didn't succeed.
  • Yellow ball - I had a hard time in class. I need help.

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Abstract for the presentation

Presentation for young schoolchildren who are still learning letters. With the help of this work, schoolchildren will train their skills in pronunciation of not the simplest letter - the letter C. The teacher has selected entertaining rhymes and pictures associated with this letter.

  • Let's practice pronouncing the letter C
  • Visual pictures
  • Thematic rhymes
  • Interactive communication with children


    pptx (powerpoint)

    Number of slides

    Morshchakova E. I.






    • To conduct a lesson by a teacher

Slide 1

Reading words and sentences with the letter C

The presentation was made by a primary school teacher at the MBOU Turtapinskaya Secondary School Morshchakova E.I.

Slide 2


  • Tsa-tsa-tsa - the singer sings
  • Tsu - tsu - tsu - let's go to the seller
  • Tso - tso - tso - the chicken laid an egg
  • Tsy-tsy-tsy - there are cucumbers in the garden
  • Tzor - tzor - tzor - dancer dancing
  • Slide 3

    Clack, clack, clack, clack!

    I am a horse - gray side!

    I'll knock my hoof

    If you want, I’ll give you a ride!

    Slide 4

    Slide 5

    "The letter hid"



    Slide 6

    Collect words

    di veca honey o cucumber flower

    Slide 7

    Physical education minute

  • Slide 8

    Slide 9

    Queen of Flowers

  • Slide 10

    If you are satisfied with the work

    Well done, I was active in class.

    Everything worked out for me, I understood everything.

    I can do better in class.

    Not everything worked out for me.

    I had a hard time in class.

    I need help.

    Slide 11

    Well done!

    Thanks for the work!

    Slide 12

    View all slides


    Literacy lesson

    primary school teachers

    MBOU Turtapinskaya secondary school

    Morshchakova Elena Ivanovna

    Lesson topic:



    broaden the horizons of students;

    Forms of lesson organization:







    independent work


    partially search.

    Lesson progress:

    I. Class organization.

    MANAGEMENT: If you want to know a lot,

    Achieve a lot -

    Must learn.

    2.Sound charging

    Sonorous sounds - Paired voiced sounds - Paired dull sounds

    Unpaired voiceless sounds - Give the command to read firmly - Give the command to read softly

    Slide 1

    3. Goal setting

    SLIDE 2

    4. Work on the topic of the lesson.

    1) Read the poem:

    Clack, clack, clack, clack!

    I am a horse - gray side!

    I hoof I'll knock

    If you want, I’ll give you a ride!

    Slide 3

    Find words with the letter C.

    SLIDE 4

    SLIDE 5

    The letter hid



    Differentiated work:

    Checking the completion of the task.

    Slide 6

    Group 1 – red syllables

    Group 2 – green syllables

    Group 3 – yellow syllables

    Collect words


    Physical education Slide 7

    4) WHO? (mother bear)

    Slide 8

    Today he performs at the circus she-bear,

    Read the title of the text

    "Queen of Flowers" Slide 9

    b) Text

    verbal drawing. There is no picture, but

    Selective reading.�

    6. Lesson reflection.

    Slide 10 (flowers with an arrow)

    Slide 11

    If there is time left:

    Grandmother told Marusya.

    - Well done, Marusya!


    Literacy lesson

    primary school teachers

    MBOU Turtapinskaya secondary school

    Morshchakova Elena Ivanovna

    Lesson topic: Reading words and sentences with the letter C.

    Target: formation of the skill of correct, conscious, expressive reading of words and sentences.


    develop the skill of sound-letter analysis;

    develop cognitive processes (thinking, imagination, attention);

    broaden the horizons of students;

    develop interest in the native language;

    cultivate a love for animals and plants.

    Lesson type: consolidation of learned knowledge.

    Forms of lesson organization:







    independent work


    partially search.

    Equipment: computer, multimedia installation, disk with slides, tape of letters, cards for individual work, magnetic board, textbook, notebook for printing.

    Lesson progress:

    I. Class organization.

    Smile at each other! Say hello with your eyes. Let's start the reading lesson.

    MANAGEMENT: If you want to know a lot,

    Achieve a lot -

    Must learn.

    2.Sound charging

    a) - Let's start with sound charging. Name the letters on the tape that represent:

    Sonorous sounds - Paired voiced sounds - Paired dull sounds

    Unpaired voiceless sounds - Give the command to read firmly - Give the command to read softly

    a) - Let’s read the sayings in unison from the screen:

    Slide 1

    3. Goal setting

    What letter were our pure words? What are we going to do today? SLIDE 2

    4. Work on the topic of the lesson.

    1) Read the poem:

    Clack, clack, clack, clack!

    I am a horse - gray side!

    I hoof I'll knock

    If you want, I’ll give you a ride!

    Slide 3

    Find words with the letter C.

    Guys, I suggest you ride a horse. And where, guess for yourself:

    SLIDE 4

    So where are we going? (To the circus)

    2) - There was no elephant at the performance, he came to us today after the tour and brought the game “The Letter is Hidden”. If you read the words correctly, the elephant will make friends with you and stay with you.

    SLIDE 5

    The letter hid



    Differentiated work:

    Group 1 writes down words on a card opposite the diagram of this word 1 at the board

    Group 2 copies words and divides them into syllables 1 at the board

    Group 3 copies words and underlines the letter C

    Checking the completion of the task.

    3) - And also an animal came to our lesson, the name of which you must find in the chain of letters on the board:

    F R A V Z A C G R U Z A Y C H I K P O S L

    Why did they call him two words at once? When do you say "bunny"?

    The bunny asks us to play lotto with him.

    Slide 6

    Guys, collect words from syllables by color.

    Group 1 – red syllables

    Group 2 – green syllables

    Group 3 – yellow syllables

    Collect words


    bear flower cucumber (compile on the board)

    Physical education Slide 7

    4) Working with the text “Queen of Flowers”. Name the word that answers the question WHO? (mother bear)

    Slide 8

    Today he performs at the circus she-bear, which asks us to guess the riddle:

    Let's read the ABC for our bear. (p.102)

    Read the title of the text

    "Queen of Flowers" Slide 9-What are they talking about? Why? (This flower is very beautiful)

    ���-This piece was written by K.D. Ushinsky. Have you guessed what we are going to read about?

    A) - Let’s read the words on the board in unison:

    b) Text a well-read student reads

    What did you imagine? What is she like? Why did they present the rose so easily? - This description can be called verbal drawing. There is no picture, but

    we have a good idea of ​​what a rose looks like.�c) - Read the text to yourself. Try to remember it.�g) Selective reading.�-Read where the rose grows.�-What is on the trunk and shoots?�-What color are roses?�

    Why do flowers exist? - Guys, giving flowers means expressing sincere feelings of love and respect for a person. Flowers help make our relationships more cordial and trusting.�

    5. Lesson summary. - What interesting things did you hear in the lesson?

    What did you like and remember most?

    6. Lesson reflection.

    All these artists thank you for your work, and you give them flowers.

    How did you work in class today? Slide 10 (flowers with an arrow)

    Children choose a color and hang a rose on the board.

    The lesson is over, thank you for your work. Slide 11

    If there is time left:

    Guys, you're a little tired. Place your head on the desk, lower your shoulders, close your eyes. Listen to a story about a grandmother and granddaughter. Remember all the words that have a new sound (ts).

    In summer the sun shines brightly outside. And in my grandmother’s garden there are cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, and radishes. But here's the problem! The cabbage was attacked by caterpillars. Grandma collects them in a jar. And Marusya says:

    - Now I’ll help you, grandma!

    Marusya ran into the yard, and came back carrying a basket.

    What did Marusya bring in the basket? How do you think?

    And there were chickens in the basket. Marusya released them into the garden beds. The chickens began to peck the caterpillars.

    Grandmother told Marusya.

    - Well done, Marusya!

    Raise your head. Repeat, which words did you remember with the sound (C)?










    Soloveychik M. S. Literacy Training Program. – Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2011.

    Soloveychik M.S., Primer, textbook. – Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2011.

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