Further into the forest there is more firewood, the meaning of the proverb. The meaning of the proverb “the further into the forest, the more firewood

  • 12.06.2019

It doesn't get any easier hour by hour

“Hour by hour” - with every passing hour.
Meaning: with each new news, message it becomes more alarming, worse. It is said with annoyance at the news of a new, not the first, trouble or new difficulties.
Example from the literature:
- How could he get to the front? - He ran away to join your squad... - It’s not getting any easier hour by hour,” Bykov was indignant (V. Sayanov, “Heaven and Earth”).

The richer you are, the happier you are

They say when they ask to treat with leniency what they have and what they cordially share with others.
Examples from the literature:
1) Colonel Manukyants reached for the basket hanging on a hook near the window and began to take out provisions from there. Sausage, cheese appeared on the table, fried chicken, eggs, pickles... - Command the parade, comrades women! - said the colonel. - The richer you are, the happier you are (V. Giller, “The Quiet Tyrant”);
2) They began to invite people to visit them.. - You are welcome, Comrade Commissar: the rich you are, the happier you are (A. Neverov, “What came of it”).

Whatever the child enjoys, as long as he doesn’t cry

“To amuse” - to have fun, to have fun.
The meaning: let him do what he wants, if he likes it and at the same time does not bother anyone, does not distract anyone or irritate anyone. It is said when one is condescending towards someone’s unworthy and useless activities, frivolous behavior and actions.
Examples from the literature:
1) The Lukovs did not restrict the old man in anything and gave him complete freedom. They apparently believed that no matter what the child amused himself with, as long as he did not cry (V. Kurochkin, “ Last spring”);
2) - What are you writing all the time there? - asked Tatyana Markovna, - is it a drama or is it all a novel, or what? - I don’t know, grandma, I write life - life comes out. I don’t know what will happen finally. “Whatever the child enjoys, just don’t cry,” she remarked, and with this proverb she almost correctly defined the meaning of Paradise’s writing (I. Goncharov, “The Cliff”);
3) The girl was a little over a year old when her parents began to leave her alone with a piece of paper. At first glance, it’s an ordinary everyday reason: no matter what a child enjoys, as long as it doesn’t cry (Smena Magazine, June 1, 1978).

They say when they see that the further events develop, the more difficulties, surprises, complications arise, from which it is not easy to find a way out.
Examples from the literature:
1) I saw that it was much easier for them to lie than to speak truthfully and express themselves accurately about the most ordinary things. But - the further into the forest, the more firewood. Every day the talent of lying began to be shown not only in relation to children, but on an incomparably larger, grandiose scale (G. Uspensky, “Three Letters”);
2) My wife and I are hysterical. The daughter declares that she is unable to live with such violent parents and gets dressed to leave home. The further into the forest, the more firewood. It ends with an important guest finding a doctor on stage applying lead lotions to her husband’s head (A. Chekhov, “Vaudeville”);
3) - As in every case, Misha: the further into the forest, the more firewood. Nesterov laughed at the successful comparison.. - At our excavations they said almost the same thing: the deeper into the ground, the more land(G. Markov, “Testament”).

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Since ancient times, people have learned to notice certain relationships between various phenomena and analyze them. And although they did not mean much then, they found their expression in various proverbs, sayings and sayings.

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What is the role of folk wisdom in people's lives

Wise thoughts and advice for all occasions, which are contained in proverbs, accompany us throughout our lives. And despite the fact that some proverbs are hundreds of years old, they will always be relevant, because the basic laws of life will never change. There are a lot of wise sayings, for example: “The further into the forest, the more firewood”, “It looks smooth, but is not sweet in the tooth”, “Praise is ruin for a good man”, “If you wait, you will see, if you wait, you will hear”, etc. All of them briefly and clearly characterize certain actions, relationships, phenomena, and give important life advice.

“The further into the forest, the more firewood.” Meaning of the proverb

Even in ancient times, without even knowing how to count, people noticed certain patterns. The more game they get while hunting, the longer the tribe will not suffer from hunger, the brighter and longer the fire burns, the hotter it will be in the cave, etc. The further into the forest, the more firewood - this is also a fact. At the edge of the forest, as a rule, everything has already been collected, but in the deep thicket, where no human has ever set foot, there is apparently no firewood. However, this saying has a much deeper meaning. Forest and firewood do not need to be taken literally; people simply expressed certain patterns that occur in our lives through the interconnection of these concepts.

In the proverb “the further into the forest, the more firewood,” the meaning is this: the deeper you delve into any business or undertaking, the more “pitfalls” come to the surface. This expression can be applied to many concepts and situations. For example, the deeper you begin to study a question, the more details you learn about it. Or the longer you communicate with a person, the better you understand the characteristics of his character.

In what situations is the proverb “The further into the forest, the more firewood” most often used?

Despite the fact that the meaning of the proverb allows it to be used in many situations, it is most often used when we are talking about the occurrence of unforeseen difficulties and complications in any undertaking. It’s not for nothing that the proverb refers specifically to firewood. Everyone knows that the expression “to mess things up” means “to make a mistake by acting rashly,” that is, it is interpreted in a disapproving way.

Apply this proverb It is possible not only in relation to some specific business that has been started. “The further into the forest, the more firewood” - this can be said in relation to a person who, for example, constantly deceives others, and lies draw him into a vicious circle, giving rise to more and more new lies. Or, for example, someone wants to climb career ladder and for this I am ready to do anything. If in order to achieve his goal he plays a dishonest game, then the higher he climbs the “steps”, the more unseemly acts he has to commit.


Folk wisdom, embedded in proverbs and sayings, briefly and succinctly characterizes all aspects of life - relationships between people, attitudes towards nature, human weaknesses and other aspects. All proverbs and wise sayings– this is a real treasure that people have been collecting bit by bit for centuries and passing on to future generations. By proverbs and sayings one can judge the values ​​that are inherent in different cultures. It is in such statements that the vision of the world as a whole and in various particulars is contained. life situations. It is difficult to overestimate the importance and role of proverbs and sayings in the life of society. They are the spiritual heritage of our ancestors, which we are obliged to honor and protect.

Since ancient times, people have learned to notice certain relationships between various phenomena and analyze them. And although they did not mean much then, they found their expression in various proverbs, sayings and sayings.

What is the role of folk wisdom in people's lives

Wise thoughts and advice for all occasions, which are contained in proverbs, accompany us throughout our lives. And despite the fact that some proverbs are hundreds of years old, they will always be relevant, because the basic laws of life will never change. There are a lot of wise sayings, for example: “The further into the forest, the more firewood”, “It looks smooth, but is not sweet in the tooth”, “Praise is ruin for a good man”, “If you wait, you will see, if you wait, you will hear”, etc. All of them briefly and clearly characterize certain actions, relationships, phenomena, and give important life advice.

“The further into the forest, the more firewood.” Meaning of the proverb

Even in ancient times, without even knowing how to count, people noticed certain patterns. The more game they get while hunting, the longer the tribe will not suffer from hunger, the brighter and longer the fire burns, the hotter it will be in the cave, etc. The further into the forest, the more firewood - this is also a fact. At the edge of the forest, as a rule, everything has already been collected, but in the deep thicket, where no human has ever set foot, there is apparently no firewood. However, this saying has a much deeper meaning. Forest and firewood do not need to be taken literally; people simply expressed certain patterns that occur in our lives through the interconnection of these concepts.

In the proverb “the further into the forest, the more firewood,” the meaning is this: the deeper you delve into any business or undertaking, the more “pitfalls” come to the surface. This expression can be applied to many concepts and situations. For example, the deeper you begin to study a question, the more details you learn about it. Or the longer you communicate with a person, the better you understand the characteristics of his character.

In what situations is the proverb “The further into the forest, the more firewood” most often used?

Despite the fact that the meaning of the proverb allows it to be used in many situations, it is most often used when we are talking about the occurrence of unforeseen difficulties and complications in any undertaking. It’s not for nothing that the proverb refers specifically to firewood. Everyone knows that the expression “to mess things up” means “to make a mistake by acting rashly,” that is, it is interpreted in a disapproving way.

This proverb can be applied not only in relation to a specific task that has been started. “The further into the forest, the more firewood” - this can be said in relation to a person who, for example, constantly deceives others, and lies draw him into a vicious circle, giving rise to more and more new lies. Or, for example, someone wants to climb the career ladder and is ready to do anything for this. If in order to achieve his goal he plays a dishonest game, then the higher he climbs the “steps”, the more unseemly acts he has to commit.


Folk wisdom, embedded in proverbs and sayings, briefly and succinctly characterizes all aspects of life - relationships between people, attitudes towards nature, human weaknesses and other aspects. All the proverbs and wise sayings are a real treasure that people have been collecting bit by bit for centuries and passing on to future generations. By proverbs and sayings one can judge the values ​​that are inherent in different cultures. It is precisely such statements that contain a vision of the world as a whole and in various private life situations. It is difficult to overestimate the importance and role of proverbs and sayings in the life of society. They are the spiritual heritage of our ancestors, which we are obliged to honor and protect.

Russian proverb meaning: The deeper you dive into a problem, matter, etc., the more subtleties and features that were previously hidden, you discover.


(1860 - 1904)

“Vaudeville” (1884): “The wife is hysterical. The daughter declares that she is not able to live with such violent parents, and gets dressed to leave the house. . It ends with an important guest finding a doctor on stage applying the husband's head has lead lotions, and a private bailiff drawing up a protocol for violating public peace and quiet."

"Sakhalin island"- “The cattle, such as we have, are borrowed from the treasury and fed at the state expense. The further into the forest, the more firewood: all Arkov residents owe, their debt grows with each new crop, with each extra head of livestock, and for some it already extends to an unpaid figure - two or even three hundred rubles per capita."

(1809 - 1852)

(1831-1832), I - about Ivan Fedorovich Shponka:

“He was already nearly fifteen years old when he moved to the second grade, where, instead of the abbreviated catechism and the four rules of arithmetic, he began to study the long one, a book about the positions of man and fractions. But, seeing that the further into the forest, the more firewood, and having received the news that the father ordered him to live long, he stayed for another two years and, with the consent of his mother, then joined the P*** infantry regiment."

Proverbs of the Russian people. - M.: Fiction.

V. I. Dal.


    See what "The further into the forest, the more firewood." in other dictionaries: Wed. Their only business was lying... but... the further into the forest, the more firewood. Every day the talent for lying became in them... in undoubtedly greater proportions. Ch. Uspensky. New times. Three letters. 2. Wed. Shouldn't we leave here for the goodness of our minds? it is seen …

    The further into the forest, the more firewood (the further into the argument, the more words). Wed. Their only business was lying... but... the further into the forest, the more firewood. Every day the talent for lying became in them... undoubtedly more... ...

    Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling) The further into the forest, the more partisans The further you go into the forest, the worse it gets

    - (from the last. The further into the forest, the more firewood, the further events develop, the more difficulties arise; getting into the forest sounds like) original meaning ... The further into the forest, the more partisans The further you go into the forest, the worse it gets

    Live speech. Dictionary of colloquial expressions The further you go into the forest, the more you are the odd man out

    The further into the forest, the more firewood (the further into the argument, the more words) Cf. Their only business was lying... but... the further into the forest, the more firewood. Every day the talent for lying became in them... in undoubtedly greater proportions. Ch. Uspensky. New... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary THE FURTHER // YOU CLEAN, THE MORE INTEREST / INTO THE FOREST, THE MORE PARTISANS- last front: The further into the forest, the more firewood. No matter what the child amuses himself with, as long as he doesn’t poop on the last one. front., Makar.: Whatever the child amuses himself with, as long as he doesn’t cry., English: to fuck make love...

    Dictionary The further into the forest, the more partisans The further you go into the forest, the worse it gets

    modern colloquial phraseological units and proverbs- he got in, the closer he got out... the thicker the partisans joked. a parody of the saying “the further into the forest, the more firewood”... Dictionary of Russian argot

    Union. 1. Attaches a revolution or adverb. sentence with the meaning of comparison, comparison of whom, what, etc. with what is said in the main thing. Talk louder than usual. In the south the stars are brighter than in the north. The mountains were higher than anyone expected. 2... encyclopedic Dictionary


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  • Shadow of Light, Andrey Vasiliev. Everybody knows folk proverb, which says that “the further into the forest◦, the more firewood.” This is how it really is. The more aspiring witcher Alexander Smolin learns about exactly how it works...
The further into the forest, the more firewood (the further into the forest, the more firewood) - everything that exists is infinite and interconnected. Knowledge gives rise to new questions, from the answers to which the following arise. On the way to a difficult goal, obstacles multiply and multiply. How more money, the more difficult it is to part with them, preserve them, increase them, even attach them

Every solution creates new problems (Murphy's law)

Analogues of the expression “further into the forest, more firewood”

  • The further into the argument, the more words
  • Life is not a field to live
  • Without knowing grief, you will not know joy
  • God gave the day, He will also give food
  • If you don't catch a crucian carp, you'll catch a pike
  • How many days does God have ahead, so many misfortunes?
  • Live forever, hope forever
  • What will happen will happen, you can’t escape it
  • Further out to sea - more sorrow
  • Where there is fire, there is smoke

Applications of proverbs in literature

« When you finally go upstairs,” Apollo continued, “it turns out that you will have a duel with a giant spider - and the further you go into the forest, the thicker the spiders become.”"(Victor Pelevin "Batman Apollo")
« While there was still talk about tobacco, about a bottle of vodka, until then, one way or another, they could help him, but the further into the forest - the more firewood, and Kornev and Kartashev were lost, seeing that, in fact, there was no end to Konon’s demands will"(N. G. Garin-Mikhailovsky “Gymnasium Students”)
« The further into the forest, the more firewood: all Arkov residents owe, their debt grows with each new crop, with each extra head of livestock, and for some it already extends to an unpaid figure - two or even three hundred rubles per capita"(A.P. Chekhov “Sakhalin Island”)
« Anninka became convinced that the further into the forest, the more firewood there was, and she began to finally say goodbye"(M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin “Gentlemen Golovlevs”)