Ethics of ATS workers concept of goal function. Why does an employee of the internal affairs bodies need ethics

  • 22.09.2019

Professional ethics of employees of internal affairs bodies


Factors - indicators of professional and moral deformation and its main causes.

The structure of the moral culture of law enforcement officers

Features of the professional ethics of law enforcement officers



Topic number 3. Professional morality and professional ethics of police officers

stock lecture

On the academic discipline "Professional ethics"

Topic: "Ethics as a philosophical science of morality"

Discussed and approved at the meeting

Departments of Professional Ethics and Aesthetic Culture

Moscow - 2007

Main literature:

1. Code of Honor of the Ordinary and Commanding Staff of the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Russian Federation (1993).

2. Shcheglov A.V. Professional ethics of law enforcement officers: Course program. M., 2001.

3. Mekhed T.G., Shcheglov A.V. Professional ethics of employees of internal affairs bodies: a course of lectures. Part 1. M., 1998.

4. Shcheglov A.V. professional ethics of employees of internal affairs bodies: a course of lectures. Part 2. M., 1999.

5. Shcheglov A.V. Professional ethics of employees of internal affairs bodies: a course of lectures. Part 3. M., 2001.

6. Shcheglov A.V. Professional ethics of employees of internal affairs bodies: Educational and methodological materials. M., 2002.

7. Psychology. Pedagogy. Ethics: Textbook for universities. / ed. Naumkina Y.V.. M., 1999. (Chapters 13-18 ).

8. Psychology. Pedagogy. Ethics: Textbook for universities. 2nd ed., rev. and additional add. / Ed. Naumkina Yu.V. M., 2002. (Chapters 11 - 16).

9. Professional ethics of law enforcement officers. Textbook / Ed. Opaleva A.V. and Dubova G.V. (any year of publication).

10. Kukushin V.M. your professional ethics. M., 1994.

11. Pylev S.S. Spiritual-moral and cultural bases of activity of police and militia of Russia (history and the present). Monograph. M., 2003.

Additional literature:

1. Kukushin V.M. Professional ethics, etiquette and tact of employees of internal affairs bodies. M., 1991.

2. Kukushin V. M. Police deontology: Sociological analysis of foreign concepts. M., 1994.

3. Tips for a young policeman (On the culture of behavior in the service and in

everyday life). M., 1996.

4. Huseynov A.A., Apresyan R.G. Ethics. Textbook. M., 1998.

5. Huseynov A. A. Great moralists. M., 1995.

6. Zelenkova I. L., Belyaeva E.V. Ethics: Textbook. Minsk, 1997.

7. Gryadovoy D. I., Malakhov V.P., Pylev S.S. Questions of formation of moral needs of employees of law-enforcement bodies. M., 1996

8. Professional ethics and aesthetic culture of law enforcement officers: Proceedings of the international scientific and practical conference at the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia December 6, 2002 M., 2003.

Deontology (Greek deon - duty; deontos - due; logos - teaching, science, knowledge) - a section of ethics that deals with the problems of duty and due (everything that expresses the requirements of morality in the form of prescriptions). The term "deontology" was first introduced into scientific circulation by the English sociologist, philosopher and lawyer Jeremy Bentham (1748 - 1832). In his book “Deontology, or the Science of Morals” (published in 1834), he developed, within the framework of ethics, a model of the science of the norms of professional behavior of a person who, by virtue of his social role, is endowed with powers of authority and is called upon to implement them in the interests of society and individual citizens.

Deontology studies various forms and manifestations of duty, which express the requirements of social laws, the objective needs of society and man.

Professional deontology studies the principles, norms, patterns and forms of professional behavior, determined both by social factors and the specifics of professional activity, the nature of the relationship of a professional with society, the state, citizens, as well as with members of his professional group and other social (professional) groups.

In recent decades, in a number of European countries (primarily in France), at the intersection of professional ethics and the sociology of morality, an applied interdisciplinary science has been developing, called police deontology.

Spending a lot of money on the maintenance of the police, society expects a strictly defined effect from its activities, hopes that the cadres of this system of state bodies will always act exactly as all conscientious law-abiding citizens who prefer not to conflict with the law imagine. Naturally, the society that “supports” the police has the right to evaluate the work of its personnel and demand that they comply with the functions performed.

1. Features of the professional ethics of a law enforcement officer

Features of the professional ethics of a law enforcement officer are determined by the main essence of their activities, defined by Art. 2 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation: “Man, his rights and freedoms are the highest value. Recognition, observance and protection of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen is the duty of the state. It is the fulfillment of this duty that is carried out primarily by law enforcement agencies, which is determined by directive state and departmental documents. As an example, let's take an extract from Art. 1 of the Law of the RSFSR “On the Militia”: “The militia in the RSFSR is a system of state bodies designed to protect the life, health, rights and freedoms of citizens, property, the interests of society and the state from criminal and other unlawful encroachments and endowed with the right to use coercive measures within the limits established this law and other federal laws. Moral and humanistic aspects of police activity are also defined in Art. 3 and 5 of this law.

In this context, it should be noted that today our society has reached such a level of democracy and civilization that even in such strictly regulated structures as law enforcement agencies, humanism, morality and culture (these concepts are closely interconnected in the worldview attitudes of the individual), employees have acquired great significance. As sociological studies show and as it is noted in a number of management documents, observance of the law and official discipline is determined primarily not only and, perhaps, not so much by the exactingness of managers, but by the moral attitudes and cultural upbringing of employees.

In many cases, these qualities have a greater impact on performance and play an even greater role than professional competence (which, of course, does not detract from the need for continuous professional development). It is no coincidence that today the demand is urgently put forward to conduct a detailed analysis of the moral qualities and culture of employees during their recertification or when they are promoted to a higher position. In other words, morality and culture of the employee are considered as the most important professional quality, which determine his readiness to ensure any official tasks, the desire to fulfill them, a sense of responsibility for their implementation with the greatest effective effect.

The underestimation of these factors is generated by a rather widespread opinion that the official activities of law enforcement officers are so strictly regulated by laws, by-laws, statutory provisions, instructions, requirements of official discipline, etc., that with the proper level of demanding leadership, any employee will successfully fulfill their functional duties . This opinion is deeply erroneous for a number of reasons.

Firstly, modern society, including the activities of law enforcement agencies, is in constant change, and this dynamics is extremely intense, sometimes even unpredictable, due to which administrative and legal documents and orders can determine the activities of an employee only in the most general terms. features. Their interpretation in relation to a particular situation is often determined by the head of the service team (where the moral component plays an important role), and sometimes the performer himself.

Secondly, all documents of an official legal nature (including orders and orders) do not contain clearly defined decisions for any situation, but only prescribe the framework in which these decisions must be made. These limits are often so wide that, depending on the level of culture and moral upbringing of the employee, the task can be solved both official, formally bureaucratic, and creatively - as efficiently as possible and with a "human face".

Thirdly, functional responsibilities can be performed in different ways. It is possible in the minimum allowable volume, so to speak, “from now to now”, compensating for this by creating the appearance of vigorous activity, or, as the poet said, “not to know winters or years”, but to work with maximum efficiency, causing “fire on oneself ”, selflessly turning the interests of the service into the main meaning of his life. In this case, only the morality of the employee, his conscience, determines the nature of the performance of official duty.

Fourthly, in the activities of any law enforcement officer there is necessarily an element of secrecy, secrecy, and, as already mentioned above, in many situations there is no solution clearly defined by official documents, legal norms (this is especially true for operational search services). Therefore, in many cases, he is forced to act in accordance with his moral concepts of good and evil, justice, duty, honor, etc. And here there is an important difference between the employee’s activity and all other spheres of social life: the absence of moral control from public opinion. Thus, in this case, the only judge of correctness, i.e. the true morality of his actions are his culture and his morality, his conscience.

And, finally, fifthly, it is well known that between law-abiding and criminal behavior there is a rather wide “border strip”, which a person will certainly pass and where he is spiritually deformed before he begins to commit criminal acts. We have already spoken about this deformation above when we analyzed the spiritual barriers that arise in front of a person who decides to take the path of achieving a goal by committing a criminal act. With regard to the specifics of the activities of a law enforcement officer, this issue is analyzed in the next paragraph.

Summing up what has been said, we can give a definition of such a thing as "professional ethics". Professional ethics- the field of ethical science that studies the system of moral norms and principles that operate in the specific conditions of the relationship of people in the field of a particular profession; this is a specific action of both general ethical norms and special norms of professional morality, which are analytical and recommendatory in nature, arising and prevailing in a given professional group.

At the same time, the professional ethics of law enforcement officers fundamentally differs from the ethics of the vast majority of other professions (with the exception of military personnel, doctors, sailors, pilots, specialists of some other professions working at risk or related to the health and life of people) in its predominantly deontological character (from the Greek. deon - due). One of the main differences between morality and other forms of public consciousness is that its norms are not strictly binding, provide the right to a wide choice and are sanctioned solely by the force of public opinion. But with regard to the requirements for law enforcement officers, these conditions are in many cases insufficient, and ethical standards become strictly mandatory here and are provided with administrative sanctions.

Professional deontology- a part of professional ethics that studies a set of moral norms that unambiguously regulate the proper behavior of a person in a certain professional area and are of a specific imperative nature; unlike the norms of ordinary ethics, these norms do not give the right to choose, are fixed in official documents and are provided with administrative (ie legal) sanctions.

A fairly expressive example is the Disciplinary Charter, which prescribes strictly mandatory norms of behavior and relationships, the failure to comply with which entails a scrupulously developed system of penalties. As an example, one can also refer to the Code of Honor for the ordinary and commanding staff of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of Russia, non-compliance with which can have very significant negative consequences for the employee - up to and including dismissal from the bodies on the basis of Article 58 (paragraph "l ”) Regulations on service in the internal affairs bodies. Deontological norms also include the requirements of other statutes and, in general, all the requirements of official documents that determine the norms of behavior and communication.

Accordingly, a law enforcement officer is subject to a number of specific moral requirements. Partly they are contained in official regulatory documents - such as, for example, the already mentioned Code of Honor, and then they are deontological in nature, and partly developed in the process of accumulating service experience and developing service traditions, the moral and psychological climate of the staff of a particular law enforcement service organs. In a generalized form, the moral requirements for a law enforcement officer are as follows:

treating a person as the highest value, respect and protection of rights, freedoms and human dignity in accordance with international and domestic legal norms and universal principles of morality;

a deep understanding of the social significance of their role and high professionalism, their responsibility to society and the state as an employee of the law enforcement system, on which public safety, the protection of life, health, and the legal protection of large masses of people depend to a decisive extent;

reasonable and humane use of the rights granted by law to a law enforcement officer in strict accordance with the principles of social justice, civil, official and moral duty;

adherence to principles, courage, uncompromisingness, selflessness in the fight against crime, objectivity and impartiality in decision-making;

impeccability of personal behavior in the service and at home, honesty, incorruptibility, concern for professional honor, public reputation of a law enforcement officer;

conscious discipline, diligence and initiative, professional solidarity, mutual assistance, support, courage and moral and psychological readiness to act in difficult situations, the ability to take reasonable risks in extreme conditions;

continuous improvement of professional skills, knowledge in the field of official ethics, etiquette and tact, improvement of general culture, expansion of intellectual horizons, creative development of domestic and foreign experience necessary in the service.

These requirements give a fairly clear idea of ​​the moral qualities that a law enforcement officer should possess. At the same time, these moral qualities differ in priority at different levels. This can be seen by classifying them into groups:

1. Attitude towards others: modesty, pride in one's profession, respect for the sense of dignity and honor - in oneself and in others, conscientiousness, justice, exactingness, truthfulness, politeness, decency, goodwill, constant readiness to help.

2. Attitude towards performance of official duties: courage, endurance, self-control, perseverance, determination, exactingness, discipline, adherence to principles, courage, initiative, honesty, disinterestedness, diligence, independence, efficiency, creativity.

3. Attitude to the Motherland, society, state, people: patriotism, devotion, fidelity to duty, responsibility, selflessness.

Some of these qualities are worth talking about in more detail.

One of the main requirements for a law enforcement officer is the requirement of humanity and tolerance. An employee of the organs must constantly remember that his work is the work of a doctor. Just like a doctor, his official activity includes the treatment and prevention of diseases. The only difference is that a doctor treats physical and mental illnesses, while an organ worker treats social ones. But just like a doctor, he has to deal with people who are in trouble, people who are sick, although they are not always aware of it. Of course, there are criminals and there are victims. The latter evoke sympathy and desire to help and support them. What about the first ones? Of course, they must be brought to justice and punished. The easiest way is to hide here behind the saving phrase: "It's my own fault." But let's continue our comparison. So is the patient physically not guilty? Many, many diseases are caused by the fault of the sick person: alcohol, nicotine, a disorderly lifestyle, non-compliance with the regime, other "excesses" - as a result of weakening the body's immunity, breaking the "weak link" and illness. One can, of course, say that the patient punishes himself, and the criminal punishes others, but this is not entirely true - and the patient punishes others: relatives and friends who are forced to suffer from his illness and care for him, genetically his children, who are born weakened or sick, society, which must spend money on his treatment, and so on. And the criminal is also not born as such, but becomes one, and social conditions and the environment play a significant role here. And he punishes himself at the same time, like a sick person, because, dooming himself to a criminal lifestyle, he will inevitably be forced to endure a lot of suffering. And he, the “social patient”, with all the indignation, and sometimes hatred and disgust that he causes in ordinary people, just like an ordinary patient, needs human kindness. Kindness is also a medicine, and it can sometimes heal even more effectively than the most severe punishment. Consider Hugo's Les Misérables. The protagonist - Jean Valjean was a hardened criminal, or rather, he became such, because from the side of people he met only injustice and cruelty and paid them the same. And then one day he robbed the priest who sheltered him - stole his only valuable: silver candlesticks. He was caught by the gendarmes and brought to the priest for identification. Imagine his shock when the priest assured the gendarmes that he gave him these candlesticks, and he really gave them to him! The kindness of the priest reborn Valjean, and all the further action of the novel is a huge list of good deeds performed by Valjean, which he did with the greatest selflessness, sometimes sacrificing his life and demanding nothing in return. It may be said that this is a bookish example, that in life everything is far from being so “beautiful and noble,” and this will be true in many respects. But at the same time, in real life, there are many cases when kindness made people and wonderful people out of former criminals. Read the "Pedagogical poem" by A.S. Makarenko. Everything is true there, it's just an artistic (remarkably interesting) presentation of the process of re-educating former thieves, prostitutes, hooligans, etc. into worthy people. Makarenko "healed" them, and he treated them with kindness. This kindness was harsh, sometimes very tough, but it was kindness and love for people! And she gave excellent results - Makarenko had practically no failures. And if we say that a doctor is a humane profession, then the profession of a law enforcement officer should be considered no less humane. An employee of the authorities must be humane, he must love people, without this quality, like a doctor, he cannot become a full-fledged specialist. Yes, sometimes he has to be tough, even cruel, but this toughness is the highest kindness!

Every professional quality of a law enforcement officer has a moral connotation. And if we take this into account, it turns out that any such quality, even the most “professionally necessary” one, such as, say, courage, gives rise not only to effectiveness, but also to genuine nobility, without which no profession directly related to with the fate of people. Let us give another example to confirm this. Police Major A.S. Lendin (Podolsk) was returning home from duty late at night. Suddenly, in the headlights, he saw a half-dressed woman running along the road, and a man armed with a huge cleaver chasing her. A.S. Lendin stopped the car, got out and demanded that he stop the pursuit. With a furious curse, the bandit rushed at the major. Since the latter was armed with service weapons, it cost him nothing to use them, especially since the Law on Militia (Article 15) gave him the full right to do so in the circumstances. However, the major did not fire. Risking his life (the bandit physically surpassed the major in all respects), the major managed to twist the criminal, put handcuffs on him and made an arrest. Later A.S. Lendin explained his actions this way: “Of course, he is a scoundrel, especially, as it turned out later, a recidivist, a hardened criminal. But I couldn’t just kill a person like that, and then live with it.”

Such professional quality as fairness deserves special attention. Perhaps this quality, this feeling is the most difficult - in the sense that, when making a fair decision, it is very difficult to find the only correct one. As a matter of fact, the activity of any law enforcement officer is based on the principle of justice, and in the name of the triumph of this principle, it is created. Why does it seem the most difficult? First of all, because both the act and its consequences are never unambiguous, but always represent some combination of evil and good. A law enforcement officer, when making a decision on a particular conflict, is obliged to accurately calculate the measure of both, which is often very difficult: it is not for nothing that both the investigation and the trials sometimes last for months. Let's remember the film of the remarkable American director Stanley Kramer "The Nuremberg Trials". Although it is artistic, it almost literally repeats all the vicissitudes of the actual trial of the members of the supreme tribunal of Nazi Germany. At first glance, Hitler's judges unequivocally presented themselves as criminals: it was they who pronounced cannibalistic sentences, according to which they killed, destroyed in gas chambers, and subjected many thousands of people to brutal torture. But the judges themselves and their lawyers proved the absolute innocence of the defendants! Yes, they argued, all the facts incriminated to the defendants are absolutely true. But are judges guilty of them? Always, since ancient times, the judge is only a servant of the law, he simply does what he is prescribed by them. Yes, indeed, the laws were cannibalistic, bandit, anti-human. But the judges didn't invent them. They simply, as always, served the law - this is the sacred duty of every judge. Only the legislator is guilty, it is he who is subject to trial, and judges are guilty only when they pervert the law. In this case, it was not, and therefore they are innocent. This process lasted several weeks, and in the end the court issued an unconditionally fair verdict: the judges are guilty! Yes, the law itself is criminal, but the judges had a moral choice: to serve this law or not. They chose the first, although they understood that the law is criminal, and therefore they fully share the blame with the legislator. The judges were convicted, but how difficult it was to prove to the world democratic community that this sentence was just.

The totality of moral qualities forms the moral culture of the employee. It is conditionally divided into three levels: high, medium and low. A high level is characterized by the formation of all components

in their unity and interaction, deep ethical knowledge in close unity with the richness of moral feelings and practical action. The middle level is characterized by the partial formation of the components of moral culture, well-learned ethical knowledge, which, however, is not always a guide to action, a rather heightened sense of good and evil, fair and unfair, but often there is no will for its practical implementation. The low level is characterized by the lack of formation of individual components, superficial ethical knowledge, undisciplined behavior, relatively low moral qualities, poor development of moral feelings, and the employee’s adverse impact on the moral and psychological climate of the service team.

2. The structure of the moral culture of law enforcement officers.

Let us dwell in more detail on the structure and content of the moral culture of the individual: the culture of moral consciousness, the culture of moral relations and the culture of communication. Of course, moral culture is characterized by a certain level and content of moral knowledge and feelings, beliefs, needs, moral qualities and norms of behavior, habits and skills. In other words, one cannot speak of a moral culture without a corresponding development of moral consciousness.

In the moral consciousness of the individual, two levels can be distinguished: theoretical (rational) and psychological (sensual). Both of them are closely interconnected, influence each other and allow the most complete and deep, mind and heart to evaluate social phenomena from the standpoint of good and evil and influence the actions and deeds of a person from the same positions. However, it would be a mistake not to notice the differences between them.

The content of the theoretical or rational level of moral consciousness is ethical knowledge, views and ideals, principles and norms, moral needs. The content of this level of moral consciousness is formed purposefully both by the relevant public state institutions (kindergarten, school, university, service team), and by the efforts of the individual himself. Elements of this level are more stable, they are more closely connected with political and legal consciousness. They are deeper and more fundamental, because they reflect the most significant connections, patterns, trends in the moral life of society. It is precisely because of this that they can control and orient, restrain the moral feelings and emotions of the individual.

Ethical knowledge is knowledge about the essence, content and structure of morality, its origin and the patterns of development of its social role. The broader and deeper they are, the more justified an employee can make a moral choice. Ethical views and principles, the moral needs of the individual are the fruit of a deep understanding of social life from the point of view of the moral categories of good and evil, duty, honor and dignity, conscience, etc. The moral ideal of the individual is a kind of personification of the social ideal with the active influence of moral feelings. “The ideal is a guiding star,” said L.N. Tolstoy. “Without it, there is no firm direction, and without direction, there is no life.”

Moral needs, being, like beliefs, the result of the activity of the mind and heart, become an important goal of the transmission mechanism from moral consciousness to moral behavior. The culture of moral needs is such a level of their development that expresses the constant desire of a law enforcement officer to consciously and disinterestedly fulfill his civic and official duty, to comply with the requirements of public morality and military ethics in everyday service and off-duty activities. The more sublime the moral needs are, the higher the level of moral qualities.

As noted above, the second level of moral consciousness is the psychological, or sensual, level. It is sometimes called the level of ordinary moral consciousness. It includes a rich range of moral feelings, emotions, likes and dislikes, ideas about moral and immoral, moral rules, mores, customs, etc., developed and fixed by a person in the process of life experience. This is a kind of primary elements of moral consciousness. They are formed spontaneously in the course of everyday life. In feelings, emotions, likes and dislikes, the formation of the moral position of the individual takes place emotionally and directly. Sometimes this manifests itself very impulsively: a person rejoices or gets angry, cries or laughs, falls into prostration, closes, and sometimes, as they say, gives free rein to his hands. Moral feelings are very numerous and are classified on a variety of grounds. Some divide them according to the vital sphere of manifestation: moral-political, moral-labor, moral-combat, actually moral. Others are reduced to three groups: situational, intimate and feelings of social experience. Still others classify them based on the depth of experiences. All these and other approaches have the right to life, because they help to understand their essence and social role more deeply and comprehensively.

For example, intimate feelings are feelings of love, friendship, fidelity, hatred or devotion, etc. They arise in relations with other people, they express sympathy and antipathy, likes and dislikes.

Friendship and camaraderie are, of course, intimate feelings. Friendship and comradeship that have gone through hard trials, difficult times, when “the bread is the crust and that in half,” when the situation was: “die yourself, but help out your comrade,” remain for life.

Feelings of social experience have a completely different character. In fact, they are moral and political feelings, because they reflect attitudes not so much towards other people, but towards phenomena of great civic resonance: this is a feeling of patriotism and internationalism, collectivism and solidarity, national pride, etc. They are complex in their content and diverse in their manifestation and represent a kind of fusion of the personal and the public. It should also be emphasized that, unlike, for example, intimate feelings, which are mobile, dynamic, moral and political feelings are more stable, stable and not affected by insignificant, transient factors.

Moral feelings, in contrast to ethical knowledge, directly reflect certain aspects of reality and sometimes have a significant impact on the deeds and actions of a person. A person with a well-developed system of feelings is certainly richer than a rational cracker. But another thing is also true: one cannot live only by feelings. They must inevitably be controlled by the mind. Sometimes you just need to "step on the throat of your own song." People who do not know how to restrain themselves, impulsive, sometimes acting in a state of passion, as a rule, regret what they have done.

However, on this basis, the positive role of moral feelings cannot be underestimated. They, having a huge motivating force, act as powerful incentives for committing positive deeds. The feeling of love straightens a person, gives him additional strength in the fight against difficulties, makes him be better, constantly improve.

In a word, a person's moral feelings are his wealth. But they become such if they are cultivated, controlled. The culture of moral feelings speaks directly about the depth of a person's moral upbringing, his moral culture. Poverty and a low level of culture of moral feelings are the cause of many life troubles, failures, and even tragedies. Often it is this circumstance that leads to egocentrism, creates an atmosphere of misunderstanding and emptiness around a person. And vice versa: a person with a developed culture of feelings is a respected person, he is sociable, condescending, it is interesting and comfortable with him, his opinion is considered, they are equal to him in their behavior.

Moral feelings, multiplied by the theoretical elements of moral consciousness, manifest themselves and, being repeatedly realized in actions, are finally fixed in a person as his moral qualities. Moral qualities are holistic spiritual and practical formations that manifest themselves in various spheres of human life.

It is customary to single out four groups of moral qualities: moral-political, moral-labour, proper moral, and moral-combat. If the first three groups are found in almost all citizens, then the latter is the "property" of the soldiers of the army and navy, intelligence officers and law enforcement agencies. In accordance with this, it is possible to isolate some of the defining qualities of law enforcement officers.

Firstly, these are the qualities in which their attitude towards their Fatherland, people, its culture and language is manifested. First of all, it is patriotism. Even the deformations committed in the 1920s and 1940s, the persecution of patriots in the 1990s, could not extinguish the ineradicable feeling of love of Russians for their country, a sense of national pride, and respect for other peoples.

The patriotism of the Soviet people manifested itself especially brightly during the Great Patriotic War. The people stood up to defend their homeland, and law enforcement officers were in the forefront of the fighters. They fought in formations and units of the NKVD at the front, guarded law and order in the rear, and detained deserters.

An integral moral and political quality of law enforcement officers is genuine internationalism, which is realized in respect for other peoples, in intolerance to national and racial hatred.

It should be recognized that the arbitrariness allowed by Stalin in relation to entire peoples, the desire to wishful thinking in the years of stagnation caused serious damage to interethnic relations, contributing to the development in people of such manifestations as chauvinism, nationalism, national arrogance, intolerance to the customs, language of other peoples. These facts have not been eliminated even now.

Secondly, it is a developed sense of duty and personal responsibility for the task assigned. The object of activity of law enforcement officers is people, their worries, anxieties, joys and sorrows, and sometimes even life. Without the greatest sense of responsibility for the assigned work, without a deeply conscious sense of duty, the employee cannot count on the effectiveness of his work. In this sense, the demand from him is special. Negligence, disregard for business, for the fate of people are unacceptable and must meet with sharp condemnation.

Thirdly, these are those moral qualities that are commonly called moral ones: honesty, truthfulness, modesty in public and private life, self-esteem, and the ability to behave. Dishonesty, deceit, immodesty, ambition, sexual promiscuity are the right path to the moral deformation of an employee.

Fourthly, these are moral qualities that are manifested in extreme situations: courage, courage, endurance, vigilance, discipline, self-control, readiness for self-sacrifice. These moral qualities are called moral-combat. Without them, a law enforcement officer simply cannot effectively perform his official duties, because he often has to work in extreme conditions: rescue hostages, detain criminals, etc.

Fifth, it is a quality that characterizes the culture of communication between law enforcement officers both in the service and outside it. In this sense, society imposes particularly stringent requirements on law enforcement officers. The fact that it can forgive a worker, a student, a salesman, in short, representatives of many other professions, is never forgiven by him. And not without reason, as already mentioned above, the requirement for a high culture of communication is specifically recorded in the official-directive documents.

An important structural element of the moral culture of the individual is the culture of moral relations. Moral relations are a special kind of social relations that practically do not exist in their pure form, but are an integral part of any human relations that can be morally assessed. Moral relations are a kind of connection between moral consciousness and moral behavior. At first they are formed in the consciousness of the individual, and ultimately they reveal themselves in moral behavior. Moral relations are essentially the process of transition of moral impulses into moral action. Moral relations are usually classified according to content, form and, finally, according to the method of communication between people. In terms of content, one can point to the moral relations that exist in the system of economic, political, legal, professional, family and marriage, etc. relations. And in all cases, they characterize precisely the moral side of these relations: love for the Motherland, honesty and decency in economic calculations, a sense of honor and professional pride, and so on.

The form of moral relations depends on how the moral requirement appears before a person, how generalized or concretized it is. Corresponding to different types of moral requirements, the relation of the individual to society each time takes on a special character. In addition, moral requirements are also manifested in such moral categories as duty, honor, dignity, conscience, etc.

Finally, it should be said about the ways of communication between people in the process of moral relations. Moral relations always involve at least a relationship between two subjects, but in reality they are like

as a rule, always multilateral. Moral relations are truly an integrating element of morality, its leading link. They unite consciousness and activity together, play a decisive role in regulating relations between people in general. In moral relations, their behavioral character is clearly manifested.

The culture of moral communication or behavior is, ultimately, the main objective indicator of the moral maturity of a person. Only a certain level of the cumulative development of moral consciousness, moral relations and moral behavior gives grounds for calling a person the bearer of a high moral culture.

It follows from the above that moral culture is indeed one of the leading components of the culture of law enforcement officers. Caring for its continuous improvement is not only the business of the state, society, but also of each employee. The higher the moral culture of law enforcement officers, the more effectively, ceteris paribus, they perform their official duty.

3. Factors - indicators of professional and moral deformation and its main causes

It has already been said above that the boundary between immoral and criminal behavior is very shaky and indefinite. Between them lies a fairly wide "border strip", which a person will certainly pass before turning from a law-abiding citizen into a criminal. The same applies to the service team, when negative moral values, the so-called "moral anti-values", begin to predominate in it. In any case, any crime is preceded by a moral deformation of the personality, the formation of immoral moral attitudes at the worldview level. Ultimately, this leads to the moral degradation of the individual (and the team, when such attitudes begin to be regarded as “normal” in it). Here are the main steps of this "ladder of fall."

Factors - indicators of a positive moral and psychological climate in the service team, characterizing its high moral culture and, consequently, its high moral potential:

1) good psychological and physical condition of the staff;

2) reasonable and expedient management and control;

3) high level of professional training of personnel;

4) a sense of group cohesion and mutual support;

5) benevolent attitude of management towards employees;

6) public approval of successfully completed official tasks and conscientious performance of official duties;

7) open discussion of management decisions;

8) lack of rumors;

9) assistance to the leadership from informal leaders;

10) partial delegation of power from top to bottom;

11) the practical inclusion of informal leaders in the leadership of the team.

If the level of moral culture begins to decline in the team, then favorable conditions are created for its subsequent professional and moral deformation, which are characterized by the following negative factors - indicators of the moral and psychological climate in the service team:

1) hidden criticism of working conditions;

2) covert criticism of management instructions;

3) inaccurate execution of orders;

4) group gatherings during work;

5) waste of working time;

6) lateness and prolonged absence during work;

7) leaving work before the scheduled time;

8) refusal to work overtime;

9) spreading rumors;

10) careless handling of equipment and machinery;

11) indifferent attitude to the aesthetic design of working conditions.

The appearance of factors - indicators of a negative moral and psychological climate should cause serious concern, first of all, of course, among the head of the service team and among its most morally mature members. They serve as red lights warning of an impending accident. In the event that they are not paid due attention to and appropriate measures are not taken to eliminate them, professional and moral deformation begins, first of individual members of the service team, and then of the entire service team as a whole. This deformation is characterized by the following indicators:

1) formal bureaucratic methods of leadership (arrogance, rudeness, arrogance, callous attitude towards subordinates);

2) abuse of power (rudeness towards citizens, humiliation of their human dignity, failure to provide them with assistance, unjustified use of physical force, combat techniques, special means and weapons);

3) tolerance for violations of official discipline and for the facts of non-fulfillment of official duty;

4) negligent attitude to functional duties;

5) formalism and simplification in the preparation of documentation;

6) violations of the procedural code;

7) cultivation by the management of flattery and denunciation, division of team members into “favorites” and “objectionable”;

8) psychologically conflict atmosphere in the team (situations of conflict as a constant norm of service relations);

9) priority orientation in the team towards moral anti-values;

10) the formation of double morality (for "ours" and for "them");

11) promiscuity in means (“to achieve the goal, all means are good”);

12) formation of an atmosphere of mutual responsibility;

13) psychological inferiority of individual employees due to the inability to adapt to the moral climate, traditions and behavioral norms of the service team;

14) "fatigue" from the performance of official duties, giving rise to indifference to the interests of the service;

15) gross violations of the Rules of the Road, not caused by official necessity, as a norm of behavior while driving;

16) domestic decay, drunkenness.

The appearance of factors - indicators of professional and moral deformation indicates that the service team (or employee) is seriously ill and that this disease requires radical treatment. At best, this leads to a decrease in performance, an increase in the number of complaints, to unscheduled inspections and, as a rule, to a change in the leadership of the team, to the loss of authority for the team for a long time and to prolonged close attention to the team of top management, which, as you know, does not service easier. In the worst case, this leads to the emergence of an emergency, since all these factors are a breeding ground and a prerequisite for criminal acts, which are realized through the following main forms:

1) hiding from the registration and accounting of crimes, their concealment for career or selfish reasons;

2) gross violations of the law with the approval of many members of the service team;

3) disclosure of official secrets;

4) selfish use of official position, corruption, bribery;

5) merging with the criminal world, betrayal of the interests of the service;

6) group crimes (theft, robbery, robbery, etc.).

Knowing and taking into account the above factors and indicators are of exceptional importance, first of all, for managers and employees of the personnel apparatus, as well as for employees who carry out educational work with personnel. For the timely neutralization and prevention of negative factors of moral deformation and criminal degradation of the service team, it is also necessary to know and take into account the main reasons for the appearance of these factors, which, of course, in a concrete manifestation depend on the actions of individual members of the service team, but in their service basis have objectively existing reasons, generated both by the specifics of the service (internal causes) and certain conditions of social life (external causes):

1. Internal causes of moral deformation:

a) a negative example of leadership;

b) work overload;

c) the presence of a "ceiling" (the limiting rank of the position);

d) low moral education of the team;

e) low legal culture of the team, "legal nihilism";

f) low level of educational work;

g) the negative "educational" impact of the criminal environment;

h) the negative impact of the family (where it exists);

i) isolation, limited communication with the cultural environment, a certain "caste" of the organs;

j) dissatisfaction with material remuneration and other forms of material incentives for labor;

k) dissatisfaction with working conditions;

l) discrepancy between the level of qualification of the position held;

m) secrecy of official activities (lack of public control);

o) the power rights of the employee, opening up the possibility of abuse.

2. External causes of moral deformation:

a) social instability;

b) the crisis of social, ideological and moral ideals;

c) corruption of bureaucracy, employees of administrative apparatuses;

d) lawlessness in society, war of laws, discrepancies in the interpretation of laws, non-enforcement of laws;

e) the prevailing attitude in society towards pragmatic priorities;

f) low social, legal and economic protection of law enforcement officers;

g) negative coverage of the activities of law enforcement agencies in the media and in works of literature and art;

h) low social prestige of law enforcement agencies;

i) the performance by employees of bodies of functions that are unusual for them.

Based on the analysis of the forms and causes of moral deformation and degradation, it is possible to determine their main stages, which can be figuratively described as a “ladder of fall”.

In relation to the personality of the employee:

1. Replacement of generally accepted norms of general and professional ethics with anti-norms in moral attitudes.

2. Replacing the requirements of civic and official duty with personal selfish interests.

3. Formation of a mindset for committing criminal acts.

For the service team:

1. Formation of a negative moral and psychological climate in the service team.

2. Formation of a priority orientation in the service team towards moral anti-norms.

3. Formation in the team of the installation for the commission of group criminal acts.

Summarizing the above, we emphasize: inattention to moral culture, to the moral and psychological climate of the service team leads not only to a decrease in the quality of service activities, but also to general degradation, to the complete collapse of the team. That is why the requirement of a high moral culture is one of the most important requirements for the performance of law enforcement agencies.


Society evaluates the activities of the police, first of all, according to moral laws. It has every reason to expect that employees of this law enforcement industry under all circumstances will fulfill their oath, their official duty honestly and in good faith, that is, not only promptly, efficiently, but also with high morals, protecting the honor and dignity of citizens, taking into account the moral consequences of their activities. . From this follows, perhaps, the most important social norm, dictated by the interests and expectations of society in its relations with the professional group of police officers (militia). This is a norm-requirement: "Fulfill your professional duty honestly, not just formally, according to the law, but also conscientiously, responsibly, morally, ethically."

Police deontology is the science of the origin, formation, development and functioning of a special system of norms and codes of professional conduct for police officers operating in a professional group of police officers.

Police deontology is considered by foreign scientists and practitioners as a science that studies the entire set of professional, ethical, organizational and managerial norms, the principles of proper behavior of police officers in the performance of their official duties.

The codes of conduct for police officers created on its scientific basis are widely used in the training of police personnel, the system of professional and moral education of personnel, the regulation of their behavior, in the evaluation of activities and appropriate control. As an academic discipline, police deontology is taught in police academies, secondary and higher educational institutions of the police in a number of European countries (France, Holland, Denmark, Lithuania, Poland, Finland). As shown by international conferences and seminars of scientists and practitioners of the police, educational and methodological materials of police academies, schools and colleges (USA, Germany, Great Britain), the deontological approach prevails in the moral and ethical training of police personnel and work with them. In the classroom with students, it is constantly emphasized that in the conditions of rigidity and brevity of legal norms, it is ethical norms that become especially important.

Professional deontology is often misunderstood as the science of good manners. Despite such an inadequate consideration of deontology at the level of everyday consciousness, the science of the norms of proper professional behavior tends to more and more correspond to the modern needs of social practice.

1 Here it is appropriate to recall that the document differs from any other text in its details: it has a number, date and signature of the responsible person. In necessary cases, it is certified by a seal and printed on a letterhead with a stamp of the institution.

Cit. on: Vorontsov V.P. Symphony of the Mind. S. 135.

Cm.: Volkogonov D.A. Military ethics. M., 1976. S. 196–197.

Conducted sociological studies unequivocally attribute this indicator to the basic ones, that is, underlying the demoralization of the service team.

Professional ethics of police officers

Business communication and etiquette.

Communication (communication) is a way of being a person in terms of mutual relations, interaction with other people. In the process of communication, people exchange information - thoughts, ideas and emotions, as a result of which a certain form of relationship and mutual influence is established between people, aimed at achieving a certain business expedient result. The ethics of business communication is the sum of moral and ethical requirements, principles, norms and rules developed by science, practice and world experience, the observance of which ensures mutual understanding and mutual trust of the subjects of business communication, increases the effectiveness of contacts and the final results of their joint actions.

At the heart of business communication is the solution of an important service issue, a responsible specific case concerning the fate of people, material and financial costs, and often legal relations with very unpleasant consequences for the subjects of communication. Therefore, the moral side of positions, decisions and the social result of communication plays a huge role. In addition, when it comes to a leader, the ethical content of communication directly affects the moral views of subordinates and, consequently, the quality of their performance. Therefore, knowledge and possession of the ethics of business communication is an indicator of the professional culture of a law enforcement officer, the degree of his compliance with modern requirements.

The exchange of information forms a certain psychological attitude in the subject of communication. Depending on the attitude, the nature of communication occurs at one of four levels of communication:

one). The contactee position is based on false ideas and therefore must be overcome and discarded.

2). The ideas that conditioned the position of the contactee are inherently correct, but are an obstacle to achieving the desired result, so they need to be overcome and debunked.

3). The ideas underlying the contactee's position are correct, but have nothing to do with this issue.

4). The position of the contactee is based on correct and fruitful ideas, it is necessary to analyze them in accordance with one's own ideas.

Business communication should be based on certain moral principles, among which the following are the main ones:

1. Business contacts are based on the interests of the business, but in no case are personal interests and not their own ambitions. Despite its apparent banality, it is this principle that is violated most often, because far from everyone and far from always finds the ability to give up personal interests when they conflict with the interests of the case, especially when this can be done with impunity and the only judge of the deed. will have a conscience.

2. Decency, that is, an organic inability to dishonest act or behavior, based on such developed moral qualities as:

Sharpened conscience;

The ability to behave equally with any person, regardless of his official or social status (J.-J. Rousseau argued: "The highest virtue is to be the same with a beggar and a prince");

Moral stability, manifested primarily in the fact that under no circumstances does a person compromise his principles;

Obligation, accuracy, responsibility, fidelity to one's word.

3. Goodwill, that is, an organic need to do good to people (good is the main category of ethics).

4. Respect, that is, respect for the dignity of the contactee, which is realized through such educated moral qualities as: politeness, delicacy, tact, courtesy, caring.

Etiquette is a stable order of conduct, a set of rules of polite behavior in society. Etiquette rules are the behavioral language of cultural communication. In office etiquette, the main thing is the correspondence of manners, appearance, speech, gestures, facial expressions, posture, posture, tone, clothing to the nature of the social role in which communication takes place. This requirement is of particular importance when participating in a strictly regulated ceremony, where certain official forms of behavior of officials must not go beyond rigidly established limits, failure to comply with the requirements of etiquette due to their ignorance or disrespect for them is perceived as an insult to personal dignity and often becomes a cause of conflicts or , at the very least, causes justified disapproval.

Strict adherence to the rules of etiquette is an important condition for a high culture of behavior. This is the “clothes” by which they “meet”, by which they make the first impression of a person. But even the most scrupulous knowledge and observance of these rules does not guarantee the corresponding behavior of a person, because the real circumstances are so diverse that no rules and norms are able to cover them completely. To avoid all mistakes, it is necessary to develop a sense of emotional empathy with the contactee, which is called tact. A developed sense of tact allows a person to determine the proper measure in expressions and actions, in showing interest in another person.

Professional tact.

Professional tact is a manifestation of restraint, foresight and decency in communication with others. Tact implies a careful, attentive attitude to the personality of the interlocutor, excluding the possibility of touching any of his "sore strings". This is the ability to tactfully, correctly bypass, if possible, issues that can cause embarrassment among others. This is the ability to say or do something by the way, without unnecessary "excesses", importunity and impudence. The manifestation of tactlessness is an unmistakable evidence of a lack of culture, an indicator of rudeness and bad manners. It is important to constantly remember that the observance of etiquette and the manifestation of tact is not just an obligatory element of communication, but an integral part of the spiritual culture of the individual, especially the personality of the leader - an indispensable condition for the positive results of business communication and the authority of law enforcement agencies in general. Business communication between law enforcement officers, both among themselves, in service teams, and with citizens, can occur in various situations and take a variety of forms. Let's point out the main ones:

I. Everyday office communication.

1) Conversations, meetings, negotiations.

2) Reception of visitors.

3) Meetings, meetings, meetings, conferences.

4) Visiting organizations, institutions.

5) Visiting citizens at the place of residence.

6) Duty, patrolling, security.

II. Specific forms of official communication.

1) Communication in the service team:

a) subordinated forms of communication;

b) communication between colleagues.

2) Communication between teachers and students in the learning process.

3) Business contacts with foreign citizens.

III. Extreme forms of official communication

1) Communication in a conflict situation.

2) Communication with participants in rallies, demonstrations, public demarches.

3) Communication with the detainees during the search.

4) Communication with the special contingent.

IV. Non-verbal and non-specific forms of communication

1) Public contacts with journalists, interviews.

2) Speeches on radio, television, in the press.

3) Telephone, teletype, radio communication.

4) Business correspondence, resolutions.

In addition, in all these forms of communication, great importance is attached to the so-called accessories, which are included as elements in the etiquette rules of communication. These include: the culture of speech, text, appearance, facial expressions, tone, gestures. For each of these elements, there is a set of specific rules that should also be carefully followed.

Ethics of business conversations, meetings, negotiations.

The results of the professional activities of law enforcement officers largely depend on personal meetings, conversations, meetings. Ethical requirements for their implementation are the necessary condition that allows you to find the right solution, smooth out sharp corners and get out of difficult or unpleasant situations with dignity.

A properly conducted conversation is the most favorable and often the only way to convince the interlocutor of the validity of your position, to force him to accept your decision and conditions.

In law enforcement activities, there are situations when there is a need to obtain this or that information from a person who avoids conversation. Even in these situations, you need to remember that the person you have been able to win over will be of much more help to you than the one you are trying to get to talk to you.

When preparing for a conversation, it is recommended to study the interlocutor. What position does he occupy? How does he treat you? What kind of person is he? What are his intentions? It is good to know the main points of the interlocutor's biography, the range of his personal interests, including his favorite pastime, hobby.

The time allotted for the meeting should be freed from other business. At this time, you can not appoint other meetings and make those invited to wait in the reception. It is not customary to drag out a meeting beyond the time allotted for it, unless, of course, this is related to the resolution of an important issue.

When conducting a meeting and conversation, it is important to take into account not only their strategy and tactics, but also pay attention to the "little things" of etiquette, which can grow into circumstances that seriously affect the outcome of the meeting.

Speech and style of presentation are of great importance in conversation, negotiations. Timbre, intonation, clarity of pronunciation, loudness of voice - these are facts that psychologically affect the interlocutor, cause him respect, sympathy for you or, on the contrary, negative emotions.

You need to be careful with the use of foreign words and expressions. The use of words incomprehensible to the interlocutor is not the best way to show your erudition and education. This not only does not contribute to a better mutual understanding, but also causes irritation. It has long been noticed among the people: whoever thinks clearly, he clearly states.

The conversation must be conducted calmly, without raising your voice and not showing your irritation, even when there are grounds for this. Hotness, haste are bad helpers in conversation.

Be attentive and considerate to the interlocutor, appreciate his arguments, even if they are weak. Experts believe that nothing has such a negative effect on the atmosphere of a business conversation as a contemptuous gesture, which means that one side discards the arguments of the other without the slightest effort to delve into their content.

In business communication, the ability to listen carefully is especially important. The ability to listen to an interlocutor in a difficult situation is a guarantee of mutual understanding, without which business relationships may not work out. Therefore, the basic ethical rules for effective listening in such communication have been developed. These include:

The ability to set yourself up for a wave of internal interest in the topic of a business conversation, dispute, meeting;

Identification for oneself of the main thoughts of the speaker (reporting information) and the desire to correctly understand them;

A quick comparison of the information received with one's own and an immediate mental return to the main content of the message, dispute, conversation.

Listening carefully and not even expressing his opinion, the employee must still be an active, and not a passive participant in the conversation, discussion, dispute.

Don't jump to conclusions. It is such subjective assessments that make a citizen take a defensive position in relation to an employee. Always remember that such assessments are a barrier to meaningful communication.

Do not let yourself be "caught" in a dispute on inattention. When you mentally disagree with a speaker, you tend to stop listening and wait your turn to speak.

Try to express understanding. While listening, reflect on what was said in order to understand how the interlocutor really feels and what significance the information is trying to convey to you. Try to mentally imagine yourself in the place of the interlocutor. Such communication means not only the approval of the speaker, but also allows you to more accurately understand the message.

Don't ask too many questions. Try to limit yourself to questions to clarify what has already been said. An excessively large number of questions to a certain extent suppresses a person, takes away the initiative from him, puts him in a defensive position.

Never tell the interlocutor that you understand his feelings well, such a statement serves more to justify your own (not always successful) attempts to convince the interlocutor that you are listening to him. In addition, such communication will call into question the credibility of you, and the conversation will most likely stop altogether.

Don't give advice unless asked. But in those cases when you are really asked for advice, use the techniques of analyzing listening to establish what the interlocutor really wants to know.

We have to admit that not all law enforcement professionals know how to listen. Summing up some of the above, we highlight a few necessary ethical precepts that help you learn to listen for the benefit of yourself and for business. Listening, you need to:

Forget personal prejudices against the interlocutor;

Do not rush to answers and conclusions;

Distinguish between facts and opinions;

Make sure that your speech is as clear and precise as possible;

Be impartial in assessing what you have heard from the interlocutor;

Really listen, and not pretend to listen, not be distracted by extraneous thoughts.

Often we inattentively listen to the interlocutor due to lack of patience. The interlocutor, in our opinion, takes too long to get to the point of the conversation. We get annoyed: it seems to us that in his place we would conduct a conversation differently. This position is of no use. You have to be patient, reckon with the manner of conversation of the interlocutor.

All forms of business conversations should have one result - correct understanding, which is impossible if you do not know how to listen to the interlocutor. Understanding is primarily the ability to predict. If, after listening to the interlocutor, you can imagine what actions will follow the conversation, then you have managed to correctly understand him.

Try to logically plan the entire process of listening, remember first of all the main thoughts expressed by the interlocutor. During the conversation, try to mentally summarize what you heard 2-3 times and it is better to do this during pauses in the conversation. Remember that your tendency to anticipate what will be said next as you listen is a sign of active thinking and is a good method of remembering the main points of a conversation.

To summarize what has been said, success in a business conversation, in negotiations can be greatly facilitated if you follow certain rules that are compiled by experts in the field of business communication:

Write a conversation plan in advance, work out the most important formulations;

Apply the provisions of psychology about the periodic impact on the interlocutor during the conversation, namely: alternate unfavorable moments with favorable ones, the beginning and end of the conversation should be positive;

Constantly remember the driving motives of the interlocutor, his interests, his expectations, his position, self-esteem, pride;

Express your thoughts and suggestions clearly, concisely and clearly;

Never, in any situation, insult or offend the interlocutor, be polite, helpful, tactful and delicate with him;

Never treat others with disdain;

Compliments speak in moderation;

Always, when possible, recognize the correctness of the interlocutor;

Avoid empty conversation, distractions on extraneous topics that violate the logical course of the conversation.

Reception of the population.

The reception of citizens by responsible employees of bodies, divisions, institutions and educational institutions is one of the main factors contributing to the propaganda of the activities of law enforcement officers and strengthening their connection with the population.

To implement this installation, it is necessary to first carry out work to inform the population through the mass media of the days and hours of reception, indicating which specific managerial person receives visitors. In addition, information for visitors is posted directly in the subdivision in a conspicuous place, which gives schedules for receiving visitors with a specific indication of which heads of departments and services are receiving, to whom the visitor can contact to make a decision on the issue of interest to him. In the duty unit or at the secretary, assistant, a special journal is started, in which the surname, name and patronymic, address, telephone number and the question with which the applicant addresses this or that official are recorded.

The manager must be competent in the questions to which he has to give answers to visitors, for which, knowing in advance the questions of their interest, he consults with specialists from the relevant services.

The manager receiving visitors must be attentive to the applicant, listen to everyone without haste, without interrupting, showing respect and tact, must be psychologically prepared for the perception of the applicant, who can be overly emotional, verbose, even aggressive. He must master the methods of neutralizing these manifestations and be able to lead the conversation into a calm channel.

The head of the reception should strive to give the most comprehensive answers to the questions of the applicants, solving them both with specialists from services or departments, and with the relevant bodies and departments, on which the solution of the problems posed by visitors depends. The solution of the problems posed by visitors depends on the same. In the same case, when the host manager is unable to answer the question, he informs the visitor that he will be given a written (if required) or oral answer, while determining the response time. This is to ensure that the visitor leaves the unit satisfied with both the nature of the meeting with the leader and the outcome of that meeting.

Recently, such forms of communication with the population have appeared as a helpline (the so-called "direct line") or a special box for letters, complaints and statements of citizens put up in duty units, in which they report certain actions of law enforcement officers. These forms also enable senior staff to keep abreast of public opinion about law enforcement activities requiring authorization.

At the end of the year, the duty unit (or employees of the secretariat) prepares an analytical report on letters, statements and complaints from citizens who were at the reception or sent relevant oral or written messages. It is desirable that this oral or written material be brought to the attention of the population through the media, which, of course, will help increase the authority of law enforcement agencies among the population and strengthen their capabilities in the uncompromising fight against crime.

The above material contains recommendations in relation to the conditions of activity of grass-roots bodies. If we are talking about higher authorities, then the functions described in this material as related to the competence of duty units are transferred to the jurisdiction of headquarters units or special reception rooms that exist in some departments.

Communication within the work team.

Service relations affect the mood of people, create that moral microclimate, without which the existence of the team is impossible. Normal service relations are formed on the basis of two basic requirements: responsibility for the cause and respect for colleagues.

Responsibility implies an honest and binding attitude to one's word and deed. An optional person, a talker brings harm not only by his personal behavior, but also creates an atmosphere of irresponsibility and indiscipline around him.

The business environment to a large extent also depends on respect for colleagues, the ability to insist on something, and give in to something, the ability to defuse a conflict situation. Respect for colleagues is to a large extent manifested in the ability to take into account their interests, show concern, and do small but pleasant services.

Service relations are somewhat different from everyday ones, which leaves its mark on the requirements for the behavior of colleagues. If, for example, in a cafe or restaurant, the main priority for women and men is the priority of the lady, then in official relations this priority often recedes into the background and is replaced by the priority of the boss.

Law enforcement is associated with complex, rapidly changing situations, significant risk, which causes an increased likelihood of various conflicts - interpersonal and intergroup. For successful work, it is important to anticipate the possibility of conflict situations and know how to get out of them. If it was still not possible to avoid the conflict, then you need to be able to resolve the problems that arise painlessly and with minimal losses.

The life of the service team cannot do without critical remarks addressed to colleagues. And here it is especially important that this criticism be constructive, and not be the result of any grievances or interests. It should be perceived by the person as deserved. And for this, it must meet the basic requirements for it.

First, be businesslike and objective. Unfortunately, there is also the so-called pseudo-criticism.

Secondly, criticism should be tactful and benevolent, taking into account the positive qualities and merits of the criticized. Its task is not to humiliate a person, but to help him improve, to show ways out of this situation. Criticism is always perceived as unfair if it carries only a negative charge. Conversely, a fair assessment of the positive and negative aspects in the activities of employees has a beneficial effect.

Thirdly, criticism must have its specific subject. Great harm is done when, instead of evaluating a person's specific actions, his personality and character are criticized. This can cause anger, indignation of the criticized, a desire to justify itself at all costs, since a person considers himself, and quite justifiably, undeservedly offended. And specific instructions for certain actions or behavior of the employee relieve tension. Therefore, they are always preferred.

Fourthly, criticism requires a specific approach, taking into account the characteristics of a person's temperament and character. One will react to the remarks painfully, but will quickly calm down and return to normal, they may, as they say, “not reach” the other, the third may be pushed onto the path of experiences, and the fourth - so internally experienced his misconduct that in relation to him charges would be redundant.

Special requirements are imposed on the relationship between the boss and the subordinate. Usually the leader is the key figure in the team. A lot depends on how he behaves with people, how and in what he interferes (or does not interfere), what he does for his subordinates. The leader must always remember that his actions and the actions of an ordinary member of the team are evaluated differently by this team. Every act of a superior in relation to a subordinate is perceived not only as an attitude of one person to another, but as an action of a person endowed with power over another. A leader will never gain high authority and respect if he builds official relations on the basis of personal sympathies. Therefore, the boss must be extremely objective in relation to his subordinates and restrained in his actions.

The leader must constantly remember the norms of behavior, cultivate the habit and the need to comply with them in all situations.

A good leader is alien to arrogance, arrogance, irritability, capriciousness, the desire by the power of his power to impose his manners and habits on his subordinates. He in every possible way avoids situations in which one could humiliate a subordinate, offend his personal dignity and honor.

The positive quality of a leader is restraint, which is needed in everything - in decision-making, in words, in actions.

It is important to remember the rule: the more completely in relations with people the leader relies on positive informal means, the less situations are created that cause the need to apply administrative sanctions.

Conducting business meetings.

There are several rules that a leader who is going to hold a meeting must remember:

The meeting should be extremely brief: a protracted meeting causes its participants to lose interest in the issues under consideration and “reject” even the information that previously aroused interest;

Only those employees who are really needed should be invited to the meeting, that is, those who should really implement the information received here and those whose opinions are necessary for making a decision;

The meeting should be held only when it is really necessary, when a different way of developing certain decisions would be longer and less effective; excessively frequent meetings indicate the weakness of the leadership or its administrative cowardice, as well as the useless waste of staff time.

Every meeting requires careful preparation. The better the preparation of the meeting, the less time is spent on its conduct.

There are four types of meetings: operational meeting, briefing meeting, problem meeting, final meeting. In addition, according to the nature of the meeting, they are divided into the following types:

a) dictatorial - only the leader leads and has the actual right to vote, the rest of the participants are given the right only to ask questions, but by no means express their own opinions;

b) autocratic - based on questions of the leader to the participants and their answers to them; there is no broad discussion here, only dialogue is possible;

c) segregative - the report is discussed only by the participants chosen by the leader, the rest only listen and take note;

d) discussion - free exchange of opinions and development of a common solution; the right to make a decision in its final formulation, as a rule, remains with the head;

e) free - they do not adopt a clear agenda, sometimes there is no chairman, it does not necessarily end with a decision and comes down mainly to an exchange of views.

The meeting must start at the specified time. The opening speech, as a rule, is made by the head of the unit. In the introductory speech, it is necessary to clearly outline the contours of the problem (or problems) under discussion, formulate the purpose of the discussion, show its practical significance and determine the rules.

The main task of the leader of the meeting is to provide an opportunity to listen to the views of the speakers and analyze them. He must correctly point out the twists and turns, cut off the superfluous that is not relevant to the case, insist on the argumentation of the opinions expressed. An important sign of the culture of the leader of the meeting is the strict observance of the regulations.

The leader should not abuse meetings in his office. Here, the situation itself emphasizes the inequality between the leader, sitting in an armchair at his own table, and the rest of the interlocutors. Subordinates are held in these conditions more constrained.

The most important criterion of the meeting is the attitude of the participants to its results. It is important that they do not have a sense of wasted time, so that everyone has a clear understanding of the decisions made and their role in their implementation. By the degree of concreteness of the decisions made, one can judge the competence of the chief, his managerial culture and his moral upbringing.


1. Professional ethics of law enforcement officers - Edited by Doctor of Philosophy, Professor A. V. Opalev and Doctor of Philosophy, Professor G. V. Dubov.

2. Volgin B. N. - Business meetings, M., 1990

3. Besetsky I. I. - Formation of the foundations of professional ethics of an operative worker


Head of the cycle-teacher of the UiSD of the CPP of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

in the Vologda region

police lieutenant colonel

M.A. Tanichev

"_____" _____________ 2015


In the discipline “Moral and ethical foundations of service in the internal affairs bodies. Service etiquette»

Topic 2.1.5 "Office etiquette of an employee of the internal affairs bodies"

Purpose of the lesson: to acquaint students with the basic concepts of office etiquette and the principles of communication in the professional activities of an internal affairs officer.

Number of hours: 2 hours

Class type: practical lesson

Location: study room

Literature: Attachment 1

Study questions:

1. Service etiquette of an employee of the internal affairs bodies.

2. The culture of speech and the rules of official communication of an employee of the internal affairs bodies.

I. Introduction

1.1. Organizational moment (report of the group commander, greeting, personnel check, report on the progress of the upcoming lesson).

1.2. Survey of listeners on the material covered

The concept and types of corruption.

Causes of corruption.

Regulatory framework for combating corruption.

Corruption risks in the activities of various police departments.

Professional and ethical anti-corruption standard of conduct for a police officer.

Declaration of income as a measure to prevent corruption.

The concept and features of the conflict of interest in the service.

Personality deformation: content and causes.

II. Main part

Presentation of new material.

Question number 1. Service etiquette of an employee of the internal affairs bodies.

Man lives and works among people. His successes in life and in the service, authority, service career, the presence of true friends, etc. largely depend on the culture of his behavior. The set (set) of rules of behavior, courtesy, courtesy, decency is called etiquette.

Usually the word "etiquette" expresses the external culture of people (clothes, hairstyle, gestures, manners, speech, posture, gait, look, handshake, etc.). This is the aesthetic side of etiquette. However, a person can be outwardly attractive, impeccably dressed, with good manners, but in his soul callous, selfish, greedy, vain, envious and duplicitous.

To avoid this, the rules of etiquette are based on such concepts as sincerity, goodwill, conscience, justice, dignity, honor, which constitute an integral moral facet of etiquette. The official etiquette of employees of the internal affairs bodies has, in addition, a legal edge, since many rules of etiquette are mandatory, regulated by charters, orders and job descriptions.

Service etiquette regulates the rules of behavior of an employee with various categories of citizens (law-abiding and offenders, men and women, the elderly and children, compatriots and foreign citizens, victims and suspects, etc.), each of which requires a special approach, tact, attention.

At the same time, in any situation, when communicating with any citizen, an employee must behave with dignity, benevolently and openly, attentively and attentively. Such behavior of a police officer causes respect among citizens, a desire to cooperate with him.

Unfortunately, an internal affairs officer often has to deal with far from the best representatives of society. Under these conditions, certain qualities are required from an employee: special endurance, will, tact, personal dignity: strictness, but not rudeness; arguments, not threats; firm tone, but not shouting, etc. The rejection of these rules is a sign of the defeat of a police officer, his weakness as a soldier of law and order.

When addressing a citizen, a police officer must put his right hand to his headgear, introduce himself and clearly state the reason for the appeal. This must be done, if possible, gracefully, clearly, respectfully, while carefully and kindly looking into the eyes of a citizen. It should be remembered that the look plays an extremely important role in the communication of people. The look can be cold, indifferent, arrogant, aggressive, impudent; but the look can also be benevolent, stimulating, interested, sincere, respectful, reassuring. An unpleasant impression is made by an employee, looking away, looking over the head of a citizen, with “shifting” eyes.

In all cases, a police officer must remember the honor of his uniform, and therefore, the honor of his own and his colleagues. The bad deed of one officer throws a stain in the eyes of citizens on the entire police corps. A police officer cannot afford to drink alcohol while on duty; eat, drink, smoke on the move and in the wrong places; visit restaurants, casinos, markets in uniform, if this is not related to the performance of official tasks; swear; violate the form of clothing; do not follow the rules of the road while driving a company or private car.

A police officer should not be humiliated, offended by what he is sometimes not recommended and even forbidden to do when it is allowed for other citizens. The principle here is quite simple: to whom much is given, much is required. By personal example in behavior, an employee always has a beneficial effect on others, strengthening his moral authority.

Service etiquette imposes a special requirement on the appearance of employees of the internal affairs bodies. Beautiful, well-fitted clothes (uniform), neat hairstyle, clean shoes, established insignia testify to the respectful attitude of the employee to citizens and to his profession. And, on the contrary, carelessness in clothes, slovenliness speaks of the low culture of the employee, of his lack of understanding of the meaning of the concept of "honor of uniform". Citizens try not to communicate with such employees, they are bypassed even when they need their help. A police officer can be honest, conscientious in his service, courageous, hardworking, but if he does not pay attention to his appearance, then his virtues may go unnoticed by citizens.

Office etiquette condemns the wearing of mixed uniforms and informal signs, self-made improvement of uniforms, keeping hands in pockets. Gloves, shoes, scarves, socks must strictly match the color scheme of the form. Particular attention is paid to the correct position of the dressed headgear. The employee also has to take care of his appearance when wearing civilian clothes. It is indecent for an employee, as a representative of state bodies, to come to work in a turtleneck, shabby jeans, a worn sweater and sneakers.

You can’t fill the pauses in the conversation with meaningless sounds: uh-uh, ah-ah, s-s-s. Etiquette does not recommend addressing unfamiliar citizens as “you”. This puts the citizen in an unequal position, since a well-mannered person cannot also apply to a police officer. It is strictly forbidden to use obscene expressions. Mat - a sign of licentiousness, weakness of character, bad manners, permissiveness, arrogance. When communicating with citizens, a police officer does not have the right to in any way humiliate their national or religious dignity, show arrogance, rudeness, arrogance, use threats and insulting expressions, rude jokes and malicious irony.

Competent speech of the employee, its soft tone, a clear expression of the purpose of the conversation, correctness and goodwill are the shortest way to the correct communication between the employee and the citizen and its positive completion.

An important element of official etiquette are the rules that determine the forms of greeting for employees of the internal affairs bodies. These rules are traditional in nature, reflected in the charters and job descriptions. They are based on tact, courtesy, goodwill, respectful attitude towards each other. The first, as a rule, is the younger one (by rank, position, age) greets the older one. However, only the elder has the right to extend his hand for a greeting. In the same way, the priority to extend a hand for greeting belongs to a woman. The only exceptions are cases where the man is much older or higher in position.

When greeting, employees put their hand on their headgear and say "I wish you good health." Other expressions: “How are you?”, “How are you?”, “Hello”, “How are you?” etc. undesirable and may be perceived as tactless. The elder is obliged to respond to the greeting either with his voice or by placing his hand on the headdress. You can also greet the boss (senior) by turning your head in his direction. Mutual military greetings form a respectful attitude of employees towards each other, unite the service team, strengthen discipline, and create an atmosphere of service solidarity. When communicating with citizens, etiquette recommends refraining from shaking hands. However, there may be situations when it is desirable for an employee to give a hand to a citizen. This may be an injured person who is in an inadequate condition. In such circumstances, the hand of a co-worker is a helping hand, a friend's hand. It should be remembered that a handshake can be warm and cold, firm and casual, approving and condemning, sincere and hypocritical.

Etiquette provides for strict procedures in giving military honors to the National Flag and the National Anthem; tomb of the Unknown Soldier; Eternal fire; funeral processions, accompanied by a banner and an honorary escort; at the opening of memorials; when presenting the Banner, etc.

The life of a police officer, fortunately, is not limited to official activities and the framework of the service team. An employee's career success, his career, authority, physical and moral condition largely depend on how he spends his free time, how he relaxes, educates himself, how he builds his relationships with neighbors, etc. The off-duty life of a police officer is regulated by the rules of general civil etiquette, the observance of which provides the officer and the people around him with comfortable communication conditions. To name just a few of the most common ones.

A woman in motion on the street, transport, theater, at the dinner table is to the right of the man. In any transport, a woman gets in first, and a man comes out first to help the woman get off. When entering the elevator, the first person to greet the room is the one who enters. When entering and exiting, hold the door behind you. In public transport, do not occupy seats intended for elderly passengers with children and the disabled. Do not shout or speak loudly in public places. No need to show special attention to persons with any defects. It is necessary to strictly observe the rules of behavior for pedestrians and drivers. Civil dress must correspond to the purpose, place of visit, age, social status of the employee, which is determined not by the rank or uniform, but by his vocation.

They come to the theater, to the concert in advance, especially if the seats are in the middle of the row. It is indecent to look at the sitting audience through binoculars, and also to leave the hall before the end of the performance to take a turn in the wardrobe. In order to get benefit and aesthetic pleasure from visiting an opera, a museum, an art gallery, it is necessary to get acquainted in advance, for example, with the libretto of the opera and its author, with the artists represented in the gallery. When preparing for cultural events, of course, a costume for the visit is also required. Tickets purchased by hand and half an hour before the performance, as a rule, do not allow you to get the proper feeling and pleasure.

The rules of general civil and official etiquette are quite simple, do not require memorization, they do not need to be blindly followed. They are based on the well-known moral principles of humanism, justice, collectivism, consciousness, as well as on the "golden rule" of morality: "Do not allow yourself what you consider unacceptable for others."

Etiquette encourages an employee to be an example for others, to cherish his honor, official and personal dignity.

Output: Thus, etiquette is an external form of expression of moral and aesthetic norms that regulate people's behavior. The content of etiquette is the recognition of the importance of a person, showing respect for him, honoring him, expressed in the form of politeness, courtesy. The culture of human behavior characterizes his spiritual appearance, shows the degree of mastery of the cultural virtues of mankind, the level of his socialization, self-discipline, morality.

Professional ethics of police officers

Business communication and etiquette.

Communication (communication) is a way of being a person in terms of mutual relations, interaction with other people. In the process of communication, people exchange information - thoughts, ideas and emotions, as a result of which a certain form of relationship and mutual influence is established between people, aimed at achieving a certain business expedient result. The ethics of business communication is the sum of moral and ethical requirements, principles, norms and rules developed by science, practice and world experience, the observance of which ensures mutual understanding and mutual trust of the subjects of business communication, increases the effectiveness of contacts and the final results of their joint actions.

At the heart of business communication is the solution of an important service issue, a responsible specific case concerning the fate of people, material and financial costs, and often legal relations with very unpleasant consequences for the subjects of communication. Therefore, the moral side of positions, decisions and the social result of communication plays a huge role. In addition, when it comes to a leader, the ethical content of communication directly affects the moral views of subordinates and, consequently, the quality of their performance. Therefore, knowledge and possession of the ethics of business communication is an indicator of the professional culture of a law enforcement officer, the degree of his compliance with modern requirements.

The exchange of information forms a certain psychological attitude in the subject of communication. Depending on the attitude, the nature of communication occurs at one of four levels of communication:

one). The contactee position is based on false ideas and therefore must be overcome and discarded.

2). The ideas that conditioned the position of the contactee are inherently correct, but are an obstacle to achieving the desired result, so they need to be overcome and debunked.

3). The ideas underlying the contactee's position are correct, but have nothing to do with this issue.

4). The position of the contactee is based on correct and fruitful ideas, it is necessary to analyze them in accordance with one's own ideas.

Business communication should be based on certain moral principles, among which the following are the main ones:

1. Business contacts are based on the interests of the business, but in no case are personal interests and not their own ambitions. Despite its apparent banality, it is this principle that is violated most often, because far from everyone and far from always finds the ability to give up personal interests when they conflict with the interests of the case, especially when this can be done with impunity and the only judge of the deed. will have a conscience.

2. Decency, that is, an organic inability to dishonest act or behavior, based on such developed moral qualities as:

Sharpened conscience;

The ability to behave equally with any person, regardless of his official or social status (J.-J. Rousseau argued: "The highest virtue is to be the same with a beggar and a prince");

Moral stability, manifested primarily in the fact that under no circumstances does a person compromise his principles;

Obligation, accuracy, responsibility, fidelity to one's word.

3. Goodwill, that is, an organic need to do good to people (good is the main category of ethics).

4. Respect, that is, respect for the dignity of the contactee, which is realized through such educated moral qualities as: politeness, delicacy, tact, courtesy, caring.

Etiquette is a stable order of conduct, a set of rules of polite behavior in society. Etiquette rules are the behavioral language of cultural communication. In office etiquette, the main thing is the correspondence of manners, appearance, speech, gestures, facial expressions, posture, posture, tone, clothing to the nature of the social role in which communication takes place. This requirement is of particular importance when participating in a strictly regulated ceremony, where certain official forms of behavior of officials must not go beyond rigidly established limits, failure to comply with the requirements of etiquette due to their ignorance or disrespect for them is perceived as an insult to personal dignity and often becomes a cause of conflicts or , at the very least, causes justified disapproval.

Strict adherence to the rules of etiquette is an important condition for a high culture of behavior. This is the “clothes” by which they “meet”, by which they make the first impression of a person. But even the most scrupulous knowledge and observance of these rules does not guarantee the corresponding behavior of a person, because the real circumstances are so diverse that no rules and norms are able to cover them completely. To avoid all mistakes, it is necessary to develop a sense of emotional empathy with the contactee, which is called tact. A developed sense of tact allows a person to determine the proper measure in expressions and actions, in showing interest in another person.

Professional tact.

Professional tact is a manifestation of restraint, foresight and decency in communication with others. Tact implies a careful, attentive attitude to the personality of the interlocutor, excluding the possibility of touching any of his "sore strings". This is the ability to tactfully, correctly bypass, if possible, issues that can cause embarrassment among others. This is the ability to say or do something by the way, without unnecessary "excesses", importunity and impudence. The manifestation of tactlessness is an unmistakable evidence of a lack of culture, an indicator of rudeness and bad manners. It is important to constantly remember that the observance of etiquette and the manifestation of tact is not just an obligatory element of communication, but an integral part of the spiritual culture of the individual, especially the personality of the leader - an indispensable condition for the positive results of business communication and the authority of law enforcement agencies in general. Business communication between law enforcement officers, both among themselves, in service teams, and with citizens, can occur in various situations and take a variety of forms. Let's point out the main ones:

I. Everyday office communication.

1) Conversations, meetings, negotiations.

2) Reception of visitors.

3) Meetings, meetings, meetings, conferences.

4) Visiting organizations, institutions.

5) Visiting citizens at the place of residence.

6) Duty, patrolling, security.

II. Specific forms of official communication.

1) Communication in the service team:

a) subordinated forms of communication;

b) communication between colleagues.

2) Communication between teachers and students in the learning process.

3) Business contacts with foreign citizens.

III. Extreme forms of official communication

1) Communication in a conflict situation.

2) Communication with participants in rallies, demonstrations, public demarches.

3) Communication with the detainees during the search.

4) Communication with the special contingent.

IV. Non-verbal and non-specific forms of communication

1) Public contacts with journalists, interviews.

2) Speeches on radio, television, in the press.

3) Telephone, teletype, radio communication.

4) Business correspondence, resolutions.

In addition, in all these forms of communication, great importance is attached to the so-called accessories, which are included as elements in the etiquette rules of communication. These include: the culture of speech, text, appearance, facial expressions, tone, gestures. For each of these elements, there is a set of specific rules that should also be carefully followed.

Ethics of business conversations, meetings, negotiations.

The results of the professional activities of law enforcement officers largely depend on personal meetings, conversations, meetings. Ethical requirements for their implementation are the necessary condition that allows you to find the right solution, smooth out sharp corners and get out of difficult or unpleasant situations with dignity.

A properly conducted conversation is the most favorable and often the only way to convince the interlocutor of the validity of your position, to force him to accept your decision and conditions.

In law enforcement activities, there are situations when there is a need to obtain this or that information from a person who avoids conversation. Even in these situations, you need to remember that the person you have been able to win over will be of much more help to you than the one you are trying to get to talk to you.

When preparing for a conversation, it is recommended to study the interlocutor. What position does he occupy? How does he treat you? What kind of person is he? What are his intentions? It is good to know the main points of the interlocutor's biography, the range of his personal interests, including his favorite pastime, hobby.

The time allotted for the meeting should be freed from other business. At this time, you can not appoint other meetings and make those invited to wait in the reception. It is not customary to drag out a meeting beyond the time allotted for it, unless, of course, this is related to the resolution of an important issue.

When conducting a meeting and conversation, it is important to take into account not only their strategy and tactics, but also pay attention to the "little things" of etiquette, which can grow into circumstances that seriously affect the outcome of the meeting.

Speech and style of presentation are of great importance in conversation, negotiations. Timbre, intonation, clarity of pronunciation, loudness of voice - these are facts that psychologically affect the interlocutor, cause him respect, sympathy for you or, on the contrary, negative emotions.

You need to be careful with the use of foreign words and expressions. The use of words incomprehensible to the interlocutor is not the best way to show your erudition and education. This not only does not contribute to a better mutual understanding, but also causes irritation. It has long been noticed among the people: whoever thinks clearly, he clearly states.

The conversation must be conducted calmly, without raising your voice and not showing your irritation, even when there are grounds for this. Hotness, haste are bad helpers in conversation.

Be attentive and considerate to the interlocutor, appreciate his arguments, even if they are weak. Experts believe that nothing has such a negative effect on the atmosphere of a business conversation as a contemptuous gesture, which means that one side discards the arguments of the other without the slightest effort to delve into their content.

In business communication, the ability to listen carefully is especially important. The ability to listen to an interlocutor in a difficult situation is a guarantee of mutual understanding, without which business relationships may not work out. Therefore, the basic ethical rules for effective listening in such communication have been developed. These include:

The ability to set yourself up for a wave of internal interest in the topic of a business conversation, dispute, meeting;

Identification for oneself of the main thoughts of the speaker (reporting information) and the desire to correctly understand them;

A quick comparison of the information received with one's own and an immediate mental return to the main content of the message, dispute, conversation.

Listening carefully and not even expressing his opinion, the employee must still be an active, and not a passive participant in the conversation, discussion, dispute.

Don't jump to conclusions. It is such subjective assessments that make a citizen take a defensive position in relation to an employee. Always remember that such assessments are a barrier to meaningful communication.

Do not let yourself be "caught" in a dispute on inattention. When you mentally disagree with a speaker, you tend to stop listening and wait your turn to speak.

Try to express understanding. While listening, reflect on what was said in order to understand how the interlocutor really feels and what significance the information is trying to convey to you. Try to mentally imagine yourself in the place of the interlocutor. Such communication means not only the approval of the speaker, but also allows you to more accurately understand the message.

Don't ask too many questions. Try to limit yourself to questions to clarify what has already been said. An excessively large number of questions to a certain extent suppresses a person, takes away the initiative from him, puts him in a defensive position.

Never tell the interlocutor that you understand his feelings well, such a statement serves more to justify your own (not always successful) attempts to convince the interlocutor that you are listening to him. In addition, such communication will call into question the credibility of you, and the conversation will most likely stop altogether.

Don't give advice unless asked. But in those cases when you are really asked for advice, use the techniques of analyzing listening to establish what the interlocutor really wants to know.

We have to admit that not all law enforcement professionals know how to listen. Summing up some of the above, we highlight a few necessary ethical precepts that help you learn to listen for the benefit of yourself and for business. Listening, you need to:

Forget personal prejudices against the interlocutor;

Do not rush to answers and conclusions;

Distinguish between facts and opinions;

Make sure that your speech is as clear and precise as possible;

Be impartial in assessing what you have heard from the interlocutor;

Really listen, and not pretend to listen, not be distracted by extraneous thoughts.

Often we inattentively listen to the interlocutor due to lack of patience. The interlocutor, in our opinion, takes too long to get to the point of the conversation. We get annoyed: it seems to us that in his place we would conduct a conversation differently. This position is of no use. You have to be patient, reckon with the manner of conversation of the interlocutor.

All forms of business conversations should have one result - correct understanding, which is impossible if you do not know how to listen to the interlocutor. Understanding is primarily the ability to predict. If, after listening to the interlocutor, you can imagine what actions will follow the conversation, then you have managed to correctly understand him.

Try to logically plan the entire process of listening, remember first of all the main thoughts expressed by the interlocutor. During the conversation, try to mentally summarize what you heard 2-3 times and it is better to do this during pauses in the conversation. Remember that your tendency to anticipate what will be said next as you listen is a sign of active thinking and is a good method of remembering the main points of a conversation.

To summarize what has been said, success in a business conversation, in negotiations can be greatly facilitated if you follow certain rules that are compiled by experts in the field of business communication:

Write a conversation plan in advance, work out the most important formulations;

Apply the provisions of psychology about the periodic impact on the interlocutor during the conversation, namely: alternate unfavorable moments with favorable ones, the beginning and end of the conversation should be positive;

Constantly remember the driving motives of the interlocutor, his interests, his expectations, his position, self-esteem, pride;

Express your thoughts and suggestions clearly, concisely and clearly;

Never, in any situation, insult or offend the interlocutor, be polite, helpful, tactful and delicate with him;

Never treat others with disdain;

Compliments speak in moderation;

Always, when possible, recognize the correctness of the interlocutor;

Avoid empty conversation, distractions on extraneous topics that violate the logical course of the conversation.

Reception of the population.

The reception of citizens by responsible employees of bodies, divisions, institutions and educational institutions is one of the main factors contributing to the propaganda of the activities of law enforcement officers and strengthening their connection with the population.

To implement this installation, it is necessary to first carry out work to inform the population through the mass media of the days and hours of reception, indicating which specific managerial person receives visitors. In addition, information for visitors is posted directly in the subdivision in a conspicuous place, which gives schedules for receiving visitors with a specific indication of which heads of departments and services are receiving, to whom the visitor can contact to make a decision on the issue of interest to him. In the duty unit or at the secretary, assistant, a special journal is started, in which the surname, name and patronymic, address, telephone number and the question with which the applicant addresses this or that official are recorded.

The manager must be competent in the questions to which he has to give answers to visitors, for which, knowing in advance the questions of their interest, he consults with specialists from the relevant services.

The manager receiving visitors must be attentive to the applicant, listen to everyone without haste, without interrupting, showing respect and tact, must be psychologically prepared for the perception of the applicant, who can be overly emotional, verbose, even aggressive. He must master the methods of neutralizing these manifestations and be able to lead the conversation into a calm channel.

The head of the reception should strive to give the most comprehensive answers to the questions of the applicants, solving them both with specialists from services or departments, and with the relevant bodies and departments, on which the solution of the problems posed by visitors depends. The solution of the problems posed by visitors depends on the same. In the same case, when the host manager is unable to answer the question, he informs the visitor that he will be given a written (if required) or oral answer, while determining the response time. This is to ensure that the visitor leaves the unit satisfied with both the nature of the meeting with the leader and the outcome of that meeting.

Recently, such forms of communication with the population have appeared as a helpline (the so-called "direct line") or a special box for letters, complaints and statements of citizens put up in duty units, in which they report certain actions of law enforcement officers. These forms also enable senior staff to keep abreast of public opinion about law enforcement activities requiring authorization.

At the end of the year, the duty unit (or employees of the secretariat) prepares an analytical report on letters, statements and complaints from citizens who were at the reception or sent relevant oral or written messages. It is desirable that this oral or written material be brought to the attention of the population through the media, which, of course, will help increase the authority of law enforcement agencies among the population and strengthen their capabilities in the uncompromising fight against crime.

The above material contains recommendations in relation to the conditions of activity of grass-roots bodies. If we are talking about higher authorities, then the functions described in this material as related to the competence of duty units are transferred to the jurisdiction of headquarters units or special reception rooms that exist in some departments.

Communication within the work team.

Service relations affect the mood of people, create that moral microclimate, without which the existence of the team is impossible. Normal service relations are formed on the basis of two basic requirements: responsibility for the cause and respect for colleagues.

Responsibility implies an honest and binding attitude to one's word and deed. An optional person, a talker brings harm not only by his personal behavior, but also creates an atmosphere of irresponsibility and indiscipline around him.

The business environment to a large extent also depends on respect for colleagues, the ability to insist on something, and give in to something, the ability to defuse a conflict situation. Respect for colleagues is to a large extent manifested in the ability to take into account their interests, show concern, and do small but pleasant services.

Service relations are somewhat different from everyday ones, which leaves its mark on the requirements for the behavior of colleagues. If, for example, in a cafe or restaurant, the main priority for women and men is the priority of the lady, then in official relations this priority often recedes into the background and is replaced by the priority of the boss.

Law enforcement is associated with complex, rapidly changing situations, significant risk, which causes an increased likelihood of various conflicts - interpersonal and intergroup. For successful work, it is important to anticipate the possibility of conflict situations and know how to get out of them. If it was still not possible to avoid the conflict, then you need to be able to resolve the problems that arise painlessly and with minimal losses.

The life of the service team cannot do without critical remarks addressed to colleagues. And here it is especially important that this criticism be constructive, and not be the result of any grievances or interests. It should be perceived by the person as deserved. And for this, it must meet the basic requirements for it.

First, be businesslike and objective. Unfortunately, there is also the so-called pseudo-criticism.

Secondly, criticism should be tactful and benevolent, taking into account the positive qualities and merits of the criticized. Its task is not to humiliate a person, but to help him improve, to show ways out of this situation. Criticism is always perceived as unfair if it carries only a negative charge. Conversely, a fair assessment of the positive and negative aspects in the activities of employees has a beneficial effect.

Thirdly, criticism must have its specific subject. Great harm is done when, instead of evaluating a person's specific actions, his personality and character are criticized. This can cause anger, indignation of the criticized, a desire to justify itself at all costs, since a person considers himself, and quite justifiably, undeservedly offended. And specific instructions for certain actions or behavior of the employee relieve tension. Therefore, they are always preferred.

Fourthly, criticism requires a specific approach, taking into account the characteristics of a person's temperament and character. One will react to the remarks painfully, but will quickly calm down and return to normal, they may, as they say, “not reach” the other, the third may be pushed onto the path of experiences, and the fourth - so internally experienced his misconduct that in relation to him charges would be redundant.

Special requirements are imposed on the relationship between the boss and the subordinate. Usually the leader is the key figure in the team. A lot depends on how he behaves with people, how and in what he interferes (or does not interfere), what he does for his subordinates. The leader must always remember that his actions and the actions of an ordinary member of the team are evaluated differently by this team. Every act of a superior in relation to a subordinate is perceived not only as an attitude of one person to another, but as an action of a person endowed with power over another. A leader will never gain high authority and respect if he builds official relations on the basis of personal sympathies. Therefore, the boss must be extremely objective in relation to his subordinates and restrained in his actions.

The leader must constantly remember the norms of behavior, cultivate the habit and the need to comply with them in all situations.

A good leader is alien to arrogance, arrogance, irritability, capriciousness, the desire by the power of his power to impose his manners and habits on his subordinates. He in every possible way avoids situations in which one could humiliate a subordinate, offend his personal dignity and honor.

The positive quality of a leader is restraint, which is needed in everything - in decision-making, in words, in actions.

It is important to remember the rule: the more completely in relations with people the leader relies on positive informal means, the less situations are created that cause the need to apply administrative sanctions.

Conducting business meetings.

There are several rules that a leader who is going to hold a meeting must remember:

The meeting should be extremely brief: a protracted meeting causes its participants to lose interest in the issues under consideration and “reject” even the information that previously aroused interest;

Only those employees who are really needed should be invited to the meeting, that is, those who should really implement the information received here and those whose opinions are necessary for making a decision;

The meeting should be held only when it is really necessary, when a different way of developing certain decisions would be longer and less effective; excessively frequent meetings indicate the weakness of the leadership or its administrative cowardice, as well as the useless waste of staff time.

Every meeting requires careful preparation. The better the preparation of the meeting, the less time is spent on its conduct.

There are four types of meetings: operational meeting, briefing meeting, problem meeting, final meeting. In addition, according to the nature of the meeting, they are divided into the following types:

a) dictatorial - only the leader leads and has the actual right to vote, the rest of the participants are given the right only to ask questions, but by no means express their own opinions;

b) autocratic - based on questions of the leader to the participants and their answers to them; there is no broad discussion here, only dialogue is possible;

c) segregative - the report is discussed only by the participants chosen by the leader, the rest only listen and take note;

d) discussion - free exchange of opinions and development of a common solution; the right to make a decision in its final formulation, as a rule, remains with the head;

e) free - they do not adopt a clear agenda, sometimes there is no chairman, it does not necessarily end with a decision and comes down mainly to an exchange of views.

The meeting must start at the specified time. The opening speech, as a rule, is made by the head of the unit. In the introductory speech, it is necessary to clearly outline the contours of the problem (or problems) under discussion, formulate the purpose of the discussion, show its practical significance and determine the rules.

The main task of the leader of the meeting is to provide an opportunity to listen to the views of the speakers and analyze them. He must correctly point out the twists and turns, cut off the superfluous that is not relevant to the case, insist on the argumentation of the opinions expressed. An important sign of the culture of the leader of the meeting is the strict observance of the regulations.

The leader should not abuse meetings in his office. Here, the situation itself emphasizes the inequality between the leader, sitting in an armchair at his own table, and the rest of the interlocutors. Subordinates are held in these conditions more constrained.

The most important criterion of the meeting is the attitude of the participants to its results. It is important that they do not have a sense of wasted time, so that everyone has a clear understanding of the decisions made and their role in their implementation. By the degree of concreteness of the decisions made, one can judge the competence of the chief, his managerial culture and his moral upbringing.


1. Professional ethics of law enforcement officers - Edited by Doctor of Philosophy, Professor A. V. Opalev and Doctor of Philosophy, Professor G. V. Dubov.

2. Volgin B. N. - Business meetings, M., 1990

3. Besetsky I. I. - Formation of the foundations of professional ethics of an operative worker

The high demands placed today on the morality and cultural level of an employee are due to the fact that he is forced to daily intrude into complex areas of human relationships, acting as an arbitrator in acute conflict situations that affect the fate of many people. Moral education, genuine culture allow the employee to overcome subjectivity, limited personal experience, understand the motives, interests and aspirations of other people. Due to the specifics of official activity, he has no right to be biased, rude, callous.

Any mistake or oversight in police work, a case of unworthy behavior, lack of culture, impoliteness can immediately receive a wide response and, acquiring rumors and speculation, cause people to have a distorted idea of ​​​​the activities of law enforcement agencies, undermine the authority of a particular service and unit.

Based on the experience of the bodies and departments of internal affairs, there are general recommendations on the rules of conduct for a police officer in various situations, both in official and off-duty situations.

“An employee of the internal affairs bodies must have a sense of dignity - a sense of respect for himself and others. To respect others means to observe certain rules of decency, which are the key to harmonious relations between people. 7

You should value your word. Don't promise what you can't deliver. If the promise is given, then it is necessary to fulfill it, otherwise the authority will suffer. As a well-mannered person, one should show respect for other people in everything.

To a certain extent, the authority of an employee of the internal affairs bodies depends on the correct behavior and actions.

The employee must remember that his appearance must be impeccable.

“We should not forget that appearance is a reflection and characteristic of internal culture and that neatness and smartness emphasize respect for others and thus give the right to respect for oneself.

A police officer must always have a neat appearance, drill smartness, behave with dignity, not slouch, walk with a firm and energetic step. A well-fitted shape emphasizes the slimness of the figure, physical strength. While in uniform, a police officer must refrain from carrying shopping bags, bulky items, visiting markets, and solving other everyday issues. It is strictly forbidden to use the services of trade, cultural, domestic and other institutions on preferential terms, as this leads to affairs in the eyes of the population.

In dealing with citizens, certain rules must also be observed. When addressing a citizen, you must first greet him, putting your hand to the headdress, introduce yourself - name the position, title and surname, briefly state the reason or purpose of the appeal. In this case, one should not call the citizen to oneself, but approach oneself. He must state his demands and remarks in a courteous and convincing manner; the explanations must be listened to carefully, without interrupting the speaker.

When a citizen addresses a police officer, he must be listened to carefully, answer the question or explain where to go to solve it. If necessary, calmly, without irritation, repeat the answer and explain its meaning. In no case should a citizen be pointed out to the insignificance of his request.

“An employee must act clearly, professionally competently, invariably showing sympathy, goodwill and respect for the interlocutor. After all, the police are usually contacted in difficult situations, and the duty of an employee is to help people in their trouble.” 8

You should never respond with harshness for harshness, rudeness for rudeness. A calm, firm and friendly manner of address is the best means of eliminating negative reactions and creating a normal atmosphere for conversation.

It is especially important to observe the norms of official ethics and culture of behavior when imposing a fine or applying another form of punishment in relation to a violator of public order, traffic rules, so in this case punishment is not an end in itself, but a means of education. In addition, the police officer is obliged to calmly, politely and clearly explain to the violator the nature and gravity of the guilt and show the possible consequences of the violation. It should be remembered that the very conversation of an employee with a violator is an effective means of education, therefore, if the violation is minor, it is quite legitimate to confine oneself to a remark.

It is important to firmly remember that although a police officer should be principled in matters of protecting public order and the safety of citizens, this does not mean that he should approach any violation with maximum severity.

An essential part of the work of the police is to help citizens who find themselves in difficult circumstances. Children, the elderly and the disabled, women with young children may find themselves in such a position.

“An employee should treat teenagers with the same courtesy as adults. Instructions and remarks to children (teenagers) are made taking into account their psychology and level of development. For children of primary and secondary school age, the appeal to “you” is applied, and the older one - to “you”. nine

The employee should not disregard the pranks and other thoughtless actions of children. It is necessary to stop them and make the necessary remark, explain how to behave on the street. However, the criminal actions of minors in relation to police officers must be resolutely suppressed.

Employees do not interfere in disputes and quarrels of a private nature, except in cases where there is an immediate danger to the life and health of citizens, a violation of public order is allowed, illegal actions are committed.

An employee often deals with vagrants, persons in a state of intoxication, drug addicts. In such cases, he must, if necessary, be ready to provide first aid, send people to the hospital, locate missing persons, and provide assistance to the injured. Humane rather than punitive methods should be preferred in this work.

A police officer must be able to identify offenses carried out knowingly, out of hooligan, mercenary or provocative motives. In these cases, he must immediately and with all determination stop the illegal actions. The activities of the employee in this situation are regulated by the relevant service instructions, however, in these cases, he must adhere to certain standards of professional ethics.

Upon detection of illegal actions, the police officer is obliged to demand their termination, reasonably explain to the violator the provisions of the relevant legal documents. These arguments should be presented in a polite, tactful and persuasive manner. It is necessary to take all measures to ensure that the illegal nature of the actions of the violator becomes obvious to others, would cause them a negative reaction, readiness to support the police.

When detaining an offender, especially in the presence of citizens, a police officer is obliged to show maximum restraint and calmness, to act in accordance with the situation. The use, in necessary cases, of physical force and special means, the use of other forms of coercion should not be demonstratively rude. You should not enter into arguments with others, resort to harsh expressions or gestures, or perform any actions that provoke a complication of the situation.

If a police officer was forced to use physical force or weapons (to kill) during the arrest and injured or wounded the offender, he is obliged to provide emergency medical assistance to this person, and in case of death, to ensure the protection of the body of the murdered.

The employee must show special restraint and tact in conflict situations, taking all possible measures to stop them.

“In conflict situations, the employee is guided by the usual norms of professional ethics, but he observes them with particular care. It should be firmly remembered that the slightest tactlessness, harshness, rudeness, irritability (as well as the manifestation of indecision and weakness) can lead to the development of a conflict and support from others around the offender. And vice versa, correct, lawful, confident and decisive actions, self-control and calmness can arouse the sympathy of citizens and ensure their assistance. 10

If the offender reacts excitedly to the comments, it is necessary, without entering into arguments and disputes with him, to let him calm down, and then explain that in his actions the police officer is guided not by hostile feelings or negative emotions, but by the interests of society, the need to protect public order and tranquility citizens. Explaining to the offender the illegality of his actions, it is necessary to refer to the relevant laws, regulations and other regulatory legal acts.

The norms of official ethics and culture of behavior are strictly observed during interrogation, where they almost completely coincide with the specific requirements for the professional activities of employees of the internal affairs bodies. A calm, patient, sympathetic and friendly tone during the interrogation of the victim or witness helps the citizen overcome the excitement, remember and convey in detail the circumstances of what happened. Calmly, patiently and politely, but at the same time firmly and strictly, without flirting and threats, one should interrogate the accused or suspected of committing a crime.

A search requires sensitivity, restraint and calmness, since it affects the interests of the accused's family members and has a strong emotional impact on them. In this case, moralizing, mocking or condemning remarks, as well as statements about the way of life or things of the searched are strictly prohibited.

Professional ethics imposes a number of requirements on all police officers. These norms determine the special, moral responsibility of the leading personnel of the law enforcement system.

The boss must constantly set an example of organization, discipline, conscientious attitude to business, instill in his subordinates a sense of attentive attitude towards citizens, especially when resolving requests, statements and complaints, demand from each employee an exemplary appearance and smartness. Tact, courtesy, courtesy, friendliness are the essential qualities of a leader.

Any boss- only the executor of the laws on which his power, rights and duties are based. But as a person, as a member of the collective, he is a comrade to all who serve with him.

"The requirements of the Code of Honor for the ordinary and commanding staff of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation are applicable to every employee of the internal affairs bodies, regardless of position, rank or other official status." eleven

The quality of the work performed and the moral and psychological atmosphere in the unit largely depend on the culture of behavior, the correct style of managing people, the relationship between the leader and subordinates.

The reception of citizens by responsible employees of bodies, divisions, institutions is one of the main factors contributing to the propaganda of the activities of law enforcement officers. A citizen invited for a conversation should be received at the appointed time, show interest in the conversation. You should not look at documents that are not relevant to the conversation, since the slightest sign of indifference will seriously interfere with the creation of an atmosphere of trust in the conversation with the visitor.

If the visitor is required to submit his application in writing, but finds it difficult to do so, he should be given the necessary assistance.

If the question addressed by the visitor cannot be resolved, then the citizen should be given the address or telephone number of persons whose competence includes solving this problem. In case of refusal of the visitor's request, it is necessary to explain the reasons for the refusal and the procedure for appealing the decision.

At whatever time of the day and on whatever issue a citizen turns to the police on duty, he must be carefully listened to and given an exhaustive answer. In no case do not indicate to the citizen the insignificant reason for his visit.

A person who superficially mastered moral principles and good manners can make a good impression, but such a level of culture is of no value to people responsible for law and order and security in the state and society. It is important to remember that any form of politeness is appreciated and accepted by people with genuine sincerity, truly high and disinterested motives.