How to affectionately call your loved one: choose a gentle nickname for your man. How to call a man affectionately so that he understands that you care about him Affectionate nicknames for guys

  • 23.07.2023

Falling in love is a pleasant feeling, accompanied by “the fluttering of butterflies in the stomach,” and it is not always possible to express the entire range of emotions in a simple manner. Therefore, lovers often call each other various affectionate words, which brings a touch of tenderness and romance to the relationship.

We will talk about how to affectionately call a guy in this article. We will give examples of affectionate nicknames, and, of course, we will tell you how not to call your beloved man.

Why do lovers come up with affectionate nicknames?

Cute names allow you to maintain tenderness in relationships, give a feeling of closeness and intimacy, and create a romantic aura. This is the easiest way to show your crush your attitude. Plus, a well-chosen nickname can help smooth out the situation, forget the insult, and simply lift your spirits. So, certain appeals are characteristic only of your significant other and no one else - this marks importance and uniqueness.

You should not think that only representatives of the fair sex are greedy for tenderness: very often a funny nickname pleases even the most stern man. However, when choosing an affectionate name for a guy, you need to be careful: the strong half of humanity takes such things very seriously, and you need, first of all, to think with your head so as not to offend your beloved.

Examples of affectionate addresses

There are many options for what you can call your boyfriend. Here is a list of the most common names for your significant other, which will help you get closer at the very beginning of the relationship, when it is not yet entirely clear what may offend and what, on the contrary, your boyfriend will like.

There are, so to speak, “neutral” appeals. They are suitable for any age, and for almost any situation.

  1. Darling, dear- such appeals are typical not only for young couples, but also for spouses who have been married for a long time. They are not too funny, but gentle and even almost formal. Therefore, this appeal will most likely please the young man, and will not cause irritation and indignation. You can also call a guy with these names in front of his friends so as not to embarrass him.
  2. Beloved, desired. These words will help express affection and tender feelings for your lover. This way he will be able to feel truly important to you, and this feeling will remain in his subconscious for a long time, which guarantees the well-being and harmony of the relationship.
  3. My dear- this word conveys maximum intimacy. As in the first case, conversion is often used in mature married couples. It symbolizes your attachment to your passion, and seems to say “you have already become dear to me.”
  4. Golden, tender, good- the romantic period of your relationship cannot pass without these words. With their help, you will demonstrate your love and indicate how dear your soulmate is to you.

These same nicknames are suitable for a very serious guy. You can also add “My Prince” or “My King” to them.

So that the familiar and already a little boring “dear”, “dear”, “beloved” do not look so routine and dry, just add “my”. And if you also emphasize the phrase with the right intonation, the effect will be stunning =)

Association words about animals

Often girls, thinking about what a cute name to call a guy, first of all draw a parallel between his distinctive features and cute animals. Based on this, we can consider the following variations of appeals to loved ones:

  1. My teddy bear, teddy bear, teddy bear. These words are appropriate not only in relation to guys named Mikhail, but in general to all men who relate well to this nickname.
  2. Cat, kitten, cat, kisyunya- these appeals are most often used in a more intimate setting.
  3. Tiger, tiger cub, tiger- the words have a hint of playfulness and may appeal to your companion.
  4. Bunny, hedgehog. Such nicknames are typical for young couples in whose relationships there is that fresh romance and even some naivety. When using these words, you need to look closely at the guy’s reaction, since not every stern man wants to be a “bunny” or “rabbit.” In this case, it is better to choose words such as “my lion, tiger, hero.”
  5. Raccoon, Raccoon- these are not yet very hackneyed nicknames, but they also emphasize your reverent attitude towards your chosen one.

When calling a young man any animal, you need to carefully weigh your choice. Otherwise, without thinking, you can dub your beloved a “hog,” “gopher,” “goat,” “hippo,” “fawn,” or even “ram.”

Of course, men who have a rich sense of humor and are not very vulnerable can take such “name-calling” quite well, but it is absolutely forbidden to call your lover this way in an official setting or in front of his friends. Otherwise, you risk making the guy a laughing stock in the eyes of strangers. And, in the end, maybe he doesn’t want to be a hippopotamus and, in general, has complexes about his weight.

Derivatives from the guy's name

Often girls choose affectionate names for their boyfriends based on his name. There is even a saying that one of the most pleasant sounds for a person is the sound of his own name.

Declension of a name allows you to simultaneously highlight personality and express sympathy. However, here, again, it is necessary to observe the passion: not every Vladimir likes to be “Vovochka”, and not every Alexander likes the word “Shurik”, and Evgenia may be offended by your “Evgesha”.

However, if a man is okay with changing his name, pay attention to the following list.

  • Alexander - Sashka, Sashenka, Shurik, Sashulya, Shunechka;
  • Vladimir - Vova, Vovochka;
  • Alexey - Lesha, Alyosha, Lesik;
  • Valentin - Roller, Jack;
  • Vasily - Vasek, Basilisk, Fox;
  • Timofey - Timosha, Totosha, Tim;
  • Timur - Tima, Turik;
  • Sergey - Seryozhka, Gray, Serzhik;
  • Mikhail - Mikhasik, Mishanya, Mishka, Mikhas;
  • Matvey - Motya, Mityash, Amitesh;
  • Kirill - Kira, Kiryusha, Kir, Kirochka;
  • Ilya - Ilka, Ilyusha, Ilychka;
  • Roman - Romchik, Chamomile, Romeo, Ramen;
  • Nikolay - Ring, Stroller, Kolyunya;
  • Maxim - Maksik, Maksyunya, Maksimka, Simka.

There are a huge number of names, and, consequently, their affectionate variations. Their list depends on your imagination. We, of course, tried to collect the maximum below, but you can always add something.

Also, a great option would be a funny nickname that rhymes with the name:

    Pashka - Cheburashka (in -shka, in general, there is a lot of rhyme);

    Andryushka is a darling;

    Sashka is a kisser;

    Kostik - ponytail.

Original and funny names for a guy

If your relationship has been going on for more than one year, and you know your partner very well, you can add some variety and humor to your relationship. The list of the following funny names that you can please a guy with will help you with this.

  1. My sweet peach, Scamp- these unusual and intimate addresses convey a bit of passion and humor.
  2. My macho, Baby, Pepper, Baby, Baby- these words can lift the gentleman’s mood if pronounced with the appropriate intonation. It is possible that the young man will like the first option and ask to call him that much more often.
  3. Admirer, Donut, Sweet bun, Glutton, Eclair, Sweetie- filled with tenderness and almost parental love. The young man will be pleased to hear them addressed to him and feel your tenderness and love.
  4. Dragon, Cartoon, Masyanya, Smurf, Little Brownie, Luntik, Smesharik, Bagel- bring a share of naivety and childish romance into your relationship. They will appeal to a guy with a sense of humor.
  5. Stupid, Mischievous, Stupid- this can only be called a very close person if he has done something wrong and asked for forgiveness.
  6. Smile, Fluffy, Biter, Dandelion, Sweetheart- these appeals are most often appropriate during games, for example, tickling your partner. They will be able to cheer up both you and your partner and will definitely not leave anyone indifferent.

* By the way, these nicknames are a great option for recording a guy under them in your phone.

Beautiful adjective names

Among other things, there are a huge variety of adjectives that you can use to affectionately call a guy. The Russian language is rich, there are a lot of words. For example:

  • best;
  • courageous;
  • the only one;
  • ideal;
  • unforgettable;
  • wonderful;
  • unusual;
  • strong;
  • sexual;
  • desired;
  • fabulous;
  • long-awaited;
  • hot;
  • sweet;
  • and much more.

In short, almost like the title of emperors =)

...the Most Serene and Most Powerful Great Sovereign and Grand Duke<...>autocrat: Moscow, Kyiv and so on and so forth...

Just don't overdo it.

Nice sayings for your man

There are phrases that can cheer up any man. If you want to convey to him an impulse of tenderness and gratitude, but nothing comes to mind, pay attention to the following expressions:

    "I think about you all day"- will help you express the affection and importance of the guy in your life;

    "Your kisses are sweeter than honey"- everything is clear here, the phrase is ideal for a moment of intimacy;

    "You make me really happy"- It is very important for many men to know that a girl is happy next to them. Repeat this often;

    “You are the most beloved and dear”- expresses your love for your partner;

    “You are fire in bed!!!”- any man will like it;

    "The most beloved in the whole world"- this statement will help you emphasize the importance and exclusivity of your partner;

    “I feel calm and good only next to you”- helps to express gratitude;

    "I'm crazy about you!"- the phrase will amuse the guy’s ego, this is sometimes necessary;

    “How strong and brave you are!”- this compliment will amuse the guy’s masculinity and expresses sincere gratitude.

    "I adore you"- also emphasizes your attitude towards your lover.

Please note that these phrases are just a template. You should not pronounce these sentences by heart - in this case, their sound will be dry, like a poem, or even feigned.

And yet, each phrase has its time. The right words spoken at one time or another are worth a lot.

Where can I leave a sweet message?

Of course, it’s best to say nice things face to face or while snuggling together. But this also needs to be diluted. Therefore, you can write a beautiful and sweet message to your boyfriend. And not necessarily on the VK wall or WhatsApp. There are much more original options:

    On the refrigerator door. Your boyfriend is guaranteed a charge of positivity and good mood for the whole day.

    On paper. It just sounds banal, but you can write a very original note and put it in your diary or, for example, in your pocket, purse, notebook, book, and so on.

    On the ceiling. This is very original, just don’t damage the property, especially if it’s your boyfriend’s apartment.

    On the mirror;

    On the screensaver of your tablet, laptop or PC. It will be especially cool if a cool picture is attached to the message.

Inappropriate calls to a guy

When thinking about what to affectionately call a guy, it is important to pay attention to the personal factor. A serious and strict man may not tolerate words such as “my pie”, “my sweetie” and other ridiculous expressions. This is especially true in a friendly atmosphere, when you are not alone in the company.

In general, it is better to refuse all lisping and endearing phrases. Statistically, many guys find them annoying. It’s better to choose something of your own, something unique, perhaps even with a bit of humor.

You should not focus on external aspects that may cause a complex in your lover.

  1. A man with a heavy build may be offended by such treatment as “little pig” or “fat guy.”
  2. A young man of short stature should not be called “my baby” or, God forbid, “my dwarf.” He may also be offended by the “hobbit”.

Try not to offend your partner once again, this is fraught with complexes.

What to call your beloved guy

Love is the hormones of pleasant feelings that excite the blood, bringing happiness and euphoria. And when a relationship develops, sometimes just calling a guy by name does not show him about the feelings that are inside the girl. But you really want romance!

How can you call a guy affectionately?

First, let’s figure out whether it’s necessary to call a guy affectionately! Oddly enough, not all guys prefer so that they are called something diminutive or affectionate, but everyone needs an approach.

Men love to be called often by name, love compliments when they extol their sexuality, endurance, masculinity, strength and character.

First you need to resort to an experiment: “How will a man react to a new name?” To do this, you need to call it neutral words: “Beloved”, “Dear”, “Tender”, “Dear”, “Dear”, it is advisable to say the word "My".

When a relationship goes up rapidly, feelings go off scale, passion plays in the blood - simple words no longer show the bouquet of emotions that you want to show. The following will come to help.

  • Affectionate adjectives: “Sweet”, “Tender”, “Dear”, “Dear”, “Beautiful”, “Strong”, “Good”, “Hot”, “Sweet”.
  • Endearing words from the names of animals: “Kitten”, “Hare”, “Cat”, “Tiger”, “Male”, “Lion”, “Falcon”, “Wolf”, “Hedgehog”.
  • Nouns: “Baby”, “Baby”, “Sun”, “Handsome”, “Naughty” or “Playful”, “Ball”, “Key”, “Angel”, “Apollo”, “Zeus”, “Macho”.
  • Heroes of films or fairy tales: “Bogatyr” » , “Smurf”, “Minyon”, “Teletubby”, “Smesharik”, “Tarzan”.
  • Words depending on the guy, and showing his influence: “King”, “Tsar”, “Prince”, “God”, “Pharaoh”.
  • Made-up words: “Kukusik”, “Khoroshik”, “Zhopik”, “Formik”, “Samik”, “Masik”, “Tverdik”.

By pronouncing the name, the guy subconsciously receives the information embedded in this word.

  • Dear - he is the closest person.
  • Beloved - he is treated with feelings, with love.
  • Dear - dearest, dearest in the world.
  • Cute - the girl likes him.
  • The bunny is tender, fluffy, affectionate and the cutest.
  • The wolf cub is a courageous, predatory male.
  • The Smurf is cheerful, interesting, close, so desirable.
  • Hot – sexy, satisfies a woman in sex, charismatic, brutal.

When using affectionate words, it is important not to forget about the basic ten principles of their use.

  1. Don't offend the man. Do not call him a word that left a big negative imprint on his life: “Perdish”, “Weak”.
  2. Do not insult: call the cross-eyed person “Cross-Eye.”
  3. Don’t focus on the shortcomings: toothless “Toothless”, bald “Little Little Bald”.
  4. Focus on its superiority: “Krepish”, “Strongman”, “Brutal”.
  5. Use the correct gentle intonation.
  6. Use gentle words not only in oral communication, but also during correspondence.
  7. Do not call the guy in front of his colleagues or strangers.
  8. Do not pronounce such words too often, as they will lose the very meaning of tenderness and affection.
  9. Don't be annoying. Do not call the guy words that he previously expressed negatively about.
  10. Do not call other people the same words in the presence of a guy, even children.

How to name your beloved guy beautifully - list

When a guy doesn’t really like to be called by the names of animals or made-up characters, a girl should come up with a verbal affectionate nickname on his behalf, for example.

  • Alexander: Sashka, Sashek, Sanka.
  • Alexey - Leshka, Lekha, Leshenka, Alex.
  • Andrey - Andryushka. Andreyka, Andre, Drew.
  • Anton - Tokha, Toshka, Antonko, Antoshka, Antoshishche.
  • Arthur - Archie, Turik, Arturchik.
  • Bogdan - Bogdanchik, Bodya, Badik.
  • Vasily - Vasilek, Vasek, Vasya.
  • Vitalik - Vitasik, Vetal, Vetsik.
  • Victor - Vitek, Vitichka, Vitka.
  • Valentin - Valentinchik, Valik, Valichek, Valyushechka.
  • Vladimir - Volodka, Vovik, Vovan.
  • Gleb - Glebchik.
  • Gennady - Genochka, Genyulechka.
  • Dmitry - Dimka, Dimon, Mitya, Mitek.
  • Evgeniy - Zhenya, Zhenya, Zhenya.
  • Igor - Igorek, Igorusik.
  • Konstantin - Kostik, Kostya.
  • Kirill - Kiryushka.
  • Leonid - Lenchik, Lenek, Leshka, Lesha.
  • Maxim - Max, Maximka, Maksik.
  • Oleg - Olezhka, Olezhe, Olezhik.
  • Ruslan - Rusik, Rusya, Ruslanchik.
  • Timofey - Tim, Timosha, Timchik.
  • Sergey - Seryozhka, Sergeyka, Seryozhechka.
  • Yuri - Yurasik, Yurchik, Yur, Yuras, Yurik.

It happens that a guy has a significant, interesting last name, from which you can come up with an interesting affectionate word:

  • Drozdov - “Drozdik”, “Drozd”.
  • Kotov - “Cat”, “Kotyara”.
  • Rubinov - “Rubinchik”, “Rubin”.
  • Berdyaev - Berdik.
  • Izotov - Izotik.

And if a man occupies a profession with which he has a lot to do with, and he enjoys the profession, he can be called (examples).

  • The teacher is my geographer.
  • The driver is my helmsman.
  • The doctor is my little doctor.

Funny and vulgar nicknames for guys

Happy and loving couples can laugh at themselves and joke. The main thing is that there should be no resentment or sadness. Among the cute, funny names we can highlight the following examples.

  • "Pubby."
  • "Starbud".
  • "Tongue."
  • "Cheburashka"
  • "Olivier"
  • "Nightingale"
  • "Shmurdik."
  • "Talker."
  • "Hotyunchik."
  • "Bagel".
  • "Golden Key"
  • "Cloud".
  • "Giraffe".

When enormous sexual energy prevails in a relationship, and in order to quickly excite a guy, a girl can call him sexy and even a little vulgar words. And the beast's appetite will be quickly awakened.

  • "Bolchish."
  • "Male".
  • "The one-eyed snake."
  • "Tempter".
  • "Sexboy."
  • "Hard."
  • “Violet.”

Rhymes for a loved one's name

Names with a cool, affectionate rhyme will be well received.

  • Andreyka is a battery.
  • Andrey is my villain.
  • Bogdanchik is handsome.
  • Vovchik is my donut.
  • Konstantin - adrenaline.
  • Sergey is the light of my eyes.
  • Earring - you are my cover.
  • Sanya is a hubby.
  • Sasha is a kisser.
  • Maxim is irreplaceable.
  • Kirill is a crocodile.
  • Fadey is the cutest of all.
  • Phil – idolized me.

In any sincere relationship, love, tenderness, affection and responsiveness should prevail. And if the guy was named affectionately, of course, you want them to call you too "Flower" or "Sunshine" but in no case, do not demand the same from the guy, as this will be regarded as a service: “I call you tenderly, and you call me”- the meaning of such words is lost, and they become just dry words for a bunch of words.

An affectionate word is so small, so significant for a relationship, and no matter what anyone says, but tenderness in a relationship begins with them!

Are you tired of calling your beloved guy or man different “cats, dolls and angels”? Do you want to spice up your relationship with your loved one with playfulness, tenderness and pet names? website I found out how to affectionately call a guy (man, husband) in order to compliment him and emphasize his merits.

We will look at how you can name your loved one in an unusual, cool or even funny way. In addition to Russian names, you will find affectionate addresses in English or Spanish, which sound especially gentle.

So, whether you have him funny, handsome, strong, smart, or adventurous, there are suitable names for everyone in the list below. Therefore, consider the options for names, and then decide what you want to affectionately call your beloved guy or man.

How can you call a guy affectionately and coolly?

Affectionate names for a guy (man) to call by correspondence or on the phone

List of what to call a guy affectionately and unusually

These could be words based on his name, interests, or hobbies. But if you want to call your beloved man not like everyone else, but really unusually, then you can pay attention to foreign languages, for example, the emotionality of Spanish.
Below is a list of Spanish names that you can use to spice up your relationship with your loved one.

  1. Mi alma - used to show deep affection and means "my soul".
  2. Tramposo - this appeal is best suited for a guy who knows how to playfully manipulate girls. (You can find out useful information about this by reading the article).
  3. Amante means "lover". Women often use it on their men.
  4. Amigo is a widely used name that translates to "friend".
  5. Pastelito: Do ​​you like calling a guy sweetie? This word means “pie” and is associated with something sweet or tasty.
  6. Pedacito de Cielo is an affectionate nickname meaning "little piece of heaven".
  7. Mi precioso means (my) precious.
  8. Principe Hermosa - in the language of loving people it sounds like “handsome prince”.
  9. Querido (Querido) - this word corresponds to the word “dear”.
  10. Marido - means husband. A good option for how to affectionately call your husband.
  11. (Mi) Rey - this is how women talk about their beloved man, which means “my king.”
  12. Tesoro - used to describe a truly valuable person and means "treasure".
  13. (Mi) Vida - used by a wife to say "my life" about her husband.
  14. Lobo - The literal meaning of this word is "wolf". This is how girls playfully and affectionately tease their boyfriends.
  15. Elcerebra - means brain and can be used to denote a serious or thoughtful person.

How to affectionately call a guy in English

How to affectionately call a man

  1. My Grizzly is the perfect name for a big, strong and menacing man.
  2. My Giant - a nickname suitable for a big, strong man, or it can be ironic for a frail, short guy.
  3. Hercules/Atlas - this is how a strong person is addressed.
  4. The sun is clear - an appeal to a man who can make your life brighter. This is how a man was affectionately called in Rus' in the old days.
  5. My soul - when you feel that you cannot live without him. (Read, )
  6. My person is warm-hearted - suitable for those who have a gentle character, non-conflict, calm and kind representatives of the stronger sex.
  7. My darling is a classic, suitable for any male.
  8. A wonderful little man - ideal for a cute but slightly strange guy.
  9. My night/morning breeze is another option for calling your beloved man affectionately and in an unusual way - suitable for a person whose communication is always refreshing.
  10. Eagle is a suitable name for those who are always on top in everything -.
  11. Fighter - this is the affectionate name given to their husbands by the wives of military personnel, as well as by men involved in strength sports.
  12. Desired - intended for someone you want to always love.
  13. Long-awaited - to someone who is awaited with great impatience.
  14. Good-natured - suitable for a man who has a gentle character, non-conflict, calm and kind representatives of the stronger sex.
  15. Sonya is ideal for a phlegmatic and sleep-loving man.

How to call a man affectionately and courageously

  1. My big man/hero is a name to call a big man.
  2. Viking - to the one who conquered or conquered your heart.
  3. Genius - smart, talented guys or those who are able to find brilliant ideas when solving any problems, as well as specialists in financial matters.
  4. A tough nut to crack for a strong, strong man.
  5. My boss is suitable for someone who takes responsibility in making decisions.
  6. Champion is a cute way to address the number one man in your life.
  7. Cowboy - intended for a man with a steely and slightly wild character.
  8. Hero is another option for affectionately calling the man you love, and refers to a brave man who will do anything for the lady of his heart.
  9. Bear - an appeal to a large, powerful man on the one hand, but handsome and pleasant on the other.
  10. My captain is a suitable name for a man who is used to taking everything into his own hands.
  11. Tiger/lion - suitable for a courageous, fearless guy whom a girl admires. She always feels safe behind his shoulders.
  12. Iron Man is ideal for a man with nerves of steel.
  13. My alpha male is a fearless leader.
  14. Knight - beautifully and poetically about a man who can help a woman feel like a beautiful lady.
  15. Stunning - when a woman feels the ground disappear from under her feet from the piercing loving gaze of her man.

How to affectionately call your husband

  1. Beloved is the name given to those who are truly loved.
  2. My heart goes to the one you love most in the world.
  3. My hard worker is a perfect name for a man who works hard.
  4. A magician is someone who can seemingly do the impossible and always find a way out of a hopeless situation.
  5. My love - with this appeal a woman declares her feelings to a man.
  6. Naughty - ideal for calling your husband affectionately and sexually.
  7. The love of my life is an affectionate address to my husband, without whom your life is unthinkable.
  8. Treasure - to show how dear he is to you.
  9. My dear one - to the one who is loved very much.
  10. My beloved is a tender and affectionate name for a beloved husband.
  11. Rocky - suitable for a man of athletic appearance, strong, fast.
  12. The clear dove means nobility and splendor - a suitable name for a kind person.
  13. Daddy - this is how you can affectionately call a caring husband.
  14. Reckless - for an adventurous man who is accustomed to taking risks.
  15. Darling is a term of endearment for a husband who is very dear to you.

Inappropriate names for your loved one, how to avoid them

  • There are a couple of mistakes to avoid when choosing a pet name for your loved one. Let's look at common mistakes to avoid.
  • Don't use a name that's hard to pronounce: make it simple, sweet, and easy to pronounce.
  • For the guy you're dating, avoid the names you used to call your ex-men. No one wants to be called by the same name that others were once called. Therefore, it is better to remove this name from your everyday life.
  • Don't use a name that seems too girly to a guy. Call your beloved guy affectionate words that he would not mind calling in front of his comrades. An affectionate address should not give a guy’s friends a reason to mock him if they hear his beloved girl calling him. Address him in more personal terms when you are alone.
  • There are two types of affectionate names for a guy that you should be careful with when looking for suitable words for your loved one - too common and childish affectionate names. The first type is the common names of animals (cat, kitty, hare), if the guy doesn’t like this, then do without the zoo. The second are words that mothers or grandmothers usually call their sons, such as “honey, baby.”
  • Don't scare him: it all depends on the degree of your relationship and intimacy. But don’t scare the guy ahead of time by addressing him like: “My hubby,” or “Father of my unborn children.”
  • Don't make pet nicknames out of a negative trait or shortcoming that your man is unhappy with. Don't call him "shorty, stupid, bubble, glutton."


If you think that calling your favorite guy or man deserves some variety, then you can't do without a cute and unique name. Most girls find this easy; they just need a little creativity and imagination. For those who find it difficult to come up with an unusual name, we have listed a list of names that you can affectionately call a guy.

What are the benefits of pet names? The girl will be able to achieve a lot from her loved one, and, if necessary, make amends for some offenses. Therefore, call him by affectionate names when you meet or when communicating in correspondence, and also write down contacts in your phone. All this will strengthen your relationship.

By the way, how do you affectionately address your boyfriend or man? Share your experience and secrets in the comments. We are very interested to read your options for affectionate names for guys.

Watch a video about what words your beloved man wants to hear.

How can you call your beloved man, guy affectionately?

Most often, lovers in everyday life use the most neutral, simple words when addressing their loved one. The moments when affectionate and tender nicknames become appropriate come after the couple is alone. From this article you can find options for unusual and original affectionate words for your beloved man, spouse, so that he wants to hear these words from you every day.

Like men, guys like to be called affectionately: affectionate nicknames for beloved men, guys - list

Girls and women have simply become accustomed to the idea that beautiful words and compliments are invented and spoken only for them. However, this is not at all true. Boys and men also want to hear kind words. Therefore, information about how to affectionately and originally call your man can be relevant for ladies in love. For example, in moments of pleasant communication, when tender feelings overwhelm and there is a desire to express it in words.

The tender words that lovers give each other are simply necessary in communication. After all, with their help, “cooing doves” emphasize their special relationship with their other half. Gentlemen, just like ladies, do not remain indifferent when they are addressed affectionately, pronouncing words appropriately and in a tone suitable for tenderness.

Like men, guys like to be called affectionately

From this section you will learn what kind words will be appropriate in various situations: in the presence of strangers, in the company of friends, when all the words will remain secret from strangers.

How can you call your loved one in the presence of strangers?:

  • Cute
  • Darling
  • Expensive
  • My good one
  • Native
  • My sun

These are well-known endearments that would be appropriate among friends and acquaintances. The lovers will thereby demonstrate a tender and romantic relationship, which is still under a veil of secrecy. You can attach the pronoun “my” to each of the pleasant words to emphasize the closeness of the relationship. Psychologists recommend that lovers use such words more often.

What kind of gentle words to use?

Some couples in love get into the habit of using diminutive words or phrases when communicating with each other. We suggest adding to the list of affectionate words you already know, which you still do not dare to utter in communication with your loved one.

If the words are intended for a man, then it is better to focus on options that remind us of a beautiful, strong and sweet representative of the animal kingdom. Taboo on offensive nicknames! The gentleman is unlikely to be happy when he hears from you a playful comparison with a goat or a ram.

What association words to use when calling your beloved man affectionately

List of endearments for your loved one:

  • Teddy bear, little bear
  • Cat, kitten, cat
  • Lion, lion cub, lion cub
  • Tiger, little tiger
  • Hare, bunny

Many other words can be added to this list. For example, decline or change them, replace them with something similar in meaning. You can whisper such affectionate nicknames as Drakosha, Bunny-Cat, Crocodile in your loved one’s ear. Tell your loved one what he likes best, but do not try to use pet nicknames among colleagues or strangers.

Pet nicknames for your loved one

  • It is not forbidden to call your soulmate by a nickname into which you put all your tenderness in the presence of friends and relatives. Any nicknames and phrases you come up with will be appropriate here. The main thing is that your loved one adequately perceives such tenderness.
  • Come up with something unusual every time. If all the options have already been pronounced, then we have compiled a whole list of hint words for you.

List of cute and pet nicknames for your loved one:

  • Fluffy
  • Sun
  • Baby
  • My hero
  • My treasure
  • My joy
  • Playful
  • My Baby
  • Pryanichek (Gingerbread)
  • Angel
  • My happiness
  • Cute
  • Sweet peach
  • Beloved
  • Owl
  • Cute girl

List of cute and pet nicknames for your loved one

Experts in the field of psychology claim that the sound of one’s own name is the most pleasant sound for each person. Men are no exception. They are also pleased to hear how their native name sounds from the lips of other people, and especially if this name is pronounced by their significant other. If you want to win a man's affection, then call him by name more often.

You can pronounce your loved one's name differently. For example, call Denis Denei, Deniska, Denisik, Denisochka. Sergei can be called Serzhik, Serenkiy, and Vitaly - Vitasik. By following a complete analogy with the guy’s name and calling him in a special way, you will emphasize your warm attitude towards him.

Here are other options for affectionate names:

  • Sashenka, Sashunya, Sanechka, Sasa, Alex, Shunya, Sashpunechka, Shunchik
  • Alyoshenka, Alyusechka, Alex, Alyusya, Lesik, Leshechka, Alyoshechka
  • Andryushechka, Andrew, Andreika, Dronchik, Dragon, Dyusha
  • Anton - Tosha, Toshechka, Tonchik, Antonio
  • Artyom – Artyusha, Tyoma, Temchik, Temusha, Temusik
  • Boris - Borik, Boryusik, Boryusechka, Boryunkik, Borisovichok, Barbarisik
  • Valery – Roller, Valerichek, Valerushechka
  • Vasily – Vasik, Vasyatka, Cornflower
  • Victor - Vityusha, Vitik, Viktavusik, Vitechka, Lyunchik
  • Vladimir - Vovanchik, Volanchik, Vladimirchik, Vovashechka, Vovarushka
  • Vitaly – Vitasik, Tasik, Talik, Vitalitet, Vitusik, Vitaliander, Vitalyushkin, Vintik, Zavitushka
  • Gennady – Genchik, Genyusha, Genius, Crocodile
  • Danila – Danchik, Nilchik, Danyusha
  • Dmitry – Dimik, Dimenok, Dimuski, Dimasik, Demon
  • Evgeniy – Zhenchik, Evgenchik, Zhenshenchik.
  • Ivan - Ivanchik, Ivashka, Vanyok, Vanchik, Ivanyushka.
  • Igor - Garik, Igoryusha, Goryushunchik
  • Kirill – Kira, Kirchik, Kiryusik
  • Maxim – Maksik, Maksyunchik, Maksemigliano
  • Mikhail - Mishka, Mishutka, Mishanya, Mishechka
  • Nikolay - Nikola, Nikolchik, Kolik, Kolyunya, Nikolasha
  • Oleg – Olezhek, Olezhka, Olegusya
  • Pavel – Pashka, Nahan, Pashulya, Pashechka
  • Roma – Chamomile, Romunchik, Romik, Romeo
  • Ruslan – Ruslik, Ruslanchik, Ruso
  • Sergey – Sergunya, Sergunchik, Serenya, Serge
  • Timur - Tim, Timka Timurchik, Timuryonok, Mumu
  • Fedor - Fedyunya, Fenya, Fe, Fefa
  • Yuri - Yurochka, Yurik, Yurasik, Yur

If your significant other has outstanding abilities in preparing various delicacies or making repairs, then words coined in this topic will be suitable as praise. You can also note your lover's strength, his appearance, unusual haircut or way of speaking.

Here is a list of suitable nicknames:

  • My strongman
  • Sexual
  • Desired
  • Superman
  • Sweet
  • Zolotse
  • My precious
  • Sweet tooth
  • The only one

Just saying a gentle nickname is not enough for a man to feel your warm feelings. At the same time, try to hug and kiss your loved one. Such tenderness is especially needed for men who are embarrassed about their appearance or have complexes. Cute nicknames will help them believe in themselves and be convinced of your sincerity.

Video: Do ​​guys like it when they are called affectionately?

How to affectionately call a man, a guy you really like: a list of words, adjectives

  • Coming up with an affectionate nickname for the man you like is not an easy task. Especially if he only guesses about your feelings.
  • Choose the most neutral affectionate words. Emphasize his special mindset, logical thinking, masculinity, gallantry. Every man, deep down in his soul, considers himself the standard of courage and is confident that he possesses these qualities.

Here is a list of nicknames for a loved one who has bad habits:

  • Smoking room
  • Forgetful
  • Socks scatter
  • Teletubby

And this is how you can call a man who is very attached to something:

  • Discoverer
  • Storm of the seas
  • Pencil
  • Salad
  • Pancake
  • Bar
  • My Schumacher

List of nicknames for a man who has bad habits

How to affectionately call a man, a guy at the beginning of a relationship, so that he likes it?

  • Men need regular encouragement and admiring glances from their lovers just as women need endless compliments. This is a kind of necessary emotional support.
  • To be one of the best for your beloved is just as important as for a lady to hear about her unearthly beauty and to catch the admiring glances of men.
  • An affectionate pet nickname at the beginning of a relationship can be compared to taking vitamins, where the main thing is not to overdo it.
  • When thinking about what you can affectionately call a guy or man at the beginning of a relationship, do not try to introduce complex phrases into your speech that will sound unnatural and sometimes even false. By doing this you will only push your chosen one away from you.
  • Use simple words for praise, adding something gentle and understandable to both of you. You can compare your beloved man with a movie hero, with a fairy-tale character that he really likes.
  • You are the best
  • You are my strongest and most fearless
  • You are my only, most beloved in the world
  • There is no one better than you
  • My most tender romantic
  • How sexy and tireless you are
  • I go crazy from your kisses and touches
  • Only with you I feel good and comfortable
  • I think about you constantly, all day

A kind word at the beginning of a relationship can be compared to taking vitamins. The main thing in this matter is not to overdo it.

How can you call your beloved man, guy affectionately: a list of words, adjectives

Endearments have a special property: after you say them to your loved one, he turns into a handsome prince. Therefore, do not wait for the holidays to say kind words to your loved one.

If you still don’t know what to call your soulmate, then use the examples below of words that caress the male ear and pride.

List of adjectives:

  • strong, caring, sincere
  • smart, desirable, witty
  • priceless, gorgeous, kind
  • extravagant, expensive, incredible
  • extraordinary, sexy, courageous

How can you call your beloved man, guy affectionately

How can you call your boyfriend or man affectionately and coolly, funny: a list of words

  • Lovers whose relationship is long and strong can use in communication any stupid and funny nicknames that both like. The main thing is that the unusual and funny nickname does not sound offensive or stupid.
  • An unsuccessful joke, even a funny one, can ruin the gentleman’s mood for a long time and the desire to continue the conversation in the same humorous tone.

Here is a list of humorous nicknames for your loved one:

  • Baby
  • Fat Tummy
  • Lysik
  • Pepper
  • Heffalump
  • Sonya
  • Peach
  • Angel
  • sexy
  • Donut
  • Baby doll
  • Dandelion
  • Baby elephant
  • Puzatik
  • Donkey
  • Baby
  • Sharik – Smesharik
  • Glutton

List of funny nicknames for your loved one

How can you call your boyfriend or man affectionately and unusually: a list of words

Here is a list of unusual affectionate pet nicknames for men:

  • Cartoon
  • Almazik
  • Diamond
  • Hoodie
  • Lapulka
  • Adorer
  • baby dolphin
  • Lyublyunchik
  • Key

List of unusual affectionate pet nicknames for men

Video: What does your Beloved want to Hear? Kind Words

How can you call your boyfriend or man affectionately and originally: a list of words

For strong and courageous men who make serious and responsible decisions, kind words from their beloved are like a life-giving balm for the soul! It is worth demonstrating your feelings with gentle, kind words, and a respectable man will turn into an easy-going, kind and understanding man, and a giant and strong man will feel like a kitten next to you, comfortably sitting on his master’s pillow.

Affectionate and original words for your loved one:

  • Appetizing
  • Insane
  • Hot
  • Magic
  • Delightful
  • The only one
  • Desired
  • Sultry
  • Gold
  • Exceptional
  • Beloved
  • Extravagant

By writing down contacts on your mobile phone, you unconsciously show your attitude towards the person whose number is encrypted with their first and last name. An entry on your phone becomes a litmus test of your true feelings. As soon as the degree of your love reaches its maximum, the name of the other half in the phone changes in a cute way.

How to record your beloved man on your phone? See examples below:

  • Angel
  • King
  • cat
  • Bear
  • The month is clear
  • Dream man
  • My lord
  • Cowboy
  • Sexbomb
  • The only one
  • Beloved husband
  • Milenysh
  • Defender
  • Handsome
  • Murzik

In your phone, you can record your loved one’s contact under his name. Just use the usual home option.

How to write a guy or a man on the phone affectionately: a list of words

Write down your lover's name in your phone in a special way. Then, seeing this post by chance, your man will be pleasantly surprised.


  • Do not use diminutives for animals (bunny, rabbit, wild boar)
  • You can highlight the name of your loved one in your contact list by writing it in Latin letters.

Addressing a guy kindly

  • You should not think that for a man the main thing in a woman is her appearance, her ability to present herself. Representatives of the stronger sex appreciate the manifestation of care and tenderness.
  • In this case, kind words will help you a lot. They are capable of many things: they create a mood, connect people. Therefore, use various cute words more often in everyday communication and do not skimp on diminutive suffixes.

Here is a list of the most appropriate affectionate addresses to a guy or a man:

  • My boy
  • Cucumber
  • Otrada
  • Charming
  • Poganochka (if you quarreled)
  • My other half
  • Donut
  • Gingerbread
  • Baby doll
  • My dear man
  • My light
  • Slivochka
  • Treasure
  • My destiny
  • My happiness
  • Typhoon
  • Hard worker
  • Hurricane
  • Chereshenka
  • Imp

Addressing a guy kindly

How to gently wake up a guy?

You can try to put a guy sleeping like a baby who was not woken up by the alarm clock into combat readiness with gentle phrases and kind words. Tell him, for example, “Get up, Sonya! Morning has already come!

List of words and phrases that can be used to gently wake up your loved one:

  • Unusual
  • Incomparable
  • Sugar
  • Light
  • Sweetie
  • Stunning
  • Solar
  • Amazing
  • Fantastic
  • Wonderful

How to call a guy affectionately in English?

If you communicate with your loved one in English, or both are learning this language, then you can call each other affectionate English words. This will definitely be perceived as unusual and will be easily remembered.

Here is a list of the most commonly used words:

  • Darling
  • Honey
  • Sweetie
  • Honey Bunny

Video: How to affectionately call a man?

“Call me your girl.” Contrary to popular belief, not only girls like to receive kind words addressed to them. Guys even react more strongly to affection and attention: it’s not for nothing that they say that men are just like children. How to affectionately call a guy and what words can you use? The answer is in this article.

What is an affectionate name for a guy? First you need to choose the right moment when the young man is not busy, and so that you both are in an intimate, relaxed environment. Source: Flickr (Blanca_Lilia)

Why is it important to call your loved ones tenderly?

Not only women love with their ears. Guys also dream of hearing how beautiful and loved they are, but because of their masculine severity they do not show it. We are used to seeing them as tactful and straightforward, strict and unapproachable, but in reality they need affection no less than women, but, on the contrary, even more. Most men are delicate and vulnerable creatures who simply need affection and love from their beloved woman. In addition, any person, regardless of what gender they are, will be very pleased to hear kind, affectionate words - their wings will immediately grow and their self-esteem will increase. The person who is loved feels happy and satisfied. This is why you need to say kind words to the guy.

How can you affectionately call a guy?

There are many options for how to affectionately call your loved one: from nouns to adjectives. The most important thing is that these words come from the heart, and when you pronounce them, you put into them all the warmth and love towards your man. Words spoken without feelings, insincerely, cannot be perceived adequately: a person immediately begins to think that this is all a performance, a game and a lie. Be sincere when sending kind words to your loved one, and his reciprocal feelings will not keep you waiting.

What is an affectionate name for a guy? First you need to choose the right moment when the young man is not busy, and so that you both are in an intimate, relaxed environment. Let's say you come home from work. Lie down on a sofa or bed. Turn off all household appliances: TVs, laptops, radios - nothing should interfere or distract you. There should be absolute silence in the house. At this time, in a gentle, languid voice, begin to whisper kind words into your loved one’s ear. Say them with a smile and warmth coming from the heart:

  • "I love you very much."
  • “You are my dearest, most beloved.”
  • “You are the light of my life and its meaning.”
  • “I found in you everything I was looking for.”
  • “You are the most beautiful man in the world.”
  • “You are the strongest and most reliable.”
  • “You are the kindest and most polite.”
  • “I feel very good with you.”
  • “You are very cheerful and funny, especially when you shave.”
  • “You are very talented, a master of your craft.”
  • "You are gallant and courteous."
  • “You are the smartest man in the world.”
  • “You are caring, sensitive and attentive, which makes me love you even more.”

When thinking about what you can call a guy, it’s worth remembering that it’s best to say affectionate words and “little” your boyfriend only in a homely, intimate environment. Source: Flickr (Derek_L)

How can you affectionately call a guy? Try to accompany your words with gentle kisses and light strokes on the back and shoulders. The effect will be unambiguous: from such words your man will immediately melt.

You can call a guy nouns with diminutive suffixes:

  • bunny or bunny;
  • cat, kitten;
  • teddy bear;
  • little fox;
  • Sun;
  • baby;
  • hippo;
  • fish;
  • honey;
  • charming;
  • tiger cub
  • cupcake;
  • Masik;
  • baby;
  • fluffy;
  • teletubby;
  • sugar daddy;
  • lion cub;
  • hedgehog.

But with all these names you should be extremely careful. The fact is that not all men like to be called that. It’s one thing when you call a guy “dear” or “darling,” and another when you call him “Teletubby” or “Smurf.” Try to first find out whether he will like such nicknames or risk saying this word once. If the reaction is disappointing, then from now on you can only use affectionate adjectives - all men love them.

In addition, men really like it when they are affectionately called by name, adding the same diminutive suffixes to their name: Nikita, Vovochka, Andryusha, Seryozhik, Yaroslavchik and others.

When thinking about what you can call a guy, it’s worth remembering that it’s best to say affectionate words and “little” your boyfriend only in a homely, intimate environment. Doing this at a party or in any place where there are a lot of people is at least indecent. Even the guy himself is unlikely to appreciate this and, perhaps, will even reprimand you. Call your boyfriend affectionately, show him your love, sincerity and warmth, but only when you are alone.

Video on the topic