Who will be the new participant in the seventh season of the show “The Bachelor. Swimming champion Dmitry Cherkasov became the seventh bachelor. When will the new Bachelor season start?

  • 02.07.2019

The last season of the show “The Bachelor” with Yegor Creed was the most successful in the entire history of the project, so TNT producers will have to look hard for a hero for the new season of the TV show. In addition to being young and popular, the bachelor must also have charisma and be able to “create drama.” The editors of SUPER suggested who has a chance of becoming the new hero of the project.

First of all, the TNT channel is interested in promoting the heroes of its projects, as was the case with Timur Batrudinov and Ilya Glinnikov. Timur Karginov is a 34-year-old stand-up comedian, however, Lately you'll see him more often on the jury humorous projects TNT. It may be remarkable for the show “The Bachelor” that for the first time in the project there will be Caucasian man. Ossetian temperament and sharp humor could give new breath to the popular project.

Another TNT “employee” - Anton Shastun - has already even recorded a promo for the new “Bachelor”, but it turned out April Fool's joke. Anton brightest hero“Improvisation” program with Pavel Volya. He is charming and jokes great, but it’s difficult to imagine Shastun in dramatic scenes.

The son of the sex symbol of Russia, Kirill Nagiyev, has long been on the A-list of women's portals. The younger generation of actors generally floods the ratings of desirable bachelors, and Kirill is often placed at the top of these lists. However, Kirill does not have all-Russian popularity, like his dad, so everything can be ambiguous on the pros and cons scales.

The author of the blog "Diary of a Khach" could become ideal hero show "The Bachelor": he has a sense of humor, is easy to talk about relationships and has a reputation as a womanizer. Like Yegor Creed, Amiran often complained about what to find the perfect girl very difficult. It would seem that everything is perfect, but television viewers are often not familiar with the heroes of the Internet, and Sardarov may be an unfamiliar character to the TNT audience. In addition, Amiran changes his sweetheart too often, which can devalue the sacredness of the project.

Singer Dima Bilan is often called a potential hero of the show “The Bachelor”. On the sidelines they are even discussing that preliminary negotiations were held with the musician, but filming such a project requires a lot of time, and such a large “window” without concerts is quite difficult to organize. Among other things, Dima Bilan’s last public romance ended ten years ago, and viewers have many questions.

Season seven popular show, which airs on the TNT channel and has millions of fans across the country. Not long ago, the sixth season of the project ended, where main character in the person of Yegor Creed, he chose his lady of the heart, so we can say that this is already history. The season came out bright, and one of the most interesting in the entire existence of the show on Russian television. Viewers noted that although the format of the project does not change, the level of production of “The Bachelor” is becoming higher, and this means that this television show is winning new viewers. The release date for the seventh season of the show will be in the spring of 2019.

The exact release date for season 7 of the TV show “The Bachelor” will take place in the spring of 2019. As usual, in March, fans will see new episodes of their favorite show.

The sixth season had not yet ended, but rumors had already spread across the Internet about who would become next bachelor. Fans of the project have concluded that the hero of the new 7th season of the program will be Anton Shastun, who participates in the show “Improvisation” on the TNT channel. On the broadcaster’s website, there is even a video where Anton personally announces that he is the next bachelor. He encourages his fans to go to auditions to take part in the selection for the show, where the main prize will be his heart. But the video would be more convincing if not for one circumstance.

Release date for season 7 of the show “The Bachelor on TNT”

The thing is that it was posted on the TNT channel website on April 1, and many did not take this information seriously. Shastun himself refuses to comment on this matter. Perhaps it was april fools prank, but perhaps a smart promotional campaign for the new season. In any case, there is no way to know this before official announcements. The show has captivated viewers since the very first season, which was released in 2013. Over the entire existence of the project, a variety of men became the main characters. Among them are singers Alexey Vorobyov and Yegor Creed, by the way, Vorobyov never decided on his choice and was left alone, which was a precedent.

The first bachelor in Russian version show, became famous football player Evgeniy Levchenko. The show has been running with great success for more than five years, and each season of this project intrigues fans with its events. You can never predict in advance how the participants will behave and how far things can go. It happens that capricious girls create scandals for a bachelor, as happened, for example, in the fourth season. It is still difficult to say who will be the main character of the seventh season, but among other names, Miguel is often mentioned as a possible future bachelor. This choreographer, who is known for the show “Dancing,” is still single, so fans of the project consider him as a bright candidate.

The Bachelor show on TNT can undoubtedly be called one of the most popular television projects modernity. Season 6 of the Russian version of the Bachelor is rapidly approaching its end, so it’s time to talk about the release date of season 7. Of course, there are now many nuances, the new season of the Bachelor is kept secret, so the creators have already decided on the new bachelor, but we will only learn his name in 2019, because in the contract of everyone involved in the creation of season 7 there is a clause on non-disclosure of any details of the show. Therefore, now you can only find out the release date of new releases.

The Bachelor season 7 release date for new episodes has been set as of mid-March 2019 .

Like most popular TV shows, The Bachelor is not original idea TNT channel, this is another adaptation of the American show “The Bachelor”. The premiere of the first season took place in 2013 and immediately won the hearts of millions of fans; since then we have seen 6 full seasons, in which many beauties and famous bachelors took part. With each new season, the popularity of the project has only grown, so the release date of season 7 is of more interest to viewers than ever. IN recent seasons the creators decided to add even more interest and began inviting people to play the role of a bachelor famous stars show business and cinema. So such celebrities as Timur Batrutdinov, Alexey Vorobyov, Ilya Glinnikov and Yegor Creed have already appeared in the Bachelor.

The name of the new participant is of course not yet known, because now the preliminary announcement of the new season has not even taken place, most likely the name nova we will find out in the fall of 2018 or even at the beginning of 2019, as for the release date, everything is simple, the creators are not going to change the broadcast time, so season 7 will be released in March next year.

At first, the Bachelor show was really created so that young people could find a soul mate, but now it’s more shows than helping the main character. The creators began inviting participants of a specific nature, to put it mildly, and with a turbulent past. As for the bachelors and winners of the show, none of the winners have become couples recently. Everything was done exclusively for the show and in order to interest the viewer in various scandals and intrigues, which were sometimes even invented by the scriptwriters.

Season 7 release date

The release of season 7 should not raise any questions; such a popular project will be broadcast for many more years. In the new season, we will find many interesting surprises, a number of new participants and, of course, a new star bachelor. All details of season 7 are kept in the strictest confidence. Of course, the release date is not a secret, given that there has been no announcement of the season yet, we can give an approximate release date for new episodes; the premiere will take place in March 2019.

Release schedule

Series number Name release date
7x01 Episode 1 March 2019
7x02 Episode 2 March 2019
7x03 Episode 3 March 2019
7x04 Episode 4 March 2019
7x05 Episode 5 March 2019
7x06 Episode 6 March 2019
7x07 Episode 7 March 2019
7x08 Episode 8 March 2019
7x09 Episode 9 March 2019
7x10 Episode 10 March 2019

The popularity of the reality show “The Bachelor,” which has been airing for five seasons in a row Russian channel TNT not only does not fall, but continues to break all records! However, this does not surprise anyone - after all, target audience The show includes women of all generations. Which representative of the fair sex can tear herself away from the television screen when a real macho man appears on it, identifying himself as a handsome prince for a modern Cinderella?

It seems that TNT recently finished broadcasting the fifth season of “The Bachelor,” but just a couple of months later the producers announced the continuation of the story - and, of course, the imminent acquaintance of the next prince with Russian beauties. New season starts in 2018! As always, the personality of the groom, for whose love the most will fight beautiful girls Russia remains a sealed secret. All in order to maintain intrigue until the start of the season!

Of course, it will be one of the pop, film or television stars; or maybe a successful businessman who can turn the life of his chosen one into a fairy tale. However, some rumors about the sixth season of “The Bachelor” are already leaking to the media. Let's talk about which media personalities have been named as potential "bachelors", and also find out the news from the set!

A little history of the show

The Russian “Bachelor” is an adaptation of the American reality show “The Bachelor,” launched by the ABC television channel 15 years ago. The very first episodes, released in 2002, aroused unprecedented interest among viewers, raising the ratings of the project to the skies. Soon the producers decided to sell the concept to other countries, because love adventures are a fertile topic for television shows anywhere in the world, and viewers of all ages and nationalities are ready to watch manifestations of tender feelings.

As a result, the show was launched in 80 countries, in each of which famous actors, singers, athletes, restaurateurs and other famous people (this is an indispensable condition of the project) choose their brides. Another indispensable attribute of the project is the “rose ceremony”, at which the bachelor celebrates his chosen ones beautiful flower. Well, then everything is as in real life– the main character of the project invites girls on romantic dates and spends time with them.

So that the audience (and the bachelor himself) can appreciate the intelligence and character of the girls, they are given various tasks and competitions are organized. The participant, who was unable to overcome the next obstacle and interest the bachelor, leaves the shooting, and at the end of the show there are only two main contenders left, from which the bachelor will choose his mate. Russian history The project, which has already spanned five seasons, has managed to demonstrate to viewers the struggle of girls for the love of a variety of bachelors. The show's venue hosted the following in different seasons:

  • athlete Evgenia Levchenko, who during his career played for the national football team of Ukraine, played in the capital club CSK, in the Dutch “Vites” and “Groningen”;
  • businessman Maxim Chernyavsky who not only knows how to earn money, but also spend it on active recreation and exotic travel;
  • showman Timur Batrudinov who won the hearts of girls charming smile, charisma and sparkling jokes during performances at the Comedy Club;
  • singer Alexey Vorobyov, who is not only a pop star, but also a quite successful actor - he already has several roles in Russian TV series and full-length films, for example, “Deffchenki” and “Suicides”;
  • actor Ilya Glinnikova who won hearts Russian girls with his performance in Interns. By the way, it was he who found true love on the project - after the end of the season, Ilya began to live with Ekaterina Nikulina, and according to the latest information, the couple is actively planning wedding celebrations.

The bachelors of previous seasons demonstrate such a variety of professions, images and personal qualities that it is difficult to guess whose person the producers will choose this time.

Whose heart will girls fight for in 2018?

There are rumors about three potential “bachelors” - they are singer Yegor Creed, dancer and choreographer Miguel, as well as presenter Andrei Cherkasov

After the end of the fifth season, information leaked to the media that the show’s authors were considering several promising candidates at once. Most often, three “bachelors” appear in forecasts published online:

  • Miguel is a thirty-five-year-old dancer, producer, singer and choreographer who is familiar to all viewers of the TNT channel. This is not the first season that Miguel has been a judge on the show “Dancing”;
  • Andrey Cherkasov- one of the popular participants in the reality show “Dom-2”, who then took on the role of presenter. However, rumors about his participation in the new “Bachelor” can be called exaggerated - on July 7, 2017, Cherkasov published a romantic photo with Seychelles, in which he and one of the former participants of “House” Kristina Oslina were captured in white outfits. In the caption to the photo, Andrei hinted at a change in status, so his heart, it seems, is no longer free for bachelor hunters;
  • Egor Creed– twenty-three year old Russian singer, who conquered all the dance floors of the CIS with his hits “The Samaya” and “Bride”. His musical creativity was awarded a number of prestigious Russian awards - for example, “RU TV” and “Muz-TV”. By the way, it is interesting that in 2015 the singer released an album called “Bachelor”. Well, it looks like the name turned out to be prophetic. According to some sources, the producers chose Yegor Creed - and for good reason, because the handsome Yegor has already won more than one girl’s heart with his soulful gaze and romantic hits.

A little about the potential bachelor of season 6

Rumors that Creed might become a “bachelor” circulated in the press before the start of other seasons, but then the sought-after artist could not find a suitable time for filming. This time, Yegor agreed to participate in the project and even signed an agreement with TNT, at least that’s what his friend Alexey claims. It seems that the contenders for Yegor's heart will have a hard time - the singer managed to gain a reputation as a real conqueror of hearts and was in relationships with recognized beauties of Russian show business.

Yegor Creed's candidacy has not yet been confirmed, but is quite likely

Among his chosen ones were singers Nyusha, Olga Seryabkina and Victoria Daineko, models Diana Melison and Victoria Odintsova, daughter of actress Anastasia Zavorotnyuk Anna Stryukova, as well as TV presenter, singer and former member“Houses-2” Olga Buzova. In addition, one cannot fail to note the financial viability of the artist - according to Forbes fortune The singer's net worth is estimated at $3.5 million, and he himself is one of the twenty richest Russian show business representatives. In general, only one conclusion suggests itself - new bachelor on TNT is truly an enviable groom for young girls.

The artist himself spoke more than once in an interview about which girl could capture his heart. Among the mandatory characteristics of a potential chosen one, Yegor named the ability not to demand anything from his man. Moreover, his partner must be independent and earn her own living, so as not to depend on the generosity of the chosen one. Availability is welcome own point vision, determination and dreams.

In addition, the artist calls himself a perfectionist in highest degree, and this applies not only creative activity, but also girls - any mistake can instantly cause disappointment in him. At the same time, Yegor himself notes his explosive character and inability to restrain himself when something unsettles him. By the way, the organizers of the show have not yet given official confirmation of this information. The organizers claim that another person may well become a bachelor. However, this only fuels the curiosity of the fans.

Castings for the show “The Bachelor”

Hundreds of thousands of girls from all over the country take part in the selection. According to the September casting schedule, selections were held in Northern Palmyra, Novosibirsk, Perm and Krasnodar. The girls faced a serious test - first, the selection took place on the basis of questionnaires, in which they had to indicate height, age and weight, and also attach 2-15 recent photographs. After this, the participants who arranged for the producers were invited to come and demonstrate their best qualities personally.

When will the 6th season of the show be released?

The sixth season of “The Bachelor” starts on TNT on March 10, 2018

The romantic show, as always, will be released at a time when all living things bloom and indulge in love - in the spring of 2018. Already known sample list dates for which program releases are planned.

TNT TV channel has revealed the secret of who will be the main character romantic show“Bachelor 6.”

On March 11, 2018 at eight pm, Moscow time, viewers will see the premiere episode of the new season.

25 gorgeous girls and the most desirable groom in the country.

Bachelor 2018 who will be on TNT, release date: the youngest hero of the program

Egor Creed talented singer, the idol of millions. He is one of the top ten most popular celebrities according to Forbes magazine. Many girls in the country dream of becoming his bride.

Many famous men applied for the role of the main bachelor of the show. It was quite difficult for the organizers to decide on the choice of the main character. Creed's young age in this case was not an advantage for the singer. But after Yegor’s conversation with the producers, it became clear that he should become the sixth bachelor of the project. The 23-year-old artist impressed them with his completely mature outlook on life.

Bachelor 2018 who will be on TNT, release date: filming of the project

Viewers will see updated version, a show already so beloved by many. Twenty-five ladies will plunge into the enchanting world of romance. The dates will take place in the most exotic corners of the world. The main part of the romantic evenings will be held in the most beautiful cities: Barcelona and Dubai. Tempted previous seasons the viewer will be delighted by the abundance of fascinating places.

A delightful flight over Garrotxa, a volcanic park. In the very crater of a dormant volcano there will be an extreme stop for young people. An interesting “walk” along the famous King Del Rey trail. Confession in the church will enchant you with its sincerity.

Bachelor 2018 who will be on TNT, release date: intrigues on the project

The fight for a man's heart will be fought by some of the country's most prominent beauties. All the ladies are determined to win.

As it turned out, it was not possible to keep the name of the sixth bachelor a secret. The artist is too popular, his life is carefully monitored by both fans and journalists.

Marina Nikolskaya, producer of the reality show, said that even the project participants were unable to keep the secret of the name of the man they would have to fight for love.

Many girls not only know the singer, but are also friends and colleagues on stage with the artist. One of the girls, two days before the start of filming, worked with Crete at a photo shoot. Also among the rivals there are avid fans of Yegor. Girls are very different.

The season promises to be “hot” and full of emotions for both the brides and the bachelor himself.