Loza spoke out. Yuri Loza made Runet laugh with statements that the Rolling Stones and Led Zeppelin do not know how to sing and play

  • 21.06.2019

// Photo: Anatoly Lomokhov/PhotoXPress.ru

ABOUT Rolling Stones and Led Zeppelin

The exchange of pleasantries between Yuri Loza and the Rolling Stones producer has been talked about all week. More than a hundred articles have been written on this topic, many of which have been published in the most respected publications. It’s hard to believe, but it all started with a statement by the musician, which he said on air on a show on the REN-TV channel. Loza was invited to the program as a guest. The conversation turned to the work of world rock bands. Yuri did not hesitate to express his opinion.

“80 percent of what is sung by the Zeppelins, that is, Led Zeppelin, is impossible to listen to. Because it was played and sung poorly. At that time, everything was accepted, everything was liked. The Rolling Stones never tuned their guitar in their entire lives, and Jagger never hit a single note, so what can you do? Richard (Keith Richards - editor's note) couldn't play then, and still can't play now. Well, it happened,” the musician said in the “Salt” program.

Loza’s words spread throughout the RuNet and caused a wide resonance in society. It is worth noting that fans of the Rolling Stones have created many humorous photo collages on this topic.

The most striking thing is that the musician’s criticism reached the producer of the Rolling Stones and Led Zeppelin, Jimmy Douglas. In a conversation with reporters from the National News Service, he admitted that he had never heard of Loza before. He was outraged by such a critical assessment of the Russian legendary rock bands.

// Photo: Mikhail Zhukovich/PhotoXPress.ru

It is worth noting that Yuri was not at a loss and in response invited Mick Jagger to sing a duet.

“We could very well perform on the same stage. I look at this as a professional. I would say: let's make money good money, and we’ll do a big PR campaign. Because here he will be received great, if he sings a verse of “The Raft”, it will be funny and cool and wonderful. “And I would sing Satisfaction,” Loza said on the radio station “Moscow Speaks”. - They want it, they need it, let them go. I’m sitting here, everything’s fine with me, they’re also self-sufficient.”

About Zemfira

Yuri Loza did not ignore the work of his stage colleague Zemfira, who completed her tour of Russia with resounding success in early April. By the way, popular singer has been haunting the musician for a long time. Either he sees a political motive in her actions, or he is not satisfied with the lyrics of her songs. Two Moscow concerts of Zemfira as part of the tour " Small man“In total, more than 60 thousand people gathered, but in a conversation with NSN, Loza admitted that this figure did not seem impressive to him.

“Here, they tell me that Zemfira collected 60 thousand... Of the 15 million people living in Moscow, 60 thousand elitist-minded comrades think that they understand the meaning of Zemfira’s songs - this is within the statistical error. No need to make a mountain out of a mountain! Out of 140 million Russians, 100 million watch Putin, and at the same time they understand what he said, 50 million - this, I understand, is a figure,” compared Yuri Loza. - Plus statements like, “I’m leaving” - and some went to last time look at Zemfira. All these are PR steps that need to be treated with understanding.”

About Angelina Jolie

Being a media person, Yuri Loza is interested in the creativity and fate of not only his colleagues, but also others famous personalities. Thus, the news about the deterioration of Angelina Jolie’s condition did not escape the performer’s attention. There was a rumor in the media that the Hollywood actress had anorexia. Yuri showed compassion for the film star and jokingly suggested possible variant solutions to her problem.

About Vladimir Putin

Of course, Yuri Loza listened carefully to the recently held “Direct Line” with Vladimir Putin. The President received appeals from the country's population and clarified the situation on topical issues. Among the questions there were also humorous ones, for example, about strong words. "Happens. Only for myself. There is such a sin in Russia, let’s pray for it,” Putin said. However, Loza was very surprised to learn that the guarantor of the constitution was capable of swearing.

“Putin never swore on air even once. Putin never swore at the conference. I don't know where he swears if he says he does it. Let him do this as much as he wants, if no one hears,” Yuri Loza reasoned on NSN. “If he says he’s swearing, it’s for God’s sake.”

About the anthem of the Russian Federation

When journalists asked the composer and singer what question he would ask the president during “Direct Line,” Loza gave a very unexpected answer. It turns out that if he had been given such an opportunity, Yuri would have asked Vladimir Putin when the Russian anthem would be changed.

“Nobody can remember the words of the anthem. The anthem was adopted unsuccessfully. Why not write a good one? – the author of the song “Raft” was indignant on radio “KP”. - The anthem is not sung, it should come from the heart, but it doesn’t. The importance of the problem lies in the fact that every day in the country begins with the singing of the anthem, so the text needs to be impersonal and written by a group of authors.”

Once one of the most popular singers Russian stage Yuri Loza in Lately never ceases to amaze the public. His statements are often so bold that they come as a real shock to many. There are a variety of speculations online about what Loza is saying. Some suggest that the musician has obvious problems and should turn to specialists, while others argue that the extraordinary surge in Yuri Eduardovich’s activity is ordinary PR, otherwise Loza artificially attracts attention to himself with loud and public-stimulating statements.

One of the most high-profile scandals with Loza is his recent statement regarding the great Russian cosmonaut, pioneer, conqueror of space and the pride of Russia - Yuri Gagarin. Judging by the words of Yuri Loza, he does not consider Gagarin’s merits to be significant at all. In an interview with the Zvezda TV channel, the singer said: “You understand what’s going on. Gagarin was the first. Gagarin did nothing, he lay there. He is the first most important cosmonaut.” He also compared Yuri Gagarin to the group Beatles and took credit cult group and the first cosmonaut only because they were at the right time and in the right place. Concerning The Beatles, then Loza claims that their success is due to the fact that it was at that time that televisions appeared in every home and therefore they were the first musicians that everyone heard. If they had appeared 10 years earlier or 10 years later, the Beatles would not have become so famous.

Over the past few months, Yuri Loza has managed to question the successes and merits of many people and musical groups. For example, the singer said about The Rolling Stones, that they “have never tuned a guitar in their entire life,” and the leader of this group Mick Jagger“I didn’t hit a single note.” ABOUT Jimi Hendrix Loza said that he “played weakly.” He also accused the band’s musicians of unprofessionalism. Led Zeppelin: “80% of what Led Zeppelin sings is unlistenable because it’s played and sung poorly.”

Yuri Loza about Shnurov: “People don’t go to Shnur’s concerts for the music and songs. This is a stage bum, and his supposed aesthetics are a violation of prohibitions. He creates the illusion that he is trying to cross the line. If he just sings, people won't understand him. But fans go to concerts to watch him puke or strip naked. There’s a lot of swearing there, and everyone owns swearing, it can’t be a work of art.”

About Lazarev and Eurovision: “I can wish him to lose. Fail with a bang so as not to drag this competition to Russia. Once was enough for us! I spat when I watched. What's Russian about Lazarev?! Except for the last name... The song was written for him by the Swedes, the lyrics by the British. She will sing in English... This is a competition for an Irish housewife. Why do we need him at all?!”

About Mozart: “He has 20% original, very beautiful, brilliant works. Otherwise he quoted himself. Rossini is the same.”

About Zemfira: “Well, they tell me that Zemfira has collected 60 thousand... Of the 15 million people living in Moscow, 60 thousand are elitist-minded comrades who think that they understand the meaning of Zemfira’s songs - this is within the statistical error. There’s no need to make a mountain out of a mountain!”

Yuri Loza for the most a short time became one of the most scandalous stars Russian stage. The musician himself makes excuses and claims that all his supposedly scandalous messages are distorted by journalists, although in fact he meant something completely different and did not try to insult or humiliate any of those mentioned: “Journalists need a scandal, so they twist everything, turn everything upside down.” head. I simply said that compared to today's cosmonauts and what they do, Gagarin did nothing special except be the first to fly into space. And he is the great Gagarin, because he did it first. He was in the same spacesuit, practically immobilized, yet he opened the way to space.”

Now Loza is in the top news. For some, Vine’s expressions make them laugh, while others were truly offended, for example, Russian cosmonaut Alexey Leonov called the musician an asshole. A new petition has appeared on the well-known platform Change.org, calling for nothing less than to ban the musician from any creative and concert activities. The author and users who signed the petition explain their decision by saying that the singer allows himself to make narrow-minded and stupid statements that discredit the honor and dignity of people. “This “personality” dared to challenge the achievements of the first cosmonaut of the earth, Yuri Gagarin, saying that he did nothing, but just lay there. This insults not only the patriotic feelings of Russian citizens, but also all people who are in one way or another related to astronautics!” the petition says.

Former member of the ensembles "Integral" and "Zodchie", singer-songwriter Yuri Loza in TV interview stated that he considered Led Zeppelin and the Rolling Stones to be bad musicians who played bad music, “not hitting the notes.” Users social networks responded with a hurricane of sarcasm.

Unexpectedly harsh judgments about popular and worldwide famous rock bands Yuri Loza spoke when the host of the concert program on “Sol” on the Ren-TV channel, Zakhar Prilepin, asked him if he still listens to the music of his youth. Loza said that now he no longer listens, because now that he himself “can do a lot,” the songs of famous rock musicians of the 60s and 70s seem unprofessional to him.

“Eighty percent of what Led Zeppelin sings is unlistenable because it’s played and sung poorly. At that time, everything was accepted, everything was liked.”

Got it and one of the most popular groups in the history of rock music.

“The Rolling Stones have never tuned their guitar in their entire lives, and Jagger has never hit a single note, so what can you do?”

Soloist Deep Purple Ritchie Blackmore praised Loza. He knew how to play well, and the band performed decent music. The same cannot be said about Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards.

“Keith Richards couldn’t play then, and he still can’t play now. But there is a certain drive, some kind of buzz in this. Many people project their youth onto these groups, but they were very weak.”

If you have time, you can enjoy the entire interview and at the same time listen to the songs of Yuri Loza himself and the performance of his musicians:

Twitter reacted to the artist’s words quite violently.

Actor Gennady Smirnov wrote poisonous text on Facebook:

“Here Yuri Eduardovich Loza spoke in the sense that Led Zeppelin and the Rolling Stones do not know how to play. This means that Yuri Eduardovich knows how to jerk off an ox's penis. Gazmanov taught McCartney in much the same way. That is, the author of the song “You are a sailor, I am a sailor” taught the author of the song “Estedey”. And this should not be surprising, because this is an ancient battle of rural versus urban. Among the villagers, Madonna will always be a mediocre prostitute, Keith Richards will not be able to play his *** [low-quality] guitar, not to mention Elton John, who generally kicks ass. Of course, this immediately makes him sing incredibly worse. It’s the same thing at our village disco. We have Loza, Masha Rasputina, Vika Tsyganova, and Philip Kirkorov here.”

A little more from Facebook:

“Attention, news that you should try to read with a serious face!”

“Loza hit all the notes his whole life. And nowhere else."


In the end, on Twitter, people focused more on direct trolling and began to remember Yuri Loza’s main hits.

And not only his hits.